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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Twenty-Four Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Twenty-Three On to Chapter Twenty-Five Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Is that them," Tay said glancing off to his right as we walked out of the studio.
"Huh," I asked as Will looked over.
"Yeah, that's the same woman," Will whispered as we got into his car.
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.
"That chick was following us," Will said looking back through the plastic back window of his convertible at some red headed woman who was standing off near the back of a black car in the parking lot of the studio.
"Ok, I'm lost who, what, when and where," I said pulling my hair back.
"And can you put the top down it's frickin' hot as hell in here," I groaned.
"Earlier on our way here, that car was driving beside us and she was staring at Will," Tay exclaimed as Will pulled the lever and the top folded back behind us.
"Ok, and the point of this is," I asked becoming annoyed as to why they were acting like it was so important. I mean really how many times have we been stared at, followed or stalked?
"Nothing, it just seems weird, she doesn't look like a fan, I mean she looks," Tay searched.
"Normal," I asked trying not to laugh.
"Our fans are not abnormal," Tay almost barked at me as he turned around in the front seat to face me.
"Oh they aren't, then explain fat teenies sneaking in the back yard to film me swimming late at night," I scoffed.
"Alright, point made, but damn Zac, how you didn't see them in the first place is beyond me," Tay said shaking his head.
"I saw them," I almost yelled.
"Oh sure, that's why it took you forever to realize what was going on when I fell back laughing my ass off when they took off running through the back yard," Tay laughed.
"I don't see why it's so funny," I growled.
"Exactly, you didn't see them, the chick was wearing a red shirt for Christ sake, she might as well have been a barn on two feet," Tay shrieked with laughter. Even Will started to laugh.
"I swear, I was sure you knew someone was out there when you started to read the stupid 'pool rules' out loud," Tay laughed harder.
"A red shirt," Will gasped through a burst of laughter.
"Yeah, two teenies, two big ones, and one was in a red shirt, and they had snuck up beside the house and were filming Zac with a video camera," Tay started.
"Wait, how do you know they were filming you," Will asked.
"It surfaced ok, someone made copies and it went out," Zac replied shaking his head.
"Yeah, and the video was even funnier because they were RIGHT UP BESIDE THE POOL," Tay laughed.
"The outdoor light is bright ok, I couldn't see past the rail," I yelled.
"So at some point they take off running and I swear I look out and this big teenie in a red shirt is making like a over weight velociraptor thundering into the back yard. I mean how she thought we couldn't see her I have no clue," Tay roared with laughter.
"The video was funnier," I started to laugh.
"Huh," Will snickered.
"It was like the frickin' 'Blair Witch,' you saw the back side of this huge ass running through the darkness and this red shirt, and heavy breathing, and they kept saying 'oh my god,' it was hilarious," I laughed finally.
Will leaned forward and pressed his forehead to the steering wheel laughing uncontrollably.
"Oh, hey, Will, we need to run by your house right now," I exclaimed.
"Huh," both of them said at the same time.
"If you want anything to go with you, other than what you had at the hotel, our flight home leaves in three hours," I smiled.
"Great timing, dude, how can I pack all my shit in such a short period," Will asked.
"Well I already got all you and Tay's crap together," I smiled. Tay smacked his forehead and groaned.
"Huh," Will asked confused.
"You've never seen him pack," Tay sighed.
"Everything will be just fine, we'll send mom or dad or someone to go empty all the stuff out for you or something," Tay consoled me as we boarded the plane.
"All my things are there," I sighed.
"And soon they'll be with us in Tulsa," he smiled as he pulled me close.
"How long of a flight is this?" I asked as we sat down in first class.
"Just a few hours," he smiled.
"Hold me," I sighed as I pressed myself against him.
Things were changing so fast, my brain was having a hard time catching up.
"I'm sorry miss, but that information is not ours to hand out," the lady behind the desk of the hotel exclaimed.
"I just want to know if they've come in yet," Dana exclaimed exasperated.
"This is impossible," she muttered over her shoulder.
"As I said, I," the woman started again.
"Miss, we are with the FBI," Dana barked as she flipped open her ID. The woman smirked.
"You can buy those at the costume shop," she laughed as she shook her head and walked away.
"That did not just happen," Dana said in shock. I struggled not to laugh.
"You guys looking for Hanson?" a young girl asked walking up.
"Yeah, actually," I smiled.
"Well they left," she sighed.
"Left, for the studio," Dana asked smiling.
"No they flew out this afternoon about two hours ago," she sighed again.
I stared at her funny, her cheeks and forehead had dark black smudges on them.
"You get in a fight or something," I asked, as Dana smacked me in the arm.
"No I had written their names on my forehead and cheeks, and it wasn't until an hour ago that I realize it was permanent marker," she sighed yet again.
This time Dana was the one trying not to laugh.
"Sweetie do you know where they flew to," I asked as Dana took a few steps away.
"Who knows, most likely home," she frowned.
"Thanks," I smiled as I walked towards Dana.
"Looks like they went home," I yawned stretching.
"Come on, we gotta move then," Dana said as I almost chased her out the front of the hotel.
"We're not driving this time," I yelled after her.
We arrived at the Ambassador Hotel in Tulsa. Tomorrow was the kickoff show for Hanson's newest tour, and our first performance as their opening band. I gasped as we entered the lobby of the historic hotel.
"Wow! This hotel is beautiful," I said in awe.
"Eh, the Marquis, the Ritz, the Swiss…they were all better," Amber commented.
"I meant, but this one is so historical looking. It's elegant and cozy, something you don't get from some of those over-the-top fancy hotels," I explained.
Cristin looked over what the Ambassador had to offer and sighed.
"Well it's definitely no Marriott Marquis, but it will do for just one night," she said.
"Um, you guys, we're staying here for at least two nights."
"What?!? Hold up, hold up, you didn't tell us two nights. How the heck are we supposed to pay for two nights at this hotel? We only have so much cash," Amber reminded me.
"Yes, I know, but not to worry. The Hanson's know some of the people that work here, and they have set it up so that we can stay here the two nights for free. The only thing we do have to pay for is food, drinks, and any phone calls we chose to make through the hotel, but we never do that anyway because we have our cell phones."
"SWEET," Cristin exclaimed.
"Yes, it is very cool of them, so please remember to say, 'thank you,' when you see them."
"So are we playing two nights or something?" Amber asked.
"No, but originally we were supposed to leave the minute after Hanson finished the show. Instead the Hanson's thought since it is the first show that it would be good to take a quick break before moving on," I told them.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, are we forgetting that we still have to pay the driver even though he's not going to be driving," Cristin remembered.
"We can pay him with the money we're not going to be spending on the hotel for one night," I replied adding, "Before I forget - we have an interview in a few hours with a local Tulsa newspaper. So be sure that we look good, and don't say anything about the free hotel room or anything. We don't want to get Hanson in trouble or anything."
"Okay," they agreed as we walked towards the front desk to check in.
It was really good to be home, I thought setting my bags down in my room. Will walked behind me and silently examined his surroundings. He's so cute. He got a very confused look on his face.
"Anything wrong?" I asked going over to him.
"No, it's just ... I don't know, but everything here is so familiar," Will confessed.
"You've been here, I know you have, you know you have that's all that matters," I whispered bringing him into my arms.
"Taylor, are you sure you want me here? We've only known each other for a short while," he objected.
"Nonsense, Will. I may have only known you physically for a short while, but my mind, my heart, and my soul have known you forever. You are my other half, and I want you with me at all times possible. You were all alone in Florida, and I'm all alone here. Stay with me, Will, please. I love you."
"I love you, too, Taylor," he replied tears falling from his eyes.
I took his face in my hands and kissed him.
I rushed into the house.
"SHIYE," I called out.
"I'm in the living room," she replied.
I hurried into the living room. Shiye was laying on the couch. On the TV was some kind of talk show. She looked like she had been crying.
"I would have gotten up, but my feet hurt," she mumbled.
I knelt down beside her and took her hand in mine.
"That's okay. Are you okay, baby?"
"Whoa, Shiye ... Calm down. You being all stressed isn't good for the baby. Geeze, my mom never had mood swings this bad. Then again she might have just been moody towards my dad."
"I am not moody! I am pissed! My fingers are swollen! I can't even wear my rings. I'm fat, and I'm ugly, and I'm just getting fatter and uglier every second, Ike!"
"No, that's not true. You're even more beautiful than ever before."
"I'm still fat ... "
"Well that's only because you're having a baby, Shiye, and if it never goes away then I don't care because that will just mean I'll have more Shiye to love."
"You're such a nerd. Why did I marry you? Why did I sleep with you? If I had known you were going to turn me into some baby-making machine then I would have never married you."
"I love you, too, Shiye."
"Oh, God, Ike. I love you, too. It's just I've been so lonely and tired, and I've had to go see the doctor all by myself, and go to all the classes all by myself, and all the other mothers have their baby's daddies with them, and I just feel so out of place."
Ike snickered.
"Sorry, it was just the baby's daddies line," he smirked.
"I'm sorry, Shiye. I would have been there. You know that. I just couldn't put the album off anymore. It wouldn't have been fair to Tay or Zac."
"I know. I know. Just promise me that you'll spend all the time you can with me until the tour."
"I promise, and I'm going to take you on the tour and watch over you whenever I can."
"Do you think the baby will be okay?"
"Yeah, I'm going to confirm it with the doctor. If you're strong enough for the tour, and he approves then you can go. Then if at anytime you get weaker or just don't feel up to. I will personally escort you home."
"What if I can't go?"
"Then I will come and see you as much as possible. I'll fly here between shows or something."
"Kermie, that'll kill you. You'll be way too tired."
"Shiye, I'm going to be there for you and the baby. I'm going to be there when you give birth, I swear."
"Okay, Kermie ... I love you."
"I love you, too," I whispered kissing her softly on the lips.
"Okay, we're going to record this using a tape recorder, and as soon as I hit the record button I want you to count to three and then begin the introduction of your group and give all three of your names. Got it," the journalist asked.
"Got it," we replied.
The young woman smiled and hit the record button down. Amber motioned with her fingers and when she held three fingers up we began.
"Hi, this is Cristin," Cristin began.
"Amber," Amber added.
"And Daphne," I said.
"And we're Freezer Burn," we finished all together.
"This is so gay," I thought to myself.
"Great, so Freezer Burn, I believe I read somewhere that your group is based out of New York. Are you all from New York?"
"No, actually, Cristin is from Louisiana, Amber is from Georgia, and I'm from New York," I told her.
"Then how did you all meet?"
"Um," Cristin explained, "It's kind of complicated. We ran into each other when we were at this special performance camp in Orlando. We thought the whole thing was so cheesy and put together so we snuck out. Amber had family in Florida, and so we spent the rest of the time with them. We really hit it off, and we decided to see what it would be like if the three of us formed a band. We all harmonized beautifully, and I consider these girls my sisters. So we all relocated with Daphne back to New York. Our parents were a little reluctant at first, but after they heard us sing together that all changed. We officially became a group after our first performance in February of 1999, and we've been working hard ever since, and finally it all seems to be coming together."
"Wow! So if it wasn't for that bogus camp, Freezer Burn probably wouldn't even exist," the reporter commented.
The reporter paused and looked over her notepad for another question.
"Okay," she continued, "so the three of you all still living together, and if so, do you guys ever get tired of each other or fight?"
"Yeah, we still live together, but we get along great. I mean occasionally we'll have an argument, but we always make up immediately afterwards," Amber replied.
"We haven't killed each other yet, so I guess we're doing good," I added. The reporter laughed and asked, "So do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"I have an older brother and a younger brother. Cristin has two younger brothers, and Amber has a younger brother and a younger sister," I answered.
"Ah, okay. How did you get the opening slot for the Hanson tour?"
"We had met the group several times while we were travelling, promoting or performing for Freezer Burn. They are really awesome guys, and we really do appreciate them giving us the chance to open for them," I said.
"Okay, I just have to ask. Daphne, I've heard rumors about there being a romantic relationship brewing between Zac and yourself. Is there an validity to these rumors?"
"No, we have hung out a few times, but we're just really good friends," I replied.
After a ton more questions, the journalist finally decided she had enough information and left.
"Zac and Daph - 'really good friends,'" Amber said with a smirk.
"WHAT?!? WE ARE?" I screamed.
"Daphne, is there anything going on between Zac and you? I mean you guys did go see a movie in Florida," Cristin commented.
"Yes, and it was completely innocent! We sat in the back and pretended that we were like getting it on in the back to freak out some teenies who had snuck in," I explained.
"Getting it on in the back of a theater - OH YEAH! That's really innocent," Amber scoffed.
"Are you sure you were pretending?" Cristin teased.
"I think I would know whether or not we were pretending," I snapped.
"Still Daphne, guys don't pretend to make out or fool around with girls they don't find at least mildly attractive," Amber said.
"YOU GUYS! Will you stop?!? Right now we are just two really good friends. When Zac asks me to be his girlfriend, if he ever does, or we start really making out in the backseat of a theater, if we ever do - You guys will be the first ones to know. Provided you can keep your fat mouths shut," I kidded.
There was a knock on the door and I jumped up to answer it. I was surprised to see Zac.
"HEY! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I came by to see if you guys would like to come out to eat with us later tonight. We're going to have a dinner in celebration of the kickoff of the tour tomorrow. The dinner is on us provided you girls don't go lobster-crazy or anything," he teased winking at me.
"No, we won't. When's the dinner and how formal is it?" I questioned.
"Oh, just dress nice, but don't go out of your way," he replied.
"Okay, we can do that," Amber said.
Zac smiled at me when I mouthed, "No, we can't."
Amber continued not noticing me, "When's the dinner and where?"
"Tay, Will, and I will be over here at around seven to pick you guys up."
"That's cool," Amber replied pencilling the dinner into our schedule.
"Um, Daph, do you think we could go for a walk around the hotel real quick because I need to talk to you about something?" he said.
"No, problem," I replied, "Be right back you guys!"
I ignored the looks Cristin and Amber shot me as I left the room with Zac.
On to Chapter Twenty-Five
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