Memories ... of a Forgotten Past    "Memories ... of a Forgotten Past"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Thirty-One
Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Memories ... of a Forgotten Past
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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AC and I walked toward the end of backstage area that was fenced off so the fans couldn't sneak in. Will and Taylor were already down there, but Ike was no where in sight. He was probably back in the bus with Shiye. I stood back a bit as Zac went up to Taylor and started talking to fans. Will came up next to me.

"Hey, Daph."


"I heard Amber say something about opening for 'N Sync," he whispered.

"Yeah, and maybe we will. Well we will if Cristin and Amber get their way, and it is good publicity. You two share some fans, mostly teenage girls, but a lot of their fans aren't Hanson fans so we'd be getting our music across to other people, but…I don't know. I guess I'm going to miss getting to hang with all of you."

"We will all miss you, too, Daph, but especially Zac," Will replied.

"DAPHNE, COME HERE," a bunch of girls screamed motioning for me to come over.

"Excuse me," I told Will as I approached the group of girls.

"Will you sign this stuff for us?" they asked.

"Absolutely," I replied.

As I was signing the stuff for them, one girl asked, "Are you Zac's girlfriend?"

"Um, Zac and I have gone on one or two dates. That's about it. Why?"

"Oh, um, well I heard that you guys were sleeping together."

"Sleeping," Zac exclaimed coming up behind me, "I wouldn't call it that. In fact we do the complete opposite. Don't we, Daph?"

Zac smirked. I shot him a nasty look, and out of the corner of my eye I saw the teenies' mouths drop open.

"OH MY GOD," one exclaimed.

I finished signing what I could as Zac began to drag me off.

"You are horrible! I bet some of those girl's really loved you," I told him.

"Correction," he said, "They THOUGHT they really loved me."

"True," I replied, "but you can never be sure. Plus now they are going to think of me as a whore. Simply because you are an angel that can never do anything wrong."

"No, they don't think of you as a whore. Well some might, but the majority wants to think that I'm some bad boy who loves to sleep around, and one day I'll see them and want to invite them back to my hotel room for a good time."

"Poor girls. I should tell them that you're too small to give them a good time," I teased.

"If you do that then I'll tell them you guys can't sing, and you fake playing instruments."

"Why would they even believe you?"

"Because to most of them I'm a god or a brother to one," he instructed me.

"Screw you then," I screamed.

"OH MY GOD," the teenies exclaimed.

Zac shot me an amused look as we climbed onto his bus. He pushed me to the back of the bus. Tay and Will were cuddled together on one of the couches. Zac sighed and grabbed a blanket and some pillows for his bunk.

"There's always my bus," I suggested glancing at the two love birds as they snuggled together.

"Sounds great," Zac mumbled as we began to leave the bus.

"Hold on, Zac! Give me the blankets and pillows. It's my bus, and what are the girls going to think. Let me bring them back to my bus. You wait about fifteen or so minutes, and then make it towards our bus."

"Okay," Zac replied pushing some hair out of my eyes.

I gave him my warmest smile and left the bus.


I boarded the bus and made my way to the back. I know I had agreed to Daphne's fifteen or so minutes, but that so had turned into an hour. There were just too many fans, and I didn't want to risk it. The gray curtain was tied back, and I could see into the back.

Daphne had stripped her bunk, and was under a bunch of covers surrounded by pillows on a black leather couch. Now if that's not sexy I don't know what is. I slipped off my clothes, and slid under the covers beside her. Daphne was even more beautiful in the dim where all her features were illuminated. Her long lashes lay peacefully on her soft tan cheeks. Daphne's full lips were just slightly parted.

I had found my true love. Now if only I could tell her, but I couldn't - not now. For one thing, I had never let anyone get that close to me and telling her that would open myself up completely to her. She would truly see all of me, including the Zac I tried to hide from the world, my family, friends, and fans. Number two, I didn't want her to doubt the way I felt for her since we had only started dating a few months ago. Finally I was afraid she didn't feel the same way for me or rather as strongly as I did.

So that's why I decided to wait.

"Daphne? Wake up, princess," I whispered.

Her eyelids fluttered a bit, and a faint moan escaped her parted lips. I instantly got a hard-on.

"Damn it all," I mumbled squirming a bit.

"Huh," Daphne moaned sitting up.

"Hi," I replied running my fingers through her hair.

"Hey," she muttered laying back down.

"Sorry I was so late," I apologized.

"Huh? How late are you?" Daph asked.

"About an hour," I replied.

"Oh, well you suck," Daphne commented as she closed her eyes.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. I closed my eyes and buried my face into her neck breathing in the sweet smell of her hair and her skin.

"What's that?" Daphne asked holding back a laugh.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Uh-huh," Daph replied before the two of us drifted off to sleep.


I yawned and sat up from the computer. The sun was shining in. I pulled at my blouse and glanced over, Fox was asleep on the small couch.

"I can't do it Fox," I sighed as he sat up.

"Hmm," he asked.

"I can't figure out these codes," I frowned stretching.

"Let Eddie look at it," Fox yawned.

"Alright, I'm gonna swing home and shower," I muttered as I pulled on my coat and grabbed my phone.

"Call me if anything happens before I get back," I said as I walked out the door.


I woke up to the sound of the tires on gravel. I scanned my eyes around the back of the bus. Daph had placed all of my clothes into a pile. I grabbed them and keeping the blanket wrapped around me rushed into the bathroom to get dressed. All the loads and loads of makeup and acne medicine didn't even phase me. In fact it just reminded me of the bathroom on our bus. I got dressed.

As I stepped out I noticed that everyone else was pretty much asleep except for Daph, Cristin, and Amber. They were in the front of the bus eating cereal. Amber had a huge metal bowl full of cereal. DAMN! How do some girls stay so skinny?

"Morning ladies," I said with a smirk.

They either grunted or ignored me. Interesting, I thought as I took a seat next to Daphne.

Cristin looked at me and told me, "If you want cereal it's over there. Otherwise, don't talk when Amber and Daphne are hungry. Just trust me."

It was the first breakfast I had actually been able to eat with them. Lucky for me I was able to keep my mouth shut. As soon as they were done Daphne smiled at me.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied, "sorry if we freaked you out, but when Amber and I get hungry sometimes we can be really scary people."

"That's okay. So where are you guys off to now?" I inquired.

"We're going to open for 'N Sync for a few shows."

"Wow. That's big."

"Yeah! Plus like some of those 'N Sync guys aren't that bad so we're going to like have slumber parties on their bus and stuff," Amber said with a wink.

"Slumber parties? Sort of like what Daphne and I did?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it will be all of us and Janessa just partying like crazy with 'N Sync," Cristin informed me.

"Uh, don't they all have girlfriends," I commented.

"Eh, they are all in on-again-off-again relationships. Plus we're just going to have a good time. I didn't say we were going to hook up with any of them," Amber replied.

The thought of Daphne with a group full of guys who liked to pretend they were still boys made my blood boil. Daphne would never replace me for a dancing fairy from a 'man group' - would she? Plus I thought she wasn't a fan of that kind of music. What was Freezer Burn thinking by going to open for 'N Suck? Then again in the business aspect it would be good exposure. I couldn't tell Daphne not to, so I should just get over it. This would all be simpler if I would just tell her that I fucking love her.

"Don't worry, Zac, I'm not going to replace you," Daphne comforted me almost as if she could hear my thoughts.

I grinned at her and lied, "Who said I was worrying?"

"Right," Daphne replied as she helped the other two clean up.

"I better have the hotel send over a car to pick me up," I said with a sigh, "We're on TRL this afternoon, and then we're catching a flight out for Washington, D.C."

"Washington, really?" Amber asked.

"Yeah, we're performing at the White House tonight," I informed them.

"Really?!? That is so cool," Cristin exclaimed.

"I want to perform at the White House," Amber said.

"Yeah, well, if you guys keep up the good work then maybe eventually you will be able to. Too bad Clinton's not still in the White House. He had a thing for younger women."

"That is so horrible, Hanson Boy! When we get a gig at the White House it will be because of our talent not our looks," Cristin snapped.

"You guys keep telling yourself that," I replied.

Daphne smacked my arm.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled.

"Boy, don't make me dump you in the middle of Harlem dressed in both red and blue," Daph threatened.

"You wouldn't have to dress him in both red and blue. He's a Hanson, the gangs in Harlem would hate him already," Amber joked.

"Ha ha," I replied as I dialed our hotel.

The hotel was sending a car to come pick me up. I retreated to the back of the bus where the Freezer Burn crew was all sitting around watching a bunch of taped episodes of their favorite WB or UPN shows.

"Hey, Daph. Can I talk to you really quick before I go?" I whispered in her ear.

"Sure," she replied following me to the bunk area.

I took her hands into mine and rubbed the top of them with my thumbs.

"Now I know you have a week or two before you guys go to open for 'N Sync, and I know how you guys are going to have to change your whole routine to dancing, so you're all going to be really busy. Just, well, I was just wondering if maybe you could take a day off and come see our performance at the White House. We would be able to see each other, and you would be able to meet a lot of important people, but I can only bring one guest, so I can't bring Amber and Cristin."

"Absolutely! I'd love to go," she replied.

"Okay, good because I already put you down as my one guest, and I'd hate to have to invite some other chick and make her pretend she was you," I teased.

"Like you could get another chick," Daphne retorted.

"See! I love that about you," I exclaimed.

"Love what?" she asked.

"Your whole attitude! I knew I'd have to eventually end up with a tough city chick because let's just face it, some of those country girls just let men walk all over them, and I need a girl who's going to give me a little bit of…um…opposition."

"Opposition, ooo, a big word from the Zac man. I like it," she said with a smile.

"Really," I replied.

"Yeah, it's sexier than my back," she teased.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," I answered kissing her.


"Where's Zac?" I asked as I walked into Tay and Will's room.

They were snuggled together under the covers. A large tray covered in breakfast foods sat on top of them.

"Uh, he's with, you know," Tay replied, as he fed a strawberry to Will.

"Why do I ask? If he's not with us; he's with her," I sighed returning to my room.

Shiye was asleep in the bed. I slid back under the covers with her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled.

"Morning, Kermit," she said sleepily.

"Morning," I replied giving her a soft sweet kiss on the lips.

"You're dressed," she commented a bit confused.

"Yeah, I got up a while ago and made a tour of the rooms. Made sure both Tay and Zac were okay."

She smiled and whispered, "You're never going to stop being the older brother, are you?"

"Have you seen how many siblings I have?" I teased.

"So how were Tay and Zac?" Shiye asked.

"Zac never came home last night."

"Surprise, surprise," she whispered, adding, "do you think they're sleeping together?"

"Well, yes and no. Yes, they are in fact sleeping together, but in the innocent-sense or at least close to it. I doubt they have reached the other level of sleeping together. I mean look at how long it took them to come to terms with the fact that they liked each other, and then look at how long it took them to admit they were dating," I kidded.

Shiye laughed and replied, "That's true. So, how about Tay?"

"Tay's in the other room with Will enjoying breakfast in bed," I answered.

"Mmm, breakfast in bed," Shiye mumbled.

"You hungry, my dear?" I questioned.

"You have no idea," Shiye exclaimed her green eyes twinkling.

"Okay, we'll order some room service, and I'll serve you breakfast in bed. Would you like that?"

"Yeah," she whispered with that amazing smile or hers.

My heart skipped a beat, and a warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped me. I had always been a believer in true love, but I had never imagined that the feelings could be this strong. Butterflies-in-the-stomach was nothing compared to what real love made you feel.

"Okay. I'm going to go into Zac's room to order because I'm going to surprise you."

"Oh, okay. Just be sure to get me some more bottled water."

"A weird craving, but whatever you desire," I replied kissing her hand before I exited the room.

I entered Zac's room and rushed over to the phone.

"Hello, room service," the voice called out from over the phone.

I order a huge meal complete with every little breakfast delicacy Shiye could possibly desire.

"Will that be all, sir?" the voice asked.

"Um, yeah, but please deliver this all to room 1032, and do you think it would be possible to also deliver a dozen red roses as well?"

"Absolutely, sir," the voice replied.

"Great. Bye," I said hanging up the phone.


I pushed the door to the room open slowly, not sure who would be awake. No sign of Will or Tay in the bedroom.

"Hey, anyone home," I called out as I heard some snickering coming from the bathroom.

"Oh god," I thought to myself as I neared the bathroom door. I heard the shower running, and more giggling.

"Only you two would be in a shower together giggling like that," I exclaimed pushing the bathroom door open.

"Oh, hey man," Tay smiled as he stuck his head outside the curtain.

"That is Will in there right," I asked.

"No. Actually, it's Britney Spears," Tay smirked.

I started laughing when I heard Will attempting a Britney giggling impression.

"Aw man you dropped the soap," Tay laughed looking back behind him as the sound of the soap thudding into the bottom of the tub could be heard.

"Oops," I laughed.

"He did it again," Tay finished with a really scary smile on his face.

"Oh-kay, time to go," I laughed as I started to pull the door shut.

"Hey wait, what's the schedule today? Ike tried to tell me but we were both half asleep," Tay asked.

"Uh, TRL then the White House," I said as I started to pull the door shut.

"How long before we leave for MTV?" Tay called out.

"Uh, two hours," I replied as I successfully shut the door before he could ask me anything else.

On to Chapter Thirty-Two

Back to Chapter Thirty

Chapter Index

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Memories ... of a Forgotten Past is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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