Memories ... of a Forgotten Past    "Memories ... of a Forgotten Past"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Memories ... of a Forgotten Past
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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"Oh God, man do you have any idea how scared I am right now," I cringed as I sat down in the chair.

"It was your idea," Tay sighed as he knelt beside me.

"But still, I mean, I've had this for five years now," I frowned.

"It's up to you," he smiled gently.

"You think it'll look good," I asked.

"I don't think there's really anything you could do to your appearance that would make me stop feeling the way I do for you," he smiled as he kissed me on the hand.

"So what look are you going for," the lady asked as she walked up.

"Um, something different," I sighed.

"Well I've got some ideas that might look good," she said.

I winced, no I knew exactly what I wanted.

"I want that," I said pointing to Taylor.

"Oh, ok, well that's easy, just some layering, and point cutting," she smiled.

"But could you save the majority, I brought a rubber band," I said my hand shaking.

"Sure," she smiled as she pulled my long brown hair back into a rubber band and in a few fast snips took twelve inches off the entire length of my hair.

"Let me go get you some wine," she said as she walked off.

"It's gone," I almost started to cry, my hands shaking.

"Oh man, Will you already look three or four years younger," Tay almost gasped.

"Huh," I said glancing up.

"I mean, yeah it has no style or cut right now, but in a few minutes it's gonna look, Will it's gonna look amazing," he smiled his blue eyes sparkling.

"I love you," I sighed as I hugged him.

"I love you too," he whispered into my ear.


"Where's Tay at," Zac asked as he sat down at the foot of Shiye's bed.

"He and Will went out, not sure where though, they should be back in a little bit," I replied.

"Are you just.. gonna... kinda, sit there," Shiye asked him.

"There's nothing else to do here, Atlanta is pretty boring," Zac muttered as he twirled a loose string on his pants around his finger.

"Well, um, go find something, I'm tired and I want to take a nap," she sighed as she slumped over to the side against the pillows.

"You feeling ok," I asked suddenly worried.

"I'm fine babe, just dead tired," she yawned.

I leaned in to kiss her. I wasn't sure how long we had been kissing when I noticed Zac was gone. I wondered though. Does Tay and Will's kissing get to him as much as ours?

"We can take a nap, sound check isn't for another three hours," I said quietly as I switched off the lamp. The light from the clear sky outside barely sliced between the curtains as the room flooded with near darkness.

"Mmm, sounds good," she cooed as she snuggled up against me.


"I'm afraid to look," Will squeaked from between his fingers.

"Well, let me see you from the front," I exclaimed as I spun the chair around.

"Oh man," I nearly gasped as I stumbled backwards.

"That bad, oh GOD I KNEW IT," he almost yelled his face turning red as tears started to flood his face.

"NO, oh God no, Will, holy shit," I almost yelled.

"Huh," he said sniffling looking up at me.

"You look, amazing, I never thought my hair cut could look that good," I exclaimed scratching my head.

He started laughing.

"Huh," I asked confused.

"If I didn't know you, I would've thought that was one of the most conceited comments I've ever heard," he smiled standing up.

"Well, I mean, I meant, I," I found myself stuttering.

"Let me," he turned towards the mirror.

"Oh, wow," he smiled.

"Yeah, my sentiments exactly."

"I feel so different."

"It looks great," I smiled again.

"Think everyone else will be able to handle it," he asked.

"Um, well I'm pretty sure everyone will be shocked, but I know you're gonna catch flack from Zac about it, you know how he is about his hair," I laughed as I paid the bill and dropped a twenty on the stand next to the chair.

"Oh shit, yeah," he laughed as we got into the rental car.

"Will," I said staring out the windshield.


"Kiss me," I said quietly. Not knowing why I asked, or why I felt I had to ask.

"Uh, ok babe," he smirked as he turned and kissed me.

I ran my fingers up through his hair. I smiled through the kiss.

"Huh," he grinned pulling back.

"What," I asked blushing.

"I felt you smiling," he giggled.

"It's just, well now I can run my fingers through your hair and not get them tangled up and ruin a nice romantic moment," I smiled.

"Oh, ok," he grinned as he kissed me again.

"Come on, lets go," he smiled sitting back.

"I'm kinda hungry," I muttered as I rubbed my stomach.

"We can swing past a Wendy's or something, sound check is, like in what, an hour or so," he asked.

"Oh shit, no I forgot," I gasped.

"Did you miss ANOTHER sound check," he asked as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"If we hurry I'll make it!"

"If I get a ticket you're paying for it," he laughed as he floored it.


"Holy shit," Zac said clearly over the microphone.

"Zac," Ike growled over his shoulder.

"No, man you are not gonna believe it," he said as he stood up.

"What?" Ike said glancing back at him.

"Hey guys," I exclaimed as Will and I ran up to the front of the stage and pulled ourselves up.

"Holy shit," Ike yelped.

"You, dude you," Zac stuttered as he walked to the front of the stage.

"It looks good," Ike smiled.

"It's all gone," Zac almost whimpered.

"If you miss it that much dude, it's in the glove box," Will laughed.

"What the," Zac said suddenly confused.

"I kept the pony tail," he grinned.

"Oh, man, why?" Zac asked.

"Because, I'm a freak I guess, sentimental, I mean," Will started to explain.

"No you dork, why did you cut your hair?" Zac almost yelled laughing.


"Yeah," Zac smirked.

"It was time I guess, five years, long hair, besides, I used to have this look back in the mid 1990's when it was growing out in the first place."

"Oh, well, man," Zac stuttered.

"Yup dude, looks like you're the last of the Mohicans," Will smiled flipping Zac's pony tail.

"Have mom and dad seen it yet?" Ike asked.

"Not yet, we didn't' see them on the way in," I replied.

"Then I guess they don't have to know you were fifteen minutes late to the sound check," Ike smiled.

"Thanks," I laughed as I walked over to the keyboards.

"This is really weird," Will exclaimed standing in the center of the stage.

"Why?" Zac asked as he sat back down and grabbed his drum sticks.

"I'm here, on stage with you guys," he said quietly.

"It's a sound check," Zac started.

"Zac cut it," I snapped as I walked back over to the center next to Will.

"Now you see what we see, only imagine all that filled," I whispered pointing out to where the crowds would be soon.

"Man," he muttered to himself. I glanced over at Ike, hoping this wouldn't agitate him. He was smiling this smile I hadn't seen in a long time.

"Can I?" Will asked looking me in the eyes. I sort of lost myself for a moment.

"Uh, um can you what?" I asked realizing he had asked me a question.

"Can I stand behind your keyboards?" his voice came in almost a whisper. I trembled he didn't even sound like Will anymore, but a small child who was excited, afraid and in awe all at the same time.

"Sure," I smiled ear to ear.

He let out a slight sigh as he stood behind my keyboards. I realized this was probably the only time I ever saw him anything close to star struck around me. But I realized, a lot of it had to do with the fact that he probably had never been on stage with us, or been behind the keyboards. I stopped to think, had he? I couldn't remember. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"Here," I said pulling a stool over from the side stage.


"I think he should sit up here while we get ready," I smiled at Ike.

"Sure," Ike grinned.

"Not a problem," Zac smiled. I flinched. Zac, smiling.

"What?" Zac asked.

"Nothing," I chuckled.

"Hey, it's cool with me dude," Zac said to Will.

"Cool," Will smiled.

I sighed to myself. Now I was getting spoiled. Sure being in love, having everything, your dream career, the man of your dreams, and an amazing life was a lot. But now Will was on stage with me, and I was starting to get to liking it too much. Which meant I was gonna have to let go of it for the show. I shrugged it off.

"Live for the moment Taylor," I muttered to myself.


Sound check was over. The meet and greet was about to start so I decided to bow out of the scene. I gave Tay a quick kiss and ducked into the shadows. This venue was cool, it was an old church. It even still had the stain glass windows and the pipes from the pipe organ. The Tabernacle was definitely some place you could explore but I knew I'd rather do that later in the night after the show. I went down the back hall way and up towards the staircase. Near the back door I spotted Daphne.

"DAPHNE," I called out.

She turned and looked around. When she finally spotted me her eyes nearly shot out of her head.

"Oh my God," she yelled as I ran up to her.

"Like it?" I grinned.

"Like it, I adore it," she smiled throwing her arms around me giving me a tight hug.

"Whoa, ok, remind me to get it cut more often," I laughed as she smacked me on the side.

The fan that was standing beside her, eyes grew wide.

"Luke, this is a good friend of mine, Will. Will, this is Luke. Luke was just telling me about his online magazine."

"Oh, interesting," I lied not liking the way Luke was eyeing Daphne and positive Zac wouldn't like it either.

Daph's long hair was hanging down. She was wearing a back-less halter-top and black leather pants that flared at the end. Body glitter covered her bare skin, and silver and copper-toned makeup covered her face. She noticed that I was eyeing her makeup.

"Can you believe they made me put all this makeup on? I can hardly recognize myself," she complained.

"I think it looks awesome," I replied.

"Yeah, well. It was such a pain to put on so it better look good, I guess."

Cristin came bouncing over.

"Have you seen Zac?" she asked Daphne.

"Nope, why," Daphne replied.

"Oh, there just having some trouble finding him," Cristin answered.

"Oh, okay. I'll go look for him in a second. First let me give Luke here an autograph."

Cristin nodded and then looked over at me.

"Oh ... hi, Will," she mumbled coldly turning to walk off. She didn't even mention my hair cut.

"Ignore her," Daph whispered as she finished signing autographs for Luke.

She linked arms with me and we walked down the back hallway to the green room.

"Guess what?" Daphne exclaimed.

I have never seen her so happy, I thought to myself.

"What?" I asked.

"Zac and I came up with this stage thing."

"Oh, really," I replied not in the least bit surprised.

"We tap our ears," she informed me.

"Tap your ears," I questioned a bit confused.

"Yes, it's to show that we know the other person is there or is watching or is listening ... whatever," Daphne explained.

"Ah, cute," I said.

"Don't say that in front of Zac," Daph told me, "or he'll insist we stop doing it."

"I won't," I promised holding back a laugh.

Typical Zac, I thought.

"So, what have you been up to, other than shedding your locks," Daph asked as she ran her fingers through the back of my hair.

"Oh, well that, yeah and I got some film developed."

"Let me see," she cried in excitement.

I flipped through the pictures carefully placing all of the Zac pictures towards the back. Otherwise, she'd zone out on me, and I'd have to show all of the pictures to her again later.

"Oh, you take the best pictures of Taylor," she whispered in awe.

"Really," I asked.

"Yes, it's just the way you take them. You can tell that you put some love and effort into just portraying him in the picture as a reflection as how you see him in real life, and the love that's just beaming from him when he looks at you taking the picture. I wish Zac would look at me that way," she sighed.

"Daphne, he does, trust me, and Hanson's don't fall in or out of love easily."

"Oh, and how do you know that," Daph questioned not tearing her eyes off the pictures in front of her.

"I just do. It runs in the family," I replied.

Her eyes grew wide as she flipped to the next picture.

"Well I hope that runs in the family, too," she smirked and added, "It would make sense figuring how many children this family boasts."

I looked down at the Polaroid in her hand and felt my face grow red.

"Sorry about that Daph. I don't know how that got in there."

Daph nodded and laughed, "It's okay. It was a very educational picture."

"What was?" I heard Tay ask from behind me.

"Nothing," I mumbled pocketing the picture.

"Oh, Tay, have you seen Zac?" Daphne asked before Tay could continue his interrogation.

"Um, I think he was out somewhere near the buses. I'm not sure though," he replied.

"Okay, thanks! I'll see you boys later. Have fun," she teased.

"Daph, before you go, here," I replied handing her all the Zac pictures.

She looked down at them, and I saw her eyes light up.

"WILL! These are amazing. Are you sure you want to give them to me," she asked.

"Yeah, I have negatives so I can always make more later."

Daphne planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you so much, Will! I love you," she exclaimed racing off to go find Zac.

"That was sweet of you," Tay commented wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Well I took some of Daph for Zac, too. Oh, and then I have one really cute one of Ike and Shiye that I thought they may like," I replied.

"Do you have any pictures for me," Tay asked smiling.

"Yeah, but they're all Polaroid's, and they are all a little, well, naughty."

Tay smiled and winked at me.

"That's not a problem."


Okay, he's not on the main bus. He's not on our bus. I looked around the rooftops for any signs of smoke. True, hiding out on rooftops was more of a Taylor thing, but smoking pot was something they all enjoyed, and a rooftop would be an ideal place to light up in peace. Wait a minute, I thought scanning the backstage area for the crew bus.

Zac is video game junkie, and the crew bus has a system, I reasoned. I spotted it and ran toward it. The door was open and I climbed up on it. I heard the sound of a video game coming from the back.

"Zac," I called out.

The video game noises stopped. The gray curtain was pulled back, and Zac poked his head out.

"Daphne, hey!"

I smiled and raced back to join him.

"Wow, you look amazing," he whispered.

I flopped down beside him and commented, "A racing video game?"

"I have to practice these. You always kick my butt when we play them," Zac informed me placing a quick kiss on my lips before hitting the start button taking the video game off pause.

I laughed, "Well maybe you'd win if you could keep your eyes on the screen."

"I would," he replied, "if you wore some clothes."

"What do you mean? I wear clothes," I protested.

"Oh yeah right! Can you honestly call that hanky you're wearing a shirt? How you are actually able to drum in half the outfits you own is a mystery," Zac scoffed turning is eyes of the game.

I watched as cars sped by him. Maybe I should remind him to look at the screen...nah...

I spoke up, "What? The only thing this shirt shows off is my back, my neck, and my arms. Plus, I don't always dress like this. This is simply what our wardrobe person put me in, and I like it - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!"


"STILL! You know I have a thing for your back," I began.

"RAN OUT OF TIME, GAME OVER," I heard come from the TV screen.


"You have a thing for my back," Daph asked ignoring the fact that she had just caused me to lose another game.

"Oh crap. Never told you about that, did I," I replied, "but it doesn't really matter BECAUSE I LOST ANOTHER GAME DUE TO YOU!"

"What kind of thing do you have for my back," Daph persisted.

I groaned and mumbled, "You're so damn STUBBORN!"

"What kind of thing do you have for my back?" she repeated.

I sighed.

"Your back is ... well, sexy," I confessed.

"Really," she asked.


She silenced me with a quick kiss. Daph pulled away and smiled at me. The next thing I knew I was on top of her, and we were making out. My hand went to untie her halter. She awkwardly slipped my shirt off. Her halter came untied, and I kissed the soft skin of her neck. A moan escaping my lips. Her hand slipped down to my belt, and then the warning signals went off in my head.

"WOAH! WOAH," I yelled.

We both paused and looked at each other. Our eyes locked. We both were breathing heavy. Her chest was pressed down against mine, and I could feel her heart beat fasting. Our pulses were racing, and her face was a bit flushed, as I'm sure so was mine.

"Daphne, I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to," I said, "I told you that I'd wait until you were ready before we went any furth - oh God."

Daphne's hand ran over the crotch of my pants. A look of amusement sparkled in her eyes. I was sporting major wood.

I panted, "Daphne, please, don't tease."

Silence filled the thick air. She sat on top of me. Her chest fully exposed. She leaned down, her legs tightly straddling my own. Our eyes locked onto each other's.

Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of my fly unzipping.

"Nice boxers," she whispered looking down at my tiger striped boxers.

"Fuck the boxers," I snapped.

This time there were no voices. I was sick of being innocent. I knew what I wanted, no, what I needed. The only thing I heard was our heavy breathing, and a slight laugh from her end when I told her to fuck my boxers. I laid back and reached behind her neck moving her lips to meet mine. We kissed

"Daphne, I want to take care of you first," I moaned.

"Huh," she replied in shock.

I moved her off of me and started to take off her leather pants. She was helping me until suddenly she froze.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you hear something?" Daph mumbled.

"Uh, no," I replied.

"Wait, no. I swear I just heard. Quick, get off of me," she snapped.

I rolled off of her, and Daphne sat up. That's when I heard it.

"Daphne," the voice called out.


"Where's Daphne?" Amber asked running over to Shiye and I.

"I don't know," I replied.

"She went to go look for Zac," Tay commented from behind me.

I turned to see him lying on a couch his head in Will's laps. Tay's hands flipped through the a bunch of pictures Will had taken. His eyes quickly scanned over them. Will gently ran his fingers through Tay's hair. I felt a smile come to my lips and held back tears. This was the old Taylor I had missed for so long. Will had brought him back to us, saved him from a life of depression. If Taylor and Will wanted to be together than they had my support forever.

"We're supposed to be on stage in less than two minutes," Amber yelled,


"She went outside," Will said.

Amber ran out the door.

Shiye giggled, "I'm not sure if Amber's going to like what she finds."

We all knew that Daphne had found Zac. Otherwise, either Zac or Daph would have returned by now. Most likely Daphne, who was supposed to be on stage.

Will sighed and mumbled, "I'd better go find Daph before Amber does. I'll be right back, Tay Bear."

He gave Taylor a quick kiss before he ran out the door after Amber.

"Tay Bear," Shiye snickered.

"Yeah so," Tay slightly defended.

"No, it's just isn't that a teenie nick name," I kinda laughed.

"I don't care who came up with it, on his lips it makes me feel really... it's hard to explain," Tay said quietly.

"Don't explain I know, Shiye's nick name for me is just as corny," I fessed up.

"Aww, Kermie," she giggled.

"Oh brother," Tay groaned as he flopped back on to the couch and pulled a blanket over his face.


Fans had started to gather around at the end of the fenced off ramp in back.

"WILL," they screamed as I stepped out.

Luckily they had detained Amber who was frantically trying to sign autographs.

"Amber, I'll look for Daphne, okay," I said.

She nodded as she continued to sign autographs. Walker was talking to a guy from the crew outside the Hanson's tour bus. I walked over to them.

"Excuse me, but have either of you seen Daphne?"

"No, is she missing," Walker asked concerned.

"Yeah, she went off to look for Zac earlier, and now they're both missing."

Walker sighed and mumbled, "Why can't any of my kids stay where they are supposed to be? Um, Will, I would check the rest of the tour buses, but I can assure you she's not on our bus."

"Okay, thanks," I replied as I walked towards Freezer Burn's bus.

I climbed up the steps and looked in. Their friend Janessa was sitting on the bus watching TV.

"Janessa, have you seen Zac or Daph?" I asked her.

"Nope, why?"

"Uh, well, they're missing," I replied.

"Oh, no. If they show up, I'll tell them you're looking for them."

"Thanks, and be sure to remind both of them that they have a show to do," I said leaving the bus.

I looked around and then noticed something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned and stared at the crew bus. Did it rock or am I losing it? I trotted over to the bus and climbed up onto it. I immediately heard Zac moaning from the back of the crew bus.

Geeze, I hope he's with Daphne, and not any of those guys on the crew, I thought. Daphne giggled. I smiled. I wonder what they are doing. I crept to the back of the bus. I was tempted to throw back the curtain, but decided to give them their privacy.

"Daphne," I called out.

"Huh? What? Oh, um, hold on," she cried.

Two minutes later she came stumbling out the back. Her hair was a bit messy, and half of her makeup had worn off. She was holding her halter top against her. Zac appeared behind her zipping up his pants. His hair was also messy, his shirt was off, and body glitter had rubbed off on his skin and clothes.

"Uh, hey guys," I said with a smirk.

"Hi, Will," Daphne replied.

"Why are you two so happy?" I asked.

"Oh, no reason," Zac lied.

"Uh-huh," I said looking the two of them up and down.

Zac reached back and pulled on his shirt. Daphne awkwardly tied up the back of her shirt and straightened it making sure nothing was showing unless it was supposed to be. Zac came up behind her and began to check to make sure the strings weren't loose.

"Do you want me to double-knot this for you, Daph?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'd hate for my shirt to fall off in the middle of our set," she commented with a laugh.

I couldn't believe it. They were so wrapped up in each other it was almost as if they had forgotten I was even there.

"How did you know where we were?" Daph asked seeming to remember all of the sudden that I, too, was on the bus.

"Oh, the bus was, well, it was rocking a bit."

"Will, baby, how many times do I have to remind you when the bus starts a rocking, don't come a knocking," Daphne teased.

"Believe me, under normal circumstances I would have left you two alone, but uh, Daph, you're supposed to be on stage - remember," I told her.

"Oh shit," she mumbled running her finger through her hair, "does it look bad?"

"Come here," I said.

I ran my fingers through her hair and re-parted it down the middle.

"There, but um, I'm afraid we're going to have to hide you a bit longer at least long enough to fix your makeup because right now Zac's wearing more of your makeup than you are."

Zac and her smiled at each other. I shook my head.

"I'll be right back. You two don't move."

I ran off the bus and back toward Freezer Burn's bus. I ran up it and past Janessa. I grabbed Daphne's makeup case, and a few combs and hairbrushes. I quickly raced back toward the crew bus. I climbed up the steps and threw Zac a hairbrush.

"Thanks, man," he mumbled as he began to brush out Daphne's hair.

When he was done he began to brush his own hair. I quickly fixed Daph's makeup. I finished just as Cristin and Amber peaked into the crew bus.


"SORRY! I was looking for Zac, and well, I FOUND HIM," she answered.

"Okay, great. Let's go though! We're going to have to cut one song off our set now in order to finish in time," Cristin replied.

"Sorry, you guys," Daphne mumbled as she left with them and ran back into the venue.

"So, what happened?" I asked Zac quietly.

He smirked and commented, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"COME ON, ZAC! Daphne and you are two of my best friends, and you two know all about what Taylor and I have done with each other."

"That's only because you have sex in the hotel bed right next to me late at night," he replied.

"YOU'RE AWAKE DURING THAT?" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Uh, yeah. You guys are loud. I'm surprised Ike and Shiye are able to sleep peacefully in the other room. In fact, I'm surprised people in China can sleep," he teased.

"Oh shut-up, dorkass. Tay told me you were a sound sleeper. Geeze, from now on we'll get our own room. So now tell me, what have you two been up too?"

"We just made out. Believe me Daphne and I aren't going as far as it may appear," Zac said, quickly adding, "not yet at least."

"Okay because let me tell you something, Zac. If you hurt her - I'll kill you," I told him.

"Huh? What? Never! I can't believe you'd even think that," he protested.

"Zac, recently Daphne got over a really bad breakup with a guy named Michael who used her because of the exposure he could get from being her boyfriend. Daph has been in the band so long that she really hasn't had that many boyfriends recently. Plus he is not the one to just make out with a guy and not have it mean something like some girls. The fact that she makes out with you proves to me that she really does care for you. If I find out you used her for any reason, and you leave her all depressed and alone like that jerk - I will hunt you down and, well... your mother will cry when I'm done."

"Wow, the older brother talk, and you're not even her brother," Zac commented.

"Zac, as far as I'm concerned - I am," I asserted.

"Okay. I won't ever hurt her, and I can assure you that I would not have ever let any of that happen back there if..." he stopped.

"If what," I pried.

"Will, I care about her a lot. In fact I care about her a little too much, I think sometimes. I have wanted to be with her since the first day I laid eyes on her, but I tried to ignore the way I felt. When we kissed I was and wasn't surprised at the same time. It's hard to explain, but I do care for her, and I will take care of her. I can't say more to you. I just can't," Zac replied.

"You don't have to, Zac. I know," I replied.

At that very moment I knew with all my heart and soul that Zac truly loved Daphne.

"I've gotta go," he muttered as he walked off. Instantly making me feel bad for raking him over the coals.

I hopped off the bus and started across the short distance of parking lot to the ramp. I glance off near the sidewalk off to my right and saw that red headed woman again. She was looking at me and talking on her cell phone. I decided to find out what this was about.

"Hey girls, gimme a few I'll be back in a second," I said as I pushed through the small mob of girls at the yellow tape.

"Oh my God, please, I," one started.

"Shh, I'll be right back just gimme a few," I said as I turned and headed to the sidewalk.

"Hi," I said walking up to the woman.

"Hello, just a moment," she said as she turned to say something into her cell phone.

"Hi, sorry about that, wow you got your hair cut," she said turning back around as she clipped her phone to her belt.

"Yeah, ok um, what can I do for you?" I asked startled.

"Pardon?" she asked me.

"Oh come on, I know you," I said slightly annoyed.

"You do?" she asked slightly surprised.

"Yeah, I saw you back in Florida, in the car, remember," I explained.

"Good memory," a man said as he walked up beside her.

I felt strange suddenly.

"Uhm, yeah, so why are you here in Atlanta too?" I asked.

"Well," she started.

"You were also in Tulsa, Zac saw you guys," I exclaimed.

"We," the man started.

"Photographic," she asked.

"Yeah, I rarely ever forget a face," I exclaimed.

They both glanced at each other with a odd look.

"I see, well, we're just fans," she smiled.

"Ha," I said without laughing.

"Excuse me?" she asked honestly confused.

"Hanson fans?" I asked.

"Yeah, is that so hard to believe?" the man asked.

"Actually, yeah, and uh is that your car," I asked as a police officer finished writing a ticket.

"Shit," the man said as he darted off over to the car.

"Ok, I don't know what your game is sister, but you're not fans," I started.

She didn't say anything at all she just listened.

"Fans, no matter how old don't wear suits, follow us from city to city, and drive cars with government tags," I finished.

"Stranger things have happened," she said which confused me.

"Pardon me," I asked.

"Nothing, we really are fans, and we just like to be," she paused.

"In the middle of everything," she finished.

I flinched slightly.

"Is something wrong?" she asked as I stumbled to the side. My brain scrambling, I had heard that before, Middle of Everything, or Everywhere, something.

"I'm ok, just don't feel too well," I said sitting down on the small wall that lined the sidewalk.

"Tired?" she asked.

"Yeah," I muttered.

"Headaches?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said glancing at her.

"Dizzy spells?" she asked.

"What are you a doctor?" I asked.

"Just you," she asked ignoring me.

"Uh, no not really," I sighed, I didn't even know why I was telling her. Maybe it was because she felt safe.

"Who else?" she asked.

"I only know that me Tay and Zac have been feeling like shit lately," I sighed quietly as I rested my head on my knees.

"Same problems?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I think Taylor and I are the worst," I whispered.

"Still getting flashes?" she asked.

I looked up at her. Now I was scared.

"It's ok," she started.

I stood up, staggered back and pressed my hands against the wall.

"No, Taylor," she started.

I gasped slightly, how did she know my name.

"Get away from me," I tried to yell but my throat was too tight.

"I won't hurt you, I'm," she started as I caught my heel on a recessed sidewalk slab.

I felt myself falling back as I crunched against a group of girls.

"Oh my god, isn't he their cousin," one girl screamed as I slumped over.

"No, he's like a friend, someone get security," another girl yelled out.

I saw vaguely the red headed woman walking away quickly.

"Stop her," I muttered but felt myself slipping.

On to Chapter Twenty-Nine

Back to Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Index

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Memories ... of a Forgotten Past is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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