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"Journey into Obilivion" by Taylor Quest Chapter Seven Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Six On to Chapter Eight Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Incomplete Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Everybody is staring at us," Ashton exclaimed through a fake smile as they walked into the restaurant.
"That was the worst stage whisper ever," Love cracked as she nudged him with her elbow.
"Yeah, they always stare. You guys should know that by now," Will rolled his eyes with a giggle.
"Mr. Quest, your usual table?" the host asked.
"Actually, do you have a place a little more secluded," Will replied.
"We have a table open up on the deck, overlooking the ocean."
"That sounds perfect," Will beamed at Ashton and Love.
"So exactly where is this place?" Ashton asked over a salad he hadn't touched.
"About five blocks north."
"Sweet," he laughed as the waiter brought him another drink.
"How many does that one make?" Love smirked as she watched him slug down his drink.
"Four," he burped.
"No, more like six," Will laughed.
"Wow, you sure can hold your liquor," Love smiled.
"Yeah, I can, Will how do you hold your liquor?" Ashton grinned with a typical 'take the punch line' smile.
"Oh," Will grinned catching on, "by the ears," he laughed.
"Huh?" Love asked looking confused.
"How do you hold your liquor,? Ashton laughed leaning way back in his chair until his lap was visible.
"By the ears," he laughed out loud holding what appeared to be an invisible head between his legs.
"Yeah, that's it," he moaned.
"Oh stop you," Love groaned laughing swatting him with her napkin.
"Speaking of which I'm sportin' the wood tonight," Ashton smirked glancing down, drawing Will and Love's attention to the outline of his package that strained upwards against his waist line.
"Oh my God," Love squeaked covering her eyes.
"Hello Vicar," Will laughed reaching down giving Ashton a pet.
"Hello Governor," Ashton replied back as he nudged himself up against Will's hand.
"Enough. We're at a restaurant. Come on you two, geeze," Love whimpered turning red.
"Have a few drinks and you'll be wanting us to pet the kitty too," Ashton exclaimed catching Will off guard.
"Whoa, you are horny aren't you?" Will laughed a bit louder than he meant.
A couple of people scattered around at various tables glanced over.
"Oh dear God," Love muttered as she turned her head away from their eyes.
"If you two had told me this was going to be a public grope fest I would have opted to stay home for the evening."
"Aw come on Love, you know you want in on the action," Ashton grinned as he rubbed his right hand on her left knee.
Catching everyone at the table off guard was the loud slam from under the table as her knee jutted up and slammed into the underside of the table.
"Ouch," she muttered wincing.
Ashton's face turned red then his mouth twisted up.
"Oh my God your hand," she exclaimed realizing she had crushed his hand between her knee and the underside of the table.
Jumping up to his aid, she knocked over her wine glass spilling Merlot across the table into Ashton's lap causing him to leap back. As this happened Will fell back in his seat laughing so hard that his head knocked a potted plant off the balcony rail where it crashed dead center onto the table of a couple below them who apparently were nearing a romantic moment.
"Oh good one," Ashton laughed as Love looked at his hand.
"Hey, I'm not the one who has to walk out of here looking like Lorena Bobbit had a carving session in my shorts," Will snorted.
"Say what?" Ashton asked confused.
"That merlot is turning a lovely shade of bright red on your white pants," he laughed.
"Aw shit," Ashton groaned, "I just bought these too," he sighed.
"Well I'm sure I can afford another pair for you," Love grinned.
"Hey with you around, why do I need pants?" he grinned reaching for the zipper.
"Hey stud, we're in public, keep it in your pants," Will coughed.
"Oh yeah, heh, forgot."
"Somehow I highly doubt that," Love smirked.
"No, seriously he has a problem with keeping track of his surroundings," Will giggled as they stood up trying not to draw any more attention than they already had.
"I think we should just head on back to my place, it's later than I thought," Will groaned as he looked at his watch.
"Oh my God," Love gasped. "I have to be up and at the airport by ten tomorrow morning," she moaned.
"And I don't have to be anywhere," Ashton smirked as they pulled out onto the road.
"Is there any way you can just, like cut out of tomorrow or something?" Will asked.
"Actually, I think it'd be a good idea that I didn't. If I do, I'll be backing out of a press gig for our movie," Love exclaimed.
"Oh, good idea, so," Will paused.
"Are we all going to bed?" Ashton asked as they pulled into the driveway.
"Holy shit," he cut himself off before he even gave Will a chance to reply.
"This place is fucking huge!"
Love giggled as she watched Ashton stare in awe at the mansion.
"Yeah, like I said it's huge."
"Huge is an understatement," he laughed.
"Daphne," Zac exclaimed as she answered the phone.
"Who the fuck was that?" Daph screamed.
Zac winced pulling the phone away from his ear. His heart skipped a beat though. Daphne was jealous, which could only mean one thing.
"No one, baby. Just this bitch Anthea's been trying to throw on me. I miss you."
He heard her sigh into the phone, felt her melting. A smirk appeared on his lips.
"I miss you, too, Zac; listen about that night ... "
"It's alright, Daph. We'll talk about it in person," Zac whispered feeling himself melt. She missed him.
"When are you coming back to New York?" Zac asked trying to keep his cool.
"Tomorrow morning just in time to see Justin Timberlake on The Today Show ... fun, fun."
"Ugh, I hate that freak," Zac snarled.
"Yes, yes, ever since there was that rumor that something went on between us," Daphne pointed out.
"I don't know what you're -"
"Talking about," Daph finished for him, "Zac, you're the only guy I love."
"Daph, I ... I love you, too," Zac replied.
"This isn't happening," he thought as he pinched himself.
"You're so cute," Daph laughed into the phone.
"Ow," Zac mumbled to himself as he rubbed his arm.
"You okay, Zac?"
"Yeah, sorry, just pinched myself."
"Oh, um, don't ask, Daphy."
"Yeah, now, what was that skank-o-rama babbling about? What tape? You didn't ... "
"What, got drunk and sleep with her and now she's carrying a mutant child?"
"Uh, nah, that's a chapter out of Tay's life."
They laughed.
"You're cruel," Daph told him.
"Occasionally," Zac agreed, "so what's up? Why'd you call? Miss me, huh?"
"Don't sound too cocky, geeze?" Daph laughed, "Actually I was calling you because ... I don't know. Never mind, it's lame."
"Daph, no, come on. What's going on? If it's so lame, you won't mind telling me about."
"Fine, fine. There was this guy on the beach, and I think ... I think he was watching me. It's stupid, I know."
"Maybe he just recognized you."
"Thank you, Captain O ... Geeze, I don't know ... it's different than that. It gave me a weird feeling."
Zac scrunched his eyebrows together.
"Where is he now?"
"Oh, he took off when I acknowledged him. That's why ... I don't know. I'm on my way back to Will's now though and I'm on the phone with you, so I'm feeling safer," Daph told him as she threw her messenger bag into her rental.
"Good," Zac said as he eased back onto the bed, "I don't like to hear about creepy men watching you."
"Unless the creepy guy is you, right?"
"I'm not creepy; I'm devilishly handsome," Zac teased.
"Yeah," Daph said, "that you are. Anyway sweetie, I'll call you and tell you what was on the 'video.'"
"Bye, princess."
"Bye, my prince," Daph said, finishing off the convo with a kissy noise.
Zac grinned before returning the favor and hitting the 'End' button on his cell.
Fifteen minutes later Will, Love and Ashton found themselves sprawled out on the floor of Will's bedroom.
"So, Miss Hewitt," Ashton started as he edged his pants down to his hips.
He got no reply.
"Yo, sexy," he laughed as he tugged himself free.
"Love," Will exclaimed rolling over.
"Looks like you're out of luck stud," Will laughed. "Looks like she passed out."
"How the hell is that possible?" he groaned. "She was awake just a moment ago," he sighed.
"Yeah well ... you know how some girls are with alcohol," Will smirked.
"But she didn't even drink anything?" Ashton whined.
"Hush, you, come in the bathroom," Will grinned standing up.
"Oh yeah, Mr. Happy is getting' some lovin'," he laughed as he followed him.
"Shush," Will whispered as he pulled him into the bathroom.
"Don't want me wakin' up the little wife?" Ashton laughed.
"Love is not my wife," Will exclaimed with a frown.
"Well it's in all the papers, photos of you guys and stuff, some people are saying you two might get married."
"You know what my story is," Will sighed.
"I figured you were still hung up on him," Ashton replied.
"Yeah," Will muttered in reply.
"Well do you think you can forget about him long enough to help me out with this," Ashton asked as he dropped his pants and revealed himself to Will.
"I think I can manage that," Will grinned as he dropped to his knees.
"How long has it been since?" Will asked.
"Too long," Ashton groaned as Will enveloped him in his mouth.
"I swear, maybe it's because you gave me my first guy on guy blow job dude, but you suck better than anyone I know," he laughed.
"Gee, uh thanks, I think," Will laughed through a full mouth.
"Oh no, believe me that's a compliment."
"Dude, shut up, I don't want to imagine that a lot of people have been here before."
"Well, not so many guys, mostly girls, hell you suck better than most of the girls do, in fact I think it's a safe bet to say that guys suck better than girls."
"You're just now coming to that realization?"
"Well I had heard that for a while, but I guess I never really thought much about it."
"Well shut up and let me suck, I don't want my jaw aching tomorrow, and I'm ready to bust myself, so be prepared to return the favor when I'm done here," Will smirked as he went back to sucking him off.
"No problemo dude," he grinned as he sat back on the bathroom sink and closed his eyes.
"Yes," Anthea said with a smile as she let Karen into the room.
"Is Tay here?" Karen asked.
"No," Anthea replied, the smile disappearing off of her face, Why? What's wrong?"
"Daphne called Zac's cell phone."
"Yes, well, I answered the phone. See he was in the bathroom and the water was running, so I knew he wouldn't hear his cell."
"Perfect, and?"
"Everything was going great. She was majorly freaking. I told her to check her mail back at Will's."
"WHAT?! You stupid little twit now she'll know we sent the tape."
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry! It's just that ... " Karen sobbed, "I hate her so much. I am so much cuter."
"Of course, you are, honey," Anthea lied, "now is that all?"
"Um, no, you see, uh, after I hung up with her, um, I turned around and like Zac was standing right there. He heard a lot; I'm not sure how much, but I'm sure she'll fill him in with the rest of the details."
"THEA, I'M SORRY! I'll fix it, I promise!"
"No, I'll fix it. Karen, move off of him."
"Move off, Karen. I mean it."
"But, but, you said ... "
"Plans have changed ... The video is enough for now. You go and apologize to him. Tell him all you want is his friendship, if you can even get that much, and you back off ... You can move back in later, if possible. If not, you had your chance Karen and you blew it. I'll just have to send someone else in for the kill."
"And you promised to not disappoint me and you did ... "
Taylor entered the room at that moment and Anthea shut her mouth, her fake smile returning. Karen cried out, tears streaming down her face and rushed out of the room.
"What's the matter with her?" Tay asked, a bit of concern in his voice as he closed the door.
"Oh, it's just that time of month," Anthea lied, widening her smile.
Taylor felt a chill creep down his spine. Anthea hadn't smiled that big since the day they had gone in to get the marriage certificate, and he just knew something terribly wrong was about to happen.
Love yawned and sat up at the foot of the bed. She could faintly hear moaning and breathing coming from the bathroom. She stood up and tip toed to the door and peaked in.
"Oh my God," she muttered as she watched Will go down on Ashton.
Just as she was about to open the bathroom door the front door bell rang.
Grabbing a bathrobe from the bed she wrapped it around herself, the air conditioner must have been up on high, because the small dress she was wearing felt like nothing at all and had her in a state of shivers.
"I'll get the door," she called out.
"Wait," Will's muffled mouth could be heard calling out.
"Dude teeth," Ashton blurted.
Love giggled as she trotted down the stairs.
"Stop," Will called out from behind chasing her in his boxers, Ashton not far behind with his dick standing from the fly in his pants.
"Hi," Love grinned as she pulled the door open.
"Hey, I, oh my God," Daphne squeaked as Will and Ashton stumbled up behind Love.
From what Daphne could see it appeared obvious what had been going on.
"Oh, believe me, I had nothing to do with those horn dogs," Love smirked as Daph stared in shock.
"I uh," she stuttered.
"DAPHNE CATINELLI," Ashton exclaimed displaying himself proudly to her.
"Ashton, so nice to see you again, all of you," Daph said with a laugh as she pushed by him.
"You're in a better, mood," Will commented.
"Am I," Daph said shooting him a look that Will couldn't quite make out.
"Did I get any mail earlier?" she asked.
"Oh, crap, yeah, you did. One of those bubble envelopes ... a tape or something," Love informed her. "Sorry, I forgot to mention it. It kinda slipped my mind. Really weird how it came though like someone just dropped it off in the box-"
"Nice," Daphne cut her off as she walked off in search of her package.
"Yeah, cheeseburger, fries, Dr. Pepper," Zac exclaimed into the phone.
"Just put it on the room bill," he replied as he hung up.
Nothing on television, as usual Zac thought as he flipped through the channels. There was some news coverage of the award show. Tay and Anthea were supposed to attend but had decided not to. Zac didn't like it. Why would Anthea turn down a night in the public eye? He glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. In five minutes, if Daphne hadn't called, he was going to ... something wasn't right, something was up.
He pulled out Daphne's ring, feeling it with his finger, watching it glimmer in the dim light of the hotel room. Daphne ... . She'd be back tonight ... . She could come see him. Zac remembered the last time he had been with her before ... well, she had to go.
"Daphne, no. I couldn't ask you to change."
"If it would have made things easier for you I would hav ... "
"Daph, shhh ... I just want you to be yourself. I love you because you are yourself."
"I want you to be yourself too, Zac."
"That's kind of hard for me right now, unfortunately."
"Well if you could be yourself right now, what would you do?" Daphne asked, agitated.
Zac leaned in and kissed her. His hands reaching underneath her shirt, unhooking her bra. Daph pressed herself up against him. She had missed his gentle touch. Zac hid a grin as he planted a trail of kisses up and down her neck and chin. He grazed his teeth against her ear. She moaned, her head falling back. Zac closed his eyes in delight, feeling how soft her hair was against his cheek, at that moment wishing his hair was as long as it used to be. Daphne had loved his hair.
"Zac," Daph cried out, "are you-"
"I'm fine," he whispered kissing her.
"Good, 'cause ... " Daphne's voice trailed off as she pushed him onto his back.
She didn't answer as she begin to tear his clothes off of him. He yelped in surprise as she jerked his belt off. Zac felt his face grow red. Daphne looked at him.
"You make the sexiest noises," Daph whispered leaning down to graze her teeth along his bottom lip, "What other sexy noises can you make?"
Zac felt himself panting. This wasn't happening. This was like one of his fantasies, one of his dreams. He felt her hands pulling down his pants and then trailing along the waistline of his boxers. Daphne flicked her tongue out slowly licking along his bottom lip pausing at each corner of his mouth before repeating the favor to his top lip. She then kissed him deeply, her tongue moving in to massage his own. Zac felt himself rising and brushing against the soft skin of her belly. Daphne moved her lips to the spot behind his ear and then slowly moved her tongue from his spot down his collarbone and all the way across to his other ear. He felt himself twitch.
Zac groaned, pulling her shirt up over her breasts, pinching her nipples in-between his fingers. Daphne moved her head down to return the favor, only with her mouth. Zac yelped again as she licked the outer ridges of each nipple circling in toward the center. She took his nipple in her mouth gently nipping and tonguing it before she backed away and blew some cool air onto his moist skin. A chill ran down Zac's spine causing him to arch his back. He felt her smile into his chest as he trailed his hands down. He wanted to finger her, to hear her moan his name again. She caught one of his hands and brought it to her mouth flicking her tongue from left to right against his palm. She then begin to slowly suck each one of his fingers, tickling the soft skin between his fingers with her tongue before moving back up to slowly scrape each fingertip with her teeth.
"Daph, where, what, why? ... Oh God! I want to ... "
"Ssshhh, Zac," Daph whispered as she pulled his other hand up as well, "this is all about pleasing you."
"Daph, you do," Zac groaned as he felt her moving down to his stomach. His back arched again. His mind was racing. Zac wanted to feel her lips surrounding him, but he was afraid to ask. He didn't want to freak her out, make her feel like she had to, but her sweet lips and tongue weren't helping him keep his cool. Daphne's tongue dipped into his belly button before continuing its voyage south. He felt her kissing along the waistband of his boxers from one hip to the other before her fingertips dipped in and slowly began to pull his boxers down. He breathed in. This wasn't happening.
Daphne was trying not to freak out as she gripped him and slightly squeezed. "Don't screw up," her mind screamed as she began to trace her fingernails from the middle of his inner thigh to the fold ... Daphne felt her hand pause. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"You can do this," she told herself, "you will not suck, er, um, be bad at sucking."
Daphne bit her bottom lip holding back a giggle.
"That's the last thing he needs to hear while you're holding him," her mind scolded her.
Daphne bent her head down and blew some air onto his head. She then flicked her tongue against the tip, teasingly. She stared up at him to see that he was watching her. Daphne smiled as she felt this rush of power surge through her body. Zac was laying there vulnerable. He was letting her in ...
Zac watched as Daphne backed away for two seconds and whispered, "Don't thrust."
"I'll try," Zac replied, as he watched Daphne start to deep throat him. He started to hyperventilate. He squeezed his eyes shut, desperately wanting to remember how it felt, but then he tore his eyes open and watched her head bobbing up and down in his lap, wanting to remember how she looked. Their eyes locked. Her mouth was amazing. He heard someone mumbling and realized it was himself, giving Daph directions.
"Daph," he cried as he felt himself growing closer, "I'm gonna ... I ... ."
Daphne eased up a bit and whispered, her lips brushing against his head, "Do you want to come in my mouth or on my face?"
"What? Wha -" Zac stuttered, " ... I don't care ... what - ever ... you ... want ... "
Daphne brought him back into her mouth, and Zac cursed as he released into her mouth.
The rest was like a pleasant blur as Daphne swallowed and began to help him clean himself off and get half-dressed. The kisses they exchanged were the sweetest they had ever experienced together, and Zac remembered how Daphne brushed away the tears that were cascading down his face.
"Oh, baby, I didn't ... was I awful?"
"Daphy, no, Daphne, you were amazing, more than amazing ... words can't describe how perfect that was ... "
And the look on her face when she asked ...
"Okay ... want to do it again? This time you can come on my face ... you know mark your territory ... "
"Huh? How did you know that I thought that?"
"Sssshhhh," Daph whispered as she began to move down again.
Zac had never gotten that hard again so fast. That time was better ... . Zac closed his eyes and noticed he was grabbing at himself, squeezing harder and harder.
Zac and Daphne panted laying beside each other in shock. Neither of them knowing what to say. The windows of the van were all completely fogged.
"Daph -"
"Zac -"
"That was -" Zac began.
"Intense," Daph finished.
"Definitely, uh, Daphy, I - I never thought that you'd -"
"Did I do something wrong?" Daph asked.
"No, but I had called you because I had wa-want-ed to, no, I had, have to tell you something ... "
"I'm listening," Daph whispered.
"I can't say it, er, ask it. It's," Zac trailed off.
"What? It's what?" Daphne pried.
Zac's eyes shot open. "Fuck," he growled as he went soft. He brought his hands up to cover his eyes, trying to suppress all of the feelings racing through his body.
"It's better now; it's better now," he repeated over and over to himself, but a voice in the back of his mind screamed, "It's about to get worse."
Daphne stared down at the videotape in her hands and pushed it into the VCR.
"Zac on a train," she said stating the obvious out-loud, "great ... hmm, he does look really hot though ... . no sound though ... ."
Daphne felt her body stiffen as Karen came into view.
"Back off, bitch," Daph snarled at the television, "Yeah, that's right, baby, move away from that hair flipping beast ... .OH NO, YOU DID NOT TOUCH THE HAIR! AH! HIT HER! ... HA! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! ... NO, eww ... don't touch his leg ... I do that ... ew, no ... Don't! - OH, YOU ARE ASKING TO LOSE THAT HAND!"
Will, Love, and Ashton all crept in the room that moment.
"Daph," Will asked, "who are you ... "
He froze, his eyes glued to the television set as Karen placed her hand on Zac's cheek before moving in.
"Are they ... " Love whispered.
Daphne's hand went up to cover her mouth as she saw Kare slip her tongue into Zac's mouth. The tape cut off.
"Daphne?" Will gasped wrapping his arm around her.
"Stop it," Daph said pushing him off, "I'm alright. That's just ... " She fought back tears.
"Whatever? I'm okay. I just need ... I need to get some air, make a few phone calls ... "
Daphne got up and walked out of the room, closing the door. She shut her eyes, but quickly opened them. The image of Karen and Zac frenching etched into her eyelids. She couldn't breathe.
Will opened the door and reached out just in time to catch her.
"Daph, Daphne," he cried as Love, Ash and him desperately tried to wake her back up.
On to Chapter Eight
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