Taylor Quest Book 6 Journey into Obilivion    "Journey into Obilivion"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Eleven
Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Journey into Obilivion by Taylor Quest
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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Cristin opened the door to Daphne's room and froze when she saw Zac and Daphne in bed sleeping in each other's arms. The covers pulled up to Daphne's neck. Zac barely covered. Cristin held up both her hands to cover the view of his package. Cristin reached in and hit the lock on the door before quietly pulling it closed. Cristin felt awful. She should have warned Daphne. Not that it mattered anymore. Amber was going to have her way. Zac and Daphne were never going to get back together ... unless she did something.

"Amber," she gasped turning around.

"Move. I need to make up with Daphne ... "

"She just went to bed. She didn't want to be bothered. Oh and she locked her door," Cristin informed her.

Amber stared at Cris.

"Fine, I'll talk to her sometime tomorrow. She really should sleep. The girl looked like absolute shit, and we have the album to promote. You know it's so sad how she doesn't take proper care of herself. She isn't going to sell it looking like that."

Cristin simply nodded as Amber walked off. When Amber was completely out of sight, Cristin hurried back to the surveillance room, she had another idea.


"Oh Will, we've almost heard back from everyone who was invited about the party. Just about everyone is going to be able to make it," Love told him, a big smile on her face.

"Great," Will said trying to hide his unhappiness.

That morning he had opened up the newest issue of STYLE to see a huge celebrity wedding article, with a full page dedicated to Anthea and Taylor. He closed his eyes. He knew Daphne didn't want him to marry Love, but there was no future for Tay and him. None! It was long gone, and he wasn't about to just sit around and be single for the rest of his life. He was going to move on, and Love was a nice girl, who really seemed to care for him. They also did sort of have some history having met back during the Big One, but did he love her? Truly? In that way? Will wasn't so sure ... .


Zac woke up to Daphne's hand rubbing his chest. He looked at her and she smiled at him. His entire body filled with electricity, his toes and fingers tingled.

"Good morning, Spaceboy," Daph cooed giving his shoulder a kiss as she climbed out of the bed.

"What no morning head for my morning wood?" Zac teased.

Daph laughed as she chucked his clothes at him.

"I'll be right back Hanson boy," she said as she left the room.

Zac had just pulled up his pants when he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," he said not even thinking about it. He flinched as Cristin walked in the room.

"Hey Zac," Cristin said eyeing his shirtless body. Zac quickly put his shirt on. She giggled.

"You don't have to be nervous around me. I'm not going to drug you like Amber," Cristin assured him.

Zac looked at her unsure of what to say, fighting the anger that was surging through him. He bit his tongue as she reached into the bag she was holding and pulled out a few VHS tapes.

"Here, they, um, I made this for you last night. See Amber's really one sick freak. She has surveillance of the whole house I found out, but please don't tell anyone. I'm going to get her back good, so please just keep these a secret for now. I just thought you'd like to know a little bit more about Daphne. Maybe it would explain why she's the way she is and so difficult to understand at times."

Zac took the videos and stared at Cristin. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because Daph doesn't talk about things, bad things that happen to her. She never really has. She keeps it all inside, so when she snaps it seems out of the blue. Just promise me you won't tell her about it, at least not yet ... "

"I promise," Zac said warily as Cristin slipped out of the room.


"I think we should announce, or rather confirm, our engagement on the main staircase," Love stated, before asking, "what do you think?"

"Uh, yeah, that should be fine," Will whispered, rubbing his eyes. He just couldn't get rid of the headache that was forming.

"Will, I can't help, but notice that you don't seem too thrilled. Do you not want to get married after all?"

"I don't know. I mean, I love you. I'm sorry. I just have this horrible headache. We'll talk about this later, Love." Will said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

Love felt sick. She wanted to marry Will. She wanted to be happy with him. She was cute. She was funny. She was America's Sweetheart, and all he could think about was Taylor. TAYLOR! After all Tay had done to Will, she was still just second best. Well she didn't want to be second best anymore ... .


"What are you doing up so early?" Daphne's mom asked as Daphne grabbed some water bottles from the pantry.

"Uh, getting some water," Daph replied as she scooped up 6 water bottles in her arms.

"There's cold ones in the fridge," Daphne's mom informed her.

"Water's better from you if it's room temperature, Mom."


"I don't know. One of my trainers told me that," Daph said. "Oh and by the way, Zac's here."

"Zac," Daphne's mother exclaimed as she checked to see how she looked.

Daphne rolled her eyes as she began to walk away. Her dad stopped her at the door.

"There's a boy in the house, Daphne."

"Yeah, he's in my room."

"In your room! That is completely unacceptable."

"Why?" Daph snapped, "It's my life. I'm old enough to get married and buy alcohol. I think I can be trusted with a boy in my room. Plus, it's not like this is your house. It's mine! So stop the attitude. I'm the only person in this family above the age of sixteen that's still a virgin and the only girl who doesn't have kids."


Shiye stared down at the stick in her hand in shock. Her eyes grew wide as she realized what this meant. She shook her head in disbelief and looked again, but there was it was staring her straight in the face.

"Why now?" she asked herself. "We're not in a good place. I don't think we can handle this."

She collapsed onto the tile floor of the bathroom in tears. How was she going to tell Ike? He had made it clear to her when all hell broke lose with Will, Tay, Anthea, Zac, Karen and Daphne, that he didn't want to have another child right now. They had been so careful, but it didn't matter. Ike and Shiye were going to have another baby.


Zac couldn't help himself. He rushed over to Daphne's TV and popped in one of the tapes. He sat back as he watched the video in disbelief. Zac had been aware of what everyone had told him. Flashbacks of times when Daphne had acted strangely ran through his mind.


"Hey, Zac, it's me," Daph sobbed.

"Daphne, hey, are you okay, sweetie?"

"I'm fine, Zac, "she sniffled.

"No, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"I'm not. I mean ... I'm just really happy to hear your voice, Zac. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, baby."

"I love you, Zac."

"I love you too, baby."

"I know you have to get your rest. I do too because we have to leave for a few more 'N Sync shows tomorrow morning. I know I shouldn't have called, but I wish I was with you so much."

"I wish I was with you, too," Zac told her, wishing he could scoop her up into his arms and never let go. He hated the way she was sounding at that moment. "Daphne, what happened?"

"Just another fight with my dad ... it's nothing. I'll be okay. I just ... I really need to sleep, but I don't want to hang up with you."

"Daph," he assured her. "It's cool. You don't have to hang up. I'll stay on with you all night, free weekends you know ... "

"Yeah, me too, but Zac-"

"Shh, it's cool. I'll just keep it near me all night so you can hear me, and I can hear you."

"Just listen to your breathing," she said with a smile.

"That's where I wanna be, yeah," Zac sang a little bit. He heard her giggle.

"You dork. I love you, Spaceboy."

"I love you too, D.C."

As Zac watched Daphne's dad chase her down. He watched him hit her. He felt every muscle in his body clench. He now understood Daphne's mood swings, her emotional outbursts, and why she mistrusted men so much. He watched Daphne fighting back and screaming for help. He watched her brothers racing over to help her out. Tears stung Zac's eyes. She had never told him it was that bad, but as he watched the tapes, memories of previous times they shared flashed before his eyes and he finally understood them. The scratches, the scars, the bruises ... she had told him she had no idea how she had gotten them, but in reality she knew exactly where they were coming from. It was just another one of those things Daphne didn't tell him about. Zac heard yelling coming from downstairs. He ejected the tape and made his way to the kitchen.


Will pulled out his pack of Djarums and began to smoke. He closed his eyes as he leaned against the balcony railing. He felt so empty inside, so alone. He felt like he was in the middle of a crowded party and didn't know anyone. Will wanted to scream, to give in. To call Taylor and beg him to take him back. To set aside his pride and just tell Tay that nothing else mattered as long as they were together. That the baby was a blessing because Will could never have given him a child, but now Tay had one. He was afraid though, afraid of Tay rejecting him, afraid of hurting Love. He was holding onto Love because she was physically there, and he didn't want to risk being physically and emotionally alone. No. If Tay wanted him, Will assured himself, Tay would come for him.


Zac entered the kitchen to see Daphne's dad barking at Daphne and her mother. Her dad shut his mouth the minute he spotted Zac and smiled an almost obnoxious smile as he pretended that he hadn't just been on the verge of getting violent. Zac couldn't contain himself. Lifting his clenched fist, Zac hit Daphne's dad so hard that her dad actually flew backwards, hitting the wall. Zac reached down as Daphne's mother and Daphne started screaming for him to stop, but he wasn't done. Zac grabbed her dad and slammed him up against the nearest wall. Daphne's father's back smashed into a framed picture on the wall, the glass shattering.

"IF YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN, I WILL KILL YOU," Zac screamed at him, kicking him in the stomach.

"ZAC," Daphne yelled as she pulled Zac off of her dad, "STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," her father protested.

Zac spit in his face. "You're a fucking liar, and YOU KNOW IT!!!"

"ZAC, STOP IT! COME WITH ME," Daphne pleaded as she dragged and pulled him out of the kitchen and out of the house.

"Zac, what the hell was that?" Daphne snapped as they stepped outside on the front porch.


Daphne grew pale.

"What? How did you know that?" she asked in a hushed tone which was barely audible over Zac's heart, which was pounding loudly in his ears. She clenched up as she asked, "Did Will tell you?"

"Why would you keep that from me, Daph? If I knew it was this bad for you I would have told you a long time ago to come and be with me, live with me. Daphne, please, come with me now. My parents will understand. My mom might be a little bit ticked, but my dad thinks you rock, and neither of them would tell you to leave if they knew what your family life was like."

"Zac, no! Will you listen to yourself? What are you saying? I can't just leave my family, and even if I could - my band is here! How can I desert my band?"

"LISTEN TO MYSELF?!! Listen to you!! You're the one who wants to continue to live in this HELL HOLE! I'm offering you an escape."

"No, Zac. You're offering me the chance to run away. You and your family need to realize sometimes you can't always just run away from things. I love my family, maybe not my dad, but the rest of my family ... Zac, we're dysfunctional, I know, but they're all I have."

"FUCK THAT, DAPHNE! YOU HAVE ME! Will, Cristin, Shiye, Ike, Tay, and the rest of my family."

"Zac, please just calm down."

"CALM DOWN?!! FUCK YOU!!! Why do I care about you so much?! You obviously don't care about yourself enough to get out of this fucking situation or at least to get your family some help! This isn't healthy. This isn't normal, Daph. You can't keep something like this locked up inside of you. It's going to eventually tear you apart, and the thing that pisses me off so much," Zac fought back his tears as he sobbed. "You didn't keep it from everyone, but you kept it from me. I don't know things about you, Daph. I didn't know that you can heat up your hands, make it feel like you're touching when you're not or whatever the hell Will said. I just don't know so much, but I want to. I want to know everything because I love you, and I am willing to love and accept every part of you if you'd just let me in. But you keep pushing me away."

"Zac ... please ... " Daphne pleaded reaching out for him.

"No, fuck this and fuck you. You want to hurt yourself, then go ahead, but I can't be a part of it. I'd feel by not doing anything to get you out of here that I'd be hurting you too, and I can't hurt you. I got to go. Later."

Daphne wrapped her arms around her and started to cry. She buried her face in her right hand, but she didn't stop Zac from walking away.


"Dad, not now," Zac said, as he entered the room. Why in the hell did his parents insist on being up his ass at every moment?!!

Walker's expression changed from angry to concerned as he looked Zac up and down. "What happened?" he asked.

Zac couldn't keep it in. He had to vent. Walker sat and listened as Zac told him the entire story.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to condone your violent behavior, but given the situation ... " Walker sighed, "Zac, your mother and I have been pretty hard on you lately, but that's only because we care about you. We don't want anything to happen to you. It's not that we want you to feel alone, but Taylor has, well, he's put us all in a rough place with his choices."

"Put us? He messed up! But instead of all of us just accepting him for what he is, who he is, we decided to make him what was most convenient for all of us! Screw that! We've destroyed him," Zac yelled, "And you're trying to do it to me! Daphne and I were fine until you guys had to get involved! If you hadn't, I would have known about this earlier and maybe she would have felt comfortable enough to tell me - to confide in me. I could have gotten her away from that asshole!"

"Zachary Walker-"

"NO! Don't Zachary Walker, me, Dad! Because from now on I don't give a rat's ass what mom and you want. I'm doing what I want! What's best for me! And if that's not convenient for you guys then feel free to disown me because I don't need a family that won't accept Daphne because she is a part of me. If you can't accept our love, then you can't possibly love and accept me. Now get out of my room," Zac snapped as he swung open the door.

"Zac, don't turn this into a war," Walker told him as he made his way out.

"The war's already started, Dad," Zac yelled as he slammed the door in Walker's face.

Zac fell back against the door and stared at the ceiling. His chest heaving as he shut his eyes tightly. They snapped open as he realized what he had to do. He rushed across the room and grabbed his bags. He was going to Will's party, regardless of what anyone in his family thought about that.


The press was setting up, and Will looked around as the guests were arriving. He put on a forced smile as he walked around greeting people, welcoming them to his engagement slash housewarming party. Love stood beside him in a gorgeous black satin dress that showed off her figure. She smiled warmly at him and gave him a huge kiss. Will noticed the flashes of the cameras going off and felt his stomach turn. It was so surreal, like he was living someone else's life. Something just didn't feel right.

"Hey," Daph said as she came up to him.

"Daphne," Will squealed, in excitement giving her a huge hug. "Look at you! You look HOT. I like the pants!!! Where's Zac at?"

"Thanks, and um, we didn't come together."

"What?" Will exclaimed; his mouth hanging open.

"Hi, Will," Paris said, waving and blowing him a kiss as she came in. Daphne was momentarily off the hook.

Will laughed and greeted her, "Hey, Paris! Good to see you! Check out Daphne's outfit!"

Paris checked out Daphne and licked her lips, "That's hot." Her boy-toy of the moment walked in followed by Nikki and a few of Paris's "best" friends. Daphne was amazed. This really was the event of the year.

More press arrived and asked where they could set up. Will groaned and looked over to Daphne with an apologetic look.

Daph sighed and said, "It's cool. You got stuff to do. It's not easy throwing the party of the year; I understand! Anyway I'm going to go get a drink or something. I'll catch up with you later tonight babe."

Will watched her walk off. 'She'll get back with Zac,' he thought to himself, 'and then everyone will have someone. Wait a minute ... ' Will looked around and spotted Love talking to the head of security. He shrugged as he turned to the tardy press.

"So, basically all the guests already know that you guys are going to be here," Will found himself explaining all over again to what seemed to be yet another herd of reporters.

"Is there anywhere we can't go?" one asked.

"Yes, absolutely, there are places you can't go; however instead of telling you where you can't go, I'm simply going to tell you where you can be," Will began as he showed them the few select areas on the main floor where they were allowed.

Will continued, "I have plenty of security here and if any of them see you outside of these areas, you're out and your film is mine."

"How about outside?" another asked.

"Only in the front, but no blocking the doors or main entrance, there is an area off to each side you can set up at, and please remember, this is my house so do you best to wipe your feet and not break anything," Will finished as he began to walk back inside.

"How long is the party tonight?" a female reporter asked.

"Okay did no one get the release on this? The party ends for you guys at eleven o'clock."

"But I heard the party is on until three or four in the morning?" another asked.

"Yes, but this is a party before it's a media extravaganza. Meaning you guys are being allowed this favor by me, two hours of my private life is way more than you all need," Will snapped.

"Yeah, but all the best people won't be getting here until after we leave," one male reporter protested in vain as Will walked inside.


"Okay if I remember correctly, I invited both you and Zac," Will exclaimed as he walked up and leaned on Daphne, who was standing with a group of people laughing about something.

"Oh! Hey babe," she smiled turning around.

"So where is he?" Will asked again.

"Yeah, well, you know," she started.

"Don't tell me you got into another fight, Daphne?" Will sighed flopping back into the sofa.

"It wasn't entirely my fault, Will! Zac simply went overboard. You wouldn't even begin to imagine what he did," Daphne defended, as she followed him to the sofa and sat down beside him.

"Try me," Will replied, taking her drink from her.

"Uh, hey! That's mine," she said with a pout.

"It's an open bar, Daph; it's not like you have to pay for it," Will said as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, phew," she teased, "I was about to ask you if they took credit cards."

Will looked at her blankly. "Come on, Daphne, spill it."

"I'm kidding," Daphne laughed. She playfully slapped Will on the shoulder nearly knocking her drink out of his hand.

"Damn, I meant spill your story, not my drink! Shit, Daphne! These are leather," Will whined as he dabbed his pants with a napkin.

"Oh please, like you couldn't afford another pair," Daphne reminded him, as she got comfy on the couch.

"Okay, what happened?" Will asked. He was starting to get annoyed because she kept avoiding the question.

"He attacked my dad," Daph finally told him.

"And that's a bad thing?" Will asked, sipping her drink.

"Uh yeah," she replied defensively.

"Whatever, Daphne! Your dad is a fucking asshole. Come on! You don't have to pretend with me, remember? I've been your friend for how many years now? I think I've earned honesty," Will reminded Daph as he finished off the drink.

"It doesn't matter how he treats my family. That's my family's business, not Zac's. Zac doesn't have the right to just do that, but I guess this answers my question on who told him," she snapped.

Will interrupted her, "Hold up! If you're accusing me of telling Zac, then you're wrong. I would never have done that! Plus I assumed you'd have already told him, but I guess I assumed wrong. But think about it this way ... It's okay for you to be hurt as long as it's by your family, and he should be willing to stand by and let you get the shit kicked out of you as long as it's by your family?" Will asked with a very annoyed look on his face. Daph didn't seem to know how to reply. Will continued, "Then that means it's okay for Walker and Diana to hurt him by telling Zac who he can and can not see, where he can and can not go?"

Daphne objected, "That's different!"

"Yeah because Walker and Diana aren't beating the shit out of Zac physically," Will snarled. A look crept across Daphne's face that Will couldn't read. He decided to keep on going. "Zac loves you Daphne; he cares about you; he wants to protect you just as much as you want to do the same for him." Daphne continued to stare blankly at Will's shirt. "Don't tell me. I know exactly what happened ... Zac beat your dad up. You, instead of thanking him for being your hero , you once again chose to pull him off your dad and then proceed to chew him out."

"Well, not exactly," Daph replied almost sheepishly.

"Oh shit! That's exactly what happened isn't it," Will almost yelped as he sat up.

"Stop," Daph started.

"No! You stop! Are you even aware of how much he loves you?! Can you even begin to imagine how much that must have hurt him? To defend you - to try to protect you! Only for you to shrug off that protection! To defend the person he's trying to save you from," Will yelled as tears filled his eyes.

"Babe, why are you getting so emotional," Daph asked sitting forward, putting her hand on Will's shoulder. Will took a deep breath.

"Daph, do you know how badly that hurts a person? When you try to save someone, want to save someone, only for them to not let you save them. When you want to rescue them so badly, but they don't want to be rescued, and you start to realize that you can only help those who want to be helped."

Daphne stared in shock. She hadn't really thought Will had even thought of Taylor in this way. She had her suspicions, but now it was obvious. Taylor was on Will's mind and in his heart still. Her head started to pound in excitement. There was hope for them yet! Words escaped her mouth, as tears escaped Will's eyes. Daph tried in vain to comfort Will, but he pushed her away and hurried off. Daph knew she shouldn't follow him. He needed to be alone.


Love rounded the corner and saw Will walking away from Daphne; his eyes were puffy and red.

"Are you alright?" Love asked, trying to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Not right now, please. Let me get some cold water on my face," Will replied pushing her hands away as he walked off into the distance of the house.

Love headed over to the bar and walked up to Daphne.

"Hi," she said.

"Hmm," Daph replied with her glass up to her mouth turning around.

"Oh, hey," Daph replied returning the smile, after setting her drink down.

"So, uh," Love began, visibly nervous.

"Yeah?" Daphne asked confused.

"Will seemed, uh a little upset," Love said, trying hard to hide her anger as she continued to smile at Daphne.

"He has a lot on his mind," Daphne replied sipping her drink, seemingly un-phased.

"Yeah, I know that, but Will seemed really upset," Love continued, "so I was just wondering what you two were talking about?"

"Okay, fine," Daphne exclaimed, turning fully around, "Let me give you an update." Love stepped back; her smile fading.

Daphne shook her head, laughing. "Stop that, Love. I'm not gonna hit you or anything."

"Oh I didn't," Love lied. Daphne playfully jabbed Love in the arm as she continued to laugh. Love nervously rubbed her arm as she began to think that maybe attempting to talk to Daphne Catinelli wasn't the best idea.

Daphne assured her, "I don't dislike you. In fact, you seem to be a really sweet girl, but I've known Will for several years, and -"

"Can we step over there? I don't want to discuss this kind of stuff around," Love interrupted, nervously glancing around at the guests.

Daphne looked like she was about to comply before her cell phone began to ring. She unclipped it from her belt to see Taylor's face flashing back at her.

'Perfect,' she thought, silencing the ringer, while hiding who was calling from Love.

"There's nothing to really discuss, Love. Will's just a very unhappy man. I wouldn't blame you for it, but at the same time he was never this unhappy when he was with Taylor," Daphne said; her words slicing deep into Love. "But you'll have to excuse me, Love. I have to take this phone call."

Love didn't know how to reply. Her mouth hung open as Daphne moved to rush off. Daphne stopped herself, returning to Love and giving her a quick hug.

"I know I'm bitch at times," Daphne explained, "but you'll eventually get used to it seeing as how you're probably going to end up marrying Will. However, you're not earning any brownie points, but lecturing me. Go comfort Will. See you later!"

"Yeah ... no problem," Love sighed, as Daphne rushed out onto the marble patio.

'Will, has some really strange friends,' Love thought as she took Daph's advice and went after Will.


"You want me to do what?! Taylor, do you have any idea just how much security is here," Daphne almost hissed into the phone.

"Come on! You can't seriously expect me to leave after coming all this way! They wouldn't let Mandy and me inside. Security said I was on this block list, and Mandy doesn't want to go without me. Please ... " Taylor begged.

"Fine, fine, okay, do this - you'll notice another drive way off on your right that leads around a bend, pull in there," Daphne whispered.

"I'm not going to get towed or anything," Taylor started, "because this is Mandy's rental car."

"It's the road to the boat dock," she cut him off.

"Okay, so just pull in there?"

"Yeah and I'll meet you down there; I swear if we get caught," Daphne started.

"You'll simply bat your lashes, shake your tits, and we'll be fine," Taylor replied.

"Shake my what," Daph almost yelled into the phone, but he had hung up.

"I swear," she growled as she started across the lawn.

The front yard was swarming with people, flash bulbs flashing and a lot of laughter. "The party of the year, and I'm out creeping around in the bushes," Daphne muttered to herself as she slapped at a mosquito.

A moment or so later Daph stepped out onto the smaller paved road; the boat house and dock behind her in the distance. Headlights suddenly hit her eyes blinding her, she stepped to the side. After what seemed like forever the lights shut off and Taylor got out.

"I hope it's easy to get back; I'm wearing nice pants," Taylor complained.

"Well now that I'm blind," Daphne snapped smacking Taylor in the stomach, "we may never find the way back!"

"Hi." Mandy smiled as she walked up.

Daphne rolled her eyes, turned around and started through the brush.


Love walked into the bedroom as Will almost ran into her.

"Hi," she giggled.

"Hey, sorry," Will said, smiling as he hugged her.

"You ready?" she asked.

"Yeah, sorry about earlier ... I needed to get some water and stuff," Will whispered, as he hugged her.

"It's okay, so," she paused.

"Yes, I have it," he smiled, holding the box up.

"Can I?" Love started.

"No, I want your reaction to be genuine," he laughed.

"What, you don't think I could be convincing?" she teased, smirking.

"No, I think you could, but I don't want to think you'll be pretending to be surprised. I want it to be genuine," he exclaimed, heading to the door.

"Like us, Will?" Love smiled as she followed him.

"Yeah," he replied quietly, "like us."


"Shit," Zac cursed as he looked at his watch; it was already nearing ten in the evening.

"Fucking traffic, move," he cursed again.

It felt like he was creeping through downtown Miami; he was positive he had taken a wrong turn. He picked up his cell phone.

"Shit," Zac hissed as the screen read 'No Signal.'


"Well, first of all," Will began as the main crowd moved towards the front entry hall where Will and Love stood on the staircase.

All the cameras faced him, the lights blinding him a bit. He tried to scan the crowd for Daphne, but she was nowhere to be seen. Will swallowed hard; he had wanted her there so bad. Will felt like he was sinking under water and couldn't breathe. Will's head spun, his fist clenching the box in his pocket. Taylor's face flashed through his mind; he let out a breath of air. Will hadn't even realized he had been holding his breath.

"Sweetie," Love whispered looking at him.

The cameras still faced him; there was silence.

'You can do it,' Will told himself as he pulled his hand out of his pocket.

"I wanted you all here because," Will started as he turned to face Love whose face beamed. He had planned on a speech, on a long drawn out explanation, but it all blurred. His head pounded; his heart ached. Every time Will tried to think, Taylor's face washed through his mind.

'Screw it. Just do it,' he thought to himself.

"Love," Will began as he knelt on one knee.

Gasps could be heard, flash bulbs popping. Love covered her mouth as he held up the open box, the diamond ring sparkling like a star trapped on a band of gold.

"Will you marry me?" Will asked with a smile as a tear ran down his face.

Love took the ring and stared at it in genuine awe. No acting needed, the ring truly was gorgeous.

"Yes," Love giggled as tears ran down her face. She pulled Will up to hug him.

Everyone erupted into a burst of cheers and applause; more flash bulbs popped as the video cameras rolled.

Will squeezed Love tightly, tears streaming down his face, Taylor's face fluttering in his mind, pain filling his heart. Will couldn't believe he had done it. Now Taylor would see; he wasn't the only one who could play this game, and maybe, just maybe, Taylor would hurt too, now that Will was with someone else as well.


Daphne walked up through the side yard with Taylor and Mandy. The crowd outside had completely vanished. The yards were empty; a cheer erupted from inside the house.

"What was that?" Mandy asked.

Daphne ignored her as they headed for the side door and walked up the steps.

"Where did everyone go?" Taylor asked as she pulled the door open.

"I have no idea," Daph replied honestly.

As they entered the house, everyone seemed to be walking back from the main entry, smiling.

"Did I miss something?" Daphne started to ask, before Taylor drug her over to the bar.

"Security," he hissed with his back to the room.

"That's Vin Diesel. Damn Tay," Daphne rolled her eyes, "Seriously none of the security working the room will notice you're not supposed to be here, unless you keep acting like you're not supposed to be here."

"Oh," Taylor replied looking back at Vin Diesel as Mandy giggled.

"Taylor, your bag is poking me; at least I hope it's your bag," Daphne mentioned, frowning as she shoved his messenger bag out from between their hips.

"Why the hell did you drag that bag in with you anyways?" Daph asked suddenly.

"Come on, be nice," Taylor replied, eyes wide.

"What, seriously why in the hell do you insist on dragging it around everywhere?" she asked, staring down at his messenger bag.

"Oh," Taylor mumbled, blushing suddenly.

"Oh what?" Daph asked.

"I thought you meant Mandy."

"Oh good grief," Daphne cracked up, as she threw back a shot.

"Wow," Taylor smirked.

"Shut up, Hanson," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Huh, Hanson?" Taylor heard behind Daphne. He winced as he felt someone tap on his shoulder.


Will stood on the balcony of his room and stared out at the ocean. Love was downstairs; the press seemed to enjoy talking to her more than him. Not that it bothered him; it just made him worry about how convincing he had been. Will stubbed out his Djarnum and threw it in the ashtray. His cell rang; the screen showed Zac's face.

"Finally," Will exclaimed as he flipped the phone open.

"Hey dude," Will said with a grin.

"Fuck man! I swear I'm lost," Zac groaned into the phone.

"Have you passed the big blue house on the left?" Will asked.

"It's night time; how am I supposed to know what color?" Zac suddenly stopped.

"Never mind, why didn't you tell me it was lined with blue neon? Is that even tasteful here in Miami?" Zac laughed.

"Damn Mexicans," Will replied, "they follow me everywhere."

Zac chuckled and said, "I'm passing it now."

"Alright, you're almost here. Now five houses down on the right hand side, on the coastal side, you'll see a driveway with two big coral colored columns," Will explained.

"Turn there?" Zac asked.

"Yeah, why else would I be describing it?" Will asked, laughing.

"Gotcha. See you soon," Zac replied laughing too as he hung up.


"Yeah," Tay asked, turning around to come face to face with Paris Hilton.

"Oh, hey," he said, ginning from ear to ear.

Paris smirked at him.

"Oh, I love your outfit," Taylor cooed as he stepped back to look at her.

"Where do you find skirts that short?" Mandy asked.

"Where do you find outfits that hideous?" Paris replied with a smile.

"SNAP," Daphne exclaimed out from behind them all.

Taylor tried not to giggle as Mandy rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Leather pants," Paris commented with a grin as she looked at Taylor.

"Yeah," he laughed.

"That's hot." She smiled.

"Literally," Daphne added.

"Shut up," Taylor laughed looking at her from over his shoulder.

"Okay, so what's in the bag," Paris asked pulling on it.

"Oh, just some junk," Tay muttered, blushing.

"Nice camera," Paris exclaimed lifting it up.

"Smile," she grinned pointing it at him, hitting the record button.

"It's too dark in here," Tay informed her, frowning.

"You know you have night vision on this thing," she exclaimed as Daphne started laughing hysterically behind them.


"Zac," Will yelled giving Zac a half hug as he entered the house.

"Whoa, didn't think you'd be waiting for me to arrive," he said with a laugh.

"Actually I was trying to escape," Will kidded, before adding, "seriously though, you did just call and say you were pulling onto my street!"

"Yeah," Zac said, "about that. You didn't warn me that I still had another hour to drive. How long is your driveway man? It's longer than the street I live on."

"Oh shut up," Will squealed, shoving Zac playfully.

Will noticed Zac's eyes scanning the room.

"Oh Daphne's roaming around here somewhere," Will informed him, "in some low-low rise black flares that have these white pin-stripes going down them and this tight shirt that's made out of similar fabric, but all torn up and connected with see-through mesh only covering the good parts, of course. She looks really good."

"Huh, I wasn't looking for-"

"Don't Zac," Will stopped him.

"Alright, you caught me man. It's just ... you have no idea how bad I want to kiss her again. Her lips are so soft and ... "

"Yeah, I know what you mean ... " Will interrupted.


Will looked around the empty foyer and leaned in.

"Don't be mad Zac because it really was nothing. Daph and I are and always shall remain friends, but um, Daph and I kissed recently and ... "

Before Will could continue Zac grabbed him by the back of the neck and was running his tongue all over the insides of Will's mouth. Will froze up, before returning the favor. Zac broke the kiss after a few minutes, and Will just began to sputter out random words, and he thought Daphne's kisses threw him off!

"Sorry," Zac apologized.

"No, it's alright ... just, you, I, she, wow, why?"

"I told you. I miss kissing her, and you've kissed her, so by kissing you, I'm kissing her."

"That wasn't just a kiss, Zac! THAT WAS YOUR TONGUE!"

Zac laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so, but I figure if I'm going to do it - I better do it good."

"Wow, dude, just wow," Will exclaimed as he ran his arms around Zac's neck as Zac pulled away, "No wonder, Daphne is with you, but ... wow ... Did anyone ever tell you that you kiss just like Tay?"

"Oh sick dude! NO! And up to this point I hadn't kissed anyone who had kissed Taylor 'cept maybe some family members, but uh, I know for damn sure my Mom doesn't kiss us like that!"

Will chuckled, "Hey, I'd hope not, man. After all you're from Oklahoma, not Alabama!"

"Some people in Alabama would not appreciate that last comment of yours Will," Love commented from behind them.

Will spun around a huge smile on his face, though his mind freaked out a bit.

"How much of that did she see," his mind asked as he brought her into his arms.

"Zac, I'd like to reintroduce you to the beautiful and talented Jennifer Love Hewitt who is now my beautiful and talented fiancé. Love, you remember Zac."

"Of course, I do," she said with a huge smile.

Zac just stared at her.

"Right," he mumbled leaving the room.

"Huh?" Will said confused, "Love, I-"

"No, it's alright," Love whispered, "now I see why Daph and him belong together even more. They don't hate me Will. They're just protective of you ... "


"Don't you look beautiful this evening," the male voice rang through Daph's ears.

She turned around and smiled.

"Juju bean!"

Justin Timberlake grimaced and mumbled, "You know I hate that nickname."

"Aw, but it's so cute. Just like you, brillo pad."

Justin laughed.

"Your abuse of me will never end, huh?"

"No, I guess not, but how have you been?"

A whisper arose throughout the press as they all watched in awe as Justin Timberlake and Daphne Catinelli appeared to flirt. Justin leaned down and began to whisper in her ear.

"Actually I was going to ask you for a favor, Daph ... "

"What?" she whispered back into his ear.

"This is all my contact info, if you wouldn't mind ... "

The press furiously rushed to get to a phone. Justin Timberlake had just slipped Daphne Catinelli what appeared to be his contact information.

Zac approached Ashton at the bar oblivious to his surroundings.

"What is the press freaking about?" Zac asked.

"Probably running to report that two A-listers are canoodling. MAN! I love that word," Ashton exclaimed.

Zac just shrugged and grabbed a Miller Lite.

"CANOODLING ... what a great word," Ashton continued.

"Yeah, right. Anyway," Zac said as he took a swig, "Have you seen Daphne, man?"

"Yeah, of course, she's the one all the press are going nutso over! Word is Justin and her are ... well, making beautiful music, but uh ... in the bedroom. Supposedly a tabloid is supposed to run a bunch of pictures of them making out. Damn, Zac! Why couldn't I be a curly-haired freak? Damned with this straight hair, I am. I am ... . but I still bet my cock is bigger than his. I'll have to ask Daphne though."

Zac turned around to see Justin and Daphne together and way too close. His eyes narrowed. Ashton leaned over.

"Hey, Zac, want me to kill him for you?"

"I'll get back to you on that one," Zac snapped as he made his way over to Daphne and Justin ready to find out once and for fuckin' all if anything was or had gone on between them.

Daphne laughed and exclaimed, "I can't believe it. That's so wild! I would have never thought, you of all people! But heck yeah, I'll definitely make sure you get a call. Later, Juju."

Justin placed a kiss on her cheek. He had noticed the press and realized that the attention they were getting was great publicity for his album that was dropping next month.

"Thanks, Daphne! You're as sweet as you are beautiful, as impossible as that may seem," Justin exclaimed loudly.

Daphne noticed the encroaching press and laughed.

"You are a dog, Justin Timberlake! I'll catch up with you later tonight!"

"Having fun?" Zac said approaching Daphne as she was turning away from Justin.

"Um, yeah, I guess," Daphne replied with a laugh.

She looked into his eyes and the smile disappeared.

"Zac ... "

"We need to talk NOW," Zac commanded as he dragged her into another room away from the prying eyes of the media.

Zac slammed the double doors to the room shut. Daphne stared at him. Zac tried to calm down as he gripped the door handles. He couldn't turn around. He knew he'd melt. Damn her. Why did she have to look so good tonight?!

"Zac, are you alri-"

Before she could finish Zac spun around and snapped, "Daphne, are we or aren't we together? Because I need to know! If we're not I have to seek other options." Zac cringed as his own words hit his ears. He watched Daphne's facial expression change.

"Fine! Seek other options! Didn't know I was holding you back from all the oodles and oodles of men and women that want you. My God, who are you? You have changed so much since Taylor got married and only for the freakin' worse, if it wasn't for me you'd be with that Karen girl!"

"I'VE CHANGED, DAPHNE?! I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HASN'T!!! You have one hell of a nerve telling me to keep my hands off other girls, when you can't even keep your hands off other guys!"

"What?" Daphne replied before Will flashed through her mind. He was mad that she had kissed Will? Will told Zac about that? "Zac, there's no one I enjoy kissing more than you. It wasn't like when you and I kiss. It was different because-"

Zac cut her off. He didn't want to hear about Justin Timberlake.

"Fuck you, Daphne Catinelli. FUCK YOU! HOW COULD YOU?"

"WE WERE ON A BREAK, ZAC! I was upset! He's still just my friend."

"FRIEND?! Oh great so every time we're on a break then I'll make out with flat-chested brunette bitches and you make out with your clearly queer and in denial friends."

"Zac, you don't mean that-"

"You're right. What I really mean is that we're over! Oh and one more thing, Daph ... "

Zac grabbed her hand and dropped the ring, her ring into her palm.

"Zac," Daphne gasped looking down at the engagement ring. Her eyes were brimming with tears from their argument. He knew he had to do it then when her emotions were raging. She either was going to burst into tears, deck him or kiss him. He was hoping it'd be the latter. His mind scolded him, but his heart couldn't help it. He was still and would always be in love with her, regardless if she returned his love.

"Zac," she repeated. "Why would you ... "

"I had it that night. You just didn't give me a chance to give it to you," Zac explained.

Daphne looked straight into Zac's eyes, a single teardrop forming in the corner of her right eye before it cascaded down her cheek.

"I had no idea you even thought - I thought you were just being random."

Zac felt like he had been slapped in the face. "Random? Daph, you think I'd be random about something like that. Shit, do you even know me anymore? Oh, yeah, that's right - I've changed!"

"Zac ... "

Daphne reached up to touch his cheek, and it was at that moment Zac noticed that tears were coming from his eyes. This girl had made him cry too many damn times.

"Fuck," he cursed batting her hand away.

He closed his eyes before continuing, "I came here tonight to give that to you again ... to propose to you under the stars or some shit like that. I know! I know that you already said 'no,' but I didn't think you meant it Daphne because I couldn't ever imagine saying 'no' to you. It's alright though. Keep the ring, wear it or hell give it away, pawn it! It doesn't matter to me. I have no use for it. I designed that ring for you, and you're the only one in my eyes who could ever wear it ... Yeah, so ... Goodbye, Daphne Grace Catinelli."

Daphne stood there in shock holding the ring. The quality of the stones ... the band ... perfect ... she looked at the inscription. Zac really loved her. This wasn't some ... . he wanted to ... he thought about her enough to ... cared enough ... loved ... commitment. He was over his commitment phobia? But ... what the hell was wrong with her? She knew she was in love with him. He was the only one for her. He was her Zac.

"Yes," she whispered as the tears increased. She glanced up and noticed she was alone.

"Zac?" Daphne's eyes opened wide as she realized what he had just happened.

Zac had said goodbye.

Back to Chapter Ten

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Journey into Obilivion is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
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The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
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