Taylor Quest Book 6 Journey into Obilivion    "Journey into Obilivion"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Ten
Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Journey into Obilivion by Taylor Quest
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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"Oh my God," Shiye said feeling a bit ill as she stared at the small little café.

"What's wrong?" Niles asked rubbing his hand in a circle on her back.

"Ike and I had our first ... well ... Ike and I have been here before."

"Oh well we can hit a Starbucks instead-"

"No, no, no! It's fine!"

Shiye laughed nervously as she entered the establishment.

"The coffee here is great," Niles said as they got something and made their way to a table.

"Yeah, so what's up?"

"Shiye, I know I haven't known you that long and you're probably going to ... I know you're married."

"Oh this doesn't sound good," Shiye thought to herself.

"Come with me. Caleb and you," Niles continued, "I tried to deny it, Shiye, but I feel this strong connection to you, and I know you feel it too; otherwise, you wouldn't be here right now. I thought I could just be your friend, but every day I'm falling more and more for you ... Please Shiye, come away with me ... "

"You're asking me to leave my husband? Niles. I love my husband!"

"Do you? Or did you?"

Shiye just stared at him and looked away.

"I love him," she reasserted, "so, um, yeah, I guess this is goodbye Niles."

"Shiye, here," he said handing her a piece of paper. "My new contact info ... in case you change your mind."

Shiye glanced down and read the numbers. She looked back up into his eyes.

"I'll keep it, but I hope I never use it."

Shiye got up and rushed out of the café, wanting to distance herself from Niles and the part that wanted to go with him ...


"Have you heard from Karen?" Anthea hissed into the phone.

"No," her lover replied. "Why?"

"I haven't heard from that skank since I told her to back off Zac for a while. In fact, no one has, and I just wonder what that bitch's game is. She better not be trying to fuck up all we've planned."

"Darling, Thea ... I wouldn't worry about her. Who would believe in the silly ramblings of a girl anyway?"

"I guess you're right. It's just ... first my brother and now her ... God, does no one understand the importance of this? If it wasn't for the blackmail, my brother would have quit too. Geeze ... at least I still have my other pawns in place."

"So, who remains a problem?"

"Well Zac, for one. With Karen missing, I don't know what to do with that boy ... . unless perhaps I can get that Daphne chick to help me."

"She'd never help you, and anyway I want her to fall too."

"Oh she will, baby, but perhaps there may be a way to get her to help us without her even knowing it ... "

"What are you thinking?"

"Well give me a bit more to mull over this, I'll think of something ... "

"What about that Shiye bitch?"

"Oh I already have her taken care of; trust me. Her naïve husband and mine also are no problem. Tay thinks he's so sly, but I have something in store for him ... You know he's going off to be with Mandy tomorrow."

"Really? Is it tomorrow?"

"Yes, he's leaving tomorrow evening after he fixes up something for his lovely Freezer Burn."


Zac's head hurt, nothing was clear. He could hear Amber cursing as she climbed on top of him.

"Whoa, whoa, what?" his mind screamed as it struggled to make sense of the situation.

Daphne's voice filled his ears, "ANYBODY HOME?!"

He tried to push Amber off of him, but he had trouble moving. His whole body felt heavy. He saw Daphne come in out of the corner or his eye, saw her face.

"Oh, Amb, sorry, geeze, I had no idea you were, well I'm ... I ... I ... Zac? ... Oh my God! Zac?! I can't believe - I ... "

Daphne ran off and Zac couldn't even speak. He wanted to yell for her to come back, to push this bitch off of him, but he couldn't move ... he couldn't ...

"Daph," her name finally came through his lips, raspy and weak.

"Oh, don't bother calling for her lover. She's no longer your concern," Amber hissed into his ear, "thank you for making that sooooooo quick and soooooooo easy."


Cristin stepped into the room and helped Amber lift Zac.

"Daph's crying, Ambs," Cris whispered as they struggled to get Zac to the door.

"Of course she is nitwit. She thinks her 'soulmate' here cheated on her again. Geeze, if she were any weaker she'd have killed herself by now ... Thank goodness she's not. She's so strong and pure and ... . tight ... "

Amber licked her lips.

"I should go comfort her," Amber commented as they opened the door and pushed Zac out on the porch in his underwear.

"I think you should maybe let me go in first," Cristin began to say as Amber walked off.

"I really think she should hear from me though," Amber interrupted as she reentered the room.

Amber dumped all of Zac's clothes on his crumpled form.

"Oh get up! Take it like a man. Oh and um, hmph, don't come back or we'll call the police."

Amber looked around knowing that Daphne could probably hear her if she was loud enough, she screamed, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME BECAUSE I WAS DRUNK!" Before she slammed the door shut.


Daphne wanted to throw up, but there was nothing in her stomach to throw up. She locked her door and fell backwards on to her bed.

"He couldn't ... Amber? He hates Amber!"

She could hear Amber and Cristin bitching downstairs. She closed her eyes. Her band was just like her family, dysfunctional and abusive. She covered her ears and imagined that Will was there holding her, telling her everything was alright. Hell, Will would have kicked both Amber and Zac's asses ... Of course, he'd expect her to hear Zac out. Her mind flashed backwards ...

"Why didn't he move?"

Her eyes went over to the window. She knew him, and he'd be coming to see her one way or another ... just ... what was taking him so long???

Daphne got up. Something was wrong, but she couldn't quite place it. She had to take a shower and just ... relax ...


Taylor stared down at his cell phone as he made his way out of the hotel. If he was around Mom would only question him more about Zac's whereabouts ... He had to get out ... meet Zac at Grand Central or something ... The caller ID read 'Mandy.' He groaned and answered.

"Hey, this is Tay."

"Hi, Taylor. It's Mandy ... How are you this evening?"

"I'm alright. What's up?"

"Well I hate to do this to you last minute, but the studio is moving us to Florida. I've already laid down the majority of my vocals, so there's only your vocals and then a little bit with us together ... and then we're going to attend this party my friend is throwing."

Tay grimaced and felt sick ... Florida ... that was too close ... He hated Florida even more than he used to ... Will was there ... and he didn't want to face Will; he didn't think he could, but ...

"Yeah, that's fine," he lied, "So I'll see you for dinner in about half an hour," he asked.

"Of course," she smiled "half an hour outside your hotel."

"Yeah, see you then," Tay whispered before hanging up his cell.


Anthea smiled down through the window at her husband standing there so oblivious ... She let the curtains fall.

"Good job," she said as she hung up the phone.


Zac managed to sit up.

"Finally," he growled, grabbing his head in his two hands, "that bitch ... "

He shook the visions of her naked.

"That's enough to blind me," he whispered as he stared at the house. He began to get dressed, trying hard to ignore the pain in some areas and the numbness in others. He had to get Daphne ... had to ...


Isaac entered the hotel room and noticed that it was eerily quiet.

"Shiye," he called out, "are you here, dear?"

He laid his sleeping Caleb in his crib. He turned around as he heard the bathroom door open. Shiye stepped out. She looked like someone had died.

"Shiye," Ike cried rushing over to her and bringing her into his arms.

"Shiye, are you alright, baby?"

He kissed her forehead as she burst into even more tears on his shoulder.

Shiye sobbed, "I love you, Ike ... I love you ... "

"I love you too," Ike replied, "what happened?"

"Nothing. I'm just so scared ... I'm so scared of everything. I hate the new us. I want the old us. I want us to be happy again," Shiye cried out, her voice cracking, "Please ... "

"Oh God, Shiye, me too," Ike whispered trying not to choke up as his own tears began to fall.


Tay dialed Zac's cell.

"Zac, you need to come home," he snapped.

"Not right now ... Tay ... um, something happened. I'll be back tomorrow before we leave. I promise, just please, cover for me ... "

Zac hung up his phone and stared up at Daphne's balcony.

"Here I go with the Romeo shit," he muttered before he started to climb the tree next to her balcony.


Daphne stood by the balcony in her robe as Zac climbed in. She crossed her arms waiting for him to notice her. He looked up and jumped almost falling back from which he'd just climbed. Daph smiled and grabbed him, pulling him into the room.

"What? How," Zac stuttered.

"I figured if you'd come all this way, you would find a way to talk to me in person ... and you couldn't use the door ... so ... "

"The balcony," Zac finished with a chuckle, "you know me too well Daphne Catinelli."

Daphne kissed Zac then, sliding her tongue into his mouth. He mumbled something incoherently as she explored his mouth with her tongue before breaking free.

"Wha? Huh? I thought you were pissed at me-"

Daph silenced him with her fingertips.

"You didn't touch her or kiss her," she whispered.

"How do you know? Eww," Zac grumbled, "you haven't kissed and touched her, have you? I don't have to start calling you Lezzie McGuire, do I?"

Daphne burst out into laughter.

"Eww, hell no, Zac. You just don't smell or taste of alcohol. That's all."

"Ha, nice," he commented kissing her again.

"Zac, Zac," Daph mumbled into his mouth before pulling away.

"We need to talk, Zac."

Zac groaned as Daph took his hand and sat him on the bed. He knew what was coming. He got in the center of the bed and spread his legs open. She smiled at him as she joined him on the bed straddling her legs over his. Her legs curling in towards his back. He wrapped his arms around her back as she stroked his hair.

"What's going to happen?" he whispered, "to us, Daph? I know when you make me do this our talk isn't going to be good."

"But it always feels good," Daph told him nuzzling her nose into his neck, melting him.

"You do this so ... "

"Zac I can't yell at you and be mad at you if I'm this close to you. The electricity ... "

Their lips brushed against one another.

"On the tape," Daph continued to mumble, "Karen was kissing you. She touched your leg."

Daphne's hands moved from his hair and slowly trailed up his legs.

"She didn't touch my leg Daph, she touched your leg," Zac whispered before kissing her.

Daphne caressed his neck with her fingertips.

"What's the history between you two? Is it true what I hear?"

"What that we're married or secretly engaged? Ha, no. I never proposed to her Daph. I never wanted to." He groaned. "Kare and I met while she was at this modeling thing."

"Eww, who the freak hired her as a model?!"

Zac laughed.

"It was one of those open call piece of crap things where the mall doesn't want to have to pay for real talent so they get a bunch of snotty girls to come in and do the work for them and not get paid ... Very different from the modeling you did when you were younger and very, very different from the modeling Will does for a living."

"Oh, yeah ... "

"Well she seemed cool and sweet enough until I found out she was Anthea's friend ... the whole thing was a ploy to get in my pants. Before the train we had kissed a few times, Daph. I won't lie to you. One of the times my parents caught us, and ever since then they've been on this mission to get me with her and not you ... Daphne, I have never felt for her. I was thinking about you every time and one of the times I just wanted to freak out some teenies and she said she was game for it ... but ... I thought it was just a joke and then when I saw what Ant and her put together from it ... I stopped seeing her. Though I did see her at the wedding and recently Thea has brought her back into the picture ... All I ever wanted from Karen was friendship, if even that because I'm not sure she really wants that ... "

"Zac, it's pretty obvious to the world that she wants more than your friendship ... "

Daphne stopped and frowned as she saw the tears building in his eyes. She placed her hands on his face and wiped away his tears with her thumbs.

"Zac ... "

"Daphne, do I have anyone? Sometimes I wonder if I have any friends left. Are they just my friend because they want one of my brothers or me? Do they just want to say they know me? Do they want my money or my name or ... "

He shook his head.

"Zac, I know it's hard for you to trust others. I know ... but you can trust me. You can trust me."

"I know Daph ... but"

"Let's not think about all the shit that's gone down recently and ... "

"Daph, don't. Don't lecture me and then send me away."

"Well, what would you like me to do, Zac?"

"Sleep with me, tonight. You know ... I mean ... like we used to. I know nothing can hurt me if I'm by your side."

Daphne scrunched her eyebrows together and stared at him. Zac reached up and ran his fingertips gently over her eyebrows, soothing her.

"Not sex, Daph. It'll be so innocent. I promise ... It'll be just like we used to ... "

"Not everything we've always done together has been innocent, Zac."

"This will be ... I promise."

"On ... "

"On us."

Before Daphne could open her mouth, Zac reached under and began to pull his shirt off. Daphne squeaked when he jerked it over his head.

"ZAC," she gasped covering her mouth, all other thoughts and all words escaping her.

"Damn," she thought, but all that came out was a squeak.

"Huh? ... Daph, did you just squeak?"

"I don't know," Daph replied, her mouth hanging open.

"Zac, you're - you're ... buff."

Zac stared down and grinned.

"Yeah, I guess I am, but I was when you went down on me, Daph ... "

"I know, but ... " She shook her head and smiled. "I was so nervous, Zac. I didn't even notice. I've noticed that you had lost some of that adorable baby pudge, but geeze ... "

Daphne reached out and touched his stomach, pulling her hand back quickly.

"Oh my gosh, that's muscle. That's so cool ... Do you do crunches?"

Zac shook his head. Daphne and her crunches.

"What about you?" he whispered getting closer to her. "You look like you've lost some inches too."

He attempted to pinch her stomach.

"There's no more fat to grab," he whispered.

"THERE WAS FAT BEFORE," Daphne shrieked. "Oh my gosh ... I always thought I had the perfect washboard abs ... Britney Spears eat your heart out. Janet's my tummy idol-type abs ... "

"There were times when you had a little bit, but it doesn't matter. More Daphne to love ... More cushion for the pushin'."

"It's not nice to push girls, Zac," Daphne teased with mock innocence.

"So how does it feel?" she continued to pry as she ran her hands up his arms.

"Good," Zac replied with a shrug, before adding, "my dick got bigger."

Daphne jumped backwards.


Zac chuckled.

"Not right then, Daph. I meant it just looks bigger now that there's less fat down there."

"You were never fat, Zac."


"You have never been fat, Zac, and even if one day you are - I'll still ... " Daphne's voice trailed off.

"You'll still ... what? Still love me?"

"Let's get some sleep, Zac," Daphne whispered, changing the subject as she slipped out of her robe.

Zac closed his eyes for a second, seeing Daphne ...

"Thank you," Zac mouthed upwards before climbing into Daphne's incredible comfortable bed with her.

"My bed's soft, huh," Daph said with a smile. Proud once again that she had a special knack for finding the most comfortable beds.

Zac scooted over to her and wrapped her in his arms.

"Yeah, it's soft ... really soft, but hard as a rock compared to you," he whispered kissing her forehead.


Will rolled over, the evening air was lazily blowing in through the open balcony doors of his bedroom. The sky over the Atlantic Ocean was a dimming purple. Glints of orange and yellow sparkled on the waves as the sun set on the western horizon. Living on the east coast of Florida was a plus for seeing the sun rise over the ocean. However, seeing it set meant you had to face the west as well. That could only be accomplished by living on an island. A very small island.

He sat up. There was a message blinking on his answering machine. Somehow he had managed to sleep through the phone ringing. He pressed play, almost wincing as he hoped it wouldn't be Love or Ashton.

"Hey mate, it's Trav, just thought I'd give you a ring. I'm in town for a few days, thought you might want to hang out or something," the Australian accent of Travis Fimmel was crystal clear.

Will sat up with a smile. Hearing from Travis was rare. Having been the next 'sensation' to fill the 'briefs' of CK, Will had instantly felt tension between himself and the former 'king' of CK. Now, Travis was calling him? The reality of it didn't seem ... entirely real. He wrote down the cell phone number and got up.

Still dressed in the low rise jeans he had put on earlier, he looked in the mirror. Thankfully the hours spent sleeping had allowed his eyes to reduce in redness, the bags had disappeared and the flushing was gone.

"Thank God for cat naps," he laughed quietly.

After pulling on a CK beater and adjusting the laces that closed the sides of his jeans from ankle to hip just enough to show a bit of skin, he picked up the phone.

"Hey it's Will," he smiled as Travis answered.

"Hey mate, you got my message," he could hear him smiling.

"Yeah, what's up," Will asked.

"Nothing really, bored mostly, what are you up to?"

"Actually I'm heading over to my old condo to pick up some furniture, I just moved into a big ass mansion," he cooked up instantly as 'something to do.'

"Need some help?" Travis replied.

"Oh, don't worry about it. The last thing you'd wanna do is lug junk from my place over here. I know it's the last thing I want to be doing," Will chuckled.

"Hey, it's no problem besides, it gives me an excuse to see your new place."

"Actually, I'm throwing a party on Friday night and you're invited."

"Well give me the address, that way I can get a sneak peek," he laughed.

Will gave him the address and hung up. The house was nice, so were some of the furnishings that came with it. As nice as it was, the décor was not entirely his style. Bringing over just a few nick-knacks and do-dads, would help bring the look of the place around just enough to make it more 'him.' Hopefully Travis was sincere when he said he wanted to help. Either way, it gave Will something to focus on.


"It's so good to see you again," Mandy exclaimed as she gave him a hug.

Tay winced to himself as he pulled the limo door shut. He hated limos but if he was going to try and draw attention to himself and Mandy, a limo was the way to go.

"It's good to see you again too," he smiled his trademark 'fan' smile.

"Ok, so we're supposed to be dating?" she asked confused.

"Yeah," he started.

"Anthea knows it's just a publicity stunt right?" she asked.

Tay nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Yeah, she knows it's cool," he almost blurted at her.

"Ok, I just don't want anyone thinking I'm a slut or something," she frowned.

"No, we are all in on it," he lied.

"So, dinner at," he changed the subject.

"There's a great place down the way, very open, very public," she smiled.

"Great," he almost sighed.

Will was on the surface of his mind. Tay knew as the seconds ticked by he would slowly start the fire that would burn down the image of his 'happy' marriage with Anthea. What he was more afraid of, was the damage it would do to his relationship with Will. If there was still one.


"Holy shit, I was sure I was at the wrong house," Travis exclaimed as he got out of the car.

"No, it's mine," Will grinned.

"Just how much stuff are you planning on bringing over?" Travis asked with honest worry on his face.

Will broke out laughing.

"I'm leaving my furniture at my condo. I'm just going back for posters, pictures and shit that goes on coffee tables and that kind of junk. Nothing big," he smirked.

"Alright, for a moment there I was envisioning you having me haul television sets and beds around."

"No nothing like that. Do you want to come in and take a look around before we head over to the old place?" Will asked.

"Sure," he replied as he walked past Will into the foyer.

"Nice place," he exclaimed.

"Sure is," Will smirked as he stared at Travis' denim clad butt.


After what seemed like an endless flow of meaningless conversation the food arrived and Mandy had a reason not to talk. Tay had done his level best to remain cute, talkative and interested in everything she had to say. She obviously bought it, not once had she openly suspected that he had grown tired of her after no more than fifteen minutes.

"Ok, so I guess we'll deal with all the technical stuff down in Florida?" she exclaimed through mouthfuls.

"Yeah," Tay muttered as he sipped his wine.

The mention of Florida drew his mind back to Will.

The memories of dinners spent with him were still bright and vivid in his mind. Since he no longer had the ability to see Will in real life, much less in photographs, he had taken up all his spare time to refresh the memories he had of the time they spent together. Dinners, lunches afternoon and late night talks. He sighed quietly as dinner in Paris drifted back into his mind.

"This food was amazing," Will smiled after gulping down a glass of champagne.

"How could you tell? You swallowed it all whole," Tay giggled.

"Just look at this. I swear it's amazing," Will grinned as he looked around.

The moon was barely above the rooftops and the stars twinkled distantly behind the dim outline of the Eiffel Tower in the early evening.

Tay looked at Will and smiled The way his hair fell around his face and the glimmer of the candlelight in his green eyes, all of it felt so perfect. Parisian music drifted past, the smells and sounds, the look in Will's eyes, he swallowed hard as he felt his stomach flutter.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Tay asked quietly.

"And?" Will grinned.

"You know," Tay smirked arching his eyebrow repeatedly.

"Oh yeah."

No sooner had they closed the hotel room door had their clothes been torn from their bodies.

"I want you," Will moaned pulling Tay against him.

"I want you inside me," he gasped as Tay pressed himself against Will's body.

"Tay, are you ok?" Mandy asked.

"Huh," Tay started snapped back to reality.

"You're sweating and you've got this really weird look on your face."

"Oh I'll be ok. I think my stomach is a little upset," he explained as he shifted in his seat and adjusted the napkin to hide his hard on.

"Well, I asked if we'd be kissing at any point," she continued as she scooped through her dessert.

"What?" Tay asked almost caught off guard as he realized what was going on again.

"Oh yeah, um I didn't think about that," he bit his bottom lip.

"Well?" she grinned.


"That was a hell of a lot of shit," Travis laughed as they set down the last box.

"Are you thirsty," Will asked.


"Eh, not much of a beer fan, unless you like Corona with lime?"

"Yeah that'll do fine," Travis smiled as he sat down and pulled off his shirt.

Will returned with two Corona's with a lime wedge in the top of each bottle.

"Here you goooo," Will's mouth dropped as he looked at Travis shirtless.

"You ok mate?" he replied.

"You getting over heated?" he asked with a sly smile.

"I uh, oi-vey," Will groaned as he sat down.

"Sorry," Travis laughed as he patted him on the knee.

"No, it's alright, I've just never seen you shirtless except for in the ads," Will blushed.

"It's alright, we're both guys, no worries."

"Yeah, no worries," Will almost whispered to himself as he slugged down almost half the bottle.


"So, um I guess we'll be going down to Florida tomorrow?" Mandy asked as she got out of the limo at her hotel.

"Yeah," Tay muttered quietly.

"Where's my kiss?" she smirked.

Deep down he wanted to jump into the limo. To step back, sit down and slam the door. Tell the driver to take him anywhere. Anywhere but where he was at that second. On the brink of destroying what Anthea, her parents and his had set to build for so many months. But he knew he couldn't, he had to escape. Even if escaping meant bringing himself down in a bath of scandal, he had to do it.

"Yeah," Tay scared up a smile onto himself.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw them, paparazzi. Not disturbingly close, but close enough with their zoom lenses and digital cameras. Guaranteeing front page photos by the next morning. Long gone were the days of processing and sorting. Public scandal inside Hollywood's minions was streamlined for fast delivery.

He leaned in and kissed her. He felt himself flinch inside, he felt his heart twist and it hurt. Somewhere he knew he had not only set off the fuse for the destruction of his 'marriage' but the destruction of something so precious to him, something he cared for more than life itself. But that something was so far away from him now, perhaps it wouldn't even matter. He tried convincing himself of that as he wrapped his arms around her and sank deeper into the kiss. Through his lids he saw the glare of flash bulbs, sealing the fate of it all.


"I am so smashed," Travis laughed out loud as Will flopped down on the leather couch beside him.

"You're not the only one," he chuckled.

"Where are all your friends?

"You mean Love and Ashton?"

"Yeah, weren't they at your signing the other night?"

"Yeah, but there was kind of a," Will paused trying to find the right word for it.

"A kind of ... "

"I dunno, they don't understand what I'm going through."

"You mean you and that Hanson guy?" Travis fished.

"Yeah exactly. They can't seem to understand that I'm still attached to him."

"Well, have you had sex with them?"

Will grew silent.


"They got attached right?"


"You want no strings attached sex," Travis said more as a statement and less of a question.

"Well no, not exactly, I mean, we all have urges right?"

"Undoubtedly," Travis grinned.

"I still love him. I don't think I ever will stop loving him," Will sighed staring off into the distance over the ocean.

"But you still have desires," Travis replied quietly.

"Yeah," Will sighed looking over at him.

"Kinda like, you want someone you can, fool around with, but not have to worry about them getting, heavy on you, right?"

"Well, yeah," Will nodded embarrassed.

"What about Ashton?"

"Well, I thought things were ok, but he doesn't understand. I don't think he'd recognize true love if it turned into a massive dildo and jammed itself into his ass," Will frowned.

"What?" Travis almost yelped and half laughed at the same time.

"Don't ask," Will groaned stretching.

"No, really this sounds interesting," he grinned leaning closer.

"Ok, well long story short, Ashton started out pretty, tame I guess, now he's hardcore."


"Well, when I first got involved with him, he was new at anal sex. You could tell you know. It was obvious there had been next to zero action back there. But this morning before he got thrown out, he must have had a dildo the size of," Will tried to think of a comparison.

"Big one?"

"Huge," Will looked at him dead center.

"Like?" Travis held his hands up.

"Bigger," Will replied as Travis' eyes grew wide.

"Wow," he exclaimed looking at the distance between his hands.

"Yeah and thick too, it's sad because he used to have the cutest ass, now it's just this big gaping hole that he keeps wanting stuff, bleah. I don't think I am really comfortable with him anymore. It's like he's becoming some really big sex fiend."

"Sounds like it, but, um I," Travis paused.


"How can that feel good?"

"How can what?" Will asked confused.

"You know, having something shoved up your bum," Travis almost blushed.

"Oh it's not that bad," Will laughed.

Travis looked at him slightly confused.

"Oh no, I don't have one as worn out as Ashton's but if it's a moderately sized dick, and there's enough lube and the guy is hung well enough," Will trailed off, visions of Taylor running through his mind.

"Anyways, if everything is done right it can feel great. But the stuff Ashton's into, well I mean I'm not that big, and I don't know anyone who is, so," Will trailed off.

"How big are you?" Travis asked noticing the tent in Will's pants.

"How big are you?" Will asked with a grin.

"Show and tell eh?" Travis smiled.

"Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it."

"I used to, in the ads, but you're their golden boy now," Travis replied.

"Well, let's see how we measure up," Will grinned.

"Alright," Travis laughed as he stood and pushed down his sweat pants revealing himself, giving it a tug with his hand.

"My God, that's big," Will almost gasped.

"That's what all the girls say," Travis boasted proudly.


"And yours?"

"Well it's, ok here," Will sighed with comical exasperation as he stood and tugged down his jeans.

"Not bad," Travis grinned as he rubbed his own against Will's.

Will gasped slightly and tried to focus.

"The interviewers kept harassing me on the size of it, after seeing it in the underwear ads, so I told them it was fake," Travis muttered as he rubbed the heads together.

"How can you fake that?" Will got the ability to speak back.

"They have prosthetics that you can slide over your own and it looks real under fabric."

"Wow," Will muttered blinking his eyes a few times, still in shock that he and Travis Fimmel were actually rubbing themselves against each other.

Before Will knew what was happening, Travis and him were kissing. Moments later he was on his knees, Travis behind him.

"Not bad," Travis sighed leaning in as Will winced.


Taylor closed his hotel room door and walked to the foot of the bed. Everything he had just done still had yet to solidify in his mind. The dinner, the public kiss, all of it was so extreme.

"All we need now is to be seen at a party and seen leaving a hotel room in the morning," he groaned as he laid back.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he felt a twinge. He had felt it before, soon he knew he'd feel nauseous. His mind drifted to Will. Probably off having fun with friends, not even remembering or caring about him. As soon as the pictures were released, he knew that whatever chance he had would be destroyed, or would it?


"So did you kiss in public," Anthea spoke into her cell phone in the elevator.

"Yeah, Anthea are you sure you're ok with this," Mandy replied.

"Sweetie," Anthea started with one of her evil signature smiles.


"It's alright, it's publicity, trust me I'm perfectly alright with it," she leered.

"Ok, I just don't want this to look too bad, I mean as long as we all understand each other?" Mandy exclaimed.

"We do, I'll talk to you later," Anthea smirked as she hung up.

"Of course we understand each other, if only everyone could understand exactly why things have to go my way," Anthea smiled with a giggle as she stepped out of the elevator and headed for her room.

On to Chapter Eleven

Back to Chapter Nine

Chapter Index

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Journey into Obilivion is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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