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Storm Front by SF Writer (Tyrel "Rock" Wolf) Season 5: The End of Innocence 'The end of innocence is realization' Chapter 5.09 - A June to Remember 5,387 words Back to Chapter 5.08d "Untitled" On to Chapter 5.10 "Lost in a Strawberry Haze" Chapter Index ![]() Drama Angst Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Dade stared up at the photo on the dojo wall. A photo of his brother holding his trophy triumphantly. It made him smile to remember. It seemed so long ago now. So much had happened since. So much had yet to happen.
Next to the photo of Storm that Sensei Takada had proudly put up, was a picture of former member, Marty Lee Miller. Dade smiled at the photo, reaching up to touch it affectionately.
"Hey, Marty." Dade whispered, "Miss ya, Mate."
"Who'd have thought anyone would, huh?" Brad asked as he stepped up beside Dade, looking at the same two photos, "So, I guess it's time. They're waiting for you. You ready?"
Dade nodded, "Yeah, come on. Let's get outta here."
Dade put his arm around Brad's shoulder as the pair walked out, "You did good today, Brad."
"Good enough to beat you up one day?"
"Nah." Dade grinned, "Not a chance."
* * * * * * *
Dade lay on his bed next to Claire, gasping for breath in the aftermath of their first sexual encounter since he'd returned to Merlow. Both were sweaty, and both were sated, sexually at least. Yet oddly there seemed little in the way of intimacy post coupling.
Ever since Dade had returned, he'd been friendly, he'd been warm, and on many levels, he'd still been intimate with Claire. But the seed of doubt had been planted in his mind by Marty Lee. As each day passed, it continued to grow, nagging at him.
"Dade?" Claire asked softly, moving against his side and stroking his chest, "Are you alright?"
Dade turned to her and smiled, "Just ... thinking about Marty Lee."
Claire frowned, kissing his arm, "Anything you want to talk about?"
Dade was about to speak, when he looked at her large, rounded belly. He stopped himself, reaching out to rub it. He sat up a bit and leaned over to kiss it, holding his ear against it. He grinned brightly.
"I can feel her ..."
* * * * * * *
"Dade!" Claire yelled ecstatically when she saw him, "What took you so long!?"
Dade returned her smile, holding his arms open as she rushed up to him. The two embraced in a warm hug, before Claire tilted her head up and kissed Dade warmly. Dade sighed happily as he held her to him, rubbing her back. She smelled warm and familiar. She smelled like love.
Dade was about to speak when he heard a familiar cry and immediately he let Claire go and turned. Jacob stood cradling a small baby in his arms. Dade immediately moved to Jacob, who uncharacteristically smiled at Dade and gently handed the baby over.
"Here you go, Daddy."
"Thanks, Jacob." Dade said, gently holding his daughter and staring into her bright, inquisitive eyes, "Hello, my little love."
* * * * * * *
"It's alright, Baby, it's alright."
"It's not alright! I'm trying to squeeze a fucking watermelon out of my pussy!" Claire yelled at Dade, screaming with all her might, "It's not fucking alright! You did this to me!"
Dade's eyes were wide with shock. Claire rarely swore, but then again, he could understand that giving birth might break down her usual sensibilities. Despite his better judgment, he clutched her hand, which she squeezed so tight he thought she might break some bones.
"And ... you love me for it?"
"If you're still alive, I'll tell you later!" Claire shrieked in agony, "Where are the drugs already!?"
He couldn't believe he was about to become a father. The gravity of the moment was suddenly becoming far more real. He would soon be responsible for another life. A new life. A life he'd created. It was enough to make him a little woozy.
Dade looked at Claire, flush with emotion, "Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening ..."
* * * * * * *
"June." Claire said, flush with sweat but glowing as she held her daughter in her arms, "We'll name her June."
Dade's hands helped cradle June under Claire's arms. Not because she needed the support, but simply because he wanted to be close to her and their daughter. It took him a little while to register what Claire had just said. He was still too stunned with the realization that the little girl was his own. If conceiving her had been a drunken mistake, Dade would never believe it now. His daughter was the most perfect thing he'd ever seen in his life. And to name her June? It seemed the ultimate tribute to a woman he adored, and a fitting name for his new baby.
"June." Dade smiled tearfully, giving Claire and then his daughter a soft kiss, "It's perfect."
Dade couldn't bear to leave Claire's side for the next few hours, even as she slept. He was so completely overwhelmed by the events of the day, even though he was quite tired himself. It was only when he was forced to get up and leave the room to eat, that he did so. When he did, he almost fell over himself in surprise to see his brother standing outside, staring through the window at June and Claire.
"She's beautiful, Dade." Storm said, eyes still transfixed on the sight of his new niece, "She's absolutely beautiful."
"We named her after m ..."
"I know. I heard."
"You've been here that long?" Dade asked, wanting to hug his brother but things still weren't quite good between them.
Dade was, for this reason, frightfully surprised when Storm turned and regarded him with a genuine smile and then hugged him. Closing his eyes and melting into the embrace, Dade let out a sigh. He felt his back being rubbed and squeezed his elder sibling tighter, almost crushing him he felt so completely happy right now.
"Couldn't miss this. Not for the world would I have missed this." Storm whispered in Dade's ear as they continued to hug.
"I love you, Storm." Dade gushed, quite emotional, but in the best way, "I love you so much."
"I love me too, Dade."
Dade burst with a laugh, not surprised by that answer, "You dick! Come in and meet your niece!"
"I'm not sure. Claire's sleeping. It's fine, rea ..."
"Just get your ass in here." Dade grinned, pulling his brother into the room.
"My goodness she's stunning." Storm said as Dade picked his daughter up and handed her gently to Storm, "No, I ca ..."
But Dade insisted and watched proudly as his brother held his newborn daughter. It meant the world to Dade for his brother to be here right now. While he expected his father and sister to arrive in a day or two, the fact that Storm had arrived on the same day June was born seemed fitting to Dade. It gave him renewed hope that their fractured bond could eventually be healed. It was a tall challenge, but one Dade was more than happy to face.
* * * * * * *
"I'm proud of you, Dade." Storm said as the brothers sat outside the hospital, having found a piece of grass to sit down on.
Claire was still resting, and Dade had given Jacob time with the newest addition to their family. It was strange for Dade to realize that the Marcus and Carlyle families were now inextricably bound. It was even stranger for Dade to realize that despite everything, Storm was still here, and talking to him.
"It means a lot to me that you're here, Bro." Dade said, "I mean, I'm just really happy you're here."
"It's really been a long time since you and I talked." Storm said, turning to Dade, "The last time I was in Merlow, you were a dick, but a dick without a kid. Now you're a dick with a kid. That's how long it's been."
"You staying long?"
"Nah." Storm said, shaking his head, "Not long. Just long enough to beat Jacob up and take my place as Number One Uncle."
"You could assure that place if you moved home."
"Mmm." Storm agreed, nodding, "Corey and Su are back at the house. I hope you don't mind, I set them up in Mike's old room."
"Hey that's fine! That means you're staying at home while you're here?!" Dade asked hopefully, "Seriously? That'd be great!"
"Not sure how long I'll be here, Dade."
Dade could still sense a bit of distance between the two of them, but he was getting excited at the prospect of spending time with Storm. Perhaps the birth of his daughter could serve as a catalyst to rebuild. Just the hope of it had Dade feeling even more over the moon than he already was.
"But you're here!" Dade grinned, tackling Storm backward and hugging him fiercely, "And now I've got you!"
"Get off me, you dick!" Storm laughed, wrestling with his brother.
"Come hooooooooooooome. Come home for gooooooooood!" Dade whined playfully, refusing to break his bearhug like grip.
* * * * * * *
Dade had spent most of the day floating on air. He was absolutely overjoyed to have his daughter born safe, with Claire having a relatively easy birth according to her midwife. He'd spent time with his brother, their first real one on one bonding time in what may have been almost a year by Dade's estimation. Even better, Storm had offered to stay for a week to help out. Dade intended to work on that week becoming permanent.
Now as he walked out of the elevator on his way back to Claire's room, he thought everything was starting to go right in his life. In his hand he carried a surprise treat of cakes and slices from Claire's favourite bakery. She had a bit of a sweet tooth and after everything she'd been through today, he wanted to treat her.
When he reached the room however, he stopped short of entering. He was surprised by the sight of Carl in the room, sitting next to the bed holding June. It wasn't the fact that he was holding June that made Dade pause. It was the way Claire seemed so relaxed and natural in his company. It was the fact that Carl had arrived before Dade with the same treats for Claire. She was eagerly eating them, smiling appreciatively at the gesture from Carl.
Dade frowned a little at the sight. Claire didn't smile like that for him. She smiled, but it rarely seemed as effortless or eased. Their relationship had been a forced one, on both sides. Both choosing each other to avoid burdening others. Yet it seemed that Carl had lost none of his respect or affection for Claire, while still respecting the fact she was with Dade.
Dade finally turned and walked away, not sure what to think of what he'd just seen. There was nothing wrong with Carl and Claire being friends, but Dade had the sudden feeling that perhaps they both still wanted to be more. Perhaps they still needed to be more. Perhaps they'd still get to be.
* * * * * * *
Dade leaned down and kissed the tip of his daughter's nose, smiling all the while. She was the most precious thing in his life. The truest love he had in his heart, he had for her.
"Hello, June." Dade said softly, happy, though there was a tinge of sadness in his voice.
"Hey, Dade. Glad you could make it."
Dade raised his head and caught sight of a familiar figure. Carl Bentley. The two regarded each other with a courteous nod, before a bubbly Claire moved to Carl's side. The two shared a warm kiss before Claire settled into his arms. Dade raised his hand in a small wave gesture to the happy couple.
"Hey, Carl."
Carl gave Dade a grateful nod. While the two weren't exactly friends, and would likely never be given the awkwardness of their relations with Claire, there was most definitely a respect. On Carl's part there was also an appreciation and gratitude.
Dade looked back down at his daughter, sighing softly. There was so much he wanted to say to her, and one day he hoped he had the chance. He hoped she didn't grow to hate him. He hoped she grew to understand why she would not grow up with her parents under the same roof. Why she wouldn't get the family he so desired for her.
* * * * * * *
"Shh, shh." Storm whispered, holding his brother, "It's alright, Dade. It'll be okay."
"I don't want to be alone." Dade cried, clinging to his brother.
Dade had sought out his brother, so very grateful for his presence in Merlow. A presence that he needed now to help him sort through his doubts. He needed his brother now more than ever.
"My Dade never took the easy way, he took the right way. I'm sorry I didn't help you when you needed me." Storm said softly, "I'm sorry I got so lost. But I'm so proud that even without me, you're finding your way again. I think in your heart, you already know what you need to do, but whatever you decide, I'm proud of you. You're becoming my Dade again, and maybe I'm becoming your Storm again too."
Dade raised his teary eyes and looked at his brother. He couldn't believe the words he was hearing. Was this really it? Were they finally going to get back to being the brothers they used to be?
"I love you, Storm."
"I love you too, Dade."
* * * * * * *
While Storm left not long after that encounter, Dade felt the brief return home by his brother had been a godsend. Now more than ever he knew that he could love himself, respect himself, and be someone he could be proud of. Now he knew he was becoming the Dade he wanted to be. To complete his journey back to self belief, he had to do what he knew would be right for others, and difficult for himself.
He sat in his daughter's room, watching her sleep in her crib. He touched her hand softly, smiling, but also thinking about her future. Thinking about Claire and his own future. About their future as a family, which for as long as they all lived, they would be.
So much in Dade's mind had changed since she was born, perhaps even before that. Perhaps since his old friend, Marty Lee, told him he was living in denial. That he was trying to force something that did not truly exist.
"Dade?" Claire asked as she entered the room and hugged him around the neck from behind, "Are you alright, Baby? You've been odd since we got back from the hospital."
"I thought I was doing the right thing by her." Dade said softly, still staring down at June, "I thought I was ... making up for all the wrong things I'd done. I thought I was bringing back what I'd lost when I lost my mother."
Dade sniffled a little as he stared down at his daughter, while raising one hand to cover Claire's. He suddenly felt a great sense of loneliness. He knew that he was about to do the right thing, perhaps the good thing as well, but he couldn't help feeling that it was an incredibly lonely thing. The future he'd imagined for himself, for the three of them, was quickly disappearing with his growing realization that he could not force a dream.
"We're going to share custody. You know that, don't you?" Dade asked Claire softly, his eyes focused completely on his sleeping daughter, "You can't take her from me."
"Oh, Dade ..." Claire said in surprise, "What are you talking about?"
"You love him." Dade whispered, raising his eyes to meet Claire's, "You love him."
"I love him."
"It's for the best." He smiled at her, "I'm just sad that ... I won't get to fuck your pretty little pussy anymore."
Dade grinned at her, smiling softly and standing to his feet. He took her hands in his. He kissed her temple and then her nose, before he finally kissed her lips.
"You'll always be the only woman I love, Claire. You'll always be the one who gave me my daughter. I want you to be happy. And if he makes you happy ..." Dade said, a little emotional as he spoke, " ... then be with him. It's how it was always meant to be. You just ... had to take a break, so you could give me the love of my life."
Claire looked pained, worried for Dade, "What about you, Dade? What will you do?"
"Find my own path, I guess. Just promise me we'll never ever fight for custody. Promise me we'll always share her."
"I promise you on my life, Dade." Claire said intently, sincerely, kissing his hands, "I swear to you. All my life, she'll always be both of ours."
* * * * * * *
"So ... this is it." Dade said to Claire.
The two of them stood away from the rest of the crowd. Their hands were joined, their eyes filled with acceptance. Dade looked up to see Carl a little ways away, cradling June in his arms.
"You know, it's not too late to change your mind." Claire said, barely able to finish her words as she was overcome with emotion, "You could stay."
Dade smiled at her, blinking back tears as he raised one hand to touch her face, "I could."
It had been a sobering, if awkwardly enjoyable evening for Dade. Carl, with Claire's blessing, had insisted on throwing Dade a going away party. A celebration and chance for those who loved Dade most, to wish him well before he left Merlow behind.
"But you can't stay." She cried, nodding her head, "Dade, you know I love you, don't you? I'll always love you. And I know how difficult it was for you to do this for me."
"You're better for her." Dade sniffled, "You're the one she needs most. But one day soon, I'll be good for her too. I just ..."
Dade started to cry silently, his eyes stoic but his face betraying how pained he felt. He was doing his best to keep it in, but he was struggling. He took a deep breath and tried to focus himself.
"I feel so alone." He finally managed to say, "I didn't feel alone when I was with you, and when I knew I had her coming. But now ... now ... I see you, I see him, and I see you both with her and think ... I don't quite know where I fit yet. I don't quite know where I belong yet. I don't feel like I have anyone left."
Claire was awash with tears, cupping Dade's face as she cried, "Oh, Dade. I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault. I did it to myself." Dade cried, gasping and rubbing his own arms, "But I'll be okay. I just ... I just ..."
"We love you. We love you so much, Dade. Whenever you're ready. Whenever you're ready, we'll come. And you're going to be fine and strong and cheeky and wise and everything I love about you. I believe in you, Dade. You're the bravest man I've ever met."
Dade closed his eyes and held her hands to his lips, his tears spilling over them. He stole his resolve and took a deep breath. Opening his eyes again and smiling at her, he nodded.
"Take care of our baby." He kissed her temple and hugged her tightly, "I love you."
Without another word, he suddenly let her go and moved away briskly. He'd already said goodbye to his daughter, and he couldn't bear to turn around and see her again in Carl's arms. To see Carl in the place he'd dreamed of being in. While he knew he'd done the right thing by his girls for now, it did not erase the pain he felt in his heart as he left them.
* * * * * * *
Dade sat on the grass beside his mother's grave, plucking at the flower's he'd brought. He smiled softly at the headstone, reaching out to rub it. He closed his eyes and felt his mother's presence with him, like a familiar smell that you never truly forgot.
"I think I'll be okay now, Mum." Dade said, opening his eyes and staring up at the bright sky, "She's beautiful. Just like you. She makes me want to be a better person. So I'm going to be."
"Is that why you're leaving, Baby?" June asked, sitting on the grass opposite Dade, "You know you don't have to. You'll always have a place here. I'll always be here."
"I know." Dade smiled at her, "I know."
"I'll see you soon, won't I?"
Dade's smile faded and he blinked back a few tears as he looked at his mother. He didn't answer her. She knew what that meant and tilted her head sympathetically.
"You were never anything but my baby, Dade." She said softly, "You know that, don't you?"
"I do now, Mum. I do now."
"I love you, Sweetheart."
Dade felt a few tears stray down his cheek as his mother faded from sight, "I love you too."
* * * * * * *
"Don't worry, Brad. You're not getting kicked out. Your new masters will need a cleaner or something." Dade smirked at Brad as he continued packing his things.
"I wish you weren't leaving." Brad said honestly, "I don't want you to go. I still can't believe you're going."
Dade taped up one of the cardboard boxes he had filled before he turned to Brad. He regarded him with a small smile, before he reached out to pat his arm. The two were unlikely friends now, but Dade was glad they'd become friends. He liked Brad a lot now. Enough to give him somewhere to stay, and make sure that didn't change after Dade left.
"It's all taken care of. After I go, the new crew will take over this place and you'll still be here. You just have to move to my room. It'll be fine, Brad. I'm not leaving you behind without making sure you're sorted. And trust me, you're sorted."
Brad stood up and pulled Dade into a hug, closing his eyes and trying not to cry, "I still don't want you to go."
Dade returned the surprising hug, sighing contently. He'd made all his arrangements to facilitate his permanent exit from Merlow. The closer he came to leaving, the more he felt he was doing the right thing. It was time for him to go. The world held opportunities that he intended to explore. The world held hope that Merlow no longer did. Still, it made Dade happy to know that some people at least would miss him. He hadn't completely turned everyone off.
"Come on, Brad. Let's carry on before I have to tease you for turning soft on me."
"Okay." Brad nodded, letting Dade go and kneeling back down to keep packing boxes, "Can I at least come and visit you sometime?"
"I'd like that." Dade smiled, "I'd like that a lot."
* * * * * * *
Lucas sat in the stadium seats, staring down and watching the team train. His face was a little contemplative, perhaps a little sad. When he felt a presence coming toward him, he turned his head and then smiled softly.
"Hey, Dude."
"Hey." Dade said, returning the soft smile as he approached.
"So ... this is goodbye."
Dade nodded softly, "It is."
"I know." Lucas said, his eyes already beginning to water up as he nodded, turning his attention back down to the fields, "Wasn't sure you'd come."
"Yeah, neither was I. Hasn't always been the best for us, has it?"
"Hasn't always been the worst either." Lucas sniffled, chuckling a little.
"That's you, Lucas, always looking for the good in things."
Lucas suddenly stood up and hugged Dade, sobbing quietly as he held him. It seemed somewhat surreal. The last of the Marcus's to leave Merlow. The end of an era. There was something beyond sad about this moment for Lucas, as if the last of a tie was now leaving him. And it seemed lately that everyone was leaving him.
"This place won't be the same without you, Dude. You've been such an asshole sometimes, but you were one I always thought was going to be here." Lucas cried, still hugging tightly, "I'm going to miss you so much."
"Try to look after yourself, Lucas." Dade said, sliding a card into Lucas's pocket, "If you need to call someone, that's the number of someone who isn't me."
Lucas let Dade go and burst into laughter. That was typical Dade behaviour toward Lucas. Still, despite their rocky past, it was obvious there did exist some level of connection, and most certainly compassion.
"Maybe I'll call it sometime." Lucas said, looking down at the card, before he looked up at Dade.
"Maybe you will."
The two regarded each other for a moment, both feigning small smiles before Lucas handed Dade a small box, wrapped quite intricately. An obvious gift, and one that surprised Dade. He was about to open it before Lucas stopped him.
"When you get to where you're going, Dude." Lucas said, his hand covering Dade's, "And maybe one day you'll find your way back home again."
Dade nodded, giving Lucas a look that said it was time. The two exchanged a glance before Dade squeezed Lucas's hand and let go. Without a word, Dade turned around and started walking away. Lucas was grateful the goodbyes were skipped because he didn't think he could handle breaking down again. He was certain Dade knew this, hence his subtle and silent exit.
"Goodbye, Dude." Lucas whispered, watching Dade go.
* * * * * * *
Marcel stood opposite Dade, the two young men regarding each other for a moment. Dade knew that Marcel was no longer available, which seemed like karma biting him in the ass. Now that Dade had finally done right by Claire and let her go, freeing himself in the process, he could not take back the one he'd let get away. It made for a slight level of awkwardness between the pair, but Marcel still felt it was appropriate to be here now.
"You understand, of course, that if you ever need me, I will always be just a phone call away." Marcel said.
Dade nodded, appreciating the sentiment. All of Dade's personal belongings were packed and Marcel had surprised him by turning up at the Marcus home to help. The last of the boxes had been loaded into the moving company's truck, and now came the awkward moment when Marcel and Dade were left to part ways.
"Thought you didn't like me anymore."
Marcel frowned a little at that comment from Dade, "I admit, I was ... disappointed in how things ..."
"You can say it. I fucked up. With everything."
"You fucked up. With everything." Marcel said, shrugging, "But you made up for everything."
"And look where that got me?" Dade sighed, sitting down on the grass of his front lawn, "Alone."
Marcel sat down next to him, putting his hand on Dade's knee, "No. Never alone."
"Careful. I could misconstrue that little touch there."
"Sorry." Marcel smiled, "Can't go there."
"He's lucky."
"I'm lucky."
Dade nodded his head and bit his lip. Now that all the work had been done there didn't seem much else to say or do together. The silences were more and more pronounced between them. It wasn't how Dade wished for things to be, but he had enough grace to accept that he'd lost his chance with Marcel.
"I guess that's the end of our story, huh?" Dade asked Marcel.
Marcel looked at Dade, shrugging a little, "Maybe. We're still family though, aren't we?"
"Never liked the thought of fucking my own brother though."
Marcel smirked wryly, "Liar. Of course you did. You're a little pervert."
Dade blushed furiously, "Shut up, Asshole. He's hot!"
"You're a dirty fucker, Dade Marcus!" Marcel laughed, putting an arm around Dade and squeezing affectionately.
"Kiss for old time's sake?" Dade asked suddenly, surprising Marcel, "Quick fuck?"
Marcel rolled his eyes and opted instead for a small peck on the cheek, though he let his lips linger, "That enough?"
Dade moved like a flash, pushing Marcel down and pinning his arms before he kissed him hard and rough. Marcel protested, succeeding in pushing Dade off but not before Dade got some tongue action. With a grin, Dade jumped to his feet and ran toward the house. He'd lost Marcel, but at least he'd gotten his last kiss.
"Woo hoo! Dade's the man, Dade's the man!"
* * * * * * *
Dade Paul Marcus. Son, brother, father, and soon to be former resident of Merlow. He stood in the busy airport departures terminal, waiting for the final boarding call for his flight. His stomach turned anxiously as he realized how close he was to taking a step out of the only life he'd ever known and the only place he'd ever called home.
Unlike his brother, Dade found strength in his roots and didn't like the idea of leaving. However, his situation now made it feel like he had no other choice. He had an opportunity to give Claire space, to let her have her time with June while Dade found his place in the world and was in a position to have his daughter with him.
He turned back, wondering if anyone might have come to see him off. He'd indicated that he didn't want to say anymore goodbyes, but he secretly hoped someone might care enough to come. It seemed no one did.
Still, perhaps it was for the best. He stepped through the departure gates, beyond the point of no return. He proceeded through the passenger only area that led to his boarding gate. As he looked up for a map to lead him to the right gate, he caught sight of some unexpected faces staring down at him. Through a wall of glass on the viewing area one level up, Dade could see his daughter being held by Claire, who stood next to Carl, Brad, Lucas, and some of his other friends. They all smiled and waved down at Dade, holding up a sign that said 'Good luck, Dade!'.
Dade wished he had of been able to touch them all but there was no way he could do so now. At least he'd been able to see them all one more time. At least they cared enough to say goodbye.
Claire had a look in her eyes that seemed almost sorry, or perhaps worried and guilty for the fact that Dade was now alone. Dade smiled softly up at her, as if to tell her that he was okay. That he would find his own way. He'd see his daughter soon enough.
Dade suddenly thought of Marty Lee, feeling a pang of loneliness for his absent friend. Right now he could use the steadfast support that Marty Lee offered toward the end of their time together. He felt the polarizing character was missing in this moment.
Suddenly Dade grinned, threw down his bags and ripped open his shirt. He did a little shimmy and then a cartwheel, clearly deciding to milk this moment of attention. Though he couldn't hear the replies from his friends, he could see them laughing and cheering him on. He turned his back to them and bent over, before he slapped his own ass, picked up his bag and walked off with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah, that's a better way to go." Dade grinned, "Like an ass."
And with that, Dade disappeared into the crowd and began his journey into the vast expanse of his own future. His story here was over. Goodbye, Dade.
On to Chapter 5.10
"Lost in a Strawberry Haze"
Back to Chapter 5.08d
Chapter Index