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Storm Front by SF Writer (Tyrel "Rock" Wolf) Season 5: The End of Innocence 'The end of innocence is realization' Chapter 5.08d - Resolutions and Conclusions 11,347 words Back to Chapter 5.07c "Untitled" On to Chapter 5.09 "A June to Remember" Chapter Index ![]() Drama Angst Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
'Ladies and gentleman, your new champion, ... Daniel Marcus!"
The collective sound of applause filled the indoor arena, all focused on one individual. In the middle of the centre mat, one young man bowed respectfully to his opponent. The two opponents shook hands and then embraced, before a tall Norwegian named Sven rushed the mat giving the new champion a bear hug that put pressure on some already injured ribs.
"Sven is very proud, Stormy one." Sven chuckled, giving Storm a mighty hug.
Corey Caines rushed on next, following a voluptuous female, his full attention on her equally voluptuous ass. The bright eyed teenager grinned mischievously, clearly checking the girl out as he rushed on to congratulate the new champion.
Looking down from one of the many upper decks, a group of friends watched the unfolding action on the mat with a mixture of riotous rapture and an awkward sense of 'why aren't we down there?'. Lucas Sheridan was one of the former. Dade Marcus was one of the latter.
"He won, he won!" Lucas screamed, jumping up and down just like almost everyone else around him on the upper
Marcel smiled smugly, nodding his head in approval. Deep down he felt a sense of redemption, perhaps even retribution for his dear friend, Daniel. Next to him Mike and Sarah were cheering, hugging, overjoyed that one of their own had succeeded so monumentally.
"Well none of them are in the fucking pack, Dude." Lucas said suddenly, frowning as he looked down at the sight of Storm sharing his joy with 'strangers'.
"I want to go down." Sarah said enthusiastically, leading Mike by the hand to the stairwell.
"Dudes, me too!" Lucas yelled, rushing after them.
"I'll uhh ... share the love from up here." Marty Lee said uncomfortably, "Let the kids have the fun."
"I think I'll stay up here with you." Dade said with a sigh, "Though down there is where I really want to be."
Marcel put his hand on Dade's back, and in that moment he caught the slightest flicker of jealousy in Marty Lee's eyes. He found that rather curious, but showed little reaction to it.
Dade gave Marcel a small smile, grateful for the show of support. He suddenly hugged Marcel, sighing and closing his eyes. Marcel let the hug continue, rubbing Dade's back as he held him. It was an embrace he found strange, given how their paths had diverged so greatly. Yet he also found it to be something he quite enjoyed, something welcoming.
Marcel broke the embrace, not wanting it to seem inappropriate. He gave Dade a small nod, before he turned and left to follow the others down to the main floor. Marty Lee gave Dade a look that bordered on annoyance or hurt, before he cleared his throat.
"So ... you love Claire, huh?"
"Oh fuck off." Dade groaned, "Find a dick to stuff in your mouth. I'm going to stand here and wallow that I can't go down and congratulate my own brother because I'm an asshole."
"Yes, you are." Marty Lee agreed, "But if you really wanted to, you should go down there. You beat him unscrupulously and now he's proven he's better than your underhanded ass."
"Why you fucking cunt," Dade gasped, almost laughing, "Piece of fucking shit. That's what you are."
"I am, I am." Marty Lee agreed, nodding, "So do you want to hug me now?"
"You wish." Dade laughed out loud.
"I shall take that in the negative then."
"Take it up your ass for all I care." Dade smirked, turning and leaning over the railings, "Well, somehow this makes me think things are starting to be the way they should be. He's the best again."
Marty Lee pondered for a moment before he nodded, "I suppose he is, Dade. I suppose he is."
* * * * * * *
I won.
I couldn't believe it. I actually won.
All the work, all the dreaming, finally it has paid off. I can't believe I'm finally here.
"You are like this cool now," Corey grinned, making a tiny gesture with his thumb and finger.
"Haha fuck you! Dickhead." I grinned back, hugging him tightly, "Couldn't have made it without you guys."
It seemed odd that I was here, celebrating this with new people. The Pack is coming, and I can see them moving closer through the crowd. I'm excited and happy, but I still think that perhaps I'm not as close to them as I used to be. Maybe that's just life? I suspect it's likely just a case of spending time together again.
This fact is proven to me when the hugs begin in earnest. When Sarah hugs me, the old feelings come rushing right back and I grip her even tighter. It's the same with Mike. With Marcel, it's a little awkward, but mainly because we probably have some things we need to sort out. Still, he's my Blondie, and I love him like no other, so when we do hug, it's with all my might.
"You did it, Storm." Marcel whispered in my ear as we hugged, "You found your north."
I closed my eyes and sighed into the embrace, nodding in agreement. I did find my north. I found my way back to where I wanted to be, just like I told him. I held him even tighter, feeling emotion well up inside as we hugged. Despite not talking during my time of rebuilding, I'd always valued him. Always felt inspired by him and our time together in Drake.
"Couldn't have found it without you, Blondie." I whispered back before I kissed him chastely and hugged him even tighter, "Not without you."
"Maybe now you can finally come home." Marcel said, rubbing my back and keeping the embrace close, "Maybe this is enough."
"I think it is." I kissed his neck and buried my face there, sighing, "I think it is."
I was suddenly pulled from Marcel's arms and into another embrace. This time, it was Lucas who embraced me. In the heat of the moment, and caught up in my rapture, I didn't respond immediately to his firm embrace. I was more annoyed that I'd suddenly been pulled away from Marcel. Still, I didn't want to ruin my happy mood by getting snitty with Lucas for invading my personal space.
"Dude, you did it." Lucas said, lifting me off my feet with the hug, "You did it!"
I was about to reply when Lucas kissed me. No tongue. I don't think it was intended. Seemed to be a spur of the moment act inspired by the buzz in the air.
"Steady on there, Big boy." I said, patting his chest to get him to back off, "Dinner and flowers before you try any of that on."
I smirked a little, stepping away from him. I'd played the moment off so it wasn't awkward for either of us, especially in front of everyone. He seemed to realize he might've gotten a bit carried away, but hey, like I said, this is going to be a good day.
* * * * * * *
After the initial rush of euphoria that I felt after first winning the tournament, I'm now mellowed into something more like a gentle buzz. It does feel good to have won. It feels better than good. It feels accomplished.
"I won," I said to myself, staring down at the trophy between my feet.
I curled my toes in a little to cup the edges. Even in the showers I couldn't help thinking about my newest acquisition. I just wanted to give it a big fat hug.
I knew it wasn't the cure-all to my woes, but it felt like a really good step toward it. It felt like the first truly good moment in my life since Mum died. It felt like a turning point in my life that perhaps I could capitalize on and use as a platform to rebuild.
I closed my eyes and smiled softly. My body ached, but I felt so very good right now. I just felt I could float away. Perhaps I could. Perhaps I could.
Perhaps not.
I opened my eyes and looked up at Lucas, who was somewhere he was most certainly not supposed to be. The changing rooms were supposed to be off limits to anyone but competitors and their support. No doubt Lucas used his smile to worm his way in. Certainly worked on me for a long time. But frankly, I just wasn't really that interested in interacting with him right now and I got the strange sensation he was after me with a purpose in his mind.
"Lucas," I said with a polite nod, standing up a little awkwardly, "Ouch. Got myself beat up a little today. Is there something I can help you with?"
"Well, Dude, uhh, the Pack, I mean the rest of us were all hoping we could take you out to celebrate and congratulate you while we're all together. I know we talked about it before but if you're too busy ..."
I softened a little and smiled warmly, nodding my head, "I'd really like that actually. Been missing you guys."
"Even Dade?"
"Steady on there," I said, raising my hand in protest, chuckling, "One thing at a time."
"So he can't be there?"
"Oh come on. I'm not that fucking immature. If he's there, he's there. Today's a happy day and I'm not going to ruin that for anything or anyone." I smiled at him, "Now kindly get the fuck out so I can get changed, ya big perve."
Lucas grinned broadly, "Aww, Dude, do I have to?"
"Are you flirting with me, Sheridan?" I asked him, still grinning myself, "Because I am just evil enough to twist that and get you on your back, legs spread, while I claim some celebration ass."
"Dude, I'm there!" Lucas laughed, playfully making out as if he was going to pull his shirt off.
For the briefest of moments, the thought passed through my mind. I could get laid here. I could get laid here with a hot, gorgeous, adorable, did I mention gorgeous? Gorgeous man. Damn you, conscience.
"Come on, Lucas," I said with a slight blush, "Get your ass out of here so I can change, okay? I'll meet you guys outside. But I need to bring my two offsiders with me. Su and Corey."
"Dude, no you don't," Lucas said, "I mean, you don't really."
I grinned and raised my eyebrow at him, "Are you jealous of my new friends?"
"I'm your friend," Lucas said, "The Pack are your friends. You're more than welcome to have outside acquaintances though."
"Haha!" I laughed, "You are jealous! Of my friends!"
Lucas tapped his fingers together and gave me his best evil eyes, "They are interfering with my evil plans to get in your pants."
I just rolled my eyes and gave him a smirk, "So, where's this thing happening then?"
"Not sure yet, Dude, but I'll be just outside when you're done changing."
"Really? How very stalkerish of you!"
"You're killing me here," Lucas blushed, "At least I'm behaving myself this time, aren't I?"
With that, Lucas left. I was surprised he left so easily, I was expecting him to try something on. Maybe I was overestimating his feelings for me. Maybe he had moved on and was just being the friendly Lucas I'd first become friends with way back on that bus.
"If you want someone to wash your back, just yell, Dude!" Lucas called from outside the door.
I grinned brightly, turning around to check myself out in the mirror, "Yeah, you still got it."
* * * * * * *
"Storm, I still don't understand why your friends are so cool and you're like ... not." Corey said to me as we all sat down for a meal together.
We included The Pack, Corey, and Su. Marty Lee and Dade were conspicuously absent. Things were going well though. Marcel had booked us all a table at some swanky restaurant despite the rest of us stating we'd be more than satisfied with a picnic in the park or something. He claimed a rare gathering of all of us deserved something special.
" ...and rich, and gorgeous," Su said, making eyes at Marcel rather shamelessly.
Marcel scrunched his nose at her and smiled, "Sorry, I don't dabble."
Su pondered that for a moment before she frowned, realizing what he meant, "Oh boo! Always the gorgeous ones."
"Hey, I'm pretty gorgeous," Corey grinned at her.
"Eww, you're like my brother."
Poor Corey. I couldn't help chuckling at that. I wasn't sure if the two would end up together or not, but it wouldn't be for lack of Corey trying his luck.
"Dude, they're really cute," Lucas whispered in my ear, "For a couple of dorks."
"Don't talk like that about my new crew," I grinned back at him, "They're awesome."
"I know, I know, I'm just teasing. I like 'em."
"So, how are you feeling, Champ?" Mike asked me.
He was seated between Sarah and Marcel, one hand resting on the small of Sarah's back. The two of them still had that easy familiarity between them and only further enforced my belief that if any of us belonged together, it was them.
"I'm feeling pretty good," I replied honestly, "More especially to have everyone here with me. It wouldn't have been nearly as fulfilling if you weren't here. I know you didn't come here for me, but I'm still glad you're here."
"Dick," Sarah said sharply, she was good at that, "We would have come for you if you'd told us you were going to be here."
"Never been your style though, right, Storm?"
I turned at the voice, a little surprised to hear it. Dade, sans his new best friend Marty Lee. He'd changed into something appropriate for our meal and had obviously decided to join us. I turned back to my meal without saying or acknowledging him. I didn't do it to be rude, I just didn't really know what else to say. In all honesty, I believed our last encounter was just that. Now it seemed I'd have to revise that notion.
When Dade put his hands on the back of Lucas's shoulders, it was obvious what he wanted. He wanted to sit next to me. Directly next to me.
I felt myself clamping up a little, and everyone else seemed to sense the sudden rise in tension. I decided to distract myself by continuing my meal. Thankfully, Corey and Su didn't know the history Dade and I shared as much as the rest did. They were quite content to chat away amongst themselves, ignoring everyone else. They were quite used to being ignored themselves and so had become quite used to focusing on their own little bubble.
Unfortunately, every member of the Pack seemed to stare at Dade as he sat down. They knew how things had gone between us. How our relationship had continuously deteriorated after we lost our mother. How we barely even regarded each other as brothers anymore. I certainly didn't. This should certainly be interesting ...
* * * * * * *
"Well, that didn't work out so well," Mike said, rubbing Sarah's back as he held her.
"I suppose not," Sarah replied, a slight frown marring her features.
"I don't know what more we can do. If we can even do anything."
"Some things you can fight with all your heart and still not beat them," She said with a whisper, interlacing her fingers with his.
Mike caught her sentiment and stiffened a little at the implication. He tightened his grip of her and kissed her temple. He just wanted to hold her until the end of time if he could.
"It'll be okay. For all of us. Especially you. It'll be okay," He assured her, "Come on, Sarah. Don't let all of this get you down. We've been doing so well."
"I know, it's just ... when we're around them again and I ..." Sarah felt a welling up of emotion. "I feel ..."
"You feel like you should be with them. You feel like you should be their mother."
"Not their mother, you ass," Sarah chuckled softly, nuzzling his chest, "Just ... I' m the girl of the group, you know? I can't help the way I feel. I just want to watch out for them. Be there for them. I miss them, Baby. I miss all of them. It's all just so ... different now."
"They know why we left. You couldn't get the treatment you needed in Merlow."
Sarah sniffled a little and started to cry softly. She didn't dislike living in Saran City, but it had been such a change to her beautiful Merlow. She ached to go home, but she knew that the time was not yet right. If, and when the time became right, Mike would tell her. He always told her when the right time was for anything. Whenever she had doubts, he would assuage them. She knew that without him, she would be lost.
"I'll take you home one day, Sarah." Mike smiled, tilting her face up and cupping it in his hands, "I promise."
Sarah nodded her head and kissed him gently on the lips, before she resumed her place snuggled in his lap. She let out a content sigh. There was no place she enjoyed being more than with him like this.
"Do you think Storm will ever stop being an ass?" Sarah asked randomly.
"What?" Mike chuckled, taken by surprise, "What do you mean?"
"Well, not an ass, just ..." She smiled mischievously as if she wasn't sure she should say this, " ... not such an angry little fucker, you know?"
"Sarah ..." Mike said, fearing the direction she was going with this, "No."
"What? I mean I don't know when I'll see him again. A little reaming from me could do wonders for the boy."
"You're incorrigible, Wifey."
"And lovely, wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous, perfect, life fulfilling, fantastic, amazing. Need I continue?"
Mike eased her down onto their hotel room bed, kissing her soundly and smiling, "Continue for as long as you like, my love."
* * * * * * *
"Well what did you expect, Dade?" Marcel asked, his voice raised somewhat, "Do you think you can undo all the different ways you were an asshole to your own flesh and blood in one day?"
"Yes!" Dade yelled back at Marcel, clearly emotional, "I fucking did, alright? And if you're just here to chew me out then you can fuck off back to Drake."
"I intend to. And while I'm on my way to Drake, why don't you grow up?"
"Argh!" Dade yelled, turning and swinging at Marcel.
"Tut tut. No need for that, Padawan," Marty Lee said, catching Dade's fist.
"Wouldn't have landed anyway," Marcel said, unimpressed and unmoved by Dade's efforts.
Marty Lee let go of Dade's fist, before the younger cursed and started pacing back and forth. He raised his head quickly to apologize to Marcel but found himself facing a closing door.
"Shit!" Dade swore.
"Definitely your brother's brother," Marty Lee said, still wearing the aftermath of his own little encounter with Storm, "Tempestuous, rambunctious, passionate, and slightly unbalanced."
"As opposed to you, completely psycho."
"Something like that," Marty Lee agreed with a nod, "Now, do you intend to continue this warm family reunion or should we excuse ourselves to Merlow where your much better half may presently require your presence?"
"Lead on, Asshole," Dade grumbled, "I need to say goodbye to Mike and Sarah first. Hopefully I won't find a way to piss them off before I leave as well."
"I really do enjoy these gatherings you people have. So warm and welcoming. While you say goodbye, I'll get Lucas."
"He won't come," Dade said, "Storm's still in town. He'll stay here and do that lovey pining thing that he does until Storm leaves. It's really quite pathetic."
"My, aren't we nasty today?"
"If you want to do Lucas any favours, save him from himself," Dade suggested as he started packing his things, "He's a disaster waiting to happen."
"Tell me about it," Marty Lee said, sighing, "He seems to have just been on the way to getting himself back on track, and now this."
"Seeing Storm?"
"No offence to your brother, but he has a ... powerful influence on Lucas. I can already see where this is going. Unless Lucas gets some hint of a hope that his fairytale might come true again, he's going to fall apart again."
"Can't you hook him back up with your sister? I mean, someone is better than no one, right?"
"I'll try and ignore how that insults my sister," Marty Lee replied, "Random sex at this stage seems more appealing to Lucas than involving himself with the cause of his despair."
"Fuck him. Let's get out of here. Let him pine," Dade said, throwing his bags over his shoulder, "Tickets?"
"Will be taken care of."
"Wouldn't want you to think I keep you around for any other reason," Dade said as he walked out the door, leaving Marty Lee following behind.
"No, we wouldn't want that, would we?"
* * * * * * *
"I didn't think it was that bad," Corey shrugged, "He seems pretty cool."
"It was bad, trust me," I replied, as I flopped down on my bed in our dinky little hotel room, "It just went awkwardly and terribly after Dade sat down."
"He seems pretty cool. They all do. Kinda sucks, really. Even here we're like the lower caste."
"It's not so bad, is it?" I asked him, turning onto my elbow, "You get to share a bed with me."
"Only so Su can have her own since we're all too cheap to have our own beds."
"Bet you'd rather be sharing with her."
"Duh, she has boobies."
"So ... try it on," I shrugged, "While we're here."
"I wish. God, I'd love to put it i ..." He gasped, gritting his teeth as if he was really excited by doing certain things with Su, "I need to go jerk off."
"Better hurry before Su gets back then."
Corey was about to jump off the bed to go and get his rocks off in the bathroom, before he stopped and turned to look at me. He worried his lip as if wondering whether or not he should say what he was about to. I sat up on the bed, looking at his big brown eyes, wondering what he could possibly be about to ask.
"Dan, you're not going to leave us, are you?"
"What?" I asked in surprise.
"Your other friends are so much cooler and everything. It's just ... we'd really miss you."
"I'm not leaving you. Promise," I said sincerely.
"You could talk to my Uncle Alex again if you like. You know, about your brother."
"Eh, we'll see. Just go jerk off, okay? Everything'll be fine."
He gave me a big smile and dashed into the bathroom. He and I didn't really have any qualms about the whole jerking off thing. Young and horny, right? At least he closed the door and wasn't doing it in the bed next to me while I was trying to sleep.
There was a knock at the door and I assumed it was Su, with her hands full and unable to use her keycard. I got up and padded across to the door, opening it and then smiling at the sight of the visitor.
"Hey, Blondie," I grin at him, giving him a warm peck on the lips and about to beckon him in.
"Dan, I can't find the lu ..." Corey said, rushing out, naked, with his erection sticking out.
I groaned and looked at Marcel, "I promise this is not how it looks."
"Pity," Marcel smirked, giving Corey a once over, "Never had a cutie dork before. Nice."
Corey looked down at his erection, which was rapidly deflating, "Ack, you ruined it!"
Corey rushed back into the bathroom, locking himself inside. Poor kid. The evilness of the Pack is lost on him. I turned back to Marcel, shrugging.
"You're right. He's a gorgeous little nerd and I'd be doing him by now if he wasn't so hooked up on girly parts. At best he'd scrunch his eyes and let me jerk him off. I'm sounding like a real whore now, aren't I?"
"Yes, well, you are Dade's brother."
"Ouch!" I laughed, pulling Marcel into the room, "So, did you just come here to insult me, or is this our deep conversation time?"
"How long is he going to be in the bathroom for?" Marcel asked me, closing the door behind him.
"Long enough," I said to him, "Why, what's up?"
He didn't say anything for a little while which made me worry that what he had to say was serious. Unfinished business? One can only imagine. I know I left him hanging in Drake the last time I saw him. Was it naïve of me to believe we could just leave that time together behind us? The look on his face said otherwise.
"You found your north, Storm," he said, leaning his head against mine, "Now it's my turn. It's my turn."
* * * * * * *
"Mom, I know. Please, Dude, I know what I'm doing," Lucas said, holding the phone to his ear as he put the finishing touches on his shirt, "It'll work out this time. I know it will."
'I just don't want you to get your hopes up, Sweetheart.' Mira said, her voice echoing out of the speaker.
"I'm fine, Mom, I am. I promise. It's okay. He'll see. I can make this work."
'But you told me he doesn't even know you plan on taking him out.'
"He'll know when I get there, right?" Lucas smiled, "I have to go, Mom. I'm really excited. Just believe for me, okay? I love you, bye!"
Lucas hung the phone up before he could get any reply or rebuttal from his mother. The two had a much better relationship these days, but he could tell she didn't share his enthusiasm for reconciling with Storm.
The final touch for Lucas was putting on the necklace that Storm had given him long ago. Tonight had to be perfect. Tonight was his shot to make everything right again, the way it used to be.
"Lucas?" Marty Lee asked as he entered the room and saw Lucas putting the finishing touches on his suit, "Some black tie event I haven't been invited to?"
"Dude, tonight is my night. I can feel it. This is the chance I've been waiting for. This is when I get my baby back," Lucas said, dabbing some cologne to the pressure points on his neck.
"Right ... that," Marty Lee said, biting his tongue and nodding his head, "So ... you and Storm have plans, do you?"
"He doesn't know it yet, but yes, we do."
"Don't you think that ... after everything that's happened today, he might not want it? He's a little beat up. He's a little emo. He might not be receptive."
Lucas turned to Marty Lee, smiling brightly, "Dude, trust me. Tonight is the night."
* * * * * * *
"That party checked out two hours ago, Sir."
Lucas stared at the hotel clerk as if she had just dropped a bombshell on him. This couldn't be right. This was supposed to be his night. This was supposed to be his chance to make things right with Storm. His chance for them to be together again.
"I'm sorry, Lucas," Marty Lee said, standing behind Lucas.
He'd anticipated this outcome. He knew Storm had no interest in patching things up with Lucas, but there was no conveying that sentiment to the latter. Now Marty Lee awaited the inevitable. It came as he expected. Lucas turned around, walked right past him, and headed to the bar.
"And so it begins," Marty Lee sighed, "Love is so overrated."
* * * * * * *
"Dade. I can't come back with you tonight," Marty Lee said, staring into his phone at the screen showing Dade, "It's Lucas."
He stood watching Lucas from a distance, making sure he didn't get himself into too much trouble. He would let Lucas drown his sorrows and then make sure he got back to his room safely. He turned his phone so Dade could see Lucas sitting at the bar.
"Figured as much," Dade replied, "Do what you have to do. Take care of him. I'm still flying out tonight. I miss my girl."
"Makes me shudder to hear such blatant lies coming out of your mouth, Dade," Marty Lee said evenly, "How long do you intend to keep running with this arranged relationship then?"
"How long do you intend to keep acting like I care what you think?" Dade said, "Bye, Loser."
"Wait a minute, Dade," Marty Lee said quickly, a thought springing into his mind, "Why don't you stay? The room is booked till tomorrow."
"But you already arranged tickets back for us tonight. I can still use mine."
"I didn't confirm. Besides, I look for any excuse to waste the insane amounts of money my parents give to me to feel better about their parenting skills. We can just catch our original tickets out tomorrow. Come on, have a boys night before you go home to your fake marriage."
"Well ..." Dade said thoughtfully, "I ... I don't know. I feel like I've been away long enough already. I'm worried about Claire."
"Because you love her."
"He gets it. Finally."
"As a friend," Marty Lee added, starting to smirk at the long stretch of silence that followed his statement, "Got nothing to reply with, eh?"
Marty Lee looked at the screen and could tell by Dade's face that he was processing their discussion. Marty Lee had never been known for his tact or for being sensitive, but he did think he was at least known for being blunt on occasion. For being forthright. And though if anyone asked him, he would say nothing, he had a fondness for Dade. A fondness that stemmed from a debt he felt he owed for severely mistreating Dade in the past, in a way that had earned him some nasty retribution from Storm.
"If you stay, Dade, I'll tell you how I know your brother still loves you," Marty Lee bartered.
"I'll stay," Dade said, without much delay, "I'll stay. Just ... stop riding me so much about Claire, please?"
"You're not in love with her. You're forcing it."
"She's having my baby."
"Pay child support and share custody."
"I care about her."
"She's hot."
"Jerk off with fantasies."
"You're killing me here, Marty," Dade sighed.
"You called me Marty."
"I'll call you the formerly alive Marty Lee if you don't stop," Dade groaned, "I'm staying alright? What more do you want?"
"To try and stop you from going too far with this," Marty Lee said, an odd sincerity in his voice, "Far be it from me to show any kind of empathy for someone who has unprotected sex with someone he never intended to be with, but this is all just a big horrible mistake."
Marty Lee could see by the video on his phone that Dade was walking. Sure enough, the youngest Marcus came into view and both young men closed their phones at the same time. They walked up to each other, Dade's face a mixture of doubt and confusion.
"Please. Stop it," Dade asked softly, pleading, "I know it's wrong, okay? I know it. But I don't believe in perfect or happily ever after anymore. I believe in taking what you have and making it better. People can grow into love. I intend to marry her, Marty."
"Two times now. I'm starting to feel special," Marty Lee said, while digesting what Dade had said, "And also, you cannot be serious."
"I want to be what my parents were. I want to have a family with two parents and kids. I was happiest, Storm was happiest, Abby was happiest, when we were all a family. I don't want my child feeling like some kind of bastard."
"Like you?" Marty Lee asked, "Except your mother never treated you like one, and as far as I know, neither did your father. If anyone could have, he could have."
"I want my child to have a family. A proper family. Two parents. A home. It's what I want. It's what Claire wants."
"Is it really?"
"Of course it is. We've talked about it a lot. Neither of us is being misty eyed about what we're doing. We both know the deal."
"Alright," Marty Lee nodded, "I'll give it a rest for now. But think about this. Your parents divorced. Did your family stop being a family?"
"Kinda, yeah. We turned into two families who never really kept in touch."
"Well you just failed all over my argument," Marty Lee grumped, "Thank you for that."
"You should be used to failure by now. Isn't that what your whole life is?"
Marty Lee snickered at that, "Ahh, Dade. My ego shall always know humility with you in my life."
"I do my part," Dade nodded, adjusting his shirt, "Shall we?"
Marty Lee looked at Lucas and nodded, "Let's."
* * * * * * *
"Fuck off!" Lucas snapped at Marty Lee, just wanting to be left alone as he drowned his sorrows.
Dade, Lucas, and Marty Lee had migrated from the hotel bar to Lucas's room. Marty Lee had given Lucas some time to indulge himself a little in his depression, but he remained close to ensure things didn't get out of hand. Now he was trying to swap Lucas's half empty bottle of whiskey for a bottle of water. Unsuccessfully.
Dade wasn't helping Marty Lee at all. The youngest Marcus had joined Lucas in his drinking and was presently dancing around the hotel room, singing drunkenly. Marty Lee was the only one presently in full control of himself.
The most troubling concern for Marty Lee was not just that Lucas was drinking, but that he wasn't talking much. Normally Lucas was a talker, even when drunk. Yet now he just stared vacantly at his glass, only speaking to tell Marty Lee to leave him alone. He was in his own little world.
"Well at least someone's enjoying themselves," Marty Lee said to Dade.
"Mm hmm," Dade smirked, taking a swig straight from his own bottle of vodka, "Body hurts like a mother fucker after today, and I figure I deserve some fun, right? Come on, have a drink."
"And then who would look after you two?"
"Oh come on," Dade said, shoving the bottle into Marty Lee's hands, "Just one? Come on, dance with me."
Marty Lee frowned and then took a small swig, barely enough to have any effect. Perhaps when Lucas was asleep he'd let his guard down somewhat, but until then, he was the sober buddy for the group. Still, it was becoming obvious that he had a hard time saying no to Dade.
"See? Fun," Dade grinned, taking the bottle back.
Marty Lee watched Dade take another drink, before pulling him in for a dance. It was more Dade moving and Marty Lee feeling slightly stupid, than it was any kind of legible dance. Marty Lee wasn't really feeling free enough to engage in a dance right now. Dade didn't seem to notice any.
"So, what happened to missing Claire?" Marty Lee asked, the moment Dade's hands began moving to his hips.
"Come on, don't get all Debbie Downer on me," Dade groaned, pulling away to grab his bottle again, "That's Dude Boy's gig, not mine. This might be my last night of freedom before I become a dad. Let me live it up, okay?"
Marty Lee turned to glance at Lucas, but his position hadn't changed. He was still in his own world, staring through his glass of whiskey. Still remaining quiet.
"Hey, come on, talk to me," Dade said, pulling Marty Lee's attention back to himself, "Marty, Marty."
Marty Lee turned his attention back to Dade, frowning at the tug. Dade simply grinned impishly in reply, starting to dance and hum. He took a swig of his drink and then handed it to Marty Lee.
"So maybe you're right about Claire, okay?" Dade conceded finally, "But ... what can I do? She's having my baby. Just let me have tonight to be a dick and tomorrow I'll go back to normal."
"Still a dick then," Marty Lee nodded, "Understood."
Dade giggled at that, leaning on Marty Lee's shoulder, "You made a funny."
"Perhaps I did."
"I think you're cute," Dade said, still giggling as he kissed Marty Lee's cheek, "And only half a psycho now."
"I'll have to work on getting back to full psycho level. I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone," Marty Lee said, putting an arm around Dade to help keep him up, "Think you're getting close to calling it a night?"
"Fuck off," Dade said good-naturedly, "I'm having way too much fun with you, Marty Boy."
"Dudes, I hate my life," Lucas groaned from behind them.
Dade rolled his eyes and turned back, "Dude, we hate your life too!"
"Zip it," Marty Lee snapped angrily at Dade, before he moved over to Lucas and sat down.
"Ready to talk now?" Marty Lee asked Lucas, placing his hand on Lucas's shoulder.
"Feel like going to bed actually. But I want him to be there when I go," Lucas said sadly, his eyes welling up a little as he stared at his glass, "I don't think he loves me anymore. I think I broke it."
Dade frowned at the conversation, before he grinned and jumped onto the bed, reaching over to pull Lucas onto it with him. Lucas gasped in surprise as he found himself being hugged from behind. Dade tackled Lucas to lie down and kept hugging him.
"We can hug! Hugs are good!" Dade grinned, kissing the back of Lucas's neck.
"Dude, get off me!" Lucas protested, struggling to break free before he started giggling, "Dade!"
Marty Lee shook his head at the sight. Dade was completely drunk, but at least he'd gotten Lucas to laugh a bit. The sight of the two on the bed gave Marty Lee a brief respite from his babysitting duties. He took the opportunity to fetch himself a glass of iced water. Once he returned to the side of the bed, he realized that Lucas had fallen off to sleep, still hugged from behind by Dade.
"Thank goodness for that," Marty Lee sighed.
Dade let go of Lucas and slid off the bed. He gave Marty Lee two thumbs up before he bounced over the bed to him. He was quite pleased with himself.
"See? I did good," Dade grinned, grabbing his vodka bottle and swigging a large gulp, "Just us now."
"Thank you. Yes, you did well," Marty Lee agreed, starting to loosen up a little now that Lucas was asleep.
"You love him," Dade teased, taking the bottle from Marty Lee and stepping closer, "A lot."
"Love is overrated. He is ... he has treated me well in the past. I am simply returning the sentiment."
"Yeah, you love him. You guys are like brothers. Speaking of which, you were going to tell me about mine?"
"Yours still loves you," Marty Lee said, sitting on the sofa next to Dade, the two sharing the vodka bottle, "If he didn't, he wouldn't care. He was angry today with you at the restaurant. Anger requires caring enough to be angry. One day you may be able to change that to something more positive, before his anger simply becomes apathy."
"How do you know he was angry? You weren't even there."
"I was there. I simply chose not to join. It would have been ... inappropriate."
"Aww, Marty," Dade sighed, snuggling in to Marty Lee's side and rubbing his arm, "I would've been there. It would've been okay."
Marty Lee stared straight ahead, contemplating Dade's words. He seemed uncharacteristically moved by them, nodding silently in response. When he felt Dade hugging him softly from the side, he raised an arm to allow Dade to move closer, before he lowered it. It was an odd sight for the two, no doubt made easier by the consumption of alcohol.
For a while there was silence, and after a while, Marty Lee realized why. Dade had fallen asleep nestled against him. It was a comforting position to be in for Marty Lee, and he was content to remain in it for some time. Both his wards were safe, and now he could finally relax.
* * * * * * *
"Ow, my head," Dade moaned, waking as Marty Lee carried him to his hotel room.
"Sorry to wake you. I just thought you'd be more comfortable in your bed."
"I thought I could be comfortable in your bed," Dade pouted, "How come Lucas got to share a double room with you and not me?"
"Because I worry about him more than I worry about you," Marty Lee pointed out, "Thank you for helping me tonight. For getting him to sleep."
"I did it for you," Dade yawned, his head leaning on Marty Lee's shoulder, "Not for him. I don't even like him that much anymore."
"You don't like me either."
"Aww, Marty," Dade said, pinching Marty Lee's cheeks, "I wub you."
"You're drunk."
"Mm hmm," Dade grinned, leaning his head up to kiss Marty Lee gently, "So, is this the part where you take advantage of me, hmm?"
"Been there, done that," Marty Lee said, setting Dade down on the bed.
He pulled Dade's shoes off, while Dade seemed in a hurry to remove his shirt and the rest of his clothing. Marty Lee groaned in frustration. Since when did he start turning down free sex? Dade was clearly up for some.
"Come on, Marty," Dade urged, trying to pull Marty Lee onto the bed, "I'm drunk. I could just lie here and let you fuck me senseless. Take advantage of me!"
Marty Lee stared down at Dade's erection and then up at his face, "I'd really like to, Dade, but just because you shouldn't be with Claire, doesn't mean this is the right thing to do to her. You'll thank me in the morning. Sleep it off."
Dade grumbled but he was so far drunk that he slumped back onto the bed without much need for insistence. Marty Lee pulled the covers over his companion and then placed a chaste kiss upon Dade's temple. He then tilted his head down and gave Dade a gentle, lingering kiss upon his lips. Dade was already fast asleep by now, and for this Marty Lee was glad.
"Thank you," Marty Lee whispered, before he took his leave of Dade and left the room.
* * * * * * *
3am found Marty Lee walking the streets of a city he did not know. The cold air kept his mind sharp to mull over the many thoughts racing through his mind. Things were changing in his life. He was in danger of becoming something he cared about. He was in danger of caring what others thought. Perhaps he was well past that point.
He cared about Lucas. He looked up to him. Lucas had failings, no differently than he had far more. But he knew deep down that Lucas was a good person with a kind heart. Kind enough to believe in Marty Lee. For that, Marty Lee would always take care of him. Would always look out for him. Lucas was the closest thing he had to family.
Then there was Dade. A soul he had tormented and perhaps driven to ruin. Now Marty Lee was trying to redeem himself by helping Dade. By making up for his sins against Dade, and his part in driving a wedge between the Marcus brothers. In the process, Marty Lee was afraid he had come to feel for Dade more than he wanted to. Dade's advances didn't help. In another life, Marty Lee would have taken Dade up on his advances, but now?
Marty Lee's thoughts were shaken by the familiar sound of fist meeting flesh. The sickening sound of a crack, and then cries for help. He put his hands in his coat pockets and kept walking. It wasn't his business. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't care.
He kept walking, breathing out the cold air and glancing to his right. He wished he hadn't. A woman, perhaps a girl about the same age as himself, was being punched repeatedly in a dark alley by a gang of youths. Some were female, some were male. There were six of them, and they seemed to be taking their time to torment the girl.
In the moonlight he could make them out, punching the girl and egging each other on to rip a piece of clothing off her. She was screaming for help and trying to get away but they had her circled. She asked them why they were doing it, only to receive a kick to the gut before one of the girls gave her an uppercut that sent blood and a tooth flying. The girl's face was a mess. She was begging for mercy, and the response was more insults and then her face being slammed repeatedly into the brick wall.
Marty Lee knew that if Storm were here, he'd have jumped in the second he heard screams. Marty Lee wasn't Storm. He wasn't a hero. He didn't care about things like right or wrong. He turned away, embracing the self that was truly Marty Lee. He took two steps and stopped, his face pained as if he faced some great dilemma.
"This isn't me," he whispered, the girls sickening gurgles echoing through the night sky, "I can walk away."
Another smack, more laughing from the gang. The thud of the girl hitting the ground while the gang took turns kicking her head.
"This is a mistake," Marty Lee whispered to himself, before he sighed and turned toward the group, "Excuse me. I couldn't help noticing that you're all a bunch of sissy fuckers, taking on a girl six to one. I was thinking maybe I could convince you to move along before I have to involve myself. Like you, I have no qualms hitting girls who have it coming, so all six of you would be quite prime targets."
"A comedian," one of the men chuckled, stepping out of the group to Marty Lee, while one of the others started pulling the girl's pants down while she was still being assaulted.
"No. Just a concerned citizen," Marty Lee smirked, taking off his coat, "But you can call me Psychonuts."
"Nice name, Faggot."
"For you? Not a chance."
The greasy looking gang member rushed at Marty Lee, a move easily sidestepped. Marty Lee grabbed his assailant's outstretched arm and thrust his elbow up, smashing the elbow of his opponent with a sickening crack. The male screamed, but in two seconds Marty Lee had smashed his nose in and he was sucking dirt, unconscious.
Looking down at his fallen foe, Marty Lee shrugged and turned to the others, "So, let's continue, shall we?"
The remaining gang consisted of two females and three males, none of whom looked too pleased with Marty Lee. One of the males rushed Marty Lee ahead of the others. Marty Lee kicked a stick up off the ground and grabbed it, before he swung it at the assailant, before quickly stepping in with a stiff punch to the sternum and elbow to the neck. A stiff punch to the spine sent the gang member falling to the ground, just in time for Marty Lee to turn and counter the two girls who rushed him.
He kept his promise of hitting them. He gave a straight punch to the face of both, before grabbing their heads and smacking them into one another and putting both in a headlock. He grinned at the last two males.
"This is just a breather for me. Even if you did decide to run, I've decided I intend to hurt you," he choked the girls out until they were unconscious.
After seeing what they did to the presently unconscious victim, he had no mercy for them. They were as evil as the men. Besides, equality, right? He smacked their heads together again for good measure and sent them to the ground, knocked out.
"Oh, I could seriously get used to this," Marty Lee grinned, "I never thought I could be so bad being good!"
"Fuck man, you're psycho!" One of the last two thugs gasped, before he pulled out his knife, "I'm gonna fucking kill you."
Both remaining thugs charged Marty Lee, who grinned and ran at them. He flipped back onto one hand, kicking the knife free on the upswing and sweeping one of the thugs on the downswing. In the same motion he rolled up onto his feet and thrust his elbow into the gut of his last opponent.
The downed enemy had picked up his knife and thrust it toward Marty Lee, who dodged and allowed the other thug to get stabbed in the side. Marty Lee, being caring, pulled the knife out, before slamming it right back in the assailant's ass and neck.
"Psycho, remember?!" Marty Lee shrieked, enjoying this a little too much.
He grabbed the arm of the enemy on the ground, snapping it at the wrist before he slammed his fist into his sternum and nose, cracking both. A few brutal punches to both as they lay on the ground and Marty Lee felt pretty damn amped. He stood up and moved to each of his downed enemies, giving each a stiff kick to the head for good measure.
He then moved to the girl, kneeling down next to her. She was in a bad way. It looked as if she had multiple fractures, she almost looked deformed. It made Marty Lee wish he'd done more to inflict pain upon his opponents.
"I'm sorry I didn't help earlier," he whispered to the girl, before he pulled her cell phone out of her purse and dialed emergency services, "I need the police and an ambulance. Ahh ... make that several. A gang just assaulted a girl and someone fucked them up. Hurry. She's in a bad way. Trace the cell for the location."
He left the connection open and handed it to the girl, who was still unconscious. At least help was on its way. He grabbed his coat and put it under the girl's head to keep her comfortable. He then disappeared into the shadows, laying in wait to make sure help came. When the sound of sirens could be heard, he made a run for it. Time to get back to the hotel.
"Fun times!" Marty Lee grinned, "Fun times!"
His grin lasted another fifty metres or so before it was replaced by the ominous sound of his heart beating rapidly. In the middle of a park, filled with trees, Marty Lee realized he was surrounded. He could make out shadows of figures in the darkness, all coming closer. Had he come into some gang's turf or something or was this just some annual convention he'd stumbled into?
"You look rich. We can smell money," a voice said, "We like money. How about you give us all of yours?"
"How about you learn to suck dick and I call you my bitch?" Marty Lee replied, "If you're ugly, all bets are off."
While Marty Lee had already demonstrated his excellent ability to take down opponents, he was no match for the rush of gang members that suddenly descended upon him. He fought back on instinct, fists smashing bone and causing several of his assailants to hit the deck. But once a metal bat connected with his skull, it was only a matter of time before Marty Lee fell to his attackers. The cold steel of a blade tearing his flesh and burrowing into his abdomen was yet another sign that this was a fight Marty Lee would not win.
Despite himself, Marty Lee cried out, as yet another knife was slammed into his back. He screamed for mercy with a sickening groan, only to find himself baring the pain of yet another stabbing. He hit the ground with a thud, barely conscious and fading fast. He could hardly move as hands rifled through his pockets, stealing anything of value. Even his watch and shoes were taken.
He made out the footsteps of people running away over crushed leaves and foliage. He could still hear the sirens in the distance and wondered briefly how ironic it was that here was laying dying, while help was just a scream away. Yet when he tried to scream, he found himself lacking breath.
"He ... lp ..." Marty Lee gasped, his voice barely audible.
He tried to pull himself along, using his hands to move himself close to the sound of the sirens. It couldn't be that far, could it? But the blood loss was too great, and with each movement, Marty Lee found himself becoming weaker and weaker. He was dying and he knew it.
In his head, Marty Lee knew this was cursed irony for him deciding to help that girl. He knew in his heart that the moment he decided to help her, there would be consequences. He couldn't say why exactly, but just knew.
As brave as Marty Lee might seem to some, he was scared. As cold overwhelmed his body and he struggled to remain conscious, he felt a great fear filling him.
"God. Not alone," Marty Lee gasped, clutching his stomach as tears filled his eyes, "Not like this."
As he lay there convulsing in the darkness of a random alley, Marty Lee could only contemplate how his life might have been. The life that flashed before his eyes seemed on whole a disappointment. But he knew now how to make it better. How to live it better. How to love it better.
"Please ... I want to do it again. I want to do better," he cried, "I want to live. Please ... not like this. Not alone. Ash. Lucas ..."
In his weakened, disoriented state, Marty Lee felt fear and desperation. He wanted his family. His true family. His sister, Ashley. The brother who saw through him and loved him regardless, Lucas. He wanted someone, anyone, to be there, to hold his hand, and to tell him that it was okay. That he wasn't alone.
But as with all things, there comes a time to face one's fate, and this was Marty Lee's. His story was bright and bold, filled with twists and turns that he had often struggled with. In many ways he was a victim of circumstance, created by circumstance. He had found that with the right environment, even someone like himself could find redemption. Perhaps in the end he did. Perhaps the price he paid was too high. Perhaps it wasn't enough. He paid it nonetheless.
* * * * * * *
"Fuck off, Dude," Lucas mumbled, "Marty, answer the phone."
Lucas had been fast asleep when the sound of his cell phone ringing stirred him. He twitched and fumbled blindly for his phone, finally grabbing it. He held it to his ear and answered in a croaky voice.
"Oh fuck my head," Lucas winced, "Hello? This is Lucas. Sup?"
By the time Lucas hung the phone up, he let out a pained cry and grit his teeth in anger. Tears streamed down his face as he rushed out of bed, grabbing items of clothing as he rushed out his door. He ran for Dade's door, banging on it loudly.
"Dade!" Lucas screamed, the tone of his voice filled with horror.
The door opened immediately, answered by a groggy Dade. Dade, despite practically hating Lucas, had recognized the tone in his voice and so had answered immediately. He knew something was wrong. The moment he looked in Lucas's eyes he knew something was horribly wrong.
"Marty Lee?" He asked immediately, a sense of panic filling, "Marty?!"
Lucas clutched Dade's arms, staring at him with imploring eyes as he explained the phone call he'd just received. As he did so, Dade's eyes widened in disbelief, horror, utter disgust. Dade couldn't believe what he was hearing. There may even been a fleeting hint of pain in his eyes.
"I need you to come with me. Please come with me. I can't do this alone," Lucas cried despairingly, standing in the hallway struggling to put his clothes on, "Please, Dade."
"I'm fucking there!" Dade gasped, rushing around to grab clothes of his own, "Shit, shit, shit!"
Dade rushed out the door, barefoot and shirtless, clutching a bundle of clothes. He looked at Lucas, wondering what the hell he was waiting for.
"Fucking come on then!" Dade screamed at Lucas, panic filling him, "Come on!"
Dade ran through the hallway. He fell into the elevator, getting up just as Lucas entered. He pulled his cell phone out of the pocket in his jacket. He had to make a call.
"Storm, Storm, I need Storm," he gasped frantically, "What the fuck is his number!?"
"He's already gone, Dude. You know that."
"What's his fucking number?!" Dade screamed at Lucas, "I need to talk to my brother! Does he even fucking know I have a baby coming? And now Marty Lee? I need my brother."
Dade kicked the elevator door and clutched his head in frustration. All that changed when he turned to Lucas, who had a look of utter desperation. When Lucas began to cry, Dade found himself softening and immediately clutched Lucas's face.
Lucas broke down, sobbing softly, "Dade ... what'll I do? I don't have anyone else. I'm all alone. I love him."
"Enough." Dade said, kissing Lucas for comfort and then hugging him, "Enough. We'll get through this. Together. As long as I'm around, despite how much I fucking hate you and you hate me, we'll get through this."
* * * * * * *
"Sarah?" Mike asked with a soft yawn, rolling onto his side to gaze at her in the morning light.
"Oi," she replied, opening her eyes and looking at him, "I was sleeping."
"Nah, you were lying there looking gorgeous," Mike grinned, rolling on top of her, "Beautiful, in fact!"
Sarah grinned up at him, "You're such a greaser."
"You married me."
"So I did," she shrugged, "Mainly for your muscles."
"What about my dashing good looks?"
"Those too" Sarah giggled, cupping Mike's face and leaning up to kiss him, "Baby?"
"I want to go home."
"We fly out later on, Sarah."
"No ..." Sarah said, shaking her head. "I want to go home."
Mike tilted his head a little in surprise at that, "Merlow?"
"Yes," Sarah smiled, "I want to go home. It's time to go home. I need to beat everyone up. Especially Dade. And then Storm. And then Lucas. Mmm maybe not Marcel. Maybe Claire."
"So you want to go home and inflict Merlow with a reign of terror?"
"Duhr. Why else would I go home?" Sarah said, flipping Mike onto his back, "We go back to Saran City. We tell them what we want to do, and then we do it. I'm feeling good, Mike, and I want to go home. Take me home."
"Do I have much choice in this?"
"Is that a trick question?"
* * * * * * *
Marcel Lewis sat in a café in the middle of Drake, staring with tight lips at a message on his cell phone. He took a sip of his latte and folded his phone shut. This was not what he was expecting. He didn't know whether he welcomed it, or loathed it. So he settled on indifference.
"Gimmie the cheque, please," Marcel said to his waitress, before he pulled his phone back out again and dialed a number, "First class ticket to Merlow. Next available flight."
* * * * * * *
"I thought I'd fucking heard the last of you." I snapped into the phone as I walked briskly through an arrivals terminal, "Who the fuck gave you my number?"
'Storm, I'm your brother!'
"Oh fuck off. You're a piece of shit. That's what you are. Who the fuck are you to call me on my private cell? You don't fucking matter to me. How dare you fucking call me! How dare you!?"
'Marty Lee was right! You're only angry because you still give a shit!'
I had to hold my tongue there, growling instead before I finally spoke, "You have no fucking right to even speak to me. You're a piece of shit, Dade. A goddamn piece of shit! You're fucking scum!"
'Storm, please.' Dade cried, 'Please. Come home. I need you.'
"You cheeky little shit. You've fucked up again and you want me to bail you out? You don't matter to me anymore!" I screamed into the phone, becoming quickly emotional, "You fucking betrayed me, you goddamn little fucking cunt! I want to kill you!"
'Are you done now? Fucking get it out, Storm. Get out how much you fucking hate me and how I let you down and that you were right and I was wrong. I know how you work. Have your giant storm venting on me and get angry so we can fucking get better finally! I know I fucked up, but I'm trying to do right again. Please, Storm. You're angry, I get that. Beat me up when you get home. Fucking smash my head in.' Dade sobbed, 'Just please come home, Storm. Please. Please. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I need my brother. There's so much going on here. So much you don't know. I need you. Please come home. Please.'
I had to admit, he was right. They don't call me Storm for nothing. I'm a moody asshole and I know it. And yes, I do like to vent, or perhaps need to vent is a better way to describe it. But I always held back from venting with Dade because I didn't want that resolution to possibly come after it. I truly believed, and still believe, that we are done. And yet listening to his voice, I still find it difficult not to feel something.
"You hurt me, Dade." I said softly, my anger seemingly vented for now, "I trusted you. I don't know if that can be ... undone. I don't know if I could let myself get clo ..."
'Please just come home. Doesn't have to be for good. I know you've moved on, but I need you now. Please. I'm begging, Storm. Please come home.'
I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, still holding the phone to my ear, "I'm sorry."
'What for, Storm?' Dade sniffled, his voice still trembling.
"For saying the things I did. This is the first time we've spoken properly since ... well since I was back home. Just hit a nerve, but I'm sorry I spoke to you that way. It wasn't ... mature of me."
'Fuck that. At least you're talking to me, Bro. You don't know how much I've wanted to talk to you like this for so long. To say how sorry I am.'
"Shh, shh." I said as I could hear Dade breaking down into sobs again, "It's alright."
'It's not alright. But just come home and we can make it right. Long way to go, Bro, I know, but just gimmie a chance to try, please. I really need you, and I've made so many mistakes. You don't even know what I've done.'
"You mean knocking Claire up?" I said, revealing I knew, "Dade, I might not have been in Merlow, but Mum left me responsible for that house, and I know everything that goes on in it. I've known for a long time, Dade."
"Please, Merlow is my bitch. And so is Brad. But don't be angry and don't kick him out. I made him keep quiet about the fact I was keeping tabs on you and the house. I guess even without realizing I was doing it, I was falling back on old habits."
'Like keeping an eye on me?'
"Nah, on my house." I said with a small smile, "I don't pretend to know ... you like I used to, Dade, but from what I've been hearing lately, you've been ... trying, like you say, to do good. But don't confuse doing what's good or expect, with what's doing right."
'Kinda eerie how you fall right back into that role, Storm. Big brother and all that shit. I know what you might be saying, but I'd really like to have this conversation in person. What else do I have to do? Sexual favours?'
"Still a pervert."
"I don't know if I'm ready to come back to Merlow. Winning the championship ..."
'Is the perfect representation of putting old ghosts to bed and being ready to face your old life without fear.' Dade said in as sage a voice as he could muster, 'Because you've proven yourself to yourself more than anyone else. Now you're strong enough to come home.'
"Pfft. You're full of shit." I laughed.
'Oh come on, that's some clever shit though, you gotta admit, I'm feelin' the vibe here! Just close your eyes and believe your baby brother is right for once.'
"Well, maybe it does make a little sense, if you wanted to get all philosophical about it."
'And I do.'
I could see the grin on Dade's face in my mind, just from the tone of his voice. It made me smile a little myself and I realized how much I had missed this connection. And yet at the same time, it still made me sad because I knew that there was still a lot of pain and mistrust between us.
'Storm?' Dade asked, and I realized I'd been silent for some time, 'No matter what you decide, but I really do hope you decide to come home, I just want you to know ... I love you. That doesn't undo what I've done to you, to us, to our family, but I hope one day we can be next to each other, and be happy to be next to each other. Please come home.'
Dade hung up before I could reply, sparing me the awkwardness of having to do so. I appreciated that, and it just gave me further inspiration to think maybe he still does get me on some level. But now I had to consider his request. I could easily ignore it, I knew I was well within my rights to leave that door closed and continue in my own journey alone.
I sat down, just as Corey and Su caught up to me, concern on their faces. They'd unfortunately witnessed my stormy persona at its worst when Dade first called. Why was I worthy enough to have people around me who gave a shit? Heaven knows.
"Shit." I cursed, looking up at them, "Well, we're on holidays and I've suddenly made a resolution."
"And what's that?" Corey asked, sitting down beside me.
I took a deep breath and contemplated the offer Marcel had made me, and the words Dade had just spoken to me, "Corey, Su, how'd you like to see my hometown? The beautiful Merlow. Pack your bags, this is gonna be a trip ..."
On to Chapter 5.09
"A June to Remember"
Back to Chapter 5.07c
Chapter Index