Taylor Quest Book 6 Journey into Obilivion    "Journey into Obilivion"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Five
Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Journey into Obilivion by Taylor Quest
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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Daphne curled up on the couch and watched the Powerpuff Girls. She smirked at one of the jokes.

"Wow, a reaction," Will whispered sitting beside her with a quart of Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie.

"Hey, I react when something's funny ... just not always on the outside ... "

"Daphne, if everyone were like you comedians would be out of a job and committing suicide."

"Ha. Ha. Funny ... "

"I'm serious!"

"Yeah ... " Daph sighed.

"What's going on?" he asked handing her a spoon.

Daph sat up and began to devour the ice cream with him.

"Where did you get this?" she asked.

"I ran out to pick up some breakfast, and I thought you might need to talk to me ... so I made an ice cream stop."

"Yeah ... wait, when did you go out?"

"Daphne, I've been gone for over an hour! What did you think I was doing?"

"Well ... "

"She was tired, Daph. She didn't lie about that."

"Oh, no. I wasn't thinking perverted. I thought you may have just gotten lost or God only knows where the master bedroom is! It could be two miles from here," she kidded.

Will laughed as he brought a spoonful of ice cream to his lips.


Taylor opened the door.

"Thea, you coming or what?"

"I'll be down in a second. I just need to grab something, Snuggly."

Taylor slammed the door shut. Thea smiled to herself as she heard him groan from outside the door. He hated when she called him pet names.

"Hello," the female voice said.

"Karen, it's me," Anthea whispered into her phone, "are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, Zac's back."

"Amazing, so he's coming to the dinner after all? Where are you now?"

"Outside of his room, awaiting orders," Karen teased.

"Report to your room and get changed. You have to look good tonight. Oh, and Karen, how was it to kiss him again?"

Karen sighed and replied, "Incredible, better than any of the times before."

"Well I would hope so figuring the last times were, well, one was just a joke to make the fans freak, and the other ... "

"He wasn't thinking of her this time when he kissed me. I could feel it. Part of him wants to forget her, but he's still reluctant. Not for long though ... "


"Please tell me Anthea's not coming," Shiye said as Taylor opened the limo door and climbed in alone.

"Like I could be that lucky," Tay replied.

Sure enough Anthea came hurrying over to the limo.

"Who the hell is that?" Shiye snapped pointing to the brunette girl walking arm in arm with Thea, "Oh my dear God, I know that is so not Karen."

"Nice to see you again, too, Shiye," Karen said as she climbed into the limo.

"Thea, what is Karen doing here?" Tay asked, gritting his teeth.

"She came to visit. What? Can't I have people visit?" Anthea snapped.

"Since when have bitches been people? I always thought Karen was an ugly female mutt," Shiye mumbled.

Ike silenced her with his fingertip. She slapped his hand away.

"Don't silence me."

"So how has everyone been?" Karen asked with her fake smile.

"Well, we were all fine until my boys met you two," Shiye said.

"They are not your boys," Thea commented, rolling her eyes. "At least this one isn't." Taylor flinched as Anthea ran her fingertip down his cheek.

"Let me tell you something, sluts. I was here first. Therefore, they are my boys. I was the first girl to get into this family, and I was definitely the first girl they were ever with that truly cared for any of them! I love Isaac with all my heart, and I care for Tay and Zac because they are my brothers. Karen, if you so much as lay a finger on Zac I will rip your heart out."

"Provided she even has one, and even if she does - you'd have to chisel the ice off first," Zac growled from the door of the limo.

"Zac," Karen exclaimed with a smile.

"You're deafer than Anthea obviously. Leave me the hell alone," Zac snarled.

"Zac, Kare is my guest," Anthea insisted, "and she's not going anywhere."

"Well in that case, I will," Zac snapped as he began to walk back towards the hotel.

"Zac," Ike called out, "come back."

Zac just held his middle finger up in the air and marched right back into the hotel.

"Hmm, at least one of the Hanson males was born with balls," Shiye commented with a smile.

"Great," Tay replied ignoring her, "the fans just got a great picture to post on the internet."

"What?" Ike groaned as he spotted the females shrieking as they jumped up and down with their disposable camera.

Shiye glanced over at Anthea. Anthea was staring at Karen. Anthea mouthed, 'go,' Karen nodded.

"You know, I'm not that hungry after all," Karen mumbled, as she stepped out of the limo, "I'll catch up with you guys later."

Shiye squinted her eyes. Anthea was up to something again. Only this time, Shiye would be damned if she succeeded.

"Whatever. Let's go," Isaac instructed the limo driver as he pulled the door shut, "before they take anymore pictures."


"Every time with him was just so -" Daphne tried to explain.

"Intense," Will finished.

"Yeah, like too intense. It's like I would just let him ... get to me, and he had the ability to hurt me in ways no one else could. Even if someone did hurt me like - I wouldn't have let them."

"I know, but Zac ... at least he didn't bang some chick and then marry her when he knocked her up, and even if Zac had, he would have told you."

"He didn't tell me about Tay though," Daph said, defending Taylor.

"How could he? Plus, it was more of Tay's place to tell."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Daphne said her voice trailing off.

"What are you thinking?" Will asked tapping his spoon against her nose.

Daphne rubbed her nose.

"I didn't get ice cream on you, Daph," he said laughing.

"Yeah, I believe that one. Uh-huh, sure."

"That was so Za ... I mean, you are such a hoot."

"Right," Daph replied slowly, "Anyway ... "

"Anyway, so what is it like to kiss Zac? Different from kissing Michael?"

"It was just ... it's like when he kissed me I could just feel him ... filling me. I know that sounds perverse, but ... of course, they were only for split seconds. Zac never lets his emotions show for too long. He always has to have his guard up, and if he, for one second, decides to show himself to you - HA! Well then he expects you to just forget everything and just run off and be with him, and act like nothing ever happened. God, he only hears himself! Why do I fall for guys like that? I mean every crush I've ever had is like that, and Michael, oh my God, he was just ... grrr ... of course, he was just using me or what not. 'Cause doesn't everyone want to date me?! I'm one of the 50 most frickin' beautiful people ... according to People Magazine which is just a no-good tabloid and probably Columbia paid them to say that in all reality."

"DAPHNE, chill," Will shrieked, "you're stabbing the hell out of the ice cream. Geeze, keep that spoon away from my eyeballs, you."

"Sorry ... it's just ... why doesn't anyone love me for me? If I'm so wonderful and so special then why can't I just have a normal relationship with someone?! What's so wrong with me?"

"Oh God, Daph," Will said bringing her into a tight embrace as tears graced Daphne's cheek - again, "Shhh, Zac loves you. I know he does. I love you, sweetie. Even asshole loves you ... Hey, cheer up. Guess what? I forgot to tell you. I'm throwing a party."

"A party," Daph sniffled.

"Yeah ... a party ... "


"Oh, it's just a little housewarming party for a well, not so little house."

"Yeah," Daph said with a weak smile, "when?"

"Three days," Will replied.

"Huh? Three days! Isn't that a bit soon?"

"I don't think so, Daph. I mean the house is already furnished. We're the only A-list party this weekend ... "

"Cris & Ambs ... "

"Can come if they want to or they can stay back at home ... It makes no difference to me. Want to take a peak at the invite list?"

"Invite list? Wha - but ... "

"Daphne, I have been planning to throw a party. I have a list. I just couldn't throw the party until I had the house, otherwise ... what kind of housewarming party would that be?"

"Yeah, sure. Let me see the list," Daph said standing up.


Zac slammed the door to his hotel room.

"WOW," he exclaimed, "I'm alone!"

He fell on to the bed and sighed.

"Ow," he muttered reaching underneath himself, "what the hell - oh."

He gripped the CD and looked around the room again.

"I'm alone," he said with a smirk as he began to unbuckle his pants.

"Come to daddy," he chuckled as he slid the CD insert out of the jewel case.

"Oh yeah," he laughed out loud as he ran his hand up and down the shaft.

His eyes scanned over the pictures of the three of them.

"That's enough to kill the mood," he groaned as he folded the insert over so just Daphne was visible.

He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again, the picture was perfect. Daphne sitting in the center of a sofa in a pair of brown suede pants, with her legs spread which allowed him a perfect view of how the seam appeared to slice between her legs. He felt himself growing harder as he imagined running his finger up against the suede, knowing it would cause her back to arch. He grinned to himself as he ran his finger tips around the sensitive spot only she had ever discovered.

"That's it," he sighed quietly, his mind playing numerous scenes.

He felt himself tense up as he imagined rubbing himself against her soft suede clad crotch. Gasping as he visualized her pants pulling open exposing her flesh and hair right there before his watering mouth.

"Want it?" she whispered in his mind, as her fingers spread herself open.

"Oh yeah," he gasped bucking up against his hand.

"You wanna eat it?" she breathed at him.

"Uh huh, please," he muttered his eyes shut, his tongue licking his lips repeatedly.

He groaned as he saw himself diving down between her legs, lapping at her, hungrily.

"Oh Zac, you're the only one who can make me feel this good," she whimpered as she wrapped her hands around his head, pulling his face further against her moist body.

"Fuck me," she gasped in his mind.

Frantically he jerked and tugged at himself, sweat glistening across his entire body. His feet sliding up and down the front of the bed, his toes curling as he felt the tingling rising up from deep behind his balls.

"Oh God, Daph, I'm gonna," he groaned as he squeezed and pumped harder.

He turned his head to the side, and stared at her face, there on the insert.

"You're so beautiful," he panted.

Pausing only briefly to wet his hand with his tongue he gasped at the wetness as his hand once again griped the head, his saliva causing it to slide and slip more fluidly over the soft, but hard flesh.

"Oh Daphne," he gasped as he squeezed harder, running his finger tips over the head closing them around the tip.

"I'm," he groaned as he felt the first shots spray between his fingers.

"I love you," he gasped looking directly at her face, his come spraying between his fingers hitting his chest and face.

"Oh God," he screamed as the sensation rippled through his body, his eyes pinched shut now not only from the instinct to tense up, but to prevent his fluids from blinding him.

"Oh Daphne," he gasped quietly as he relaxed, his hand sliding down, his dick falling against his stomach with a wet plop.

"I miss you so much," he sighed, as he trailed his tongue across his fingertips.

"I miss you so much," he whispered again, as a tear squeezed out of his right eye and trailed down till it disappeared into his ear.


"I'm going to go see if our table's ready," Isaac whispered kissing Shiye's forehead, "I love you," he whispered into her hair.

"I love you too. Even if you are a mama's boy," Shiye replied, patting his cheek.


"Come on, Ike," Tay said, tapping Ike's shoulder.

Shiye noticed Anthea off by the door whispering into her cell phone.

"Hmm," Shiye thought to herself as she edged a bit closer.

"I love you, too, honey," Thea whispered, "No, no. I have to go. Check on Kare. Bye."

Anthea closed the flap on her cell phone and turned around, bumping into Shiye.

"Shiye, hi," Anthea said, giggling nervously, "hey, that rhymed."

"I know what you're up to," Shiye whispered, leaning in closer to Anthea.

Anthea flinched and looked up at Shiye. "I don't know what you're talking about, Shiye."

Shiye smiled and whispered, "If I were you. I'd be worried right about now and even more so after you have had the baby. Trust me Anthea, I am going to kick your ass. However, after I've destroyed all you have and all the dreams you think you're gonna have, I don't think that will take much effort on my part, that is after I've uncovered the truth, which you're attempting, poorly I might add, to cover up."

"What do you mean you don't have our table ready,? Taylor whined, "it was supposed to be ready an hour ago!"

"Yes, sir, and you moved your reservations back, and we had no choice, but to fill your table. If you'll please wait, we'll kindly have a table ready for you in the next thirty or so minutes."

"Listen, we have two not so happy wives over there," Isaac said pointing over his shoulder at Shiye and Anthea, "And one of them is pregnant. Are you sure there's no table ready right now?"

Isaac slipped the man a few bills.

"Sir, are you trying to bribe me," the host asked.

"Bribe? What? Me? You? No, of course not. I'm just trying to persuade you to think a little harder about our table situation."

"Well then, Sir, I feel it's my place to tell you that five ones are hardly going to persuade me to think. Your table will be ready in forty-five minutes. You may sit over there and wait."

"Forty-five minutes," Tay shrieked, "you originally said thirty!"

"Yes, I did, but that was before you tried to bribe me, and poorly at that. Now it's going to take me an extra fifteen minutes to think."

"Do you have any idea who I am?! Who we are?" Tay exclaimed.

"Yes," the man replied, "which is precisely why I'm hoping that a table somewhere in the back opens up, so no A-list celebrities are bothered."

"You're pale," Shiye commented. "What's the matter? Don't you know? 'I love you, too, honey.'"

Anthea began to grow angry. She knew what she had to do.

"Ow," she screamed clutching her stomach.

Isaac and Taylor immediately stopped arguing and rushed to her side.

"What? What is it?" Tay asked, "is it the baby? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell, but geeze, the guy was being a jerk."

"I don't know what it is," Anthea lied, "it just hurts so bad. OW! It feels like my - OW! Oh God, Tay, take me home ... "

"I don't know ... What's wrong with her?" Tay whispered in Ike's ears.

"You know I'll come to," Ike offered, seeing that Tay was completely lost, "I know a bit about handling these kind of situations. It's probably just false labor."

"Oh, please - she's faking it," Shiye exclaimed.


Shiye took a step back and crossed her arms. She bit her lip afraid that she'd either go off on him or cry and neither of those would help the situation.

Isaac noticed the look in Shiye's eye. He went to kiss her lips, but Shiye turned her head. He kissed her cheek. "Shiye, honey, here," he said reaching into his pocket, "I'm going to give you my credit card, and you just buy yourself whatever you want - here. I'll try to hurry back, but if I'm not back before you finish dinner, get yourself a cab. I love you."

"Fuck you," Shiye snapped, snatching the credit card from his hand.

She watched as Isaac and Taylor carried Anthea out. Anthea smiled back at Shiye and blew her a kiss, before wrapping her arm tighter around Isaac.


"EW! You're inviting Mandy Moore?! Well forget it I'm not coming. I hate that bitch," Daphne snapped.

"Why? I admit she's a bit ditzy, but she seems sweet."

"Sweet? That girl is a stuck-up no good whore. Plus she hates me."

"That's probably because you have more talent and sell a whole lot more than she does," Will said, kissing Daph's forehead, "She's just a friend, barely, an acquaintance. You're one of the most important girls in my life."

"Really? You have room for more than one?" Daph whispered.

"DAPHNE! Is that it? You're jealous of Love? I can't believe it. Why?"

"Because she gets to ... you know ... never mind, it's stupid ... Justin Timberlake? Geeze, I thought you hated that guy! Are you inviting all of his ex's too?"

"Britney's coming," Will said, "but you're changing the subject, never mind what?"

"You know this will be Justin's first social event since his divorce, well, if he shows," Daph continued.



"What?" Will laughed, "please, don't kid like that. You know I would ... God, if I wasn't with Love now ... I would be with you in a heartbeat."

"Is your heart beating now?" Daph asked.

Before Will could reply, Daphne had her tongue down his throat. They fell back against the wall space by the door; he felt something poke his back. He moaned rolling Daphne over and against the wall. She tasted so good, his hand, acting on what appeared to be a mind of its own began to slide up her ribcage, giving her right breast a squeeze. He felt himself gasp as her fingertips seemed to wrap around him, even through his jeans.

"No, wait," his mind shrieked as Love's smile flashed across his thoughts, then Zac's angry face, followed by Taylor ... and the ring ...

Will shoved away from Daphne.

"I CAN'T! NO," he yelled.

"WHY?! What's wrong with -"

"Daphne, I'm not Taylor!"

"Is everything okay in here," a confused Love asked.

"Love," Will gasped, "what are you doing up?"

"Um," she giggled, walking over to the wall and switching the intercom speaker off. "You have an intercom system obviously. I could hear you guys all around the house."

"What? What did you hear," Daph asked in shock.

"Nothing just some muffled sounds ... some scratching ... not sure exactly, and then you two arguing. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Sorry to have woken you," Will whispered bringing her into his arms.

"Yeah, sorry," Daph mumbled before racing out of the room.

"Does she hate me, too?" Love asked in a childlike voice.

"No, Daphne ... she has a lot on her mind right now. That's all," Will replied.


"Shiye," the male voice called out, "Shiye Hanson?"

Shiye turned around to see an absolute hottie. Her mouth dropped open slightly.

"How did he? Do I know him?" she thought, but at that moment she didn't care.

"Yummy," she mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, nothing," Shiye said with a laugh, "Do I know you?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry, let me introduce myself," the guy replied, holding his hand out, "I'm a friend of Daphne's. She's talked a lot about you and the rest of the Hanson family. My name's Niles, but my last name isn't Crane."

"Huh," Shiye replied before the light bulb went off, "Oh, yeah, Nigel Crane - ha. Niles and Daphne ... Cute."

"Yeah, Daph has a knack for finding friends that fit in with TV Shows. Example, her middle name is Grace, and she has a good friend named Will, who I gather is a friend of yours too."

Shiye froze. Generally she wouldn't believe just some random guy claiming to know someone she knew to be genuine, but there was something different about Niles. She felt she could trust him. She stared deep into his eyes and found herself feeling dizzy. She glanced away quickly.

"Yes, Will and I are friends. I'm surprised Daphne talked about me though, we never were extremely close or even as close as Will and I. I haven't even seen her since Zac and her ... yeah, well, she's a sweet girl and very talented."

"Oh, you don't have to tell me that," Niles said with a laugh, "Daphne's a knockout, but she's not really my type."

"Oh? What's your type," Shiye asked, trying not to sound too eager.

"Someone more ... well, like you, actually."

Shiye felt herself blush. "What is wrong with you?" her mind screamed, "you're married!"

"I didn't mean to embarrass you. I know you're married. I'm not trying to hit on you."

"No, it's okay," Shiye assured him, "I'm flattered, really."

"So are you here alone?" Niles asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, unfortunately ... my party had to ... It's not important, and it's really too long a story to tell."

"Would you care to join me? I have a table for two, but my mother had to cancel."

"Your mother? Oh, please, tell me you're not some mama's boy."

Shiye slapped her hand over her mouth. "How rude am I?! Geeze, he probably is, and I probably just insulted him. What's with me falling for mama's boys?"

"Oh, no, not really. My mom insists on these fancy dinners so she can lecture me about how I'm always disobeying her, and how I need to settle down with a nice girl."

"So you can actually tell your mother off," Shiye asked incredulously.

"Um, yeah, though I don't care to brag about it," Niles replied.

"No, it's refreshing. Sorry ... married to a mama's boy," Shiye said, shaking her head.

"Not a problem. Come on let's get seated, so we can get something to fill our bellies because I don't know about you, I'm starving. Unless you're one of those glass of ice water, side salad with light dressing type of girls ... "

"No, I eat. Trust me," Shiye informed him, shooting him a smile.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" her mind continued to scream, "ISAAC! YOU LOVE IKE! You can't have dinner with this guy! What if someone takes a picture?"

"And he hurt me," another thought rang out, "It's just dinner. Can't I have dinner? Can't I make new friends?"

"You know let this be my treat," Shiye said, flashing her credit card and a smile.

"Take that, Ike."


"Hey, Cris," Daphne said as Cristin answered her phone.


Daphne pulled the phone away from her ear, though not because Cristin was blowing out her ear drums. She was in a daze. She heard another voice screaming and realized that it was her own.

"WAIT," Cristin exclaimed, "it gets better.

"What? How?"

"Guess which single ... "

Daph remained silent.

"The sexy one ... "

"AH! Geeze, Louise. Okay, no showing that video to my grandmother. They already think I'm sleeping with Hollywood, don't want to convince them I'm sleeping with the world."

"Yeah, oh and Daph ... we get to pick the guys we want to ... make out with ... "

"OH, HELL YES! I WANT BRENDAN FEHR," Daph practically screamed.

Cristin began to laugh.

"Yeah, Ambs and I knew you were going to demand him. We already left some messages for Tay. He'll have more details. All the company man said was that there would be a video and we could help cast the males ... Anyway when are you coming home? We have a lot to do."

"Yeah, I know ... that's why I was calling. You see Will's having this party. It's an A-List party - great promotion, and I really want to go."

"Daph! Geeze ... Ambs is going to kill me if I say, 'yes,' and you know that. We need you back. We're not a band without our drummer. We're just pathetic guitarists ... Plus the album, Daph you have -"

"Okay, let's strike a compromise. I'll come back on the first plane I can get into New York, but only if you let me come back for the party - alone."


"You heard me. I want to go alone. Come on? You two have no interest in attending Will's party ... puh-leeze???"

"Alright. You can go - alone. Amber is going to be ticked, but I'll deal with her. OH! If you get home before the Late Show you can catch Justin Timberlake on TV."

"Well we'll see, let me call the airport and see what their earliest available flight from here to New York is."

"Okay, talk to you later, sis."

"Bye, Cris."

On to Chapter Six

Back to Chapter Four

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Journey into Obilivion is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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