Taylor Quest Book 6 Journey into Obilivion    "Journey into Obilivion"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Nine
Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Journey into Obilivion by Taylor Quest
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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Cristin watched as Amber came out of her room in a black see-through shirt with a black bra underneath it.

"Why even bother?" Cristin snapped pointing at Amber's flat chest, "hoping the bra will add cleavage?"

"Oh, oh, oh," Amber replied mimicking the way Cristin sounded when she was coming. "Oh yea, that's it. Oh, eat me! Eat me! DON'T STOP! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH, YES, YES!"

Cristin felt her face grow red as Amber broke out into laughter.

"At least my boobs don't sag, Cristin. Now I have to go check on a few things before Zac comes over," Amber told her as she fixed her black tight micro-mini.

"Can you see my ass, Cris?"

"Um, what ass?" Cristin snapped.

"The one you smacked when we ... " Amber trailed off.

"Screw you," Cristin growled.

"Been there, done ya - got a video," Amber hissed as she walked off.

Cristin growled and kicked the wall.

"Ow," she cried out grabbing her foot.

She glanced around; Amber had virtually disappeared now. Cristin wondered what more she had to do. She got up and followed her, making sure Amber didn't notice her.

Amber, of course, didn't. Off in her own little world of how soon she'd be eating out Daphne Catinelli soon, getting to feel her perky chest underneath her fingertips.

"Mmm ... " Amber moaned as she moved a giant wall tapestry.

Cristin's eyes grew wide as she noticed the door behind it. "What in the hell?" her mind screamed as Amber entered the hidden room.

Cristin backed away. She had to occupy herself for a while, wait until Zac was over ... then, then ... she could see what Amber was hiding behind that hidden door.


"Niles," Shiye said as she smiled into the mouthpiece of her phone, "It's so good to hear from you."

"Hey, Shiye," he replied in that sexy little voice of his, "Am I going to get to see you today?"

Shiye glanced around the hotel room. Isaac had gone out on a tour of Central Park. She had faked an upset stomach just so she'd be available when Niles called, if he called, which he did ...

"What am I doing?" Shiye whispered.

"Huh? Shi, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Shiye lied, "Never been better, so yeah let's get together ... Now would be great. I'll meet you ... "

"The lobby of your hotel, fifteen minutes ... "

Shiye smiled and replied, "Alright. I'll try to make it in time."

"I appreciate it," he said with a laugh.


Daphne sighed as she flipped through a magazine on the plane. She stopped to read an article about her band. She groaned as the article focused more on their looks than their talent.

"Freezer Burn, the hottest girl band in the music world - blech!"

Daph closed the magazine and stared down at her watch. Ugh, this sucked. She wished at that moment that someone she knew was with her. Maybe it would take her mind off the prying eyes of those that not only recognized her, but wanted to evaluate her, memorize her ...

"See if I'm a bitch," Daph whispered out loud, a smile forming on her lips.

She leaned her head back then, closing her eyes. If anything, she was going to attempt to get some sleep before she got back home and wouldn't be able to ...

A few seats behind her, he sat smiling.

"Still hate to be alone, huh, Daphne?" he mumbled.

He wanted to go and sit next to her so bad. There was an empty seat right beside her. Why couldn't he? Perhaps she'd be happy to see him. Hell at this moment when she was all alone, it'd be the easiest for him to get her to be happy to see him. He bit his bottom lip. It was because that brain dead sister of his wouldn't let him be in Daphne's world at the moment, but he had waited so long ... He wanted to feel her, smell her, kiss her ... He shifted in his seat and crossed his leg to hide the erection that was forming. His thoughts quickly shifted to Ron and he felt himself frown. Because of Ron he had been forced to become his sister's slave, and he had lost all hope until Zac had called him and asked him for a favor. A favor that would give him Daphne, Zac's most priceless possession ... Of course, Anthea then had to find out about Will and Taylor and go all Mega-Bitch on everyone trying to think of a plan to get Tay back. That's when that creepy old man came into their lives.

"I want to bring them down as much as you do, if not more," the old man had told them.

Anthea's brother shifted in his seat. Zac had been a friend to him, kinda. Now because of all this, well Zac hadn't spoken to him since the wedding. And he knew Zac blamed himself partly for getting Anthea back into Tay's business.


Will got out of the shower and dried himself off. The idea of having to go back in and face Love and Ashton wasn't one he was looking forward to. Right now, all he wanted was to be alone. The thought actually felt warm and fuzzy. No one to face, no one to ask questions. Hell, the idea of wallowing in his depression over Taylor seemed almost comforting. With someone else around, he'd have to put up a façade. Fake being happy and pretend nothing was wrong. Even if they were aware of his past, he still was expected to be 'happy.' He had to do that enough in his public life as it was, now having to continue the charade in private was becoming almost too much for him.

"Hey dude," Ashton exclaimed as Will walked into the bedroom.

Ashton lay on his back with the thin soft sheet pulled up to his waist. Clearly his knees were bent, feet flat on the bed under the sheet.

"Hey," Will muttered.

"Guess what I've got," he grinned.

"What's that?" Will sighed as he turned and began to dig through the top drawer of his dresser.

There was no reply, simply the sound of cloth being thrown to the side.

Will glanced over his shoulder to see Ashton's legs spread with one of the largest dildos he had ever seen plunged entirely into the depths of his ass.

"Gee, that's not something you see every day," Will cracked trying to ignore the spark of sexual attraction that tried to flame up inside himself.

"Want to replace it with yourself?" Ashton asked.

"Where did Love go?" Will replied ignoring the question.

"Downstairs, she tried going down on me but I can't come unless I get a good backdoor pounding at the same time."

"Right," Will replied as he continued to get dressed.

"Come on over," he grinned as he gave the dildo a solid long tug, a loud wet pop catching Will's attention.

"Dude, I'm not even half that big, and from where I'm standing, I don't think you'd feel me in there," he exclaimed as he eyed Ashton's massively stretched opening.

"Aww man come on," Ashton started as he saw the look on Will's face.

"Sorry," he muttered as he shoved it all the way back in until nothing was visible, stood and put his pants on.

Will felt his eyes grow wide momentarily as he realized Ashton was going to go about as usual with it stuffed inside himself.

"You know if you get used to something that gigantic all the way in there, no guy is going to be able to satisfy you," Will replied flatly as he pulled on his low rise jeans.

"Yeah, well other than you, there aren't many guys offering," he replied just as cold as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Ever stopped to consider that you're not really giving many guys a chance with the totally 'straight' image you portray?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Means that you're always with Demi and when you're not you keep up such a butch exterior and always are so macho, no guy, bi straight or gay is going to give you the time of day. Especially if you come across as the kind that would kick their ass if they hit on you."

"Listen, you don't need to lecture me about my image. You of all people know what an image can do to your career. Fuck, if you're lil queer had bigger balls you two would probably still be together."

Ashton gasped when he realized exactly what he had said. The look on Will's face changed like pulling off a mask.

"If you were anyone else, I would kill you where you stand," Will growled.

Ashton laughed nervously

"I'm going to be nice, I'm going to be polite, when I tell you now to get your gay ass out of my house. You are only allowed back one more time, for the party on Friday. After that I don't want to see you again, no one talks about Taylor like that."

Ashton stared in shock.

"Dude, I totally didn't mean it like that, I just," Ashton started.

"Get out now, before I yank that log of a dildo out of your ass and beat you with it," Will snapped as he stepped forward.

Ashton rushed out of the room. Moments later he heard the front door slam shut.

Will flopped down on the bed and began to sob.


Isaac stopped and stared up at the large fountain in Central Park. It was a beautiful day and he enjoyed being able to take Caleb out for once without getting bothered. That was the beauty of New York City, so many people and half of them were too busy or too wrapped up in themselves to give a damn about who you were. Isaac sat down, pulling Caleb into his arms. Caleb squealed a bit and reached up to attempt to grab Ike's nose. Isaac laughed and kissed Caleb on the cheek.

"Did I ever tell you how your mom and I met, Caleb?"

Isaac looked into the eyes of his baby boy.

"No? Well then ... let me tell you ... Zac, your grandparents, and I were in New York City and I decided I wanted to get out, do something that other guys my age were doing. So, after thinking about what the city offered I decided to go to a club. I had no idea which one, so I just got a taxi and told the driver to bring me to a club, any club. I told him I just wanted to have fun. So he tells me he has the perfect place and he even knows the bouncer, so I could get in right away. Well, I get to the club and sure enough, I skip the line, but it sucks. So I'm standing around by the stairs leading out to the door and all these people are staring. That's when I noticed this stairway and I decide to see where it leads. Why not, right? Well it turns out that it led to this VIP area and lucky enough one of the girls in the front was all like, 'ISAAC HANSON, AH!' so I got in, got a drink and just started mingling ... "

"Crap," Ike muttered looking down at his watch.

It was late and he still hadn't found what he was looking for, whatever that was ... Something inside him urged him to stay just a little longer, but he couldn't. He had to get back home. As it was, Zac was pissed at him for taking off ...

"What if I want to go clubbin' too?" Zac's words rang through his mind.

"You're too young for some, Zac. You'll limit my options."

"If looks could kill," Ike said aloud to himself with a chuckle as he got another drink from the bar.

"Shiye, come on girl, stay," her friends from MTV whined.

"I really have to get back home. I have a headache and I can't miss another day of work," Shiye lied trying at that point to come up with any excuse to leave.

Some VIP party ... there was no one of interest. Only a bunch of horny A-list and B-listers who were hoping to score.

She fixed her spaghetti strap dress. It was purple velvet and it exposed her entire back.

"Shiye, you have to stay! You look so hot tonight and you're sure to meet somebody ... Come on, the night is young," Serena insisted.

"Yes, and as true as all that may or may not be, IF I hear one more sleaze-ball guy or even girl tell me, 'That dress looks good on you, but I could look better' my head will explode. So sorry girls, but I'm going to cut the night short and get out with my body intact. Bye ... "

Shiye got up and made her way to the stairs and her salvation.

"Water for the pretty lady," the bartender said.

"Huh," Shiye said turning towards him.

"You look flushed. You should drink some water," he continued handing her some Evian.

"Oh, I don't have any money, I can't."

"It's on the house," he told her before going to wait on other people.

"Why not?" she sighed opening the bottle.

Isaac felt like his head was going to explode as the ditzy red head continued to ramble on and on and on ...

"Again? Gosh," he interrupted.


"My drink's half empty ... Imagine that. I should go get it refilled now rather than later. It was nice talking to you," Ike said as he rushed off to the bar.

He glanced back the red head was out of sight and soon to be out of mind. He smiled and turned around just as he bumped into a girl in front of him wearing a purple backless dress. His drink splashed all over and began to trickle down her exposed back. He gasped dropping his glass as she shrieked and jumped.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," he exclaimed, "Let me help you dry off."

The brunette girl pulled down her hair and turned away.

"NO! Don't bother. I knew I should have left! Damn it," she ranted, "alcohol on velvet ... great, great. This is fuckin' fabulous!"

"I'm sorry. I'll pay for it to get cleaned," Ike said trying to make eye contact with her through all that brown hair. She flipped her hair back out of his face and their eyes locked for the first time ... Isaac's mouth went dry and the world came to a halt. Shiye's cursing came to an abrupt stop.

"Huh?" she said breaking the silence.

"I'm really sorry. My name's Ike."

"I know who you are; I mean ... I've seen you around the studio."


"Yeah, I work at MTV in the-"

"How did I never notice you before?"

"I guess I'm pretty unnoticeable," Shiye grumbled.

"No, no. You're ... let me buy you a drink, um, what's your name."

"I'm Shiye and really, it's alright. You don't have to pay for a drink or offer to get this cleaned. I should have never worn this dress and anyway I was just about to go," Shiye told him, her stomach flip flopping.

Isaac Hanson was talking to her and she felt like a giddy schoolgirl. He was so much hotter up close than he was all those times she had watched his brothers on the monitors at work or when she'd seen him down in the Green Room prepping for a show. She had never gotten the urge to go up to him and talk and now ... Now she just turned down his drink?! Before she could say anything though he spoke up.

"Really? Me too. I came here to have a good time and instead I've managed to do the opposite. This right here, our convo, the most interesting one of the night, and it's based on me apologizing for being a dick and not watching where I was going."

"You said, huh," Shiye shook her head, "Well then I guess we should get going."

Isaac choked up. 'Play it cool,' his mind screamed.

"Where are we going, Shiye?" he asked with a goofy grin.

"Well Ike, there's this great little café not too far away that's about to start serving breakfast and their coffee is to die for."

"So I did something so unlike me, and I went with this complete stranger, albeit a hot one, to this little hole in the wall café. The coffee really was good and I got a bag of coffee grinds to bring home to Uncle Taylor. That whole night was so unreal. Sitting in the café with your beautiful mother watching the way her lips moved when she talked, the way her hair fell around her shoulders ... She kept making jokes about how people probably thought she had wet herself, and her laugh ... I had never met a girl more comfortable with herself. Most girls would have been rushing home to go fix themselves in their vain attempts to look their best for me or one of my brothers, whom they would insist to meet. Not your mom though ... she was ... perfect. I was the biggest dork though. I don't even know why she put up with me. Anyway I offered to pay for a taxi to get her home, but she told me that she only lived a block or two down and she could walk. I offered to make the walk with her and that smile when she said, 'alright' ... incredible. That's unfortunately when things went a little downhill ... "

"Shiye, that's a really nice name ... I haven't met many girls named Shiye. In fact, you'd be the first."

"Ha, well alright, so have you met many guys named Shiye?"

"No, but I do know that it is a Native American name, Navajo actually. It was used as both a girl or guy name, but it translates to mean 'son,' so generally it's listed as a male's name. It also is a Yiddish nickname that is derived from the name 'Yehoshua' which appears in Exodus 24:13, in case you don't believe that 'Yehoshua' really could be a name, and-"

"Whoa, Whoa, hold on. You know all that off the top of your head? I mean you randomly know about the name 'Shiye'??? What guy knows that?"

"Um, I live in Oklahoma and I did a report once on the Trail of Tears ... Mom and Dad were impressed on the superfluous research I did."

"Yeah, I made that part up. I was just trying to play it cool. I thought for sure she'd leave ... Your mom is the most beautiful, most intelligent, funniest, coolest, hottest woman in the whole world, and she talked to me ... She loved me. Not that I didn't attempt several times to screw it up ... "

"So um ... I had a really great night."

"Yeah, it was alright," Ike replied.

Shiye stared at Isaac. She was feeling like a loser. Should she invite him upstairs?

"What and look like a slut," her mind screamed, "don't you dare! He'll take it the wrong way. Plus you're not allowed to date him."

"God, this is awful," Shiye groaned aloud.


"Here," she said handing him a card out of her purse, "I never thought I'd actually ever give out one of these ridiculous things, but um ... here's my card. Call it if you want to, but if you don't that's okay too."

"Why is that awful?" Ike pried.

"Oh, it's just that I could get in so much trouble, if not fired for doing that. MTV doesn't want its employees bothering celebrities."

"But Carson dated-"

"He's a VJ. It's different for VJs. I'm just a behind-the-scenes person. What if we dated and broke up? Would you come to MTV if it meant possibly running in to me? Probably not, so they'd can my ass."

"I don't think I'd ever not want to see you ... "

"Huh?" she asked looking up at him.

"Did he just ... " her mind questioned.

"I'll call if I get the chance," Ike covered, "Night Shiye. It was great meeting you. I'll, um, see you around."

"Yeah, maybe ... night, Ike."

"Well I was about to pass your mom up ... go off and hope I'd see her again, but then ... something came over me that night. I slept and I didn't dream ... I was ... I was with her. It's hard to describe, but all I could see was her, all I knew was her ... and her eyes, gosh, those eyes, those beautiful green eyes ... so ... I went back, but she wasn't home, so I left her a little something at her door, after this nice old lady in her building let me in."

Shiye walked up to her door.

"What's this," she spoke aloud to herself bending over to pick up a vase full of two dozen Sterling roses and a note.

"Dear Shiye, Last night meant so much to me and I hope one day I'll be able to show you. I lied about the Trail of Tears bull. I had seen you around MTV before and I had inquired about you. Still I swear I didn't ruin your dress just to get close to you, heck, I could never think up anything half that sly. (Even if I could I'd never do it and Zac would tell me I was so lame because of it.) I don't know whether or not you bought the report story, but whether or not you did trust me if you give me a chance I won't ever lie to you again. I hope you like the roses. They're Sterling roses. I bought you the vase when I found out you were out at work ... I didn't want them to die. Anyway I thought they were beautiful, and your dress last night was purple and when I saw you at MTV you were wearing a purple shirt ... So I'm figuring it's your favorite color or at least, that you like it ... Finally I'm returning your card and giving you my name and number. Call me if you want to, though know that I made a copy of your card just in case I don't hear from you. (Sorry, I just had to. I don't want to ever forget last night ... )

Yours Truly,


Shiye smiled.

"What a dork ... but a cute one ... "

She glanced down at his number and made her way into her apartment. She was going to call him.

"So that's the story, Caleb ... what do you think?"

Isaac bit his bottom lip and watched more people pass by, hardly giving him a glance.

"I love her Caleb. I don't want to lose her ... I don't want to lose you, but I fear, I fear I may because I really don't deserve you two. I never have ... "


"Will," Love called quietly from his bedroom door.

Will slowly lifted his head from the pillows.

"Please leave me alone," he sobbed quietly at her, his nose clogged eyes red and puffy.

"What happened?" she asked as she walked in.

"Just please, leave me the fuck alone, I can't take this anymore, I can't handle it."

Love stopped and bit her bottom lip.

"I heard you and Ashton," she whispered.

Will buried his face into the pillows again.

"Did you really mean that, the part about killing?" she started as he cut her off.

"What part of leave me alone do you not understand?" Will exclaimed sitting up.

Love stepped back a bit.

"Ok, I understand," she exclaimed as she walked across the room and grabbed her purse.

"Does the same apply to me?" she asked as she stood at the doorway to his bedroom.

Will looked at her puzzled.

"If I ever talk bad about Taylor, even if it is the truth, are you going to threaten me as well?"

"I don't know what is going on with me. I don't know how I feel anymore. Is anything we have real, is what we have here true? Or are we ... still acting?" Will asked with pain in his eyes.

"Acting?" she almost yelped.

"Yeah, because during the movie shoot I was obviously acting, only now it feels more natural. All I know is there are no cameras, no directors, nothing. How do you know this is really how we are supposed to be, how do you know this isn't just our minds carrying the plot on?" Will asked.

"Will, my God, after everything we've done, after the thing's we've shared?" she gasped as her eyes welled up with tears.

"I'm sorry," Will sighed as he sat up.

"No, I'm sorry, for getting myself all tangled up with you. You're still hung up on him. You still have some twisted connection with him and you can't get beyond it," she cried.

Will remained silent, staring up at her as her face twisted and contorted with pain. Each word crunching her pretty face into masks of torture.

"You will never be happy unless it's with him, why can't you see that? You had me thinking that you finally were getting over him, that I was the one you loved, but today. My God today it's all come clear. You think we're just acting, well if that's the case, there isn't a budget on earth that could pay me to go through this hell," she sobbed as she turned and ran out the door and down the staircase.

A part of Will told him to get up, to run after her. The same part that wanted to hold her close and apologize. No amount of apologizing would help now. He knew he had destroyed whatever had slowly built up for so many months now. He heard front door slam. He heard her car start up and screech down the driveway. He cried and fell back into the pillows, alone. Once again alone in his pain for Taylor. Somewhere deep down he felt like he had come back, that he had returned. Even without being with Taylor, seeing him or touching him, he somehow felt closer. As if the loss of Love's presence had opened his mind back up to dwelling on Taylor again. As comfortable as it felt, he knew it was only going to destroy him.


"Zac! So nice to see you again," Amber squealed as she led Zac into the house.

"It's quiet," Zac said glancing around.

"Oh yeah, Cris and I are the only one's home."

"But there are like twenty cars out in front ... "

"Yes, I know. Fifteen of them are mine."

"Oh, well, is that why you're not wearing a tank under that shirt ... couldn't afford it with all those cars."

Amber giggled as she made her way to the bar.

"Zac, Zac ... you're so ... so ... funny!"

"Erm ... okay ... "

Amber turned around a few bottles up.

"What will it be?"

"Um, nothing. I'd rather be sober when I talk to Daphne ... "

"Oh yeah ... because you made out with that girl. You know I'm mad at you about that too."

"Why? For hurting Daphne?"

Amber smiled and told him, "No, because you left me out of the make-out session."

"Um ... are you drunk, Amber?"

"Drunk? Must I be?" She walked over to him and got right in his face. "Is that how you like it?"

Zac pushed away just as Cristin came into the room. Cristin walked quickly over to Amber hardly glancing at Zac.

"WHAT?" Amber screeched without so much as a glance in Cristin's direction.

"Nothing. I just thought I heard voices ... " Cristin told her, "and I was wondering if it was Daph."

Zac felt chills down his spine as Cristin turned towards him and mouthed, 'Run.' Or did she? Zac wasn't sure because their exchange was quickly interrupted by Amber who turned to face Cristin directly.

"Bullshit, Crissy. You know that she won't be home for another hour or so ... but ... oh wait, that's right. Perhaps you could have thought it could be her ... you are a little ditzy at times."

"Yeah, well, um ... I guess if you guys are okay. I'll leave ... " Cristin muttered.

"Good. Leave," Amber snapped back at her.

As Cristin hurried out of the room Amber turned around to face Zac.

"Now where were we? ... Oh right, drink?"

"I don't want to be-"

"I know. I know. A little Dr. Pepper then ... it won't kill you, Zac ... "


"Hey Niles," Shiye said with a smile as she stepped out of the elevator.

"I was wondering if you were coming. I was about to think you'd stood me up."

"No, of course not ... Never ... so ... where are we off to?"

"Well," Niles began taking her hand in his, "I was thinking there's this small café I frequent. I'd love to take you to it."

"Alright. What's the name?"

"I can't tell you ... step outside with me ... "

Shiye squinted her eyes at Niles trying to read him.

"Fine," she finally agreed walking out the doors with him.

She gasped when she saw the Prowler.

"Niles, I didn't know you owned-"

"Oh, it's a rental ... but I will have one when I go to California."

"You're going to California," Shiye asked as she ran her fingertip along the hood of the car.

"Yeah, there's a lot I have to tell you, Shiye. Why don't you get in?"


Cristin pulled back the wall covering and smiled as she stared down at the key in her hand.

"Thank you, Daphne Catinelli for teaching me a few things about pick-pocketing."

She slipped the key in the door and opened it revealing ...

"A hidden surveillance room ... That's how she got the tape ... Oh my God," Cristin said as she looked around at all the monitors.

Then it hit her. Her way out ... All of Amber's copies of that night had to be in this room. She wouldn't risk keeping them anywhere else in fear that someone else would find them and release them, so she'd keep them here where they were safe ... or used to be safe.

Cristin chuckled as she made a mad dash for the shelves full of videos.

"Cristin's a lesbian," Cristin read out loud as she grabbed the tape, "she marks her tapes. What a fuckin' idiot!"

Cristin popped in a tape in a spare VCR and watched on the 24inch monitor that whole night for the first time. Her eyes widened as she saw Amber slip something ...

"She drugged me. THAT BITCH DRUGGED ME!"

Cristin quieted down for a second and glanced around. The door was closed and other than herself, only Amber and Zac were home. She glanced at the monitor. They were still downstairs. She looked down to notice she had sat down on a chaise in the room.

"Why would Amber put a chaise in here in front of the tv - OH EW!!" Amber shrieked jumping up. "Oh ew, she gets off ... EW EW!"

Cristin popped the tape out of the VCR and checked the shelf for anything else.

"Shower videos ... oh that sick bitch ... Wait ... "

Her hand froze over a video that read, 'Cementing the Plan.'

She took it out of its case and popped it into the VCR. It was in the middle of the tape and she noticed a young brunette girl with long hair giggling on the couch, naked.

"Does she drug everyone?" Cristin questioned the air of the room.

That's when she noticed the other brunette girl talking to Amber. She was confused. Who was the mystery girl?

"Who the heck is that chick? Wait ... " Cristin leaned in towards the screen as the girl turned towards the camera. Cristin fell backwards.

"No way," she said as the girl on the video agreed.

"You help me," Anthea, the mystery girl, snapped, "and I'll help you."

Cristin's mouth dropped open as she watched Anthea and Amber kiss. Suddenly Amber's words came crashing back into her head.

"I think I saw a photo of her. She's not all that unattractive," Amber exclaimed as she riffled through a stack of magazines.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh ... Oh ... my ... wait ... this is perfect. Ha ... too perfect ... "

She stared briefly back at the screen and then away.

"Ew, ew, I can't. I'll vomit."

Cristin shook the vision of Amber, Anthea, and a giggling Karen all going at it. She reached out her hand and hit the stop button twice, ejecting the tape.

She stared down at the tape and placed it in the case where her tape was supposed to go.

"Now who's the lezzie ... " Cristin said, sneering as she placed the holder for her tape in it's proper place.

She stared down at the empty case. She looked around and found some empty tapes. She ripped open the plastic around one and popped the empty tape in the case for Anthea's tape ... So that Amber wouldn't see through the clear plastic holder that it was missing. Now there was a tape for that one too ... Cristin grabbed her tape and the plastic and paper from the new video she used and exited the room.

"Time to do as I please again," Cristin said laughing as she covered the door back up.


Taylor groaned as he rolled over. He stared at the phone.

"Will," he whispered reaching for the receiver. His hand pulled back. He couldn't. Tears pricked Taylor's eyes.

"I love you," he cried as he pushed himself off the bed and made his way towards the bathroom.

"I love you," Tay repeated as he turned the water on. He squeezed his eyes shut as he ran his hands under the warm water.

"It's amazing how hotel water is always warm," Will said before adding, "Come join me Taybear ... Come on. Come be with me ... "

"Oh God, Will, I ... want to join you ... I want ... I want to be with you ... " Tay's eyes flew open.

There it was again clear as day, a knock on the door.

"Zac," his mother's voice rang out from the other side.

"Shit," Tay muttered closing the door to the bathroom. He opened the door.

"TAYLOR," Diana shrieked, "What? Sweetie, why are you in Zac's room and where is Zac?"

"Oh, Zac and I were just doing a little bonding ... and um, we're about to actually go out and catch a movie. He just had to jump in the shower."

"Well I-"

"Mom, I understand you may need to speak with him, but can't this wait? You know how Zac hates to be disturbed in the shower ... "

"Yes, I guess ... You're not going to see that Daphne Catinelli girl, are you?"

"No, mom. Daph's in Florida with ... with an old friend ... "

Diana stared long and hard at her son.

"Taylor, I worry about Zac. I don't want to have to worry about you anymore. You have a wife and a baby on the way and God-"

"MOM, I KNOW," Tay said, his voice cracking, "I don't need to be lectured anymore."

"Well, that's good to hear because you know this is equally hard for the rest of the family, and we appreciate you being unselfish for once."

"Yes, mom. I know ... "

"I'll see you boys later, oh, and Tay, you should see about setting Zac up with that Karen girl ... She's a real doll."

Tay fought back the urge to vomit.

"I think it's up to Zac who he chooses to be with."

"Yes, but we've already seen how off he can be. That Daphne girl ... I mean have you seen some of the outfits she wears?"

"Mom, it's like Will used to say, 'If you've got it, flaunt it.'"

"Who said that?" Diana snapped.

"Phil, Dr. Phil, mom. The guy from Oprah ... "

Taylor thanked the heavens as his mom bought his lame cover up and returned to her room mumbling something about laundry that had to be done.


"Perfect," Amber whispered as she noticed Zac nodding off on the couch.

Cristin entered the room as Amber was taking her shirt off.

"Changed your mind, sweet ass?" Amber said smacking Cristin on the butt.

"Ew, no. Daphne just called. She'll be here in like fifteen minutes. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Cristin, Cristin ... I don't want to; I have to. Now scurry off unless you're willing to grab a drink and end up naked too."

Cris shook her head.

"You wish, Amber," she snapped as she took off up the stairs.

Amber was about to go after her but decided not to. She had work to do. Amber unsnapped her bra and slipped out of her micro-mini. She stared at Zac.

"I kinda wish he had that long hair still ... At least then I could pretend he was a girl."

She walked over to him and began to undress him. Her eyes grew wide as she jerked off his shorts.

"You're not even hard, wow. No wonder Daphne puts up with you."


Daphne pulled into the driveway and froze. Something felt wrong, felt awful. She got out of her car and grabbed her stuff.

"I'm probably just trippin' because I have to go back to working ... "

Her thoughts drifted back to Will and she sighed. Daph already missed him. Daphne dropped her bags on the porch and searched through her tan leather jacket for the key to her house.

"Dang it," Daph mumbled as it fell out of her pocket.

The porch light was off and it was practically pitch black. Daphne scanned the porch searching for the outline of the key.

"Fuckers don't even leave a damn porch light on. What in the hell? ... assholes ... Ah, there it is!"

Daphne grabbed the key and proceeded to unlock and open the door. Her eyes scanned the empty foyer.

"Honey, I'm home ... hmm ... so nice to see that I was missed. ANYBODY HOME?!"

Cristin watched Daphne enter the home. Should she tell her? Should she warn her? Nah, Zac was going to be gone one way or another. Cristin had to look out for herself. She quietly made it back to her room. Daphne was a big girl; yeah, Daph was a big girl ...

On to Chapter Ten

Back to Chapter Eight

Chapter Index

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Journey into Obilivion is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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