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"Journey into Obilivion" by Taylor Quest Chapter Three Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Two On to Chapter Four Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Incomplete Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Morning, hottie," Love cooed into Will's ear.
"Who are you talking to? I'm the only one here other than you, and you're not standing in front of a mirror," Will teased.
"Ha ha ha, Mr. Hilarious," Love whispered, playfully slapping his shoulder, "Now where are your towels?"
"My towels?! Um, linen closet - why?"
"I want to take a shower. If you don't mind, of course," Love told him.
"Hmm, do I mind Jennifer Love Hewitt getting naked, soapy, and wet as she showers in my bathroom? Hmm, let me think."
Love giggled.
"When you put it that way it sounds so raunchy. I just want to use your shower - not have yah tap the booty."
"Aw, but what if I wanted to?" Will kidded her.
"Well give me a call later - a booty call," Love giggled as she skipped towards the bathroom getting two towels from the linen closet on the way.
"ZAC," they squealed.
Zac cringed as Amber and Cristin ushered him into the house.
"Oh, we've missed you so! We always tell Daphne how much we miss you; she was a fool to let you go," Amber commented beginning the elaborate round of fake pleasantries.
"Where's Daph?" Zac interrupted.
"Daphne?" Amber asked in confusion.
"Yes, Daphne," Zac said, refraining from snapping at the two of them.
"Daphne left this morning. We're not sure where she went," Cristin sighed, "My guess would be she went to go see-"
"That fag, Will," Amber finished.
Zac growled, "Don't talk about my friend that way."
"Well excuse me for stating the obvious," Amber cried as she turned and left the room, her nose high in the air.
"Zac, as I just said Daph isn't here, but while you are here, would you like to hear the new album? It doesn't hit store shelves for another week. Our first single is number one on the Billboard Charts though," Cristin bragged.
Zac wanted to go. He didn't want to have to listen to Cristin's voice any more than usual, but the concept of hearing Daphne's voice - even her singing voice - was just too appealing. He agreed to stay and hear the new album.
Daphne stared at the door to the condo. She checked the old hiding place for the key and was surprised to find it. Obviously Will hadn't developed the paranoia so many celebrities before him had developed after fame caused their name and address to be splashed all over the internet for any unstable person to jot down.
Daph unlocked the door. All the lights were off. She was about to place the spare key back in its hiding space when she noticed a vaguely familiar-looking male in a car a little ways down. The car was on and he was drinking what appeared to be a cup of coffee as he stared at the door to the house he was parked in front of.
"Get a grip. The guy is just waiting on someone. He's not even looking over here. I'm paranoid, so paranoid." Daph thought as she pocketed the spare key.
The condo looked exactly the same as it always had. The only differences were a better computer, a leather sofa and a 60" television.
Daphne climbed the steps of the condo. The pictures of Taylor were still on the wall. She had thought that he was going to take those down. Hell, she shouldn't be talking, Daph thought as she fingered her necklace. Her other hand ran along the wall of photos. Her hand drew back for a second as she spotted a picture of Zac and her on the wall. They were sitting together on the couch of Freezer Burn's bus. Her hand was on his knee and his arm was wrapped around her waist. She closed her eyes his smile burning her lids as it twisted into 'MARRY ME?' Daphne shook off the cold feeling as she quickly climbed the remaining steps.
Will jumped up as the door to his room opened and Daphne walked in.
"Daphne," Will shrieked rushing over to her. Not sure if he should hug her or shove her back out of the room.
"Surprise," Daph exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a kiss on his lips.
"What? Wha-" Will began to stutter.
"I know I usually call before I come over, but I just needed to get away from the drama up North, and you were the only person I wanted to see ... So, I decided to surprise you," Daph explained.
"No, that's fine. It's just ... that ... this ... well, this is an awkward moment, right now."
At that moment, almost as if on cue, Love came out of the bathroom covered in only a white towel.
"Will, where do you keep your hairdryer?" she asked before spotting Daph.
Love froze. Daph froze. Will didn't know what to do or how to react.
"Wow," Daph muttered, "Oh geeze, I am so sorry! I had no idea ... "
"No," Will began to explain, "It's not exactly what you think. We didn't. We haven't -"
"I'll be in the bathroom," Love almost squeaked as she rushed blushing back into the bathroom.
"Will, I am incredibly sorry," Daphne whispered, "I can go."
"No, no," Will told her, "You don't have to go ... just ... why don't you go downstairs and make us something to eat for breakfast."
"Will, it's past twelve," Daph informed him.
"Oh, well then go order some pizza then. I, at least, will be down in a few."
"Okay," Daph said with a nod, as she edged her way out the door.
Will ran his fingers through his hair. He felt slightly ashamed. Daphne had accidentally barged in on Tay and himself in more compromising positions before, but there was something about the way she looked at him after seeing Love ... almost as if she was disappointed in him. What the hell!? She was there when - how could Daph blame him when ... TAY WAS MARRIED! It was about time he truly came to terms with it and moved on.
"Why?" Will mumbled closing his eyes tightly, a lone tear squeezing out of the corner of his left eye.
"William," Love called out.
"Yes, Love," Will replied.
"If I had known she was here -"
"No, please," Will cried rushing to her side, "I am not ashamed of you. I am ashamed of myself. You are - you are more than I could have ever wished for ... I thought ... I always ... I don't know."
"You kind of hoped you wouldn't have to find someone else. You wished he would just return to you," Love finished, reading his mind.
"Yes," Will said his head dropping, "but now just looking at you, being with you - You're not him Love. You'll never be him, but I don't want you to be him. You're you, and I love you for that. I don't know if the roles we played in the movie have anything to do with my being able to accept you so soon but," he paused trying to understand.
"You make me happy in a different way ... Anyway, getting out of the drama, I see you located the hairdryer!"
"Yeah, but I'm still wet in some places," Love whispered seductively allowing the towel to drop.
"Love," Will gasped, instantly hardening in his boxers as he stared at the damp dark hair between her legs.
"I've never been like this before," Love told him as she placed her hands on his chest, "I mean I'm not the kinky type. I've never - you make me want to do things ... "
"Daphne's downstairs," Will mumbled.
"Well let's just try to be quiet," Love said with a smile as she pushed down his boxers.
Will ran his hands over Love's chest before dipping his head to suck on her nipples. Love tilted her head back, her long hair appearing so dark against her beautiful creamy skin. She pushed her foot in between Will's legs and edged them apart. Will reached his hand down cupping her, his fingers pushing down through her hair. She moaned biting his shoulder as her fingernails dragged down his back and across his cheeks. Will dove a finger inside her, curving the tip as he pulled it out slowly. He brought his dripping finger up to his lips to suck on it, but before he could Love had his finger in her mouth and was sucking hard.
"Oh my God," Will shrieked.
He scooped Love up and dropped her on the bed quickly climbing on top of her. Love kissed his neck and then instructed him to turn around.
"Huh," Will asked before he realized that Love wanted to 69.
Love brought him halfway into her mouth and began to suck. Will froze up slightly before diving down into her, his lips meeting hers. He swirled his tongue playfully up and down, in and out and around. He felt her breath against his tender skin and nerves. He fought back his gasp as he lapped her up. Love groaned as she reached her long slender fingers around to his butt. She squeezed his cheeks gently before one of her fingers continued to venture until it was slowly circling his hole.
Somewhere inside, Will's body flinched. The last person who had touched him like that was Taylor. His brain scrambled to shrug off the mental images. He concentrated harder and the image of Taylor slowly faded away.
Will began to pant as she slipped a finger in. He began to buck, forcing her mouth to slide up and down as her finger slipped in and out faster. Will wanted her so badly. His mind drifted to the fact that Daphne was just downstairs and the door to the room was unlocked and even open a crack.
"Oh, Love, wait, what if Daphne," Will trailed off too confused to explain.
Love moaned vibrating him as she scratched into his cheek a 'B' and an 'I.'
"You're, you're," Will exclaimed in slight shock as he came up from breath before pushing his face back down between her legs. Love moaned a yes. The sound of her mouth being full and knowing it was because of him mixed with the thought of Daphne seeing them ... Will screamed as he began to shoot. His tongue furiously licking. Love began to squirt into his mouth as she moaned, her breath increasing as they both came. Exhausted, Will climbed off of Love.
"LOVE, oh my God," he gasped.
"WILL," she cooed as the two of them kissed the most passionate kiss, tasting each other on the other's mouth.
"Where's Zac at?" Cristin asked as she came out of the bathroom.
"Oh, I sent him down to the studio," Amber replied as she set down a couple of bottled waters and a Dr. Pepper on the table in front of the mirror. "How do I look,? she questioned.
"Huh?" Cristin answered startled.
"Did you even look at him, Cris?" Amber replied.
"Um, yeah," Cristin mumbled.
Amber stopped fidgeting with her hair and began, "Listen. We all know that when Daph gets back from seeing her fag, that's she's going to be all over that prick in our studio. 'Oh, I love you. Let's get married!' and all that crap ... Next thing we know she's married with a kid and our band is finished."
Cristin gasped. Amber smiled and said, "I see you understand. We need to get Zac out of the picture before we're painted over."
"What do you think?" Anthea asked Taylor as she spun around in a circle in front of him, Shiye, and Ike.
"What am I missing," Tay asked with a yawn.
"I have a new outfit! I just bought it."
"Yes, honey, but you don't have to flaunt that you just did," Shiye laughed pointing to the tags Anthea had forgotten to take off.
"What?" Anthea snarled. She noticed the tags and began to rip them off, her eyes glaring, as she quipped, "you're just jealous because I look fabulous figuring my condition."
"Your condition? What condition? Oh, yes, I forgot. Your condition of being an ugly pregnant troll," Shiye insulted.
Isaac and Taylor's mouths hit the floor. Taylor felt his blood pressure begin to rise. He breathed in and out slowly, calming himself down reminding himself that she was carrying his child. Unfortunately Shiye didn't have to worry about that factor. Anthea was definitely not carrying her child.
"OH, BITCH," Shiye screamed as she went to hit her.
Taylor jumped in the middle just in time to get slugged across the jaw.
"Ow, fuck, Shiye," Tay exclaimed.
"WELL YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED OUT OF MY WAY," Shiye yelled before composing herself and apologizing to Ike.
"Shiye, she's carrying my kid," Tay reminded her clutching his jaw.
"Yeah, that's what she told the mail man, too," Shiye retorted.
"Shiye, she's pregnant. It's just her mood swings," Isaac tried to explain still hurting from the insult, "Oh and Anthea, I think you meant 'Planet' not 'Island.'"
"Isaac, don't explain to me about mood swings. I know about mood swings, and there's a difference between being moody and being a bitch. Oh, and as for the Apes comment, don't correct her. You might clear out some of the cobwebs inside her skull, and that'll ruin her dreams and aspirations. You see she's going for the Guiness World Record of being the Dumbest Fattest Slut Bitch, not only on this planet, but on every planet," Shiye said, glaring at Anthea.
"I think it's best if we go split up," Ike explained to Taylor as he began to drag Shiye off.
"WHAT?" Tay yelped. "You're leaving us ... alone."
"Well you did marry her smart ass. So get used to her horns, tail and pitchfork," Shiye snapped at Taylor.
"Shiye, come on," Isaac commanded.
Shiye reluctantly conceded as she walked off willingly.
"Shiye," Anthea hissed.
Shiye spun around in time to see Anthea hold up her left hand.
"My stone's bigger," Anthea said with a smile.
Shiye wrapped Isaac's arms around her and retorted, "My husband actually loves me."
When they were out of earshot Isaac whispered, "That last comment, Shiye, I, I - wow, you really care about the love more than the stone? I mean ... you know."
Shiye patted Isaac's cheek and cooed, "Of course, I do honey. Having you is more important than any piece of jewelry, but to prove our love you are about to buy me a bigger diamond than hers because I can't have that sham of a wedding appear to be superior to ours in anyway."
Isaac gulped. "Damn that Anthea," he thought to himself as he went over exactly how much cash and credit he had to spend.
Zac glanced around the studio. His eyes stopped. He stared at Daphne's drum set.
"DW Collector's Series in Cheetah Print ... her dream drums," Cristin whispered from behind him.
Zac spun around, jumping slightly.
"Oh, we didn't startle you, did we?" Amber said in a baby voice.
"A little," Zac muttered as he noticed that Amber's shirt was unbuttoned to reveal ... well, her flat chest.
"Here," Cristin exclaimed with a smile as she handed him a promotional CD.
"Don't I look so sexy," Amber squealed in delight as he eyed over the picture.
Amber with her weird tiny nose had her mouth closed to hide the mistake that was her teeth. Cristin had this babyish innocent little smile across her face. She actually looked decent, both of them did. Never underestimate the miracles that photographers and graphic artists can produce ... Then his eyes fell on Daphne.
"Wow," Zac mumbled aloud as he stared at Daphne.
Daphne paid the pizza guy. Will and Love had still not come down.
"Screw this. I'm hungry," Daphne exclaimed aloud as she began to munch on a slice of pizza, flipping through the channels. Her hand froze on MTV.
"Next week on TRL, we're going to be premiering a few brand spankin' new videos from new artists Rochelle and Freezer Burn! Both of which will be in this studio Tuesday, so definitely don't miss it," Carson exclaimed as the crowd screamed.
"You know the odd fact about those two artists," the latest MTV News correspondent, Noah spoke up.
"What's that?" Carson inquired, pretending to care.
"They both had something to do with Hanson before they were famous," Noah informed the viewers. The crowd went wild.
"Oh that's right, Freezer Burn opened for Hanson on their last tour," Carson stated.
"Yeah," Noah added, "and Rochelle's album was produced by none other than, Isaac Hanson."
"Well, I guess if you can't sell albums anymore, promote other artists and then live off the money they get for selling their albums," Carson said with a laugh before quickly adding, "I'm just kidding. Hanson, you guys know I support you one hundred percent. Can't wait until the new album can be released, and Taylor, congratulations on your marriage again man ... Anyway, enough with the talking, Freezer Burn's video is retiring today and here in true, Freezer Burn fashion, at number one again for the last time, at least for this video, 'Random Thoughts' by Freezer Burn!!!"
Daphne watched the video. Amber, Cristin, and her had so much fun making that video though the director, Tay and the company decided on for the first video was a little cheesy and extremely gay. He had worked with a lot of famous people though, including Hanson, and Tay said that he had pretty good vision. Daphne wasn't too sure. She thought that all his videos used the same colors and then there was that one guy who popped up in every video he directed. Probably his butt buddy, she chuckled to herself. For the second video Tay had secretly let her help in the decision-making. Amber and Cristin would have been so pissed. The new director had been awesome, but of course, Ambs and Cris had hated him, so he wouldn't be back for the third video. She shook her head, taking another bite out of her pizza.
"Thanks for waiting for us before eating," Will teased as Love and him came down the stairs fully dressed.
"Um," Daphne said looking at her watch, "Sorry, but I was hungry, and you guys did take an hour."
"Well, we were going to come straight down, but we got ... a little distracted," Love explained, smiling up at Will.
"Right," Daphne muttered slowly, "Anyway I rented a car, Will, so if you want I can stay at a hotel ... "
"No! Daph, you're welcome here. Tay and I - well, you weren't designated a room in here for nothing. Plus, I'm glad that you've come. I know how busy we've both become, and I miss seeing you as much as I used to. Hey, you can come help me pick out a new place. The realtor says that there are a few new properties on the market that I may be interested in."
"You're moving?" Daph asked, her mouth dropping open.
"Don't look too shocked. I'm making more money now, and I'd just like a place that's a bit nicer, and on the ocean."
Daph stated, "Geez, it's not like I don't think you deserve a new place, but this place just has so many -"
"I know and that's exactly why I'm leaving," Will interrupted, adding, "It's time for some new memories."
Daphne swallowed the mouthful of pizza and blinked a few times. The words echoing through her mind, even Will was moving on. Suddenly the reality of her life without Zac seemed even more realistic as she watched Will and Love. The somber, pain stricken face that had been Will's for so long seemed almost back to normal again.
Will wrapped his arms around Love.
"Wow, okay. Anyway, I heard through the grapevine that you're driving a new car," Daph said changing the subject.
Daphne knew that Will was still upset with Taylor. She had been for a long time until Taylor had told her what was up. Plus, she had to quickly get over Taylor being a jerk. He was her manager after all ... and her friend.
She had told Will what Tay had said actually happened with Anthea. All she got in return was having Will tell her not to bring Tay and his shit up anymore. He said that Taylor was a liar, and he wouldn't believe a damn word out of his mouth. No one held a gun up to his head and made him marry the girl. Taylor was over eighteen last he checked, and he hadn't tried to divorce her. Plus, he was all over Anthea around Tulsa, and every press release said he was happy. Will told Daphne she was a fool to believe a single word out of his mouth. But that he wasn't going to tell her to avoid him because Tay and Daph were friends and Tay was her manager. Will explained to Daph simply that he and Taylor's connection was broken and he didn't want to hear about him anymore, at least not for a while ... Daphne stared at Love.
"Obviously for a long while," Daph thought to herself as the thought of telling Will about Taylor's very near 'affair' with Mandy Moore seemed less and less like a good idea.
"Yeah," Will told Daph, "I own a Porshe."
"A Porshe?! I thought you had always wanted a BM -"
Will cut her off, "It reminded me too much of someone, and I would just rather not have my car remind me of anyone, but me."
"Okay," Daph told him throwing her arms up, "Enough talking, have some pizza!"
"Wow, what," Amber squealed.
"Daphne," Zac whispered running his fingers down her picture wishing at that moment that he could hold her in his arms. He wasn't mad at her anymore. If she would just take him back. He closed his eyes tightly. Zac wasn't going to cry in front of Cristin and Amber.
"Zac, are you alright?" Amber asked, adding, "I know it's not the best picture."
"What are you talking about?" he exclaimed, "Daphne looks amazing!"
"Well, the photographers tried very hard," Amber explained.
"Yes, Daphne didn't like all those people fussing over her," Cristin added.
"They had to though. She's not very photogenic," Amber finished, shaking her head.
"WHAT?" Zac yelled.
"Zac, I'm just saying," Amber said placing her hand on his shoulder.
Zac shook her hand off his shoulder and snapped, "Daphne looks beautiful, and she's very photogenic. I have tons of pictures of her where she looks just as stunning. Can I borrow this CD?"
"Well, um, we're not -" Amber stuttered.
"You can as long as you give it back, and don't release any of the music online," Cristin told him with a wink.
As Zac made his way out of the house, Amber wrapped her arm around Cristin's shoulders.
"I told you, sweetie," Amber cooed, "he wants to take our Daphne away. We have to send him packing before he even gets the chance to try." Cristin nodded.
Taylor stopped to admire the cardboard standup of Freezer Burn in the window of the CD store.
"Zac, would love that," Tay thought to himself, making a mental note to get a Daphne standup for Zac.
"Taylor, come on," Anthea whined, "I have so many stores to look at before we leave."
"Sorry, Thea, but I was just -"
"No, buts! ... Freezer Burn ... hey, that's the band you manage, right," Anthea said as she stared at the cutouts.
"They're cute. I don't like her hair though," Anthea commented pointing at Daphne.
"Daphne has beautiful hair, Thea," Taylor defended.
"Daphne, oh, so that's the one that Zac used to bang," Thea said, squinting to get a better look.
"Zac and Daphne never ban - they never slept together. Do you need glasses or something? Why are you squinting?" Tay asked.
"NO! I can see fine. Hmm, it's too bad Zac didn't get some. Now that Freezer Burn is getting more popular, well, soon she'll have just about any guy she wants - other than you, of course, my baby. She won't want Zac. Zac needs to learn how to really treat a lady. You know the friend I set him up with a while ago is willing to go back out -"
"Zac isn't interested in getting with any of your friends, Anthea. He's not very - well," Tay tried to explain.
"Don't," Anthea snarled, "Let's just move on. I have places to be."
"You mean other than up my ass," Tay thought with a chuckle, as she grabbed his hand.
Anthea drug him out of the music shop, as they hit the sidewalk Taylor glanced over at the news stand. His heart hit the bottom of his stomach.
"Sizzling: Jennifer Love Hewitt steams up on and off screen with her new beau Will Quest," the headline on the tabloid read. Beneath the large print was a photograph of Love and Will together at a café in Miami.
"Do you mind if I grab a paper?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah, whatever," she muttered as she eyed the hot dog stand near by.
Taylor walked up to the rack and grabbed the magazine. After turning to the article he began to read.
"What began nearly half a year ago on the set of the upcoming movie "Bad Weather Girl," appears to have bloomed into a full blown relationship. Actress and singer Jennifer Love Hewitt and model turned actor Will Quest, best known for his scintillating ads used to skyrocket Calvin Klein's latest line of men's underwear, have been seen heating up Miami. Spokespersons for both Hewitt and Quest are withholding comments. However, sources close to the couple say the relationship is not a publicity stunt. Hewitt, who's latest album reached multi platinum last fall is rumored to have recorded the title song for the movie soundtrack. Sharing a connection in music, Quest may not have ever laid a track, but was the previous unofficial 'significant other' to music sensation Taylor Hanson. The couple split just one month before production of "Bad Weather Girl," amidst a spray of media attention and have not been seen together since."
Taylor swallowed hard. Blinking his eyes a few times he noticed his hands were trembling. The photos, all six of them sat there before him on the page in living color. Will, holding her hand, smiling that smile, kissing her. He closed the magazine and put it back on the rack but the photos still remained in his vision.
"Let's go," Anthea called out as Taylor looked up.
"What's wrong with you?" she asked as he walked up preventing her from seeing the magazine he had been reading.
"Nothing," he muttered.
"Right, you look like," she started.
"I'm fine, I just," he paused.
"You just," she exclaimed looking at him as if he had lost his mind.
"I just realized that I've been dragging my ass," Tay muttered.
"Eh, um alright," she exclaimed with a puzzled expression.
"I figured this news would be best heard by me instead of anyone else," Tay started as they got into a cab.
"I'm going to do a song with another artist," he started.
"Who cares?" she asked.
"Mandy Moore," he exclaimed.
"Ugh, I can't stand that idiot," she exclaimed through a mouthful of hot dog.
Taylor felt his eyes grow wide in shock that Anthea wasn't reacting the total opposite.
"I have to leave for Los Angeles in three days," he started.
"I'm coming," she blurted, a piece of hot dog bun hitting the back of the front seat.
"You can't fly in your condition, but if you want to ride out with Ike and Shiye when they visit her parents," he exclaimed trying not to smile knowing how much Anthea hated Shiye.
"Fine, but you do your crap, and that's it, no funny business," she exclaimed biting into the hotdog.
"No funny business," he agreed with a grin, as tabloid covers twinkled in his mind.
On to Chapter Four
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