Taylor Quest Book 6 Journey into Obilivion    "Journey into Obilivion"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Six
Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Journey into Obilivion by Taylor Quest
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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"What's with the bag?" Will asked from the top of the stairs as Daphne came out of her room, throwing her bag around her shoulder.

"Daph," Will called out.

Daphne just stared at him before pulling out her cell phone to thumb through her missed call log.

"He didn't call," she whispered to herself as she put the cell phone in her purse and headed towards the door.

"Daph wait," Will called out to her as he came down the stairs.

"What?" she almost snapped at him.

"Geeze, sorry, I just," he stuttered.

"I just need some fresh air," she started as he cut her off.

"Do you want to go with me?" he asked.

"Where, the high school prom?"

"No, I have an autograph signing this afternoon," he exclaimed as he pulled on a white V neck undershirt.

"Ah, yeah, ok that sounds ... like ... fun?"

"Seriously, you've done signings more than I have, I didn't know if you'd want to come along with me."

"Let's think about that, I left New York to get away from all the band hell I've been living in, and you want to know if I wanna spend two-"


"Four hours!? Oh my God, forget it! I can't stand listening to people gush about me for that long, let alone anyone else," she exclaimed heaving the front door open.

"Shit, could your door be any heavier?!"

"Daphne calm down," he exclaimed grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Yeah, ok calm down, listen I need time away from everyone I'm really worked up right now," she exclaimed.

"Bravo Captain Obvious," he smirked.

"I'll catch up with you tonight or something, sometime before I leave," she sighed giving him a hug before she turned and left.

Will stood at the door as she pulled around and out of sight through the palm trees, a moment later he heard the gate beep as she drove through it.

"Leave," he mumbled out loud, confused.

"William," Love asked quietly from behind him.

Will whipped around almost too fast nearly clipping his elbow on the door.

"Whoa, oh hey," he smiled.

"Don't crowd her like that," she exclaimed looking out the door at the empty driveway.


"When a girl is that worked up and that upset, don't crowd her. If she says she needs space, give it to her, just you know," she exclaimed stepping closer to him.

"Yeah," he sighed.

"I'll go with you," she almost whispered.

"Huh," he asked having forgotten about the signing.

"The signing, I'll go if you want me too."

"Oh, yeah, sure, that'll be cool, in fact," he smiled as he pulled a big cardboard box around from the side.

"This came today, and we can both sign these as well," he smiled as he pulled out a gigantic roll of movie posters.

"Oh, I have to sign too, huh," she giggled.

"Yup, you're not gonna be creepy and lurk around behind me, you're gonna sit down and sign your little hand off," he grinned.

"Will the CK people mind?" she asked.

"They shouldn't they funded some of the movie," he laughed.

"Besides I make sure to wear their damn cloths every time I walk out the door."

"You're not wearing them now," she smiled as she took her index finger and tugged his waist line away from his stomach.

"Yeah, I know I have to put some on," he smiled.

"Yeah," she replied still staring down into his pants.

"Love, baby, not now, I've gotta slink into those hip briefs, I can't be all frisky when I do that," he smiled.

"Later then?" she asked playfully.

"Yeah, that will work."

"How much later?"

"It lasts until around ten tonight, we'd better get moving," he smiled as he ran up the stairs to change his clothes.

"Is what I'm wearing ok?" she asked.

"Looks fine to me," he exclaimed after sticking his head over the railing to get a glimpse at her again.

"Maybe some foundation, I didn't get much rest earlier," she muttered as she dug through her purse.


Zac rolled over and groaned.

"What?" he called out.

Whoever it was didn't speak, they just continued to knock.

"Fuck," Zac exclaimed as he got out of bed. He pulled on some boxers and trotted over to the door.

"Go away," he said as he opened the door to see a smiling Karen.

"Zac, really, is that anyway to treat me?"

"Yes," Zac replied as she tried to push by him. He held his arm up blocking her.

Karen grabbed his bicep and began to rub her hand up and down his arm.

"Nice," she purred.

Zac jerked his arm away from her, and Karen giggled as she entered his room.

"Seriously?" Zac began.

"Seriously, let it go, Zac. I only came over because Thea isn't answering her cell phone, and I'm lonely. She was supposed to be spending time with me, but all she cares about is keeping her husband chained up and under her watch twenty-four seven."

Zac stared at Karen as she wiped away her tears.

"I thought you wouldn't mind ... that we could be ... friends."

"What a crock of," he began, but cut himself off as Karen began to laugh.

"Happy to see me, huh?"

Zac glanced down to notice his morning wood.

"Oh, fuck me," he muttered.

"I'd love to," Karen replied flopping down on his bed.

"You have two hands, use 'em," Zac snapped as he grabbed pants and a shirt and made his way into the bathroom.


"I can't wait to see the movie," a girl giggled as Will slid the poster over to Love.

"Thank you so much, it was a lot of fun making it," Love grinned.

"Yeah well you two make the perfect couple, I mean, you two are actually an item right now too aren't you," she asked.

Love glanced over at Will with a questioning gaze.

"We are friends," Will smiled.

"Oh, yeah right," the girl laughed as everyone in ear shot began to smile.

"No really, we're friends. Why is that so hard to believe?" Love asked.

"Maybe because you both are two of the hottest people in the entertainment industry right now," a teenaged boy exclaimed as he stepped up.

"Oh really?" Will laughed as he took the box of underwear from the boy's hand.

"Box or briefs?" Will asked.

"Both?" he asked.

"Alright," Will smiled.

"So, you're with Jennifer now, what's up with you and Taylor," he asked.

Will's hand stopped writing momentarily. Love glanced over at Will out of the corner of her eye as she noticed.

"Thank you for coming, it was nice to meet you," Will smiled flatly as he shook the boy's hand.

"Hi," Love smiled.

"No thanks," he muttered as he walked off.

"Well ok," she laughed quietly to herself.

"Typical fag," the next girl in line rolled her eyes as she walked up.

"Love you both, you rock," she smiled.

"Thanks," both Will and Love blurted at the same time.

Before anything else could be said a chorus of screams and commotion seemed to explode from the back end of the line. Love and Will both leaned from side to side to see what was going on. From their view point ascertaining what was happening was next to impossible.

"Mark," Will asked glancing back as two body guards stepped forward.

"Just a second sir," the large man exclaimed as he talked into his walkie talkie.

"It's alright, it's just," he exclaimed as he was cut off.

"God," the girl at the table blurted as she looked back.

"God came to get an autograph," Will gasped as Love broke into a fit of laughter.

"Hey man," Ashton exclaimed as he strutted up.

"Holy shit dude," Will yelped standing up so fast the table bumped forward.

"Long time man," Ashton grinned from ear to ear as he leaned in and gave Will a huge hug.

"Oooch, my back," Will grunted.

"Sorry," Ashton smirked as he gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Hello," the girl in line smirked wide eyed as she saw Ashton kiss Will.

"What are you doing here?" Will asked.

"In town, taking a hiatus from the show, thought I'd drop by since I heard you were doing a signing. I went by your old place but you've moved," Ashton exclaimed as he slid around behind the table.

"Oh, shit man you have to see my new place," Will grinned as the people in line began to quietly slink forward.

"It's beautiful, and huge," Love grinned.

"Well hello Miss Hewitt," Ashton grinned even wider as he reached across to shake her hand.

Love giggled and smiled as she shook back.

"Hello Mr. Kutcher," she blushed.

"Oh God," Will laughed as he swatted their hands away.

"What?" Ashton asked.

"You two were both shaking over my lap, I'm sure someone's gonna have a photo soon saying you both were jerking me off in public."

"Hello," about five girls and a guy all laughed as the three of them suddenly remembered they had an audience.

"Oh shit," Ashton covered his mouth.

"Can I get an autograph?" one of the girls asked him.

"Oh he's off the clock," Will smiled.

"I'll sign, got a pen?" he asked glancing around.

"That's so sweet," Love smiled.

"Yeah, I know," Ashton replied all cocky.

"Oh you shut up," Will slugged him in the side.

"Ouch, man, knock that off," he laughed as he went to sign the slip of paper.


Daphne set her messenger bag down in the sand and kicked off her sandals. She made her way down to the shore where she made patterns in the wet sand with her toes. She turned around feeling the hairs on the back of her neck begin to prickle and stand up. Daph spotted a few couples moving along the beach holding hands, but this part was otherwise pretty deserted.

"Stop it," she scolded herself, "you are getting way too paranoid."

She tried to focus on the view, the sun sparkling in the sunset, but she couldn't shake the creepy feeling so she made it back to her stuff. Daphne knocked as much sand as she could off her feet before placing them back into her sandals. She lifted her bag back onto her shoulder. Her cell phone slipped out of its spot on the side of her bag and fell into the sand.

"Great," Daph growled leaning over to pick it up.

Daph glanced around again, confused. Once again she didn't see anyone watching her. She scanned the beach noticing a young guy staring at her up the way. Why did he look so familiar? Her thoughts drifted back to the weird guy outside Will's old place, but this wasn't the same guy ... This guy was younger, but there was just something in the way he was standing, something vaguely familiar.

"What the hell?" Daph thought as she lifted her hand to wave.

The guy turned quickly and walked off either not noticing her or ...

"Just not a fan," Daph said finishing her thoughts out loud.

Still feeling a bit weird, and knowing Will was busy, she called her, well, used to be protector.

"Hello," the young female's voice rang out in her ears."

Daphne felt her body stiffen and her right hand clench into a fist knowing that sure as hell wasn't anyone she knew answering his phone.


The crowd seemed to develop to three times the size in the two hours that followed Ashton's arrival. Everyone could only imagine that the cell phones were burning up the air between the towers that night as friends of friends called everyone in a fifty mile radius.

"What time is it?" Will asked arching his back, feeling the vertebra pop back into place.

"Nearly eleven o'clock," Mark replied as he looked down the line that wrapped out of sight.

"We've gotta cut this off," Will stretched.

"Ok, my pen died," Love exclaimed shaking the pen in her hand.

"Here try this one," Ashton said handing her a spare off the table. Love dropped her pen and picked that one up.

"Ok, this one's dead too," Love informed them.

"It was working two seconds ago. Shake it," Will said.

"I am," Love squeaked.

"Um," Ashton said looking around the table again.

"Oh my God," Love squeaked as the pen in her hand flew through the air and conked a girl in the forehead.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," she called out.

"I'm ok," the girl called back laughing.

"Ok, we're now officially out of pens," Ashton chuckled as he dug in his pockets.

"Uh, yeah so is this one?" Will smirked as the person in front of him walked away.

"What?" the guy standing next in line exclaimed.

"Uh, the pen died," Will winced apologetically as Love passed her first dried out pen to him under the table.

"See," he exclaimed taking the pen and scribbling a dry streak across the table.

"Oh, man," the guy sighed.

"Here, get a photo," Love smiled feeling bad, the next fifteen or so people were allowed photos with the three of them.

As the line was cut off, Will, Love and Ashton found their way around the back side of a jewelry counter and waited out of sight as the crowd was ushered out.

"It's so good to see you man," Ashton grinned.

"Yeah, you have to come by the new place."

"No doubt man, so you moved?"

"Yeah, not too far from here, about a fifteen minute drive."

"Great, listen do you think I could hitch a ride, the cab dropped me off here, and ok here's the deal, the place I was staying at," he started.

"Need a place to crash?" Will asked.

"Yeah," Ashton smiled.

"Believe me there is plenty of room at the new place, in fact you might get lost if you don't pick up a spool of yarn and tie it to the front door," Love giggled.

"Wow, so you got yourself a mansion here in Miami, dude those things are expensive."

"Yeah, I know, anyways," Will avoided the question he knew was about to leave Ashton's lips.

"Three point five," Love whispered under her hand.

"That was the worst stage whisper ever," Ashton laughed.

"So, how much?" Ashton stopped short as he realized what she had just said.

"Dude," he blurted turning suddenly to face Will.

"Shh, dude come on, quiet. I don't want that being spread around," Will groaned.

"I have to see this place," Ashton grinned.

"You will, come on," Will grinned as Mark signaled him that it was clear for them to walk out into view.


"I told you not to call until after midnight," Anthea hissed into the phone, "Only text messages are allowed before-"

"Sorry, sis, it's just. I think I was spotted by her."

"What?! Did she recognize you?" Anthea screamed, not believing her ears, "I swear to God if you screw this shit up for me I will-"

"Chill, chill, sis. I don't think she recognized me; otherwise, she would have followed me to see what was up. Trust me, I know that bitch better than the rest of your group. I can handle this. I just need some time-"

"You don't have time! Now what have you found out so far?"

He rubbed his eyes slowly as he processed over everything in his head.

"I'm waiting," he heard his bitch of a sister say.

"Alright, well, I told you that she was staying with Will and Jennifer Love Hewitt, and she still is, but I think she's getting ready to head back to New York which is not good for Karen. No offense, dear sister, I know Karen is the best of all your friends at what she does, but she's also one of the flattest and compared to Daphne's D-cups-"

"Stop it. I picked Karen because Zac and her have history, and for the last time, I am aware of how great Daph's body is and blah, blah, blah. Geeze, you're acting like you know what she looks like naked."

"How do you know that I haven't seen her naked?"

"Well, you see it's like this, fuck-head, you're a loser. If you did have the chance, you'd blow it just like you blow everything else, including your best friend, Ron."

"Fuck that old man of yours, Thea."

Anthea laughed, "I was just kidding, bro, and don't diss on my newest man. Now what else?"

He growled but continued, "Will has a huge A-list party coming up this weekend. Everyone who's anyone and even some that aren't are going to be there ... oh, but surprise, surprise, Taylor, you, and Karen aren't invited."

"But you ... ?"

"I have a way in, don't worry about that. I just have to make a fashionably late appearance because if Will sees me before I get what I have to get done, he'll kick me out. That queer's never cared for me."

"Mmm, I wonder why," Anthea teased.

"Shut up, Thea. As I was saying ... Ike, Shiye, Daphne, and Zac are all invited and I'm sure they will attend. That sucks for you because if Shiye gets to talking to Daph, well, then you'll probably have another bitch on your ass, and if Daph gets back with Zac ... well, bye, bye, Karen."

"Ooooh, speaking of Zac and Daphne, did you drop off the tape?"

"Yes, I did this morning as you instructed. See I'm not a fuck-head."

"For once," Thea stated as she glanced around her empty room.

"Where are you anyway?" he asked.

"I'm back in the room. Lucky for you brainiac, Tay went to go discuss his trip to see Mandy with his father."

"Oh, yes, Mandy, before I forget ... Mandy Moore is on the list."

"Is she?" Thea said with a smirk, "that's perfect."


Ike didn't know what to do. Should he tell his parents that he didn't know where Shiye was? She hadn't returned so he had lied and made up some story about Shiye going to stay with her parents for the night. He buttoned up his brand new silk shirt and grabbed his belt.

"Screw this; I'm calling someone," Ike said as he dropped the belt and reached for the phone before he could dial though he heard the door fling open.

"Where have you been?" Isaac asked as a very inebriated Shiye stumbled into the hotel room.

"Hmm," Shiye replied, "oh, it's you. How's your mom?"

"What?" Isaac mumbled as he jumped up to catch a falling Shiye.

"Woo, hmm, you were there for me. That's a first," Shiye snapped as she shoved him off and made her way into the bathroom.

Isaac could smell the alcohol all over her.

"Shiye, are you drunk? Where have you been all night? Do you know I've been worried sick? You didn't answer your cell phone! Caleb just got to sleep and he wouldn't go to sleep without his mommy and I -"

Shiye groaned as Ike continued to rant and rave.

"Caleb's mommy was here all night though, Ike, because you were here all night."

"Shiye -"

"Shut it, for once, damn it. I am so sick of all this Hanson etiquette bullshit. All a bunch of crap and ... Where was I? Oh, I was out with Niles. Niles and Daphne, Will and Grace ... that is funny."

"You were out with Daph and Will?"

"What? Oh no, I was with Niles."

"Who's Niles?!"

"This guy I met at the restaurant last night. He's a friend of Daphne's, really, really hot. Oh my gosh ... I ... I think I'm going to be sick ... . Wait, never mind."

"How do you know ... Daph introduced you to this guy; is this her new boyfriend?"

"Kermie, Christ, no. Daphne wasn't there, and they aren't together. Daphne's not his type. He likes girls who are more like - ME!"

"What? Married?" Ike replied with a frown.

"Bastard," Shiye screamed, sobering up a little more.

"I'm the bastard! I have always been good to you and respected you! I have always protected and loved you! And recently all you've cared about was yourself!"

"Really? I quit my job in New York at MTV for you and your family! I left California to go live in Tulsa for you, oh, and your family! I've never once did anything for myself! I've always done what was best for the Hanson's, not myself!"

"My family and my band are both going through some tough times right now ... They have been for a while; it's not my fault that there has been so much drama over these past few years with hardly enough time for breaks-"

"See that's just it, Ike! I'M PART OF YOUR FAMILY, SO START TREATING ME LIKE THAT! In fact Caleb and I should come before the rest of them sometimes BUT we NEVER do! You're such a - AH! WHY DID I MARRY YOU?!"

"WHY? WHY? I'll tell you why or at least why I married you because I loved you, Shiye! I still do, but you don't come home until now. Your cell phone, did you even know I was calling?!"

"YES, AND THAT'S WHY I TURNED IT OFF! I wanted to get away for one friggin' night!"

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Isaac yelled.

Shiye flinched; Isaac didn't curse much at her in anger; in fact, she wasn't sure if he had ever really ... Tears began to fill her eyes. Isaac's exterior immediately changed. He brought Shiye into his arms.

"Shiye, please, I don't want to be my parents. I was just, I love Caleb and you more than anything, and if anything, anything at all happened to you two my life would be over. I would be dead inside," Ike whispered into her hair, as he fought back his own tears.

"Oh, Kermie," Shiye said as she took her face into his hands.

Isaac leaned in to kiss her, but Shiye moved her face away.

"Shiye, what? What's the matter?" Ike asked concerned.

"I think," was all Shiye was able to get out before she puked all over Ike and his brand new shirt.


Karen heard Zac's phone ringing. She heard the water running in the bathroom and knew that most likely he couldn't hear his phone. Karen glanced down to see who it was.

"Daphy," she mumbled out loud reading the name appearing on the phone, "Hmm ... "

"Hello," she said answering the phone.

"Hello," Karen heard the confused girl reply, "Um, is Zac there?"

"Oh, yeah, but he's washing up in the bathroom."

"Washing up?"

"Yep, this is Daphne, right?"

"Yea, who the hell is this?"

"Ooo, watch the language, sweetie."

"Excuse me! I'm a New Yorker and this is my boy's cell, so I can do whatever the fuck I want. Now who the hell is this?!"

"Ooookay, New Yorker, huh, right. This is Karen."

"Karen ... Kar - THE SUCCUBUS'S FRIEND?!"

"I'm not your friend, Daphne."

"Excuse me. Oh no, you didn't," Daph screamed, the ghetto New Yorker in her coming out as Will would say.

"Oh, silly me, did I take what you said the wrong way? Now, Daphne, if you're speaking of my beautiful friend, Anthea, then yes, I'm her friend. I'm also your man's new squeeze."

"Ha! Zac despises you. I know that for a fact!"

"Do you, Daphy? I think that before you embarrass yourself any further, you should go home and check to see if you have any mail at Will's," Kare said with a giggle before hanging up.

Karen's giggles quickly stopped when she turned around to see Zac.

"Zac, um, hi."

"Who was on the phone? Was that Daphne?!"

"What? No," Karen lied.

"Give me the phone. I want to check."

"Okay, it was her, but I - I was only telling her off for you, sweetie."

"Don't call me sweetie, bitch," Zac snarled ripping his cell phone out of her hand. "What the hell is your deal anyway? You don't want to be my friend at all, do you? You don't love me or care for me at all because if you did then you'd respect my feelings for her."

"Screw you, Zac!"

"Oh, you'd love that wouldn't you? Is that your plan?"

"You're acting crazy," Karen said, knowing she had to get out now before he kept prying her for info. If she cracked and ruined Anthea's plan, Anthea would murder her.

"How did you know she was with Will, hmm?" Zac asked moving closer to her.

Karen felt herself grow pale.

"Oh shit," she thought to herself.

"Anthea told me ... " Zac raised his eyebrow at her, Karen quickly added, "Because Tay told her."

Zac walked over to the door and opened it.

"Get out, Karen."

On to Chapter Seven

Back to Chapter Five

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Journey into Obilivion is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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