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Storm Front by SF Writer (Tyrel "Rock" Wolf) Season 5: The End of Innocence 'The end of innocence is realization' Chapter 5.12 - Just Go With It 7,862 words Back to Chapter 5.11 "Dude, Get Over It!" On to Chapter 5.13 Part 1 "Ever Hopeful - Part 1" Chapter Index ![]() Drama Angst Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Stacey Peters!?" Lucas gasped, eyes wide with disbelief, "What the heck are you doing here!? Who let the dogs out!?"
"Lucas!" Mike chided, trying not to laugh, "Don't be so rude."
"Why are you looking at me like that, Lucas? You retard." She asked, scratching her head.
"He's looking at me like that." I said, quickly stepping around her, "Out of my way, Dog face."
"Shut up, Storm!" She screamed at me, "I've taken enough of your abuse over the years, and I don't need to take it anymore! You don't even go to Merlow High!"
"Oh fuck off, you twat. What are you doing at my house? Go away before I call animal control."
I stepped around her, ignoring her completely as I stared at Lucas. He had this stunned look on his face as I gave him a soft, warm smile. I set my bags down as Corey gave Stacey a broad grin and wave.
"Hi! I'm Corey!" He said excitedly, "Are you a friend of Daniel's?"
Stacey gave Corey a snarl, "Not likely!"
"Stacey, how can we help you?" Mike asked, a little smile on his face, "Would you like to come in?"
"Probably the only decent person living in this house! And no, I'm just here to invite you all to a graduation function. Despite nearly all of you being utter dropouts, we're still inviting you since it's for all students, former or otherwise, in our year, to celebrate." Stacey said, giving a little twitch of contempt, "So there. Invited."
She turned and marched off, clearly having hated giving that little invitation. Mike chuckled, closing the door behind her before he turned to the rest of us, who seemed as surprised by all of this as he was. Still, I had more pressing matters to attend to.
"Hey, Mate." I said softly, stepping closer to Lucas, "Really good to see you."
Lucas took a deep breath, as if he was about to cry or something, before he rushed forward. I moved forward at the same time, already opening my arms to hug him before he reached me. I crushed him tightly in my arms, hugging him tighter than he might have expected me to. I let out a sigh and rubbed his back firmly, grateful he hadn't hurt himself worse than he had.
"Dude, what are you doing here?" Lucas asked, returning my hug, though perhaps a little surprise at how open I was being with him.
"I just wanted to see if the toilet was working, Lucas. Why do you think?" I asked with a roll of my eyes, "I came for you."
"Not in a while you haven't." He said with a bit of a smirk.
I scratched my head before I realized what Lucas was implying, "Dude!"
"Hey, that's my line!" He laughed, before he clutched my face and gave me a sudden, chaste, but quite intense kiss on the lips.
I would've normally rebuffed it but there was no harm and really, I would've done the same. Pack benefits. I kind of chuckled in the middle of the kiss when he wasn't breaking it. That was just how Lucas was. Very emotional and unafraid to express himself affectionately or otherwise.
"Lucas, enough!" I laughed, trying to break the kiss finally.
"For now." Lucas grinned, letting me go finally, "Dude, I'm so glad you're here!"
"Buy you dinner later and we'll talk, okay?" I promised, "I'm sure Corey will be fine with the olds."
I did the rounds, giving everyone else a kiss and a hug hello. It was nice to be home again with the people who made it home for me. Somehow things were starting to look up a bit with Mike and Sarah running the show here at home. I wasn't privy to how things worked with Dade and Claire, but I get the feeling it wasn't as stable as how things seem to be with Mike and Sarah.
"Wow, it's good to be home again." I smiled, giving the place a glance over as I made my way into the lounge.
"It's good to have you home again, Bro." Mike said, rubbing my back.
I turned and gave him a small smile, before giving him a peck on the lips and resting my head on his shoulders, "You've done good with the place. You've done real good."
* * * * * * *
"So, you and Josh, huh?" I asked Brad as I walked into my old room, which he'd thoughtfully set up for me to use while I was back here, "You didn't have to do this. I could've used the spare room."
"This is your room. I just use it while you're away." Brad said, flopping down onto the bed, "It's strange having you back. Makes me realize how long you've been away."
"The room feels smaller now." I said curiously, looking around.
"Because you're older. It's big enough for me."
"So are you going to talk about Josh or are you keeping that one close to your chest?"
"Not sure." Brad said, sitting up so I could sit beside him, "Still not really sure how that's going to work or how it's going to end up."
"Need any advice?"
"Then find someone who can give you some." I smirked, "Keep an eye on Corey while I'm here? He's a good kid but he's not too good at playing the loner. And I won't always be around during this trip."
"So he's your new little bumboy is he?" Brad asked with a bit of a cheeky glint in his eyes, "You break him in? What what, in the butt? Can't imagine why else you'd keep a goofy little kid like that hanging off you."
"Oh leave him alone. He's cool. Him and Su were nice to me. I don't forget that sort of kindness."
"So not on your level, Storm." Brad said, "Seriously. From the Pack to those two? Downgrade."
"Brad ..."
"I'm just saying!" Brad said, holding his hands up, "It's not like I don't know what it's like to be the social outcast. I feel for the kid. I'll keep an eye on him. He's cute. Cute in that I really want to be bad and corrupt him kind of way because he looks so goofy innocent."
"Forget what I asked, I'll keep him next to me." I chuckled, "You're turning evil again, aren't you? Your star starts to rise a little bit and it goes to your head."
"Yeah well, it's about time my star rose again." Brad said, standing up and grabbing the football.
He tossed it to me and I tossed it back to him. He pulled his shirt off and started flexing a bit for me and I just rolled my eyes. I could definitely see hints of the old Brad coming back. Dumb and cocky, yet hopefully tempered with a bit more wisdom now.
"I'm buff, Man. Best shape I've ever been in and Josh finally relented. First trials tomorrow. I get to come in as a mid season recruit and bam, star power! Back in the game!" Brad said excitedly, clapping his hands like a little girl.
"You really had me sold on the macho thing until the girly clap, Brad."
He grinned back at me, "I'm just so excited! Things are going right, you know? I get to live in this cool place with these cool people. I get to date the captain of the team, creepy as that seems when I think about it. And I'm going to finish my high school career back in the Merlow Warriors!"
"And all you had to do was give Josh some crap head."
"Shut up!" Brad blushed, shaking his head furiously, "No! No. Just no."
"Come on, aren't you two a couple now? What's the deal?" I asked, "You're not stringing him along, are you?"
"Oh, I don't know." Brad sighed, "Shit, Storm. I've never even had anyone else like me before like this. Who am I to be choosy?"
"That's a really stupid reason to start dating someone."
"Yeah well, it's not like I have people falling over themselves to get to me like you do."
"That's because I'm the star of this show."
"You are? Really?"
"Yeah, no." I grinned, "Not really. Anyway, you better get your head in the game when it comes to Josh. You don't want to break the poor guy's heart."
"At least not until I get some sex out of it."
"Storm!" He laughed, "I'm teasing! Come on, cut me some slack. Anyone would think I'm Marty Lee or something. Don't think I have that kind of evil juice in me."
"I don't want to hear about your juice." I said, scrunching my nose up, "Let's leave that to Josh."
"I'm trying to leave it to Josh, but he's such a virgin!"
"So are you!"
"Yeah, but I don't want to be." Brad said, giving me a curious look, "I've been trying to get him to jump me since we started doing this. I didn't think the same rules applied to homos when it came to sex before marriage, since you know, hello ..."
"You really want sex with Josh?"
"Yes!" Brad exclaimed, pumping his fists, "I do! I want sex! Any sex! I was almost at the point I would've asked Dade to break me in just so I could take off my damn virgin hat! Heck, I would've let Stacey!"
"Oh now you're just being silly." I smirked, "Have you and Josh really talked about this?"
"A little, but he's really shy and reserved. It's sort of like a no go zone for him. He just wants all that gay shit. Kisses and cuddles. Stuff that really makes me feel like a homo."
"So what you really want with Josh is meaningless butt sex without kissing so that you still feel like a repressed closeted straight man afterwards?"
"You got issues, Brad." I smiled, patting his shoulder.
"I do, don't I? Crap."
"What's that thing you like to say, Brad?" I asked him, "You keep trying to make it work like 'Forget the Rest', but it just comes out like fail on toast."
"Just go with it?"
"That's the one. Try that." I said to him, "Might help you in this struggle to find yourself and lose your virginity. And just remember, there's always Mr. Right."
"Mr. Right never lets me down."
"Too much information, Brad!" I said, turning to leave, "Way too much information."
* * * * * * *
"I love you!"
"I love you more!"
I ran at him dramatically, jumping into the air and into his arms. It wasn't hard to do since he had a few inches on me in height. He fell backwards onto the grass, the two of us sharing playful and clearly for show kisses, like long lost lovers. Moments like this made it so good to be home.
"Storm, get off me before I get an erection!"
I got off him faster than he could finish the sentence. I helped him to his feet and the two of us shared a proper hug. It was good to see him.
"Carl, you big loser. Still fucking my brother's leftovers then?"
"You did not!" Carl gasped, eyes wide with surprise, though he laughed out loud.
"Oh yeah, I win." I said, walking past and around him so I could say hello to my niece.
"Storm, even for you, that's a low blow."
I picked June up from her pram, giving her a kiss and holding her, "And you still laughed. It's all in the delivery, my friend."
"Was kinda funny." Carl shrugged, rubbing June's back, "She takes to you so well."
"I'm her blood. She knows it. I'm also her favourite uncle."
"Yeah ... not really." Carl said, shaking his head, "Mike wins."
"Oh go away."
"Just saying!"
"So how are you, Monkey face?" I asked him, the two of us walking along the sidewalk like a pair of new age gay lovers carrying our adopted child from some far flung economically destitute nation.
"Oh, okay, I guess." Carl said, frowning a little, "Sorry. You just got here and I've already got my frown on."
"Carl ... you're playing dad and living like you're married. And you did it all without donating any sperm or having an actual wedding ceremony. I'd be frowning too."
"I shouldn't be though. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking about this."
"Come on. I might've been gone for ages, but I'm still the best and greatest friend you've ever had in your whole, entire life."
Carl laughed, "And still really humble as well."
"Talk to me. What's up?"
"Maybe not as happy as I thought I would be? I mean, things are great, but ... so ... different."
"Before it was high school love and now it's tits on demand when the baby needs feeding?"
"And as exciting as that may sound for someone who appreciates the female gender as much as I do, it's offset by the smell of stinky nappies and a tired Yummy Mummy." Carl confessed as the two of us reached our intended destination.
I was meant to meet Lucas in town later on tonight anyway, so figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and catch up with Carl beforehand. I ordered us both some drinks as we sat at a table outside Orry's. I could sympathize with Carl's situation. He really was a nice guy and while I'm sure he loves both Claire and my niece, I'm not sure he deserves to be saddled with all of it.
"Don't get me wrong, Storm." Carl said, taking a sip of his drink, "I love them both. I really do. It's just not what it used to be, what it could have been, between Claire and I. But I just don't know what to do."
"And where does my lovely brother fit into this?"
"He's your brother again, is he?" Carl asked with a little chuckle, "Dade actually wants them back. He wants them in Saran City with him. For good."
"We're open about it though. The three of us. We would've made a great threesome couple. I just think it's important that we're all honest about things. She might end up going to Saran City when she graduates."
"And how would you feel about that?"
"I'd probably be okay, actually. Whatever happens, I'll be okay. I mean, part of me might actually be happy if they did go to Saran City. I think it'd be good for the three of them. But if she stays, we'll make it work too. I'm just going with it."
"Seems to be what everyone's doing around here lately." I said with a raised eyebrow, "Well, for what it's worth, thanks for taking care of my niece."
"Oh that's easy. She's adorable." Carl grinned, "I'd probably miss her more than I missed Claire."
"I'm looking forward to seeing her more if I move back to Merlow for college. That'll all be moot if her and Claire do go to Saran City."
"What, what? What is this?" Carl asked suddenly, "Moving back to Merlow? Storm? Moving back to Merlow? Oh let it be true!"
"Thinking seriously about it." I said to Carl, "Have to make up my mind soon unless I decide to take a gap year. But the last two times I've been back home I've really enjoyed it. I'm getting itchy to come back."
"That would just be too cool, Storm. Too cool."
* * * * * * *
It had been a little over an hour since Carl headed off with his baby cargo. He looked very domesticated but I could tell he had a lot on his mind and was understandably wondering if this life was really for him. I'd taken the free time in between waiting for Lucas to take Corey out for a little sightseeing before sending him off to a movie with Mike.
So far I was utterly enjoying my time being home in Merlow. It really did feel like a holiday, but it was also starting to firm up in my mind that I really do miss this place and perhaps it's time to start thinking about coming back.
It was almost time for mine and Lucas's scheduled dinner date, and I was starting to get a little bit anxious. Not much, but a little. We did have some things to talk about but I wondered really if there was a lot that needed to be said. I guess we'll see. Either way, I am hoping we have a good evening together.
"Lucas!" I called out, seeing him arrive five minutes early, "Over here!"
"Dude!" He called back, giving me a grin and a wave as he made his way over.
We greeted each other with a very masculine slap of hands into a handshake, before a very girly kiss on the lips. We sat down at the table, one hand clasped on top of it. I gave his hand a squeeze and a small smile on top. I don't know why, I guess even though I'm a bit late to the party, I wanted him to know I still cared.
"Here we are." I said, "It's been a while since we were alone like this."
"Feels like forever, Dude."
"So ... you want to get straight to the heavy stuff first or dance around it for a while?"
"I wouldn't have minded dancing around it a little first, Dude." Lucas said softly, "It's just nice being with you. After all this time, I just ... I don't know."
"I should probably warn you, I am no supporter of violence against women, but I could kill that bitch right now." I said honestly, "I mean, I don't really know if it would have made a difference. I just ... I was in a bad place after I lost her and I wasn't any good to anyone. It's taken me a long time to get my head right and I finally feel like I am. But I hate that that cunt didn't help matters any. I'm sorry I believed her and doubted you."
"Dude, I doubted me! I thought I did it as much as you did!" Lucas sighed, "I still couldn't hurt her now though, but ... God, I just felt like it was all out of my control when I lost you and finding out what she did just killed it for me."
"I'm sorry, Lucas. I just ... I'm sorry for that whole period. I'm sorry for the way I left. For the way I just sort of fell away from everything. Please don't hurt yourself anymore over me or us. Life sucked for us for a while, but we're both here now. We're both doing better."
Lucas nodded his head softly, "It's so strange, Dude. I've been thinking about this moment for so, so long."
"And now it's here and it's really underwhelming? My ego weeps."
"Kinda yeah." Lucas laughed, "Dude, I love it that we're here like this but ... I don't know. I think I've kind of changed since that whole incident. I'm trying to let things go. And I suppose I built this moment up so much in my mind that nothing could live up to the expectations anyway."
"Well this is all very underwhelming so maybe we should just order dinner and be on our way since you sound like you're fine." I chuckled, "I guess I missed the party, huh?"
"Yeah, Dude. You kinda did." Lucas nodded, "Wow. I'm okay! I'm here, I'm talking to you, and I'm okay! Dude!"
"You dick." I said, laughing as I stood up, "Fuck this."
"Dude, it's okay!" He said, pulling me back down, "It's okay! We're okay. I'm okay! We're all okay!"
"Because you don't love me anymore. Because you're over me."
Lucas gave me a look and a little bit of a smirk, "So how's Marcel?"
"Oh ... we're going there, are we?" I asked, smiling brightly and a little taken aback at Lucas's new found self assuredness, "We're finally going there?"
"Yeah, Dude ..." Lucas said, nodding his head, "I think we're finally going there."
"Marcel's great. But ... this is a bit weird. Talking to you."
"Dude, I've been an alcoholic, screwing random girls for god knows how long. I've been boning Ashley repeatedly. I am hardly in a position to sit here judging you for having a boyfriend and a stable relationship. Especially with one as awesome as Marcel." Lucas put his hands up, as if in surrender, "I had you, I lost you, I can deal with that now. Besides, I think I need to focus a little more on the home front, if you know what I mean. I've got my own issues to deal with."
"We can still be friends, can't we? Or am I ... I suppose deservedly so, going to get the axe completely?"
"Pack for life, right?"
"True. True." I nodded, "And you're right. You need to focus on yourself for a while. How's the whole ... drinking thing going?"
"I haven't been a saint, but it's definitely down. Mike runs a teetotaller house anyway so there's no temptation there but ... heck, I'll be honest. I really just want to finish this dinner tonight, go back to my place, and get completely smashed. But I know it might be a while before I can trust myself to do that again. Especially when I don't have someone like you around to slap me into shape if I get out of hand."
"Spousal abuse."
"There were times!" Lucas said, laughing, "Nobody knows how rough you were with me!"
"Excuse you, I'm smooth and gentle."
"Storm. You're a freak." Lucas said, dead serious, before he grinned, "But wow, the best kind of freak I know. Dude, is there any chance of a one night stand at least before you leave? I haven't had that kind of awesome sex since you left me."
"I am not a freak!" I laughed, "You were the one who broke me in! I was a virgin before you!"
"Quick study too. You sure turned the tables on me pretty fast. Almost torturous the way you could play me. Wow." Lucas said, fanning himself and wearing a mischievous smirk on his face, "Aren't you and Marcel on a break anyway?"
"God, fucking Sarah, did she tell you?"
"So you two are on a break?"
"It's not a break. He's just being a dick." I grunted, getting a little pissy at this line of conversation, "He told me to fuck off back here to Merlow to see you and do whatever I wanted to do and that we were on a break. Something about getting closure finally."
"Wow ..." Lucas said in surprise, "I mean, I heard you two were on a break but I had no idea I was the reason."
"But you and I both know that even with everything and knowing your cunt of an ex girlfriend set us up, it's still not a good time for us to even think about that."
"It's not a good time for me, Dude." Lucas said, sounding quite certain, "I can't believe I'm even saying that because I mean, heck, I freaking love you, but I just can't even think about a relationship with anyone right now. My life is a mess. I need to sort me out."
"And you know what? I respect that." I said, nodding my head, "Heck, it's what I did when I left. And now it's your turn."
"Marcel really did that? For us?"
"He did."
"Such a cool guy." Lucas said thoughtfully, "I think you two could make a great couple. If you like the idea of two boring old fuddy duddys reading the newspaper on Sunday morning."
I laughed at that comment, "I suppose it is kinda like that. Not a lot of drama. But you know, we don't actually see each other that much and it's still very much a work in progress. Feels weird talking to you about this though."
"Doesn't to me." Lucas said, shrugging, "You were my best friend before you were the love of my life. I like just talking to you about anything. And besides, I'm happy for you and Blondie. It's his turn. But wait, wait ..."
I realized we hadn't even ordered our dinner yet and quickly summoned a waitress over to take our orders. Prime rib for Lucas with all the sides. He could still eat like it was going out of a fashion. Chicken and couscous salad for me. When our food came, which was surprisingly quickly, Lucas gave me a disapproving look.
"Rabbit food, Storm. Come on, eat something substantial, your muscles need fuel!"
"Oh shut up." I said, "Now what was your wait, wait all about?"
"Well ... you and Marcel are ... on a break, right?"
"Not by my choosing."
"Semantics. You're on a break?"
"Oh yeah." Lucas grinned, taking a large bite of his meat.
"Relationship might be a no go, but I am so getting me a piece of Storm before you leave. You left me and I didn't even cheat on you. Therefore, you owe me at least one night of mind blowingly awesome fuck me till I pass out sex. Okay? You have no choice in the matter. Good."
I just sat there, mouth hanging open, not sure what to say to that. Wasn't Lucas supposed to be all needy and bending to my every whim? This new Lucas I haven't seen for a while is a bit sure of himself and it doesn't work to stroking my ego. Though I must admit, I am very impressed. Still, sex?
"Uh ... I don't think that's such a good idea."
"It's not a good idea." Lucas said, shrugging, "It's a great idea. Attendance is not optional. You owe me. I didn't cheat on you. You left me. Now you owe me."
"Well, I suppose there are worse things in the world!"
Lucas smirked, raising his eyes to look at me, "Yeah, but there aren't much better things."
* * * * * * *
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Brad screamed at the top of his lungs, jumping into the air to do a standing backflip, "I'm back!"
Indeed, Brad Sisto was back. From former Vice Captain of the Merlow Warriors, to the school outcast, and now it seemed he had come full circle. Not quite VC material, but Coach Anderson had just confirmed after a vigorous trial, that Brad was not only fit enough to play, but probably in better condition than most of the team. He'd worked hard for this, and he still had the mind for the game.
"You did it." Josh said, wiping his brow as he approached Brad.
Brad, elated, grabbed Josh by the face and kissed him. Most of the team were walking off the field but the sight of their captain kissing their newest recruit was a little odd for some of them. Even Josh seemed surprised and perhaps even a little hesitant, but Brad felt invincible and didn't care.
"Come on, Josh. You're the captain of the team! We're the men now, woo! We're right on top. Nobody can say or do anything to us. We can do whatever we want in this school, in this town, whatever!" Brad said, still feeling a rush of adrenaline, "I can have any girl I want!"
"What?" Josh asked suddenly, looking at Brad.
"Oh wow, did I say that?"
"Yes. Yes, you did."
"Well, yeah, I ... I didn't mean it." Brad said quickly, "Sorry. Just ... umm ... yeah, wow. Sorry."
Josh just frowned, giving Brad a look before he walked off alone toward the changing rooms. Brad cursed himself and watched as Josh walked away.
"Shit, Brad, you really suck at this whole friends into lovers thing."
In Brad's own mind, strategically it would be a bad idea to fall out with Josh, so he needed to fix things quickly. He then realized that if he was taking that view, it made him seem like he was using Josh to climb back up the social ladder. He never would've thought playing gay would be the way to get back on top in Merlow High. He also didn't think he would use Josh to his own ends. Surely those days were long past?
* * * * * * *
"So? How are things going with you two?" Mike asked Lucas as the two stood on the shore of Lake Herren.
They were watching Storm and Corey frolicking in the water. Ever since Storm's return, he'd struggled to get some time with his brother as he was either babysitting Corey or hanging out with everyone else. Mike didn't mind, especially if it meant Lucas and Storm had time to resolve some of their issues.
"Dude, it's so totally sweet." Lucas said to Mike, "But one of these nights, you'll need to look after Storm's kid so I can have Storm to myself."
"It's weird, isn't it? What exactly is the deal there?"
"Corey's his portable sex slave?" Lucas shrugged, "I don't know. It's weird. He's so clingy. It might be because that short girl with the big tits isn't around. And they're like a threesome now, aren't they?"
"I don't know." Mike shrugged, "He's a nice kid. I'm just curious. Storm kinda babies him, but I'm sure the age difference isn't that much?"
"If you ask me, he's substituting for Dade." Lucas said sagely, "That's what I think."
"Yeah but Corey isn't a pervert."
"Dude!" Lucas laughed, "But so very true. Oh, Dade, how we miss you."
"You're okay though?" Mike asked, "Seriously?"
"Dude ..." Lucas gave Mike a big hug from behind, resting his head on Mike's shoulder, "If I am it's because of you and Sarah. Wouldn't have made it without you two."
"Good. I was a little worried that Storm coming back might rock the boat a bit for your recovery."
"Actually, it helped. Now I don't have to wonder, you know? Speaking of wonder though, where's Sarah?" Lucas asked, looking around, "Isn't she supposed to be here?"
"Doing some girly stuff with Claire."
"That Claire?" Lucas asked, pointing down the beach to where Claire, Carl, and June were approaching them.
"Yes ... that Claire."
* * * * * * *
I emerged out of the water behind Corey, jumping onto his back and taking him by surprise. The two of us were play wrestling in the water while Carl worked on a barbeque for us. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find Lucas floating next to us.
"Dude, I think Mike and Sarah are having some domestics." Lucas said, pointing to the shore.
A bit further up the beach, beside their car, the couple stood, locked in some clearly intense discussion. It seemed the two were in quite the serious mood. It didn't look good, that's for sure.
"I wonder what's up with them? Mike looks angry." I said, a little surprised, "That's not normal."
"Sarah's been a little ... dodgy lately. Secretive. You know?"
"Never a good thing with her." I said, still hanging off Corey's back.
"Hey, Cor, Dude, why don't you go and see if Claire will let June have a little wee dip in the water?"
"You're just trying to get me away from Daniel." Corey said, giving Lucas a shifty glance.
"No way, Dude!" Lucas said innocently, "I'm trying to get you away from Storm! Now scram!"
Corey grumbled as Lucas pushed him gently toward the shore. Poor Corey. Such a cute kid, albeit clinging a bit while he got to know all these new faces better. The moment he was gone, Lucas waded next to me, wrapping his arms around my neck.
"Mr. Sheridan, I'm not so sure this level of body contact is acceptable." I said in a drone, though my arms were already around his waist under the water.
"Yeah, shut up."
"Don't kiss me." I said, trying not to both gulp and smirk.
"Oh, but why?" He asked, looking quite mischievous as he leaned in and nuzzled his nose against mine, "You really want me to."
"What happened to this isn't the right time for a relationship?"
"I don't want one." Lucas grinned, "I just want this. You still owe me remember. You're going to give me what I want before you leave, aren't you?"
"What happened to my sweet, naïve, adorkable Lucas?" I asked, the two of us still holding each other as we floated, "This new one is making me a little ..."
"Yes! You ass!" I laughed, "You're being evil. And you don't even want me back! You just want my body! I am not a piece of meat to be ... to be ..."
"Meat?" Lucas asked, pulling our hips together.
"Haha, Dude, when did you become such a prude?"
"I've always been a prude!" I said, pulling myself away from him and laughing, "Get away from me, you dirty old bastard! Corey, come back and save me!"
Corey, ever dutiful, dove back into the water, swimming after Lucas. He jumped on Lucas's back, wrestling him from the back while I got Lucas from the front. Defeated, Lucas conceded to us, floating prone in the water.
"I am defeated for now, Storm, but I shall return for you yet!"
I smiled at that, grabbing his foot to drag him along, "And that's what worries me."
* * * * * * *
"Hey, Sarah!" I yelled, rushing after her, towel wrapped around my waist, "Everything okay?"
"Sexy pants!" Sarah grinned at me, turning back to put her arm around me and kiss my cheek, "I'm so glad you're home. Of course everything is okay. Come on, walk with me."
I slid my hand into hers as we made the walk from the lake back to the house. The others were still at the beach and we were heading back a bit earlier. I wanted to spend a bit of time with Sarah and I got the feeling maybe something was up with her and Mike. Even moreso when he was staying at the beach and she was walking home on her own insistence.
"Are you being mean to Mike?" I asked her in a playful tone.
"I am." She said, giving me a sad smile, "I'm being very mean to him. But I have my reasons."
"I bet they all suck."
"They do!" She laughed softly, leaning her head on my shoulder, "Come home, Storm. Come home soon. Come home to stay."
"I was actually planning on it. As soon as school finishes, I'm going to come back and either take a gap year or go to the local."
"Good, good." Sarah said, rubbing my hand and keeping close as we walked, "I want you to come home. And I want you to fix things with Lucas."
"Whoa ..." I said quickly, shaking my head, "We've already talked about this. Lucas has to work on himself and I'm with Marcel now."
"No you aren't. You're on a break. He wants you to finish things with Lucas properly, whatever happens. I saw you two in the water. How long are you going to pretend you don't want to rock the treehouse again?"
"Sarah, god damn." I frowned, though I still kept her close to me.
Despite having made a stunning recovery, she still had an air about her that made all of us boys in the Pack extremely protective. No one would dare call her fragile, but we could see she still had some way to go before she was truly her old self. But if anyone could do it, she could. And she will.
"Oh God." She said, stopping a moment to hold her stomach, "Don't mind me. Most days I feel great but there are still off days. My body does not agree with Mike and I fighting."
"And why were you fighting? You're being mean to my brother." I said with a mock frown, glancing over her to make sure she really was okay, "Do you want me to carry you?"
"Oh go fuck yourself." She said dismissively.
"I'll take that as a no!" I laughed, nodding in agreement, "So why are you two fighting?"
"Just ... stuff. Me. Just me."
"What about you?" I asked, squeezing her hand, "Is everything really okay?"
She gave me a look and a small smile, "Right now? Everything's the best it's ever been. Maybe even better than that. Just ..."
"Just what?"
"I think I might be pregnant ..."
"Jesus! Don't any of you believe in condoms!?"
"He's my husband, you dick. I can have his baby if I want to."
"Oh, right." I smirked, scratching my head, "Well, isn't this great!? Yay!? Celebrations!?"
"I haven't told him."
"What? Abortion?"
"That's not something I believe in for myself. But ... I'm not sure I'll be able to ... you know ..."
"Oh ..." I said, realizing what she was implying, "Is that why you've been all secretive and dodgy lately?"
"If Mike knew ... he'd be so happy, but ... I don't want to get his hopes up. I mean, I just don't, until I know if I can carry to term."
I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back softly, "He's your husband. He loves you."
I think that's all I really needed to say and Sarah seemed to accept that she would tell him. Obviously he might get his hopes up, but I know Mike and so does she. She has to tell him.
* * * * * * *
"Hi, Dork." Brad said to his little brother as he answered the Barrett front door.
"Eww, gross, what do you want?" Billy said, scrunching his nose in disapproval, "Come to see your boyfriend, I suppose."
"Why aren't you at the dorms?"
"Duhr, I'm on break."
"But I'm not."
"And I care?" Billy asked, giving Brad an almost disgusted look.
"Made it back into the team today."
"Girls debate team?"
"The Warriors!" Brad gasped, shoving his little brother.
"Whoa, really!?" Billy asked, his face lighting up, "You did!?"
"I did."
"You're still a loser." Billy laughed, before he randomly hugged Brad, "That's great!"
Brad smiled softly, but genuinely. He rubbed the back of his little brother's head, kissing the top of it. They were getting along much better lately, and the Barretts were a really good influence on Billy, as was the private school he now attended. Why Josh didn't go there was beyond Brad.
"I'll go get Josh." Billy said, ducking inside.
Brad stood at the doorway, waiting patiently. He knew he was welcome inside but with the dynamics in his and Josh's relationship a bit different now, he figured it was proper to wait at the door. He didn't have to wait long.
"Hi." Josh said, already in his pyjama pants, ready for bed.
"Early night?" Brad asked, noting Josh's somewhat half hearted greeting.
"Look, I ... I don't really know much about this sort of thing, but ..." Brad pulled out a drawing he'd made of Josh, along with a single rose, "I hope it's not too girlish or anything. I just ... here. I'm sorry for what I said before."
Josh took the drawing and flower, unable to help the slow forming smile that grew on his face. When he raised his eyes to Brad, Brad was leaning forward to press a small kiss upon Josh's lips. Josh thought he might just float a little in that moment, and any hint of disappointment was swiftly forgotten.
"Come see me?" Brad asked softly, loosely holding Josh's hand, "Sometime?"
Before Josh could answer, Brad had quickly moved back into the night, already making his exit. He'd said what he needed to and given what he needed to. Hopefully it would be enough for Josh to visit him again later.
* * * * * * *
"Mike?" Sarah called softly, pushing the door to their room open.
She found Mike laying on their bed, hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. He was clearly thoughtful and didn't do much to acknowledge her entry. She'd been evasive with him lately, and she knew it was hurting him.
She sat down at the end of the bed and brushed his bare foot. Her hand slid up his calf and she let out a sigh. She had to admit, her man was one hell of a hunk when he got down to his boxers. She didn't like to share that sight with many, lest she'd have to kill all the bitches who made a play for him. But after all, he had been the Merlow Warrior's greatest captain for a reason.
"If you're trying to bribe me with sex, Wifey ... it'll work, but I'll be really disappointed." He said with a smile, glancing at her finally.
"You really are a beautiful man." She said softly, adoringly, "Do I tell you that enough?"
"I don't need to hear it." He said, catching her hand as it reached his abs.
"I don't just mean outside."
"What is it, Sarah?" Mike asked, almost a plead in his voice.
"I have to tell you something."
Mike hitched and looked at her, hesitating for a moment as if he wasn't sure he wanted to hear this. He knew he needed to. He knew deep down he wanted to. But he was also afraid she'd been keeping something from him that concerned her health.
"But I really got used to you having hair again." Mike said, trying to anticipate her news and inject a little humour.
"Mike! You ass!" Sarah laughed, slapping his arm, "I can't believe you said that!"
"I'm sorry." He said sincerely, "I'm just terrified of what's going to come out of your mouth next ..."
Sarah smiled at him, a little emotion well in her eyes, "You really love me. I always know it but sometimes I just ... still can't believe it. But that's not it. I ... I think I might be pregnant."
Mike's jaw dropped, as if in utter disbelief. That was most certainly not what he expected to come out of her mouth. He didn't even realize she could get pregnant, or at least that their chances might have been greatly reduced.
"That's it? That's what you've been keeping from me?" Mike asked, sliding forward quickly and clasping her arms, "Sarah? Are you telling me we're going to have a baby!? Sarah!?"
"Oh my God, Mike, I don't think I've ever seen you this excited." Sarah laughed, "Um ... yes? But Mike, I ... there's ... I mean, you know what I've been through, I might not be ..."
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter!" Mike said picking her up in his arms effortlessly.
"Mike, but what if ..."
"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!" He gasped, grinning like a madman, "What if, what if, what if? It doesn't matter. I have you. You have me. My first priority is and always will be you. I will take care of you. I will take care of our baby. Everything will be fine. Everything is going to be great. I'm so happy right now, Baby. So happy."
Sarah was trying not to cry, so she laughed a little instead, "You're really hot when you're happy."
Mike laughed, spun her around on the bed, before he pressed her against the wall. Without warning he kissed her with as much passion as he had in him, until he felt her arms and legs wrap around him. Happy time was coming. At this one particular moment, he didn't think he'd ever felt happier except for the moment they married on the beach. He wanted to freeze this moment and bottle it in time. Perhaps right here was where the rest of their future began.
* * * * * * *
"God, they're fucking." I grumbled as I sat in my room, on my bed, "Breeders."
"Dude, don't knock it till you try it." Lucas grinned, "I think it's awesome. Everyone's happy. Why don't you get a girlfriend for once? Or have you turned completely gay now?"
"With all the babies being made around me? Yeah, I'm glad I like cock."
Corey let out a giggle as he lay in my bed next to me. He turned on his side to go to sleep and I kissed the back of his head. I suppose we were pretty close now. He was like my little shadow, but it was strictly in a platonic sense. Away from Merlow, he'd become my family. I just wanted to keep an eye out on him.
"Night, Cor."
"Night, Dan." He yawned.
"Dude, when are you going to change his name to Dade?" Lucas asked.
"Oh fuck off." I groaned, rolling my eyes, "Why are you in my bedroom? You wanna sleep with? If you promise you can behave, there's enough room."
"No!" Lucas said, getting an excited grin on his face.
He grabbed the futon mattress, which really needed to be retired and laid it down on the floor next to my bed. I couldn't help but smile as I realized what he was doing. I remember the first night he stayed here, I slept on the floor and he slept on my bed. Now it was a reversal.
"Cool, Dude?" Lucas asked.
"Very, very cool." I smiled.
When he was all settled and sitting on his mattress, I leaned over and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed his temple and hugged his head tightly. I'm not sure why, but the more I was here, the more I felt as if I'd done him a huge injustice by leaving him the way I had. Not simply because of our relationship, but because we were best friends. We were Pack.
"I love you so much." I whispered in his ear, my eyes closed.
Lucas let out a sigh, but said nothing. He didn't need to. I know he returned the sentiment but I suppose he didn't want to risk a crying session if he tried to speak. It was just so good to be around one another again and the more we were, the more I felt the magic. Whatever form it took, be it romantic, platonic, familial, it was still there, and it was coming back faster than I could ever really expected.
I let him go and lay back on my bed. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again, turning to hug Corey from behind. Maybe he was a Dade substitute, but I didn't care. I love Corey. I love Lucas. I love Mike and Sarah. I love Brad. I love Dade. I love my Blondie. I fucking love the world. And I'll love it any damn way I please.
On to Chapter 5.13 Part 1
"Ever Hopeful - Part 1"
Back to Chapter 5.11
"Dude, Get Over It!"
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