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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Thirty-Three Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Thirty-Two On to Chapter Thirty-Four Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Ok, it's official, there is a blizzard in hell right now," Zac muttered as we exited the plane.
"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.
"Jammer is smiling," he whispered as I glanced back.
Sure as shit he was smiling. I couldn't think back to a time when I ever saw him smile.
"Tay," Will snapped with his finger.
"Eh, hum, oh sorry," I chuckled as we got onto a small cart and were taken off down a side hallway.
I noticed Jammer didn't come with us.
"Ike," I started to ask.
"He's meeting us there," he replied, he must have known what I was about to ask.
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth eh," Will snickered.
Zac and Daph looked a little confused as Will and I laughed.
"Shut up," Ike muttered.
"Ouch," Shiye exclaimed putting her hand on her stomach.
"Uh oh," Zac half laughed.
"You alright?" Ike asked instantly.
"Yeah, just wish he, or she would stop with the acrobatics," she winced as she shifted.
"Better get this in before we're being watched by God only knows how many people," Will whispered in my ear as he turned my face to his.
"Hum," I started to reply as he kissed me.
"Gag me," I heard Zac grunt behind us.
"Ouch," he yelped as I imagined Daph had smacked him.
I felt Will's mouth curl into a smile as they got into a spat behind us.
"Feeling ok?" I asked.
"Yeah, just kinda scared."
"Why are you scared? Everything is going to be just fine."
"Yeah, I know but, you know that term 'the calm before the storm'?" he asked.
"Well that's what it feels like right now, like everything is just," he paused searching for the word.
"Everything is just moving too smoothly right now, you know?"
"I guess," I replied, still a bit at a loss.
"I mean, look," he started.
"Jammer isn't hounding me, or you, he's all but left Zac and Daphne alone, he's not hounding anyone, and he was smiling earlier," Will pointed out.
"Yeah," I nodded quietly realizing that he had a point.
"I mean, it's like shit is about to hit the fan," he whispered.
"Well fuck, I hope not at the White House, that's the last place shit needs to fly," I said suddenly, honestly worried.
Will started laughing.
"What?" I asked truly confused.
"You're adorable," he giggled.
"What?" I laughed.
"You, 'that's the last place the shit needs to fly,' that was adorable."
"Oh geeze, I meant with it being the White House, not because it's a white house," I laughed tickling his side.
"Yeah, I knew, it's just the way you said it," he smiled as he hugged me tight.
"Alright guys, we're gonna be out in the open in just a few seconds, break it up, all four of you," Ike exclaimed.
"Yeah, try remembering that next time Shiye and you get in the sack," Zac started barking from the back.
"What?" she snapped turning to face him.
"We got enough kids in this family, we don't need anymore, ouch," Zac finished as Daph smacked him in the arm again.
"Would you stop that, shit?" Zac growled.
"Oh please," Daph laughed.
"Good grief," Will sighed as he closed his eyes and scooted a bit away from me.
I smiled at him and stared off into the distance. Now my mind was churning with scenarios, and bad things that could happen tonight. He had a point, what was up with Jammer? I shivered for some reason. Will glanced over at me and put his hand on my knee and draped his coat over it. I smiled... sneaky lil thing.
"Any luck at all?" Dana asked as she sat down beside Eddie.
"Actually I've gotten very far," he grinned.
"Well what can you tell us?"
"Well, this is an email with a modified MAST file, and a mpg movie file," he exclaimed.
"Eddie, stuff we don't know already," I grunted.
"Yeah, ok, it's a big mpg file, high quality, and this MAST file was modified just moments before it was sent," he exclaimed as he chewed on a donut.
"So how long before you've got the file open?" Dana asked.
"Perhaps two three hours tops, it's very detailed, the encryption is mind boggling," he said staring at the screen.
"Whoever did this was a genius," he said in awe.
"Yes, he was," Dana sighed quietly moving away from the computer.
"You ok?" I asked as we walked out of the office.
"Yeah," she replied quietly.
"Liar," I smiled.
"Evan was, like a little brother to me," she said quietly looking out the window.
"I know," I replied.
"Point blank Fox," she sighed.
I remained quiet.
"Whoever did this," she started, glancing over at me.
"We'll find them," I replied patting her on the back.
"Let's go," she replied walking to our office.
"I haven't even changed yet," I complained.
"That's not my fault, come on, if we're gonna beat traffic we have to leave now," she commanded as she tossed me my coat.
"We're stopping at my place first, I don't wanna go in there smelling," I replied.
"What, you wanna be nice and crisp for Hanson?" she ribbed me.
"No, I don't wanna walk into the White House smelling like I slept in my office all night," I replied.
"Why, all the other politicians do," she laughed.
"Yeah, and that's supposed to be a plus," I asked with a smirk.
"Don't expect me to go around smelling like coffee and old leather," she replied.
"Might help you fit in better," I laughed.
"I fit in perfectly fine," she defended as I got into the car.
"Yeah, right, the only place either of us fit in is at the White House, apparently we are too, Federal to blend at a Hanson concert," I replied.
"Hey, you were the one who didn't want to change at the last concert," she laughed loudly.
"Uh huh, right and wearing an oversized tee shirt that has the faces of three teenage boys on it wasn't exactly my idea," I started.
"Aww, come on, the oversized night shirts are adorable," she cut in laughing.
"Yeah, ok whatever," I shook my head.
It's impossible to win with her.
"They are gonna search us?" Will asked almost in shock.
"Yeah dude, this is the White House, they don't want you sneaking in a bomb or something," Zac joked.
"Yeah well, they might as well ban your ass from the joint with all the farts you've been cutting, that's lethal enough," Will laughed back at him.
"Hey, he whoever smelt it; delt it," Zac sneered back.
"Yeah, whatever," Will turned back around.
"Any reason you've become the Boy Prick again?" I asked.
"Huh?" he seemed almost confused.
"Oh, sorry, you're always like this," I laughed.
"Are you being mean to me?" he asked almost confused.
"No sweetie," I smiled and patted him on the back.
"Uh huh I have the feeling you're patronizing me," he muttered.
"Whoa, big word there, I'm impressed," I laughed.
"You are being mean," he growled looking at me.
"No, I'm just showing you that smart-ass replies no matter how funny or honest can get very annoying at times," I said quietly, without laughing.
"Point made," he said glancing down at his feet.
"It's ok," I smiled nudging him in the side.
"Huh," he asked looking up, his brown eyes seemed kind of lost.
"Babe, it's fine, you ok?"
"Yeah, just tired," he sighed looking off.
I got a shiver. Something was seriously brewing in the cosmos. It appeared all the Hansons were in some sort of odd mood. Even Will appeared to be in some kind of weird mindset.
"Ok, who are you and what have you done with Will?" I asked as security finished checking Isaac out.
"Huh?" he asked laughing slightly.
"Why are all of you so, I don't know weird right now?" I asked.
"Daph I, I don't know, just tired," he sighed as Taylor finished.
"Um ok," I muttered as he walked off to the security station.
I was worried now. But what worried me the most, is I actually was feeling weird as well. I shook my head and tried to shrug it off. I smiled and turned to Zac, he was staring of in the distance with a blank look on his face.
"Shouldn't they all be talking, and joking, or something?" I asked myself.
This didn't even seem like Hanson. It felt like, someone had sucked them out of their bodies.
"Ahh," I almost screamed as I tried to just shake it off.
"Whoa," Zac jumped looking at me.
"Sorry," I muttered blushing slightly.
"You ok?" he asked.
"Ugh, yeah I'm fine," I almost bit at him.
"Well, like don't yell like that in here, it will get you tackled."
"Thanks, I'll remember that," I said as I walked up to get frisked.
Hey at least someone seems interested.
"What am I thinking?! Bad, bad Daphne."
"Told you if we hadn't stopped by your place first we wouldn't be in this mess," I sighed as we sat in bumper to bumper traffic.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"What do you want?"
"Just come here for a moment, I'm not gonna be a jerk."
"That's news."
"What is it?"
"Nothing I just wanted to show you something."
"I've gotta go, tell him I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, I wont."
"Zac?" Tay asked glancing back at me.
"Where's Will?" he asked confused as I glanced around too.
"Is he still back?" I started to ask Daphne.
"No, he was here just a moment, where's Jammer?" she asked suddenly.
"What, I'm right here?" he said with a strange look on his face.
"Where is Will?" Tay asked.
"He said he had to go or something," Jammer exclaimed actually looking a bit surprised himself.
"What?" Tay almost screamed.
"Taylor, wait," Jammer started as Tay took off down the hallway.
"What the hell?" I growled looking over at Jammer.
"I don't know, don't look at me, he walked past me, said he had to go," he exclaimed.
I wanted to believe him, but why was I doubting him?
"Leave without telling Taylor?" I asked Daph quietly.
"That's not his style," she confirmed.
"Yeah, exactly."
"You guys, damn it, hold on," Jammer snapped as he went around to a side door and disappeared.
"Where is Taylor?" Ike asked suddenly running up.
"Will took off, Taylor took off after him," I sighed.
"Oh shit, not now, not here, of all times," he groaned slapping his forehead.
"They are expecting us on in just a few minutes," Dad said as he rounded the corner.
"Tay is gone," Ike said with a pale face.
"He's gone?"
"Yeah, he took off after Will," I chimed in, taking some of the tension off of Ike.
I had to go, I couldn't be there now. With Taylor calling it all off, it hurt too much. I was confused, I was scared. Why, why was he doing this?
"There you are."
"Don't try to stop me."
"I'm not, but I think you forgot something."
"What?" ...
"But, I don't understand, did I do something wrong?"
"Come on, you have to go on in just a few minutes."
"I don't care, he's more important to me, even if he hates me!"
"Shit. Shit. Shit," Zac hissed as he paced back and forth.
"Come on babe, relax getting worked up won't make it any better," I tried to calm him down.
"No it's not that, my head is killing me," he groaned as he staggered slightly.
"Zac, are you ok?" I asked him as he fell against me and sat down.
"Zac?" I gasped as I watched his eyes flutter and roll into the back of his head.
"Ike," I panted looking around me.
"Yeah," he sighed looking up, his lids were drooping and he was sweating.
"Shit, are you ok? What's going on?" I started to panic. For once I was starting to panic.
"I don't feel good," he sighed rubbing his face.
"Zac, come on, babe," I whispered shaking him gently.
"I'm I can't, I mean," he muttered as his eyes opened and closed.
"Diana," I glanced up, Walker was calling out from around the corner.
"Someone help me," I heard him yell as a group of secret service rushed around the corner.
I glanced over, Ike was lying on his side on the small sofa. Zac's eyes were totally shut. I glanced around. Tay and Will were gone.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked as Jammer came around the corner.
He looked angry at first then he saw the scene around him.
"Oh shit," he muttered.
"Oh shit what, what's wrong?" I asked him standing up. Now madder than the fires of hell. I didn't care how fat, or big or whatever he was.
"Come on, help me," he muttered as he grabbed his cell phone.
"Help you, what?!"
On to Chapter Thirty-Four
Back to Chapter Thirty-Two
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