Memories ... of a Forgotten Past    "Memories ... of a Forgotten Past"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Twenty-Three
Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Memories ... of a Forgotten Past
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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"Where are the guys?" he asked as he walked up.

"They're out, Zac is off, Tay's over at, uh, he's out, Ike is doing something," I said.

"Walker, we," he started.

"Jammer, you're about to step out of bounds, they are breaking today, then finishing up the final mixing by Friday."

"Alright," he almost snapped as he walked off.

"Geeze," I thought to myself as I turned back to the paper work.


"Resistance is futile," I chuckled.

"Shut up," Fox half laughed half yelled.

"Two days and you already know the words, come on, smile for me," I smirked.

"Alright fine, ok yeah I know the words, but I'm not going to sing a long," he sneered as we neared the Georgia state line.

"Where's the love, come on," I smiled.

"No," he said concentrating on the road.

"Where's the love," I sang.

"It's not enough," he said with no tone to his voice, almost making me laugh.

"It makes the world go," I stopped looking at him.

"Round and round and," he said still no tone to his voice.

"Where's the love," I sang.

"Just give it up," he said looking directly at me holding back a smirk.

"It makes," I started.

"No, really JUST give it UP DANA damn," he laughed.

"Ok. Ok. Let's put This Time Around back in; you seemed to handle that a bit more smoothly.

I thought I saw him wince but shook it off. He couldn't loath them this badly.


"Wake up sleepy head," I heard his soft voice coo into my ear.

"Hmm, what time is it?" I groaned.

"Seven in the morning, we gotta get down to the studio. Today's the last day, and we're out of here," he said nuzzling my neck.

"All the more reason to get it finished, I'm sick of hotel rooms," I groaned sitting up.

"Well, at least we finally got our own room," he smirked.

"Yeah, but that's because Zac was sick of us, uh keeping him awake every nigh," I grinned.

"Hey, listen Mr. Hanson you're the one with the wild sex drive," he giggled.

"Mr. Quest you aren't totally innocent yourself.

"But whatever do you mean," he laughed.

"Oh yeah ok whatever, everytime I turn around you've got wood," I laughed lifting the sheet.

"Same here," he grinned diving under.

"Whoa, uh you know I thought we had to get to the studio I gasped slightly as I felt his tongue touch my skin.

"Oh," his head popped up from the sheets.

"Yeah, not that I don't want you too, but," I blushed.

"I've got a better idea," he grinned throwing the covers back, jumping to the floor pulling on his pants.

"Get dressed," he said glancing at me still sitting on the bed.

"Oh, ok," I said suddenly as I realized I had been staring at him.


"Did you forget your better idea?" Tay asked as we walked up to my car.

"Nope, you're driving," I grinned.

"Uh, ok, are you sure you wanna risk it, I mean the last person I drove with ended up nearly tearing the sleeve off my shirt," he laughed as he reached for the roof release.

"No leave the top up," I said as I closed my door.

"It's burning up in here," he coughed as he turned the ignition, hot air pumping out of the vents.

"Trust me, the air conditioning in this car is amazing, just give it a moment," I whispered leaning close. The smell of his body made me dizzy.

"It seems to be getting hotter in here by the second," he chuckled as I licked his ear.

"Ok, time to go," he laughed nervously as he put the car into reverse and backed out of the parking space.

"You know how to get there from here," I asked.

"Uh, yeah we've been there five times this past week," he said as if I asked a stupid question.

"Yeah, but you weren't driving," I smiled.

"I think I'll manage."


"According to the website reports they should be at this," Dana said as she turned into the parking lot of a very nice hotel.

"Shit," she gasped as she swerved to miss a black sports car, which seemed to have swerved towards us as it left the parking lot.

"Damn," I almost yelled as I grabbed the handle of the door.

"Shit," she yelled again.

"What, we're fine," I replied.

"No, shit as in SHIT that was Taylor Hanson," she said turning the wheel sharp squealing around to the exit of the parking lot.

"Geeze, yeah you're not drawing any attention to yourself," I laughed.

"Good grief, the boy can't drive," she muttered as we watched the black car veer slightly from one side of the lane to the other.


"Holy shit," he gasped.

I smirked.

"You didn't tell me you were gonna do this," he muttered as he gripped the steering while.

"Exactly, because I knew you would have said no," I grinned as I pulled my mouth up from his exposed crotch.

"No, not that. I would have told you my driving is shitty to begin with, and with you sucking me off it's only gonna make it worse," he laughed nervously.

"You'll do fine," I grinned as I lowered my head again.

"If I get pulled over," he groaned.


I glanced over at Fox.

"Yeah," he asked.

"Are you seeing that?" I asked as I eyed the car in front of me doing the wiggle all over the lane in front of us.

"Yeah, if he was bent over I'd say he was trying to catch something rolling around on the car floor," he laughed.

"What do," I started to ask as the car suddenly shot off down the road.

"Shit," I yelled as I floored it.


"I'm, oh shit, I'm," Tay yelled.

"About to break the sound barrier," I thought to myself as my mouth filled.

"Oh God," he yelled as I suddenly heard the engine roar and felt the increase of speed.

At that moment I prayed no little old ladies would step out into the street.


"What the hell was that?" she asked out loud as the car slowed back down.

"No clue, maybe he's got turrets of the feet," I laughed.

"What," she asked confused.

"Sudden impulses to punch the gas pedal," I smirked.

"Ok, you know it must be the lack of sleep or something, but you're just not funny right now," she frowned.

"Oh my god," she laughed as we saw the outline of another person come up from below the divers form in the car.

"I think we can rule out what that was all about," I laughed.

"Good grief," she laughed.

"Explains the sudden blast of speed," she said out loud.

"I'm pretty sure speed wasn't the only thing blasting," I laughed.

"Fox, God, come on," she laughed.

"Well at least we can rule out that there are two people in that car," I replied.

"Yeah, but is it male or female, it has long hair," she asked as she put her blinker on and moved over to the right lane.

"Well, move up beside them."


"Dude," Tay gasped as his speed returned to normal.

"Dude," I laughed.

"Dude," he laughed.

"Ok, enough," I smirked.

"That was," he started.

"Fun," I finished.

"No, more like scary," he argued.

"Scary," I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, you weren't the one with the inability to pull their foot off the gas pedal," he laughed.

Oh, yeah, I noticed that."

I glanced out the window as a car moved up beside us. A red headed woman, was driving and she kept glancing over towards us. Her eyes got wide when she saw me. I felt my eyebrows furrow as I wondered why she was staring at me.


"It's him, Fox it's him, it's Taylor," I almost gasped.

"I thought we had established that already," he replied.

"No, I mean, it's Will Quest, he's in the car, that was him face down in the seat," I replied glancing over at him.

"Then he's back,"


"What?" he asked as I turned back and faced the road in front of us.

"Nothing," I said as I glanced back again at the woman who smiled now.

"Uh, ok, I give up, what the hell are you doing," Tay laughed slightly.

"Some chick in that car beside us is staring at me," I said with a weird laugh.

"Oh, is that all," he smirked.

I shrugged to myself as the car beside us slowed and dropped off behind us, still keeping in sight.

"Think they're stalking us," Tay asked with no seriousness in his voice.

"Neah, she was looking at me, not you," I smiled.

"Well, you're all mine," he smiled as he squeezed my thigh.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," I smiled as I glanced ahead.

"Universal Islands of Adventure unveiling it's new thrill ride 'Hurricane,'" the sign read.

My head throbbed and I closed my eyes.


Tay grabbed the remote and flicked the channels, the eleven o'clock news was on.

"Whoa," Tay muttered looking at the screen.

"News of the hurricane just reached the islands, the likely hood of anyone leaving is very slim, since all the flights have been grounded."

"Oh my God," Tay said covering his mouth, his eyes welling up as he looked over at me.

"Oh shit, we woulda been right in that," I said looking over at him. His skin as pale as a ghost.

"We're home," Zac yelled.


My eyes flashed open as the car came to a stop.

"You ok," Tay asked looking over at me.

My stomach turned and I glanced around.

"It just happened again," I whispered holding my temples.

"Oh God, what did you see," Tay asked pulling me to him.

"We were, at a TV set, and they were talking about a hurricane," I cried quietly.

"Did Zac yell out that they were home?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah," I welled up.

"I've seen that one too," Tay sighed quietly.

"God my head hurts so bad," I groaned as I sat up.

"There's some Tylenol inside come on," he said as we got out of the car.

"Taylor," I said quietly stopping beside the car.

"Yeah," he said walking over.

"You love me don't you, you won't leave me, or let me be alone again right," I cried slightly the sudden fear of loosing him rushing over me.

"Oh my God Will no, never," he said wrapping his arms around me.

"It's just this feeling came up on me just now, I feel like I'm gonna loose you," I whimpered into his neck.

"Come on babe, lets get inside," he said pulling me towards the darkness of the studio.

I finally began to realize the two sides of the studio. One dark, forbidding and entrapping holding you away from your friends and life outside. Yet at the same time, protective, dim and safe where no one could see you. All I knew is with his arms around me I knew I would be ok.

"Hey guys," I heard Ash as we walked into the studio.

"Will you ok?" he asked as I sat down beside Taylor, I must have looked like shit.

"Major migraine, got anything for it," Tay asked as I remained quiet.

"Yeah, in my bag lemme go get some," Ash said as he walked out of the room.

"You're gonna be fine," Tay smiled as he walked over and sparked a lighter and lit a stick of incense.

"That smells really good," I smiled looking at him as he lit a few candles and switched on a row of lava lamps.

"Whoa," I muttered as I realized how detailed and totally awesome this room was, the leather couches, the Persian carpets the candles and all the little trinkets.

"Yeah, well all this stuff goes with us when we leave," Tay grinned as he plugged in a tiny string of dim miniature Christmas lights that were strung around the ceiling.

"Here yah go," Ash said tossing Tay the little bottle.

"Here's three," Tay said handing me three tablets as he popped the top of a bottle of Dr. Pepper.

"Already feeling better," Tay smiled.

"Placebo effect," Ash smiled.

"Say what?" I asked.

"Mind over matter, you just took it and you know it's gonna make your headache go away, so your brain thinks it's already working," Ash smiled.

"Yeah, ok," I chuckled as he walked out of the room again.

"Think so," Tay asked.

"I think it's all you baby, you could make a root canal a walk on the beach in June," I grinned.

"You say such things," he gasped in mock embarrassment batting his lashes.

"God I love you," I snickered as I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into my lap.

"Love you more," he smiled running his fingers through my hair.

I sighed and put my head against his chest.

"Hey guys," Ike said walking in not even reacting to the highly 'questionable' position we were in.

"Hey dude," Tay smiled.

"Better pull it back a bit mom and dad are around the corner," Ike said shuffling through some papers at the coffee table.

Instantly Tay slid, turned and flopped onto the couch beside me just before Diana and Walker entered the room.

"Ah, look who's here," Diana smiled as she saw us.

"So you decided to grace us with your presence," Walker smiled at Taylor.

"Yeah, I decided I could beg out of my dinner with the Prince of Monaco and take a bit of time here," he said throwing his hair to the side with a dramatic expression.

"Yeah, ok whatever," Zac laughed as he walked in.

"Oh you're just jealous because the only life away from us consists of appearing in music videos by a band no one's heard of," Tay jeered him.

"I've heard of the Tractors," I smiled, wondering if I even got the name right.

"Yeah, ok someone's spent too much time on," Tay laughed.

"I got three words for you Tay - sling bang boom," Zac snorted throwing a little stress ball thing at Taylor cracking me in the head instead.

"Ow, damn," I groaned as my headache flared up again.

"Zac, dude," Tay snapped jumping up.

"It was just a lil' foamy ball God Taylor," Zac snarled.

"Zac, I have a headache the size of your ass," I gritted at him.

"Hey ok guys, chill out," Ike said as Walker glanced up at us.

"Sorry," Zac muttered as he sat down.

"Sorry," I sighed a tired smile at Diana who winked.

"So I guess we all know today's our last day here," Ike started.

"How come this always feels like some sort of farewell speech," Zac muttered to himself.

"Yeah, ok Ike we get it, play the CD lets hear it," Tay interrupted.

"Ok," Ike said tossing the stuff he was holding into a satchel.

The music started up and I smiled. This definitely was going to be a great album.

I knew instantly however the buyers would not be teenies, which worried me. Not enough people realized yet that Hanson had moved from the poppy bubble gum crap that had made them famous.

"Definitely better than your first," I smiled at Tay who gave me a confused look.

"Babe, Middle of Nowhere was great, but this one, it's so ... Taylor do I have to explain, look in my eyes," I whispered. He grinned and kissed me on the cheek. I thought I caught Diana looking at us but when I turned my head she was looking at something in a book she had with her.

On to Chapter Twenty-Four

Back to Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Index

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Memories ... of a Forgotten Past is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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