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Storm Front by SF Writer (Tyrel "Rock" Wolf) Season 5: The End of Innocence 'The end of innocence is realization' Chapter 5.13 - Ever Hopeful - Part 1 8,529 words Back to Chapter 5.12 "Just Go With It" On to Chapter 5.13 Part 2 "Ever Hopeful - Part 2" Chapter Index ![]() Drama Angst Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Little Dude, here." Lucas said, handing Corey a triple scoop ice cream in a cone.
"You're trying to get rid of me again, aren't you?" Corey asked suspiciously.
Lucas grinned, shrugging, "I just wanna hang out with Storm a little while. Is that okay?"
Corey looked around their surroundings, which happened to be the town beach front of Lake Herren. He took the ice cream and shrugged, taking a lick. Lucas still wasn't sure what this meant, but he was hopeful.
"Okay." Corey nodded, "But I don't know which way to get home."
"Dude, Dude." Lucas said, "Just call when you're ready to go home and we'll get you. Here, take some money and go to a movie or something."
"I'm okay." Corey said, shaking his head at the money offer, "I'll just hang out with myself for a while. It's okay, I'm used to being a loner."
"Dude, making me feel bad!" Lucas laughed, giving Corey a random hug, "I'll make it up to you, Little Dude. I just want to get laid, that's all."
"Don't say that while you're hugging me!" Corey said, squirming free, "Tell Dan I'll see him later."
"Storm." Lucas corrected as Corey walked away.
Lucas figured he'd won, before when he was finally in the distance, Corey turned back and yelled out 'Daniel'. Before Lucas could reply, Corey had run around the corner, out of sight. Shaking his head, Lucas looked around for Storm, who had wandered off to collect something for Sarah's birthday.
"Gotcha!" Lucas grinned to himself, rubbing his hands together, "All to myself finally."
* * * * * * *
In my hot little hands I held my neatly wrapped birthday present for the old broad, Sarah. Surely she needed a walking stick at her ripe old age. I was almost tempted to actually buy her one, before I realized she'd probably beat me to death with it.
I crossed the street from the shops to the beachside, looking for Lucas. Yeah I was secretly hoping he was going for a swim so I could scab a perve again. Hey, I'm on a relationship break apparently. I can look, right?
"Dude!" Lucas said, running over to me, typical big grin on his face.
"Hey, where's Cor?" I asked, looking around for him, "Lucas, what have you done with my Corey?"
"Dude, he's just seeing the sights. I swear I did not harm him."
"Alright, but ... he's my responsibility while he's here so just ... don't get him killed, okay?"
"Dude, Dude." Lucas assured, "He'll be fine and we're getting along just great. Anyway, what did you get?"
"You wish." I said, shaking my head, "This is my present. Get your own!"
"I will! But tell me anyway?"
"Nope." I said, shaking my head.
Lucas pulled out the strawberry lips pout and I groaned loudly. Did he really think that still worked on me after all this time? Did he really think he could just turn on the pout with those bloody fantastic lips and I'd give in?
"Okay, I got her a jade statue!" I spat out quickly, "I hate you!"
"That was sweet." Lucas grinned, "I still got the groove."
"Come on, we better get your one."
I was about to turn and cross the street when Lucas slipped his hand into mine. I gave him a look and a raised eyebrow, worthy of Dade's approval. What was this? I wasn't angry. In fact I quite liked the gesture.
I grinned at him, "I'm still not fucking you."
* * * * * * *
"So have you decided yet?" Sarah asked Mike impatiently, pacing back and forth.
"A huh."
"Mike! Mike!"
"That is still my name, Love." Mike replied nonchalantly.
He bit the end of a pencil as he stared at the paper on the desk in front of him. He'd been thinking a great deal about which box to tick next. A box that might well decide his future and that of his family.
"Well!?" Sarah asked impatiently. tapping the desk to get his attention, "Hello, Wife here!"
"I'm still not sure." Mike frowned, "I can't really concentrate."
"Mike! This is important!"
"Really? I didn't realize."
"Argh! You're impossible!"
Mike chuckled softly, "And you're excitable."
"One of us has to be!" Sarah said, grabbing her hair in frustration, "Mike!"
"Sarah!" Mike smirked, before he ticked a box, flipped the paper over, and dropped the pencil on top, "Happy?"
"Do you even know what you ticked!?"
"I think I ticked you, Love." Mike said, quite pleased with himself.
"Ticked me off!" Sarah said, throwing her hands up.
Mike stood up, moving around the desk to wrap his arms around Sarah. He kissed her eyes, then her cheeks, then finally her lips. By the time he was done, she'd stopped giving herself a hernia and calmed down. She softened in his arms, sighing, before she suddenly kneed him in the groin.
"Ow!" He laughed, stumbling backwards onto a chair, "What'd you do that for!? Spousal abuse!"
"For ticking me off."
"Good thing I already made you pregnant, I'm not sure the babymaker works anymore."
Sarah giggled and knelt down in front of him, placing her hands on his knees. The look she gave Mike automatically 'fixed' any problems he might had in the groin area. He stared at her with a broad smile on his face.
"You know, some people might think this is some kinky kind of pleasure and pain thing you've got going on. Beating up your husband and then trying to make him feel better."
"Beat off my husband?" Sarah asked innocently.
"You're evil, Woman." Mike chuckled awkwardly, wishing she'd end his suffering already.
"I just want to show that you might tick me off, but only I turn you on. Does that make us even?"
"No, I think you win, Love."
"I do, Baby. I do." Sarah smiled, running her fingers up the inside of Mike's thighs, "But you can win now."
* * * * * * *
"Hold on, let me just put this away in the office." I said to Lucas, opening the door with Sarah's present in my hand.
I barely opened the door before I let out a high pitched scream. Well, as high pitched as I can muster. Some things you can't unsee. Like Sarah giving Mike head.
"Oh God, I'm blind!" I screamed, rushing out and slamming the door behind me, "I'm blind!"
Lucas laughed, clutching my arms, "Dude, it's okay, I'll save you! Quick, you need to come into the treehouse and have sex with me! It's your only hope to rid your mind of that probably really hot sight!"
"It wasn't hot!" I laughed, "It was horrible! It's like catching Mum and Dad!"
Lucas looked at the door curiously, "Maybe I should peek in just to make sure it was really that horrible?"
"Excuse you, no." I said, grabbing his hand and jerking him down the stairs, "We're leaving for safer pastures!"
* * * * * * *
"God, he's such a drama queen." Sarah laughed, still perched between Mike's legs, "Anyone would think he's never seen your dick before."
"It was probably the fact your head was attached to it at the time, Love."
"Yeah, he really has turned to the gay side, hasn't he?" Sarah asked, curiously, "Always thought he was bi, but I think he's strictly on the male side now."
"So that's what I have to look forward to in my future? Is this a habit with you?"
"Oh you did not." Sarah said, standing up, "I didn't turn him off girls!"
"Hey, you haven't finished!" Mike laughed, "Don't be mad, I was only teasing about you being the reason Storm doesn't do girls! I'm sure he was always a closet case."
"You know that blowjob you were wanting to get ... ever again in your life?" Sarah asked, tapping her lips thoughtfully, "Yeah, not gonna happen!"
"Oh gosh, Sarah, no!" Mike laughed, trying to get to his feet to stop his wife leaving the room.
Sarah grinned at him, shaking her head, "Goodness, Mister, I so have you whipped."
"Yes, you do!" Mike giggled, biting his lip and looking very undignified, "Forever and ever, okay?"
"Forever and ever?"
"And ever. Just you!" Mike grinned, pulling off his shirt, "Come on, let's make another baby."
"I'm already pregnant!" Sarah laughed.
"Oh, right, well, practice makes perfect! Great work for next time!"
"Well, you did take your shirt off and hot damn, Baby, you're ripped!"
"Why else did you marry me? My fantastic intellect?" Mike chuckled, "Oh, I don't have one."
"You can't pull your shirt off and stand there all naked like and not expect me not to hump you silly. But here, since we're playing I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Sarah said, pulling her own shirt up and off, before doing the same with her bra.
"Oh boy, this room just got R-rated for rawr." Mike said, ogling Sarah before he rushed forward and picked her up.
Before he could reach her, Sarah kneed him in the groin again. Mike gave her pained look, before she pinched his nose and then patted his cheeks.
"That's for implying you're dumb." She said firmly, "Now, happy time!"
Mike grinned, kissed her deeply, and then picked her up, "I am so owned by you, Woman."
"And don't you forget it, Man."
* * * * * * *
"You can't unsee shit like that." I laughed, walking along the street with Lucas, making our way to his house, "I mean, seriously."
"It's not the first time you've seen them going at it, is it?"
"Oh heck no. It's just different now because they're so old and domestic. They're married for crying out loud. What right do they have to be having happy sex? It's just wrong or something."
Lucas laughed out loud, linking his arm with mine, "I know, I know, this is infringing on your personal bubble and I'm not your boyfriend anymore. You don't mind, do you?"
"Nah, I don't. But I'm still not fucking you." I teased.
"Dude!" Lucas chuckled, "Oh shit! Corey!"
"Oh shit!" I pulled out my phone and dialled Corey's number.
"So ... can I have number now?"
"Of course, of course." I said, waiting for Corey to answer, "Shit, how long has it been?"
"Hi, Dan."
"Hey, Cor." I said, relieved to hear him, "You okay, Bud?"
"You forgot me."
"I'm sorry. It's Lucas's fault. I don't know why, it just is."
"I don't know how to get home. Can you come get me? I'm at the beach."
"I'm coming now. Sorry, Cor. I didn't mean to forget you!" I said in apology.
"That's okay. Maybe you should've left me at home. I don't want to be in the way."
"No. It's fine. I'll be there in about twenty minutes. See ya."
I hung up and frowned, before I looked at Lucas. He looked disappointed, as if he knew what was coming. I bit my lip and handed my present for Sarah to him.
"Can you store that at your place? I better go take care of Cor. Umm, catch up again later?"
Lucas nodded his head, frowning, "Sure, Dude. Whatever you want."
"Sorry. I had a fun time? But you're staying at our place still, aren't you?"
"I ... I don't know."
"Well ... if you wanted to. That'd be ... great."
"Oh, umm, thanks." Lucas said, biting his lip and looking a little lost for what to say.
"Well ... I better …" I said, turning to leave, "Uhh ... yeah."
"I'll umm see you later then, Dude."
"Oh sure." I said, turning back to shake his hand.
I turned away again and took a few steps, before I turned back to him, and then turned to leave again. It seemed he was doing the same thing. What a pair of awkward dorks. Stuttering to walk away from each other and feeling as if both were on the verge of saying something. Finally, a few metres apart, we both turned back to each other, getting half a word out over each other. Finally, I just spat something out.
"Do you want to come w…"
We both grinned and ran at each other, throwing ourselves into a very bromantic like hug. We laughed and patted each other's back. It was obvious we were falling into old habits of living in each other's pocket very quickly. Just like when we used to be best friends.
"God, Dude, we're so gay for each other." Lucas laughed, giving me a squeeze before we broke our hug.
"I know, it's hilarious. Let's go get the kid!"
"To the kid!"
* * * * * * *
"This looks like trouble." Mike said, peeking out the window as Storm and Lucas ran along the street outside the front of the Marcus house, "They're joined at the hip again."
"Why is that not good?" Sarah asked, "Lucas is better and I think they're focusing on the whole friends thing. And they were great friends for each other, remember."
"And when Storm leaves again? He's only here on holiday. When he goes, Lucas will still be here."
"And so will we." Sarah added, "We'll take care of him. And maybe he and Storm will keep in touch this time. I really hope so. Look at them, they're such dorks with each other."
She was making comment on the fact that Lucas had leaned over and Storm was running and leap frogging over him. They'd then run a bit further down the street and repeat the motion. It was all very goofy and fun, and one would find it hard to believe just how much had transpired between them in the past by looking at them now.
"Take your serious face off, Mike. Let them be happy, whatever happens."
"I'm just worried about Lucas." Mike frowned, "I hope he'll be okay. I just don't want him to go back to how he was before."
"Ever the big brother." Sarah said, leaning her chin on the back of his shoulder, "They're so lucky to have you."
"To have us, Baby. To have us."
Sarah bit her lip and smiled, "Yeah. To have us."
* * * * * * *
"Hey, Cor. Do you want your own bed?" Mike asked, "We can make one up for you if you like."
"No, it's okay. I'll sleep with Dan."
"That's kinda weird."
"I'm kinda weird." Corey shrugged, "It's okay."
Everyone was just sitting around the lounge enjoying each other's company or watching tv. This place was really feeling like a home again. Lived in and full.
Mike and Sarah were on one sofa. Corey was sitting behind me on the single seater, his feet using my back as a footrest. Brad was on the floor next to Mike and Sarah, reading a playbook.
I was presently on the floor, across from Lucas, with a very intense game of chess going on between us. I had him cornered, but despite the fact he liked to play dumb, he would often lure me into a false sense of security and then wipe me out. I'm a sore loser.
I have to admit, it was a really fun time being home like this. Being home and not feeling like I had to be the boss or the man of the house. Mike and Sarah ran a good household. I was glad we'd worked something out between us so they could come home. It was fun being a visitor, a guest, heck, a kid. That's kind of what I felt like lately. Perhaps a kid is not the right term. I'm just enjoying not stressing out about much.
"Sleeping in my room again?" I asked Lucas, "Futon has your name on it."
"So there, Dude." Lucas said, eyes still focused on the board.
"Everything alright, Brad?" Mike asked, rubbing the top of Brad's head, "You're a bit quiet."
Brad looked up at Mike, frowning a little before he shrugged, "Thought Josh might have come over tonight."
"Why don't you call him?"
"I made my move. It's his turn. I don't want to look ... desperate."
"Want me to beat him up for you?" Sarah asked, "I can make him see things your way."
"Subtle, Sarah." I chuckled, "Josh has always been a quiet type. You might be waiting a while. You'd know better than I would though."
"I'd give you some advice, Dude, but I am the least qualified person to make any comment on love or relationships." Lucas said with a chuckle, before he moved his queen into check, "Check, Dude!"
"I noticed." I frowned, "And hey, least qualified my ass. I remember being happy for a very long time. We did okay."
Lucas smiled at that and nodded in agreement, "Dude, we did okay."
"I'm going to bed." Brad said, getting to his feet, "Goodnight everyone."
He leaned over and kissed Sarah goodnight before surprisingly giving Mike one on the cheek. Made himself at home, that's for sure. Oh well, good for Brad. He gave the rest of us a little wave before he disappeared into the hallway to go upstairs. He seemed a little down.
"Lovesick." I said curiously, "And how come we didn't get goodnight kisses?"
"We're not cool like Mike and Sarah, Dude."
"Oh, that's right." I smirked, "We're the chopped liver."
I felt Corey pressing himself against my back and yawning, his chin resting on my shoulder. I could take a hint. I reached around to rub the back of his head before I gave Lucas an upstairs motion with my head. He understood my meaning and nodded in agreement.
"Okay, bedtime for us!" I said, "Come on, Cor. Bedtime."
"Bedtime." Lucas said, getting to his feet.
After a round of goodnight kisses, Mike and Sarah started to lock down the house for the night and turn in themselves. I can't explain how great this felt. It felt like being a real family again here in this house. All that was missing was Marcel and Dade, and our baby June. All in due time, I'm sure.
"Love you guys!" I yelled to Mike and Sarah, before I ushered Corey up the stairs, with Lucas behind me, "Bedtime for us three."
"This feels so domestic, Storm." Lucas said, his hands on the back of my shoulders, while my hands were on Corey's.
"Us two and the kid. Ready made kid at that."
"I'm not a kid. I'm just small."
"You're adorable." I chuckled, giving him a hug from behind, "Okay my little family, brush teeth and nightly whatever you need to do in the bathroom, and then lights out."
Corey went into the bathroom first, and I turned to Lucas while we started setting up his futon, "Hey, Strawberry Lips, you sure you don't want to sleep with us? Corey doesn't bite. He's just a snuggler."
"I'd bite you." Lucas said with a smile, "I better sleep on the futon."
"Corey could sleep on the futon."
"Yeah, right. I thought you and I were joined at the hip. What's the deal with you two? I know you're not doing anything, but you're so ... close. And it's odd seeing you this close with someone who isn't one of us. I guess it just ... reminds me how long you've been gone. Long enough to make your own little group."
"A long time, Lucas." I said honestly, frowning a little, "But I'm back now?"
"Not for good."
"Not yet, but after I graduate and that's not that far away."
"Can I kiss you please?" Lucas asked, worrying his lip, "No tongue or anything. Just ... just a kiss. On the lips."
"Okay ... okay." I said, nodding and stepping forward.
He cupped my cheeks and leaned forward. He might have intended a chaste kiss, and it was just that, but when those lips touched mine, I almost came in my pants. Awkward. It wasn't even sexual. It was just more electric than I expected. No tongue, no pressure, just a light, lingering kiss. It did linger, it did feel great, it did move me enough to make me feel like I was going to float away any moment. Troubling. Very troubling.
Yet the kiss remained chaste, and almost as impassionate as it was a stark reminder of just why Lucas and I were together for what seemed an eon. It was like the kiss was jolting feelings and memories in me that I'd long repressed or forgotten.
"Shit." I gasped when it broke, leaning my temple against his, "Wow. Um. Why?"
"Just wanted to. No motive." Lucas said, giving me a strange, sad look, "I was hoping it was gone. It's not."
"It's really not." I said, "But I thought you said you didn't want to go there with us."
"I don't, Dude. I don't say that to hurt you, I just still need time for me. But that has nothing at all to do with us just being way awesome Pack brothers best friends for life. Dude, I have so loved being with you since you came back. Thank you so much for ... for letting me back in."
"Heh. I should've never let you out to begin with."
"I'm trying really hard not to let myself go and start thinking that we have any hope for a relationship, because I can't handle that right now. But I really want to be with you. I mean, like this. As friends. The way we used to be."
I have to admit, some small part of me was disappointed with that, but I was also immensely impressed with his resolve. And I agreed that he needed to focus on himself, not a relationship that drove him nuts. Besides, we were having so much fun just finding each other again as friends. Ruining that with misguided attempts to rekindle our romantic relationship would be a mistake.
* * * * * * *
When I woke in the morning, I found myself snuggling against Corey's back as usual, but I also felt a warmth behind me. It didn't take me long to realize that sometime during the night, Lucas had joined us on the bed and now we looked like some strange trio.
I lay there between them, yawning before I turned around to find Lucas was awake, staring right at me. I bit my lip and under the cover I squeezed his hand. It was a little awkward, but not unpleasant. Not at all.
"I behaved." Lucas said simply, smiling a little, "Just wanted to remember what it was like to wake up next to you. So this is why you keep a Corey in your pocket? Cuddles?"
"He has his uses." I smiled, "You sleep okay?"
"Alright." Lucas said, looking at me thoughtfully, "We're never going to be what we used to be, are we?"
I thought about it for a moment. The simple answer was no. We would never be what we used to be. We've changed, both of us. But I don't think that meant we were going to pretend we didn't have a history that meant something. Or that we wouldn't be able to find a way to be around each other again. It already felt like our friendship was coming back thick and fast, and we were both mindful of the fact that we didn't want to take it beyond that.
"You sure you're going to be okay, Dude Boy?" I asked him softly.
"Mmm." He nodded. "Think so, Dude. I think so."
"You want some time on your own today?"
There was a stirring behind me before Corey leaned over, resting his chin on my side. He gave us both a sleepy grin and a little wave. Such a loveable little nerd.
"Morning." He said, smiling at me and then looking at Lucas, "Can we go on the lake today?"
"We could take him to our spot?" I suggested to Lucas.
"Dude, he can't go to our spot. He's not worthy."
"You're mean to me!" Corey giggled, "Please?"
"Oh okay." Lucas smiled, ruffling Corey's hair, "Come on then, up and at em bright and early. We gotta be back in time to get set up for Sarah's party..."
* * * * * * *
"Yummy Mummy time!" Carl grinned, kissing Claire's neck and easing her down onto their bed.
Claire giggled, "I'm too young to be thought of so old!"
"A huh." Carl nodded, too busy focusing on other things, like the tilt of her neck , and the curve of her breasts.
The wail of a hungry baby ended their happy time and Claire was soon squirming out from under Carl. Carl let out a groan, rolling his eyes. Claire, already holding June, looked at him in surprise.
"What!?" He snapped back at her, taking them both by surprise, "Man hormones interrupted equals cranky pants Carl!"
"Baby needs food." Claire said, frowning a little as she nursed June.
"Baby needs food." Carl repeated, getting up and moving to the door.
"Shut up!" He yelled, grabbing his head in frustration, before he realized what he'd done, and yet still he wasn't all that apologetic, "Just shut up, okay?"
He stormed out of the room without another word, leaving a stunned Claire holding a crying baby. She couldn't believe his outburst. He never yelled at her. Was his frustration this great now?
* * * * * * *
"Mike, Mike? Mike, Mike! Mike? Mike!"
Sarah was being led blindfolded out into the backyard toward the tree. She's pressed against it and looks like such an idiot I can't help laughing. She lets out a giggle, reaching behind herself to grab Mike's hand.
"Mike, are we going up into the treehouse for some happy time again?"
"Again!?" I screamed from inside the treehouse, head poking out to glare at the two, "Thou shalt not defile Storm's treehouse!"
Sarah pulled off her blindfold and looked up at me, grinning, "I'll fucking do whatever the hell I want, Biotch."
I giggled back at her, "You stupid cow, you ruined your surprise!"
"Surprise!" Lucas yelled, blowing on a birthday whistle before he poked his head out next to mine, birthday hat and a big grin on his face.
I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Definitely ruined your surprise now."
"Dude, I'm sorry!"
"Surprise!" Corey yelled, well behind Lucas, head poking out with Lucas and I, "We made you a cake!"
"God, you sound like a twelve year old." I chuckled, nudging Corey's elbow, before I made fun of his voice, "We made you a cake!"
"But we did!" Corey protested, "I made frosting!"
I was about to tease him again when a tennis ball hit my forehead and I let out a gasp, "Ow!"
"Next time it's your nuts." Sarah said from down below, "Now leave Corey alone and make way for the King and Queen."
"Shouldn't call Mike a Queen, Sarah. It'll be terrible for his self esteem." I grinned, though I did as she asked, "Lucas and I have been working hard all day telling Corey how to set everything up."
"Dude!" Lucas laughed, "You're giving away our trade secret!"
"I swear, if you two have been sitting on your asses and making Corey do all the work, I'll smack you both." Sarah said, climbing up into the treehouse, "The old place needs some work."
"I'll do it." Mike said, following Sarah into the treehouse, "Or we can all do it."
"Dude, so there." Lucas said quickly.
"I can help!"
I put my arm around my enthusiastic little friend, smiling at Mike, "You know I'm in. You planning on getting started before the holidays finish for me and the future Doctor?"
"Tomorrow." Mike said, giving Corey a curious look, "You intend to become a doctor then, Little man? Did Storm tell you about our mother?"
"All the time." Corey nodded, "I like blood and guts. I'm not sure which medical stream I'm going to focus on yet, but I have several opt…"
"Corey, shut up." I said to him, "Mike, don't get him excited. He won't stop talking."
"I don't want to shut up. I want to tell him!" Corey said to me, before he turned back to Sarah and Mike, "Oh, I mean, maybe after all the celebrations."
"Cor, could you run inside and get that box in the kitchen cupboard with the candles and stuff? And the other things we need." I asked him, "Pretty please?"
"A huh." He nodded, climbing down the ladder, "Won't be long."
"Take your time, Cor." I smiled, waiting till he was out of earshot before I turned to the others, "Sorry, I love the kid but I thought maybe we'd all want a little Pack time."
"All time is Pack time." Mike shrugged, "I like the kid. He's not bitter and too old for his age like us."
Sarah giggled a little at that, "It's kind of refreshing, really."
"True story. I'm starting to like the little dude." Lucas added.
I smiled at that, pleased my guest wasn't rubbing anyone the wrong way, "Well, anyway, because it is Sarah's special day and it feels like a good day to celebrate, I thought we should all be involved. All the Pack that is. So …"
I pulled out my laptop and opened it, before setting it on the floor next to me. I ran my finger across the scanner to unlock it, before the screen opened to a familiar face.
"Forget the rest, I'm still the best!" Marcel said, waving at us with a big grin on his face, "You can't have a pack birthday without me!"
"You cheap ass, where the fuck are you!?" Sarah yelled at him, mock angry but still happy to see him, "Why aren't you here in person!? All I get is screen? Why don't I get a blow job like Storm does?"
"Sweetheart, you don't have a dick." Mike said to Sarah, rubbing her back.
"Yeah but he doesn't know that."
Marcel grinned brighter on the screen, "I'm sorry I couldn't make it there in person. I really wanted to, but something came up. Anyway… Storm?"
"Oh!" I said as I realized what Marcel was referring to.
I fished around for an envelope in my bag that I then handed to Sarah. It was Marcel's present for her. I'm not sure what made him so special that he got to give hers first.
"Oh my Sarah!" Sarah gasped, staring at the card on the inside, "Sweetheart, I can't accept this!"
Marcel grinned and nodded his head, "Of course you can. It'll be the perfect excuse to find yourself a new husband and upgrade from Mike."
"What's this?" Mike asked suddenly, peeking over Sarah's shoulder, "Hey! You can't send my wife away on her own! She'll miss me!"
"There's two tickets, Love." Sarah smiled at him.
"The other one is for me, right?"
She smiled adoringly at Mike and gave him a little kiss, "Yes, Mike, it's for you."
"Oh good. Had me worried there." Mike said, breathing a sigh of relief, "Thought I'd get stuck with Storm or something."
"You wish!" I laughed.
"Hey, Pack, the best will be right back." Marcel said, giving a little wave before he disappeared off screen.
Lucas grinned happily, "Dudes, this is so cool!"
"See, still turned out to be a good Pack gathering." I said, quite pleased with how things were going.
"Where's Dade then?" Sarah asked, half frowning.
"Uhh he's not in the Pack?"
"Storm, you're a dick." Sarah said, giving me a stern look, "He should be here too."
"I am here!" Dade laughed, his face filling up the screen next to Marcel's, "Hi everyone! Do you all miss me!?"
"I miss you, Dude!" Lucas spoke up suddenly, crawling over so he could see better, "Dude, I really, really miss you! Come home! Come home!"
"What's this going on here?" I asked, a little surprised, "Don't you two hate each other?"
"Storm, you missed a lot. Just shut up. You're not the centre of the universe anymore. Didn't you know? You got the axe last season." Dade said cheekily, before he smiled at Lucas, "I'm amazed to say I miss you very much too, Lucas."
"But why are you there?" I asked Dade, almost sounding a little jealous, "Why are you with my boyfriend!?"
"Storm. We're on a break." Marcel said with a bit of a smirk, "And I brought Dade out here so we could all have a party for Sarah. I'll just be having my party with Dade, Su, and a few friends."
"We're going to get drunk, Storm. Massively drunk." Dade teased, knowing it'd annoy the fuck out of me.
"Yeah, we're not. Are we, Lucas?" I asked him, "This is teetotaller central."
"Oh ... uhh, yeah." Lucas said, not really sounding too committed, "Mm hmm."
"And then I'm going to give Marcel something he's been missing for a long time. A fuck to remember."
"You little shit, I'll cut your fucking nuts." I laughed, "Don't you dare!"
"Screw Lucas and we can call it even." Dade winked.
"Oh, Storm couldn't possibly do that." Lucas said, trying to look serious, "No, not at all …"
"Hey!" Sarah interrupted, "This is my party. You people can all play ass later. Me time!"
"Happy birthday time!" I smiled, "Let's all sing a bad rendition of happy birthday to the old broad."
* * * * * * *
Corey hummed to himself as he gathered up the last items needed for the treehouse party. He was still amazed at how sturdy and big the thing was. Big enough to handle the little party going on inside it.
"Dan was right, I do like these people." Corey said to himself, when there was a knock at the door, "Coming!"
He set his box down and rushed to the front door, opening it. He tilted his head curiously, thinking he knew the people standing before him, but he couldn't put a name to the face. He knew it was one of Daniel's friends, and the baby was his niece.
Corey figured he'd go for the default option of a smile and wave, "Hi, I'm Corey!"
"Hi, I'm afraid." Carl replied dryly, "Nice to meet you again, Corey."
Corey giggled to himself and held the door open, "You're funny."
"You're uhh ... different." Carl said, patting Corey's shoulder, "Are we too late?"
"Sorry." Claire apologized, "Baby was a little off."
"They're all in the tree house." Corey said, pointing in that general direction, "Can I get you something to drink or anything?"
"Who are you?" Carl asked, chuckling, "He was my friend first! Out of my way, Kid."
"I'm just trying to be polite!" Corey frowned, stepping aside so the family could enter.
"Sorry about him." Claire said, "He's been in a foul mood today."
"He's mean."
"He's not!" Claire whispered as Carl made his way through to the kitchen, "He's usually very nice. I'm sorry if he was rude."
"I'm used to it. I'm just trying to fit in with all of Dan's friends so he doesn't get rid of me. Trying. Not sure I'm succeeding. I'm even not being as cheeky." Corey shrugged, "You're not taking her up into the treehouse, are you?"
"Oh heck no." Claire said, shaking her head, "I'll let Carl go up. I think he needs a break."
"I suggest an arm."
"Nothing." Corey said quickly, "Here, here, let me set up somewhere for her in the lounge."
"You're sweet. I'm sure Storm wouldn't get rid of you. You'd have to be named Dade for him to do that." Claire smiled with just a hint of cheekiness in her eyes, "Thank you for helping, ... Corey, right?"
"A huh!"
"Corey!" Brad yelled, rushing in through the front door, sliding as he caught his breath, "Corey! Practice ran overtime! Am I too late!?"
"What? What!?" Corey gasped excitedly, before he pointed toward the back of the house, "Oh! No! Treehouse!"
"Yes!" Brad said, hopping on one foot as he tried to take his shoe off, "Made it!"
* * * * * * *
"Here's a little video I had put together for you two. Well, mainly Sarah, but I suppose Mike gets a mention too." Marcel said.
All our eyes were on his figure on the screen. He was standing a ways back from the camera, and it looked like he'd set it up so we could see the little gathering he had at his apartment. It also gave him the freedom to walk back and forth at will, along with Dade. Goodness, but he looked sharp right now. He'd always been a sharp dresser, but it seemed to show even more at times like this. The tone for his gathering seemed more formal than our treehouse one.
He clicked a small remote in his hand, before the screen feed changed from him to a video showing clips of Sarah when she was perhaps eleven years old. Marcel had been diligent at recording us over the years, from the time he first became indoctrinated into our little group.
"Gosh, I was cute even back then." I smirked, watching old clips of the first birthday party of Sarah's that Marcel was privy to.
"I thought so." Marcel smirked.
"I did too." Sarah grinned.
"I didn't." Mike added, "Age sure hasn't helped in that department either."
"Bastard!" I laughed, giving him a good natured jab in the leg.
"I don't know, he looks pretty good to me, Dude." Lucas smiled.
"Come here, Dude Boy. Gimmie a hug."
Lucas and I shared a very a homo little hug, and I loved every bit of it. I'm embracing my inner gay and I like it. I used to be open to the idea of having a girlfriend, but between Lucas and Marcel, I'm not sure anyone else, guy or girl, could even compare!
"Baby, you were so beautiful." Mike said, gushing at the continuing old clips."
"Were?" Sarah asked, giving him a filthy look, "Sleeping alone tonight, are we?"
"What?" Mike asked, looking a little hurt at that comment.
"Geez, Mike, you make it so hard to be a bitch sometimes." Sarah chuckled, kissing him sweetly, "You sleep nowhere else but next to me."
"Look, Dude!" Lucas squealed, clapping his hands in approval.
On the screen Sarah and Mike were giving their vows. The clip then moved to their first dance on the beach. I could still remember that day so well. I could still smell the air as I thought back.
As the clip on the screen showed Mike and Sarah sharing their first dance on South Lake Beach, I couldn't help but remember that day. It was rather vivid in my mind. A perfectly pristine day. The sun was high, the skies were blue. Barefoot on the sand they danced, Mike and Sarah. I don't know if I've ever seen Mike as happy as on that day. Skimming across the sand they danced, barefoot on the golden sand, looking quite smitten and ignorant to anyone else around them. How cheesy.
I watched Mike studying the clip and I could tell that he was enamoured with the memory. The memory of dancing with his beautiful girl on their wedding day. I can imagine for him it was one of the greatest days of his life. I think for me it was Tuesday. Just kidding, I loved it.
"Dudes, that was a great dance." Lucas smiled, watching it with a blissful smile, "Storm, Dude, who's that next to you? He's pretty hot."
"You!" I laughed, shaking my head.
Lucas and I were together at that point in our lives and it showed. He grinned broadly at the reminiscence of our past relationship. I couldn't help but crawl over and kiss his cheek, hugging him closely.
"We were so good together!" I laughed, "What happened to us!?"
"Not as good as them, Dude." Lucas said, pointing to Mike and Sarah on the screen as they shared their first dance on the beach as husband and wife.
"Yeah but we had better sex?"
"I've forgotten, Dude." Lucas shrugged, frowning sadly, "Maybe you could remind me?"
"Speech!" I yelled, changing the subject and clapping the floor to get everyone's attention, "Speech, Sarah!"
"Oh, oh, oh right." Sarah nodded, "Okay, I'd like to thank the Nobel whatever committee for electing me as the HBIC of the world. I would like to accept this great honour on behalf of all HBICs in the world, all of whom pale before me."
"Serious speech." Mike laughed, "Come on, Wifey."
"Alright, alright." Sarah said, taking a deep breath, "I want to thank all of you for doing this for me. You don't know how great it is to be home again. Mike and I have settled in so well and really feel like we're making this a home again for all of us. Thank you Storm for letting us have this oppo…"
"No. Family is family. It's for all of us. It's what Mum would have wanted." I said confidently, "I mean, I even let Dade stay here so you two are certainly an upgrade."
"Storm, be nice to me!" Dade laughed, "You're horrible."
"I'm not done, I'm not done." Sarah said, "I want to thank Brad who isn't here, for being a really quite cool person to live with and for making us his family, and always doing the dishes. And of course, you, Lucas, just being a wonderful part of our lives. All of you. Marcel, Dade, you're all my family and I just love you all so much. So much. These are always the happiest times of my life. Being with all of you. Such an amazing night. And I can't forget ... my husband. The man of my life, my heart, my hope, my …"
"Gag! Cheese! Corn! Bah!" Lucas and I both made choking noises, laughing and leaning on each other.
"I'll give you bah." Sarah snapped, "I'm not done! My husband! He is everything to me. Everything I want and everything I need, and probably a better fuck than Storm would've ever been. We all know he bottoms anyway. Bitch."
"Oh my God! Burn!" Dade laughed, clapping happily.
"Anyway, my husband." Sarah said, kissing Mike's hand, "I just really want to say to you most of all, thank you. I don't have to say I love you, because you always know I do."
I nodded my head in approval, turning to Lucas, "Dude Boy, I think that worked for me. Did it move you?"
Lucas tapped his chin, as if pondering this question, "I should like to think it did, my good man. Wonderful use of sentiment and emotion to garner an effective response from the recipient. Do you agree?"
"Oh, I do." I replied, watching Mike and Sarah make sucky face with each other, "I really do. After all they've been making out ever since. Breeders."
"Did I miss it, did I miss it!?" Brad gasped, pulling himself up, his present in hand, "I'm sorry I'm late!"
"Me too. Baby troubles." Carl said, pulling himself up next, "Wow, full treehouse tonight."
"Carl!" Dade yelled, completely surprised, "Where are the girls!?"
"In the lounge. Didn't want to bring June up here."
"Storm! Carry me down!" Dade demanded, "I want to see my gi… daughter!"
"Yes, yes." I groaned, "I'll just close you for now, Bro, and then carry you down, okay?"
"Woo hoo!"
* * * * * * *
"There's my girl!" Dade grinned, waving excitedly to June, getting a little emotional, "There's my pretty baby. Smile for Daddy?"
"God, that's still weird." I said, scratching my head.
I'd set the laptop down on the coffee table, allowing Claire and June to sit on the sofa and talk to Dade. It was strange watching them interact. I could sense that Dade wanted his family back, but I got the feeling Claire still wanted Carl. I just hope it worked out for June, or I'd have to have the three adults committed and take my niece.
Claire took a deep breath, and I could sense she wanted to say more, but perhaps didn't want to in front of me. Perhaps that was my cue to leave. I still can't believe Dade is a father. It kind of creeps me out until I hold June and then it just feels right. Besides, I don't think I'll be contributing to the furthering of the family Marcus. Plenty of babies being made either side of me by my brothers.
"Storm!" Lucas said, catching me in the hallway.
"My man!" I said, the two of us banging chests and smacking hands, "Are they staying up there? Do we need to take some food up there, or they planning to migrate down to more spacious quarters?"
"No idea, Dude. I just missed you!" Lucas smirked sheepishly, shrugging as the two of us made our way into the kitchen, "Oh God, old habits, huh?"
"Don't worry, I'm feeling the same way. Joined at the hip again, huh?"
"Dude, it feels good."
"Hi!" Corey said, stepping up to the two of us.
I smiled at Corey and then at Lucas, "Look at the three of us. We sleep together, we hang together all day, and now when there are all these other people here, we stand around in the kitchen together."
"I still think Dan is butt ugly." Corey giggled, "You know, as in he's cute ... butt ugly?"
"That's not even funny, you little dweeb." I scowled, punching him in the arm.
"Ow!" Corey cried, rubbing his arm, "You're mean to me!"
"It wasn't hard!" I laughed, "Come here, gimmie a hug. Aww, come on."
Corey giggled at that, "I love you, Dan! Even if you are a giant ass!"
"We got a nice little vibe here, Dude." Lucas smiled, one arm around me, one around Corey, "We got our kid ready made."
"And even better, we don't have to change his nappies."
"Hey!" Corey protested, "I don't need nappies! You two are nuts. Probably for each other."
I caught Lucas's eyes then and gave him a small, contemplative smile, "Once upon a time, Cor. Once upon a time."
* * * * * * *
"Carl, Carl!" I said, catching him as he was about to enter the bathroom.
I pushed him in and locked the door behind us. He gave me a little smirk as if this was some attempt by me to get a little frisky with him. Dirty bugger.
"Why, Storm, after all these years, you finally make a move?"
I gave him a grin, "You dick. No, not even. You just seem a little off tonight. Everything okay?"
"That obvious huh?" Carl sighed, sitting down on the closed toilet.
I sat down on his lap, rubbing his back. After our conversation about his doubts for his and Claire's relationship, I was worried about my bud.
"Storm, when did you become so gay?" Carl asked, wrapping his arms around me, "It's not a problem, you just seem more …"
"I am what I am." I shrugged, "I suppose I am a little more comfortable in my skin now. So are you going to tell me what's wrong?"
Carl scrunched up his nose and shook his head, "I don't want to talk about it."
"Yes you do. Come on."
I could tell it was serious. Or something that had Carl surprisingly tense and on edge. He wasn't usually like this. I might have been away for a while but I could still read him. When I move back to Merlow permanently, I'll do an even better job of reading him.
"I love her." Carl said, his eyes pained, "I love her, Storm. But I'm starting to resent the fact she has a baby. And that's not fair on either of them. I love baby June. I love Claire. But …"
"Hey." I said, giving him a squeeze, "Don't you dare feel bad for feeling. You didn't make June. You didn't ask for any of this. You've turned your life upside down to accommodate them. If you find that you don't really want this, nobody is going to think any less of you. I love my niece, and I love Claire for having her, but that doesn't mean I don't understand where you're coming from."
Carl closed his eyes and gave me a surprisingly tight, quite emotional hug. I wondered if he'd been drinking. But he didn't smell like he had. He felt like he wanted to cry, and if he did, I'd have let him. I don't think he needed that just yet. I think he just needed to know someone was on his side. I certainly was.
* * * * * * *
"Look at him, he's asleep." I whispered to Lucas, smiling as we peeked through the door, watching Corey sleep.
"Dude, I so thought he was weird and annoying at first, but he isn't. He's awesome. I want to keep him, and cuddle him, and keep him again! We'll adopt him together and claim he's from some third world country. We'll name him Asterix or something." Lucas giggled, "He's like our little baby!"
"Except he's not a baby."
"I know, I know, but he's like ours." Lucas said, gushing a little, "Can't we keep him? Move home and you and I can keep him. I want to keep him!"
"I thought you didn't like him."
"I thought I didn't either. But now I love him. I love us! It's so weird." Lucas grinned, "It's terrible, I know. You're taken and we've agreed not to go there with us, but it feels really neat being a threesome."
"Don't think dirty thoughts about Corey. He's very, very sweet and he'd probably do whatever you asked just to make you happy, but nobody touches him. He's off limits." I said firmly, "I'm sure you didn't mean threesome like that though."
"Dude, of course not. I just meant like the three of us as a little group. It's nice."
"Yeah well, the kid's asleep. Time for the parents to go have some fun."
"I like this part." Lucas grinned, rubbing his hands together, "I like it a lot."
"So ... how about a game of cards in the treehouse?"
Lucas looked at me mischievously, "Is that what you call it now, Dude?"
I let out a soft smirk, licking my lips a little, "I'll only ask you once then. Who deals?"
* * * * * * *
Continued In Part 2
In the final part of 'Ever Hopeful', Carl and Claire have it out over their current situation. An unexpected guest forces Lucas to make a decision about his future. White Swan come to town to cause trouble during Stacey's planned Merlow High bash. The Pack bind up for the last time and Merlow shows what it's made of.
On to Chapter 5.13 Part 2
"Ever Hopeful - Part 2"
Back to Chapter 5.12
"Just Go With It"
Chapter Index