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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Twenty-One Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Twenty On to Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
I glanced around the room noticing it had grown quiet. I pulled my mouth away from Will's and smirked.
"Looks like everyone took off," I smiled.
"Uh, ah, hmm oh," Will muttered catching himself. He was so adorable when that happens.
"What?" he asked, noticing that I was smiling.
"Just you, you get all zoned out when we kiss," I grinned running my hand through his hair.
"Oh, well, I, ow, ow, ow," he yelped as my hand ran through some nasty tangles.
"Oh, god, babe I'm sorry," I gasped as I slowly tried to untangle my fingers from his long brown hair.
"Uh, that's ok, just lemme get a brush," he said reaching down beside the bed lifting my duffel.
"Mind if I use," he asked raising my brush.
"Naw, it's cool, hey hand me the brush, you grab the laptop," I almost commanded.
He glanced back at me and smirked.
"Yes Master," he smiled.
I twinged inside when he said that, my skin sprinkled with goosebumps.
"Uh," I replied as he ignored me and grabbed the laptop from the floor.
"Log on and see about those files," I said again, realizing that I was still, kinda bossing him around. Something inside me liked this.
"Mmmbop," he asked.
"Yup," I replied as I started untangling his hair.
"Whoa, cool password is autosaved," he grinned.
"Yeah, they kept changing it so I made it auto entered. I can never remember the password. Ike or Zac always changes it."
"Ah, hey we've got mail," he giggled in mock astonishment.
"Geeze," he replied to the row of messages from our other name.
"We need those, so download them, and then put them in the print que, we can go down stairs and print it at the front desk," I replied as I continued to brush.
A few mouse clicks later and the little blue progress bar began to fill in the center of the screen. I glanced down at his hair. The sunlight from the windows shined and glinted on the strands in my hand. I sighed slightly, as I pulled the brush down through his hair.
"That feels good," he muttered quietly. I hadn't realized that I had stopped brushing and was rubbing his neck.
"Oh," I blushed quietly.
He sighed quietly.
I ran my fingers across his bare shoulders and back to his neck again. My heart fluttered. I felt my skin tingle. Even this felt right, this moment, this simple quiet private moment felt right. Before I even noticed he had turned around and was looking at me with a faint smile on his face.
"I love you," he whispered as he crawled up to my face on his hands and knees.
"I," I started to reply as he gently licked my mouth.
"Whoa," I started to say as he press his mouth against mine.
My head tilted back and I dropped into the pillows. Everything began to tingle.
"Files done," the laptop announced. We both jolted from the sudden voice. Will snickered.
"That scared the shit out of me," he giggled as he sat up.
"Let's get that down stairs I don't wanna wait anymore," I said as I slid out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans.
"Commando, eh," he smiled.
"Sometimes," I smirked.
I reentered my hotel room and the phone was ringing. I quickly ran and answered it.
"Hey, hun."
"Oh, hey, babe. How you feeling?"
"I'm doing good. I got your message. What's up?"
"Well we've began confirming venues for the tour."
"Oh, that's cool."
"Yeah, and I was just wondering, Shiye, if you felt like you'd be up to going on the tour with us. I really want you to be there for support, and also so I can make sure I always know that you're safe. However, if you feel like it would be to stressful for you or something then don't worry about it."
"No, Ike, I'll be fine. Geeze, do I have fragile stamped on my forehead or something?"
I laughed and replied, "No, I just worry about you, Shiye. You know that. I just love you so much, and it would hurt me way too much to see you uncomfortable or in pain."
"Ike, you don't have to explain. It's okay. I think it's kind of sweet. Just don't like turn me into one of those fat women who don't have to work and sit on the couch in front of the television surrounded by pillows eating bon bons and ordering tons of useless shit off of the Home Shopping Network."
"Yeah, true. So have you thought about names for the baby?"
"Other than Chance Walker if it's a boy, and Keralyn, if it's a girl," I replied.
"You know I don't like those names. We can keep the middle name Walker, but I really like the name Caleb if it's a boy."
"Whatever, Kermit. Maybe I remind you who's going to be actually having this baby."
"If it's a boy than I should be able to name it because it will be my first boy. You already told me there was no way in heck we were going to give it the first name of Clarke which destroys a three generation tradition."
"Oh, psh, Tay or Zac can continue the tradition. Now what's wrong with Keralyn? If you name the first boy, I should be able to name the first girl."
"Yeah, but Keralyn? That's kind of a boring name."
"Boring, fine. What do you like oh wise and powerful, Ike."
"Well to tell you the truth I like the name Landon."
"Okay, Landon, um, that is a boy's name, sweetie."
"No, it isn't, Shiye. I've met a few girls named Landon."
"Whatever, I like the name Keralyn Alexandria."
"Shiye that name sucks."
"Alexandria Keralyn," she pleaded.
"Shiye, let's just drop this for now. Alright?"
"Fine, Kermie. Whatever."
I sighed running my fingers through my hair. Making a baby was easy. Naming a baby was a whole other story.
I ran out of the room to go see if I could find my boys. As soon as I stepped out into the hallway I saw Zac and Daphne getting in the elevator. The door closed before I could say anything. I sighed. I knocked on the door to Ike's room, and he opened it after a minute or two.
"Where did Zac go?" I asked.
"Oh, hey, Dad. Um, I'm not really sure. He went out somewhere with Daph."
"Okay, is Tay in the other room?"
"No, I definitely know he went out with Will a while ago."
I let out a sigh.
"Okay, boys, I guess that's alright figuring today is your day off, but we need to definitely all go down to the studio tomorrow to see how the mixing is going, and I think your mom is going to return to Tulsa with the rest of the kids. They love Florida, but they are beginning to get a bit, well, homesick. They miss their friends and their rooms. So your mom is looking into booking a flight with them back home to Tulsa. They need the rest anyway because soon we're all going to be touring."
"Are Jess and Avie going to come on the tour?" Ike asked.
"I don't know. It's up to them. They are old enough if they want to stay with family or friends, but we'll see. Anyway, son, I'm going to leave you to Shiye."
"Okay, bye."
Daphne and I sat in the stairway of the hotel. We were in between floors and figured it'd be safer to talk her then it would be in the lobby. We sat there staring at each other in silence.
"About what happened a few nights ago," I began.
"Zac don't worry about it. Nothing happened," she interrupted me.
"Daph, I know nothing happened I was there, but I also know that something ALMOST happened. Daphne, I was so ready and about to sleep with you."
"Yeah," she whispered quietly.
"In a way, I'm kind of glad we didn't sleep together because I don't think we were ready, but then again there's still a bit of me that's really curious. It's just I don't know where we stand right now, and I don't want to go around fucking people. I don't want to fuck. I have no urge or want to fuck anyone. I want to make love to someone. I want that person to love me just as much as I love them. I don't want it to be cold and just based on lust. It's not that I don't care for you - it's just - I, we, uh, have only been around each other, um, it just seems to me that even though we know each other and have known each other for a while that we might be rushing it. I mean we haven't even -"
She silenced me placing her fingertips gently against my lips. "Zac, stop rambling. I understand you completely. That night was just really weird. I don't know what got into us, but I think it was just the release of a lot of sexual tension…"
"Oh that's not all I was about to release into you, Daph," I replied.
She laughed, "Yeah, I'm aware. Let's just try to move a bit slower from now on, Hanson boy. I do want to wear a white dress on my wedding day!"
"Yeah, me too," I kidded, continuing on a more serious tone, "Daph, you know I was thinking. Maybe we should just start off completely on a new slate or whatever. Just forget about that night - for now, at least."
"That's cool with me, but where does that leave us? I mean, are we dating? Or what?"
"Let's not even worry about that right now. Let's just have fun. We'll worry about that when it comes to touring time. Okay, DC Girl?"
"DC Girl?"
"Discovery Channel," I teased.
She rolled her eyes, "Oh, geeze, I don't know what's scarier that my initials actually are DC or that I actually could only think about the Discovery Channel when I was skinny-dipping with three guys." Daphne sighed, "You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"
"Hell no, I'm not. Daphy, I'll remember that thirty years from now."
"Oh, why? To torture me?"
"No, because it meant something to me," I replied.
The ultra-sincere tone to my voice surprised even me.
"Don't go there, Zac," my mind screamed. Here I was lying to her about how I wanted to forget that moment when in reality I wanted to complete that moment still, and now more than ever.
We were in Will's car, sitting on the dash board, in a manila folder the lady at the desk gave us sat all twelve chapters of "Eternal Night." A story I wrote, on an airplane trip to France with Will at my side.
The discovery of this lost piece of our past originally had been thought of as something we could use to help us remember. Only now, we were even more confused.
Sure, Will and I weren't really vampires, but, had we actually gone to Paris? Did I actually write that on an airplane?
"I know, it's not really helped much, but it does prove one thing," Will said glancing over the last sheet.
"What's that," I asked looking out the window.
"We aren't mental, something has happened to us, something must have happened to everyone. Or something, we have a history together, and something seems to be trying to wipe it out," Will replied quietly as he put the last sheet into the folder.
"I believe that finally, I mean I always felt that way, recently, but now I'm believing it," I said looking over at him.
"We're going to figure this out," he said leaning in towards me.
He placed his right hand behind my neck and pressed his forehead against mine.
"It's not just a feeling or an idea, it's fact, now we just have to be careful," he said looking me directly in the eyes.
"I know," I said kissing him.
"We can make it," I thought to myself.
"Oh God, Will," I groaned breaking free of his lips, "we can't do this here. A fan or something, someone could walk by…"
"Where do you want to go?" Will asked.
"Anywhere," I panted.
Will went to climb into the front seat to start the car. My eyes glanced at his ass. I pulled him back.
"Forget it," I snapped shoving my tongue quickly back into his mouth.
"Mmmmmhhhhmmm," was all he could say.
On to Chapter Twenty-Two
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