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Storm Front by SF Writer (Tyrel "Rock" Wolf) Season 5: The End of Innocence 'The end of innocence is realization' Chapter 5.10 - Lost in a Strawberry Haze 11,774 words Back to Chapter 5.09 "A June to Remember" On to Chapter 5.11 "Dude, Get Over It!" Chapter Index ![]() Drama Angst Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Lucas was in the terrible situation of sobering up. Sun streaked through his lounge windows and he let out a groan, covering his eyes with his arm. Immediately the first thing on his mind was to go and get some more beer.
He rolled onto his stomach and pushed himself up off the floor. Around the floor were empty beer cans, a cask of wine, and an empty vodka bottle. He kicked rubbish aside and made his way into the kitchen, opening the fridge and scouring for another can of beer.
"Shit." He cursed, finding only one can, "Last one."
Lucas couldn't quite remember what day it was. He didn't much care. There were letters from school strewn on the table. Truancy letters. Lucas didn't care. He'd long given up on school. He'd long given up on a lot of things.
"Fuck you ..." Lucas said, tossing the letter aside and facing a utilities bill, "Fuck you too. Ahh fuck all of ya."
He threw the letters to the ground and looked around himself. His next stop was his wallet. Being a drunk wasn't free, and that was made obvious by the fact several items of furniture were missing. Lucas's wallet had a few coins and one note. Hardly enough to get anything worthwhile to drink.
It didn't matter that he didn't have any food left in his cupboards, save for a bit of flour and a few spices. He'd figured out ways to eat less and drink more. He couldn't drink more on an empty wallet though.
Sure enough, it was time to call his favourite furniture buyer. Three hours later the sofa was being removed from the house and Lucas was holding a small wad of cash in his hands. He'd tidied himself and the house up during his wait for the sofa to go, but now that he had money, it was off to the liquor store.
* * * * * * *
"That's why I love me so!" Lucas sang, stumbling drunkenly through his house, "Because nobody else does anymore!"
He laughed to himself, dancing around the lounge and then through the kitchen. He took a long drink of his beer and then continued dancing. Everything was great when he was drunk. He didn't have to think about how pathetic his life was becoming. He didn't have to face how much he hated his life. He didn't have to face how much he missed his friends, his family. He didn't have to face how much his heart still ached for one he knew would no longer be his.
Lucas poked his head the corner of the bathroom door, before he stumbled into the hallway and pointed at the person standing at the door. His eyes were wide and he seemed confused as to whether he wanted to laugh, cry, or perhaps do something violent that he shouldn't.
"Uhh ... me?"
"You!" Lucas repeated, narrowing his eyes, "You!"
"Me?" Ashley asked, biting her lip and smiling sheepishly, "Surprise?"
"Ugh. What'd ya want?"
Lucas's tone was gruff and not at all welcoming. She had to have come a long way to be here, but Lucas did not really give a shit right now. He simply kept pointing at her drunkenly.
"I just want to talk." Ashley said, raising her hands in a peace gesture, "That's all. I can tell you've had a bit to drink and …"
She stepped inside and looked around the house. There was something off about it. She couldn't quite pin what exactly. The smell of alcohol was obvious, but it also seemed a little empty.
"Lucas, where's all the furniture? Are you moving?"
"Ahh yep." Lucas nodded, tossing her a can of beer, "You staying or going?"
"I should probably say what I have to say before I ... get into this."
"Nope." Lucas said, shaking his head, "Open it. Can't come in and talk to me if you don't."
"Goddamn alcoholic." Ashley snapped, opening the can and taking a long drink, "Now do I get a hug and a kiss or not?"
"You can have a hug, and that's it." Lucas said, giving her a hug and patting her back, though not as warmly as he'd hug most people, "You're not using your evil powers on me today, Woman!"
Ashley rolled her eyes and made her way into the lounge, "Well, I'd ask to sit down but you seem to have a shortage of places to sit."
"Right, right." Lucas said, disappearing into the dining room and returning with a chair for her, "There you go."
"Thanks." Ashley said, sitting down and staring absently at her beer for a little while, "Lucas? Is everything alright?"
"You came all the way to Merlow to ask if I'm alright?"
"Actually I came all the way to Merlow to hopefully get you in the sack."
Lucas looked at her, gauging her for a moment, "I've fucked all kinds of people since Storm. It was just sex. If you want a fuck, I can give you one, Dude. But that's all you'd get. Wouldn't be more."
"Used to be." Ashley said, sighing.
"Well, if that's what you came for." Lucas said, standing up and pulling his shirt off, "Whereabouts do you want it?"
Ashley just looked up at him, as if she wanted to cry. It hadn't always been like this between them. She wanted him back. Why couldn't she have him back? He was free now. He sure didn't seem to be doing anything much with his life right now either.
"Come back with me. I know you've dropped out of school. Your life has gone to shit by the looks of it. Let me take care of you." Ashley offered, "Let this place go. Let him go. I don't see him here pining over you."
Lucas bunched his fist as he if he was about to hit her, but he stilled himself, "Be grateful I'm not completely wasted yet."
"Come on, Baby. I'm a Miller. You don't think I scare that easily, do you?"
"You ... you did something to me. You made me ruin everything!" Lucas said, pacing back and forth, "I know you did. I know it!"
"Lucas, this is all getting a bit old. How long have you two been over? Forever. Let it go. I'm still here. He's not. It's my turn now." Ashley said, standing up, "I came here to tell you something, but now I just think it doesn't matter. Look at you. You look horrible. You stink of booze. God, Lucas, I don't even think I want to hang around for this."
She put her beer down and made her way out of the lounge, Lucas following behind her. He was rather stunned. He expected he'd have to fight her off, but it seemed even she didn't want him enough. Was he really that repulsive now?
"Listen, Ash. While you're here. Maybe you could give me a ride to the store, huh?"
Ashley turned on her heels and just stared at Lucas, "You know the difference between me and him? I'm still here."
"But I still love him." Lucas said, beginning to tear up, "Gimmie a ride, please? I need some more."'
"But you still have to wake up in the morning, Lucas. What then?"
"Get some more?"
"And then what?"
"Try not to think about that." Lucas shrugged, "Just like to be numb."
"I'll give you tonight. I'll get you anything you want and let you drink yourself until you pass out. But you have to promise me that tomorrow, no more. Not until we've cleaned you up and sorted you out."
"Dude, no way." Lucas said, shaking his head, "You might as well go. I'm good."
"I hate that you're this pathetic now." Ashley said, "I hate it."
Lucas sighed, stepping onto his front lawn. He sat down on it and patted a spot next to him. Ashley sat down dutifully, casting a glance to the rental car she'd hired upon arrival. She wondered if she should just get in and drive away.
"Marty Lee's not here anymore. I don't have him. You don't have him. But we could have each other." Ashley said softly, covering his hand with hers, "We wouldn't have to be alone. We could do it again, but properly this time."
"Is that why you came?"
Ashley squeezed his hand, looking up at the night sky before she answered. Yes, it was why she came, but she knew she also had another reason. A reason she suddenly wanted to keep to herself.
"It's one reason I came. The biggest reason." She admitted, "I want us to try again."
Lucas's shoulders slumped. He didn't hate Ashley, but somehow he felt that if he agreed to this, it'd be giving up on Storm. He didn't want to do that. He wasn't ready to do that. But he knew that he was fighting a hopeless battle. Storm had moved on. Long moved on. Long moved away.
"It isn't really what I want, Dude." Lucas said honestly, "But I suppose it beats being alone."
"I can stay a little while and we can ... try? Maybe it's time you left this place behind, Lukey. Maybe when you're ready we can leave together."
"Everybody else has done it." Lucas sighed, before he shook his head, "But I don't know if I want to do that yet. I'm still getting used to the idea that ... you want this."
"I've always wanted it. I just respected that you had other ... inclinations. If you really had a chance with him, I'd let you go." She shuffled a little closer, leaning her head on his shoulder, "And like you said before, it beats being alone, right?"
Lucas looked at her, frowning a little, "Don't know yet."
* * * * * * *
Brad sat on the banks of a hill overlooking Lake Herren. He inhaled the crisp air as he saw the sun start to burst through over the mountains in the distance. He had to admit, this was one heck of a pretty place to live.
Brad felt as if he was in a very transitional period in his life. Everything seemed to be changing around him. His friendship with Josh had soured over the last few months since Josh hit him. While Josh had attempted to make amends, Brad felt it was better to keep his distance. He wasn't interested in being involved in abusive relationships. Essentially, whatever bond they once shared, now seemed dormant. This was made difficult by the fact the Barretts took care of Billy most weekends when he wasn't away at his boarding school.
On top of this, Marty Lee was gone. Brad couldn't be sure whether that was a bad thing yet. He was leaning toward it being a great thing, but his opinion was bias considering he'd been on the receiving end of a brutal assault by Marty Lee. Brad had forgiven him for that attack and since then the two had reached an amicable relationship, given that both were close to Dade.
Dade was also a recent departee from Merlow. His departure was somewhat more momentous than Marty Lee's. For Brad it signified the end of an era. Still, they'd thrown Dade a good going away party, and the opportunity Dade was undertaking was a good one. He hoped everything worked out.
Now he was almost alone in Merlow. He wasn't particularly close to Lucas. He still attended Sensei Takada's dojo but it wasn't really the same without Dade or Marty Lee there. He was friendly enough with Carl Bentley, but lately Carl seemed to have other things on his mind. This essentially meant Brad's small circle was now a circle of one.
This fact did not particularly bother him. Ever since his fall from the social hierachy he'd come to enjoy his solitude, so he could handle this current round of being alone. Besides, he knew it wouldn't be for long. Not long at all ...
* * * * * * *
Lucas sat at his window, staring out of it as he wept softly to himself. He was no longer drunk and morning had come. So too had the feeling of misery that overwhelmed him.
For the last few days he had given himself to Ashley, trying to see if it was indeed better than being alone. It wasn't. If anything, he hurt more. He didn't want to be with her. She reminded him too much of what broke his relationship with Storm.
It was easier when he was having random one night stands with people he didn't know. Back then it was just sex. This was something far more thought provoking. Something far more demanding. It wasn't just a drunken fuck. It was holding hands and trying to make out without throwing up, at least on Lucas's side. He simply wasn't able to be with Ashley without thinking about Storm. And the more he thought about Storm, the more miserable he felt. It was becoming unbearable.
Even worse, she was demanding he drink less, which only forced him to confront feelings he didn't wish to. After all the time they'd been apart, Lucas still couldn't believe he was this distraught over losing Storm. He simply didn't believe he would ever be as happy again.
He turned his attention to his bed, where Ashley lay sleeping. He figured they deserved each other now, being the traitorous whores that he knew he was at least. Maybe he should just settle for what he can get, rather than what he wants and can't have.
"At least she got you to stop drinking." Storm said, sitting on the other side of the window seat, his feet brushing Lucas's, "Can't be all bad, right? You know you were losing your way."
"I've been losing my way for a long time, Dude."
"I wish you weren't like this, Lucas. I wish you wouldn't do this to yourself."
"I don't know if I want to do this to myself either." Lucas gasped, teary eyed, "Some days I just don't even want to wake up."
"Don't say that. You are more than us. You are more than your love for me."
"Is that why I talk to you so much even though you aren't really here?"
Storm motioned to Ashley, "Maybe it'll work out for you two. Maybe she'll end up making you happy and maybe you'll make her happy."
"But I don't want that. It's not you." Lucas said, gasping a little as emotion filled him, "She's not you. Why can't you just come home? I can't stop this, Storm. I can't stop loving you and I can't keep doing this."
"You know, Lucas. The part of me that loved you is always going to love you."
Lucas raised his eyes to Storm, frowning miserably, "Then can I have that part of you back?"
"Lukey?" Ashley asked, breaking Lucas's train of thought.
Lucas sighed, staring at the space where his apparition of Storm had just been. She ruined this just like she ruined everything else he had with Storm. Even imaginary Storm couldn't stay with him anymore.
"Coming, Ash."
* * * * * * *
"Home, we're back!" Mike called out as he stepped through the front door of the Marcus home, bags in hand, "Home?"
"Where is everyone? There should be like a super huge celebration welcoming back Mr. and Mrs. Win At Life." Sarah said, catching her breath as she set some bags down beside Mike, "Hey, who the fuck is home!?"
"Nice, Wifey, nice."
"We come all the way from Saran City, coming home to take back our thrones as Mr. and Mrs., and what do we get? Big fat nothing!" Sarah moaned, "Maybe we should go back."
"It was your idea to come!"
"Right, right." Sarah nodded, stepping inside, "The place really looks ... empty, huh? It needs some noise. Some life. I wonder where Brad is. You'd think Lucas would at least be here. They did know we were coming, right?"
"Dade said everything was taken care of and that Brad knew we'd be taking over."
Sarah moved into the lounge, flopping onto the sofa and smiling happily, "Ahh that's nice. I wonder how that little bastard's doing anyway."
"Come on now, be nice." Mike said as he sat down on the sofa with her, moving her legs into his lap so he could rub her feet, "I'm sure he's doing great. What an opportunity for him, you know?"
"I guess it beats watching another man play house with your girls too." Sarah shrugged, "Speaking of which, I want to go and see June."
"We're here!" Claire yelled, catching her breath, "We're in the kitchen!"
Mike and Sarah both jumped up and made their way from the lounge to the kitchen. When they reached it, they saw Claire holding a baby in one arm, and a laundry basket in the other. Mike immediately rushed to take the basket, while Sarah made a bee line for the baby.
"Oh she's already getting so big." Sarah gushed, "What a beauty."
This was only the second time Mike and Sarah had seen June, the first being the day after Claire gave birth. She already seemed to have changed so much, Sarah could hardly believe it. It made her itchy to have some of her own, but right now she considered herself fortunate to be alive and healthy and Mike didn't want to press their luck.
"I know you guys are probably wondering why I'm here, but I assure you, we're just tidying up some loose ends." Claire said after giving both Mike and Sarah a kiss and hug in greeting.
"We're not wondering. We're hoping you're staying." Mike said, speaking for both himself and Sarah, "We can help with June. It's only right you stay here. She's Dade's baby. He said anything of his is yours."
"I really appreciate that but Carl's organized something for us. But I do love this house. Would you mind if we still spent every other day here? Carl means well but I don't want to overwhelm him so soon." Claire said a little shyly, "He's really trying to set things up for us. You guys aren't angry about ... you know, what Dade and I decided?"
"Whatever works for you two, works for us. We just hope this doesn't mean you keep the wee one away." Sarah said, smiling at June, "We want to play Aunty and Uncle."
"You don't have to play it, you are it." Claire chuckled, "I'm really glad you guys are home It's so great!"
"Talked to Dade lately or is he doing a Storm and disappearing on you?"
"Not a chance." Claire grinned, "I just talked to him a couple hours ago. He calls a lot to hear her. He's doing okay. We can't wait to go and see him. I wish he was still here, but ... it's his chance, you know? I miss him. And I worry about him. Worry about him being lonely. I know things didn't work out for us, but we're still best friends. And we'll always be June's parents."
"We have to admit, we were a little antsy about whether we'd get to see her less after you and Dade broke up." Sarah said, still holding June, "I'm still a little antsy now to be honest, but she's your daughter and I'm sure you'll be kind and share her with us now and then."
"I promise. Besides, who else is going to talk to me in this town?"
"Eugh." Sarah said, scrunching her nose, "Were they that horrible to you?"
"Worse." Claire said, shrugging, "But I don't care. I had my boys to take care of me. And you know what? The relationship with Dade was pretty crap, but God the sex was awesome."
"That's my cue to leave." Mike said, doing an about face to exit the room.
"I want all the juicy gossip!" Sarah gasped, handing June back to Claire, "Have a seat and I'll make us a hot cocoa."
"Excuse you, I haven't technically left the house yet." Claire said, handing June back to Sarah, "I'll make the hot cocoa, and then I'll fill you on all the gossip you've missed since you left so long ago."
* * * * * * *
"Put them in the slo..." Brad said automatically, before he raised his eyes and saw who was talking to him.
Josh Barrett. The two had become virtual strangers of late, so Brad was somewhat surprised to see him now. While Josh had taken to leading the Merlow Warriors to a mediocre season at best, Brad had returned to his quiet life as a librarian, minding his own business and keeping to himself.
"Books go in the slot." Brad said, giving Josh a small glance before he returned his attention to his own computer screen in front of him.
Josh took the nearest book from someone else making a return, before putting it in the slot. He remained standing in front of Brad's desk, waiting to be acknowledged again. Brad sighed and looked up at Josh once more.
"Is there something I can help you with?"
The last interaction the two shared was Josh's fist in Brad's face. While Josh attempted to make amends almost immediately afterwards, Brad was not receptive. After taking abuse from his own father for so long, he wasn't about to take it from someone he once trusted. Someone like Josh. Brad had paid his dues and believed in his right to be left alone and not harassed. After such a long period, perhaps Josh believed it was time to attempt amends once more.
"You're about to finish your shift here." Josh said, pointing to the roster board on the wall, "I'd like to ... talk to you. May I please buy you something to eat? Perhaps a milkshake?"
"Is something wrong with Billy?" Brad asked, frowning a little worriedly.
While Josh and Brad weren't on friendly terms, they still had Billy between them to worry about. Josh's parents had primary guardianship of Billy when he wasn't at boarding school and as far as Brad knew, Billy was doing quite well. Better than he ever had in his life.
"Nothing is wrong with Billy." Josh said, sighing, "I ... I miss you. Please let me buy you something to eat. I really want to talk, Brad. I'm really sorry abou..."
"I know. I know. I've heard this all before." Brad sighed, "We're just in different places now. You're the jock, I'm the nerd."
"You are not a nerd."
"And thanks to you, I'm not a jock either." Brad said with a frown, "So what am I then? Besides mostly unnoticed."
Josh pulled something out of his backpack and handed it to Brad. At first Brad didn't recognize it, but soon realized it was a trophy Josh had one the week before as MVP of the annual White Swan contest. A contest Brad secretly travelled to White Swan to watch.
"I want you to have it."
"I didn't earn this, Josh. You did." Brad said, handing it back.
"Brad ... I was only trying to protect you. When you were in hospital, I ..." Josh began to fidget nervously, "Please, Brad. I've tried to give you the space you wanted, but ... please. I miss you."
"You hit me."
"You've hit me before!" Josh protested suddenly, surprisingly emotional, "How many times did you hit me growing up? Did I hold it against you?"
Josh frowned, realizing Brad was right, and this only caused him to fidget even more awkwardly, "Look, Brad, I kept you out of the team because I didn't want you to get hurt. You weren't ready. I didn't want you to get hurt again. I didn't mean to hit you either, you just ..."
"Excuse me." A voice said from behind Josh.
Brad watched as Mrs. Helgenberger, the elderly supervisor of the library, tapped Josh on the shoulder and reminded him this was a place for silence. Josh looked at her, a near pained expression on his face, before he turned back to Brad, mumbled something under his breath and then lunged across the desk. Before Brad knew what was happening, Josh was kissing him firmly on the lips, almost scaring Brad right out of his seat.
"I don't care if it's fake anymore. I don't care if you change your mind later. I had you before and you were everything I wanted and I still wouldn't let you ... I wouldn't let you in." Josh gasped, "It's been months, Brad, and I miss you every day. I'm not afraid anymore of doing the wrong thing with you. I'm afraid of never knowing what it's like to do anything right with you. If you meant any of what you were offering me, then please, give me a chance."
Josh quickly left, leaving behind him a gaggle of surprised onlookers, including a most displeased Mrs. Helgenberger. Naturally, Stacey Peters was the first to scrunch her nose in disapproval. Brad, still in shock, gave her a wide eyed look, took a deep breath, and then spoke one word.
"I hate you!" Stacey cried, running from the library.
"Whoa." Brad said, completely stunned by what Josh had just done, "Whoa on a stick!"
* * * * * * *
"Whoa on a stick indeed!" Sarah gasped, clapping her hands with glee, "Oh, I miss school. I want to go back!"
"You've been away too long, Dear. You're far too old, Dear. We ca..." Mike began to say before Sarah raised her hand.
"Here's my hand, Baby, keep talking to it."
Mike smirked good naturedly, walking over from behind the kitchen counter to kiss her cheek and place her sandwich on the table in front of her, and then another for Brad. He made a discrete exit, before Sarah took a bite of her sandwich and then turned back to Brad.
"Brad, this is so cool! So? When's your first date?"
"But he hit me!"
Sarah punched Brad in the arm, "A huh, carry on."
Brad grumbled and made a scowl at her, "Claire never hit me."
"Mm hmm. That's lovely. So when's the big date?"
"But ..."
"Come on, you've been leading him on forever. You've been moaning that he wasn't letting you try anything on with him out of curiousity's sake, and now he throws himself at you in front of the school and you drop nuts." Sarah deadpanned, "You put him up to this. Don't get antsy now that you finally get what you've been after."
"Fine!" Brad snapped, though not harshly, "Alright! But look. Now it's real and I'm getting ... nervous. I mean, God, what if he wants to have sex with me?"
"Close your eyes, spread your legs, pray he lubed, and say hail Mary!"
"I can't even have a proper conversation with you." Brad protested, though he was trying not to laugh.
Sarah clutched Brad's face in her hands, staring intently at him, "Brad, Sweetheart, Baby, listen closely to dear Sarah. Men are animals. Animals who like their cock stimulated. Josh may want to stimulate your cock. Do you understand what that means? Something other than your right hand might actually touch your peepee. If you want to get laid before you turn 40, I think you should give him a call."
"Sarah, don't think I've forgotten how you and Lucas ruined me in Merlow." Brad said as he stood up, "So if this goes badly with Josh, I'll hold you responsible for my life as a teenager being a complete failure. Okay?"
"No problem!" Sarah grinned up at him, "Go get some, Baby!"
"Oif." Brad groaned, leaving the table, "Come home, Dade. I need protection."
"Extra ribbed!"
* * * * * * *
While Sarah had been spending most of the day happily plotting her takeover of Merlow, she decided that it was about time she paid Lucas a visit. He seemed oddly absent since their return, which she found a little surprising. She knew he was drinking again, but this was the first real chance she'd had to sneak out of the house on her own while Mike was down at the local college investigating options for the two of them. Sarah wanted to go, but knew if she skipped, she could go and see Lucas. She figured he might need some encouraging words of a caustic nature.
"Keys, keys, keys." Sarah said to herself, trying to find the keys to the communal Jeep.
Storm had left it to Dade, and now Dade had left it to those he'd left behind. Today, that would be Sarah. Mike didn't much like her driving anywhere on her own, but she was itching to be bad today.
"A ha!" She grinned, finding the keys and rushing out the front door.
"Sarah! Where are you going!?" Brad yelled out from one of the upstairs windows.
"Fuck your Mum!" She yelled, flipping him the finger as she got into the car.
She revved up the Jeep and sped out of the driveway, finding herself slightly amazed when she couldn't quite remember which way to Lucas's house. Had it been that long?
"Merlow, I'm so happy to be home!" Sarah said excitedly as she drove, "Oooh, stop for treats!"
She pulled up outside her favourite bakery, which didn't mean much since Merlow wasn't really big enough to have all that many bakeries. Still, the entire time she'd been away, she'd missed this bakery and all the fresh buns and cakes they had to offer. Her doctors told her she needed to eat more, so that's what she was going to do now that she was back home in the land she loved.
As she stepped out of the Jeep, she caught sight of a familiar pair of lips. Strawberry lips to be in fact. What a lovely coincidence, she thought to herself. She was about to wave out to him when she felt a sudden, sharp and debilitating shot of pain in her midsection. She let out a small cry and leaned against the window, breathing fast and unevenly as she tried to ride out the sudden attack.
This was why Mike didn't like her going out alone. She didn't let on to anyone else, but she was still dealing with the aftermath of her extensive fight with cervical cancer. While she was much improved, she was not, in fact, completely cured. She knew she may never be, but she despised pity and was more likely to punch someone out who offered sympathy than thank them for giving a damn.
"Fuck me." She gasped, wincing as the pain began to subside.
She raised her head to see where Lucas was and perhaps ask him to drive her home, when her eyes went wide and she forgot her pain in the place of sudden disbelief. Ashley Miller. As far as Sarah was concerned, the spawn of Satan and one evil cunt.
If Sarah was surprised before, she was floored now, as she saw Lucas emerge from the bakery, hand Ashley a treat, and then kiss her on the lips. If that wasn't bad enough, they held hands right after. She'd just been in pain before, but she wanted to vomit now, and it was nothing to do with her illness.
"You fucking idiot." Sarah gasped, staring at Lucas and Ashley as they walked away, "You show some taste with Storm and then you go back to that tart. You'll never be known for your brains, that's for sure, Lucas."
Sarah grumbled and got back into the Jeep. Visit to see Lucas - cancelled.
* * * * * * *
"Lucas is with Ashley!" Sarah gasped, flailing her hands in the air dramatically.
"I can see by your waving arms that I'm supposed to be moved by this piece of information." Mike said dryly, taking a bite out of his apple, "I'm not."
"But, listen to me! Lucas is with Ashley!"
"He's his own man, Sarah. If he wants to be with her, then let him. I mean, can you blame him?"
"Uhh, yes." Sarah said, "I just ... look, I'm as confused as you are about all of this. I just …"
"Sarah. Please. Look, the Pack adapted to you and I being together. We'll all get through this as well. If Lucas is with Ashley, then I hope it works out for them. All I want is for my man to be happy." Mike said, standing to his feet, "In fact, I'm going to go see him now. But not before I tell you off for doing a disappearing act on us today."
Sarah mumbled something under her breath and then stared at her feet, "You're really handsome, Baby."
"Sweetheart." Mike said softly, cupping her face and tilting it up so their eyes met, "I know, okay? I know it's not easy for you. It'll get better. You'll be able to do everything you want to do soon. You won't need me looking over your shoulder to make sure you're okay."
"I don't ... mind it. In fact, I ... I love it." Sarah said honestly, giving him a soft smile, "I've just been feeling so excited and mischievous to be home. I'm sorry?"
"Don't be. You're okay. That's all that matters. Just, if you do anything like that again ..." He pulled her cell phone out of her bag, "Take this with you next time?"
"Oh, right ... that. Okay. You really are going to see Lucas then?"
"Of course I am, Baby. He's my boy."
"Well ... don't bring that whore over here!" Sarah snapped suddenly, "She's not welcome."
"Storm and Lucas aren't together right now. You just have to accept it and be happy for everyone. This could be great for Lucas. Okay?"
"You can try out the couch tonight."
"Oh hell no." Mike said, "You can be moody on your side of the bed for all I care, but I sleep next to my wife."
"How am I supposed to throw a tantrum if you won't listen to me!?"
Mike clasped Sarah's arms, "Wifey, I love you more than air itself, but I'm still going to see Lucas, and I'm still going to support him no matter who he is with, and I'm still going to sleep holding my beautiful wife. Okay?"
"You just carry on being the one everyone loves then. I'll keep to my bitch routine."
"Works so well for you, Baby." Mike smirked, kissing Sarah's cheek, "I'll be back later."
* * * * * * *
"Lucas, lunch is ready." Ashley said, serving up two plates of chicken and feta salad with couscous.
She figured Lucas needed to eat some good food to offset all the alcohol he'd been partaking in of late. Fortunately he was keeping up his weights and stilled seemed to be fairly fit. She'd noticed that from the hollow sex they had.
She knew with enough time, Lucas would come back to her in heart as well as body. He didn't kiss her unless she kissed him first. He didn't grab her hand, but he'd let her hold his. It was as if he was resigned to this relationship, but not particularly enthused by it.
"Coming." Lucas said despondently, taking a seat at the table, "Thank you for cooking for me."
"It's the least I can do." She said, rubbing his back, "I can see why you like getting drunk so much. You've been downright miserable since you slowed down."
Lucas took a bite of his lunch, "I'm not that hungry, but I'll eat it. It would be rude not to."
"And you need to eat. You've been living off beer and no food for too long. I'm going down to the supermarket to get some stores later, okay?"
"I don't have any money for that."
"I've got a bit. We'll get by." She sighed, looking at him, "Lucas, please try and get better. Please try."
Lucas was about to speak up when the doorbell rang. Ashley excused herself from the table to go and answer the door, leaving Lucas alone with his thoughts …
"She's right." Storm said, sitting in the chair next to Lucas, "You need to eat and you need to try. She's doing good by you, Lucas."
"I don't need you to tell me that, Dude."
"You can't keep doing this to yourself. You can't keep talking to me like I'm real. You're not even drunk now to use that as an excuse for being completely loopy."
"God, Dude, even imaginary you win at being an asshole."
"I try, Baby, I try." Storm smiled at Lucas, before he disappeared at the sound of a familiar voice.
"Dude!" Lucas cried out excitedly, realizing it was Mike, "DUDE!"
Ashley did her best to look happy and supportive of Mike's visit, but she was on edge. Mike, on the other hand, after greeting Lucas with their typically warm embrace, greeted her sincerely and kindly. She immediately relaxed, figuring he wasn't going to tear her a new one as she believed everyone in this town wanted to do.
"Geez." Mike said, stepping inside and noticing a lot of furniture missing.
"We're redecorating." Ashley said quickly, "New stuff comes in next week."
Blatant lie, but she wasn't new to those. She wasn't exactly flush with money being the black sheep in her family, but for Lucas? She'd call her parents and threaten them for it. They'd give money to her to shut her up. This would all be taken care of soon enough.
Lucas gave her a strange look, and Mike just shrugged and rolled his eyes. He dropped the issue, even though he knew she was telling a tall tale. He wasn't here to observe Lucas's furniture anyway. He was here for Lucas.
"Dude, Dude, food!" Lucas said quickly, rushing about to find something for Mike to sit on, "Ash, Ash, food for Mike!"
"It's fine, I'm not hungry." Mike insisted, "I just wanted to see you. I thought you would've come over by now. Everything okay?"
"Oh ... I'm sorry about that ..." Lucas said, having felt too ashamed to show his face to them, "I ..."
"Don't worry about it." Mike said, patting Lucas's shoulder.
Mike didn't want Lucas to feel uncomfortable, awkward, or ashamed. Lucas was family, and as far as Mike was concerned, nothing was more important than that.
"So have you seen June much?"
"Oh my God, Dude! She is so gorgeous!" Lucas said, positively giddy with excitement.
Ashley watched Lucas, noting how in just a few minutes, Mike had made him smile more than she had the last week. A genuine, full smile. She never understood this whole Pack business, but she was starting to wonder if there was something in it after all. Just the way Lucas's face had relaxed, become more animated, more free. She began to think that maybe Mike could do more good than even she could.
* * * * * * *
"Brad, can you get that!" Sarah yelled from the kitchen, "My hands are covered in batter!"
"Oh I love having them here. Food food food!" Brad grinned, jumping off his bed and dashing downstairs, "I've got it!"
Mike and Sarah were somewhat more stable and comfortable than Dade and Claire had been. Not to mention that both Mike and Sarah loved to cook, which worked well with the fact that Brad loved to eat. He was almost at full strength and build now, having worked hard to get his body into peak shape.
"Billy?" Brad asked in surprise, "Hey! What are you doing here?"
Billy remained tight lipped, as if he wanted to say something harsh and cruel to Brad but he bit his tongue and settled for frowning. Brad chuckled at that face, figuring it was the refined education Billy was receiving at boarding school, and the steady and disciplined household of the Barretts.
"Joshua has asked me to give you this." Billy said, handing Brad two tickets, "He'd like to go with you to the stadium to watch the touring teams this weekend, but only if you want him to have the other ticket. He would have come himself, but you don't talk to him."
"Would you like to come in, Billy?" Brad asked, quite happy to see his little brother, "And you don't have to be proper with me. I know you try really hard, but I'm sure the Barretts like you just the way you are. You don't have to keep that up here."
"Oh good." Billy said, kicking Brad in the shin and then slapping him across the face, "So can I come in now?"
"Billy?" Sarah asked in surprise, smiling when popped up behind Brad, hands still covered in wet batter, "I was just making our dinner. Would you like to stay?"
"Only if you're cooking, Hot stuff."
"Behave!" Brad snapped at his little brother.
"How cute. A little pervert." Sarah said, cooing, "It's like Dade never left."
"Don't get me started, I still miss him." Brad said, pulling Billy in by the hand before he started wailing on his back with playful slaps, "Yeah now you're in for it, you little dweeb."
"Go away, don't touch me!" Billy protested, "I don't like you! You smell! I want a new brother!"
Sarah just smiled as she watched the brothers play fight and pretend to despise each other. She knew better than to believe it. It made her think fondly on times long past now when Dade and Storm were somewhat similar. She missed those days, but at least it seemed this house was not done yet as far as having life in it was concerned.
"Good to be home." Sarah sighed contently, before she returned to the kitchen, "Now where's that man of mine?"
* * * * * * *
"So how was it?" Sarah asked Mike the moment he entered the house, "What'd she say? Shall I go fix her up? I bet she's cont..."
"Sarah." Mike said, giving her a look, "Please. He's in a bad place. She might be the best thing for him right now."
"We're the best thing for him right now. Why else did we come home? You should be bringing him back with you." Sarah insisted, "He should be staying here with us, so we can look after him and kick his ass into shape."
"We've barely been here a few days and you're already trying to mother everyone again. Hello, you need to look after yourself?"
Sarah seemed to sting a little at that statement, her eyes watering up a little, "Taking care of them is taking care of myself ... you ... you dick!"
"Baby, come on." Mike sighed, pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back, "Give him some time. I think he has to do this himself. When he asks us, and when it's the right time, we'll always be here for him, but sometimes you have to let them ... do what they have to do, and just make sure they know we love them."
Sarah sighed, softening a little, "Alright. Alright. Just ... ease up on the looking after myself thing, okay? I didn't come home to feel like a fucking invalid."
"I know, I know. You came here to take over and make everything just the way you like it."
"Storm banging Lucas, Dade banging everyone, and you banging me."
"What about Marcel?"
"Oh, umm ... well I can't fix everyone's problems!"
Brad poked his head into the hallway to add his two cents, "But isn't Marcel wi..."
"Zip it!" Sarah said quickly, "Thou shall not speak such things in my presence."
"Sarah, really. Why can't you just be happy for everyone?"
"Because everyone is full of shit right now. Okay?" She said, kissing his cheek, "Dinner's ready."
"I ate at Lucas's."
"Yeah, you didn't tell me you were doing that, so dinner's still ready. I expect an empty plate."
Sarah disappeared back into the kitchen, while Brad still had his head poking in from the lounge. He grinned at Mike, making a face.
"Whapish!" Brad laughed, making a whipping gesture.
"I am not whipped."
"Sweetheart, I'll eat all my dinner!" Mike called out, "I'll need it because all of the energy I'm going to use sparring Brad in the basement."
"Oh shit." Brad grimaced.
"Haha, fucker!" Billy laughed from behind Brad, kicking his leg.
"You're all good, Mate." Mike smiled, tousling Brad's hair, before he pointed his finger at Billy, "And you, watch your language."
The moment Mike disappeared up the stairs, Brad turned to Billy, snickering, whispering and pointing, "Haha, fucker!"
* * * * * * *
"Lukey? Baby? Are you coming to bed soon?" Ashley asked, standing at the kitchen doorway, watching Lucas as he pulled a beer out of the fridge, "Do you really need that?"
"Just a couple, okay?" Lucas asked her, "I've been good lately. I just want a couple. That's all."
"Alright." She said, worrying her lip with concern, "Can I stay up with you?"
"No, no. Just get some sleep, Ash. I'll be fine." He smiled, kissing her temple, "I just need something to take the edge off."
"I could take the edge off?" She asked, offering herself as a substitute for the alcohol.
"If you're still up when I come to bed, we'll have some fun okay?"
"Oh ... alright." She said, still not fully convinced she should be leaving him alone.
In the end she decided that if she pushed him too much he'd just push her away. He'd been good lately and cleaned his act up a lot, and she didn't want to get on his case so much that he went back to his old ways. Better to give him a little freedom now.
But just not quite complete freedom. She pulled a beer out for herself and sat down on the sofa, snuggled against his side. He didn't seem to mind that, and even gave her a smile as she opened his can for him, and then her own.
"Mike is really nice." Ashley said, "You really look up to him, don't you?"
"He's the greatest. They all are."
"You mean ... the Pack?"
Lucas nodded his head slowly, taking a sip of his beer, "Best friends ever. Mike, you know, he doesn't care about anything. Doesn't care about the bullshit. He just cares about you. He's the best."
"A good friend to have. And someone I can tell you really admire."
"Wasn't sure they'd still care after ... after what I did to Storm." Lucas sighed, "After what I did to us."
Ashley felt the stabbing pangs of guilt wash over her at that statement. She knew Lucas wasn't saying anything against her, but considering her part in the demise of Lucas and Storm's relationship, she couldn't help but feel equally responsible. Indeed, that had been her intent all along.
"But they do still care." Ashley said, rubbing Lucas's arm, "They still care about you."
Lucas nodded, though his face carried a great deal of shame, "They still do."
"You think they could accept us?"
That was the problem. Lucas was afraid they might. But would he?
* * * * * * *
Mike spoke animatedly to Sarah, informing her of how much had changed since the last time they lived in Merlow. The couple were grabbing a few stores for the house to help them settle in and make it a bit more their own. Sarah wasn't really paying attention to Mike, mainly because a certain person had just walked into the store. Like an eagle hunting its prey, Sarah narrowed in on Ashley. The moment Mike realized his wife wasn't paying attention to him and instead focusing on Ashley, he let out a groan and made an unsuccessful attempt to keep Sarah quiet.
"Oh, hey, Bitch." Sarah grinned, giving Ashley a little wave, "Come to ruin another relationship, have we?"
"Sarah." Mike snapped under his breath.
"Yeah that's right, Bitch, back away, back away." Sarah said, ushering Ashley away from her and Mike, "Nothing to see here. No men to rape."
"Did you have to do that!?" Mike gasped the moment Ashley tried to make as dignified an exit as possible.
Sarah thought about Mike's question for a moment, then nodded her head, "You know what? I really did."
Mike groaned and covered his eyes with his hands, "I don't know if coming back to Merlow is the right thing for you, Sweetheart."
"Oh come on, I'm loving this shit. HBIC right here. The bitch is back, Baby, the bitch is back!"
* * * * * * *
"I can't believe you kissed me." Brad said, hands in his pockets as he stood in the cold wind opposite Josh, "In front of the whole school!"
Josh blushed awkwardly, "I've been going out of my mind since we stopped talking. I'm sorry, I ... I shouldn't have done that. I've just been feeling so desperate, Brad. I just want things to go back to the way they used to be between us."
"But all the other times, you just rejected me. I would've done almost anything you asked me to. I'd have bent over and as Sarah bluntly put, screamed hail Mary."
"What?" Josh asked, confused.
"Don't ask." Brad said, shivering a bit, "It's cold. Can we go inside now?"
"Here." Josh said, taking his coat off and wrapping it around Brad, "I'm okay. I'm not cold."
"Josh ... that is really sweet, and really ..."
Josh blushed, smiling brightly, "Gay. I know. That's kind of what I am."
"No? Really?" Brad smiled, looking at Josh thoughtfully, "I missed you too."
"You're not angry that I kissed you?"
"Oh it's not like we're the first. And rather disappointingly, Josh, nobody was talking about it afterward. I guess we just aren't cool enough. But ... are you ... okay with it? Doesn't this out you?"
"I don't really care about those sorts of things anymore, Brad." Josh said, extending his hand out to Brad, as if to make a statement, "You can always say no, but maybe at least for a little while, I'd like to know what it's like to be with someone I really want to be with."
"Wow." Brad said, feeling butterflies in his stomach, "Yeah, this making me feel special thing is doing wonders, Josh."
Brad bit his lip and looked at Josh's hand a while before he reached out and took it. He squeezed it gently, wondering just what the hell he was doing. So rapidly this thing with Josh was becoming all too real. Brad had basically led Josh on for months, and now Josh was calling him on it. Was this really what Brad wanted?
"Josh?" Brad stepped closer to Josh, still holding his hand, "I know I've ... led you on and done things to confuse you. I'm sorry if I ... struggle with some things, but I want you to know something."
"What, Brad?"
"Whatever I am, there's no other man in the entire world, that I would ever want to do this with." Brad said, feeling another rush of butterflies as he raised his eyes and looked at Josh, "So please don't hate me if this doesn't work out. And kiss me quick before I lose my nerve."
Josh seemed to hesitate a moment, causing Brad to growl in annoyance. It was just like Josh of old, hesitating when Brad was offering something. Taking the initiative, Brad pressed his lips against Josh and in the cold night air, the two held their lips chastely against one another, hands clasped.
"This is really weird." Brad blushed as the kiss broke, "Really weird. But nice."
Josh kept close to Brad, looking him in the eyes and smiling, "Really nice."
* * * * * * *
"I really missed this view." Sarah said with a sigh as she and Mike enjoyed dinner at Orry's.
It was their first night out together since returning home to Merlow. For both of them it had been a wonderful experience. After living in the metropolis of Saran City for so long, it was nice to come back to the tranquil familiarity and beauty that Merlow offered.
Both of them looked like stars as they'd dressed up especially for their date to celebrate coming home. The two stared out the window, hands clasped as they took in the night view of Lake Herren. It was good to be home, but for both there seemed to be a nagging feeling that things still weren't quite right. Perhaps it was that so many of their loved ones had left. Perhaps they just needed time to adjust to the way things were in Merlow now.
"You look beautiful tonight, Sarah." Mike said, turning his attention to her, "Have I told you today how much I love you?"
"Several times, but not enough times." Sarah replied, squeezing his hand, "I love you right back, forever and ever and ever."
Mike smiled wistfully, thumbing the ring on her finger, "It's good to be home."
"Home is with you." Sarah said softly, sincerity in her voice, "As long as I have that, I'll always be home."
While most were used to Sarah's caustic side, Mike knew more than anyone else her sincere, vulnerable side. He'd seen it all too well during her battle with cancer. During the nights she'd scream in his arms, in utter agony from the chemo sessions that seemed to do more harm than good. He had nothing but admiration and respect for her strength. He didn't truly know if he could have endured what she had on a daily basis. The inhumanities inflicted on her body. The treatments that seemed as bad as the cancer itself. So many times he'd cry as he held her after she'd simply passed out from weakness, wondering if it was selfish of him to hold her in this world when she was in so much pain.
Looking at her now, happy, bright, hair growing back with a vengeance, he couldn't help but get a little misty eyed. It had been worth the fight, and selfish or not, he was so very glad he did not let her leave him. He squeezed her hand again, trying not to let himself get too emotional. She could always read when he was thinking too much.
"Mike." Sarah whispered, reaching her free hand up to his cheek, "We're okay. We're home. I'm happy."
"We made it." Mike said, smiling and sniffling a little bit, "We made it home."
Neither of them was arrogant enough to say just yet that their war was over, but they were certainly winning the battles. Still, Mike prayed to every God that could possibly be thought of, that he and Sarah would not have to endure something like that again. He prayed they'd get to have their slice of happiness.
"I really love you." Mike said, kissing her hand holding it against his cheek.
"Oh, Baby." Sarah said, smiling sadly as she knew what he was feeling, "I love you t..."
Mike gave her a strange look when Sarah didn't finish her sentence. He tilted his head when he realized she wasn't looking at him, but past him. Her entire demeanour had changed in an instant.
That was the comment that came from a woman who just walked past Mike and Sarah's table. Sarah looked at the woman with 'You did not just do that' written all over her face. Mike groaned, squeezing Sarah's hand to get her attention.
"Lady, he's not just handsome, he's gorgeous." Sarah said in a sultry, cheeky fashion.
Mike breathed a sigh of relief, fearing his often crazy wife would get herself arrested for grievous bodily harm. The woman didn't seem to acknowledge Sarah as she left, not that Sarah cared. She looked at Mike and shrugged.
"If I didn't know how much you like my booty, I'd be really jealous right now."
"I wouldn't mind if you got jealous sometimes. Just a little bit." Mike teased, thumbing her hand and smiling.
"Don't need to be though. You're my man, I'm your girl."
"I know, Baby." Mike smiled, stroking her cheek, "It's true though, I do like your booty the best in the whole wide world."
Sarah looked at Mike, studying him, before she narrowed her eyes and grinned, "We're leaving. Now."
"But we're only on starters! Why are we leaving?"
"I need to fuck you sideways and give you this booty you love so much."
"Check please!"
* * * * * * *
"I don't want this." Lucas said suddenly, rolling off of Ashley, shaking his head and sitting up on the edge of the bed, "I don't want this."
The two had just been in the throes of sexual abandon when Lucas saw, and not for the first time, Storm's face instead of Ashley's. It was easier having random sex when he was drunk. Sober was a different story. He just couldn't do it without wanting to break down or think about his former love.
"Fucking hell, Lucas!" Ashley screamed at him, humiliated. "You can't do this to me!"
"I don't want to!" Lucas cried, standing up and grabbing at his hair, "But I can't keep screwing you and seeing him!"
"Well don't feel bad because you know he's fucking someone else right now!"
"Because I fucking cheated on him! And now I'm fucking still screwing you!"
"You didn't cheat on him!" Ashley screamed in anger, before she realized what she said.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing. Nothing!" Ashley said, "Fucking just come back to bed, okay? We can finish off. You'll get over him eventually."
"Because I've done such a great job so far, right, Dude?"
"I thought if I came here, I could save you. We could save each other and we could make things good for us again." Ashley sighed, "But you're just fucking pathetic, Lucas. Every day you pine over him and it drives me insane."
"I love him!" Lucas screamed at her, "I'll never be over him!"
"Not like you were over me, huh?"
Lucas turned his gaze from her, his face bitter though he didn't want to hurt her. He knew he had hurt her though, as she was right. He'd gotten over her rather quickly, and yet here, months and months after losing Storm, he still felt like his heart would never recover.
"I just don't love you like I love him." Lucas confessed, "I'm sorry, Ash. Even if we stayed together, I'd never love you the way I love him. I'd never love anyone the way I love him."
"Bullshit, you're fucking crazy." Ashley said, getting off the bed and grabbing her clothes, "Well you know what? I'm not as pathetic as you are. I might love you, but I have more self respect than to put up with this shit. So you can drink yourself into misery for all I care. I'm done. All the way done."
Lucas sighed, nodding his head, "Maybe that's a good thing, Ash. You deserve better anyway. You deserve ..."
Ashley turned to Lucas and before he knew it, she'd knocked him on his ass. Quite a feat considering how much taller than her he was. She stood over him, glaring down with a fierce look in her eyes.
"You tell that bitch Sarah I'll knock her ass out too if she gets in my face again. You sick bunch of fuckers can all have each other. Freaks." She said scathingly, still packing her things, "I fucked over my whole life for you. Carried your fucking baby. Did I mention the part about ruining my life for you?"
"Ash, I know, I know." Lucas said, crying as he pulled himself up to his knees, "I know what I did to you, okay?"
She was right. He had ruined her life, because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Because he'd gotten her pregnant and exiled her from her family. His irresponsibility and thoughtlessness had caused her more pain than he could have ever imagined. For that, he would always feel guilty.
"Well guess what? We're even now." Ashley said, grabbing her keys, "Because I ruined your life too. I fucking ruined you. Look at you now? Living alone in this run down old shack with fuck all furniture because you sold it to feed your habit. You lost your man, your 'soulmate', you dropped out of school and you're a fucking recluse. That sounds pretty much like we fucked each other over the same now, yeah?"
"Ash, please, I'm sorry." Lucas said, sobbing now and clutching her hips, "I'll do whatever you want. I'm sorry. I'll do better. I'll forget, okay?"
"God, Lucas. Why would I want a washed up old fool like you?" Ashley asked, pushing him off her, "You're pathetic. I really did screw you over. You screwed me over, and I screwed you over. The worst part is, you don't even realize I screwed you over."
"It wasn't just you. It took both of us to cheat." Lucas sobbed, a mess of tears on the floor, rejected by yet another lover.
"Oh, Lucas." Ashley sighed, leaning over him, "That's just it. You didn't ..."
"Didn't what?" Lucas asked, looking up at her.
"Didn't ... cheat."
Lucas's eyes widened immediately at that. He froze, time seeming to do the same as he struggled to process what she just told him. He simply couldn't comprehend it. He couldn't register it. He just stared at her as if waiting for her to tell him that she was mistaken somehow. He couldn't even speak.
"You drunk fool. All this time you still don't get it. You were drunk off your face and we set you up." Ashley said, "I didn't fuck you. You couldn't even get your dick up. You kept moaning about Storm. I just made you believe when you woke up, that the two of us had a jolly old night bumping uglies. But the truth is, Lucas, that even drunk, you couldn't cheat on your little raincloud. I ... ruined everything for you, and I did it on purpose. I set out to destroy you and Storm because I wanted you for myself. It wasn't hard at all. Granted, Marty Lee did not want to help and had to be blackmailed into doing anything, so don't hate him too much. You succeeded at turning him into a pussy. So now that this is all out, how do I feel? I feel ... great."
She kicked him in the gut as he cried, screamed in frustration. When he wouldn't stop, even Ashley began to wonder if she'd gone too far. While she expected to make him miserable, he seemed to be unable to handle this truth that his entire relationship was destroyed on a lie. Pangs of guilt? Vaguely. But she thought back on all the hell he'd put her through in her own life and figured this was just desserts for Lucas.
"Karma's a mother fucker, Lucas. Have a nice life. I sure will."
With that, Ashley turned and walked out the door and out of Lucas's life. Her vengeance swiftly delivered, she had no further use or desire for Lucas. She'd left him writhing on the floor, screaming his head off as he realized the gravity of her revelation.
When she'd gone, Lucas pulled himself to his feet, still sobbing and gasping. He picked up the nearest item, which happened to be the bedside cabinet, before he threw it at the wall, screaming his head off. His entire life, ruined. Ruined by that spiteful whore he'd actually loved at one point.
"Ahhh!" He screamed, kicking the wall, punching the mirror, pulling the door clear off its hinges.
He had absolutely lost it. All his agonizing and guilt, lies. All built on lies. His relationship ruined on lies. He never cheated. He never broke his promise to Storm, and she'd fooled him into thinking he had. She'd fooled him into ruining his entire life, his entire future.
Lucas had never felt like this before. Never in his entire life had he felt so completely overwhelmed and filed with anger and despair. If she'd stayed any longer, he might have killed her. Instead, he tore his house apart, smashing and throwing everything he could. He just didn't care anymore.
Finally he found himself on the bathroom floor, surrounded by shards of glass. His veins seemed to pop from the sheer rage going through his body. He screamed with all his might, breaking into pained sobs. It was all just a lie. It was all ruined on a lie.
Breaking down, his eyes filled with tears, Lucas grabbed the nearest shard of glass and squeezed it in his hand. He raised it up and held out his other arm, gritting his teeth. He just didn't care anymore. He'd lost the love of his life on a lie, and the worst part was that he knew deep down even if he told Storm, it wouldn't matter anymore. Too much time had passed, too much love was lost. And so Lucas let out a scream and slammed the shard into his forearm, cutting into his flesh viciously. He just didn't care anymore. He just didn't care.
* * * * * * *
"Who the fuck could that be?" Sarah moaned.
She had fallen off to sleep on Mike in the lounge, watching television. She stumbled toward the door, yawning as she opened it. She figured it must be well past midnight by now.
There was no one outside the door, which Sarah found curious. She stepped outside, rubbing her eyes and looking around. Someone had definitely knocked.
"Hello?" Sarah called.
She turned and came face to face with a most unexpected figure. Ashley Miller. For a moment, Sarah shuddered, a spark of dread surging up her spine. She had the ominous sensation that something bad was about to happen.
"Hi, Sarah." Ashley said, before she threw a lightning fast straight punch at Sarah's face.
Sarah caught the fist and smiled, "Hi, Ashley."
As fast as Ashley had punched her, Sarah slammed her head forward, headbutting Ashley and knocking her backwards. Ashley gasped, holding her now bloody nose as Sarah gave her a little wave.
"Fucking bitch! I hate all of you!" Ashley screamed at Sarah, staggering down the path.
"What? You want to go now, do you?" Sarah asked, following Ashley down the front path, "Didn't you come here to kick my ass? You forget I had a bit of training too, did ya? Aww guess what, my Sensei's better than yours."
"Freaks! The whole fucking lot of you!" Ashley yelled as she reached her car, "I didn't come to kick your ass, that was just an added bonus when you answered the door. I was hoping it'd be your hot ass husband. Love to ride that stick, wouldn't I?"
"He doesn't drive used cars, sorry."
"You tell your husband, and I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart." Ashley said, "That there's a good chance Lucas is going to try and kill himself tonight. I know him well enough to know that the little bombshell I dropped on him is enough to drive him to suicidal tendencies, as if he needed much encouragement."
Sarah growled and charged for Ashley, who promptly grabbed a bat from her backseat, "Yeah? Come on. I'm just giving you warning, because apparently you all care so damn much about each other. Well you can have him now. He's no good to me anymore. I got my payback."
"What did you do to him?!" Sarah demanded to know, "What did you do!?"
Ashley seemed to hesitate, as if she perhaps felt a little guilty for the state she left Lucas in, "I ruined him. I ruined his life and made him believe he did it to himself. But he didn't. He didn't cheat on Storm. I just made him believe he did. It wasn't really that hard. But ... given the way his life has gone since that all happened, he's ... not really very happy right now to learn that it was all fucked over on a lie. I just think if you really care ... well ... have a nice life."
Ashley got into her car and sped away, not wanting to tempt fate or the wrath of Sarah any further. Sarah always did hate that bitch, but this was a shocker even for her. She didn't have time to think about it though. She just turned and ran into the house.
"Mike!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, "Mike we need to go right now!"
* * * * * * *
Mike burst through the front door of Lucas's house, which wasn't hard since it was already open. What he found when he got inside was nothing short of a disaster zone. It looked as though a tornado had been through. Holes in the wall, furniture smashed and thrown about. Mike couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"Lucas!" Sarah screamed, running past Mike, "Baby! Where are you!?"
"Lucas!" Mike yelled, looking in the lounge.
When Sarah let out a shriek, Mike turned and ran to her, finding her in the bathroom. The floor was covered in glass and blood. Far too much blood. In the bathtub, Lucas was slumped over, one of his arms savaged rather horrifically. Sarah let out a pained cry as she knelt beside him, trying to pull him out.
Sarah screamed as she tried to pull him out, sobbing profusely, "What have you done? What have you done!?" She screamed as she held Lucas in her arms.
Mike was already helping Lucas out while dialling for an ambulance on his cell phone. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was as upset as Sarah was, but he was trying to stay calm because he knew he wouldn't be any use to Lucas if he lost control now.
"Mike, he's so cold, where are they!?" Sarah cried, her face a mess and her body covered in Lucas's blood, "Oh God, Baby, don't do this to us. Mike, where are they!?"
On to Chapter 5.11
"Dude, Get Over It!"
Back to Chapter 5.09
"A June to Remember"
Chapter Index