Taylor Quest Book 6 Journey into Obilivion    "Journey into Obilivion"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Four
Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Journey into Obilivion by Taylor Quest
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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"Are you sure you want to tag along?" Love asked as they put down the convertible top.

"Why wouldn't I?" Daphne asked.

"Paparazzi follow me around all the time now," Will rolled his eyes.

"As if they didn't before," Daphne shrugged.

"I'm used to it," Love smirked.

Daphne smiled slightly and arched an eyebrow.

"There are three houses over down the way actually on the coast line, so we'll head over that way. There's one in particular I want to check out, so we'll head there first," Will started backing the car out.

They tooled along through the small neighborhood Will had called home for so many years. After having moved out of the small efficiency apartment he and Taylor had decorated, and set up the entire condo. The idea of leaving it totally behind really bothered Will. After careful consideration he decided that he'd keep it and leave it as a guest place for friends of his that might come into town. Or maybe move his mother in. All he knew was he couldn't just let go of it.

"Oh my God," Love exclaimed as they pulled into the drive way.

"Will," Daphne almost gasped.

"Huh?" he grinned.

"This isn't a bigger place," Daphne laughed getting out.

"This is a mansion," she yelled.

Will smiled and laughed.

"I know where I wanna live," Love giggled as she sat down on the large marble fountain and splashed water at Will.

"Like it?" he asked.

"Well so far," they both laughed staring at him.

"Well come on in," an older lady exclaimed walking out carrying a white poodle.

"Hello Mrs. Talbot," he smiled giving her a hug.

"Hello Alghonkquin," he exclaimed giving the dog a scratch on the head.

"It's so good to see you today, William," the elderly lady exclaimed as he introduced her to Love and Daphne.

"Oh, I know who these two young beauties are," she smiled patting both of them on the side of the cheek.

"My grandson has a poster of you above his bed," she smiled at Love, who blushed accordingly.

"My granddaughter has your music," she smiled at Daphne who grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"I've got a poster of William here," she smiled putting her arm through his, "In his skiffies," she grinned.

"Which one of you lovely ladies is the lucky one bedding him?" she bluntly asked causing Daphne to crack up, Love to blush and Will's mouth to drop open.

"What, can't an old lady live vicariously through the scandalous love stories of younger more attractive girls?" she grinned.

"You'll have to forgive Morganna here, she's a bit of a feisty old bird," Will exclaimed shaking his head.

"Well, which one of you is it, or is he wasting that lovely bait and tackle on some unappreciating, yet most likely stunning young man?" she laughed.

"Morganna, holy cow," Will yelped.

"That would be me," Love blushed whispering.

"Ah, well I'll be sure not to tell my grandson," she grinned

"Thank you," Love giggled.

"Are you ok?" Daph laughed patting him on the back as they walked in, Morganna talking circles around Love.

"Yeah, I just never get used to how forward she is," he blushed.

"Oh, she's an old woman, it's a privilege us girls earn as we grow old, with wrinkles come rights," she laughed.

"You're darn tootin'," Morganna chirped catching the last comment made by Daphne.

Will slapped his hand over his face and shook his head as they began a tour of the large mansion.

"Taylor would love this place," Daphne thought quietly as she eyed the architecture around her.

She felt her chest twinge. While she did like Love, and the two of them seemed happy she couldn't help but wonder about Taylor. It had been over a month since she and Will had actually spoken in private about him. Apparently, he was getting along fine now, which paled in comparison to his condition just months prior. She sighed as she looked out across the marble patio at the ocean in the distance. Everything seemed really tranquil and peaceful. The scene around her, the sun beaming down, the smell of salt air and the cry of seagulls in the distance, all were ruined by the fact that she knew deep down it would soon come crumbling apart.

The bright colors would fade, the warmth would drain and the darkness that once wrapped its self tightly around her best friend would return. Right on cue with the news Taylor himself could not find the courage, or trust to convey to the one person in the universe who he truly loved.


"Alright here's my plan," Amber began as she paced in front of Cristin.

"First, we are going to seduce him and then we are going to bang him."

"Wait, I don't want to ba - sleep with Zac," Cristin interrupted.

"Fine, then I will. I figure though I probably won't have to. Just slip a little something in his drink, he passes out. We strip off his clothes. I get naked, climb on top of him. Even if he wakes up he'll be too out of it to know what's fully happening. Daphne comes home and finds the two of us 'asleep,' and she'll freak. He'll wake up and will be too disorientated to know what fully happened. I'll start crying and tell her I'm sorry. She'll fall for it. It will be classic."

"What if she leaves the band?" Cristin asked.

"Oh, she wouldn't do that. This band is her dream and we're her 'sisters.' She'll realize how silly she's been over him and how important we are and have always been to her. BAM! She's back! Now are you in or out?" Amber asked, getting in Cristin's face.

"I'm in."

"Good girl," Amber replied, forcing Cristin to kiss her.

Cristin shoved Amber away.

"STOP IT! I told you! I'M NOT GAY!"

"Oh, sweetie, I think you are. We slept together. Don't you remember?"

"I was," Cristin cried fighting back tears, "I told you I was drunk. YOU KNEW I WAS DRUNK!"

"You don't look it on the video tape, so it's simply my word against yours. You're mine, sweet thing. And aren't you happy you are?"

Cristin flinched as Amber's hand ran down her arm.

"Honestly, I'll never release the tape, Cris, so long as you stay mine and no one else's. We don't need anyone. I don't understand why Daph and you don't realize that. The three of us, we're ... connected. We all belong together ... forever."

Tears ran down Cristin's cheeks.

"Daphne would never ... "

"Shh," Amber whispered, licking Cristin's cheek, "you said the same thing." She crossed the room to the bar and lifted up a bottle. "Care for another drink?"


"So what do you think?" Morganna asked as they returned to the front foyer of the house.

"This house is incredible," Love gushed admiring the pink marble fountain placed below the center of the curved stairs with rich red carpet.

"Daphne?" Will asked.

"I like it. The red carpet stairs sorta reminds me of Clueless ... It's definitely an incredible house.

"And it comes completely furnished if you offer the exact price the owners are looking for," Morganna added.

"Which is?" Daph asked.

"Oh, three point five," Morganna informed them checking her clipboard.

"Million?" Daphne screeched.

"Yes, million."

Love eeped. Will looked at two of the most important women in his life.

"Should I?"

"I wou - Will, the house is beautiful," Daphne tried to explain.

"But eep," Love finished.

"I'll take it. I'll give them what they're asking. When can we close on this property? I'd like to move in right away. I don't want to spend another night in my current place ... for now."

Daphne flinched as Will made that last statement.

"Well ... ," Morganna began, "I could call the owners. They've been trying to sell this place for a while. I'm sure they'll take the offer, in fact I know it. Excuse me for one moment, I'll place a few calls."

"Will, what are you doing?" Daphne screeched as soon as Morganna was out of the room.

"New house, new experiences ... I'm turning over a fresh leaf, Daph."

"Fresh leaf, ha! Will try a whole forest!"

"Um, I'm going to go check out the Olympic-size swimming pool - again," Love explained as she hurried off, sensing that Daphne and Will had to be alone.

"I didn't say - I never meant," Daph groaned and looked straight into Will's green eyes, "Taylor, if you think this place will help you avoid some of the hardships in your life that are plaguing you, then by all means buy the house, but don't think you're going to lose them. No apartment, condo, house, or mansion - no matter how large - can make your problems disappear."

"Well maybe so, but hopefully I'll be able to misplace them here."

"Whatever," Daphne snapped back.

Will was about to argue with her, about to remind her that he didn't want to be referred to by that name when he noticed the tears brimming in the corners of her eyes.

"Oh, Daphy," Will exclaimed bringing her into a tight embrace, fighting back his own tears.

Daphne broke down. Will didn't know what to do. Daphne wasn't one to cry like this. In fact, he had never heard her cry like this.


Zac wiped his cheek. His eyes were watering and he didn't know why.

"Zac, get it together," he snapped at himself causing the other people on the train to stare at him oddly.

"Crap," he muttered as he turned, not wanting to be recognized. Zac had to get back to the hotel before anyone realized he was missing. He felt around for his sunglasses. His hand brushed over Taylor's cell phone.

"Don't," his mind screamed as his fingers began to search through the phone number directory on the phone. Sure enough Daphne's information was there. Zac stared down at her cell phone number, her new house number, and her e-mail address. Not even thinking, he pressed the call button.


Anthea came out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" she snapped.

"Packing," Taylor replied.

"Um, you're not leaving for another three days! We have a dinner with Ike, Shiye, and Zac, if he shows, in an hour half, and you look like shit, and we all know I am not going with shit."

"Then go without me," Tay snarled, "because I feel like shit whenever I'm with you, and probably don't look far from it no matter how much foundation I put on."

"GET READY NOW," Anthea screamed.

"THEA," Tay yelled back.

"Ow," Anthea squeaked clutching her stomach, "fighting, remember. The baby hates it."

"Fine. I'll go get changed - for the baby, not for you. It better be mine, Thea," Taylor warned going into the bathroom.

"Oh, it will be. Don't worry," Thea thought to herself, "my love and I are going to make sure the DNA tests come back just like we want them too, provided it really isn't yours."


Daphne watched Will's face light up as Morganna told him that the owners were going to let him stay in the house that night. He could move in before the closing provided, he closed as soon as the paperwork was ready. Will quickly agreed. Daphne watched Love wrap her arms around Will. She felt a pang in her heart. She rubbed her temples, keeping her distance. She was still wearing the shades she had thrown on to hide the fact that she had been crying. Will had left her alone. He knew her too well. When she was ready, she would talk about her outburst, that he knew had little to do with the purchasing of his new house. Her cell phone vibrated in her coat pocket. She pulled it out and saw "Taylor" displayed on the screen. She took a deep breath and answered the phone as she walked into the billiard room.

"Taylor, now is not a good time," she began.

"It's not -"

Daphne froze as she heard Zac's voice.

"I'm not talking to you right now, Zac. Sorry, I have to go."



"What's my deal?" Zac snarled.

"Sorry," Daph apologized feeling his anger rush through her body.

"Daphne, we need to talk. Daphne, I feel you, and I know that you didn't mean ... That you want to be with me ... "

"I thought I explained -"



"WILL! YEAH, I KNOW! YOU'RE FUCKIN' AVOIDING ME DAPHNE! I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOUR SUDDEN DEPARTURE! Couldn't stand seeing me again, could you?! Had to get away, didn't you!? What's the matter, Daph? Afraid you'll change your answer to what your heart says is right?! Is that why you ran to Will?"

"WHAT?! Oh, you are so right! WOW! You know I was so wrong when I labeled you as an obsessive stalker freak!"

"DAPHNE, WAIT," Zac cried as she hit the 'End' button.

"Daphne, are you alright?" Will asked.

Daphne spun around to see a very surprised Love, Morganna, and Will.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she lied, displaying a fake smile as she threw her cell phone into a flower pot and left the room.

"And you thought I was feisty," Morganna teased in an attempt to lift the mood.

"Yeah," Will replied as he reached out to pick up the phone wondering to himself who exactly Daph's 'obsessive stalker freak' was. The phone began to vibrate almost immediately upon picking it up. He jumped slightly and stared down at the Caller ID, it read 'Zac.' He groaned to himself as he answered.

"Hey, dude, Daphne just left in a huff. What's up?"

Silence stung his ears. Something felt weird.

"Dude," Will asked.

"Um, hi, um."

Will closed his eyes as Taylor's voice filled his ears.

"Please tell Daph that, uh, yeah, Zac, yeah, he took my cell, and he may try, yeah, um, to call ... so ... "

"I think he already did, but I'll give her your message just in case."

"Thanks, uh -"

"Oh, don't think I'm doing this for you," Will snapped causing Love to stare at him and mouth, "Who is it?"

"I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry. Why won't you talk to me?"

"TAYLOR, SAVE IT! Save it for someone who gives a damn! 'Cause you know you're not sorry! You're just sorry that - OH FUCK YOU! Why should I explain when you didn't feel the need to explain to me?"

Will quickly hung up the phone and threw it back in the flower pot as he rushed out of the room.

"Well, I guess that's a good spot to keep that particular phone. A flower pot as a cell phone holder ... it's ... it's innovative for sure," Morganna quipped as Love raced after Will.


"Damn it," Zac cursed as he kicked the seat in front of him.

"Geeze, Zac, is everything alright?" he heard a girl ask him as she took a seat beside him.

"Listen I'm not in the mood to sign auto - KAREN!"

"Oh, you remember me. I'm flattered," she said with a laugh, flipping her long brown hair behind her shoulder.

"Don't be," Zac snarled as he began to get up and move around her.

"Zac, listen I know you're mad about Anthea and all, but do you think you honestly have to bring it out on me? Thea is just my friend, not -"

"KAREN, JUST CUT THE BULLSHIT," Zac replied as he sat in the seat facing her, "Listen what happened between us was a mistake! I was upset -"

"Zac, you're talking like," her voice became louder causing a few people to stare, "we slept together,"

"WE DIDN'T! I would never sleep with you! It's come to my attention that all of her friends are mini-mindless versions of her. You're just her puppet! You don't care for me; you only care about pleasing the succubus. You don't love me; you love the idea of being with me. You want me as a fuckin' trophy. You're pretending even now that you own me like Anthea owns you! Don't think I don't know that you're going around telling people that I gave you a fuckin' promise ring -"

"Zac, those are just rumors. People made that stuff up. I had nothing to do with that. There are a lot of rumors going around the internet. Just because one starts about you and me because we used to be boyfriend and -"

"Karen, that's just it! We never were boyfriend and girlfriend. We went on a few dates, we kissed, and I realized that you were a bitch! I've only had one serious relationship in my life."

"Yeah, with that Daphne chick who broke your heart and still has you whimpering around like a hurt puppy. Don't think I haven't heard about you two. Thea told me everything. Daphne wasn't the one for you," Karen whispered running her fingers through his hair.

Zac swatted her hand away and snarled, "DON'T PREACH TO ME, KAREN!"

"Oh, now come on, Zac! Don't treat me like I'm this horrible person. You would have never given me the time of day if I was an awful person. You can sense that kind of stuff," Karen said as she moved beside him, "You're hurting I can see that. I just want you to know ... I'm here for you." Karen paused looking at him. She scooted up against him and placed her hand on his knee.

"Zac, I care for you ... heck, my nickname's Kare. Now what happened to you just now? Who were you arguing with?"

Zac fought back tears as he asked her, "Why are you in New York? Who sent you?"

"Who sent me? Well, a couple hundred ones and a plane sent me ... Why am I here? I came to see Thea. I haven't seen her that much recently. I miss her. It was just pure coincidence that I got on this particular train. I didn't know where I was going ... I just went. I knew why the minute I saw you," Karen whispered reaching out to touch his face.

"NO! Karen, stop," Zac exclaimed. He couldn't do this right now. He couldn't be near her.

"Zac, you don't want me to stop," Karen whispered as she leaned in and kissed him, slipping her tongue between his lips.

He felt himself smile as he saw Karen kissing Zac in front of everyone. He pushed a button on his belt. Adjusting his cell's headset with his one free hand as the phone rang.

"Hello," Anthea said.

"Hey, Kare moved in."

"Well, did he take the bait?"

"Oh, he took it alright. They're making out right now and I'm taping," he replied holding his handheld video camera in a spot where he could see everything, but Zac couldn't see a thing.

"Perfect," Anthea squealed, "I knew Kare would get him. She's the best."

"I'm surprised, especially after watching him order and buy that engagement ring for that stupid bitch."

"Men are only controlled by one thing. They only think with one thing. No offense."

"None taken; I'm with you not only because you're helping me take down the Hanson family, but also because you satisfy my physical needs like no one has ever before."

"I know, baby, and no one ever will. Anyway as I was saying, Daphne wouldn't put out, so he tried to find a way that she would. That's the only reason he bought that ring, but obviously she turned his ass down. Not that it really would have mattered. Our plan is flawless and foolproof. Karen will infiltrate Zac's life, and don't worry Kare will put out, and then he's ours. His worst nightmare will come true. He'll have made the same mistake that he believes Taylor's made. Only he'll have been sober, and there will be no question for him on whether or not he did."

"Karen," Zac mumbled into her mouth, "NO!"

Zac shoved away from her and stared at her.

"Oh, Zac," she whispered, "I understand you're still hurting. It's just I love you so much. I need you so much. Listen ... "

Karen reached into her purse and pulled out a card with her contact information on it.

"Here's my card. Call me sometime, alright? I'm here to talk ... whenever you need me."

Zac watched her get off the train as it came to a stop. He paused before also getting off.

"What did I just do," he asked himself as he stared down at the number.

A tall middle-aged scruffy black guy passed by. Zac grabbed his shoulder and took a chance.

"Tommy," he said, as information about the guy flashed before his eyes.

The man stared at Zac in shock.

"Uh, who the hell are you?"

"Whoa, well, who I am is of no importance. The reason I stopped you, is, well you see a friend of mine, Karen. She kinda ... well, she's been semi-stalking you. See she has this huge crush on you. Anyway here's her card. Contact her sometime, alright. You never know, she may be the one you've been searching for."

Zac walked away, smirking.


"You did what?" Will exclaimed in shock.

"I just touched the guy, and I knew his name," Zac explained as he took a cab back to the hotel.

"Zac, what the heck are you doing going around grabbing random black men in New York City?!"

"Oh," Zac laughed, "that's a long story, but when I touched this guy ... I knew his name. How did I know that?"

"How do you know you weren't wrong," Will asked, skeptical.

"I understand you're skeptical, but I referred to him by his first name. If, for example, a random person at a train station grabbed your shoulder and said, 'Hey, you're Peter's son, right?' and you'd reply, 'What?' and they'd say, 'Your father's name is Peter.' and you'd tell them, 'Sorry, I think you have the wrong person.'"

"Okay, okay, Zac. I see your point. That is so weird. Geeze, now I have another reason for thinking Daphne and you are perfect! These kind of strange things just happen to you guys. This is like how Daphne can heat up her hand and make you feel her touch even when she's not touching you."


"She never told you about any of that," Will questioned in shock.

"Um, yeah, of course," Zac lied.

"Oh, Zac, I have to get off the phone. So what did you think? Can you make it to the party?"

"Yeah, sure. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Will found himself beginning to smile as he heard in Zac's voice that he was already smiling.

"Great. See you there, dude."

"Later, man."


"I can't believe they let you just - live here," Love commented.

"Yeah, but I mean - wouldn't you be happy if someone was giving you three and a half for your house," Will replied, "heck, they were so excited they even through in their small boat."

"Small boat? YOU MEAN THAT HUGE YACHT OUTSIDE! It's really pretty, but the name Belle Isle."

"Well how 'bout we change the name to the Love Boat," Will suggested wrapping his arm around her.

"Geeze ... this is just so ... " she tried to explain, "cool. This house is great. It's like destiny that it wasn't sold right away. I mean it's been on the market for ages considering its location, and then you just come around and ... wow."

Will smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"You're so sweet," he whispered into her hair.

Will saw Daphne stare at Love and him; he watched the hurt flash across her eyes. Will and Daph made eye contact, and she quickly averted her gaze.

Love yawned and stretched, "I'm sorry. I know it's early, but I'm exhausted. So I'm off to bed. Um, where should I sleep?"

"The master bedroom of course," Will cooed.

"Uh, which one? There's like ... which room is the master bedroom," Love asked with a giggle.

"Oh, I'll show you," Will said standing up, "Daph if you want to come find -"

"I found one already. It's an all blue room."

"Fan of blue," Love asked.

"It's one of my favorite colors," Daph informed her coldly.

Will shot Daphne a look to stop as he led a confused Love out of the room.


Zac opened the door to his hotel room to see his parents. He groaned.

"Nice to see you today, too, Zac," Diana said with a smile.

"Mom, Dad, did I miss something? Because I thought this was my room and my room only. You two have your own room. Why don't you stay in it?" Zac snapped as he slammed the door closed and began to walk off down the hallway.

"ZACHARY, GET BACK HERE," he heard his mom shriek as she threw open the door.

"WHY?! WHY SHOULD I, MOM,? he screamed back.



Zac marched back to the door of the room.

"WHAT? WHAT? What have I done today?!"

"Where have you been?" Walker asked.

Diana added, "You better not have seen Daph, Zac, because I thought we -"

"You're right, I didn't see her."

"Then where were you?" Diana shot back.

"He was with me," the female voice replied.

Zac spun around to see Karen. His eyes became slits. Diana smiled.

"Oh, Karen. It's so good to see you again. We've missed you," she said giving Karen a hug.

Zac covered his eyes.

"Yeah," he thought, "she missed her because I didn't!"

"So are you two getting back together?" Diana snooped.

"Um, it's a bit too early to say, but I hope we can at least be friends," Karen said winking at Zac.

"Since everything's alright, I have to go. I have some phone calls to make," Walker informed them, excusing himself.

"Well, I should go to. Leave you two little love birds to your ... chirping," Diana squealed as she took off.

Zac rolled his eyes and entered his hotel room. Karen followed, closing the door behind her.

"NO," Zac grunted pointing to the door, "OUT!"

"Christ, you're welcome," Kare snapped at him.


"I just totally saved your lame ass, and all you have to do is grunt 'NO! OUT!' What are you a freakin' cave man? YOU COULD AT LEAST SAY 'THANK YOU!' My gosh, where the hell are your manners?"

"My parents didn't teach me to be kind to stalkers. Don't bother me again" Zac snarled as he opened the door back up for her throwing her out.

He stared at the clock on the dresser.

"Fuck," he muttered as he realized he had less than twenty minutes to get changed and down to the restaurant.

"Where the heck does time go?" he thought as he dialed Ike's cell to tell him he was going to be a bit late.

"It's alright. We left you a message," Ike explained, "We pushed the reservations forward a bit. Anthea and Taylor have been fighting over his wardrobe - again. Just be downstairs in ten minutes. We have a car to bring us to the restaurant."

"Alright, will do, man." Zac replied hanging up his phone.

"Great, I go from twenty minutes to ten," Zac thought as he pulled 'Freezer Burns' CD out of his pocket. He stared down at Daphne.

"Eh, I'll jerk off to this later," he said throwing it onto the bed as he began to search for something to wear.

On to Chapter Five

Back to Chapter Three

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Journey into Obilivion is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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