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"Journey into Obilivion" by Taylor Quest Chapter Eight Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Seven On to Chapter Nine Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Incomplete Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Shiye woke up as she felt little hands on her face.
"What? Oww," she said sitting up. Her vision cleared a bit and she saw Ike sitting on the bed with Caleb.
"Isaac, oh God, I feel ... oww ... "
"Hangovers rock," Ike said with a laugh.
"Oh, no. Please don't ... don't laugh ... you're making it worse," Shiye told him.
Shiye laughed a little as she noticed the look on Ike's face.
"Oh, sweetie, no. I love your laugh. It's just ... "
"Ow," Isaac said with a nod as he placed a cool wash cloth against her head.
"I'm alright! Christ get off of me," Daphne growled as she moved away from Ashton, Love, and Will.
"Daph, you passed out! You need to come lay down for a minute or two," Will told her trying to bring her into his arms.
"No," Daph cried, "I just need my cell phone."
"Here," Love whispered handing her the cell phone that had gone skidding across the floor when she fell.
Tears clouded Daph's eyes as she stared down at the blurry screen.
"Fuck," she mumbled wiping her eyes. She held the phone out to Will.
"Call him, please."
Will shook his head. "Daphne, not now ... calm down first."
"I AM CALM! ... I am calm. Please ... Will, please for me ... if you love me, you'll call him."
"Oh, Daph, I do," Will whispered bringing her into his arms. He motioned for Love and Ashton to leave them alone for a while. "Shhhh, Daph, hey, it's alright. We're all alone now, and I promise as soon as you stop crying, I'll call, alright?"
"Great," Daph said sarcastically, "by that time I'll have the ability to dial for myself."
Will pushed the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. Daphne pouted and sighed.
"What?" Will asked, attempting to tickle her side.
"I'm not ticklish," Daph muttered pushing his hand away.
"Oh, I forgot," Will said with a smile, "of course you aren't."
"I'm not. Stop thinking I am," she whispered. "Will?"
"You wouldn't fool around with me because of Love, but you fooled around with Ashton, didn't you?"
"Daph," Will sighed, "it's not like that."
"Zac, God, he's supposed to love me, but how can I believe him? They probably really are dating, aren't they? All the rumors about their engagement, true, huh?"
"Did shit head tell you they were married?"
"No, he laughed and said Zac wouldn't touch Karen with a twenty foot pole, but I see he was wrong about that."
"I'm sure Zac has an explanation," Will comforted her.
"Oh, yeah, I know, but I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the twenty feet thing .... although Zac's pretty big, he's not that big."
"DAPHNE," Will gasped.
"What? I'm still a virgin ... but I've seen it ... hell, I damn well measured it with my mouth."
Will's mouth dropped open slightly, "You did not!"
"Oh yes, I did, and I did very well thank you. So much for Tay and you telling me that guys give better head ... "
"You're not like most girls," Will said with a laugh.
"Yeah, well most girls weren't raised with boys and most girls don't ... " she shrugged, "a lot of my friends said they don't enjoy it ... "
"And you liked it?" Will pried.
"I loved it," Daph said looking back into his eyes. Will was about to tease her before he noticed the tears in eyes resurfacing.
"I love him, Will. God, I love him ... but I don't know. I'm so scared, Will. I'm so scared. Think of the kind of guys I've been around in my life ... and I don't mean you ... I mean I've had tons of guy friends some great, some okay, some pretty awful. Out of all of them though you're one of the only ones that matter ... I mean do you know what it's like every time I go into a store and see a 'Daddy's Little Girl' t-shirt? Do you know what it's like when someone tells me, 'Your dad seems so nice.' Do you know what it's like to have to hold your mother when she's crying because he just beat the crap out of her or because he's out screwing some whore? Do you know what it's like to dread every Christmas and every holiday dinner and every vacation you have to spend with him because you know it's going to end up with you in a pile on the floor? And do you know what it's like to have every person you've ever been romantic with screw you over? Michael told me he hated me and that he was only using me because of the band. He was my first real boyfriend. Every other guy, fuck, one of them cared about getting high more than me. Then of course there was Derrick ... "
"Just tell me where that asshole is Daph, and I'll take care of him ... " Will snapped feeling the anger in him rise.
"I won't ever tell anyone where he is again. In fact I don't even for sure know. My guess is that he's still somewhere in New York, but that's all I know."
"You know his last name?"
"I don't ever want to say his last name again ... I'm just sick of tired of people getting in my way. I want this over with, and over with now. Hand me my cell phone."
Will handed Daph her cell and watched as she dialed her Uncle Vito.
"Daph," Will whispered, but she placed her hand up to his lips.
"Uncle Vito, it's Daphne. Yes, I know it's been a long time, I need a favor."
Will sat back in shock as he heard the words leaving her mouth. As the sun rose and golden light crept across the ocean and began to shine in through the French doors Will realized that all the jokes and stories he had heard Daphne talk about concerning her New York Italian family weren't exactly jokes.
There was a knock at the door. Zac hauled himself out of his bed and was surprised when he opened the door to find Taylor.
"She let out the leash a bit I see," Zac mumbled as he closed the door behind Tay.
"Something's wrong, Zac," Tay whispered sitting down on the bed.
"What, Tay? What's wrong? Lost your eyeliner?"
"Seriously, Zac. I think Anthea and Karen are up to something."
"Yeah, that stupid bitch is trying to get her stupid mindless bitch into my pants," Zac growled, "but I told her where she could go."
"Zac, I don't know. I just don't feel so good."
"Taylor, if you've come here to make sure I don't end up like you, then you've wasted your time. I'm going to be with Daphne, who I love, not some bitch who was good for a fuck if you even can consider Anthea good for that," Zac said, disgusted, "dude, what the hell were you even thinking?"
"I was - Zac, this isn't about me. Just please be careful ... "
"Did you ... just ... " Will didn't know what to say.
"Do what?The bitch has messed with ... " Daphne took a deep breathe, "she's simply going to get what she deserves."
"And what's that?"
"Some new shoes and a trip to the Hudson where she'll learn what it's like to go fishing from the bait's point of view," Daph snapped.
"Oh my God," Will gasped covering his mouth.
"I mean I knew you had connections, and all those jokes you've made in the years I've known you about giving a person new shoes, but," Will mumbled.
"And now I'm calling Zac for an explanation. Followed by a lovely call to my band mates up in New York to tell them that I'm coming home ... "
Zac stared down at his cell phone.
"Tay, I have to take this. It's Daphne."
"Hey," Zac said with a smile.
"You fuckin' bastard. What the hell were you doing tonguing with that stupid bitch!!!"
"Huh, Daph?"
"On a train! We made out on a train! You made out with that bitch in a New York train! NEW YORK," Daph ranted.
Zac felt the smile melt away.
"Daphy, it's not what you-"
"It's never what I think, is it, Zac? You know screw you. We are not on; we are not back together. We're off, hell, we're more than off - we're over. So why don't you go and screw that flat-chested, hair flipping slut while you still have the chance," Daph said as she ended the call.
Zac breathed in and out slowly as he lowered the phone. Tay bit his lower lip.
"She was loud," Tay whispered.
"Yeah, fuck," Zac growled.
"Tay, what time does Daph's flight come in?"
"Oh, I can't tell you that if you don't-"
"Cut the manager/client privacy bullshit. I'm not some idiotic obsessive fan. Tell me."
"She should be getting ready to go to the airport now ... Her flight leaves in four hours."
"Later," Zac said standing up, "if mom or dad ask, I went to go see a Jazz concert."
"What? Zac, no, don't-" Tay sputtered in vain as Zac grabbed his keys and a few of his things and took off.
"That was Daphne," Cristin said entering the room, "Zac made out with that chick that's Anthea's friend."
"Really," Amber said amused, "this helps my plan ... "
Before Cristin could say anything, her cell phone rang again.
"It's ... Zac," Cristin whispered confused.
"Hey, Cris. It's Zac. Is it okay if I come over and-"
Amber jerked the cell phone out of Cristin's hand.
"Hey, Zac! It's Amber. You should come over, boy. You need to talk to Daphne the minute she comes back. See you soon! Bye!"
Amber hit the 'End' button and smiled.
"This helps my plan ... "
Tears ran down Cristin's face.
"Ambs, are you sure we should be doing this? I don't think I can ... "
"Don't try to ruin this for me, sweetie ... unless you want everyone to know what a little lezzie you are ... " Amber hissed in Cris' ear, before walking out of the room.
"Gosh, I hope you don't ever call me wanting an explanation," Will frowned.
"What?" Daph snapped turning towards him.
"You didn't even let him get a word in edgewise," Will exclaimed with a blank face.
"Why should I?" She growled. "Seriously, you know him. He can think up an excuse for anything in a heartbeat, unlike his brother, he doesn't stand there stuttering looking like a dumbass."
Even though he was upset with Taylor, and Daphne was right Will didn't like hearing her make a snide comment about him.
"Come on Daph, lay off," Will sighed.
"Lay off, what the hell? Will one second I'm not allowed to mention Taylor, the next you're standing up for him what's your problem?"
"Ok, fine, you're right, Zac is an arrogant little asshole with what appears to be a plan to break your heart because he's a fucking player who just wants pussy," the words shot out of his mouth faster than he realized as he watched the expression on Daph's face change.
"See how much it hurts hearing someone say that?" Will asked.
"See how, even though you're so angry with him, when me, your best friend makes a negative comment about him, it upsets you?"
Daph nodded and looked down.
"I may really dislike Taylor right now. I may be really upset with him and be totally hurt by everything that has happened, but I still love him. Even though he never gave me any reasons, or any explanation or anything at all to make up for, or even try to make up for hurting me, and destroying something we struggled for so long to hold on to," he grew quiet.
"We still love them," Daph whispered.
"Exactly," Will swallowed hard as a tear squeezed out of his eyes.
"Why is all of this happening?" Daph cried quietly onto his shoulder.
"I don't know, truly babe, I have no idea. I just know that everything happens for a reason," Will sighed.
"Oh fuck that, there is no reason that Karen and Zac made out on the train," she almost hissed.
"Well how long did the kiss last?" Will asked.
"Oh yuck," she groaned thinking back.
"Looks to me it cut off before the kiss even finished, which, if I remember correctly only lasted about three seconds or less."
"What are you getting at?" she asked with a tired expression.
"The fact that the tape showed, what a total of two minutes of footage of Zac looking depressed, Karen beside him acting like, well like a whore, and then a kiss that was cut off after just two seconds?" Will exclaimed.
Daph looked at him with sincere concern as to what he was saying.
"Haven't you asked yourself why the tape didn't go longer?"
"No," she muttered. "I just figured the person filming it threw up or something."
Will snickered.
"Well, I think it's a safe bet to say that Zac was set up, seriously think about everything I just said, don't you think that if there had been a longer kiss you would have seen it?"
Daph stared at him the expression on her face becoming hard to read.
"Don't you think if anything really substantial had happened that would have been on the tape too?"
Daph's face was an ever changing picture of expressions.
"Sure ok, it's sick to see Karen's tongue," he tried to say before Daph cut him off.
"Oh shut up, yuck yuck ok ok I get it, yeah," she fanned the air at him.
"He probably shoved her off of him just after the tape stopped."
Daph looked at him again with a stubborn look on her face.
"And why are you making that face?" Will smirked.
"Shut up," she almost laughed.
"You're making that face because you know that I'm right. You know how much Zac can't stand girls who throw themselves on him," Will grinned.
"Ok, fine you've made your point," she sighed.
"And that was?" he pried.
"That this merits more investigation," she sighed.
"And?" he asked.
"And what?" she snapped.
Will stared at her blankly.
"Ok fine, and I give Zac a chance to really explain what happened," she grunted.
"Oh shut up, you know you love watching him squirm," Will grinned.
Daphne smiled softly.
"Yeah, he squirms like ... " she trailed off.
Will smiled. Seeing that this catastrophe might have been narrowly avoided, all because of his reasoning made him feel just a little bit better.
"Oh, by the way," he exclaimed drawing Daphne back from her inner thoughts.
"If I ever piss you off, promise me you won't get me fitted for cement shoes," he smirked.
Daphne started laughing then stopped all together.
"Do you think he took me seriously?"
"Uncle Vito?" Will asked.
Daph nodded biting her lip.
"Well you did sound pretty upset," Will winced.
"Ah what the hell? What I don't know won't hurt me," she shrugged.
"And what about Karen?" he asked.
"What about her? She fucked with the wrong bitch," Daph exclaimed standing up.
Will rubbed the goose bumps down on his arms.
"Sometimes you really scare me," he laughed nervously.
"You've got nothing to worry about," she smiled kissing him on the mouth.
Will's eyes remained open caught off guard.
"Was that your tongue?" he gasped as she pulled back.
"Yeah, so?" she grinned.
"Oh lord," he moaned shaking his head.
"No more, please, I can't handle this," he laughed.
"Hey, it was a friendly kiss," she smirked.
"Yeah, but none of my other friends kiss like that."
"Um, let's not forget Ashton," she smiled brightly.
"Yeah, obviously," Will laughed.
"Do you mind if I play the devil's advocate for a moment," he asked.
"Um, ok," she replied stopping to pay attention to him.
"So, Zac can't kiss anyone, but you can?"
Daphne paused and a look of deep thought washed over her face.
"Well, see there's a difference between you and I, and Zac and Karen," she started.
"Which is?"
"Well, first off we have history and secondly, you're not some hair-flipping flat-chested bitch," she giggled.
"Yeah, I know," he laughed.
"The main thing is, you're not trying to get into my pants, and we are friends. That's all. I mean I think if there was never a chance with Zac and Tay and you were never getting back together perhaps it'd be diff," she started as Will cut her off.
"Babe, if you seriously think me and Tay can get back together now, especially now that he's married, then I'd like whatever drug you're on."
"Hush, it's possible. Anyways, the situation between you and I is a lot different than the one between Zac and Karen," she reasoned.
"We're not getting together, is that why?"
"Yeah, I guess that's one of the reasons why, besides the fact that one, you're a great kisser, and secondly I love the reaction it gets out of you because you never seem to accept it," she smiled.
"I see," he grinned.
"Good enough?" she asked.
"Yeah, I suppose."
Tay fell back against the pillows on Zac's bed. Thinking about Daphne ultimately led to thoughts of Will. He rolled over and buried his face in the pillow. Being alone in a bed was better than being in a bed with Anthea. He swallowed hard trying to hold back tears. His hand dropped down along side the bed and bumped one of Zac's bags. Sliding down to look, he saw it was his junk bag. After opening it and sifting through numerous items he came across the pictures he was looking for. Pictures Zac had of Daphne, Will, all three of them together. He gasped slightly as he caught sight of one lone photo of Will and him hugging, both smiling at the camera. He swallowed as a tear dropped from his left eye. The photo, he remembered when it was taken.
"Hey guys, smile," Zac blurted suddenly as they slowly pulled apart from their kiss.
"Zac, come on," Tay laughed groaning.
"Come on a photo of the two love nerds, I've got just one more shot left to finish the roll," Zac grinned as Will rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Fine fine," Will smirked wrapping his arms around Tay grinning.
Zac snapped the picture and then mocked the two of them.
"Aww how sweet," he laughed before he walked back up to the front of the bus.
Tay sat back and sighed quietly.
"You ok?" Will asked.
"Yeah, I'm great," Tay replied.
Before Tay knew what was happening Will had taken him into his arms again and began to lightly trail his fingertips over his jaw line up towards his ear lobe. Tay's body shivered as it always did when he felt Will's touch on those soft delicate areas.
"Still gets to you eh?" Will whispered quietly.
"You have a magic touch," Tay sighed as he pressed the side of his head against Will's palm.>
A tear squeezed from his eye. Remembering that moment pulled a well of emotions back up in him. Remembering how Will's hand felt, the touch of his skin, the feeling of his eyes looking at him. He asked himself over and over how he had let himself get into the situation at hand. Would Will ever take him back now? Would they ever be together again? Those among so many other questions he had numerously found himself asking the silence around him. The answers never came, the questions always remained with a painful loneliness.
For what felt like so long now, Taylor had been on the verge of depression. Life with Anthea was difficult. Even when she had the ability, and used it to be nice, she still reeked of evil. He thought back to so many years before, when he had actually dated her, during their original relationship. She had actually been a sweeter girl. Moments in their past, he had felt comfortable with her. He had actually enjoyed the time they spent together.
Those times had long since gone. Now every morning he dreaded the day ahead. Having to fake his happiness. Having lost nearly all his friends, with no one to truly confide in, Taylor knew he was on the verge of a breakdown. No one would ever understand why, how and what exactly had happened between them. It wasn't like he was even able to explain anything. It was hard enough putting up with his parents, whom he felt like he didn't even know anymore. The things they had done, he didn't even think were possible. The fact that they had gone out of their way to put him and Anthea together still boggled his mind. Simply because the good Hanson name was put into jeopardy because of him accidentally sleeping with her.
That night rushed back into his mind. Even now, so many months past, he still couldn't totally remember what had happened. He did remember going to her house. He did remember some of how she came onto him. But beyond that it was a blur. The only thing that was burned into his memory was waking up in her bed, in her room. The sound of her shower running, being naked in her bed.
Nausea crept back into his stomach. His head throbbed. He tried to push the thoughts out of his mind. It was beyond changing what had happened. He couldn't make that night go away. The baby on the way was proof that he had fucked up. Whether or not he was drunk, stoned or whatever he had been doing, it wasn't an excuse. He knew that now. Since then, thoughts of being honest, true and respectful had left his mind. Thoughts of rebelling, fighting back and making things better were impossible. To keep the façade up, he had to play along. He had to pretend he was happy, that he had willingly been a part of the act that brought his life down around his neck.
It was evident to him that the only way out would be to bring his image, his reputation and his name down in flames. He knew, as much as Daphne hated the idea, that an affair with Mandy Moore was what it would take to get him out of the situation he was in. He already had wrecked his credibility by getting Anthea pregnant. Before that, his public relationship with Will. How could an affair be any worse?
He laughed quietly to himself as he thought about how all of their fans and admirers, once he had married Anthea, seemed to have nearly forgotten his life with Will. He had gone from gay to straight in just one ceremony. No matter how fake or staged it had been, it had done the trick. The entire fiasco was worthy of something only Jammer could have concocted.
Tay sat up in bed. His head rushing, a tingling sensation rushing over his body.
"Jammer," he muttered.
"Right, whatever Tay," he sighed out loud flopping back into the pillows.
The idea was ridiculous. Jammer had been missing in action since the MAST incident. No one had any clue where he was, or how to reach him. He had pulled a flawless disappearing act. Escaped, unpunished for what he did to them. The entire ordeal upset him still. The fact that someone could do such things to them, and get away with it. It almost seemed as if the government had let him get away, more than ready to destroy and conceal their mistakes in security. More than ready to hide the fact that they had even created a device of that kind. It appeared more important to make themselves look clean than it did to start a full investigation on the whereabouts of the person responsible for the entire ordeal.
He clenched his teeth. Still, he felt that it wasn't over. Jammer, in all his years with them had been relentless. Demanding compliance from his brothers and his parents. The idea that he would slip out of the game and give up in a manner of speaking was out of character for him. Taylor shivered again, the idea that Jammer was back, somehow at fault or a part of this entire mess with Anthea didn't even seem unrealistic.
"Stop searching for an scape goat," Taylor thought to himself.
Tay closed his eyes and tried for a nap, at least in Zac's room he would be able to find some peace. Anthea wouldn't bother him here. He took the photo of him and Will and held it against his chest. It was the last visual image he had, mysteriously all of the other photos had slowly turned up missing. He clutched it against his chest and closed his eyes, lifting it now and then to look at the photo again. Slowly he felt himself drifting into sleep, the only place he could find where Will would sometimes be waiting for him. In that sleepy hazy place between deep sleep and awake. Maybe Will would be there waiting for him, maybe not. All he knew was, Anthea wouldn't be there, pain wouldn't be there. He closed his eyes and nodded off.
"Was that Daphne?" Vinnie asked as he sat down at Vito Catinelli's desk.
"Yeah, little Gracie called me up, seems she's really upset by a little tart that's moving in on her man," Vito exclaimed as he flipped through a ledger on his desk.
"The Hanson boy?"
"Yeah, you know she's been smitten with him for years."
"Didn't they get together?"
"Yeah, but for some reason they always seem to be splitting up," Vito continued to scribble.
"So, what's the matter this time?"
"Vin, she's the image of her mother. I just realized it now after she hung up. Her mother is a tough woman, she can take shit off of a lot of people, but she gets a tone in her voice when she's dead serious," Vito explained closing the book.
"What was Gracie dead serious about? Her territory is being breached by a little hussy named Karen Tussler."
"She wants her rubbed out?" Vinnie asked bluntly.
"Vincent, dear cousin you know we don't speak like that anymore," he frowned.
"Then what?"
"Let's just say Miss Tussler is to be fitted with some new shoes and taken for a ride," he sighed.
"How old is this Tussler?"
"Same age as Gracie or a year younger."
"That's young ... "
"Yes, I'm aware but Gracie is upset, very upset, and no one upsets my Gracie," he replied.
"Do you want me and Angelo to take care of it?" he asked.
"Yes, we owe Gracie; keep it quiet, clean and don't leave anything behind, here are her details," he exclaimed as he slid a slip of paper over that he had written on while talking to Daphne.
"Sure thing."
"We'll have a picture of her in about five minutes or so. Gracie's emailing it to us," Vito exclaimed as he pulled out his laptop.
"Not a problem."
"Listen, I'll call you when I get up to New York, I'll let you know everything that's going on," Daph exclaimed with a hug as she headed out the front door.
"Oh, also," she started but was interrupted by a loud groan from upstairs.
"Oh my God," she smirked covering her mouth.
"Looks like Ashton finally got what he wanted," Will rolled his eyes.
"By the way, is there something going on between you two?" Daph asked as they walked out to her car.
"No," Will exclaimed flatly.
"So you're just fuck buddies?"
"Not really even that much. I hardly ever see him, and it seems he's only interested in sex."
"And Love?"
"I'm not even sure, sometimes I wonder if the chemistry between us began based on the fictional one we played in the movie," Will sighed.
"You should find out before you two do anything really, serious," she almost whispered.
"I know, you know I've always liked her," Will began.
"I know, but it's not fair to her, you have to know where you are in your emotions for her before you two really do anything drastic, if you haven't already."
"I plan to, you know my heart is with Taylor, as much as I can't stand him right now," he trailed off.
"I know babe," she whispered as she kissed him on the cheek.
"I gotta split, I'll call you," she smiled.
Will watched as her car pulled out of the driveway.
"Ok," he sighed as he went back in. Somehow this new home wasn't helping him forget anything about the past.
He ran up the stairs and walked into the bedroom to see Ashton going down on Love.
"Nice," he muttered.
"Will," Love half moaned half called.
"Looks like one big orgy, only this time, I'm not in the mood," Will muttered as he walked into the bathroom.
"Dude," Ashton called out as Will stopped to turn around.
"Wanna take my back door," he grinned.
"No thanks," Will replied flatly causing Ashton's grin to fall.
"Stop, Ashton please," Love struggled to push him off of her.
"Will?" she exclaimed rushing up to the bathroom door as it closed.
"Why don't you guys go on down and get breakfast or something?"
Love stared at the door and frowned.
Will sat down and put his head in his hands. Right now, all he could think about was Taylor.
Karen wiped her nose as she sat in the cab waiting at the stop light. Anthea had made her stay in a crappy motel. She had wanted to stay in the same as the rest of them but Anthea wouldn't hear of it.
"Her and her fucking plans," Karen grumbled to herself.
The cab rolled away from the stop light and continued towards her motel. She thought about Zac, and how nice his kiss was, forced and off guard, sure but it still was nice. She curled her lip at the thought that Daphne Catinelli had also kissed him, and only God knows what else. Hopefully the video tape did the trick, she wasn't sure. The only thing she did know was that she wanted him and she didn't care how she had to go about getting him. Even though Anthea told her to back off she wasn't planning too. She was more interested in landing Zac, even if it was only a drunk one night stand. Hell, that much worked for Anthea.
"Hell maybe he can get me pregnant, then we'll all be set," she grinned to herself.
Karen got out of the cab and stopped short as a black van pulled up behind her where the cab had been.
"What?" she muttered as two large men stepped out of the door and pulled her in. The van doors closed quietly and pulled away. No one in sight noticed the abduction.
On to Chapter Nine
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