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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Eighteen Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Seventeen On to Chapter Nineteen Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Will, it's me Taylor, Taylor Hanson," I pleaded. Hoping he'd remember.
"I know who you are I think," he muttered looking at me.
"We are lovers, Will we are a couple," I tried not to cry.
"I," he started.
"Kiss me, kiss me and then tell me you don't remember," I swallowed.
He looked apprehensive at first, but then he leaned in, our mouths met.
I opened my eyes as I kissed him. His eyebrows furrowed. Then his eyes flashed open.
"Taylor," he gasped as he looked right into my heart.
"Will," I almost yelled happily.
"Oh God," he screamed as he pressed his hands over his temples.
"Shit, what's wrong, Zac," I screamed as Will fell over on the floor.
"What, oh shit Will," Zac yelled as he ran into the room.
"What happened?" Daphne asked as she and Zac pulled Will up off the floor and carried him back to his room.
"I think he remembered," I said as I ran up behind him.
"Remembered, you mean us, you," Zac asked glancing back at me confused.
"Yeah, just after he said my name, he started doing that," I said pointing to Will.
"Oh God, Zac," I gasped, his eyes were rolled into the back of his head, as he slightly convulsed.
"Shit, Daph, what do we do," Zac panicked.
I began to feel woozy. Zac never panicked.
"Let's just get him in bed," Daph said as they lowered him to the bed.
"Leave us," I literally commanded.
"What," Zac asked but Daph cut him off.
"Come on," I heard her whisper as she pulled him back.
"But," he stuttered.
"Go," I almost growled.
Why was I acting like this? I knew why, I knew what I had to do.
I closed the door and locked it.
"I, where," I heard him muttering. His eyes still rolled back.
I dropped my pants, pulled my shirt off and walked over to the bed. Whatever had happened to him, however it had happened, had destroyed his memory. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew the only way to jog what little he had left was to totally immerse him in everything about us. Unfortunately the only thing he had was me, I had no photos, no pictures no nothing, just myself. I pulled his shirt off and slid his pants off. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at his naked body.
"Not now Tay," I muttered to myself.
I slid onto the bed and crawled on top of him.
"Will, I am here, Taylor is here, we are together, I'm here," I kept whispering to him quietly. Running my fingers through his hair. I could feel his heart beat racing.
"I'm right here," I whispered again as I squeezed myself against him.
"I, Taylor, where," he muttered as his head shifted.
"I'm here, we are together, nothing will destroy us again," I tried not to cry.
"I," he muttered, tears began to flow from his eyes.
"I love you," I whispered.
He remained quiet, I noticed slowly, his eyes rolled back down. He stared up blankly at the ceiling. I rested my head against his chest. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I knew now it was all out of my hands, we were together, our bodies pressed close, nothing between us. All I did was pray that it would work, that the overload of my presence against his senses would be enough to revive that loss that had wrapped it's self around his memory of me.
I breathed slowly, my mind fogging. I was tired, so tired. I felt myself drifting into sleep when I heard him reply.
"I love you too Taylor."
"Zac, you have got to tell us something damn it," Ike snapped.
"He's ok, it's fine I'll have him call you in a little bit, he's still asleep."
"Alright," he growled as he hung up the phone.
Is everything ok," Daphne said as she turned over in the blankets on the floor next to me.
"No, Jammer came back last night, he's pissed, mom and dad are angry," I sighed as I laid back pressing my head against her forearm.
"We'll figure something out," she replied quietly.
"Soon I hope," I said glancing over at her.
Damn she's even pretty in the morning, Zac geeze.
"Hey guys," Will said as he walked into the kitchen.
Daph and I looked at each other, in shock, then back at Will and at each other again.
"Hey, you two sleep on the floor all night," Tay smiled as he walked in behind Will and wrapped his arms around him.
"I uh, we, what the fuck?" I said sitting up.
"Whoa," Tay replied kind of shocked.
"Whoa, nothing what happened, last night and Will, and," I said standing.
"Dude, put something on," Tay said as I realized I wasn't wearing anything.
"Listen, Tay and I were awake all night, after I finally came to. We talked and talked and talked, a lot came back, a lot is still foggy, but I remember just about everything from when I left the hotel," Will said as he hugged Tay close.
"What the hell caused all that," Daph said walking into the kitchen.
"And what's with those," she said pointing to his ankles and wrists.
"That we can't figure out, as well as what happened to him," Tay said as he gently rubbed Wills wrist then kissed it.
"Something was going on, something has been going on, Tay and I are sure of it, it all leads back to our memories being so fucked up," Will said as he turned on the coffee maker.
"Say what," Daph asked.
"Exactly, we really aren't sure but, something's up and well, Tay you tell them."
"I'm not going back to the hotel, or the studio or anything, until Mom and Dad and everyone agree that Will is going with me. That he'll be by my side at all times, when ever and where ever I want," I said in one long breath.
"Son," I heard dad start.
"Dad, I'm not changing my mind, I," I started to defend myself before I could let him finish.
"Taylor, your mom and myself have decided that we aren't going to let Jammer control who you see, where you go. He's going to do only record related work, and he won't have a say with where you go when you're off the clock, we already sat him down," Dad finished. My mouth hit the floor.
"You're serious," I asked in shock.
"Completely, he gets angry when you have a life outside of work, but lately he himself has been leaving and coming back without a moments notice, he has no legs to stand on, in this matter," Dad finished.
"I'll be there, me Will, Zac and Daphne, in just a little bit," I smiled.
"Drive safe."
I hung up the phone.
"Well," Zac nearly yelled.
"It's taken care of, Jammer has no control anymore over us," Tay smiled.
"Holy shit," Zac yelped as he spun around and grabbed Daphne by the waist hoisting her over his head.
"Whoa," she almost screamed as he caught her off guard swinging her dangerously close to the ceiling fan.
"Well," I smiled turning to Will.
"This, this is so amazing," he smiled as tears filled his eyes.
"I told you I wasn't going to let anything stop us now," I smiled.
"I love you so much," he said as he hugged me tight.
"I love you too," I replied as a tear ran down my cheek.
Again, I was happy, everything was working.
"Ok, so we've figured out this much," Fox said as he walked across the room.
"These people are," he said waiting for Evan to reply.
"Hanson," he said.
"Alright, now why would a top secret government devise be used on a pop music band," Fox asked.
"Your guess is as good as mine," Evan said rubbing his head.
"Well, we do know Taylor loves, or likes this Will guy, they saved each other in that earthquake last year," I said looking over the notes I took.
"Exactly, but what I can't see is why it was used on them, why these memories were wiped away," Evan asked.
"I know, it really has no bearing on any kind of political spectrum, it makes zero sense," I said stretching my arms.
"Test subjects, you know like innocent white mice," Evan offered.
"Makes sense, kinda," Fox said scratching his head.
"We still haven't been able to figure out who did this, someone they knew, it had to have been," Fox said sitting down yawning.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"It's nearing noon," Evan said glancing at his watch.
"Shit," Fox groaned.
"Noon," I asked in shock.
"Yeah, he said as he continued to look at the hologram that flickered in the dome.
"No windows, I guess it makes sense how you could loose track," I muttered as I stood up.
"You keep watching that, I'm going home to bed," I said as I straightened my blouse and pulled my blazer on.
"You've got to be kidding me," he asked in shock.
"It's not all that bad, it beats out watching old war footage," Fox laughed patting him on the back.
"Yeah, but do you have any idea just how much sex two young boys can have," he asked. I felt myself blush.
"They haven't really done much of anything yet," Fox said glancing at the image.
"You don't call humping each other on a bean bag much," he asked, his cheeks flushing as well.
"Good night," Fox said as he walked towards the door.
"Just hit the fast forward button," I smiled.
"There isn't one," he almost growled.
"Hey, it could be worse," I laughed.
"How," he asked.
I didn't reply as I closed the door.
"Think he'll manage," I asked as we walked back to the car.
"Did you see the wood he was sporting," Fox laughed.
"No I wasn't paying attention, which brings me to wonder why you were," I smirked.
"To-shay," he smiled as we pulled out onto the street.
"Any ideas," he asked.
"None what so ever, but I think we need to pay a visit to the Hansons, find out if anything odd has been obviously going on," I yawned.
"I'm sure they'll be confused as to what we're talking about," he replied.
"Of course, they don't remember anything for the past year, or rather, what actually happened in the past year I'm just really anxious to meet these two," I said tapping on a photograph print out of the two of them that Evan printed for me.
"Is someone star struck," Fox snickered.
"Far from it, more like exhausted," I said resting my head back against the headrest.
"We'll figure this out," he replied as I felt myself already drifting off to sleep.
I knocked on Daphne's hotel room door. She opened it and smiled.
"Why are you here," Daph teased.
"Oh, I'm here to pick up some hot chick. Have you seen any hot chicks, recently,"
I asked.
"Yeah, I saw this really cute one in a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt and this pair of jeans with these leather patches on the knees. Now she was cute!"
"Let me guess. She had long blond hair and brown eyes."
"Wow. Are you psychic or what," she teased.
I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"I think I'll just take you to the movies with me if you don't mind. A girl who is dressed exactly like me would crimp my style," I joked.
"Assuming you have style," Daphne added as we walked toward the elevator.
"Where's Zac?" I asked as I entered the room with a bunch of Chinese food.
Tay looked over from the couch where he was watching TV with Will.
"Oh, uh, he went, you know, out with, you know," Tay answered.
I looked to Will for help.
"He went to go see a movie with Daphne," Will replied.
"Food, great," Tay said jumping up to pull the Chinese food out of my hands.
"Thanks for the help, Tay," I commented; I paused then asked, "Hey, did anyone call for me while I was gone?"
"Um, yeah, Shiye," Tay responded as he literally threw a bunch of Chinese food onto his plate.
"Is she okay," I questioned.
"Uh, she went to the doctor or something, and you know," Tay replied as Will and him returned to the couch both their plates piled with food.
"Shiye went to the doctor, and she wants you to know everything is fine, just routine stuff and to call her back as soon as you get in," Will informed me.
"Thanks, Will. Otherwise, I'd be sitting here all night trying to get it out of him," I told him.
Will laughed, as Tay threw his hands up in the air.
"WHAT?!? I TOLD YOU," he screamed.
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