A quick word from Jevic
Here are over 500 stories I've been collecting for over two decades. I have read every one of them prior to being added. There are action adventure, romance, MPREG, creature, AU, time travel and more. They all feature Harry and Draco in a relationship. Some stories will make you laugh your arse off and others will have you diving for a box of tissues for your tears or to clean up a mess ;) afterall, there's sex in most of these stories.
CLASSIC STORIES Stories that define the genre! Enjoy!
46 stories
Some authors write a multitude of stories that I like. A link to their individual page is listed below. Enjoy!
To SEARCH this page, simply use the keyboard shortcut "ctrl" and "F"
NOTES! ->"Link Verified" Link verification date. stories added in the last 12 months. (archived) an electronic copy of the work has been saved. Fiction Ratings are displayed with specific Story Notes. All Time Favorite Classic stories are MUST reads. Story recommendations are presented in alphabetical order. Use the quick links below to navigate the page.
"19 Years"
by shilo1364 Link verified to FanFiction.net/shilo1364 on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Angst, Astoria and Ginny, Scorpius and Albus and Neville channels Dumbledore
53 Chapters (93,039 words)
Completed 28 October 2016
Added 17 September 2018 (archived-pdf)
Inspired by Drarry: Unspoken video on Youtube. Draco obliviates Harry's memory of their relationship. 19 years later, they meet again at Hogwarts. Great story! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"1000 Points from Gryffindor
by orphan account
Note: Orphaning is a way to remove some or all of an author's works from their account without taking them away from fandom. It is a way for authors to leave their works on AO3 even if they no longer wish to be associated with them. Link verified on 11 April 2024
Story Notes: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Mystery and Humor
12 Chapters (25,157 words)
Completed 6 December 2016
Added 11 April 2024 (archived-html)
The story of how Harry Potter single-handedly lost Gryffindor the House Cup while attempting to have a “normal” year at Hogwarts. Featuring Harry's suspicious nature turned up to eleven again, a new DADA teacher who is so not here for Harry’s fame, multiple detentions, Slytherins being sneaky, Hufflepuffs being sneakier, and the mystery of Draco Malfoy's hoodie because seriously Hermione who gave that to him and is he wearing it just to torment me? This is ridiculous!
"A Black Stone in a Glass Box"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Action Adventure
27 Chapters (80,791 words)
Completed 14 June 2013
Added 13 March 2014 (archived-pdf)
Harry has made a sacrifice to protect the wizarding world. And Draco Malfoy is going to find a way to reverse it if it kills him. After all, if he does not reverse it, then he will only die of boredom anyway. Great story! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Boy, Lost"
by tangledhair Link verified to Fanfiction.net/tangledhair on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Angst and Romance
26 Chapters (186,210 words)
Completed 6 November 2004
Added 23 January 2016 (archived-html)
Things are heating up with the Order, and Harry is growing in power. Harry starts a dangerous romance with Malfoy just so he can feel like a "real" teenage boy. UPDATE 8 March 2024 - I just re-read this story for the first time since I recommended it back in 2016. I stand by my original recommendation. When it comes down to the final battle between Harry and Snake Face, the author (tangledhair) comes up with magic I've never read before. Unique, well thoughtout and enjoyable to read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Brother to Basilisks"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Lomonaaeren on 29 February 2024
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Alternative Version of Prisoner of Azkaban, Magical Creatures, Parseltounge, Graphic Depictions of Violence
155 Chapters (613,877 words)
Completed 15 August 2020
Added 23 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
This is a canon-divergent AU that starts after Chapter 7 of Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry wakes in the night to a voice calling him from somewhere in the castle—and when he follows it, everything changes. The title is based on a quote from the Book of Job: “I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Dream of Running Water"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to Fanfiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: AU After HBP and an Action Adventure
12 Chapters (36,664 words)
Completed 20 January 2015
Added 3 February 2015 (archived-html)
Driven nearly mad by his bitterness against the Dark Lord, Draco becomes a spy for the Order of the Phoenix. The device they sneak him to aid in his reports has unpredictable side-effects—like allowing Draco to dream of a landscape with a river running through it. That would be soothing, if Potter wasn't there.
Another gem from Lomonaaeren! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Ferret Tale"
by meandminniemcg Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
meandminniemcg on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Auror Potter and Missing Malfoy
10 Chapters (31,067 words)
Completed 26 August 2018
Added 24 November 2018 (archived-pdf)
Who are you when all your ability to impress is taken from you? How do you cope if you are adopted by Potter as a pet ferret? And worst of all: he is the Auror on the case of your disappearance. And the other side of the coin: You fall in love with your former arch-nemesis, but can't find a trace of him in the present. And your posh ferret is a constant reminder of Malfoy's absence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Gryffindor and a Slytherin"
by furiosity Sadly this work is no longer on line but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts and an Action Adventure
17 Chapters (110,511 words)
Completed 21 June 2006
Added 5 December 2009 (archived-pdf/word)
The war against Voldemort has begun. Loyalties are tested, allegiances are formed. One sunny September afternoon, Draco Malfoy accidentally overhears Harry Potter confess something deeply personal. What's Draco going to do? Why, plan carefully, of course.
19 June 2012 - I just finished reading this story again and remember why I added it to this list in the first place. It is a wonderfully told story with Draco staying "Draco" throughout the whole story ... and there are not many stories that can boast that!
UPDATE: 11 December 2016 - I just read the story again. Awesome read!
UPDATE: 14 December 2020 - This work has disappeared, but, thankfully, I have a copy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Guide to the Morphology of Magic"
by wendlaa Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
wendlaa/works on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Curse Breaker Mafoy and Auror Potter
5 Chapters 64,571 words)
Completed 7 January 2019
Added 5 March 2019 (archived-pdf)
When Draco Malfoy is hand picked to investigate a string of curses cropping up in Muggle communities in North America, the last person he wanted to be traveling with was Harry Potter. Still, duty calls, and the two set off on an adventure chasing down mysterious curses, sleeping in cramped hotel rooms, and trying to navigate their newly formed post-war selves as they make their way through small towns and long, dark stretches of highway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Hero All the Same"
by kayladie Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/kayladie on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Post War and Cursed Harry
3 Chapters (13,605 words)
Completed 12 November 2013
Added 3 May 2022 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy has hit rock bottom. What can he possibly do to crawl out of the hole he's dug for himself? Maybe helping the Savior of the Wizarding World, who's in even worse condition than Draco is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Mile of Revelations"
by FemmeFerret Sadly this work is no longer on line but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Post Half Blood Prince, Action Adventure and Humor
24 Chapters (142,055 words)
Last Updated 10 April 2007
Added 7 January 2012 (archived-pdf)
NOTE: This is an incomplete work. It ends with a cliffhanger. That being said, it is still worth reading. Thanks!
This story takes place immediately after HBP. Snape takes Draco back to Malfoy mansion where the Dark Lord is waiting. When he learns of Draco's failure, he assigns Snape to make him a better Death Eater. Instead, Snape changes Draco into a ferret and leaves him in a cage on the doorstep of 4 Privet Drive. Excellent story!
"What are you doing to the microwave?" asked Harry, stepping further into the room.
"It's got my tea," Draco hissed, looking murderously at the microwave.
The microwave made a sputtering sound before the door launched open, hurling the mug at Draco, who ducked. The mug sailed over Draco, and shattered against the floor without making a sound. Draco swore, and pointed his wand at the microwave, red light shooting from the tip of his wand.
The microwave door flapped weakly before falling still, and Draco waved his wand over the cups. The shattered pieces reformed, and Draco angrily jabbed his wand at each of them, muttering, "Silencio—Silencio—Silencio."
"Erm…" Harry started, not quite sure what he wanted to say.
"I'm fixing the microwave," Draco said stiffly, ignoring Potter's incredulous look. It had been something he'd been wanting to do ever since he'd fixed the oven.
LMFAO! Sometimes the humor found in Harry/Draco dialogue absolutely sends me over the edge! This story has it's fair share. Just when you think things are getting serious, along comes one of "those" comments that sends you howling in laughter! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Moment in Time"
by The Shadow Bandit Link verified to Fanfiction.net/
TheShadowBandit on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Alternate Universe, Hogwarts 7th Year, Angst and Romance
44 Chapters and an Epilogue (169,488 words)
Completed 1 July 2005
Added 20 June 2007 (archived-html)
During his seventh year, Harry learns that his life can change forever in a single moment in time. Harry gently pushed open the doors to the Great Hall hoping to slip in unnoticed. However as soon as he entered the room he could tell that something unusual was happening, something unusual and very wrong. Harry barely had time to take into account Ron and Hermione’s tear stained faces before he was grabbed from behind, his arms twisted painfully behind him while someone searched him and confiscated his wand.
11 October 2018 - I just reread this story and it is still an awesome read! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Panther's Heart"
by Copper Vixen Link verified to Fanfiction.net/CopperVixen on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama and Romance
41 Chapters (79,807 words)
Completed 30 June 2006
Added 7 January 2012 (archived-html)
Harry gets caught while in his animagus form and is purchased to be a familiar to his worst enemy.
This was really a very enjoyable read ... very realistic. Powerful bonds abound with a bit of, no, a lot of Ron bashing! (Ron is a very easy target for bashing with his absolute hatred of Draco Malfoy) LOL! You'll enjoy it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Prince's Honor"
by kungzoune Link verified to FanFiction.net/kungzoune on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Alternate Universe, Adventure, Magical Inheritance, Elf Fic with Romance
16 Chapters (45,809 words)
Completed 23 April 2005
Added 3 August 2018 (archived-html)
Draco receives his heritage when he turns sixteen. His life changes drastically, but for the better. Harry learns how to deal with the prophesy and becomes the leader of the light. Soon an alliace is formed between the two former rivals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Private Reason for This"
by Femme (femmequixotic) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn/
users/Femmequixotic on 14 February 2024
Story Notes: Murder Mystery, Auror Draco, Auror Harry, BiSexuality, Politics and Minor Character Death
13 Chapters (92,189 words)
Completed 31 December 2014
Added 14 February 2024 (archived-html)
When the wife of a star politician in the Scottish Ministry turns up dead just outside Hogsmeade, Draco Malfoy and his murder investigation team are called in from the Edinburgh Auror force to find her killer. What DCI Malfoy doesn't expect, however, is to have an ex from two decades past end up in his murder room, endangering not only his case, but also his heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Reckless Frame of Mind"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Alternate Universe, Post War, Action Adventure, Angst, Suicide and Pre-Slash
13 Chapters (54,869 words)
Completed 27 September 2008
Added 3 May 2012 (archived=html)
Draco is a Psyche-Diver, and his newest patient is Auror Potter, who’s been a pathological liar for over a year—and has just tried to violently end his own life.
>>>>> SEQUEL A Reckless Frame of Mind <<<<<
"A Determined Frame of Mind"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Alternate Universe, Post War, Action Adventure, Angst and Pre-Slash
24 Chapters (103,019 words)
Completed 3 November 2008
Added 3 May 2012 (archived-html)
AU after HBP, post-war. Sequel to 'A Reckless Frame of Mind.' Draco and Harry now face the might of the Ministry in an attempt to discover who cast the Cassandra Curse on Harry. Add in Harry’s trust problems, and it’s a good thing Draco’s confident. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Secondary Education"
by Thunderbird Link verified to Members.Adult-FanFiction.org/
profile.php?no=1296979425 on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Angst, Professor Potter and Professor Malfoy
20 Chapters and an Epilogue (234,565 words)
Completed 17 April 2019
Added 27 February 2022 (archived-word)
Draco's wife gives birth to a baby that is not his. He divorces said wife and finds himself alone and stircrazy. On a whim, he takes on the Potions position at Hogwarts only to find that the DADA professor is Harry Potter ... and away we go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Stranger Garden"
by jamie2109 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/>br>
jamie2109 on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Angst, AU, Romance and Major Character Death
18 Chapters (60,246 words)
Completed 5 February 2009
Added 3 March 2009 (archived-html)
Draco Malfoy was never very fortunate when it came to bringing pain and misery to a certain Mr. Potter. His latest plan is no exception. Or is it? This story is about portraits. It's a strange twist I've never thought of and I thought the story to be very well told. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A Sword Laid Aside"
by korlaena Note: This work is at AO3 and you will have to register to get access. It's free! Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/korlaena on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Fallen Hero and Drug Abuse
1 Chapters (128,749 words)
Completed 23 September 2018
Added 7 May 2021 (archived-pdf)
When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Potter. Hiding out with a taciturn Harry Potter, who has been missing from the Wizarding World for almost two decades after a shocking fall from grace, is nothing like Draco thought it would be. Draco has to navigate dealing with this Potter while being hunted by Dark wizards and wanted by extremists in the Ministry. When things take a turn for the worse, Draco has to decide whether he's going to keep running or find a way to protect the world and the people he cares about most. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> PART ONE A Thousand Beautiful Things PART ONE <<<<<
"A Thousand Beautiful Things"
by Duinn Fionn (gioviki) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/geoviki on 4 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Post Hogwarts and Drama
Originally 9 Chapters (104,553 words), now presenting all chapters in only 2 chapters
Completed 6 September 2006
Added 10 November 2008 (archived-pdf)
This is a really well told story. A curse Lucius Malfoy puts on Harry Potter finally takes hold on Lucius' death. Draco takes a vow of silence to remove the curse.
>>>>> PART TWO A Thousand Beautiful Things PART TWO <<<<<
"Autumn Can Really Hang You Up the Most"
by Duinn Fionn (gioviki) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/geoviki on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Drama
1 Chapter (1,255 words)
Completed 31 October 2012
Added 25 March 2020 (archived-pdf)
A familiar walk brings back Draco's memories of an old friend.
>>>>> PART THREE A Thousand Beautiful Things PART THREE <<<<<
"Harry Potter and the Slytherin-Coloured Lamborghini"
by Duinn Fionn (gioviki) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/geoviki on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Drama
1 Chapter (869 words)
Completed 29 October 2005
Added 25 March 2020 (archived-pdf)
Harry makes good on a promise. Short and sweet postscript to A Thousand Beautiful Things.
>>>>> PART FOUR A Thousand Beautiful Things PART FOUR <<<<<
"Delicate Sound of Thunder"
by Duinn Fionn Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/geoviki on 4 June 2023 Classic/Post Hogwarts/Drama
7 Chapters (61,192 words) now presented in 2 complied chapters
Completed 7 May 2005
Added 10 November 2012 (archived-pdf)
Draco knows that happily ever after is for fairy tales. When someone threatens to expose his wartime past, he risks his life to protect his secrets, but learns he's not the only one with something to hide.
>>>>> EPILOGUE A Thousand Beautiful Things EPILOGUE <<<<<
"Ace of Cups"
by C Dumbledore Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
CDumbledore on 4 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts, Post Half Blood Prince and Action Adventure
42 Chapters with 5 Epilogues (155,855 words)
Completed 12 October 2006
Added 8 January 2012 (archived-html)
This story picks up just after HBP. As you recall, Snape just killed Dumbledore and ran off into the night with Draco Malfoy. John (C Dumbledore) writes a real action/adventure story that eventually ends with Harry and Draco together. He really makes it believeable. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did, but be warned: John likes to write cliffhangers and it'll be hard to stop reading. LOL! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Adventures in High Life"
by wildestranger Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/ wildstranger on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Auror Potter
7 Chapters (29,876 words)
Completed 15 November 2009
Added 28 March 2010 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter, having insisted on cohabiting in Malfoy Manor in the course of his Auror duties, make a nuisance of himself. Fortunately, Draco is too well bred to care. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"After All"
by PissedOffEskimo (Randi Shane) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/pissedoffeskimo on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Pre-Hogwarts and Child Abuse Mentions
42 Chapters with a Prologue and an Epilogue (13,996 words)
Completed 19 October 2006
Added 19 November 2009 (archived-pdf)
Dumbledore decides that he’s had enough of the Dursley’s abuse and brings Harry to Hogwarts at age eight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"After Rain"
by Cosmic Link verified to CosmicUniverse.net on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts Final Year
10 Chapters and an Epilogue (48,415 words)
Completed 10 May 2008
Added 6 September 2008 (archived-html)
The Dark Lord has fallen, but there are still a few Death Eaters around, and one of them wants revenge. Professor Snape falls mysteriously ill, and Harry Potter is attacked.
Not such a brilliant summary, but the plot more than makes up for it. Bad Lucius, good Snape, horny Draco! Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"All I Ever Wanted"
by Samayel Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn/
users/Samayel on 4 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts and Drama
54 Chapters and an Epilogue (140,186 words)
Completed 26 August 2007
Added 31 March 2008 (archived-pdf)
Sometimes the best way to suggest a story is to give you little snippet ... so, here ya go!
Draco woke up in a strange bed after a Slytherin party where he had consumed entirely too much firewhiskey. The telltale soreness around his arse and in his throat gave some clue as to what he had been up to the night before, but he couldn't remember a bit of it. He only knew that whoever the sleeping person in the bed next to him was, he certainly had talent in bed. After a quick shower, Draco returned to the bed to lavish praise on his latest bed paramour.
"Potter!" Draco hissed, "You fucking pillock! I don't know what you did to me last night or what unholy charm you used but I swear to..."
"WHAT THE ... " spluttered a deeply confused and now furiously blushing Harry, "...ME?! Charm you! You miserable little ponce! I can't believe the nerve you have! You must have drugged me or hexed me or ... or ... well ... done SOMETHING EVIL! I don't even know how I got here!"
"Well I certainly didn't invite you! I think I'm going to be sick! You! YOU dared to touch me! I wasn't in that shower long enough! It's going to take a lifetime to get the stink of you off of me! You PIG!"
I love to read good arguments between Harry and Draco and this story has its fair share. But, what follows this bedroom scene has a lot more depth than just sex, although there is quite a bit of it. This is a wonderfully told story that takes a new look at Harry's secret power, the potential for Slytherin house, and a love that grew from hate. You'll enjoy every single one of the 55 chapters of this well told tale. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"All Missing Things (Can Be Found)"
by daisymondays (formally gracie137) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/daisymondays on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter, Unspeakable Malfoy and a Kidnapping
7 Chapters (100,640 words)
Completed 10 February 2018
Added 12 March 2018 (archived-pdf)
Young children are going missing at the start of every month and the Ministry are desperate to solve the case. So desperate, that they are putting out a new team Headed by the youngest Junior Auror yet Harry Potter and Head of the Dark Arts department Unspeakable Draco Malfoy in a final bid to solve the case. As Harry and Draco try to deal with their messy past and unknown future, they delve deeper into the case and find out there's more to the kidnappings than they initially thought. It turns out that the natural order of the wizarding world is at risk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"All the Ghosts are Screaming"
by olivemartini Link verified to WattPad.com/user/
olivemartini123 on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Slow Burn and Angst
45 Chapters (96,713 words)
Completed 6 January 2019
Added 22 March 2019 (archived-pdf)
Harry had been told he had a bit of a saving people thing. He hadn't paid much attention to it before, because he didn't see it as a bad thing. So what if he sometimes put himself in danger to save other people? So what if he would take a bullet for almost all of his friends? It wasn't something he thought he had to fix, until the day he's sitting beside Ginny in court watching Malfoy get put on trial, hearing the Wizengamot say that he had to stay on house arrest with an acceptable citizen, and no one speaks up, which meant that Malfoy was going to Azkaban. Which is around the time that Harry stands up without really deciding to and offers up a room at Grimmauld Place. So yeah. Maybe he does have a bit of a saving people thing. NOTE: 4 January 2020 - This story was on FanFiction.net, but was removed. I found it on WattPad and have updated the link. The work on WattPad may not be complete, but I have a copy of the entire work. I just finished re-reading this story. It is a well told tale. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"All Our Secrets Laid Bare"
by firethesound Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/firethesound on 27 September 2023
Story Notes: Auror Partners Draco and Harry with a Murder Mystery
16 Chapters (149,549 words)
Completed 23 February 2014
Added 27 September 2023 (archived-pdf)
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
That's the author's summary, but oh, wow, there's so much more. Good plot, great action and drama. You will never guess who's behind the deaths! You'll be glad you read this one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"All the Proud Should Be"
by Ladycat777 (Ladycat) Link verified to LadyCat777.LiveJournal.com on 4 June 2023
Note: This new link lists only 8 chapters, but the entire story is there.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 6th Year and Drama
10 Chapters (20,010 words)
Updated 5 January 2010
Added 28 March 2010 (archived-html)
After the events at the end of Order of the Phoenix, Harry takes stock and does some thinking. When he returns to Hogwarts for his sixth year, he finds that someone else has had a similar redefinition.
NOTE: The author indicates that this story is on permanent hiatus; however, it can be read as is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Allegiance and Sedition"
by Silent Auror Sadly this work is no longer on line but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, 5th Year of the War, Dark and Major Character Death (not Harry or Draco)
17 Chapters (100,513 words)
Completed 10 August 2008
Added 17 July 2013 (archived-word)
The war is in its fifth year, and Harry finds himself caught up in the confusion of friend versus enemy, spy versus traitor. This is a dark story. The Light side is losing and Harry is being held back from actually fighting until it's time to battle Voldemort himself, who remains very well hidden, while his Death Eaters kill left and right. Major character death warning (NOT Harry or Draco). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"An Anchor of Time"
by JoJo_MoJo Link verified to ArchieveOfOurOwn.org/
users/JoJo_MoJo on 17 February 2024
Story Notes: Post War, Romance, Action Adventure, Nightmares and PTSD
28 Chapters (106,750 words)
Completed 1 February 2022
Added 17 February 2024 (archived-word)
Draco has a pocket watch, a family heirloom. Instead of telling time, it informs him about the next coming moment ---- how long till your potion burns, or your loved ones wither and lost. It has been seven years since the war was over. Draco now owns a small potions store in a far corner of Knockturn Alley. Despite all the loss and painful changes, he is somewhat settled with his current state of life. It is mostly quiet, which is good, until the day Harry Potter, with severe sleep deprivation, pushs open the door and steps into his store. Not long after, Harry's face is stuck on his pocket watch. Harry has a problem for which only Draco has a cure. But perhaps, the problem fixing part is mutual. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"An Image of Lethe"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchieveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Drama, Adventure and Dark Magic
17 Chapters (98,498 words)
Completed 10 August 2008
Added 28 April 2020 (archived-pdf)
When the Ministry invents a way to distinguish between Light and Dark wizards, Harry Potter is one of the first test subjects to make sure the process is working properly. His utterly unexpected result propels him into the middle of a new political conflict: whether Dark wizards have the right to mingle with ordinary society.
>>>>> SEQUEL An Image of Lethe SEQUEL <<<<<
"Wings of Jewels, Wings of Flame"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Drama, Adventure, Dragons and Magical Creatures
1 Chapter (6,845 words)
Completed 2 December 2015
Added 30 December 2020 (archived-pdf)
Rumors of mysterious creatures appearing in the Atlantic Ocean prompt Lucius and Narcissa, and then Ron and Hermione, to search for Harry and Draco. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"An Issue of Consequence"
by faithwood Link verified to Fanfiction.net/faithwood on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 8th Year, Romance and Fluff
5 Chapters (21,854 words)
Completed 15 April 2014
Added 23 January 2016 (archived-html)
Draco has woken up in an alternate universe. Or he has woken up utterly insane. Nothing else can possibly explain why Harry Potter suddenly seems to think he's Draco's boyfriend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Anarchy As Art"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to Fanfiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry, Romance and Adventure
20 Chapters (66,199 words)
Completed 10 May 2012
Added 17 July 2012 (archived-html)
Draco is a master thief and illegal Potions brewer. Harry is the Auror assigned to hunt him. A cat and mouse game ... hehehe ... with endless tension. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Anatomy of a Wolf Heart"
by wendlaa Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/wendlaa on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Auror Potter, Werewolf Malfoy, Kidnapping, Drama and POV Alternating
4 Chapters (40,163 words)
Completed 6 June 2021
Added 15 September 2021 (archived-pdf)
Three years ago at the tragic Battle that freed our great Wizarding World from the grip of a megalomaniac Dark Wizard, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, our world lost many Witches and Wizards. Among the dead and missing was Draco Malfoy, the only son of notorious Death Eaters Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, both of whom volunteered their home for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to use as a headquarters. Sources have confirmed that the young Malfoy took a vow to follow in his parents footsteps by taking the Dark Mark.
Inside sources have uncovered that the Malfoy heir has been found alive. Aurors recently went undercover to expose a fighting ring involving illegal potions and unregistered werewolves. Among those rescued was Draco Malfoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Ancient and Noble Houses"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to Fanfiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Angst, Romance and House Magic
50 Chapters (82,191 words)
Completed 30 November 2013
Added 2 February 2014 (archived-html)
Harry discovers that becoming the Black heir means far more than just inheriting some vaults and property. Even with Draco Malfoy's help, there seems to be only a slim chance that Harry can escape the consequences.
Harry must pass the house's test to become the true heir. Great plot twist and well told story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Angels and Devils" (re-edit Jul 2019)
by beren
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/beren on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 7th Year, Creature Fic, Bonding and Veela!Draco
10 Chapters (52,054 words)
Completed 12 January 2005
Added 6 March 2021 (archived-pdf)
Harry defeated Voldemort and his act of heroism is famous throughout the wizarding world. He's trying to finish his final year at Hogwarts in peace, but, thanks to the method he chose to destroy The Dark Lord, something peculiar is happening to him, something he never would have expected. It's all rather embarrassing and making his life very complicated.
Author Note - This fic has Veela!Draco and lots of other things that appear to have become fandom clichés, which was part of the point in writing it :). I've had great fun with this fic, trying to explore ideas in a slightly different way than I have seen before. It may have Veela!Draco, but it is all from Harry POV in case you were wondering. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Another Mask Behind You"
by lettered
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/lettered on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Prostitute Draco and Lots of Sex
4 Chapters (116,557 words)
Completed 19 December 2014
Added 22 September 2022 (archived-pdf)
Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity. Harry unknowingly hires him. And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies. (And then more porn. Seriously, if you don’t want sex scene after sex scene you probably shouldn’t read this. And please read the Story Notes.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by twistedmiracle Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/twistedmiracle/ on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, AU as of Deathy Hallows and Romance
15 Chapters, an Epilogue and 2 "After" Chapters (103,833 words)
Completed 21 September 2008
Added 8 January 2014 (archived-pdf)
The Dark Lord is gone, Lucius is finally out of prison, and the Malfoy name is in the toilet. But Lucius knows just how to redeem it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"At Your Service"
by faithwood Link verified to Fanfiction.net/faithwood on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Post War, 8th Year, Mystery and Romance
9 Chapters and an Epilogue (99,351 words)
Completed 15 January 2012
Added 21 September 2014 (archived-word)
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There's only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Auror Method"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchieveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 4 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Auror Harry, Con Artist Draco, Humor, Mystery and Romance
14 Chapters (43,008 words)
Completed 8 November 2014
Added 7 December 2014 (archived-pdf)
Draco has constructed the perfect cover for his activities as a con-man specializing in thefts from a distance: Draco Malfoy, the redeemed Death Eater and Recluse of Malfoy Manor. But now there’s evidence that some people are onto him, and as a consequence of the death threats issued to him, he gets an assigned Auror guard. Maybe Harry Potter, their leader, could be a problem when it comes to Draco’s latest con. Although how could he, when he’s getting all distracted by Draco’s fluttering eyelashes? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Away Childish Things"
by lettered Link verified to ArchieveOfOurOwn.org/
lettered on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Age Regression, De-AgingPast, Mystery, Auror Potter and Potions Master Draco
13 Chapters (153,881 words)
Completed 7 November 2018
Added 18 February 2022 (archived-pdf)
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him. The last thing Harry remembered was talking to a snake. The snake had talked back—or sounded like it had—and then the glass had disappeared, and the snake had escaped. Dudley had blubbered like a baby, and Harry had got in trouble—or he thought he might have done, but that was when it started to get hazy, like grey swirls inside his own head. The next thing he knew he was holding a stick inside a pile of clothes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Bad Faith"
by JaD Link verified to ArchieveOfOurOwn.org/jad on 5 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Action Adventure, AU, Drama, Humor, Romance, Draco's first airplane ride and Horse Aminagus Draco
14 Chapters (252,804 words)
Completed 17 September 2012
NOTE: 6 December 2017 - The link is to Part One of this story. Part Two is NOT finished and appears to sadly be abandoned with only an Interlude posted, but Part One can be read on its own.
Added 17 July 2013 (archived-pdf)
Four years after Dumbledore's death, Draco Malfoy shows up on the doorstep of number twelve, Grimmauld Place looking for Harry Potter. Torn between his selfish cowardice and family's pride, Draco finds himself alone on a battlefield and has nowhere else to turn; and Harry has to learn that sometimes you don't put up walls to keep other people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.
I just love a hysterical Draco ...
'You are insane,' Draco informed him. 'Dripping! Everywhere. Giving people keys and popping naked out of bathrooms--having Snorkacks over for breakfast--what the hell is a Snorkack anyway--she's insane! You're insane! Dobby is and always will be insane but at least he brings me chocolate! I am alone in my sanity,' he declared mournfully. 'You sopping, buggered hedgehog--bloody--the nerve--get out of my way!'
It's a really, really good story! And picture this ... Draco's first ride on an airplane (Chapter 10: IX: Panacea Draconis). Absolutely hysterical! Just gotta give you a sample:"
'Malfoy, what are you doing?'
Draco stopped fiddling with the tray-table and gave Harry a look. 'I'm making sure it's attached, what's it look like I'm doing.'
'Stop touching everything.'
'Stop telling me what not to do.'
Harry rolled his eyes and gave up, at least for the time being. Draco was impossible to argue with; he was as logically challenged as Luna and as stubborn as Hermione.
'This is insane,' Draco complained, abandoning his search for loose bits of plane to fiddle with. 'Insane. Completely and utterly barking mad. I cannot believe I agreed to this. We're all going to die.'
'Well, look on the bright side,' Harry said, deadpan; 'if the plane crashes, at least you can say you were right.'
Draco hit him over the head with the laminated safety card. One of the passing flight attendants confiscated it.
'I hate you, Potter,' Draco said again when he could not find anything else suitable to bludgeon Harry with. 'I think I may actually hate you more than cats after all.'
Memories of Ron bad-mouthing Crookshanks came to mind, and Harry smiled. 'Nobody is going to die, Draco.'
'Malfoy, Potter,' Draco snapped. 'And just because you have the unfair advantage of being lucky in the survival department doesn't mean we all have. Some of us are mortal, your Highness.'
'Don't call me that,' Harry said automatically, smiling reassuringly at the flight attendant, who was watching Draco's inspection of his seat with some apprehension. 'Will you cut it out? They're going to chuck us off.'
'Don't get my hopes up,' Draco muttered bitterly. He was peering about the cabin looking rather panicked. 'Oh, Gods, we're stuck on this thing for how long?'
'About nine hours,' Harry said cheerfully.
Draco let out a low moan. 'Merlin help me.'
Harry nearly said something to Draco about how using so much wizarding jargon when surrounded by Muggles and trying to stay undercover was a bit counterproductive, but he was interrupted by a deep, internal rumble that signalled the plane's engines starting up.
Draco, naturally, panicked.
'What's it doing?' he demanded, looking for the source of the noise. 'We're going to die! We haven't even left the ground and we're going to die already!'
'Quiet,' Harry hissed. 'Nobody is dying. It's just the engines—'
'Oh, just the engines! The engines of Death, you mean—'
OMG, you are so going to love this story! It's a Classic!
NOTE TO SELF - Chapter 6, Birds, Bees and Unicorns - Draco is an Aminagus - an Arabian horse - wonderful chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Bad Magic"
by Mystwriter Sadly this work is not available online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Drama
4 Chapters (9,558 words)
Completed 2005
Added 7 March 2019 (archived-word)
Suddenly, not one person at Hogwarts can perform any magic. All except Draco Malfoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Balance, Imperfect"
by bixgirl1 Link verified to ArchieveOfOurOwn.org/
bixgirl1 on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Romance, Disability, Hurt-Comfort and Depression
20 Chapters (91,000 words)
Completed 24 April 2017
Added 20 June 2018 (archived-pdf)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
Note: This is a disability fic, and there are a lot of things discussed within that may be triggers for some, such as physical injury, depression, and dubious medical ethics involving a Healer and patient. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Bard of Morning's Hope"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to Fanfiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 5 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Romance, Mystery, Murder and Gore
22 Chapters (69,733 words)
Completed 13 June 2014
Added 31 July 2015 (archived-html)
The Bard of Morning's Hope is a seemingly unstoppable murderer stalking former Death Eaters and former Slytherins, enacting vengeance on them in an untraceable way. In the wake of Lucius Malfoy's savage death, Harry Potter becomes the Auror assigned to guard Draco and Narcissa Malfoy from a similar fate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Basket Case"
by Stray Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 2 November 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, MPREG, Drama, Memory Problems with Explicit Content
42 Chapters (207,318 words)
Completed 12 August 2005
Added 2 November 2023 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy, age 24, living his life in well-earned comfort and respectability with his wife Pansy Malfoy in his home Malfoy Manor, Denialland. The only thing he lacks in his life is an heir. An heir he must produce before the age of 25 or he loses everything. He and Pansy just can not conceive. Desperate to do anything to keep his inheritance, Draco turns to potions to increase his sperm count. Reality bites him in the arse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Beautiful World"
by Lissadiane (formally Cinnamon) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Lissadiane on 5 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts, Angst, MAJOR Character Death and he stays dead
1 Chapter (70,311 words)
Completed 21 August 2004
Added 7 January 2012 (archived-html)
Harry finds out he's going to die on his 16th birthday. He embarks on a journey of self-destructive behaviour and drags Draco along for the ride.
Draco is afraid of living and Harry is afraid of dying, but sometimes the choice isn't offered. Draco's got to learn what it is to really live, while showing Harry how beautiful the world really is when you're not too scared to see it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Behind Closed Doors"
by Reshima Skynight Link verified to Fanfiction.net/
Reshima-Skynight on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Drama
13 Chapters (19,130 words)
Completed 16 March2005
Added 31 July 2015 (archived-html)
Fred and George have a GENIUS plan to lock Harry and Draco in an isolated room. What will happen ... behind closed doors? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Behind the Green Door"
by thewickednix Link verified to Fanfiction.net/
thewickiednix on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Mid-War and Malfoy Manor
7 Chapters (17,000 words)
Completed 6 December 2009
Added 31 January 2010 (archived-html)
In the midst of the Second Wizarding War, Draco Malfoy witnesses his father's capture of Harry Potter. Draco is given a mission: to watch the Boy Who Lived. But in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor, something besides hate and enmity is born between two desperate souls. From the author - If a mother may have a favourite child, this is it. This fic has been my favourite to write so far, as I am really into Draco Malfoy and love portraying him as the snarky bastard he is. No fluff, no overwhelmingly happy ending. Both are things that I hate, and I'll be damned if I ever write any such stuff. Behind the Green Door was originally supposed to be a short story, only created for me to share some insights on an un-redeemed Malfoy (which are unfortunately quite rare nowadays). But as it often happens, I fell in love with the story as I wrote it.
NOTE from Jevic: I'm not usually a fan for "first person" stories, even though I wrote one! First person Draco was kind of "off-putting" but I trudged through and I'm glad I did. This ... is a good story.
I just have to give a nod to the author for the title. The 1972 Porn Film, of the same title, is considered one of porn's classic films. >>>>> SEQUEL Behind the Green Door SEQUEL <<<<<
"Salt in Our Wounds"
by thewickednix Link verified to Fanfiction.net/thewickiednix on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War
15 Chapters and and Epilogue (42,000 words)
Completed 40 May 2004
Added 8 January 2012 (archived-html)
Four years have passed since Harry Potter escaped from the dungeons of the Manor, and Draco Malfoy's life has been shattered to pieces. Two haunted young men are brought together by the twists of fate. But mending what was broken is not easy with a past like theirs. From the author - Apparently some people could not let BtGD go when it ended. Including myself. So here we are with the sequel. After having written the first chapters, I noticed that SiOW was evolving into becoming slightly different in the theme. That has a lot to do with me including Harry's Pov to the story in addition to Draco's. That was something of a tough decision, not because I mind writing Harry, but because I had planned for this entire story to be about Draco. But in the end, the sequel would make no sense if one didn't know both sides of the plot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Beneath You"
by Lissadiane (formally Cinnamon)
Art by huandual Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Lissadiane on 5 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic with Multiple Eras
2 Chapters (112,829 words)
Completed 30 May 2004
Added 8 January 2012 (archived-html)
Draco had no idea that the repercussions of stealing Potter's journal and shoving it down the back of his trousers would be so extreme. Featuring nefarious plots, the mating rituals of Slytherins, double-crossing spells, Ron/Pansy, and Draco/Harry.
Cinnamon has also written "Wind Fallen" and "Beautiful World" both of which are on this list. I guess it's safe to say that I like the way she writes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Better Than Revenge"
by Celandine Brandybuck Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Celandine-Brandybuck on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama and Romance
40 Chapters (172,119 words)
Completed 19 July 2007
Added 8 January 2012 (archived-html)
Sometimes an enemy can't remain an enemy. Draco shows up at Godric's Hollow and asks for Harry's help. After failing to kill Dumbledore, Voldemort has put a price on Draco's head. Will the Boy Who Lived help his arch enemy? You bet he will. Great Story! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Between a Tiger and a Stag"
by Copper Vixen Link verified to FanFiction.net/Copper Vixen on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama and Romance
20 Chapters and an epilogue (65,708 words)
Completed 1 December 2006
Added 13 October 2018 (archived-html)
Returning to Hogwart's for their sixth year, the Golden Trio must hide the fact that they are illegal animagi. With many close calls while running in the Forbidden Forest, Harry, Hermione, and Ron must decide if they can trust the tiger that haunts the dark stag's trail. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Big Dick Come Quick"
by Calanthe Sadly this work is no longer available on line but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts
18 Chapters (204,473 words)
Completed 8 May 2006
Added 1 April 2007 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy has a theory and he's just dying to prove it. When a certain dark haired hero of the wizarding world offers to help him prove it, things get a little carried away. This is a vividly sexual story with a good plot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Black Sheep"
by Jackie Stevens Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/JStevens on 5 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic and Post Hogwarts
29 Chapters (139,188 words)
Completed 26 January 2009
Added 8 January 2012 (archived-html)
Five years have passed since Harry dispatched Voldemort. Living in his home in Godric's Hollow, Harry Potter has isolated himself from the wizarding world. After a car crash involving a motorcycle, Harry is gobsmacked to learn the driver of the motorcycle is none other than his old old school boy rival, Draco Malfoy. Things get stranger and stranger for Harry as he and Draco strike up a friendship.
From the author: And this story comes with a great big WARNING! The ending can be divisive. Some of this is surely the fault of my own failings as a writer, and I feel obliged to raise a little alarm. Many people seem to love the ending and see the same hope in it that I did when I wrote it, but a handful of people seem to find it too bitter a pill to gladly swallow. At the risk of spoiling things, all I will say is that if you want a story in which every wrong is righted and just desserts are clearly served on the page, then this might not be the one for you.
You'll enjoy this story and be sure to check out my other recommended Jackie Stevens' story "White Horses."
NOTE: 24 March 2020 - Just finished reading this story again. It really is a classic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Black Truth"
by InferiorBeing Link verified to FanFiction.net/InferiorBeing on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Adventure, Angst and Creature Fic
42 Chapters (104,304 words)
Completed 23 December 2005
Added 18 April 2017 (archived-html)
And, with bated breath, Draco traced the silver line down one more step in the family tree. Draco Lucius Malfoy ... the third full blooded Veriae in the Malfoy family ... and future life mate of Harry Potter. 42 chapters and over 100K words of a well told story complete with suspense, adventure, fluff and of course, love. You'll enjoy this one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Blood and Fire"
by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/lq_traintracks on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Past Relationship
2 Chapters (44,888 words)
Completed 11 December 2017
Added 19 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
Harry has spent the last twelve years in Romania, not returning to England as often as he knows he should. It's complicated. But when Ginny asks him to be her best man and help her plan her wedding, he can't say no. Having a reckoning with his choices, with himself, won't be easy. To say nothing of seeing Draco again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Blood Link Series
by CorvetteClaire Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/CorvetteClaire on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Angst and Action Adventure
Note from the author, CorvetteClaire - I wrote this story many, many years ago - before Order of the Phoenix was published - as the first part of a trilogy that I never quite finished. Then, 15 years later, inspiration struck and I wrote Part 3. I want to share it with you. So here is my "just for fun" Harry/Draco Angst-Ridden Romance, Action-Adventure, Evil-Creatures-Are-Attacking-Hogwarts and Stuff Happens fic. >>>>> PART ONE Blood Link Series PART ONE <<<<<
"Thicker Than Blood"
by CorvetteClaire Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/CorvetteClaire on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Action Adventure
14 Chapters (95,194 words)
Completed 18 July 2004
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
It is Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, and Voldemort has returned to full power. The Death Eaters lay siege to the castle, trapping everyone inside. Draco is injured, Harry gets roped into saving his life, Crabbe shows unexpected resourcefulness, Dumbledore gets his way (as usual), and life is complicated for Harry. But then, life is always complicated for Harry, and adolescence only makes it worse. >>>>> PART TWO Blood Link Series PART TWO <<<<<
"Adamant and Starlight"
by CorvetteClaire Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/CorvetteClaire on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
14 Chapters with a Prologue and an Epilogue (113,869 words)
Completed 18 July 2004
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
Draco disappears from Hogwarts, then returns just as mysteriously, unable to explain where he's been. Suddenly, half the wizarding world wants to get their hands on Draco, and Harry will lose him to his mother, the Ministry of Magic or much worse, if he can't find out what happened to him during those missing days. >>>>> PART THREE Blood Link Series PART THREE <<<<<
by CorvetteClaire Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/CorvetteClaire on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Blood, Violence, Childbirth, Action and Non-Explicit Sex
16 Chapters with a Prologue and an Epilogue (122,250 words)
Completed 16 August 2018
Added 11 February 2019 (archived-pdf)
It's Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts. The war against the Dark Lord is coming to a head. Voldemort believes that Draco Malfoy can provide the means to destroy Harry. If the centaurs' portents are true, he may be right.
Note from the author - This is the third and final part of the Blood Link trilogy. I wrote it very recently - 13 years after finishing Part 2 - but I have tried to give it the same feel as the original stories. It is also set in the Pre-Order of the Phoenix world. This means, all major characters are still alive, Cornelius Fudge is still Minister for Magic, we've never heard of Horcruxes or Hallows, etc. But I have used some of the ideas and settings from the later books that fit.
My take on how the war ends is much simpler than JKR's, but since she worked it all out so magnificently, there wasn't much to be gained by trying to reinvent it on the same scale. I just told the story the way I liked and focused on the elements that I find most intriguing. Honestly, I'm more interested in human-sized conflicts, such as the one between Harry and Fudge, than in end-of-the-world-sized cataclysms.
So this is my simplified, human-sized version of events, with Draco and the centaurs' portent at the center of it all. I hope you enjoy it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Blood Magic Series
by Houseofthebrideanblacks
Thestralsofspinnersend Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
houseofhebrideanblacks on 5 June 2023 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Thestralsofspinnersend on 5 June 2023
This is a three part series with the third installation still a work in progress. With over 200,000 words posted, it's an epic read. Part One deals with depression and drug addiction, so be warned. Part Two deals with recovery with recovery still being the main theme of Part Three. I am thoroughly enjoying this read.
Note from the authors: Don't read this if don't have a great support system, or if you feel like a relapse could easily be on the horizon. There's no smut here (yet), there's definitely no fluff. I mean, Neville is kinda nice, but that's it. Also, there's horrible heterosexual sex. We're sorry. Part one of this story is an emotional train wreck. We are setting the stage for Part two, and we need you primed to crawl back with our protagonists from the precipice. This is our first story (I'm writing Harry, my partner is writing Draco) and we'd love love love your feedback. Comments appreciated. Even if you just want to tell us about how horrible that heterosexual sex was. We know. >>>>> PART ONE Blood Magic Series PART ONE <<<<<
"A Half Life, A Cursed Life"
by Housefhebrideanblacks and Thestralsofspinnersend Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
houseofhebrideanblacks on 5 June 2023 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Thestralsofspinnersend on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter, Healer Malfoy, Depression, Suicide and Drug Abuse
16 Chapters (45,805 words)
Completed 8 July 2018
Added 23 February 2019 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter has decided to die. Draco Malfoy may be the only one who has noticed. >>>>> PART TWO Blood Magic Series PART TWO <<<<<
"The Forest"
by Housefhebrideanblacks and Thestralsofspinnersend Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
houseofhebrideanblacks on 5 June 2023 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Thestralsofspinnersend on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Drug Abuse, Recovery, Thestrals and Unicorns
25 Chapters (88,124 words)
Completed 23 August 2018
Added 23 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
Notes from the authors: Get ready for slow slow slow burn, the evolution of Harry's addiction and Draco's intimacy issues (now with forced proximity!), gardening, forest lore and the best tropes around (enemies to friends? to lovers? - you have to read and find out! If you're just coming across part 2, please do read part 1, I don't think it'll make very much sense without it, but as always, we caution you to mind the tags - we are serious about the dark themes we've mentioned. Make sure your support system is close, and feel free to always message or engage with us - we're always keen. >>>>> PART THREEBlood Magic Series PART THREE <<<<<
"Misunderstood Creatures"
by Housefhebrideanblacks and Thestralsofspinnersend Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
houseofhebrideanblacks on 5 June 2023 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Thestralsofspinnersend on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Recovery, Sobriety and Thestrals
25 Chapters (198,156 words)
Completed 29 April 2020
Added 23 February 2019 (archived-pdf)
Reclamation. Draco and Harry find their way back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Blood Mingled"
by Katanes Dreamer Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Katanes-Dreamer on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Angst
28 Chapters (40,089 words)
Completed 27 July 2004
Added 8 September 2009 (archived-html)
Harry and Draco get into an accident during a Quidditch match. Old blood magic works its way, creating a bond between the two enemies, binding their souls to each other. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Bodyguard"
by Luuuurve Link verified to FanFiction.net/Luuuurve on 5 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Post Half Blood Price, Romance and Angst
47 Chapters and an Epilogue (161,044 words)
Completed 19 July 2007
Added 2 November 2014 (archived-html)
Award winning fic! When Death Eaters murder Draco's mother, Draco jumps at the chance to avenge her. But he doesn't expect the Ministry to bind him, heart, body and soul, to Harry Potter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Anna Fugazzi Link verified to FanFiction.net/Anna-Fugazzi on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
21 Chapters and an Epilogue (102,682 words)
Completed 14 July 2006
Added 4 September 2008 (archived-html)
Harry and Draco are bonded after walking through a trap. Essentially, they're married and, due to the curse, feel the need to "touch" each other. Things get interesting from there. You'll enjoy this story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Boys on the Radio"
by Jordan "BluntJoey" Adorno Link verified to FanFiction.net/BluntJoey on 4 February 2024
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Angst, Romance, Horror and Adventure
22 Chapters (80,596 words)
Completed 22 January 2006
Added 4 February 2024 (archived-html)
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are trapped and alone in painful destinies when they connect unknowingly through a radio show in the summer before Fifth Year. Bonding over the deadly weight on top of both their shoulders, the boys unite on a desperate romantic but angst-filled road that sends them looking for comic relief and a reason to live. Soon enough the two realize some love isn't gay or straight ... some love just is. But will it be enough once the unlikely pair learn that in order to survive, they may just have to save the whole world for Lord Voldemort!
This story was written between Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows.
The work came onto my radar back on 21 August 2021, but I could not find a good link. I have now, so enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Breathe Again"
by kcstories Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
kcstories on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Post War, 8th Year, Drama and Romance
25 Chapters (64,217 words)
Completed 22 February 2017
Added 14 December 2018 (archived-pdf)
It's a tough thing to admit, if only to himself, but sometimes Harry misses the old Malfoy, the one that used to taunt him at every turn. The Malfoy who reappeared at Hogwarts to finish his schooling after the war, is very different, like a phantom or a shadow of his former self. Harry is determined to be his friend.
I can't say enough about kcstories! Awesome author! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Broken Toy"
by eyesemerald Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 5 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Smut and Angst
44 Chapters and an Epilogue (154,660 words)
Completed 4 January 2009
Added 8 January 2012 (archived-word/html)
After the war Harry’s not the same as he used to be. He has chosen the life of a recluse, although he is still famous, highly respected in the wizarding world, and honoured by the Ministry. His well-ordered life will be shaken by a reunion. Life will never be the same as before.
This story deals with some difficult issues and is not for the faint of heart. If you're up for it, read it. You'll enjoy it, even with the cliffhangers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Burden of Memory"
by Digitallace Link verified to FanFiction.net/Digitallace on 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Mystery and Romance
24 Chapters (59,179 words)
Completed 18 April 2009
Added 13 August 2018 (archived-html)
Draco Malfoy has woken in muggle London, unaware of his name or his past. When Harry finds him he is healthy, content and preparing to marry a stranger. While trying to help Draco recover his memory, Harry falls in love with him and oddness ensues. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Bursting Bubbles"
by Stephanniexo Link verified to FanFiction.net/Stephanniexo 5 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Angst
38 Chapters (104,094 words)
Completed 20 July 2011
Added 15 June 2016 (archived-html)
Harry and Draco grow closer during bathtime.
That's the author's summary, but I really enjoyed this as a light read and I think you will too.
by Wydkyd Link verified to FanFiction.net/The-Wykkyd on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance, Angst, Hurt and Comfort
26 Chapters (103,684 words)
Completed 27 December 2006
Added 4 June 2015 (archived-html)
Harry finds a broken and seriously injured Draco on his doorstep one night, and lets him in. When Draco tells Harry a story of pain and fear, the hero begins to rethink his feelings toward his enemy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Catch 22"
by jad Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/jad on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Humor
9 Chapters (49,895 words)
Completed 2 August 2012
Added 28 August 2017 (archived-pdf)
As if NEWTS weren't enough, Dumbledore's gone and had another one of his 'bright ideas.' If all ends well, the Houses will be getting along in no time. Or according to Harry's correspondent, an Apocalypse will be in order. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Chains of Earth"
by Cheryl Dyson Link verified to FanFiction.net/Cheryl-Dyson on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Creature Fic, Auror Harry, Romance and Mystery
18 Chapters (93,347 words)
Completed 12 March 2010
Added 4 June 2015 (archived-html)
Draco is kidnapped and forced to make a choice between taking his own life or becoming something less than human. Of course, he makes the right decision. Enter Harry, who discovers he has a bit of a thing for wings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Change My World"
by charlotteschaos Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
charlotteschaos on 7 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts, Pre-HBP, Fluff, Angst, Drama and Humor
19 Chapters (72,718 words)
Completed 26 March 2007
Added 15 December 2011 (archived-html)
"What, no goodnight kiss?" mocked Draco. Harry mimicked the patented Malfoy swagger toward the Slytherin and planted his lips on Draco's.
It always starts with a kiss, but the plot thickens. There's a whole lot more to this story than just blowjobs. >>>>> SEQUEL Change My World SEQUEL <<<<<
by charlotteschaos Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
charlotteschaos on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Romance
12 Chapters (59,780 words)
Completed 27 March 2007
Added 15 December 2011 (archived-html)
After a week apart where Harry is stuck with the Dursleys and Draco has been cooped up with the Order, the boys reunite and try to deal with their new lives.
I think you'll really like it. Charlottechaos is quite the prolific writer! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Changing of the Guard"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 7 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, AU, Action Adventure, Angst, Humor and Homophobia
49 Chapters and an Epilogue (220,202 words)
Completed 20 September 2008
Added 11 February 2009 (archived-pdf/html)
Need a perfect stranger? Ask Metamorphosis. Harry Potter runs the business secretly and becomes whoever’s needed for each occasion. He’s not sure whether he should be more surprised, worried, or amused when Draco Malfoy comes to Metamorphosis and requests an actor who can play his boyfriend so that his parents will disown him. Yet Harry has even more dangerous choices after he creates Brian, Draco’s “perfect” boyfriend. Draco doesn’t know who Brian is, but he’s trying to find out—and now so is Harry.
Lomonaaeren has written many, many wonderful stories that can also be found on this page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Changing with the Season"
by harryromper Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
harryromper on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter, Cursebreaker Malfoy and Christmas Fluff
25 Chapters (36,255 words)
Completed 2 December 2020
Added 20 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
Harry's determined the first time he hosts the extended Weasley clan for Christmas will be a success. The Grimmauld Place advent calendar has other ideas - until Draco shows up to help.
This work is a 25 Days of Draco and Harry story with each chapter written by a previously unknown prompt. I believe the author did a marvelous job. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Melissa Ann Potter Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Melissa-Anne-Potter on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Pre-DH, Action Adventure, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH-yes, it's Harry and he does not come back to life
40 Chapters and an Epilogue (258,260 words)
Completed 18 June 2008
Added 26 February 2009 (archived-html)
The summer has begun, and the search for the Horcruxes is underway. After a former rival is found in an alley, however, Harry's life becomes even more complicated. As the war escalates, friendships will be tested, lives will be lost, and Harry finds that, before he can win, he must learn the rules of the game.
As an additional disclaimer, this is not a love story nor is it meant to be read as one. Melissa wrote this in response to all the bad H/D fics she's read (she has found a few good ones too), because she wanted to see if she could put the two together in a believable way.
The Writer really enjoyed this story and I think Melissa succeeded in pairing Harry and Draco in a believable way. There's some scenes describing hallucination that might confuse you at first, but it makes sense in the end.
UPDATE: 6 December 2017 - I had forgotten had sadly this story ends. Yer gonna cry, be prepared. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Naadi Moonfeather Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.com/
Naadi on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts with an Alternate 7th Year
18 Chapters and an Epilogue (259,300 words)
Completed 28 June 2006
Added 1 April 2007 (archived-pdf/html)
Sometime after midnight in the dark halls of Hogwarts, Draco finds Harry hiding between two suits of armor ... crying. Draco forces a conversation and learns that Harry is crying because ... ha, not gonna tell you! Anyway, Draco, thinking quick on his feet, devises a way to make Harry continue the conversation ... Dare Chess. Is it love or betrayal that Draco has in mind? Naadi keeps you guessing almost right to the end.
Great story, recommended to me by Don from Alabama. Thanks Don! Got a favorite? Let me know! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Choices of the Heart"
by Naadi Moonfeather Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.com/
Naadi on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Mystery and Romance
3 Chapters (82,319 words)
Completed 28 December 2011
Added 17 July 2013 (archived-pdf)
Immediately after defeating Voldemort, Harry begins to have strange dreams, dreams that pull him once more into the realm of the newly dead. At first, the dreams are only a curious mystery, and Harry sets about putting his life back in order after the war. But when Harry dreams of Narcissa Malfoy, his life suddenly goes in a much different direction than the one he'd always imagined. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Chosen Chains"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 7 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Romance, Angst and Sexual Bondage Situations
8 Chapters (115,583 words)
Completed 27 October 2010
Added 20 December 2013 (archived-html)
After two years of exile, Harry is summoned back to Hogwarts to speak with Dumbledore's portrait. Draco is summoned back to speak with Snape's at the same time. What they find in each other will be even more challenging.
Here's a story about how Harry was abused, first by the Dursleys and then by Dumbledore himself. The twist in this story is how Harry chooses to deal with memories of that abuse and how Draco helps him deal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Claiming of Grimmauld Place"
by bixgirl1 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
bixgirl1 on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, House Magic and Explicit Sexual Situations
7 Chapters (74,228 words)
Completed 2 December 2017
Added 27 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart — and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"(Bound By) Clandestine Addiction"
by HyperLittleNori (Shiguresan) Sadly this work is no longer on line, but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year, Action Adventure, Brutal Sexual Situations and Character Death
34 Chapters (267,294 words)
Completed 23 May 2014
Added 14 September 2015 (archived-pdf/word)
They were drawn together, irrationally, irrevocably. In the face of fear, hate and pain they always felt the pull to return. For a bond unwittingly formed by Harry’s fatal spell? Or something ... else?
Oh my goodness *blush* what ah, ah, very sexually descriptive story! The plot is spot on, but it is dipping with VERY kinky sex! One very good ride here that you will enjoy between blushes (some chapters are just sex) and kleenex! I enjoyed this story very much! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by FollyOfWinchester Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
FollyOfWinchester on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, PTSD, Depression, Memory Charms and Drama
16 Chapters (20,874 words)
Completed 20 September 2015
Added 12 August 2018 (archived-pdf)
Unemployed layabout Harry Potter takes in a homeless Draco Malfoy after Obliviating him at his own request. That's the author's summary, but there's a whole lot more to the story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Caramel Ariana Link verified to FanFiction.net/
CaramelAriana on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Adventure and Romance
12 Chapters (39,064 words)
Completed 26 November 2011
Added 19 August 2014 (archived-html)
Collision: when bodies meet and exert force upon one another, resulting in the exchange of energy. When Harry and Draco are forced together on an adventure across the world, will they ever be the same? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by ATemporarilyLostPhyz (77dmk77) Link verified to FanFiction.net/
ATemporarilyLostPhyz on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Dark, Drama, Humor, Angst, Dubious Consent
37 Chapters (276,986 words)
Completed 22 December 2009
Added 18 February 2019 (archived-pdf)
Draco's punishment for an Unforgivable failure is to entertain the Dark Lord, with whom Harry shares a connection of mind. He experiences what Voldemort feels, and he begins to fall for his schoolyard nemesis. Now he has to fight to put daylight between his love and the real enemy.
Purple Starlight emailed me to let me know about a new link to this work and about its sequel! Thanks! >>>>> SEQUEL Come-Hither SEQUEL <<<<<
"Come Here"
by ATemporarilyLostPhyz (77dmk77) Link verified to FanFiction.net/
ATemporarilyLostPhyz on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Dark, Drama, Humor, Angst and Dubious Consent
16 Chapters and an Epilogue (179,386 words)
Completed 29 July 2010
Added 28 June 2021 (archived-html)
The gang ends up at Draco's villa. Adventures and explorations ensue, but amidst these and the hormones that thunder, it is ultimately a battle against time and Voldemort himself.
Many thank to Purple Starlight for the recommendation! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Conservation of Fame"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Lomonaaeren on 7 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Romance and Drama
18 Chapters (57,429 words)
Completed 24 May 2012
Added 7 November 2013 (archived-html)
Harry has peace at last under a spell that keeps people from remembering he's the Chosen One, until Malfoy stumbles through his wards, pursued by mysterious enemies. Harry has to help him, and possibly bring his peace crashing down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Corruption Sequence
by beren Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
beren on 7 June 2023
Harry Potter is captured by Voldemort and the Dark Lord has plans for him that involve the essence of many different dark creatures. What Voldemort cannot know is that the presence of Draco Malfoy will affect the outcome of his plots and change everything.
OMG, you will love this series! BUT, it is not complete, BUT, it can be read as is. >>>>> PART ONE The Corruption Sequence PART ONE <<<<<
by beren Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
beren on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Creature Fic, Post Final Battle, Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Dark and Angst
1 Chapter (8,081 words)
Completed 6 January 2010
Added 4 April 2020 (archived-pdf)
Voldemort has captured Harry and for his own twisted reasons has chosen not to kill him outright. Revenge in the Dark Lord's mind requires a fate worse than death and Harry is about to find out what that is. >>>>> PART TWO The Corruption Sequence PART TWO <<<<<
by beren Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
beren on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Creature Fic, Post Final Battle, Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Dark and Angst
2 Chapters (15,058 words)
Completed 6 January 2010
Added 4 April 2020 (archived-pdf)
Voldemort died at Harry's hand, just like the Prophecy said, but is there a life for Harry after what the Dark Lord has done to him? >>>>> PART THREE The Corruption Sequence PART THREE <<<<<
by beren Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
beren on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Creature Fic, Post Final Battle, Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Dark and Angst
5 Chapters (38,311 words)
Completed 6 January 2010
Added 4 April 2020 (archived-pdf)
Harry has returned to Hogwarts after Dumbledore took charge of the situation at Malfoy Manor, but is he safe from the Ministry and is the world safe from him? >>>>> PART FOUR The Corruption Sequence PART FOUR <<<<<
by beren Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
beren on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Creature Fic, Post Final Battle, Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Dark and Angst
5 Chapters (29,998 words)
Completed 20 May 2010
Added 4 April 2020 (archived-pdf)
Harry is officially free, but that does not mean he is ready to return to his normal life and he is still very aware that he can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. He is also beginning to realise that his relationship with Draco is anything but simple. >>>>> PART FIVE The Corruption Sequence PART FIVE <<<<<
"Alleviation (ficlet for The Corruption Sequence set after #4)"
by beren Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
beren on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Creature Fic, Post Final Battle, Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Dark and Angst
1 Chapter (2,718 words)
Completed 6 February 2014
Added 22 Aug 2020 (archived-pdf)
Draco needs to reclaim his place as top Slytherin, which includes Quidditch. Someone really doesn't want him to take back his crown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Coup de Grâce"
by FibromyalGIA Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
FibromyalGIA on 25 March 2024
Story Notes: AU, Voldemort Wins, Action Adventure, Angst and Suspense
11 Chapters (114,389 words)
Completed 7 August 2022
Added 25 March 2024 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter is dead and Voldemort has won ... at least that's what everyone's been told to believe. The world is at war, Hogwarts is more dangerous than ever, and Draco Malfoy finds himself part of a group of rebels, hell-bent on fighting back against the system of oppression now in place. Their numbers are small and hope is difficult to hold onto, but Draco is willing to risk his entire life in order to change the world for the better. He hadn't wanted things to be this way ... not really. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Crown Witness"
by slytherco Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
slytherco on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter and Mobster Malfoy
13 Chapters (70,323 words)
Completed 19 December 2020
Added 15 October 2021 (archived/pdf)
After the war, wizarding society is oppressed by a new kind of plague—an organised crime group calling itself the Family.
When Harry Potter goes to interrogate a potential witness, he doesn’t expect to end up on the run again, trying to keep Draco Malfoy alive, while a manhunt follows in their footsteps, adamant on eliminating the one witness that could ruin everything.
In which Harry and Draco learn that the way to each other might just have to go through the dingiest hotels in Britain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Cruel River"
by eleventy7 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
eleventy7 on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: AU, Non-Magic with Graphic Descriptions of Violence/Gore
10 Chapters (67,742 words)
Completed 13 March 2021
Added 3 April 2021 (archived-pdf)
Draco inherits a castle deep in the Scottish highlands, and discovers it’s haunted by more than just ghosts.
Lucius Malfoy was found dead on a bright, cold June morning. The sky was a pale and cloudless blue, but the air still had bite; summer never truly came to the distant ends of the Scottish highlands. Agsworth Castle looked pretty as a postcard upon the meadows of Caithness, and the lawns were green and lush with spring rain. It was the groundskeeper — arriving early to discuss plans for a hedge maze — who found the body. He refused to speak of it, however, and would not give the smallest detail to anyone, not even his friends. In fact, he died by the river in his nightclothes.
First of all, this is a non-magic story. Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, Molly, Neville and more are here, but in different roles. It's kinda like a who-dun-it, but more like, let's go back in time and fix a mistake the ghosts want fixing. Graphic descriptions of violence, corpses, strangulation, drowning, hanging and more, so it is not for the faint of heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Cruel to be Kind - Reboot!"
by mugglerock Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org
/mugglerock on 7 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 6th Year, Romantic Commedy and Drama
9 Chapters (41,931 words)
Completed 13 September 2015
Added 22 June 2018 (archived-pdf)
Harry has become a bit of a bastard. Hermione has become a bit narcissistic. And Ron has finally come to terms with the fact that he is in love with Hermione. Unfortunately for all of them, she refuses to date until Harry does. Includes a conniving puppet master Gryffindor, hair-brained schemes, a meddling professor, muggle music, a Shakespearean play, a little humiliation, and a lot of snark!
The work was originally written over 10 years ago, but has been rewritten by the author, hence the "reboot" in the title.
"The Darklist"
by Cheryl Dyson Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Cheryl-Dyson on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry, Angst and Romance
19 Chapters (91,023 words)
Completed 25 July 2014
Added 9 February 2016 (archived-html)
When Draco Malfoy, wanted criminal, strolled into the Ministry to give himself up, he seemed destined for Azkaban until he offered to hand over information to avert an upcoming crime. Of course, he refused to divulge that knowledge to anyone but Harry Potter.
Cheryl Dyson has become one of my favorite authors. At least a half dozen of her stories are on this list. You will enjoy every single one of them.
NOTE: 7 October 2021 - I am enjoying watching "The Blacklist" on Netflix. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dear Me"
by Lily272 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lily272 on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, War and Peace
18 Chapters (85,772 words)
Completed 13 February 2017
Added 5 September 2018 (archived-html)
Why do the goblins do a strange test with Wizards that have a vault once they are over the age of 15? What does it have to do with Harry suddenly having even more money? Watch how a spell Harry let the Goblins do in his former life gives him the chance to find love and a family including a brother. Sadly, his family is on the wrong side of this war. Or are there even more secrets?.
OK, so here's the 411. The plot is excellent, but the grammer and spelling is horrible. Occasionally, you'll have to read a sentence twice to be able to understand it. The situation is unique and the plot, as I said, is excellent. I really enjoyed it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dearest Harry - Eileen's Story"
by Quill Lumos (Lucie) Link verified to thematic-hp.livejournal.com on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Deathly Hallows, Tragedy, Angst and Romance
52 Chapters with an Epilogue (175,936 words)
Completed 17 October 2007
Added 5 February 2010 (archived-html)
Author Summary: Snape is on the run, persued by everyone, hated by all. All that is except his mother and one day she calls her son to her house because she has something to tell him, a secret she has never shared. Until now.....
Let me be the first to say that I am not a big fan of Severus Snape and I am not a big fan of stories where Snape takes on a parental role for Harry. That being said, I am still recommending this story. There are a few stories like this that I recommend, but the vast majority of them don't make this list. So ... this must be a really good story then. Yep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Defying the Odds"
by Ibbsterkisster Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Ibbsterkisster on 29 February 2024
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Battle with Graphic Violence
41 Chapters (213,688 words)
Completed 23December 2022
Added 29 February 2024 (archived-pdf)
There was only so much Draco Malfoy could take. He was intelligent, he could see what was happening, what he was fighting for, what he had to pay for a cause he didn't even believe in. He wasn't brave, he didn't rush into situations without thinking first. He wasn't a Gryffindor. Draco Malfoy was a Slytherin. And he was about to show the world and a certain green-eyed Saviour, how useful Slytherins could be.
The author's native tongue is not English, but does a relatively good job. This is a dark story, with many loveable character deaths (not Harry or Draco). There is some rape/sexual assault, so be warned. I enjoyed this epic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Depths of Winter"
by BananaCosmicGirl Link verified to CosmicUniverse.net on 8 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Post Hogwarts and Drama
25 Chapters and an Epilogue (104,000 words)
Completed 5 August 2004
Added 1 April 2007 (archived-pdf)
Four years after getting out of Hogwarts, Harry lives alone in the Muggle world. He has turned his back on the magical world – until one day, when Draco Malfoy gets into a car crash before Harry’s eyes and ends up paralyzed in a wheelchair. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Desperate Measures"
by vvc Link verified to FanFiction.net/vvc on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama, Angst, Veela and MPREG
42 Chapters and an Epilogue (196,014 words)
Completed 4 June 2008
Added 8 January 2012 (archived-html)
Harry may be a half-Veela, but there was no such thing as a destined mate. If somebody wanted him, they would have to prove their worthiness. And Draco’s chances don't look so good when Harry guts him at the welcoming feast.
The author goes into great detail about Veela. I found it most interesting and the angst is well written. Bad Dumbledore, good Mad-Eye. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Different Worlds"
by Professor McKitten Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 8 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: AU, Romance with Explicit Sexual Situations
46 Chapters (195,425 words)
Completed 17 September 2005
Added 2 December 2018 (archived-pdf)
Draco is sent to Durmstrang for the first five years of his schooling. How ever does he and Harry end up together? Yep, that's the entire author summary, but with forty-six chapters and almost two hundred thousand words makes this an epic read. Professor McKitten has many other stories listed on this page that I have recommended. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dirty Business"
by ILoveToChin25 Link verified to FanFiction.net/
ILoveToChin25 on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: AU Deathly Hallows
30 Chapters and an Epilogue (184,631 words)
Completed 31 January 2009
Added 13 July 2013 (archived-html)
Harry is captured after setting off on his own to find the remaining Horcruxes, and is kept alive for Voldemort's own nefarious games. Draco Malfoy is assigned to look after him, and does so to protect his own self interest. Or does he? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dittany and other healing remedies for the heart"
by Liligalaxy Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Liligalaxy on 12 November 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year
16 Chapters (55,467 words)
Completed 19 September 2022
Added 12 November 2023 (archived-pdf)
After the final battle Harry, Hermione and Ron go back to Hogwarts to finish their eighth year, but some things are never going to be the same. Having lost so much, Harry just wants to go back to the only place he can call home and heal, but sometimes when you've lost everything you thought safe and certain, the only way to move forward is to make amends with the past and maybe, just maybe, find something new. Or, how one cup of tea can mend even broken hearts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Do It All Over Again Series"
by DracoWillHearAboutThis Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
DracoWillHearAboutThis on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts with POV Draco
Rated from G to Explicit - see each work for rating
7 works started 24 October 2017 - completed 6 March 2021
Added 23 October 2020 (archived-pdf)
All he wanted was a way out. A way to do it all over again, and to erase his mistakes.
>>>>> PART ONE Do It All Over PART ONE <<<<<
"Draco Malfoy and the Letter from the Future"
by DracoWillHearAboutThis Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
DracoWillHearAboutThis on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts with POV Draco
8 Chapters (33,459 words)
Completed 12 January 2018
Added 23 August 2020 (archived-pdf)
All he wanted was a way out. A way to do it all over again, and to erase his mistakes. He stared at the crackling blue flames so hard they imprinted in his vision. At age eleven, Draco receives a letter from the future, which will make him change the path he has set out upon and lead him into a life he'd never dared to imagine. >>>>> PART TWO Do It All Over PART TWO <<<<<
"Draco Malfoy and the Dark Lord's Diary"
by DracoWillHearAboutThis Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
DracoWillHearAboutThis on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts with POV Draco
7 Chapters (29,456 words)
Completed 25 March 2018
Added 23 August 2020 (archived-pdf)
Draco enters his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, not knowing he would be confronted with exactly the identity he was trying to leave behind. >>>>> PART THREE Do It All Over PART THREE <<<<<
"Draco Malfoy and the Cousin He'd Never Asked for (Thank You Very Much)"
by DracoWillHearAboutThis Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
DracoWillHearAboutThis on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts with POV Draco
8 Chapters (34,331 words)
Completed 2 July 2018
Added 23 August 2020 (archived-pdf)
Draco enters his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and if he expected himself to be used to drama and life-threatening plots this time around, he was, sadly, mistaken. Draco had to wonder, though, why in Merlin's name it was always his family bringing about their doom, like a screwed up version of that ridiculous Muggle Christmas character Hermione had told him about. Why couldn't it, for once, be a distant Weasley relative to be led astray, or really, anyone who was not sharing a bloodline with him? But that would be too easy, Draco figured, and if his life was anything, it was always horribly difficult. >>>>> PART FOUR Do It All Over PART FOUR <<<<<
"Draco Malfoy and Why in Merlin's Name is it ALWAYS Harry?!"
by DracoWillHearAboutThis Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
DracoWillHearAboutThis on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts with POV Draco
13 Chapters (56,942 words)
Completed 17 November 2018
Added 23 August 2020 (archived-pdf)
When Draco's mother had told him about the Triwizard Tournament being held at Hogwarts, he'd pictured a fun year of following the action with his friends from the safety of the stands. He had not expected that Harry would be forced to participate, but maybe he should have. Things always happened to Harry, did they not? >>>>> PART FIVE Do It All Over PART FIVE <<<<<
"Draco Malfoy and the Depths of the Mind"
by DracoWillHearAboutThis Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
DracoWillHearAboutThis on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts with POV Draco
17 Chapters (65,954 words)
Completed 13 July 2019
Added 23 August 2020 (archived-pdf)
With the return of the Dark Lord, the obstacles Draco has to face in his fifth year are of a completely different nature than he could have ever imagined. Between navigating his role caught amidst the fronts, fighting maniacal educators and teaching Harry to protect his mind from unfriendly attacks, he also has to deal with the challenges of teenage life, and that, mind you, might be the worst of all of those. >>>>> PART SIX Do It All Over PART SIX <<<<<
"Draco Malfoy and the Year When Everyone Suddenly Paid Attention to Him"
by DracoWillHearAboutThis Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
DracoWillHearAboutThis on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts with POV Draco
15 Chapters (70,374 words)
Completed 22 February 2020
Added 23 August 2020 (archived-pdf)
By the start of his sixth year at Hogwarts, Draco had sort of gotten used to slipping under the radar of his fellow students. It was a natural side-effect of being a member of the closest circle of The Boy Who Lived, newly dubbed The Chosen One. So it was a bit of an understatement to say that he was surprised to have eyes following him down the corridors now, especially when one of those pairs was familiar and piercingly green. >>>>> PART SEVEN Do It All Over PART SEVEN <<<<<
"Draco Malfoy and the Truth of the Heart"
by DracoWillHearAboutThis Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
DracoWillHearAboutThis on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts with POV Draco
26 Chapters (130,979 words)
Completed 6 March 2021
Added 23 August 2020 (archived-pdf)
Dumbledore, throughout his long, colourful life, had made a lot of dubious decisions, but the choice to send four emotionally constipated teenagers on a Horcrux hunt across the country to save the Wizarding World might have easily taken the cake.
Or: The Camping Trip From Hell, and everything that followed after. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Doors We Open"
by shanfawn16 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/shanfawn16 on 8 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Romance and Alternate Reality
39 Chapters (83,289 words)
Completed 15 May 2013
Added 2 June 2014 (archived-pdf)
NOTE: You have to be logged on to AO3 in order to read this work! 4 February 2024
Years after the reported death of the Boy Who Lived, the British wizarding community is at war against Lord Voldemort, and desperate for help. Draco is in the States on a mission for the Order of the Phoenix when trouble befalls him. Grievously injured in a hit and run accident, he must ascertain who it is that is trying to kill him while trying to complete his mission. Wandless and alone, he awakens in a Muggle hospital and must try to unravel the mystery. Who can he turn to for help? He befriends the nurse charged with his care, a young Muggle named Harry, and together they tumble into subterfuge and danger they had never imagined.
Author's Notes (edited): After several years away, I have returned to write another fic. This fic is completed. This is un-beta'd at this point, so all mistakes are mine, and mine alone. All identifiable characters belong to the incomparable JKR and other licensed groups. I do not own them, but I do enjoy playing. All other characters are of my own invention. There are several real cities mentioned herein, but all businesses are completely fictional. Any resemblance to actual businesses, real or fictional is unintentional. This story is completely AU, due to the fact that a rabid plot bunny attacked me with the question, 'What would have happened to everyone if Harry had been removed from the picture? What would happen when/if he came back? Please enjoy and review! The title comes from a quote by Flora Whittemore. “The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”
shanfawn16 is also the author of "Into the Light of the Dark Black Night" which is also listed on this page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Double Edged Sword"
by romaine Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Romaine on 9 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Action Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humour, Romance, Smut and Tragedy
100 Chapters and an Epilogue (566,772 words)
Completed 16 September 2008
Added 9 October 2009 (archived-pdf)
Step into the Magical life story—love story of Harry and Draco. This epic-journey begins where book 6 leaves us readers, stranded at the monument of Albus Dumbledore. At that moment, Harry thinks his life is planned out; if it's short he dies, if it's long he gets the girl. However, visitors come to see him the night he 'Comes of Age' and he has a decision to make. His choice changes the course of his life and those around him forever. The story adheres to canon as much as possible. The beginning has a lot of het H/G. It will change, for this is Harry and Draco's story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Double Take"
by kcstories Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
kcstories on 9 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Alternate Take on 4th Year, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Major Charactor Death, Underage, Bad Dumbledore and Triwizard Tournament
60 Chapters (84,171 words)
Completed 29 June 2006
Added 28 March 2010 (archived-pdf)
The Yule Ball didn't go according to plan. An intrigued Draco follows a desolate Harry into a hidden room. Things will never be the same again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Draco Malfoy and his Unknown Fate"
by Jitterbug Link verified to QueerAsJedi.net/ on 9 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic during Hogwarts Era
60 Chapters (84,171 words)
Completed 29 June 2006
Added 25 August 2014 (archived-html)
Due to a difference of opinion, Draco is disinherited by his father. He now has to make his own way in life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin"
by Saber ShadowKitten Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Saber-ShadowKitten on 9 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Alternate 5th Year, Drama, Action Adventure and Romance
23 Chapters (36,957 words)
Completed 28 August 2005
Added 9 January 2012 (archived-html)
Instead of allowing Draco to stay with family or friends when his father is arrested, Dumbledore places him with Harry Potter at number four Privet Drive for the summer. What was Dumbledore thinking? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Draco Malfoy and the Tome of Entrapment"
by Saber ShadowKitten Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Saber-ShadowKitten on 9 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure and Drama
11 Chapters (64,675 words)
Completed 8 December 2004
Added 6 April 2010 (archived-html)
Draco has been obsessed with Harry Potter since the beginning, but how did his hatred turn into his protecting Harry above even his own safety? One thing's for sure: being trapped in a book with the person you secretly loved wasn't a picnic.
I must have read this story a long time ago and forgot to add it because from the very first chapter it all seemed familiar to me. But, I went ahead and read the whole thing and I'm glad that I did. Wonderfully told story. You'll enjoy it! One of my all-time favorites! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dragon Blood"
by Loisceles Link verified to Members.Adult-FanFiction.org/
profile.php?no=1296775363 on 9 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Pre-War, Really Bad Ginny and MPREG
26 Chapters with a Prologue and 2 Epilogues (162,639 words)
Completed 23 October 2011
Added 31 May 2015 (archived-word)
The wizarding world has a secret that Draco Malfoy carries without him knowing it. There are some things that for some wizards hold more importance than even the eventual defeat of Voldemort.
This is an interesting story about dragons. I get the impression that the author's first language is not English. Just overlook that and you will enjoy the story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dragon Kin"
by Fyreheart Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Fyreheart on 9 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 5th-6th Year and AU
33 Chapters (157,274 words)
Completed 19 July 2010
Added 31 May 2015 (archived-html)
During the summer between Harry's 5th and 6th year, an ancestor of Harry's discovers the last of the line has been mistreated and decides it's time to intercede. There be dragons here. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dragon Tamer"
by Jennavere Link verified to Fictionalley-archive.org/
authors/jennavere on 9 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Between OOP and HBP, Romance and Humor
29 Chapters (114,843 words)
Completed 4 January 2005
Added 22 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf/word)
NOTE: There used to be a "naughty" version of this story on SkyHawke. It is no longer online, but I have a copy.
Malfoy is desperate to avoid his arranged marriage to Pansy Parkinson. He explains to his father that he's seeing someone else. Lucius raises an eyebrow. Draco grabs the first person walking by and introduces him.
"Father, this is my boyfriend, ah, Harry Potter." Somehow Draco convinces Harry to go along with the ruse.
LOL! And there's more!
"Malfoy, honestly, I can't believe you spent all that money on me. You didn't have to do that, you know."
"Potter, how many times do I have to tell you - yes, I did. You are supposedly dating a Malfoy now. I am positively swimming in money and I'm not going to let you walk around looking like some urchin off the street. It makes me look bad by association. And don't try to tell me you didn't need the haircut, your hair was positively atrocious."
Harry scowled. He was not used to caring about his appearance, and Draco had just spent the whole morning cleaning him up. He had bought Harry tons of new clothes, forced him to get a haircut, and then surprised him with contact lenses.
"I feel like you're my sugar daddy."
"Your what?"
LOL!! Take a wild ride as the ruse slowly develops to something else. Fasten your seatbelts ... this is one hilarious ride! Jennavere is also the author of "The Veela Enigma" and "Intrepid Teenage Hero" both of which can be found on this page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dragonhart Caravan" (Originally titled "Gypsy Caravan")
by witchdragon Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Witchdragon on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Pre-Hogwarts, Romance, AU, First Time, Language and OCC-ness
83 Chapters and an Epilogue (239,831 words)
Completed 18 September 2008
Added 4 January 2010 (archived-pdf)
5 year old Harry Potter overhears his Aunt complaining to his Uncle about the "freaks" camping nearby. Maybe if they are the same type of "freak" he is they will want him?
"Lemme splain Lucy." There are actually only 5 chapters to this story, but the author chose to include multiple chapters within each chapter, so Chapter One is actually Chapters 1 through 19. Chapter Two is actually Chapter 20 through 39, etc. Now you're in the know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Dragons of Raveana"
by Copper Vixon Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Copper-Vixen on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 6th Year and AU
29 Chapters and an Epilogue (104,301 words)
Completed 11 June 2023
Added 9 October 2015 (archived-html)
A distant ancestor of Harry's once attempted to protect the magical Mage Dragons from their impending death. The discovery of an old Potter vault brings intrigue and a sense of mystery to the sixth year. As events begin to unfold, Harry finds himself being led towards something greater then even he realizes.
There be lots of dragons here. Copper Vixon is also the author of "A Panther's Heart" which is also on this list. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Drop Dead Gorgeous"
by Maya
Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Here is a link to a review of the story by Draquina.
Story Notes: AU and Comedy
14 Chapters (131,057 words)
Saved 24 October 2011
Added 4 February 2024 (archived-pdf/word)
Six years after the war, Harry is an Auror and Draco Malfoy is his assigned partner working under Kingsley Shacklebolt. After an 11-month stint of celibacy, Harry is called into Shacklebolt’s office one day, where a lascivious Horace Slughorn must break the news to Harry that he has Veela heritage and needs to have sex as soon as possible because his attraction charms are getting out of hand. Shenanigans ensue.
Drop Dead Gorgeous was written across two years between Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows, so it should be considered AU after the events of The Half-Blood Prince. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dying Flames"
by Copper Vixon Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Copper-Vixen on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 6th Year, AU, Romance and Adventure Rated K+
25 Chapters and an Epilogue (85,903 words)
Completed 3 November 2006 (archived-html)
Added to this list 31 December 2015
Harry Potter lost the war and was tossed in Azkaban, he was slightly surprised when Voldemort introduced him to his new cellmate Draco Malfoy.
Copper Vixon is also the author of "A Panther's Heart" and "The Dragons of Raveana" which are also on the Ultimate Harry/Draco List.
"The Echoes of Yesterday"
by Samayel Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Samayel on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Professor Potter, Character Death and Time Manipulation
44 Chapters (105,596 words)
Completed 16 September 2016
Added 31 May 2017 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter is approaching forty, teaching DADA at Hogwarts, and quietly mourning the death of his one love ... Draco. Then Draco's son arrives at Hogwarts, laying waste to Harry's quiet and peaceful life.
Oh my goodness, this is wonderful story with a plot twist you will not see coming. Actually, it brought tears to my eyes. Don't let the "Character Death" warning hold you back. Great story!
NOTE: 3 November 2021 - Just read this story again. It is awesome!
by Mijan Link verified to FanFiction.net/Mijan on 11 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts, Angst and Suspense
20 Chapters (309,149 words)
Completed 18 January 2006
Added 10 February 2012 (archived-html)
Draco swore revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and for once, he keeps his promise. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. But when Draco’s world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins. This is a well written story with an excellent plot and wonderful visionaries. I highly recommend it.
UPDATE: 23 January 2016 - I just read this story again and WOW! Awesome, awesome story!
"Elementals of Magic: Prophecy of Lies"
by mistykasumi Link verified to FanFiction.net/mistykasumi on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure and Romance
36 Chapters (131,809 words)
Completed 23 March 2003
Added 18 November 2014 (archived-html)
A 7th year contest called "Founder's Pride" causes Harry and Draco to bond, setting off a prophecy long ago stopped by the interference of Sirius Black. A prophecy that told of Voldemort's destruction.
"Étoile des Neiges" (Star Snow)
by BloodyFlammable Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/BloodyFlammable on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure and Romance
7 Chapters (32,577 words)
Completed 23 February 2017
Added 26 August 2017 (archived-pdf) Potter was leaning against the doorframe, feet bare, jeans low on his hips, ear pierced, nose red from the cold. He was smirking as if the sole purpose of his existence was to drive Draco crazy.
The eighth years spend the holidays in a French ski resort and Draco comes to terms with his feelings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by hawthorn_and_holly (bigblueboxat221b) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
pseuds/HawthornAndHolly on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 8th Year and Romance
32 Chapters (101,065 words)
Completed 15 December 2019
Added 14 January 2020 (archived-pdf)
Harry is offered the chance to return to Hogwarts. He jumps at the opportunity for some quiet solitude in the weeks before the academic year begins. To his surprise, he is not the only one seeking to make new memories and perhaps redefine some old relationships in the process.
NOTE: 31 August 2021 - Just re-read this story and I firmly stand by my recommendation. Read and enjoy!
"Exit Wounds"
by StarAndMoon (TheDarkestStar) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
StarAndMoon on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure and Romance
17 Chapters (21,158 words)
Completed 30 July 2015
Added 6 June 2018 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco are placed in one hospital room and team up to investigate a murder.
Well, that's the author's summary, but there's a whole lot more to this story. It's a good "who done it" with twists and surprises. See if you can figure it out before the end.
"Expecting the Unexpected"
by Phoenixstrike Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Phoenixstrike on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 7th Year, Drama, MPREG and Romance
15 Chapters (72,931 words)
Completed 15 May 2013
Added 13 December 2018 (archived-pdf)
Harry just wanted one normal year at Hogwarts. He should have known that 'normal' is for other people, not him. And this time it's not even his fault. What's an eighteen-year-old boy, who also happens to be a virgin, to do when he suddenly discovers he's pregnant?
I read this story a while back and stumbled on it again yesterday. I read it and its second installment in one day and immediately decided to add it to my recommendations.
>>>>> SEQUEL Expecting the Unexpected SEQUEL <<<<<
"Gamma Draconis"
by Phoenixstrike Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Phoenixstrike on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Auror Potter, Drama, Impotence and Post MPREG
7 Chapters (37,019 words)
Completed 18 July 2013
Added 13 December 2018 (archived-pdf)
It's fourteen years since the birth of Lily Eltanin. She's now at Hogwarts nursing a woefully inappropriate crush on a certain Gryffindor boy, Harry and Draco are having problems in the bedroom, and whilst his secretary's attention is flattering, Harry simply isn't interested.
by AmayaSora Link verified to FanFiction.net/AmayaSora on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Between Deathly Hallows and Epilogue, Epilogue Compliant, Hurt, Comfort and Romance
23 Chapters with an Epilogue (65,355 words)
Completed 4 January 2005
Added 13 July 2013 (archived-html)
The years after the Second Wizarding War aren't going well for Draco Malfoy, but for Harry, life is great. When they are thrown together, both will learn the incredible power of love and, especially, of choices. This story is HP epilogue compliant.
Harry is an Auror chasing the bad guys and loving life. Everything is pretty much normal until Harry opens the door at Grimwald Place to find a severly beaten up Draco Malfoy.
by Dragongirl16 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Dragongirl16 on 11 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts, Pro-OOP, Drama and Angst
47 Chapters with an Epilogue (375,540 words)
Completed 2 December 2005
Added 6 March 2006 (archived-html)
Here's a story that caught my attention and the plot is really good. What would happen if the whole wizarding world turned its back on Harry Potter? And that includes Ron and Hermione. What happens when the only real family you have turns it back on you? Who will Harry turn to?
>>>>> SEQUEL Faith SEQUEL <<<<<
"To Walk a Narrow Path"
by Dragongirl16 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Dragongirl16 on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Pro-OOP, Drama and Angst
54 Chapters with an Epilogue (221,120 words)
Completed 16 April 2009
Added 24 October 2009 (archived-html)
The sequel to "Faith" is not for the faint at heart. There is a lot of blood and gore in this supernatural story. The gods have been awakened and not all of them are good. In fact, there are some really nasty ones. Follow along as Harry deals with the Otherworld and ancient gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Fast Forward, Two Steps Back"
by Emma Grant Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/emmagrant01 on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Romance
5 Chapters and an Epilogue (38,706 words)
Completed 14 April 2011
Added 22 November 2012 (archived-html)
Here's a really good plot twist. Instead of saving Draco from the Fiendfyre in the Room of Requirement, Harry loses his grip and Draco drops into certain death. Now, ten years later, Draco shows up having not aged one day from the last time Harry had seen him. This is a very well told story. Warning: Professor/Student sex! LOL!
"Ferret in My Shoe"
by MikoGoddess Link verified to FanFiction.net/MikoGoddess on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Romance
13 Chapters (112,072 words)
Completed 29 March 2008
Added 3 August 2018 (archived-html)
To protect Draco from the wrath of the Dark Lord after failing to kill Dumbleore, Snape turns him into a ferret. Harry finds Malfoy with the other ferrets in a pet shop the summer before their 7th year, and decides to take him home to question him about his reason for being there. Malfoy discovers a lot about Harry as he waits for Harry to come of age and turn him back, and decides he was hating him for all the wrong reasons. As Draco has no desire to join the death eaters, he goes back to Hogwarts desguised as his anamagus form, a fox and as Harry's familiar. I'm not sure if it means anything," said Draco. "It was a name I made up once when I as little. When I was about seven, I found a small bird that had fallen from its nest, and decided to take care of it. Arabel was the name I decided to give it; it was some syllables I threw together that I thought sounded cool. When father found out, well, he decided to teach me a lesson that day about 'weaker beings.' Apparently all things that aren't fit to take care of themselves do not deserve to live. He killed it then ... the glee in his eyes was frightening actually."
This is a really well written story. I am sure you will enjoy it.
>>>>> SEQUEL Ferret in My Shoe SEQUEL <<<<<
"Corrupted Legacy
by MikoGoddess Link verified to FanFiction.net/MikoGoddess on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Romance
9 Chapters (63,315 words)
Completed 2 August 2010
Added 20 June 2021 (archived-html)
So the boys are out of school and Voldy's dead. That doesn't mean life will be easy. What happens now when the most feared dark wizard comes back to haunt them in ways no one would have expected? Rough times, that's what!. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Oakstone730 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Oakstone730 on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Bonds
16 Chapters (94,871 words)
Completed 29 December 2019
Added 27 January 2020 (archived-pdf)
"Draco is forced to tutor Harry in potions. A slight problem occurs." That's the author's summary, but there is a whole lot more to this story. I know you are going to enjoy it.
"fly like paper, high like planes"
by harryromper Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/harryromper on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Quidditch and Disability
5 Chapters (47,196 words)
Completed 4 December 2019
Added 27 January 2020 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter, Head Coach of the Appleby Arrows, is very content leading a quiet life. He has a doddery old house-elf who makes his breakfast, a team of players who love Quidditch almost as much as he does, and a Kneazle that curls against his damaged leg at the foot of his bed at night. The absolute last thing he needs is a fit, tattooed, and wildly talented Draco Malfoy back from living his life on the margins. Soon he’s dealing with goblins for the first time since the war, traveling to Prague, eating dodgy squid, and maybe, just maybe, accepting that Quidditch, Malfoy, and even Harry himself are still capable of change. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"For the Price of a Soul"
by SilverCookieDust Link verified to FanFiction.net/
SilverCookieDust on 9 December 2023
Story Notes: Angst, Drama, Graphic Descriptions of Torture or Gore, Rape, Master-Slave and Pre-Hogwarts & Hogwarts/
59 Chapters (473,799 words)
Completed 30 November 2018
Added 9 December 1023 (archived-pdf)
After selling his soul to a demon for incredible power at the tips of his fingers, Harry flees Privet Drive to spend his next few years on the streets of London, hidden magically as well as physically. When he finally enrols at Hogwarts, only a handful of people know who he truly is, but obscurity doesn’t keep him from trouble and power doesn’t make for experience.
Recommended by my good friend Marcos from Italy. Thanks Marcos! You always find great stories. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"For the Sake of Grades"
by RarePairFairy Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
RarePairFairy on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts during 6th Year
27 Chapters (49,454 words)
First published 6 August 2014
Completed 14 July 2015
Added 17 September 2015 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy didn't find it difficult to serve Voldemort. He found it impossible. Which is why, upon being ordered to kill Dumbledore, he defected to the side of good and sent his own father to prison. Students on both sides of the conflict have problems with him, and he finds himself beset on all sides by hatred and distrust. Harry doesn't know how to feel about any of it, but someone's going to have to take Malfoy's side in all this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"For the Want of a Nail"
by thewickednix Link verified to https://www.fanfiction.net/
thewickednix on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts era, Major Character Death, Action Adventure, Creature and First Person
29 Chapters (76,416 words)
Completed 9 January 2010
Added 10 May 2020 (archived-pdf)
Only months before Draco's upcoming initiation to the Dark Side, an unexpected situation in a dark alleyway causes distortion in his plans. Draco is forced to rethink his options of how he is to get through the war on the winning side. Because only one thing is for certain: he will live to see the end of it.
I'm not usually a fan of first person works and this one flips back and forth quite a bit. It can be confusing at times, but well worth the read. From the author - What I like to call my masterpiece. So far, anyway. It was my first ever-published fanfiction. Also my first ever H/D. I wanted to write a classic theme (and as we all know, the vampire!thing is not exactly a new idea), but I didn't want to fall into the void of hundreds of badly written clichés. I wanted to write something different, which was one of the main reasons I chose to write mainly from Draco's Pov. FtWoaN was also supposed to be something of a 10 chapters long fic, but oh well... it sort of kept growing as I progressed. And before I knew it, I had 29 chapters, 77,000 words and an obsession with writing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Minks Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 11 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Non-HBP Compliant and Romance
22 Chapters and an Epilogue (48,004 words)
Completed 4 March 2006
Added 10 January 2012 (archived-pdf)
Hermione and Ron finally started dating officially. Harry looked miserable. Draco thought Harry was really in love with Hermione so he hits Harry with the Curse of the Forbidden Fruit. The curse causes the person to not be able to resist acting on lustful thoughts for a forbidden love. Little does Draco know, Harry's forbidden love is not Hermione, but Draco. And, a little side effect of the curse causes Draco to want Harry just as much. So naturally there's lots of sex going on. On the surface it seems to be against each boys' wills; however, under the surface, other things are really happening.
That's the main plot, but there's a lot more going on as well. As Harry and Draco try to deal with the curse, there's a lot of other people that are trying to deal with Harry and Draco. It's a really good story and the sex scenes are not for the faint of heart ... whew! Really hot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Shivani Link verified to FanFiction.net/Shivani on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Summer of 6th Year, AU and Good is Bad and Bad is Good
30 Chapters (127,363 words)
Completed 1 January 2009
Added 9 June 2019 (archived-html)
Authors Notes: "Wherein Dumbledore does the unforgivable, and is forsaken by his pawn. This is a departure from what we know of how his sixth year summer will go (meaning, that it's to be his shortest stay ever at Privet Drive, and it's not even mentioned here) and gallops quite merrily into the world of AU. If betrayal fics aren't your cup of tea, or if over-powered Harry isn't your flavour of the month, you may not like this story. Final note is that I wrote this a long time ago, so the beginning of it is rather fast-paced so I could get to where I wanted to go with the barest of fuss—it may or may not approach believable, but I'm not sure I care."
Evil Dumbledore, Good Voldemort, Super Strong Harry. I enjoyed it.
Note to self - Shivani is on AO3 under same name. Forsaken is not listed on AO3.
"Gay Aurors"
by charlotteschaos Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/charlotteschaos on 11 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Post Hogwarts and CrackFic (A work of fan fiction that is absurd, surprising or ridiculous, often intentionally)
16 Chapters (129,147 words)
Completed 15 May 2007
Added 10 January 2012 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Ron are Aurors, but having not completed their training, they are not yet full field operatives. Draco, on the other hand, is a new fully certified field operative. Kingsley Shackelbolt, Head Auror, only sends out Aurors in teams. As part of Harry and Ron's training, they are sent out with only certified field operatives. When Harry and Draco are paired as partners, they find themselves having to do some very intimate things to close the case. Awesome story!
"Get Some"
by Sara Holmes Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
sara_holmes on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year, Post War and Romance
24 Chapters (81,220 words)
Completed 16 July 2010
Added 26 March 2013 (archived-pdf)
Harry is getting rather fed up with everyone treating him differently after the war, and catches hold of the one person who doesn't seem to care about his hero status.
"Gold Tinted Spectacles" (2015/16 edit)
by Beren (aka Didi) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn/
users/beren on 11 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts, Fantasy and Drama
40 Chapters (182,581 words)
Completed 4 April 2006
Added 14 October 2008 (archived-pdf)
Harry is about to enter his seventh year, and things are not quite what he expected. He is no longer the angry boy who watched his world fall apart at the end of his fifth year, but neither has he completely found his place yet. He is looking for something, and to his confusion it seems to involve Draco Malfoy. Set for revelations that will shake his whole world view, Harry must deal with unstable magic, far too many secrets, love, kidnapping, his dead godfather, and of course Voldemort and his lackeys. It's going to be a busy year.
Absolutely great story, but I'll warn you, Beren loves a good cliffhanger, so be prepared to have to force yourself to take a break from reading. This is an all time classic.
>>>>> SEQUEL Gold Tinted Specitcals SEQUEL< <<<<
"Defence, Pretence, Offence"
by beren Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn/
users/beren on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Written Pre-HBP, Drama, Angst and AU
81 Chapters (197,497 words)
Completed 3 August 2018
Added 1 December 2018 (archived-pdf)
The threat of open war in on the horizon. The Order and the Ministry are of one accord and both know that where Harry Potter is, Voldemort will eventually be. Preparations are being made and this time the side of the light will not be caught unawares. Summer classes, sabotage, revelations about Draco's father, teaching and the final showdown with Voldemort all await Harry and Draco in this exciting sequel to Gold Tinted Spectacles.
This story is canon compliant until the end of Order of the Phoenix and then goes AU. None of the HBP or Deathly Hallows plot will be used, or the Horcruxes for that matter since this story was planned before we knew the details about those things, and hence has it's own fanon. This includes birthdays and other information that have since been revealed on Pottermore (which shut down and is now WizardingWorld.com) and in further productions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Goodness of Their Hearts"
by Teratext Link verified to FictionAlley/Authors/TeraText on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Mystery
17 Chapters (40,796 words)
Completed 6 January 2004
Added 2 November 2004 (archived-html)
Malfoy Security Inc. is hired when Chudley Cannons' star Seeker Harry Potter starts receiving disturbing letters. That's the short of it, but it's a great read! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Groundhog Day"
by Sprout2012 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Sprout2012 on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Romance
4 Chapters (10,845 words)
Completed 3 January 2014
Added 25 February 2014 (archived-html)
Yes, this story is inspired by the movie of the same name (1993) that starred Bill Murray. Poor Draco is stuck in the same day, day after day after day, until he finally gets it right. Read and enjoy.
NOTE: If you like this story, you might want to check out "Tea and No Sympathy" by who_la_hoop, also listed on this page that has another "Groundhogish" plot.
"Growing Pains"
by SensiblyTainted Link verified to FanFiction.net/SensiblyTainted on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama and Romance
29 Chapters (187,615 words)
Completed 24 April 2006
Added 14 January 2010 (archived-html)
This story has two strikes against it ... good Snape and toddler Harry/Draco. I'm not a big fan of Snape and I'm not into toddler speak. That being said, then why am I recommending this story? Simple, because it's good. Just when you think you can't stand another toddler tantrum, something big happens. Overall, I think you'll enjoy the story very much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Guilded Soul"
by Digitallace Link verified to FanFiction.net/Digitallace on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama and Romance
42 Chapters (94,100 words)
Completed 30 May 2008
Added 16 August 2018 (archived-html)
It’s one thing to hear about the daring tales of Harry Potter but quite another to be living in the middle of one. But the danger Draco is destined for seems trivial once he finds himself falling in love with Harry. This is one of the first stories written by Digitallace, but she has reworked it. She is also the author of "The Burden of Memory," "Memoirs of a Male Escort" and "Ten Steps" all of which are listed here. She is quite the author!
"Harry Potter and the Black King"
by phoenixstrike Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Phoenixstrike on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Horcrux Hunt, AU, Action Adventure, Drama and Romance
19 Chapters and an Epilogue (139,211 words)
Completed 17 December 2012
Added 1 January 2013 (archived-pdf)
AU from Mad-Eye's death in Deathly Hallows. Harry has safely arrived at The Burrow, but a vision of Voldemort threatens to alter the entire course of the war. With new allies in addition to old, can Harry finally defeat the Dark Lord once and for all? Horcrux hunt fic.
Yes, it's a Horcrux hunt fic and Harry gets significant help from a certain cute blond. The plot is well thought out, the action is good, the characters are spot on and I really enjoyed it!
>>>>> BOOK ONE Harry Potter and the Bound Prince BOOK ONE <<<<< "The Bound Prince"
by slashpervert Link verified to SlashPervert.LiveJournal.com on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
37 Chapters (133,670 words)
Completed 25 January 2007
Added 17 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince there is a pivotal moment where things could have gone very differently. That is the bathroom scene where Harry nearly kills Draco by accident. Draco is upset that Harry has caught him crying and throws a hex. It escalates and ends in blood. Our story begins with the simple premise of "what if" something changed in the bathroom scene so that Harry and Draco talked instead of throwing hexes. It also takes the assumption of unvoiced attraction between the two. Draco takes a chance and kisses Harry. Once sparked, their mutual desire and exploration becomes the driving force in the alternative ending to that of Half-Blood Prince. Draco's "mission" from Voldemort turns out to be more complex than that presented in canon and their solution even more difficult.
This is the first installment in the seven book "The Bound Prince" Series. Hehe, there's a ton of sex in this one.
>>>>> BOOK TWO Harry Potter and the Bound Prince BOOK TWO <<<<< "The Secret Keeper"
by slashpervert Link verified to SlashPervert.LiveJournal.com on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
44 chapters (160,557 words)
Completed 13 February 2007
Added 17 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco must find a way to live together now, figure out where they will live, and how they will continue Harry’s fight against Voldemort, including the search for the Horcruxes. As if that weren’t enough for them to deal with, Lucius Malfoy (and his fellow Death Eater prisoners) escapes from prison and comes looking for his son. Co-authored with Sayingsorry_hh.
This story drips with sex, but the plot is very good. Hehe, I said that it drips with sex like that's a bad thing. LOL. Well, it does! Some whole chapters are nothing but sex. If that's your cup of tea, enjoy.
>>>>> BOOK THREE Harry Potter and the Bound Prince BOOK THREE <<<<< "The White Queen"
by slashpervert (co-authored with sayingsorry_hh) Link verified to SlashPervert.LiveJournal.com on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
49 chapters (159,000 words)
Completed 30 March 2007
Added 17 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco continue to explore what their relationship means as they search for and destroy Horcruxes. The Order of the Phoenix continues to fight as the war escalates and lives are lost.
>>>>> BOOK FOUR Harry Potter and the Bound Prince BOOK FOUR <<<<< "The Beloved Incubus"
by slashpervert (co-authored with sayingsorry_hh) Link verified to SlashPervert.LiveJournal.com on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and MPREG
41 chapters (152,000 words)
Completed 16 May 2007
Added 17 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco are married and expecting a baby – meanwhile the war has escalated. They have to find the remaining Horcruxes before too many more lives are lost.
>>>>> BOOK FIVE Harry Potter and the Bound Prince BOOK FIVE <<<<< "The Serpent King"
by slashpervert (co-authored with sayingsorry_hh) Link verified to SlashPervert.LiveJournal.com on 11 Jujne 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
52 chapters (145,000 words)
Completed 13 June 2007
Added 17 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco, with the help of Ron, Hermione, and their extended chosen family, have destroyed nearly all the Horcruxes. They are preparing for the final confrontation with Voldemort when a family member is kidnapped and the day is upon them to take the fight to the madman.
>>>>> BOOK SIX Harry Potter and the Bound Prince BOOK SIX <<<<< "The Dragon’s Treasure"
by slashpervert (co-authored with sayingsorry_hh) Link verified to SlashPervert.LiveJournal.com on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War
43 chapters (130,000 words)
Completed 15 February 2008
Added 17 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco survived the war and defeated Voldemort. Now, they are married, have a child and should be leading a happy life. Yet, issues from the past create unexpected pitfalls to building their new life in this time of peace.
>>>>> BOOK SEVEN Harry Potter and the Bound Prince BOOK SEVEN <<<<< "The Charming Prince"
by slashpervert (co-authored with sayingsorry_hh and brknhalo241) Link verified to SlashPervert.LiveJournal.com on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War
41 chapters (130,000 words)
Completed 6 July 2009
Added 17 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco have the peace and happiness of which they dreamed. This is an extended epilogue with “snap shots” of their lives in the ten years after book six. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Harry Potter and The Death Eater's Son"
by KatesBrain Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/KatesBrain on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 6th Year, Drama and Mystery
10 chapters and an Epilogue (58,457 words)
Completed 10 December 2005
Added 1 January 2022 (archived-pdf)
Harry’s 6th year at Hogwarts begins with Draco taking an opportunity to make life difficult for Harry. But no one appreciates just how effective it has been, having the unintended side-effect of prompting Harry to question his sexuality. Unable to confide in his friends, Harry begins to feel pushed aside as Ron and Hermione start dating and only seem to have eyes for each other. At the same time that Harry becomes more estranged from his friends, he notices that Draco’s behaviour has changed dramatically since the Christmas holiday. This piques Harry’s curiosity and prompts him to get involved in Draco’s life in an unanticipated way.
"Harry Potter and the Inconvenient Condition"
by mirabella Link verified to Mirabellafic.Dreamwidth.org/ on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Vampire Harry, Auror Harry, Auror Draco and Bloodlust
1 chapter (20,464 words)
Completed 29 September 2013
Added 14 March 2016 (archived-word)
Harry comes back from vacation with an inconvenient case of vampirism and must learn to cope with blood, Malfoy, and recalcitrant secretaries.
"Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor"
by dkstories Link verified to GayAuthors.org/
author/dkstories on 11 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts 6th Year and Adventure
22 Chapters (133,106 words)
Completed 7 January 2013
Added 31 July 2015 (archived-html)
Harry Potter's sixth year started with Draco attacking him in revenge for his father's capture at the Ministry of Magic. The first book in the Hary Potter Destiny Series.
I have been reading and following dkstories (Dan Kirk) for years and years. He is an awesome author and this is one of his best series!
>>>>> SEQUEL Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor SEQUEL <<<<<
"Harry Potter and the Destiny of Prophecies"
by dkstories Link verified to GayAuthors.org/
author/dkstories on 11 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts 7th Year and Adventure
17 Chapters (109,024 words)
Completed 20 January 2007
Added 31 July 2015 (archived-html)
The exciting conclusion of the Harry Potter Destiny stories. This is an alternative 7th year story.
"Harry Potter and the Unusual Alliance"
by Riku-Rocks Link verified to FanFiction.net/
u/1121359/Riku-Rocks on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Adventure, Hurt and Comfort
26 Chapters (162,239 words)
Completed 22 May 2011
Added 5 March 2011 (archived-html)
From the author - Sometimes help comes from unexpected places. In the summer immediately following HBP, Harry and Draco meet under unusual circumstances and become each others only hope for a future without Voldemort. Disclaimer: Not DH compliant. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Harry Potter and the Welcome to the World of Grey"
by sobsicles Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/sobsicles on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Slow Burn, Set literally right before Harry almost kills Belatrix and You'll probably end up liking Voldemort
30 chapters (456,640 words)
Completed 17 December 2020
Added 20 December 2020 (archived-pdf)
When Harry fails to keep his anger at bay and Voldemort possesses his mind, the events that follow lead him down a long road to realizing the world isn't as black and white as it seems.
Chaos, hilarity, and tragedy ensue with a Dark Lord being honest all the time, a rival becoming something else, and a world demanding to be saved. Featuring frightened Death Eaters, deep conversations with a monster, Pureblood traditions being ridiculous, and the fight to do the right thing with no true options.
Harry's life just gets more and more bizarre with each passing moment. Note from the author: So, life has been pretty terrible for me recently, and I decided to revisit my very first OTP for some comfort. Drarry was my first introduction to fandom life many years ago, and it's basically responsible for sucking me into this life of writing fic.
With the way life was going, I just really wanted to write a fic where Harry got to give into his anger--starting with Bellatrix--and it wasn't supposed to become a serious thing, but it somehow grew out of control anyway. The next thing I knew, I had plot and deep dives into characters and a lot of words. Just a heads up, this one gets long.
"Harry Potter and His White Wolf"
by unmei3 Link verified to FanFiction.net/unmei3 on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Angst
19 chapters (74,023 words)
Completed 29 November 2005
Added 8 July 2017 (archived-html)
One night Harry meets a white wolf. What happens when he finds out who his wolf really is?
That's the author's summary, but there is a whole lot more to this story. Let's just say that the white wolf has silver eyes, much like a certain blond Slytherin.
"Harry's Project"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 11 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Post War
8 Chapters (34,836 words)
Completed 17 March 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived)
Harry is bored after the war. When he accidentally finds a file indicating that the Ministry was less than just to the Malfoy family, he decides helping them can be his next pet project. Will he become friends with Draco? Perhaps more? That's up to them and, for some reason, Pansy Parkinson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Haunt the Corner of My Eye"
by harryromper Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/harryromper on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter and Ministry for Magic Candidate Potter
5 Chapters (23,358 words)
Completed 4 July 2020
Added 17 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
Harry’s life is very much on track. After a successful career as an Auror, he’s set to become the youngest ever Minister for Magic. But strange things are starting to happen at Grimmauld Place. Items he doesn’t recognise are appearing left and right, and somehow he never feels quite alone. There’s only one thing Harry knows for sure: it has something to do with Draco Malfoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Heart Like Neon"
by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/lumosed_quill on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Sex Worker Potter and Auror Malfoy
4 Chapters (41,103 words)
Completed 26 September 2020
Added 15 April 2021 (archived-pdf)
Bored of being The Chosen One, Harry discovers he rather likes sex and becomes a professional. He’s good at it, and part of why is that he can read people. Not minds, not Legilimens, but their whole self, and he can give them what they don’t even know they want. Enter Draco fucking Malfoy, enigma to everyone, including himself. Harry can’t help but want to break into him, to figure him out. And Draco, thinking he’ll fuck Potter on a lark, has no idea what he’s in for. And I mean no idea.
Hey, you guys are gonna enjoy this story, but be warned - this one drips in sex. Enjoy!
"The Heart of the Matter"
by jad Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/jad on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, AU Ending to HBP, Drama and Romance
18 Chapters (60,065 words)
Completed 15 June 2004
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
A take on what would have happened if Draco had lowered his wand a bit sooner. (Draco's POV) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Here But For the Grace of Merlin"
by Makoto Sagara (Makoto_Sagara) Link verified to SquidgeWorld.org/users/
Makoto%20Sagara on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter and Ministry for Magic Candidate Potter
21 Chapters (69,871 words)
Completed 28 June 2015
Added 5 March 2021 (archived-pdf)
The final battle left those with the Mark stained more than skin-deep, and the war has left its own mark on the others at the Battle of Hogwarts. However, when Harry's distancing from his friends leads to a nearly fatal accident, Draco has a chance to fulfill a lift-debt he owes to the Boy Who Lived, but he's only doing it because Narcissa is insisting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hey There Draco"
by Ruby13b Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 11 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Hogwarts 5th Year Summer, Action Adventure, Drama and Romance
24 Chapters (75,448 words)
Completed 18 August 2009
Added 19 December 2020 (archived-pdf)
Set in the summer after fifth year. Draco and Harry are thrown together by chance and what starts off as morbid curiosity transforms into an adventure that neither of them will ever forget.
by Neverbird Sadly this story is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Post HBP, Romance and Humor
19 Chapters and an Epilogue (86,239 words)
Completed 31 July 2011
Added 20 April 2013 (archived-pdf/word)
Picks up where HBP left off. The trio is camped out at Godric's Hollow, never suspecting that a certain Slytherin will soon be joining them.
All in all, a very enjoyable read. I just could not get it out of my head that I had read this story before. But I can't find it listed anywhere. Regardless, you'll enjoy the story!
"Honour Bound"
by Draeconin This work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts during 6th Year
20 Chapters and an Epilogue (85,456 words)
Completed 12 July 2006
Added 24 December 2009 (archived-pdf/word)
Harry saves someone's life one day and it turns out to be Lucius Malfoy. The Dark Lord wants Draco Malfoy, not to just be a Death Eater, he want's him as a sex toy. Harry calls in the life debt Lucius owes him by claiming Draco to be his bond slave. This is a well thought out story with bad Dumbledor, good Snape and bad Hermonie. There are a few "royal" surprises along the way. All in all a very enjoyable read. Thanks to Michael for the suggestion!
"The House That Lovers Built"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 11 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Auror Harry
18 Chapters (77,936 words)
Completed 28 January 2013 2013
Added 27 October 2013 (archived-html)
A planned Auror raid on a notorious Potions brewer goes wrong. Badly wrong. To the point of Harry trapped in a magical house with Draco Malfoy wrong. And the key to leaving is going to be something that Harry might not have the strength to face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by haraamis and kedriaa Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/haraamis on 11 June 2023 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/kedriaa on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Original Character and Action Adventure
22 Chapters (78,467 words)
Completed 7 January 2004
Added 6 March 2019 (archived-pdf)
After last summer's turn of events, Draco begins to look at his life in a new light. As he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, darkness looms on the horizon. With the security of his past shattered, Draco will need to learn how to trust his new allies to overcome this new threat. And just who is this new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?
The Hurricane Series
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 11 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Harry, Draco and all of seventh year students are colonists on the magical planet of Hurricane.
>>>>> PART ONE Hurricane Series PART ONE <<<<<
The Hurricane Series Part One
"Reep the Hurricane"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 11 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and Action Adventure
19 Chapters with an Epilogue (80,501 words)
Completed 20 August 2012
Added 27 June 2018 (archived-html)
After the war, many people decide to leave for uninhabited but magical worlds. On the eve of his immigration to a new world called Hurricane, accompanied by his friends and godson, Harry discovers that Draco Malfoy is also on the list of emigrants.
This is actually part one in a three part alternate universe story that you will enjoy.
>>>>> PART TWO Hurricane Series PART TWO <<<<<
The Hurricane Series Part Two
"Wondrous Lands and Oceans"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 11 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and Action Adventure
20 Chapters (81,804 words)
Completed 1 October 2013
Added 27 June 2018 (archived-html)
The emigration to the wild magic world of Hurricane is complete, but not the settling process. Harry and Draco struggle to solidify their bond and the internal politics of the camp, while also going on explorations that prove there is far more to Hurricane than storms.
>>>>> PART THREE Hurricane Series PART THREE <<<<<
The Hurricane Series Part Three
"Here to Live and Die"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 11 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and Action Adventure
20 Chapters (81,804 words)
Completed 1 October 2013
Added 27 June 2018 (archived-html)
Now on the magical planet of Hurricane for the rest of their lives, Harry and Draco deal with new enemies, old political tensions, and the magical storms of Hurricane's long summer.
"I Beg Your Pardon Potter?"
by Riyan_Blue Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Riyan_Blue on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Humor, Romance and Horcrux Hunting
65 Chapters (164,943 words)
Completed 15 July 2021
Added 24 July 2020 (archived-pdf)
“I beg your pardon, Potter?” It was lunchtime and Harry Potter had just asked Draco Malfoy out on a date.
“I asked you out, Malfoy.” It had been a dare from Seamus.
“I think I will go with,” Draco paused, squinting at Harry, incredulous at even being asked. “No.”
This story started out on my Harry/Draco Works in Progress Page. Now that it is complete, it has earned its permanent place on the Ultimate Harry/Draco List! Yea!
"I could be wrong, I could be ready"
by harryromper Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/harryromper on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts with Alternating POV
4 Chapters (57,343 words)
Completed 1 December 2018
Added 18 February 2019 (archived-pdf) At first Harry wonders if they’ve managed to destroy his vaults and are trying to tell him in the most oblique way possible. But when he turns the page he realises they’ve found a vault. A vault in the name of Lily and James Potter.
The parchment trembles a little in Harry’s hand. He takes another gulp of wine.
Harry Potter left Britain after the war and didn’t look back. Ten years later, when Gringotts discovers a vault containing his parents’ belongings—including their badly spell-damaged wedding rings—he’s forced to face up to friends and family who’ve grown in ways he could never imagine, a wizarding London rebuilt beyond his expectations, and the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s the entirely unforeseen problem of Draco Malfoy.
Featuring pureblood wizarding traditions, ancestral magic, open mic nights, marriage equality, a diner in Brooklyn and the return of Fleamont Potter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I Give You a Wonderous Mirror"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 11 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Warning: Post Hogwarts
44 Chapters and an Epilogue (196,192 words)
Completed 14 December 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
From the author: "Harry is too busy ten years after the war to help out just one family, but that's exactly what he has to do. And as he hunts their enemy, magic no one understands is hunting him. This story will be long and probably a bit tricky to follow in some places, but I promise everything will be explained at the end. It is HP/DM slash and compliant with the epilogue in Deathly Hallows—kind of, as again you’ll see by the end of the story. Also, the choice of jobs for a few of the adult characters contradicts what Rowling has revealed in recent interviews, but since it works better for my story, I’ve chosen to consider only what’s stated in the book as strictly canon."
That's the author's summary and it's pretty much spot on. I really enjoyed this story and I think you will too.
"I Tauwght I Saw a Putty Cat"
by angeltread Link verified to FanFiction.net/angeltread on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Creature Fic and Potions Mishap
16 Chapters (19,863 words)
Completed 2 January 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Harry, in a freak Potions mishap, is turned into a tiny kitten … and not just any kitty ... a baby Bengal White Tiger with a fascination with human noses. Stuck in this form for at least a month, Draco Malfoy is assigned task of caretaker!
"Icarus Rising"
by ryokoblue Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Veela Draco and Veela Mate Harry
14 Chapters and an epilogue (47,659 words)
Completed 8 September 2006
Added 23 November 2014 (archived)
It's the final battle. Harry's on a warpath to destroy Voldemort, but what he finds is a former school rival long ago lost to the past. A former school rival who's no longer human.
"If the Fates Allow"
by Saras_Girl Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Saras_Girl on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter, Assistant Malfoy, James Bond and Day of December
25 Chapters (80,957 words)
Completed 24 January 2018
Added 25 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
Auror Harry Potter and his SAT, excuse me, according to Draco, he's Harry's Strategic Apparatus Technician, much like 'Q' is to James Bond, together working to solve crimes. "Don't start with the film thing," Draco says, and he passes Harry a steaming cup. "It's taken me the best part of five years to stop Weasley from calling me 'Q'." It's twenty-five chapters that happen to coincide with the days of December. Great story!
"If Only I Could Turn Back Time"
by xenadragon_xoxo Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
xenadragon_xoxo on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Time Travel, Post Hogwarts and Hogwarts
18 Chapters (62,131 words)
Completed 21 August 2013
Added 25 June 2016 (archived-pdf)
Harry is grieving over the death of his fiancée Ginny when he discovers that Draco has a Time-Turner and enlists his help to save her. But what happens when things go wrong and they go a little too far back? And what happens when Harry begins to question if this mission is really worth it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Immortal Beloved"
by Mione5 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Mione5 on 8 February 2024
Story Notes: Vampire Harry, Horcrux Hunt and Vampire Mate Draco
6 Chapters (30,963 words)
Completed 21 August 2013
Added 8 February 2024 (archived-html)
The elusive Harry Potter arrives at Hogwarts during what should have been his seventh year. Why is he there what...or who...is he looking for?
"In Evidence of Magical Theory"
by bixgirl1 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
pseuds/bixgirl1 on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Eigth Year and Bonding
7 Chapters (43,747 words)
Completed 18 January 2017
Added 23 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, the pair are forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible. A really good bonding story that drips with sex. Hehe, I liked this one!
"In Loco Parentis"
by phoenixstrike Link verified to FanFiction.net/phoenixstrike on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Next Generation and Non-Epilogue Compliant
9 Chapters with a prologue and an epilogue (46,911 words)
Completed 20 November 2012
Added 3 February 2013 (archived-html)
It is five years since Draco Malfoy and his wife were kidnapped. Nothing has been heard from Malfoy since and he's presumed dead. Harry Potter dotes on Draco's son Scorpius, with whom the boy has been living. But when it turns out Draco isn't quite as dead as everyone thought, it turns Harry's life upside down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> PART ONE In the Mirror Series PART ONE <<<<<
In the Mirror Series Part One - Sins of the Father
by CorvetteClaire
Story Notes: Hogwarts 6th Year, Graphic Descriptions of Torture and Rape
11 Chapters (78,626 words)
Completed 23 November 2018
Added 16 January 2022 (archived-pdf
Draco is standing on the top of the North Tower with his wand pointed at Dumbledore. How in bleeding hell did he get here? An alternate version of Harry's Sixth Year at Hogwarts. Harry is intent on saving Draco from his father's machinations, but when Draco leaves Hogwarts, Harry can't protect him. And Voldemort has ways of forcing people to do his bidding.
>>>>> PART TWO In the Mirror Series PART TWO <<<<<
In the Mirror Series Part Two - Sins of the Flesh
by CorvetteClaire
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Post War, Graphic Descriptions of Torture and Rape
15 Chapters (117,135 words)
Completed 8 June 2019
Added 16 January 2022 (archived-pdf
As the dust of war settles, Harry and Draco are separated. Harry tries to build a life without battles, evil overlords or secret lovers. Draco struggles to survive in a world that believes (or wishes) he died with Voldemort. But Harry never stops hoping that he'll find his other half again and put their lives back together.
>>>>> PART THREE In the Mirror Series PART THREE <<<<<
In the Mirror Series Part Three - The Wages of Sin
by CorvetteClaire
Story Notes: Post War, Graphic Descriptions of Torture, Rape, Non-Con and Mystery
16 Chapters (154,594 words)
Completed 8 June 2019
Added 16 January 2022 (archived-PDF
The wages of sin may not always be death, but someone must pay. A grieving mother, a well-intentioned aunt, a series of mysterious attacks and a relentless scandal sheet put Harry and Draco at the eye of a storm. All they want is to enjoy a quiet life together, but the wizarding world has other ideas.
"In the Shadow of Your Heart"
by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
lq_traintracks on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror School, Angst and Fake Relationship
3 Chapters (51,881 words)
Completed 6 October 2017
Added 21 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
And thus began the very strange circumstance of their fake dating in public and real fucking in absolute secret. It was, with no comparison, the weirdest relationship Draco had ever been in – which was to say, it wasn't one.
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 11 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Non-Epilogue Compliant
12 Chapters (49,350 words)
Completed 21 July 2009
Added 31 May 2015 (archived-html)
Draco has become a successful writer by novelizing the lives of heroes from the war with Voldemort. He's managed to charm the most difficult and reticent into talking to him. Now he thinks he's ready for the ultimate challenge: persuading Harry Potter, who's notoriously close-mouthed, to give him both the material and the permission for a novel based on him. Draco is not about to let this stop him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Incredible Race"
by Cheryl Dyson Link verified to FanFiction.net/Cheryl-Dyson on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror and Adventure
It's a Favorite!
11 Chapters (52,325 words)
Completed 7 November 2010
Added 2 February 2014 (archived-html)
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, Aurors, are forced to join a televised global race in order to provide some free positive publicity for the Ministry. Throw in the fact the Draco and Harry don't exactly get along (at all) and you've got a great story. Of course, they learn to get along toward the end, but any further explaination would give the story away. I really enjoyed this one and I think you will too. Cheryl says it's her favorite too!
15 March 2020 - Just re-read this story. It was as much fun to read this time as the last. Fantastic fun! One of my all time favorites!
18 May 2023 - Just enjoyed this story again. Just awesome!
by Warholhp Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 11 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Alternate Universe and Non-Magic
45 Chapters (119,473 words)
Completed 24 May 2007
Added 23 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter was not sent to Hogwarts at age 11 as his parents intended. Instead, when an altercation with his uncle turns violent, he is sent to St. Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys. But four years later, he has the opportunity to attend Hogwarts, where he learns to live a life he never thought possible for himself.
WARNING: This is a dark story. Child abuse is a prominent theme. Thanks to Michael for the recommendation!
"Into the Cold Fire"
by shamera Link verified to FanFiction.net/Shamera on 12 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, War and Alternative Universe
11 Chapters (45,495 words)
Completed 3 May 2003
Added 13 November 2017 (archived-html)
After a final fight with Voldemort, Harry is sent to another world... a world where he died ten years ago, Voldemort is still at large, and his parents are alive. But the differences aren't stopping at that.
I hesitate to add this story due to the ending. It's quite the cliffhanger. BUT, the story is so well told that I could not add it. The sequel is not finished, but read the story for what it is, well told.
>>>>> SEQUEL Into the Cold Fire SEQUEL <<<<<
"Vigilae Mortuorum"
by shamera Link verified to FanFiction.net/Shamera on 12 June 2023
Story Notes: Incomplete, Hogwarts 7th Year and Adventure
WIP - 6 Chapters (23,766 words) - one chapter just author's notes
Last Updated 2 March 2004 - this work apparently abandoned
Added 2 December 2018 (archived-html)
The sequel has apparently been abandoned, but I didn't want to leave you with the cliffhanger from "Into the Cold Fire." So, here it is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Into the Light of the Dark Black Night"
by shanfawn16 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
shanfawn16 on 12 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, War and Post 6th Year
35 Chapters (109,669 words)
Completed 25 December 2008
Added 3 March 2009 (archived-pdf)
Draco's world is turned upside down after his sixth year at Hogwarts. Where will he go and who will he turn to now?
A dying Severus Snape tells Draco ... “In this bag is a Portkey, which is timed to activate tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. It will deliver you to the meeting place. You must go and tell Lupin what has transpired. Trust him, Draco. He is a good man and will see that you are safe. Also, I have placed several potions texts and all of my notes under Shrinking Charms and packed them in that bag. Use them for the Order. Be productive and assist them in any way you can, Draco. It is imperative that Potter and the Order succeed, otherwise the living will come to envy the dead.”
35 Chapters and over 100,000 words of a well told story! You'll enjoy it! shanfawn16 is also the author of "The Doors We Open" which can also be found on this page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Intrepid Teenage Hero"
by jennavere Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts and War
5 Chapters (28,867 words)
Completed 28 October 2005
Added 29 January 2010 (archived-html)
To save wizardkind from falling into the Dark Lord’s evil clutches, intrepid teenage hero Harry Potter embarks on a dangerous quest: infiltrating Malfoy Manor and getting information from Draco using highly unorthodox methods.
"Irrestible Poison"
by Rhysenn Link verified to fanlore.org/wiki/Rhysenn on 12 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Love Potions
15 Chapters (123,712 words)
Completed February 2004
Added 14 July 2009 (archived-html)
Poison doesn't always bring death. Draco learns that there are other ways to suffer and live.
That's the author's synopsis, but there is a whole lot more to this story.
"Draco stared at Harry and tried to remember all the things about him that he used to hate, the loathing that used to come so naturally; but now it was just a strange, detached remembrance, like a faint twitch of deja vu, a whispered thread from a past that seemed too far removed to be real. Now, all he could see was Harry, the way he truly was without the distortion of the bitter veil of jealousy and enmity, and he saw the way Harry smiled, sincere and encouraging, the way his slim hands moved over the handle of his Firebolt with careful pride, gripping it as it yielded to his complete control, the way Harry's lithe body leaned over his slender broomstick as he soared downward in a steep dive, the wind streamlining past him with fluid resistance, and Draco watched, mesmerised —"
NOTE: 27 November 2020 - I just found this story on-line today. It is on FanFiction.net, but not in its entirity. The navagation at the bottom of each page is questionable, but just change the chapter number in the nav bar and you can get each chapter. Enjoy!
by Jamie2109 Link verified to FanFiction.net/jamie2109 on 12 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Drama and Romance
20 Chapters (87,665 words)
Completed 9 January 2009
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived)
Voldemort is dead, but when Malfoy is captured, Harry wants answers for his own piece of mind before he lets him go to Azkaban.
The evidence keeps mounding up .. Draco knew about Corpus Inflammare, the spell that killed Voldemort, Draco had saved Dean Thomas from Greyback, Draco had endured ... well, you'll have to read to find out. I really do think you'll immediately fall in love with this story! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"It Always Rains"
by Winnett Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Winnett on 11 February 2024
Story Notes: Action Adventure, Mystery, Magical Artifacts and AU
26 Chapters (109,832 words)
Completed 3 February 2021
Added 11 February 2024 (archived/pdf)
Dark conspiracies, unlikely friendships, and the endless weeping of the sky. Harry must follow a trail of clues to not only save his friend, but perhaps even the British wizarding world.
Author Note: I started writing this story pre-Deathly Hallows and began posting this story in 2009, years and years ago, so it's AU to an extent. This is how I envisioned the final battle, the Horcrux hunt, and the lives these brave men eventually led. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"It Started in the Shower Series"
by chickenlivesinpumpkin Link verified to Archiveofourown.org/
users/chickenlivesinpumpkin on 13 May 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Horcrux Hunt, Adventure, Very Dominant Harry to the point of abusive
9 total works (124,422 words)
Completed 10 July 2014
Added 13 May 2023 (archived)
When Harry finds Malfoy in his shower at Grimmauld Place, the two boys struggle to keep their hands to themselves, not realizing that their 'enemies-with-benefits' relationship will eventually become considerably darker and more powerful. That relationship will influence the search for the horcruxes--and the war--in unpredictable ways.
Part One "A Shower, A Meal, A Nap and a Shag"
1 chapter (4,656 words)
Harry's supposed to be alone in Grimmauld Place...so why is there a Malfoy in his shower? And what's Harry going to do about it?
Part Two "What's a Little Hate Sex Between Enemies?"
1 chapter (4,672 words)
Harry's trying to reassure Ron and Hermione that Malfoy won't be staying at Grimmauld Place while they hunt for horcruxes, but that's a hard argument to make when he's having a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
Part Three "The Trap"
1 chapter (7,319 words)
Harry has a serious problem: He wants Malfoy. But how will he convince Ron and Hermione that it’ll be all right? And, for that matter, how will he convince Malfoy to stay? He’s going to have to think like a Slytherin to pull this one off ...
Part Four "A Lesson in Appropritate Behavior"
1 chapter (5,894 words)
Wherein Harry decides it’s time that Malfoy resign himself to the nature of their relationship and that further resistance will require suitable…punishment.
Part Five "The Turn"
1 chapter (8,835 words)
Harry decides that there’s something not-quite-right about his relationship with Malfoy. But sex and obsession are put on the back burner when Malfoy's parents realize he's staying at Grimmauld Place with Harry Potter.
Warning: Angst ahead. This is the darkest, heaviest segment in the series so far. Harry might be dominant and a little manipulative in this story, but he’s still Harry, so he can only compromise with Malfoy so far when it comes to allegiances. But after they get a few issues worked out, Harry can, um, get his needs met, ahem, with a clear conscience.
Part Six "How to Get a Malfoy on His Knees Without a Jinx"
1 chapter (5,966 words)
Harry's worried about Draco after the Malfoys disinherit him. He tries to be supportive, but he's kind of bad at it. No matter. Draco greatly appreciates his efforts anyway ...
Part Seven "Opposo Sentima Obsta Desiro"
(Obsticales I Want to Oppose)
1 chapter (1,947 words)
There's something seriously wrong with Harry. His craving for Malfoy is out of control. He's trying desperately to hold on, but his urges are getting darker and crueler, and soon even Ron and Hermione may not be able to keep Malfoy safe ...
Part Eight "The Space Between"
2 chapters (47,452 words)
After being kicked out of Grimmauld Place by Harry, Draco lives hidden away in the Room of Requirement, nearly overwhelmed by his anger and grief. He's trying to learn to stand on his own two feet with the help of a few familiar faces, but the ultimate battle is coming to Hogwarts. And where trouble goes, Harry Potter follows. But Draco's not the boy that Harry left behind, and everything that's happened before this changes everything to come.
In the big finish of the series, Harry takes relationship advice from Snape, Draco learns that eyeliner is a boy's best friend, and a mouse kinda sorta helps save the world. Just a little bit.
Part Nine "That Ought To Do It"
1 chapters (7,444 words)
Harry and Draco have grown up a little in the past four years, but the most important things haven't changed. Well, except for grotesquely overdone PDA, 1950s Muggle housewives, and the perils of doing it "Egyptian Pharaoh" style.
A little fun and games (okay, smut) that gives a glimpse into where the boys end up, epilogue-style.
"It Was All Just a Game (Rewrite)"
by write_me227 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
write_me227 on 12 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Tri-Wizard Tournament, Romance, Angst and PTSD
77 Chapters (412,793 words)
Completed 20 May 2015
Added 7 January 2019 (archived-pdf) Author's note - If there's one thing that Draco Malfoy yearns for, it's seeing Harry Potter in pain. How that happens, he doesn't care. When Potter's name is pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, Draco sees it as the perfect opportunity to fulfill his greatest desire. Except Saint Potter has luck swimming in his veins. He needs to be distracted... And the best way to do that is to make him fall in love.
This story explores Harry and Draco's relationship from 4th year all the way to 8th year. I sort of took it as if I wrote Harry Potter with Drarry, so that being said, it's quite long! It follows along closely with the movies (except a few scenes that have been edited or changed around; there also are a few scenes that reference the books, but not a lot). It is quite the marathon, but I think you should give it a shot! :)
I was 14 when I started writing this story and I finished when I was 16. I'm now 22 and I've realized that I love this story will all its mistakes and I love my writing style in the beginning because, to be blunt, it's really bad, and I remember writing when I was 14. This story helped me grow as a writer and a person, and despite its imperfections, it's in me. However... I do still think about this story a lot and I have gone back and edited a lot of things over time. Some people like it, some people don't. I get it either way, but I feel like I've reached a point where my level is much higher than I started so I'll go back and reread something and be like man I could make this so much better! And then I get really tempted. And then I do it. So... sorry if you come back to reread this and you're like whoa this is different. And sorry if some chapters are kind of basic and then the writing is magically different in another chapter. I just do it on an urge-basis because my time is super crunched and redoing those scenes is a form of stress relief for me.
"It's Not a Love Potion"
by CrystalP734 Link verified to FanFiction.net/CrystalP734 on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Lust Potions
16 Chapters (68,145 words)
Completed 16 May 2010
Added 2 February 2014 (archived-html)
"Now, lust potions develop feelings of desire in the taker without the affection that a love potion gives, so Malfoy, you will find that you continue to see Potter as the insufferable twit that he is."
Thank you Severus Snape for that wonderful assessment. LOL! Great story!
"It's Up that I Fell"
by zuzallove Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn/zuzallove on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Unspeakable Malfoy, Professor Potter, Romance and Humor
Drama/Violence/Graphic Descriptions of Violence
8 Chapters (34,989 words)
Completed 18 March 2018
Added 21 November 2018 (archived-pdf)
13 years after the war, Professor Potter and the other teachers finally get the hint and realise that Hogwarts is not exactly a safe place for students. The Ministry sends a specialist to purge the castle from all Dark Magic. And of course, it just had to be Malfoy.
by Jaxmari Sadly this story is no longer available on line but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Alternate Universe, Original Character, Character Death, Het, Angst and Violence
30 Chapters
Completed 2004
23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf/word)
Harry is having bad dreams. Remus is having bad dreams. Peter Pettigrew is having bad dreams. Draco is tested by the Dark Lord and fails. Contessa, Draco's cousin is a Necromancer and channels Lily Potter who saves Draco from the clutches of the Dark Lord. And that's just the beginning. You'll enjoy this story.
"The Joys of Sexual Education"
by Roslyn Dryucof Link verified to FanFiction.net/Roslyn-Drycof on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance, Humour and MPREG
6 Chapters (24,086 words)
Completed 26 February 2005
Added 5 February 2015 (archived-html)
Seventh years must take Sexual Education. The Griffindor/Slytherin class has McGonagall and Snape teaching their class. Students must be paired up to complete a final project. Harry and Draco hate their project, but must do it or fail. Humour ensues! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Just Another Love Story"
by Professor McKitten Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 13 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Angst, Sexual Content and Explicit
15 Chapters (67,857 words)
Completed 28 October 2005
Added 18 January 2022 (archived-pdf)
Harry’s okay with being gay ... now if he could just convince Draco.
Following Lucius Malfoy's trip to Askaban, his wife puts her foot down and declairs allegence for Dumbledore. Over the summer Draco has been a good little Slytherin and recruted half of his year to his new side.
"Just Like Hell"
by Cimmerian Sorceress Link verified to FanFiction.net/Cimmerian-Sorceress on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Alternate Universe with No Magic
21 Chapters (36,100 words)
Completed 17 March 2007
Added 5 February 2015 (archived-html)
When Draco moves into his new apartment, the last thing he expects is for the spirit of the apartment's previous owner to start haunting him. Even though Draco's convinced that Harry's dead, Harry doesn't quite believe that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Just Not Cut Out for Torture"
by shilo11364 Link verified to https://archiveofourown.org/
users/shilo1364 on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, AU 7th Year, Adventure, Angst, Fluff, POV and The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black
44 Chapters (58,005 words)
Completed 9 September 2016
Added 28 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
The summer before 7th year, a restless Harry Potter is captured and taken to Malfoy Manor. Together, he and Draco Malfoy escape to Grimmauld place, where they are instructed to stay put while the Order takes care of more urgent business. Left out of the Horcrux hunt, they hatch their own plans to defeat Voldemort. Kreacher and the sentient Black House play a pivotal role, joined by a reluctant Snape and all the usual suspects. With the help of their friends, Harry and Draco learn to tolerate one another, defeat Voldemort, and even death itself. In this alternate Battle of Hogwarts, pranks and scheming carry the day.
"Keep This Wolf"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Lomonaaeren on 7 February 2024
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Werewolves, Angst, Action Adventure, Romance, Mystery, Unspeakables and Unspeakable Draco
27 Chapters (83,112 words)
Completed 28 October 2014
Added 7 February 2024 (archived-pdf)
Draco knows full well that he’s being set up. There is no other reason to pull an Unspeakable out of the Department of Mysteries and assign him to negotiate with a werewolf pack. But when he learns the werewolf leader is Harry Potter, Draco wonders if the setup isn’t a different kind than he anticipated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Killing Moon"
by NeverNever Link verified to FanFiction.net/NeverNever on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Post HBP, Gore, Adventure and Romance
29 Chapters (156,048 words)
Completed 8 January 2010
Added 1 March 2019 (archived-html)
Harry Potter's saving-people-thing is set to become the bane of Draco Malfoy's life - alongside Dark Lords, werewolves, ex-teachers, Horcruxes and not-dead-enough ancestors.
"Kiss A Boy In London Town" (And Other Intimate Misadventures of A Society Whore)
by Femme (femmequixotic) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Femme on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and Rent Boy Draco
2 Chapters (43,615 words)
Completed 2 October 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
"There's only one cardinal sin for a whore." That's the whole of the author's summary. LOL. Good story with Rent Boy Draco and Saviour of the Wizarding World Harry. Semi-epilogue compliant. I enjoyed it.
"Knives Out"
by charlotteschaos Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/charlotteschaos on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Ignores Cannon Epilogue and Suspense
11 Chapters (42,685 words)
Completed 12 June 2006
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Several years after the death of Voldemort, a depressed Harry Potter decides to rejoin the world of the living, only to run into his old nemesis Draco Malfoy in a Muggle gay club where things are not as they seem.
That's the author's summary. Not too inticing ... but this is one story you gotta read. Be warned though, there's lots of sex, there's the issue of HIV infection and the discussions of religion. Plus, you're gonna need a box of kleenex for the last chapter. Hehe, trust me ... you'll like it!
"Knowledge of Self (Determination)"
by tout a coup Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Post Half Blood Prince
18 Chapters (84,905 words)
Completed 23 June 2008
Added 17 April 2013 (archived-pdf/word)
Draco, now a Death Eater, is captured by the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter volunteers to look after him. War escalates as Draco is forced to come to grips with his captors, his circumstances, and himself.
I liked this story, but wavered a bit on adding it. In the end, I decided to go ahead and suggest it. The end is kind of abrupt, but the sex is ... realistic and the characters seem to be ... themselves and not some way out of character respresentation. That said, I'd give it a go and enjoy.
Update 13 April 2016 - Just read this story again and I stand by my recommendation. It's a great read!
"Last City"
by zeitgeistic Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/zeitgeistic on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Adventure and Drama
7 Chapters (27,476 words)
Completed 30 April 2014
Added 28 March 2021 (archived-pdf) Twenty-four Twenty-three men, six cities, and one unusual sexual requirement. Harry on a wizarding version of The Bachelor with Draco as one of the contestants. And guess who the host is ... dramatic pause ... Luna!
"Left My Heart"
by emmagrant01 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/emmagrant01 on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Auror Draco
10 Chapters (85,031 words)
Completed 20 October 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Auror Draco Malfoy has disappeared, and Harry Potter has been sent to find him.
That's the author's summary. But there's a whole lot more to this story. There are only ten chapters to "Left My Heart" but there's over 85,000 words, hehe, in other words, the chapters are quite long. I think you'll really like this story ... and it's sequel.
UPDATE: 21 November 2012 - I just re-read this story and it is just as good if not better than the first time I read it. Wow! What an excellent story with an intriguing plot!
>>>>> SEQUEL Left My Heart SEQUEL <<<<<
"Surrender the Grey"
by Emma Grant Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/emmagrant01 on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Auror Draco
17 Chapters with an Epilogue (151,229 words)
Completed 20 January 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy returns to London after five years of self-imposed exile to start a new life with Harry. But will the secrets of the past destroy everything they've worked for?
That's the author's summary. But for this story to make sense, you really need to read Left My Heart first. I think you'll really like this story.
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 13 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Auror Harry
22 Chapters (66,391 words)
Completed 30 December 2012
Added 7 November 2013 (archived-html)
The Ministry is very sorry that its latest experimental artifact blew up on Harry and now he can detect lies. Inquiries are continuing . They would probably be even sorrier if they knew that Draco Malfoy has hired Harry to help him find his father, who's escaped Azkaban. Unspeakables are working around the clock!
I liked this story. It's a take on "Harry Hates Fame" and will do anything to avoid it up to and including casting a giant notice-me-not spell on the whole wizarding world. Then, of course, along comes the blond haired git. LOL! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Alysian_Fields Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 13 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Drama, Romance, Explicit Language, Angst and Sexual Content
9 Chapters (36,647 words)
Completed 7 October 2012
Added 19 October 2022 (archived-pdf)
Two young men (Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy) wake up in an abandoned alleyway with no memory of who they are or what they're doing there. As they attempt to discover their identities, they set off a chain of events that have repercussions far beyond their control.
"Letters from No One"
by Dami Enn Link verified to FanFiction.net/Dami-Enn on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Auror Harry, Humor and Romance
15 Chapters (67,810 words)
Completed 15 February 2015
Added 23 November 2018 (archived-html)
Harry receives a letter from a seven-year-old boy begging him for help fighting the monsters under his bed. The problem? The letter is fifteen years old, and the sender is none other than Draco Malfoy.
by jad Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/jad on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Minor Character Death
12 Chapters (50,341 words)
Completed 26 December 2017
Added 25 August 2018 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy always preferred the worst of each other; unfortunately, they had better halves. OK, not much of an author summary, but it's a good read or it wouldn't be on this list!
The Life Cycle Trilogy
by Windseeker2305
Quoting from Windseeker's home page (Language Warning!):
Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today is the word "fuck." Out of all the English words that begin with the letter "F", fuck is the only word that is referred to as the "F" word. It's the one magical word that just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love.
Fuck, as most words in the English language, is derived from German, the word 'flicken' which means "to strike." In English, fuck falls into many grammatical categories. As a transital verb for instance, "John fucked Shirley." As an intransitive verb, "Shirley fucks."
Its meaning's not always sexual, it can be used as an adjective such as "John's doing all the fucking work." As part of an adverb, "Shirley talks too fucking much." As an adverb enhancing an adjective, "Shirley is fucking beautiful." As a noun, "I don't give a fuck." As part of a word, "Abso-fucking-lutely" or "In-fucking-credible." And, as almost every word in a sentence, "Fuck the fucking fuckers."
LOL, I love it! This word craft author has written a trilogy that is just over 1.4 million words! Enjoy!
>>>>> PART ONE The Life Cycle Trilogy PART ONE <<<<<
by Windseeker2305 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Windseeker2305 on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama and Romance
33 Chapters (298,913 words)
Completed 20 October 2011
Added 10 July 2018 (archived-html)
Sometimes people are forced to make many changes in their lives in order to survive. After a summer of torture with the Dursleys,Harry goes into a magical coma, where he decides many things that could very well change the Wizarding World forever.
The very first chapter of this story is disturbing and Draco is, ah, very OOC. Read and enjoy!
>>>>> PART TWO The Life Cycle Trilogy PART TWO <<<<
by Windseeker2305 Link verified to FanFiction.net on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Adventure and Romance
38 Chapters (687,154 words)
Completed 8 January 2010
Added 10 July 2018 (archived-html)
Harry and Draco's 7th year has started and along with that, a new order is rising. The Wizarding World will never be the same again.
The Familial Bond Ritual makes people part of Harry's actual family. Who he chooses will surprise you. If you check the word count on this story (687,154) you will see it is an epic read.
>>>>> PART THREE The Life Cycle Trilogy PART THREE <<<<<
by Windseeker2305 Link verified to FanFiction.net on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Incomplete, Hogwarts, Drama, Romance and AU
25/? Chapters so far
WIP - Last Updated 20 June 2016
Added 10 July 2018 (archived-html)
Harry, Draco and company head to the Ukatae realm where they plan to take back what is rightfully theirs. Nothing is ever easy, is it? But in the realm things are definitely never dull. TAKE NOTE - This is a work in progress! The last update was in 2016!
"Like Glass"
by Penguin Link verified to FanFiction.net/Penguin on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Harry in distress
12 Chapters (25,728 words)
Completed 27 November 2004
Added 13 July 2013 (archived-html)
The war is over and Voldemort has been defeated; Harry has been used and thrown away. He lives in Muggle London, lost, confused and destroyed. But Lupin and others want him to return to the wizarding world, and Draco Malfoy is sent out to find him.
Scorpius certainly is his father's son when it comes to appearance, but that's where the similarities end. I enjoyed this story very much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Like the Call of the Prophets"
by bangyababy, cylsus Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/bangyababy on 20 December 2020 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/cylsus on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Curse Breaker Malfoy and Cursed Potter
12 Chapters (53,943 words)
Completed 21 September 2018
Added 18 December 2020 (archived-pdf)
After the final battle, Harry breaks the Elder Wand and a curse is placed upon him. The curse remains dormant until years later when Harry accidentally touches an Elder Tree. Harry has been slowly changing into something out of a nightmare, and the shadow that has been stalking him is growing impatient. Harry's running out of time, and the only person left that can help him is Curse Breaker Draco Malfoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Lily's Boy"
by SomewheresSword Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/SomewheresSword on 21 July 2024
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Powerful Harry, Bad Dumbledore and Bad Ron & Hermonie
109 Chapters (746,386 words)
Completed 14 January 2022
Added 21 July 2024 (archived-pdf)
Before his third year of Hogwarts has even begun, Harry faces three whole weeks of unsupervised time in Diagon Alley. In that time he takes a trip to Gringotts - and that changes everything.
Burdened with the knowledge that Dumbledore has been blocking his family magic, and manipulating far more than he ever thought possible, Harry doesn't know who he can trust; but he knows he can't keep going that way. There's a whole world of lore and politics and history to catch up on, and the more he learns, the more Harry realises his true place in the world, and how much is being kept hidden from him. All the while, Dumbledore's twinkling eyes are constantly watching, and Harry can't let on how much he knows.
With help from unexpected places, Harry starts on a journey to end the war, and reshape the wizarding world. With how much he looks like James Potter, people have forgotten one important thing about him - he is Lily Evans' son, and she was one hell of a witch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Vorabiza (Biza) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Vorabiza on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama, Fluff and Sex
11 Chapters (35,143 words)
Completed 9 February 2017
Added 13 February 2022 (archived-pdf)
Four Gryffindors and four Slytherins under a forced lockdown in the potions classroom for two days. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Caught Unprepared"
by Mad Martha Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
user/mad_martha on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: War Period and Non-Epilogue Compliant
1 Chapter (7,460 words)
Completed 3 July 2011
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
Harry deals with the way things are, not the way he wants them to be.
This story is a prequel to the main story "The Lodger." It is a story from 'the war' period, and deals with an incident briefly mentioned in The Lodger. So we are setting the stage.
>>>>> PART TWO The Lodger Series PART TWO <<<<<
"Moments in a Time of War"
by Mad Martha Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/mad_martha on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: War Period and Non-Epilogue Compliant
1 Chapter (2,703 words)
Completed 3 July 2011
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
These are brief snippets, mostly character sketches I suppose. They're set around the time Harry destroys Voldemort, so it's probably a year or two after Part One "Caught Unprepared," but prior to the main story "The Lodger" by a wide margin.
>>>>> PART THREE The Lodger Series PART THREE <<<<<
"The Lodger" - The Main Story
by Mad Martha Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/mad_martha on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Post Hogwarts and Non-Epilogue Compliant
4 Chapters (44,449 words)
Completed 3 July 2011
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
Harry lives in a flat by himself. Half the wizarding world avoids him like the plague, not wanting to 'disturb' its greatest hero. The other half has a prurient curiosity about him that drives him crazy. Harry wasn't sure which attitude annoyed and depressed him more. Ron and Hermonie are worried about him. Hermione suggest he take in a lodger so someone will be around him all the time and perhaps bring him out of his depression. His first applicant ... Draco Malfoy. Features a place called Neverland. Read and enjoy.
>>>>> PART FOUR The Lodger Series PART FOUR <<<<<
"One Moment For All Time"
by Mad Martha Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/mad_martha on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Post Hogwarts and Non-Epilogue Compliant
1 Chapter (4,120 words)
Completed 3 July 2011
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
When change comes, sometimes it takes a little help to keep going. Takes place a few weeks after the end of "The Lodger."
>>>>> PART FIVE The Lodger Series PART FIVE <<<<<
"Things That Go Bump ..."
by Mad Martha Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/mad_martha on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Post Hogwarts and Non-Epilogue Compliant
1 Chapter (5,458 words)
Completed 3 July 2011
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
Something goes bump in the night at the Neverland Shelter.
>>>>> PART SIX The Lodger Series PART SIX <<<<<
"Rising Damp"
by Mad Martha Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/mad_martha on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Domestic, Post Hogwarts and Non-Epilogue Compliant
1 Chapter (2,035 words)
Completed 3 July 2011
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
Draco learns something new about Phoenix Lodge.
Note from Mad Martha - This ficlet dates back to July 2007, a summer of great flooding in parts of the UK, so I suppose a flood-fic of some kind was inevitable, but for some reason I never managed a full-scale story out of this. It also harks back to a couple of ideas I had in a long-abandoned Lodger sequel (which long-term readers of my fic will recall). If I had any idea of a plot when I was writing it I've long since forgotten what that was, and all I have is a vague recollection of Harry and Draco being trapped on the upper storey of the house, telling each other stories from the war to pass the time. That would explain the original classification in my files, which was 'drama', but since I'm posting this as an undramatic cookie I've changed it to 'domestic' instead.
>>>>> PART SEVEN The Lodger Series PART SEVEN <<<<<
"Chipped Off The Old Block"
by Mad Martha Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/mad_martha on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Post Hogwarts and Non-Epilogue Compliant
1 Chapter (2,035 words)
Completed 3 July 2011
Added 23 September 2012 (archived-pdf)
Eleven years post "The Lodger" and a new generation faces the Sorting Hat.
"Lonely Moon"
by eleventy7 Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Professor Potter
15 Chapters with an Epilogue (66,874 words)
Completed 15 January 2010
Added 13 July 2013 (archived-html)
More than a decade after the Battle, Harry returns to Hogwarts as a professor and discovers a student with a familiar face and an unexpected past. Compliant with everything except DH epilogue.
Scorpius certainly is his father's son when it comes to appearance, but that's where the similarities end. I enjoyed this story very much.
9 April 2020 - Just read this story again. Gotta love the way Scorpius was written! LOL! Good story!
"Lost Children"
by daisymondays (formally gracie137) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/daisymondays on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Battle of Hogwarts and Death Eater Trials
16 Chapters with an Epilogue (115,801 words)
Completed 15 January 2010
Added 5 March 2018 (archived-pdf)
In the months since the War the Ministry have been cracking down on their reforms and trials, desperate to see all those who sided with Voldemort punished. This includes ensuring that the Malfoy family can not slip away like they did the first time. Harry’s more than happy to do whatever he can to help them until Pansy Parkinson arrives on his doorstep with a message from Narcissa Malfoy; she’s calling in his life-debt. Harry has a purpose again and it’s to save Draco who at the end of the summer is going to be tried as an adult Death Eater with the intention of the outcome being the Kiss. However, as with everything involving Draco sodding Malfoy it’s not that simple and Harry finds himself losing his heart in the quest to save Draco from his past.
"The Lovers of Azkaban"
by Da Jazzman Link verified to FanFiction.net/Da-Jazzman on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, AU and Adventure
50 Chapters (274,922 words)
Completed 41 May 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Harry hadn’t trusted Draco one bit, even though he had recanted and come over to the good side in the midst of the war. However, Draco had been his only known ally when he had at last come upon Voldemort. Voldemort had been obligated to place his trust in Draco as completely as Harry had had to. But where Voldemort had faith, Harry had grave doubt. In the end Draco had created a vulnerable situation for Voldemort and Harry had moved in and killed the dark lord. They stood in the aftermath of Voldemort’s destruction and only then had Harry truly believed that Draco had turned to their side. They had even smiled at one another – briefly.
Then it happened. They went outside, the minister of magic was there, but he was with people both Harry and Draco believed to be death eaters. The pair had held their wands against the group and the minister tried to explain that all of the death eaters with him had turned, but Harry didn’t believe it, neither did Draco. Fearing for their lives and without an alternative, they had killed them all, including the Minister; the entire event had taken less than two minutes. That is when the members of the Order had arrived and the beginning of the end for both Draco and Harry arrived with them.
Sent to Azkaban together, the pair finds themselves immersed in the adventure of their lives and in something else completely unexpected.
I stumbled across this gem of a story quite by accident and I'm sure glad I did. It's 44 good length chapters of an excellent Harry/Draco story with lots of plot twists and unexpected surprises. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Malfoy's Redemption"
by GodIsGayQueenB Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/GodIsGayQueenB on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year, Post War and Action Adventure/
25 Chapters (63,786 words)
Completed 5 January 2020
Added 12 April 2020 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy was done.
He gave up on who he's supposed to be. That hadn't truly been Draco Malfoy anyway. The real Draco Malfoy... no one knew who that was. But now Draco is tasked with several problems: Would anyone believe that he'd changed? How could he convince them, especially with Pansy and Blaise running around, out for his blood? And most importantly, how could he make amends?
But life with Harry Potter could never be simple. And as secrets are revealed and new dangers present themselves at every turn, Hogwarts will prove never to be peaceful, not even after the fall of the Dark Lord.
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 14 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Post War, Auror Harry and Epilogue Compliant
57 Chapters (181,026 words)
Completed 31 May 2014
Added 7 February 2015 (archived-html)
Harry's life has become an endurance run, through the remnants of his stressful divorce, his strained relationships with his children, and his increasingly complicated job. But what might make things more complicated than the rest of it is what happens when he saves Scorpius Malfoy's life, and Draco Malfoy insists on assuming the life debt.
Another awesome story from Lomonaaeren, who has written well over 500 Potterverse stories! She is God's gift to HP Fanfiction! Read anything by her and you will be totally blown away!
"The Marriage of Two Minds"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 14 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts/AU
50 Chapters (211,817 words)
Completed 1 August 2011
Added 2 February 2014 (archived-html)
Lucius curses Harry and Draco to a forced marriage. But they're not required to be with each other, only live together, so both pursue other relationships. As time passes, however, things change.
Oh what a wonderful story Lomonaaeren has told!
"Maybe This Time"
by Hatsonhamburgers Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Hatsonhamburgers on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Alternate Universe, Potioneer Draco and Oblivious Harry
9 Chapters (32,380 words)
Completed 21 January 2018
Added 9 February 2018 (Happy Birthday Jevic!) (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy has returned home from France after a five-year Potions Mastery study. He opens a shop in Knockturn Alley, is researching mental health treatments, and has a lovely flat all his own. The ire toward his name seems to have blown over, and he's treated kindly by even those who were opposite of him in the war. His life feels so full, but he can't ignore that he knows what's missing: his old nemesis and obsession, Harry Potter. But something's wrong with Harry. He seems to have had a complete breakdown after the war, and has spent the last five years trapped in time. Every day is the same, and every day, Draco makes amends to him. Potter seems to have lost himself to the trauma, and Draco wants to be the one to help him recover. But not all is what it seems, and Draco may need Harry just as much.
by Individually Packaged Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Individually-Packaged on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Potions Master Draco
16 Chapters (59,901 words)
Completed 8 May 2010
Added 25 Nov 2012 (archived-html)
Harry returns to Hogwarts as an Auror, to solve the issue of Dementor infiltration. But when he can't conjure a Patronus, he asks none other than the Potions Master, Draco Malfoy, for help.
This is a post-Hogwarts story that takes place three years after the end of the war. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Memoirs of a Male Escort"
by Digitallace Link verified to FanFiction.net/Digitallace on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, AU and Male Escort Draco
25 Chapters (69,847 words)
Completed 15 February 2009
Added 31 October 2009 (archived-html)
After the ministry seizes the Malfoy family vault, Draco takes on the job of male escort to keep food on the table and to keep his mother safe. He does not realize it, but soon comes to find out that the escort service caters to men. Draco reluctantly finds himself sleeping with men, something he had never done before. Surprising even himself, Draco comes to like his job. Then he gets a surprise new client ... Harry Potter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Memory Lane"
by mortenavida Link verified to https://archiveofourown.org/
mortenavida/ on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Draco living as a Muggle
6 Chapters (9,731 words)
Completed 2 March 2021
Added 11 April 2021 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy has been happily living in the Muggle world for nearly a decade, far away from any Wizarding responsibilities they might try to enforce on him. He planned on leaving that world forever, save for making sure his son received a proper education, but things didn’t exactly go to plan. On his doorstep, one night, Harry Potter showed up. Except Harry Potter was supposed to be dead for the last seven years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Men Who Love Dragons Too Much"
by fencer_x Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/fencer_x on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Horcrux Hunt, Dragons and Draco practices Animagecraft
47 Chapters with a Prologue and an Epilogue (522,850 words) Yeah, it's a whopper of a read!
Completed 2 May 2021
Added 9 December 2021 (archived-pdf/word) [Extensive re-telling of Deathly Hallows] ‘Kill Albus Dumbledore’ is less a challenging task and more a suicide mission, so when Draco Malfoy is presented with the option to either dispatch his Headmaster or suffer an excruciating and most ignominious death of his own, along with his parents, he reaches deep into his black little Slytherin heart and manages to scrape together enough courage to go with option C instead: Spend Sixth Year secretly studying Animagecraft in the hopes he’ll turn into something sufficiently imposing even the Dark Lord himself won’t be able to keep Draco under his thumb. But just his luck, his Animagus form turns out to be a dragon, and a rather randy juvenile at that, intent on finding its mate: one Harry James Potter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Sara Holmes Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
sara_holmes on 14 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic at Hogwarts
32 Chapters (186,678 words)
Completed 23 December 2010
Added 23 December 2010 (archived-pdf)
A miscast Legilimency spell by Neville Longbottom links Harry and Draco mentally. This is one of the best stories I've read in a long time. Simply Awesome! She is a master storyteller and, and, her characters are true to their originals. Read and you will enjoy!
Update 23 November 2020 - It has been almost 10 years since I first recommended this story. I just finshed reading it again and it is still the classic it has always been. This is a must read.
"Merlin's Power"
by Slytherin Prefect Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/SlytherinPrefect on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
42 Chapters and an Epilogue (120,291 words)
Complete 7 July 2014
Added 23 April 2010 (archived-pdf)
Albus Dumbledore manipulates all of those around him in an effort to win the war, but fails to see how his manipulation effects the individual. By placing an ancient ritual on Harry at his birth, Dumbledore knowingly puts Harry through tremendous hardship, grief and suffering. Includes Ron bashing, good Snape, good Molly and a very bad Dumbledore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Mind Over Matter"
by nat rulz Link verified to FanFiction.net/u/nat-rulz on 16 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
8 Chapters (20,971 words)
Complete 17 April 2006
Added 16 June 2023 (archived-html)
Harry never was good at potions. Ron never was good at controlling his temper. Draco never was good at shutting his mouth. A disastrous choice in potion pairings by the Harry-Hating Snape only ends up brewing trouble. When the potion inevitably explodes Harry and Draco are landed in the hospital wing, completely unconscious. Upon waking they discover that not only do they feel an annoying itch which neither can identify but they are also able to see into the only place no one is meant to see- the other's mind. Scared into secrecy by the though of being used for experimentation in order to get rid of the condition (that was probably not curable anyway) how will these two enemies cope with not only each other, the itch and the threatening shadow of Lord Voldemort, but a jumble of mixed up no-sense, 'what-the-hell-am-I-thinking?'
"Mine Enemy (Original)"
by Ethan_SN (formally Xx_Astrid_xX) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Ethan_SN on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Dad Harry, Dad Draco, Scorpius and Albus
9 Chapters (10,506 words)
Complete 18 January 2018
Added 5 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
One late night, by an odd, chance meeting, the divorced Harry Potter followed one Draco Malfoy home, and they had an impromptu one-night-stand. Eight years later, they're in a situation neither one of them would have expected to have ever found themselves in- both lonely, single dads with school-age children whom they have recently gained full custody of, they're forced to mingle when their sons, Albus and Scorpius, become fast friends. How will Harry and Draco react to the feelings that keep surging up between them, and the feelings that are growing between their sons?
"The Misadventures of Draco Malfoy, Ferret"
by Saber ShadowKitten Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Saber-ShadowKitten on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Horcrux Hunt, Humor and Romance
18 Chapters (22,356 words)
Completed 21 December 2005
Added 9 January 2016 (archived-html)
Snape turns Draco into a ferret for his own protection. He would've been safer with the Dark Lord. One very funny read!
"Moment By Moment"
by Thwax Link verified to Thwax.Live.Journal.com on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Post Hogwarts, AU and GRAPHIC TORTURE
79 Chapters (389,991 words)
Completed 20 January 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Voldemort and his followers have won the war. The Dark Lord rules Britain and those who oppose him are scattered, some in exile in the USA, and others underground in their own country. Harry Potter is one of those for whom America has become a home, that is until his nemesis is given a promise by those who represent authority for the exiled Britons. The promise will lead Harry into more than he could ever have expected.
NOTE: This story might seem to be hard to navigagte. Just click on the gray box to the right of the chapter listing and away you go.
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Explicit descriptions of torture. This story is VERY graphic.
UPDATE: 5 April 2016 - Just read this story again, all 389,991 words. Whew! It is still a wonderfully told story. Enjoy!
"More Than Ruin'd Hopes Shall Mourn"
by jamie2109 Link verified to FanFiction.net/jamie2109 on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Post Hogwarts and AU
21 Chapters (80,808 words)
Completed 3 June 2009
Added 7 April 2020 (archived-html)
Draco wasn't entirely positive when he'd come to the awful conclusion that Potter had something tangible that made people love him. However, he was sure of the exact moment he realised he coveted that love enough to do something about it.
"The Most Beautiful Part"
by FireStorm00X Link verified to FanFiction.net/FireStorm00X on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Final Battle and MAJOR Character Death
15 Chapters (45,018 words)
Completed 16 November 2009
Added 25 June 2009 (archived-html)
Heading into the war, Draco discovers what he is and what he will have to sacrifice. Harry, in an attempt to comfort him, finds himself in love. As the world fights to survive, Harry and Draco fight to be together.
A war can be a catalyst for some wonderful things. With everything crashing down, can you build something up? Harry and Draco find each other and find out the most beautiful part of life.
Warning - MAJOR character death. That's all I'm gonna say. You've been warned.
"Moving On"
by Lady Katie Link verified to FanFiction.net/LadyKatie on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War
45 Chapters with an Epilogue (163,559 words)
Completed 20 April 2009
Added 8 January 2013 (archived-html)
Harry tries to put his life back together after the fall of Voldemort, but it's more complicated than he thought. And he hadn't counted on war changing everything around him so much. NOT epilogue compliant!
I stumbled across this "gem" of a story and was hooked right from the start. The plot is post Voldemort and involves some rather evil people who still think Voldemort was right.
>>>>> SEQUEL Moving On SEQUEL <<<<<
"All You Need"
by Lady Katie Link verified to FanFiction.net/LadyKatie on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War
6 Chapters with an Epilogue (22,376 words)
Completed 18 October 2009
Added 8 January 2013 (archived-html)
With a history of fighting and bickering, Harry and Draco can’t seem to make their relationship last. But they can’t seem to stay apart either. A story about falling in love all over again. 7 years post- Moving On.
Very fun angst and fluff. Ties up all the loose ends.
"Muggle Technology and Heroism"
by TommyLane Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/TommyLane on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, James Bond with Explicit Sexual Content
16 Chapters (89,617 words)
Completed 11 December 2016
Added 23 December 2017 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy wasn’t exactly the best roommate Harry’s ever had. The man tended to watch way too much James Bond and his obsession with muggle technology not only rivaled Arthur Weasley’s but more often than not ended with Harry trying to assure him that the appliances weren’t out to get him. Then there was the little fact that Harry was hopelessly in love with him while Draco remained completely unaware, bringing nameless men home night after night.
But Harry loved his life and was somewhat (as long as he doesn’t actually think about it) content enough in the way things were going. That is until Draco’s old boyfriend comes sweeping back into town – making Draco breakfast and fixing the remote control before Harry can and forcing him to realize that if he doesn’t do something soon, that he might lose the man he loves before he even gets a chance to ever actually have him.
"The Muggle Way"
by Gnomey2001 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Gnomey2001 on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Romance, Angst and Sexual Content
25 Chapters (46,407 words)
Completed 22 June 2017
Added 12 June 2018 (archived-pdf)
When Voldemort finds a way to trace Harry through his magic, Dumbledore sends him into hiding, to live as a muggle until he reaches the age of magical majority and the trace is removed. Snape, as a discovered spy, accompanies him as does a reluctant Draco Malfoy. Compliant up to the end of GOF. For the purposes of this fic, Snape is a pure-blood wizard.
by bixgirl1 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/bixgirl1 on 15 June 2023
Story Notes: Aurors Potter and Malfoy, Mystery, Adventure, Nudity (sooo much nudity) and Romance
3 Chapters (57,449 words)
Completed 24 October 2017
Added 9 December 2018 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco are sent on an undercover assignment to catch a Dark wizard — which might not be so bad if it weren't at a Muggle nudist resort. Now Draco has to deal with a very interested Harry, a temptation he's long-since learned to ignore, and threats around every corner — including the one to his heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Never a Memory"
by Dotowe Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/TheHexFiles_archivist on 15 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Auror Potter, Mystery, Adventure, Exorcism, Demons and Draco kills Voldemort
59 Chapters (183,213 words)
Completed 21 January 2008
Added 7 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy loses his memory after the battle that destroyed the Dark Lord for good and Harry Potter finds himself protecting the Malfoy heir from renegade Death Eaters who would see him dead for his actions against Voldemort. Then, their world spirals out of control when an unforeseen Prophecy begins the countdown for the End of Days.
Oh wow, where do I begin with this one with so many twists and turns. I will not give away the plot, but Draco kills Voldemort and ends up with the curse scar and away we go. You will enjoy this story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Never Left Behind"
by Professor McKitten Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/TheHexFiles_archivist on 15 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 5th Year, Romance/, Angst and Sexual Content
35 Chapters with an Epilogue (150,521 words)
Completed 5 May 2005
Added 15 June 2006 (archived-pdf/html)
Harry and Draco each have life changing summers that bring them together in a new way.
Professor McKitten is also the author of "Safe House" and "Different Worlds" both of which are also on this page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by 101fingertips Link verified to FanFiction.net/101fingertips on 18 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Ignores HBP and DH and Voldemort has already been defeated
43 Chapters (82,967 words)
Completed 12 April 2009
Added 2 March 2015 (archived-html)
A spell is cast on Harry which creates lots of angst. Draco comes along and creates lots of fluff.
That's the author's summary, but it barely scratches the surface. Lots of twists and turns in this story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Nine Circle Journey" (The Story of the White Door)
by GoldenEmpire
Sadly this story is no longer online, but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts
11 Chapters (47,531 words)
Completed 9 December 2016
Added 14 February 2017 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco are pulled out of their potions lessons to go to Hell (don't ask). Reluctantly they agree to go through the Nine Circles and face lust, jealousy and violence among other things. Secrets are uncovered and the two 'enemies' might just confess their obvious love for each other when they're literally forced to go through hell together. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Nineteen Reasons"
by MK Malfoy Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/mk_malfoy on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Romance, Angst, Epilogue Compliant and MAJOR Character Death
19 Chapters (63,530 words)
Completed 25 January 2009
Added 30 March 2010 (archived-pdf)
On 01 September 2017, at King's Cross, nineteen years after Voldemort was defeated, Draco Malfoy nodded curtly at Harry Potter. Contrary to popular belief, the nod was not the result of a sense of obligatory politeness — there were nineteen reasons for that nod, and each of them enriched Draco's and Harry's lives a bit more than the previous, so that by the time of the curt nod, the two men had forged a relationship that neither time nor marriage could destroy.
What a wonderfully told story! And it is completely epilogue compliant! The nod Draco gives Harry has a whole new meaning after you read this story. Oh, and, ah, keep the tissues handy ... major character death warning.
NOTE: 7 Janary 2021 - There is a second part to this story with one chapter if you want to check it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"No Day But Today"
by Constance1 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Constance1 on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Middle of the War
13 Chapters and an Epilogue (50,886 words)
Completed 20 January 2005
Added 6 March 2005 (archived-html)
Draco Malfoy saves Harry Potter from the dungeons of the Malfoy Estate and his father Lucius. The two enemies fall in love, but Draco can't stand the thought of losing the ever-guarded Harry Potter. Having never felt love before, and having never being able to say those special three words to Harry, Draco does the only thing he can think of ... he breaks up with Harry. One year later, Harry is taken captive by Lucius and taken to Voldemort. Now Draco must do whatever he can to save the one person in the whole world who he truly loves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Normal Does It"
by lotus_lizzy Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/TheHexFiles_archivist on 20 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Alternate Universe
4 Chapters (26,024 words)
Completed 5 December 2009
Added 26 August 2017 (archived-pdf)
On his deathbed, Lucius gives Draco an almost impossible task that will hopefully salvage the reputation of the Malfoy family. Draco finds himself in need of a magical ship called the Wave-Sweeper, but finds one Harry Potter standing in his way. This "new" Harry Potter, with his strange obsession to be "normal", assigns himself the task of being Draco's watchdog. Together, with a motley crew of Hogwarts alumni, they fly both sea and air following an ancient map that leads them to an unknown island and strange creatures, but both Harry and Draco are harbouring secrets that threaten the tenuous relationship that grows between them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Not Just An Empty Emotion"
by Purple Flame Sadly this work is no longer online, but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts during 6th Year
31 Chapters (109,706 words)
Added 14 December 2011 (archived-pdf/word)
It's Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts. When Draco Malfoy begins to learn what Voldemort really wants from his followers he begins to resent his father and everything he represents. He realises Harry Potter's fight has been the right one all along, and only now does he begin to do something about it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Number Seven"
by Sara Holmes Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.com/
users/sara_holmes on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts
37 Chapters (253,760 words)
Completed 11 May 2013
Added 1 December 2018 (archived-pdf)
Harry already has two children, an ex-wife, annoying colleagues and an international crime ring to deal with. So when Draco Malfoy reappears after eight years AWOL in France, of course Harry is going to leave him well alone ... Right?
Oath Breaker Series
by Goblin Cat KC
Goblin Cat KC has written five stories in the Oath Breaker Series with a total of 269,630 words. In the start of the 7th year at Hogwarts, the Malfoys break their oath with Voldemort and join the side of the light.
>>>>> PART ONE Oath Breaker Series PART ONE <<<<<
"The Pond of Arviragus (An Oath Breaker Prologue)"
by Goblin Cat KC Link verified to FanFiction.net/Goblin-Cat-KC on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Supernatural and Fantasy
1 Chapter (1,202 words)
Completed 6 December 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
A historical drabble exploring Morgan, Mordred and Merlin. Takes place long before Oath Breaker, before the battle of Camlann, before even Merlin's imprisonment. (And Mordred was too shy to show up in this.)
>>>>> PART TWO Oath Breaker Series PART TWO <<<<<
"White Roses Under Snow (An Oath Breaker Prequel)"
by Goblin Cat KC Link verified to FanFiction.net/Goblin-Cat-KC on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Drama and Romance
5 Chapters (17,581 words)
Completed 25 November 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Although this takes place years before Oath Breaker I, around the time of Draco's birth, you don't need to read that to understand this one. Severus has been hurt badly in his life. Narcissa fulfills an arranged marriage barely knowing her new husband. Both claimed by Lucius, Severus and Narcissa work out their places in the Malfoy family and with each other.
>>>>> PART THREE Oath Breaker Series PART THREE <<<<<
"Oath Breaker"
by Goblin Cat KC Link verified to FanFiction.net/Goblin-Cat-KC on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 7th Year
28 Chapters (181,793 words)
Completed 25 November 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Set at the start of 7th year, the Malfoys do an about face and join the Light. Draco teaches Harry dark arts spells. Harry, reluctantly, beings to admire Draco and away we go.
>>>>> PART FOUR Oath Breaker Series PART FOUR <<<<<
"Grudges Over Wine"
by Goblin Cat KC Link verified to FanFiction.net/Goblin-Cat-KC on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts/7th Year
1 Chapter (2,256 words)
Completed 11 August 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Set between Oath Breaker I and II. Harry and Lucius are forced to talk to each other alone.
>>>>> PART FIVE Oath Breaker Series PART FIVE <<<<<
"Oath Breaker II: Dawn and Twilight"
by Goblin Cat KC Link verified to FanFiction.net/Goblin-Cat-KC on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 7th Year
10 Chapters (66,798 words)
Completed 2 March 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived)
Draco-centric. Harry learns to live with the Malfoys. The Malfoys learn to live with Harry. The rest of the world learns to deal.
"Of Fates Entwined: A Story of Love Lost and Found"
by taradiane
Sadly this work is no longer online, but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Kidnapped Harry and Loss of Memory Harry
3 Chapters (51,517 words)
Completed 25 June 2010
Added 9 February 2014 (archived-html)
Harry Potter vanished without a trace from his home on a warm summer morning in June 2004. This is the story of how a random visit in a cafe on the other side of the world, six years later, proved that the ties which entwine our fates together can never be broken.
"Of Roses and Dragonfire"
by xErised Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/xErised on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry, Drama and Romance
3 Chapters (53,123 words)
Completed 4 December 2018
Added 18 February 2019 (archived-pdf)
Years after That Kiss, Potter (and his new pet snake) appears again, this time as Hogwarts's Quidditch and Muggle Games instructor (what are Muggle Games anyway? Is this why Potter is swimming in the Great Lake wearing such a tiny pair of pants?), disrupting Draco's peaceful life as Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. It's bad enough dealing with one exuberant Gryffindor (Charlie Weasley as Care of Magical Creatures professor) on the faculty, and what's all the gossip about Potter courting Draco?
"The Office"
by Samayel Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Samayel on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry, Drama and Romance
8 Chapters (36,288 words)
Completed 3 August 2014
Added 17 September 2014 (archived-pdf)
Harry's boring routine is suddenly interrupted by a single pub night with his old rival from school.
Harry James Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World, The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived ... grew up. That alone was something of a miracle, considering how close he’d come to death in just a few short years between his eleventh and eighteenth birthdays. Nonetheless, he’d survived the most terrible war the wizarding world had ever seen, and he’d put Voldemort down once and for all. And then he grew up.
The Hound and Hind was largely empty, since it wasn’t quite the usual after-business hours, and Harry decided to mentally compose his letters for Jamie and Lily while he nipped at his pint. ’Oud Tom, the barman, gave a toothy grin when Harry walked in and headed for a seat at the bar. “Oh, bloody hell! Potter?!” Draco Malfoy was the owner of the half-empty martini between them, and Harry’s eyes went flat with irritation. Malfoy muttered something under his breath, and Harry caught enough to know that Malfoy was cursing about having been a fool to go to a Muggle bar anyway.
“I’m here off and on most weeks, Malfoy. This is my watering hole. If you think you’re slumming, piss off and go find another oasis, one where buzzards and jackals are welcomed.”
“Oooo, sharp tongue, Potter. I’m finishing my martini and then I’m out of here. What ... what is that swill in that glass you’re ... you’re ... My God!? You drink that?”
Harry finished a long pull at his Guinness, licking the mustache of foam off of his lip with a smile.
“It’s called Guinness, you poncy bastard, and don’t blaspheme against it. It’s beer. Good beer. It’ll put hair on your chest, which in your case is a miracle worthy of canonizing a beer for sainthood.”
And away we go! God, I love great exchanges between the dynamic duo and this one has it in spades. Enjoy!
"On the Last Day of Our World"
by Sansa Available at AO3 listed under an orphan account
Thanks to Maya for letting me know!
Story Notes: Hogwarts AU
18 Chapters (84,974 words)
Completed 15 October 2008
Added 23 Sept 2008 (archived-pdf)
During a detention, Harry and Draco get locked in a strange room together overnight. When they escape, they discover they are alone. Love, angst and adventure abound as they struggle to survive in an empty world.
Note 4 August 2010 - Just re-read the story today and remember why I added it to this list. Just a wonderful story!
Note 18 November 2018 - Just re-read the story again today and still remember why I added it to this list. Just a awesome story!
"On the Wings of the Storm"
by Silent Auror Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/SilentAuror_HPworks on 18 March 2024
Story Notes: Hogwarts
30 Chapters (159,470 words)
Completed 5 November 2005
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco are having chance meetings in the owlery where Draco likes to escape from everyday castle life, and where he has befriended a certain snowy white owl. Things are as they have always been between the two rivals, but when Lucius tells his son that he will be marked as the Dark Lord's own, Draco must make a decision. Thirty chapters of excellent reading!
"One Harry Potter, Please" (If Possible, Seduced and Ready)
by faithwood Link verified to FanFiction.net/faithwood on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Deathly Hallows
5 Chapters (62,269 words)
Completed 15 April 2009
Added 9 April 2013 (archived-html)
All Draco wants is Harry Potter's friendship, just to make his new Auror job more bearable. However, after Harry stubbornly pays more attention to his secret admirer, Draco is forced to resort to drastic measures.
"One Perfect Something"
by Roslyn Drycof Link verified to FanFiction.net/Roslyn-Drycof on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 6th Year
8 Chapters (31,779 words)
Completed 25 September 2006
Added 31 May 2015 (archived-html)
Harry finds a spell that will allow him to have one day with no consequences because no one will remember it, including him. But things happen that he could never have predicted. Does he really want to forget after all is said and done?
"The Only True Lords"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 20 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post War and Accidential Lordship
63 Chapters (262,921 words)
Completed 20 July 2014
Added 12 February 2015 (archived-html)
Harry accidentally bonds several Slytherins, including Snape and Draco, with him as their Lord. It's going to be a long journey from putting his foot in it all the time to at least trying to be a good one.
Lomonaaeren continues to amaze me with the mastery she has over her craft. She is truly in a class by herself. I continue be thoroughly entertained by everything she has written! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Oscillate Wildly"
by V.G. Marks (marksykins) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/marksykins on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
12 Chapters and an Epilogue (54,857 words)
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
After a particularly gruelling Occlumency session, Harry practically comes apart at the seams and finds himself living partway between two lives. One is his life at Hogwarts. In the other, he's been in a mental institution for the better part of six years. What happens when Harry realises his whole life may be one elaborate fantasy? Great read! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Cheryl Dyson Link verified to FanFiction.net/Cheryl-Dyson on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Rentboy Draco
13 Chapters (59,013 words)
Completed 15 April 2009
Added 5 March 2016 (archived-html)
From the author: "In my quest to conquer all possible Harry/Draco cliches, I present my Rentboy!Draco fic. *evil smirk* Harry is an Auror and Draco is a Rentboy. This is not a typical rentboy story."
"Parity Transformations"
by Suki Blue Link verified to suki-blue.livejournal.com on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Dad Harry, Dad Draco and Fuzzy Felt
21 Chapters (71,349 words)
Completed 07 January 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html/word)
Eleven years since he ran from Hogwarts and seven years since the end of the war, Draco has moved on. Now in his late twenties, Draco lives a reclusive life in a tiny village in Hampshire. Never in a million years does he expect to cross paths with Harry Potter again. But he does, and there are two, rather small and rather excitable, complications.
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 20 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post War, Mystery and Angst
34 Chapters (140,686 words)
Completed 30 March 2012
Added 13 April 2015 (archived-html)
After the war, Harry thinks he can finally concentrate on comforting his friends and mourning the dead. But enemies become friends, the dead come back to life, and his life refuses to be simple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Partially Kissed Hero"
by Perfect Lionheart Link verified to FanFiction.net/Perfect-Lionheart on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 3rd Year, Fantasy and Humor
103 Chapters (483,646 words)
Completed 28 April 2012
Added 31 August 2021 (archived-html)
Summer before third year Harry has a life changing experience, and a close encounter with a dementor ends with him absorbing the horcrux within him. Features Harry with a backbone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Perfect Potter"
by Melon Collie Link verified to FanFiction.net/Mellon-Collie on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Mystery and Angst
28 Chapters (73,381 words)
Completed 30 March 2012
Added 23 January 2016 (archived-html)
Everyone deserves love, even Draco Malfoy, but when his love leads him into dark territories, he must choose between what is right, and what is easy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Perfect Precious"
by R.M. Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 20 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Hogwarts Eigth Year
11 Chapters (45,622 words)
Completed 28 April 2012
Added 28 Oct 2012 (archived-pdf)
After the war, Harry and Draco drunkenly sleep together. Then they are assigned as buddies in a Muggle class. I enjoyed reading this story and you will too. Lots of good fluff.
From the author: "I have magically disregarded the epilogue of the last book (obviously), and have also decided that both Dumbledore and Snape are still alive. Sorry if you liked them dead."
"Phoenix Song"
by Xylodemon Link verified to MediaFire.com on 20 June 2023 NOTE: The link is to a page where you can download the story in a zip file. I've downloaded and unzipped it without a problem.
Story Notes: Hogwarts
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf/word)
Certain situations force Draco to reevaluate his alliances. He turns to his former enemies, and finds love in an unexpected place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Practicing Liars"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Lomonaaeren on 20 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Adventure and Snape Father to Harry
50 chapters (206,306 words)
Completed 4 October 2013
Added 30 December 2020 (archived-pdf)
AU of HBP. Harry found out that he was Snape's son two years ago, and he's carefully concealed it. But now Snape is his Defense teacher, and Draco Malfoy is up to something, and Dumbledore is dying, and the final battle is coming up, and everything is getting very, very complicated. Story Notes for violence, heavy angst, and no sex in-story. The rating is for violence instead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Princes in Exile"
by Literary Beauty Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 20 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Post War, Action Adventure, Drama, Humour and Romance
28 Chapters (101,098 words)
Completed 25 October 2010
Added 5 October 2014 (archived-pdf)
After the war, Harry Potter is left with no one to save, no one to fight, and one extra wand. Draco Malfoy escapes punishment by leaving the country... or so he thinks. Seven years pass before they see each other again. Draco is no longer the master of his wand and a battle of talent and wills ensues. A story of a wand without a true master, and two men who fight to master each other... and themselves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Printed Press"
by Soupy_George Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Soupy_George on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Drama, Romance and Journalist Draco
21 Chapters (119,705 words)
Completed 15 June 2015
Added 15 March 2022 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy was still slightly amazed that he was standing on the doorstep of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. He never would have thought that Harry Potter's very public and very ... sweary, emotional explosion would have led to him offering Draco, of all people, a job. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Pure-Blood Enigma"
by Phoenixstrike Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Phoenixstrike on 20 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Drama, Humour and Romance
4 Chapters (19,562 words)
Completed 10 April 2013
Added 26 June 2021 (archived-pdf)
A drunken bet with Blaise means Draco now has a very difficult task ahead of him. To train Harry Potter and pass him off as a pure-blood, all within the space of two weeks. But things become somewhat complicated when he finds himself falling for the git. And does Harry return his feelings? Canon-compliant for all seven books/EWE. Written for the 2013 bottom!draco fest. Adapted from Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw.
Phoenixstrike has written many works in the Harry Potter Fandom and many are found here on this page.
"Raspberry Jam"
by vvc Link verified to FanFiction.net/vvc on 22 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Soft Slow Romance
15 Chapters (80,655 words)
Completed 4 October 2006
Added 31 July 2015 (archived-html)
Draco tries not to think of his upcoming transition and the unwanted partner chosen for him by his father. Then he finds he may have a choice after all. Will the faith he puts into his choice be rewarded? A lovely slow romance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Redeem Me"
by Samayel Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Samayel on 22 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Post Hogwarts, Post War and Award Winning Fic
68 Chapters with an Epilogue (245,464 words)
Completed 21 August 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
The war is over and Harry has defeated Voldemort, but now he's a bitter revengeful man. Draco Malfoy is so desperate for help that he shows up at the Burrow where Harry lives with Molly and Arthur. Will Draco get the help he needs or will a bitter Harry Potter just put him out of his misery?
This is a very well written story that introduces a new twist on Voldemort and Horcruxes. It also deals with some pretty sensitive issues including rape and suicide. Samayel incorporates the issues into the story seemlessly and I highly recommend it. This story is a classic.
UPDATE: 13 March 2016 - Just read this story again and it is still among the best of the classics! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Rejoicing in Their Strength"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 22 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Werewolf Harry, torture, violence and gore
8 chapters (34,846 words)
Completed 40 July 2009
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Draco is imprisoned and tortured by a crazy Lucius after the war. He uses astral travel to spare his sanity. Imagine his surprise when he comes on Harry Potter in the Forest of Dean. Werewolf Harry. Good read!
Story Notes: Torture, violence, profanity, insanity, character death (not Harry or Draco), creature!fic (werewolf!Harry). Takes place after DH but ignores the epilogue. This fic is rather graphic in its descriptions of the torture that Lucius inflicts on Draco. Tread with caution.
Lomonaaeren has written almost 600 stories!
>>>>> SEQUEL Rejoicing in Their Strength SEQUEL <<<<<
"Eyes That Can See In the Dark"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 22 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Werewolf Harry, Werewolf Draco, Torture, Violence and Gore
4 chapters (15,653 words)
Completed 5 August 2009
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
This is a sequel to "Rejoicing in Their Strength," and won't make much sense (and will spoil the ending of that story for you) if you haven't read the previous one. The title comes from a Rudyard Kipling poem, "Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack."
Lomonaaeren has written hundreds of stories! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Renovation of the Heart"
by Riyan_Blue Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Riyan_Blue on 22 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Grimmauld Place
35 chapters (92,745 words)
Completed 2 August 2009
Added 14 October 2022 (archived-pdf) Draco Malfory knocks on the door.
Inside the house, an almighty racket starts up. Draco can’t hear exactly what is being yelled, but someone is having a complete conniption fit. Draco’s eyes widen and he takes an unconscious step backwards before he gets a handle on his emotions again. He tugs his waistcoat straight and takes a deep breath.
“Oh, shut up, you daft cow,” yells a voice near the door and Draco flinches in spite of himself. The other yelling peters out and Draco plasters a smile on his face as the door swings open. And then his heart stops. Honest to Merlin, it stops for a beat. Because the man behind the door is none other than Harry James Potter.
“You’re the interior designer?” Potter leans forward, his eyebrows raised. Merlin, the man really wears his emotions on his face. The look of surprise is almost comical.
“Yes,” Draco says.
Draco Malfoy is an interior designer. Harry Potter is re-doing Grimmauld Place. And to make matters worse, a pandemic has just shut down the wizarding world, forcing Draco to quarantine in Grimmauld Place.
30 January 2024 - Just re-read this story. Absolutely wonderful! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Saras_Girl Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Saras_Girl on 22 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts, Healer Harry
10 Chapters (87,376 words)
Completed 21 May 2009
Added 28 November 2013 (archived-pdf)
Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
Harry is a Healer Trainee and Draco is in charge of the Chemical Dependence Department. When part of Harry's training includes a month long stint in Chem Dep, things get interesting.
Reparations SEQUEL
by Saras_Girl Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Saras_Girl on 22 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
12 chapters (236,075 words)
Completed 2 August 2009
Added 15 December 2013 (archived-pdf)
When one door closes, another one opens – with a bit of a push. Life, love and complications - Harry/Draco style!
"The Rest of Our Lives"
by TrulyTheOne Link verified to FanFiction.net/TrulyTheOne on 22 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 6th Year
27 Chapters with a Prologue and Epilogue (46,051 words)
Completed 25 Deptember 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Takes place in Harry’s sixth year (so the author ignors the 6th and 7th books). Harry has been dealt a great many hardships in his life, but when he finds out that there is a prophecy in the Ministry of Magic that deals with the rest of Harry’s life, he becomes obsessed. Once that prophecy is heard, Harry doesn’t know if it was better to have let fate be fate or to interfere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Returning to Sanity"
by AchillesTheGeek Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/AchillesTheGeek on 22 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts Eigth Year, Post War and MPREG
100 chapters (605,095 words)
Completed 25 September 2016
Added 17 January 2020 (archived-pdf)
Epic Read! It's just after the Battle of Hogwarts, and the insanity that was Voldemort is over. The clean-up is about to begin. How will the Wizarding World return to sanity? And will Harry manage to keep his? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Revenge Is Not Enough"
by Mione5 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Mione5 on 22 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Past H/D relationship and Major Character Death
5 Chapters (48,588 words)
Completed 25 December 2006
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Harry Potter is depressed. He's not talking to anyone and just goes though the motions. Hermionne had been killed during a battle with Voldemort. It happened almost a year ago and still Harry mourned. Then, slowly, Harry became Harry again. He was even seen smiling. When the Black Raven from the Ministry flew into the Great Hall one day, everyone knew it was delivering a message of death. When the Raven fluttered down in front of Harry, he glanced over to the Slytherin table to see an empty chair where his secret lover usually sat. "No," he said over and over.
It's a Harry/Draco story and we get insights into their relationship through flashbacks. Then along comes Lucien. Draco's cousin who could pass as Draco's identical twin. That's when things really get difficult for our beloved Harry.
Reader be warned ... yer gonna need a few tissues to get through this one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Right Hand Red"
by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/lq_traintracks on 22 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Angst, Humour plus Unresolved Romantic and Sexual Tension
3 Chapters (73,173 words)
Completed 31 January 2015
Added 1 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
This is an eighth year story that involves the room of requirement and the muggle game of Twister with a game of spin the bottle thrown in for good measure. A portrait version of Professor Snape teaches DADA and Harry owns a fog-coloured 1961 Morris Minor sedan. Ha! Great story! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Rising of the Stones"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 22 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Soulmarks, Auror Draco Malfoy, Elemental Earth Magic and Bad Minister of Magic
35 Chapters (105,556 words)
Completed 26 January 2016
Added 19 April 2020 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy has become the Ministry’s best Auror. He executes all kinds of unusual assignments, including one to go after the unexpectedly fugitive Harry Potter. But as he chases Potter down, Draco learns a lot more about what the Ministry has been hiding from the wizarding world than he ever wanted to know — secrets that may impact more than just his ability to arrest Potter.
This is a soul-msrks story - the idea that soulmates can identify each other by corresponding marks on their skin. However, this doesn't necessarily promise perfect happiness between the soulmates in question. You will enjoy this story! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Rivaling Affections"
by Digitallace Link verified to FanFiction.net/Digitallace on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Professor Potter
17 Chapters (50,900 words)
Completed 16 September 2008
Added 27 August 2018 (archived-html)
Harry is coerced into offering Draco a job and bringing him into his home. When Harry finds himself warming to his childhood rival, does Draco return his feelings, or will he continue to resist until Harry gives up? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas"
by bixgirl1 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/bixgirl1 on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Pureblood Holiday Customs and Sleep wanking-yes, wanking :)
2 Chapters (39,404 words)
Completed 28 December 2017
Added 24 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
When Draco is forced into sharing a room with Potter for the year, Draco finds out from Ron that Potter has a sleepwalking problem and should expect an odd conversation or maybe a game of chess here and there. What he does not expect are Potter's other activities and why he is so intent on having Draco join him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Running on Air"
by eleventy7 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/eleventy7 on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Auror Harry Rated K+
17 Chapters (74,875 words)
Completed 6 January 2015
Added 3 November 2018 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years; Harry is assigned the cold case and slowly becomes intrigued by the memories he investigates. Brilliant plot, awesome character development and overall, a wonderful story. If you like a good tour of England, this is a story for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Sacrifices Arc
by Lightning on the Wave Alternate Harry Potter Universe
8 Stories with 3,005,743 total words
Lightning on the Wave has written eight complete stories, they're really books! Each one parallels the JK Rowling books.
A few notes about the series from the author: Most chapters are Harry's POV for a majority of the action. Some include small Snape and Draco POV's. A few chapters will be all Snape's POV, or Harry's, and sometimes James, Lily, or someone else. 'Interludes' will be things like Draco's letters to his father and his diary entries; most, but not all, are Draco-centric. The story's heart is Harry, though, so most of the time it will stay there.
It will have at least one major slash pairing (Harry/Draco), but that's much further along in the story than I am right now. As for other pairings, I can't say, though I can promise that I'll not be writing Ron/Hermione- for reasons that will become obvious in about the fifth year analogue- or Snape/anyone.
Harry is a Slytherin in this story, but he's also devoted to his twin brother, to following him and protecting him and making him look even more heroic than he might. Therefore, he's going to clash with both people who are purely Gryffindor and with Slytherins like Draco and Snape, who will get frustrated with him. I can promise there won't be physical or sexual abuse. There will be a lot of arguments, darkness, death, and mayhem, though.
>>>>> PART ONE The Sacrifices Arc BOOK ONE <<<<<
"Saving Conner" (Philosopher's Stone)
by Lightning on the Wave Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Lightning-on-the-Wave on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Adventure
22 Chapters (74,581 words)
Completed 5 October 2005
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-word)
It's Year 1 and the AU of Philosopher's Stone. Harry's twin Connor is the Boy Who Lived, and Harry is devoted to protecting him by making himself look ordinary. But certain people won't let Harry stay in the shadows.
>>>>> PART TWO The Sacrifices Arc BOOK TWO <<<<<
"No Mouth But Some Serpent's" (Chamber of Secrets)
by Lightning on the Wave Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Lightning-on-the-Wave on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Adventure and Horror
44 Chapters (165,229 words)
Completed 8 November 2005
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
This is Year 2, the AU of Chamber of Secrets. Harry goes back to Hogwarts, determined to protect his brother Connor, the BoyWhoLived, and stay in the shadows. But last year two people learned the truth about Harry... and this year, two more will.
>>>>> PART THREE The Sacrifices Arc BOOK THREE <<<<<
"Comes Out of Darkness Morn" (Prisoner of Azkaban)
by Lightning on the Wave Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Lightning-on-the-Wave on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Tragedy and Drama
51 Chapters (273,218 words)
Completed 24 December 2005
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
It's Year 3, the AU of Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry struggles to rebuild himself after the shattering events of his second year. He will finally learn the truths he needs to know...but they're hardly going to be pleasant ones.
>>>>> PART FOUR The Sacrifices Arc BOOK FOUR <<<<<
"Freedom and Not Peace" (Goblet of Fire)
by Lightning on the Wave Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Lightning-on-the-Wave on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Drama and Suspense
86 Chapters (491,138 words)
Completed 4 March 2006
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
This is Year 4, the AU of Goblet of Fire. Training his brother, negotiating with former Death Eaters, juggling responsibility and duty...Harry's life is running away with him, as he struggles to balance. Also, there will be the first mention of HP/DM slash.
>>>>> PART FIVE The Sacrifices Arc BOOK FIVE <<<<<
"Wind That Shakes The Seas and Stars" (Order of the Phoenix)
by Lightning on the Wave Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Lightning-on-the-Wave on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Adventure and Drama
125 Chapters (770,717 words)
Completed 24 June 2006
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
This is Year 5, the AU of Order of the Phoenix. Snape begins the year with a mistake that sets his ward against him. Now Harry is using all his own considerable cunning to ride out the multiple storms, even as the Second War goes into motion.
>>>>> PART SIX The Sacrifices Arc BOOK SIX <<<<<
"A Song in Time of Revolution" (Half Blood Prince)
by Lightning on the Wave Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Lightning-on-the-Wave on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Drama and Angst
124 Chapters 696,179 words)
Completed 4 October 2006
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
This is Year 6, the AU of Half-Blood Prince. Revolution is never an easy choice—and worse when you’re trying to respect the free will of everyone, wizard and magical creature alike. Prophecy and politics and the Ministry... Harry doesn’t need any more complications.
>>>>> PART SEVEN The Sacrifices Arc BOOK SEVEN <<<<<
"I Am Also Thy Brother"
by Lightning on the Wave Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Lightning-on-the-Wave on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Tragedy and Horror
107 Chapters (534,681 words)
Completed 5 January 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
This is Year 7, the AU of the "Sacrifices Series." In the wake of death and disaster, Harry struggles to be everything he is: leader, lover, son, and brother. Yet what will survive the War diminishes every day he does not find and destroy a Horcrux. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Safe House"
by Professor McKitten Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 24 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Post War and Auror Harry
9 Chapters (38,715 words)
Completed 12 September 2005
Added 20 September 2014 (archived-pdf)
Harry and Draco get locked in a safe house for their own protection. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Mana Midnight Link verified to FanFiction.net/Mana-Midnight on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure and Romance
15 Chapters and an Epilogue (51,601 words)
Completed 29 June 2008
Added 16 July 2013 (archived-html)
Instead of Draco killing Dumbledore he stunned Snape and turned to the light. Now with a bounty on his head, Dumbledore takes Draco to the one place he would be safe. With Harry Potter at the Dursley's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by MystyVander Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
MystyVander on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Horcrus Hunting
25 Chapters (68,104 words)
Completed 16 October 2014
Added 15 October 2015 (archived-pdf)
It is a stormy night when Draco Malfoy seeks the assistance of none other than Harry Potter. On the brink of beginning a horcrux hunt, what is he supposed to do when his old rival comes seeking sanctuary? What is he supposed to do when that supposed enemy comes forward saying that the prophecy was wrong and it was truly the Dark Lord who has power that the Order knows not? It turns out the Order has been looking in all the wrong places and Draco Malfoy is going to help Harry look in the right ones...
Note: 15 June 2017 - Just re-read this story and I remember why I recommended it. Wonderful! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Sanguis Vita Est" Blood is Life
by HyperLittleNori (Shiguresan) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/HyperLittleNori on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year and Vampire Draco
28 Chapters (312,918 words)
Completed 21 July 2014
Added 6 September 2015 (archived-pdf)
Whilst Voldemort’s prisoner, Draco is made a vampire and forced to take Harry as his first meal. With Draco managing to resist the temptation to drain him, just barely, in a moment of blind rage at what he has been forced to become, he aids Harry in the destruction of Voldemort. But even with that threat vanquished, once back at Hogwarts, Draco finds himself disturbingly addicted to Harry’s blood. And amongst all this, a dark shadow looms ominously on the outline of the forest, watching them closely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy"
by knightmare NOTE: This story is no longer on line but I have a copy. Story Notes: Classic, Post Howarts, Alternate Universe, Violence and MPREG
10 Chapters (49,305 words)
Completed 7 July 2008
Added 6 September 2015 (archived-pdf/word)
Harry is comfortable in his job, secure that he is safe from the wizarding world, until a certain blond shows up and turns his world upside down.
This is one of my all-time favorites! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Say My Name"
by Thunderbird Link verified to members.adult-fanfiction.org/
profile.php?no=1296979425 on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year
20 Chapters with an Epilogue 205,009 words)
Completed 15 June 2017
Added 10 May 2023 (archivedv-word)
Harry just wants to shower in peace, but the 8th year boy's bathroom is already occupied by Draco Malfoy, who's taking care of some business of his own. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Scent of Lightning"
by Riventhorn Link verified to FanFiction.net/Riventhorn on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts with Established Relationship
12 Chapters with a Prolgue and an Epilogue (54,924 words)
Completed 10 January 2007
Added 31 May 2015 (archived-html)
Harry thought Slytherin’s (the man, not the house) vision of hatred had died with Voldemort. But what if Slytherin found a way to come back? Would Harry be able to stop him before the magical world was engulfed in terror and chaos again? Harry retired from being an Auror and is now playing professional Quidditch. When Ron calls Harry in to help with a case, Harry soon learns this is a whole lot more than a simple case including translating a book by Salazar Slytherin that's written in Parseltongue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Second Chances"
by kishijoten Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts
29 Chapters (99,146 words)
Completed 17 June 2003
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
For the first time in over a decade, Harry Potter crosses paths with Draco Malfoy. Both have changed a great deal, but what do those changes mean to them - and to each other? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Second Hand Robes"
by Samayel Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Samayel on 24 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic set at Hogwarts
11 Chapters (22,862 words)
Completed 10 August 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy's parents are in Azakaban and the Malfoy assets have been frozen by the Ministry leaving Draco almost penniless. An anonymous benefactor has set up accounts in all the shops in Diagon Alley allowing Draco to buy all his school supplies for the upcoming year. Using his Slytherin cunning, he soon discovers his mysterious benefactor. "WHY? POTTER WHY? What was all that for? The secrecy, all the effort, no credit for you, no brownie points, so why?" Draco's face was red. He knew his cheeks must be burning, but he was past caring now. His entire focus was on Potter, who had frozen stiff at the edge of the door.
"I did it, because, because" Potter faltered for a minute, choking on either laughter or tears, looking at Draco with a crazy kind of desperation and helplessness. "Draco-Malfoy-doesn't-wear-second-hand-robes." Potter's eyes were shining. Then he turned away, and left without another word, leaving Draco sitting in gob-smacked confusion.
Wow! What a great story. You will definately enjoy reading this one.
>>>>> EPILOGUE Second Hand Robes EPILOGUE <<<<<
"Second Hand Robes: Epilogue"
by Samayel Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Samayel on 7 January 2021
Story Notes: Hogwarts
7 chapters (21,859 words)
Completed 2 August 2009
Added 15 December 2013 (archived-pdf)
In the near future of Secondhand Robes, Draco feels a certain trepidation about his upcoming loss of virginity. As Samayel says, for those who wanted smut, here it is!
by Vorabiza (Biza) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Vorabiza on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
62 Chapters (395,365 words)
Completed 2 June 2006
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Draco Malfoy shows up on Privet Drive in the middle of the night asking for Harry's help. He hands Harry a baby and promises to be back in the morning to explain. What follows is a really well thought out plot that I'm sure you will enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Secret's in the Telling"
by Sakuri Link verified to FanFiction.net/Sakuri on 24 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Werewolfs
42 Chapters (152,313 words)
Completed 4 June 2008
Added 31 May 2015 (archived-html)
Draco Malfoy, pureblood and Slytherin prince, suffers the unthinkable when he is attacked and bitten by Remus Lupin. How is he supposed to live any kind of life afterwards, especially when Potter continues to stick his unwanted nose into things? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Secrets and Lies"
by Digitallace Link verified to FanFiction.net/Digitallace on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter, Romance and Humor
17 Chapters (51,754 words)
Completed 3 April 2011
Added 22 August 2018 (archived-html)
Auror Potter is given the task of taking down Draco Malfoy using whatever means necessary. Even if it means sleeping with the enemy - Beware: hot boy love! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Seeker to Seeker"
by BaronNomaw Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts
21 Chapters with an Epilogue (60,918 words)
Added 14 June 2004 (archived-pdf/word)
What begins as a slashy bet on the Quidditch field soon develops into something much more significant. Lots of sex in this one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Sense of Doubt"
by Reginalivesagain Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Reginalivesagain on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
32 Chapters with an Epilogue (240,657 words)
Completed 13 December 2018
Added 18 February 2019 (archived-pdf)
The battle is over, but a war is still waging inside Harry. The normal life he dreamed of is not what he thought it would be and the Weasley home is becoming less welcoming each day. Unsure of what he wants, things begin to sour around him. As much as he thought he loved Ginny, he's beginning to realise that perhaps they aren't well-matched. As if things weren't confusing enough, he gets a letter. He's invited to stand witness at Draco's final hearing. Will he go? If he does, what will happen after? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Serenity of His Rage"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 25 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Hogwarts AU HBP
39 Chapters (158,276 words)
Added 17 November 2016 (archived-html)
Snape never swore a vow. Draco accepted Dumbledore's offer of sanctuary. But when Voldemort kills Narcissa in retaliation, and Dumbledore insists on creating a soul-bond between Draco and Harry to subdue the Horcrux in Harry's soul, Draco decides to use both the soul-bond and the sanctuary to keep his family safe. No matter what Dumbledore intended. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Serpent Tales"
by Snivellyx Link verified to FanFiction.net/Snivellyx on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Creature Fic
28 Chapters and an Epilogue (84,330 words)
Completed 21 October 2009
Added 20 February 2021 (archived-html)
Harry has come into a magical inheritance but he doesn’t realize it. Unbeknownst to Harry, the first person to kiss him automatically becomes his mate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Set Adrift"
by tessarwyn Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
TheHexFiles_archivist on 25 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts
13 Chapters with an Epilogue (100,142 words)
Completed 3 January 2012
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Harry is enjoying married life, well, no he's not. After taking a ministry job and giving up teaching, at Ginny's insistance, a job he truly loved, he finds out she is cheating on him. Harry, in his official job with the ministry, has been overseeing Draco Malfoy's estate and has finally settled it returning the majority of it back to Draco. Harry asks for a divorce from Ginny and things get a whole lot worse before they get better. Lots of Ginny bashing in this story and I guarantee you'll enjoy it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Seven Days in June"
by fourth_rose Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/fourth_rose on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts with Draco in the muggle world
7 Chapters (46,921 words)
Completed 15 January 2010
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
The war is over, the survivors are moving on. The hero is finally allowed to go on leave – and meets an old enemy, who is working in a Muggle profession in a city without magic.
23 December 2017 - Just re-read this story and enjoyed just as much as the first time I read it back in 2012. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Sex Magic" Chapters 1 through 18 Chapters 19 and 20 Chapters 21 through 35
by velvetblood, leo_draconis and ki_rivers
Link verified to VelvetBlood-fic.LiveJournal.com/ on 25 June 2023
Link verified to Leo-Draconis.LiveJournal.com/ on 25 June 2023
Link verified toWattPad.com/user/ki_rivers on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts Alt 5th Year, Sex Class with Graphic Sexual Content
35 Chapters (64,634 words)
Completed 11 February 2021
Added 15 February 2021 (archived-word) In Harry's seventh year, an unexpected subject pops up on his schedule.
Yep, that's the author's entire summary. This is an extremely sexual story with lots of angst, imagine that? But, it is very well told. BUT, yes another BUT, this story is written by three different people on three different websites. Yeah, but worth the extra work. I have been following the progress of this story for years and it is now finally complete. It is high up on my favs list!
OK, Chapters 1 through 18 are by velvetblood. Then, Chapters 19 and 20 are authored by leo_draconis. Luckily, these two are both on LiveJournal. The remaining chapters are by ki_rivers over on WattPad. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Shades of Truth"
by teresa Link verified to FanFiction.net/teresa on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Post War
31 Chapters (86,000+)
Completed 30 September 2007
Added 9 March 2016 (archived-html)
Sometimes, the truth is hidden. Sometimes it can be painful to find, but sometimes it is a wonderful thing.
That's the author summary. What follows is a wonderful story where Draco is in Azkaban for killing a dozen people, including this own father. But Harry doesn't believe that and sets out to free Draco from prison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Shadow Phoenix"
by Lily272 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lily272 on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Pre Hogwarts and Animagus
16 Chapters (131,759)
Completed 18 June 2017
Added 9 September 2018 (archived-html)
A strange bird appears in the dungeons. One that is hurt and might be a wizard with depression. What will happen when Severus finds out that the bird is the abused son of the hated James Potter? Will he be able to help the boy? And what about Severus' friends the Malfoys? What will they say if they find out that Harry Potter is a Shadow Phoenix that is living with Severus Snape?
OK, so here's the 411. The plot is excellent, but the grammer and spelling is horrible. English is not the native laungage of the author. Occasionally, you'll have to read a sentence twice to be able to understand it. The situation is unique and the plot, as I said, is excellent. I really enjoyed it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Shadow Play"
by white_fox Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/white_fox on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, AU to Epilogue, Romance, Action and Drama
27 Chapters (82,664)
Completed 17 June 2017
Added 23 March 2019 (archived-pdf)
It had been eight years since the Wizarding World had seen Harry Potter after the defeat of You-Know-Who and Draco had become a teacher at Hogwarts. When a new teacher comes in to fill in a post, Draco starts to see the Boy-Who-Lived in the man and becomes curious. Meanwhile Harry is running from something and is reluctant to tell anyone what it is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Shape of the World"
by bixgirl1 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/bixgirl1 on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Post War and Obliviate
6 Chapters (48,276)
Completed 16 January 2017
Added 1 March 2018 (archived-pdf)
Five years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco's life is finally getting back in order. Until, that is, he sees a familiar face that has been missing since that last awful morning of the war. When has knowing Potter done anything other than complicate his life?
17 March 2021 - Just read this story again today. Awesome, just awesome! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Sign, Symbol, Token"
by PepperjackCandy Link verified to FanFiction.net/PepperjackCandy on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year
24 Chapters (50,387 words)
Completed 19 July 2001
Added 4 February 2015 (archived-html)
In Harry's seventh year, Dumbledore has a plan to defeat Voldemort, and it involves Dumbledore, Snape, Harry, and -- Draco Malfoy? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Silver and Gold"
by roma_fics (Romaine) Link verified to ArchieveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Romaine on 19 March 2024
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Post War and Character death
10 Chapters (70,640 words)
Completed 17 April 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html/pdf)
A small, torn piece of parchment reached Harry's hands six months before the end of the war. All it said was, "Save the Wolf." The day after the defeat of Voldemort, Harry makes good on his promise to the wizard who sent the note.
NOTE 19 March 2024: In my research on this story, I discovered that Romaine first started posting works under the name roma_fics. I had archived this story from Skyehawke.com, which no longer exists. When I searched again today, I found the exact same story at AO3. Eureka!! All of roma_fics stories are found! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Sleeping Beauty Curse"
by who_la_hoop Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/who_la_hoop on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Post War, Explicit Sex, Forced Bonding and Magical Sex Toys (Yea!)
23 Chapters (152,548 words)
Completed 23 December 2017
Added 26 Dec 2017 (archived-pdf)
When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . .?
OMG, what an awesome story! Read it, you will love it just as I do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Sleepless in Selsey"
by Cheryl Dyson Link verified to FanFiction.net/Cheryl-Dyson on 25 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Potter Children
19 Chapters (19,344 words)
Completed 2 January 2013
Added 9 February 2016 (archived-html)
Harry has shut himself and his children away from the wizarding world and although he claims to be perfectly happy, his son Albus thinks otherwise and begins a plot to help his father find love again.
Cheryl Dyson is one of my favorite authors. At least a half dozen of her stories are on this list. You will enjoy every single one of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Slytherin Prince
by AWX and Lexy0918 Sadly this work is no longer online, but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Graphic Violence, Blood & Gore, Torture and Rape
30 Chapters (111,830 words)
Completed 29 December 2018
Added 18 February 2019 (archived-pdf)
The Prince has fallen; struck down in his moment of absolute glory, his shining moment to prove absolute loyalty. Yet such a triumphant moment morphed to such utter disappointment. Punishment must be dealt. The old fool was dead, yes, yet by the wrong hand. The Dark Lord will teach him the error of his ways. Failing was not acceptable. However, he can't kill the boy, that would be too easy, too merciful.
Voldemort knew exactly what to do to insure the boy's obedience and then, he will have one last chance to earn his way back to his master's good graces. Draco wouldn't submit easily though. Voldemort welcomed the fight, as he knew the young Prince would fall at his feet in the end.
NOTE: 23 March 2024 - This was to be part one of The Syltherin Royalty Series, which never developed. It was originally posted at AO3, but has since disappeared. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Some Perfect World"
by Crikkita Link verified to GeoCities.ws/crikkita on 19 March 2024
Story Notes: Hogwarts
15 Chapters with a Prologue and Epilogue (148,965 words)
Completed 15 July 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf/word)
Draco wants a rematch, Hermione wants some answers, Ron wants things back the way they were, and Harry just wants a good night's sleep. A coming-out tale in the life of a famous young wizard, complete with meddling professors, 'fowl' play, first love, and some truly excellent friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Something's Started"
by Aquila_Star Link verified to SeparatriX - The Hex Files Archivist on 26 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Post War
47 Chapters and an Epilogue (199458 words)
Completed 9 October 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
The war has ended and ushered in changes that Harry has to confront, as if he hasn't done enough, right? Future challenges include a post war Hogwarts and, even more alarmingly, a post war Draco.
I enjoyed reading this story. It absolutely drips with well written sex. Enjoy.
NOTE: Link changed from Google Sites to AO3 on 26 June 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Somnio Salvus"
by Invisibabe Link verified to FanFiction.net/Invisibabe on 7 January 2021
Story Notes: Hogwarts 6th Year
24 Chapters (68,272 words)
Completed 22 October 2004
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Year six at Hogwarts, and Draco finds a way to spy on Harry's deepest fears. But will he use this knowledge to gain power over Harry, or to change his own destiny?
This is a good story with a twist. The chapters are not terribly long, but you'll find yourself wanting to read the next chapter and the next and the next. Enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Special Gifts"
by oldenuf2nobetter Note: this author has over 90 works featuring Harry and Draco
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/oldenuf2nb on 26 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Angst, AU, Drama and Romance
26 Chapters with a Prologue and an Epilogue (129,791 words)
Completed 17 January 2008
Added 20 December 2009 (archived-pdf)
Ten years after a devastating accident costs Harry Potter the love of his life and leaves him with life altering injuries, he is asked to return to Hogwarts to help the child of an old friend, with the help of an old adversary.
Excellent story recommended by Andreea in Romania. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 26 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Scorpius and Teddy Lupin
50 Chapters (196,581 words)
Completed 11 May 2015
Added 9 November 2015 (archived-pdf)
When the truth about a seemingly minor Dark hex Harry has suffered leads to the dissolution of his marriage with Ginny, Harry spins into a downward spiral. His private consolation is creating a fantasy life for himself in his journal as Ethan Starfall, a normal wizard with a big family. When he receives a random owl Draco Malfoy has cast into the void as a plea for help with his son Scorpius, Harry replies—as Ethan. There’s no reason, he thinks, for an epistolary friendship with Draco to go further. But Draco might have different ideas about that
It's a story by Lomonaaeren. I don't need to say anymore. She's awesome! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Starts with a Spin"
by Maxine Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn/
maxine on 26 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Violence and Explicit Sex
16 Chapters and an Epilogue (119,850 words)
Completed 30 January 2006
Added 27 November 2012 (archived-pdf)
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing.
Just enough mixture of smut, angst and plot. It's a great read! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Survival of the Species"
by romaine Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Romaine on 27 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Deathly Hallows Compliant
5 Chapters with an Epilogue (46,784 words)
Completed 14 May 2006
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Draco approaches Harry on the 9¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea. The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant but before any other canon info had been released.
From the author - This fic is marked as Dubious Consent. Some readers over the years (originally posted 2007) have stated it should be NonCon. I have my own philosophy on why I don't think this moment of ritualistic sex should be, but it is a very triggering scene. (This will happen in Chapter 4).
Note: 27 June 2023 - Just reread this story again and was delighted with the read. It is a wonderfully told story that you will enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Take the Air"
by Cheryl Dyson Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/dysonrules on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Auror Draco
9 Chapters (52,810 words)
Completed 22 January 2012
Added 9 February 2016 (archived-pdf)
Someone or something is attacking Muggles and leaving them for dead. Auror Harry Potter is assigned to the case, but with his usual partner unavailable, he is stuck with the most annoying Auror ever to walk the halls of the Ministry.
Cheryl Dyson has become one of my favorite authors. There are about a half dozen of her stories on this list. You will enjoy every single one of them!
Note - 28 June 2023 - I changed the link from FanFiction.net to AO3. I just like that you can download the entire work from AO3 in a pdf. That's nice.
"Taking Chances"
by gracerene Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn/
gracerene on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry, Auror Draco, Original Characters, Drama and Explicit sexual situations
38 Chapters (135,125 words)
Completed 13 September 2018
Added 30 November 2018 (archived-pdf)
After the war, Draco disappeared and started over in America, vowing never to return to Great Britain and the fraught past he left behind. Unfortunately, when his mates convince him to sign up for an exchange programme for the last year of their Auror Training, Draco learns that he doesn't have much of a choice in the matter.
gracerene certainly tells a great story! She has over 300 works in the HP Universe!
"Tales from the Special Branch Series"
by Femme (femmequixotic) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/femmequixotic on 28 June 2023
When Gawain Robards asks him to form Special Branch seven-four-alpha, Harry Potter knows they'll have to work outside the confines of the law - even though they are the law.
Notes: This is a five-story arc about an Auror Special Branch unit whose core members are Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini. The author promises endgame Drarry, but, let's face it, there are going to be a lot of up and downs on the way. (Think Shondaland for Drarry.)
Series Started - 19 February 2017
Series works complete - 4/5
Completed - No
Last Updated - 31 December 2019
Words to date - 1,214,933
Story Notes for explicit language, sexual situations way beyond vanilla, cliffhangers, boy/boy sex, girl/girl sex, action, adventure and a whole hell of a lot more! Enjoy!
>>>>> PART ONE Tales From the Special Branch PART ONE <<<<<
"Can't Get You Out of My Head"
Prequel to Part Two
by Femme (femmequixotic) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Femme on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Auror Malfoy
1 Chapter (14,629 words)
Completed 19 February 2017
Added 22 May 2018 (archived-pdf)
After he sees Harry Potter naked in the Auror showers once, Draco can't stop thinking about him.
This is the first installment in the "Tales from the Special Branch" Series. Hehe, there's a ton of sex in this entire series, plus, one hell of a ride in the plot!
>>>>> PART TWO Tales From the Special Branch PART TWO <<<<<
"Lost In Your Arms"
by Femme (femmequixotic) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Femme on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Auror Malfoy
10 chapters (257,677 words)
Completed 16 March 2017
Added 22 May 2018 (archived-pdf)
Three months after their brief encounter, Draco has almost forgotten about Potter--or so he tells himself. Then a Dark wizard shows up on the Auror radar and all hell breaks loose. Draco will have to choose between everything he holds dear--everything he's worked so hard for--and a few stolen moments of passion with a certain green-eyed Inspector, once his sworn enemy and now something rather different entirely. He'll make the right choice, won't he? Who is he kidding? He'll ruin everything, as per usual. Bad choices and the name Malfoy go hand in hand.
>>>>> PART THREE Tales From the Special Branch PART THREE <<<<<
"These Secrets In Me"
by Femme (femmequixotic) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Femme on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Auror Malfoy
10 chapters (357,855 words)
Completed 6 August 2017
Added 22 May 2018 (archived-pdf)
Auror Special Branch Team Seven-Four-Alpha--Sergeant Draco Malfoy, Constable Pansy Parkinson, and Constable Blaise Zabini led by their SIO (Senior Investigating Officer), Inspector Harry Potter--must handle personal and political fallout from the implication of Ministry employees and Aurors in the scandal around escaped Death Eaters and a Dementor uprising at Azkaban. On top of that, their original target, Antonin Dolohov, is in the wind.
With all the ruckus, it's a good thing they have help from Unspeakable Hermione Granger, American Unspeakable, Legilimens, and Harry's recent ex, Jake Durant, Blaise's legendary necromancer grandfather, Barachiel Dee, and his potions expert mother, Olivia Zabini. What could possibly go wrong with an army of best friends, ex-lovers, and family? Especially when you add the strong-willed Parkinson clan to the mix.
Meanwhile, troubling new leads arise, taking Our Team in a surprising direction.
And Draco, still hiding his relationship with his SIO from the upper echelons of the Auror force, is definitely not falling in love with Harry Potter along the way. Not at all. Don't be ridiculous.
>>>>> PART FOUR Tales From the Special Branch PART FOUR <<<<<
"Dare To Think"
by Femme (femmequixotic) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Femme on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Auror Malfoy
18 chapters (388,047 words)
Completed 14 April 2018
Added 22 May 2018 (archived-pdf)
After recent events in New York, Seven-Four-Alpha are set to return back to London. They've captured their primary target, but by no means settled their case. They've still got rogue Dementors at Azkaban, prying investigators from Luxembourg, and a far larger Death Eater threat to manage, not to mention pressure from their own higher ups. Draco is reeling from his loss, and Harry is trying to be the best boyfriend he can, which may mean not being Draco's guv any longer. Harry's uncertain what his team'll find as they press deeper in the investigation, but he knows they will all be tested, perhaps more than they can bear.
But they haven't a choice, have they? It's the bloody Death Eaters, after all, and the political integrity of Wizarding Britain and their magical allies hangs in the balance.
>>>>> PART FIVE Tales From the Special Branch PART FIVE <<<<<
"Set Me Free"
by Femme (femmequixotic) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Femme on 8 January 2021
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry and Auror Malfoy
NOTE: WORK IN PROGRESS - 10/25 Chapters Posted with 196,725 words
>NOTE: Last Updated 31 December 2019
Added 22 May 2018 (archived-pdf)
Seven-Four-Alpha are back in London with available resources of the Ministry tracking their every move. Draco Malfoy remains lost, last seen in Thibodaux, Louisiana, as MACUSA (The Magical Congress of the United States of America) was closing in. Harry is raging, barely in control of his magic, and the rest of the team are battered and unsure. Their recent failure haunts them, as does the spectre of a MACUSA-Ministry alliance under the control of the Quahog administration and its shadow puppetmaster, Aldric Yaxley. The Dementor crisis with Luxembourg is brewing in the background, as is a conflict with Rodolphus Lestrange. And that's not even mentioning the bargain Blaise struck with Death to return his cup. The team have very little energy or resources for one fight, much less several of this magnitude simultaneously.
Should they fail, though, political tyranny will grip both sides of the Atlantic and evils recently banished may return. Each of them is fighting for something they hold dear, but no victory comes without a price. Still, desperate situations call for desperate measures, and desperation appears to be all they have.
NOTE: This is the final book in the Tales From the Special Branch series; our action starts two weeks after the end of Dare to Think. While it's not entirely crucial for you to have read the rest of the books first, it'll probably make a hell of a lot more sense if you have an inkling of the backstory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Taming Draco Malfoy"
by Becstar7 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
pseuds/Becstar7 on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 6th Year, Action Adventure, Violence, Torture and Death
52 Chapters (328,509 words)
Completed 23 December 2014
Added 6 June 2021 (archived-pdf)
It's nearing the end of their sixth year at Hogwarts, and Pansy Parkinson is determined to change her best friend’s fate. When she not-so-accidentally overhears a shocking revelation regarding one Harry Potter, she devises a cunning plan to convince Draco to defect. Unfortunately, where Potter is concerned, nothing ever really goes to plan ...
Note from the author - Inspired by 10 Things I Hate About You, the brilliant movie adaptation of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew. This story took me almost a decade to write, and fair warning – it’s an epic! So if you like long, plotty stories with a bit of world-building, a bit of character development and a whole lot of hot gay sex, then this is the one for you! Enjoy! :)
NOTE: Thanks to Marco from Italy for this suggestion! Know a great story that's not on this list? Let me know! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Tea and No Sympathy"
by who_la_hoop Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/who_la_hoop on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Time Loop (ah la "Ground Hog Day")
11 Chapters (70,045 words)
Completed 23 December 2014
Added 10 January 2017 (archived-pdf)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
NOTE: If you like this story, check out "Groundhog Day" by Sprout2012, also listed on this page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Temporary Mate"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en)
This author is cooler than the iceberg that sank the Titanic! Link verified to Members.Adult-FanFiction.org/profile.php?no=1296817917 on 28 June 2023 Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Angst, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Creature Fic and Veela Draco
29 Chapters (87,118 words)
Completed 26 March 2018
Added 25 February 2021 (archived-html)
Escorting Malfoy on a dangerous mission in another dimension to speak to French Veela, Harry and his fellow Aurors are attacked and left for dead. Harry and Malfoy are the only survivors, and wounds the attackers inflicted have released Malfoy’s Veela heritage. Now he’s probably going to die unless Harry can successfully bind himself to Malfoy as a temporary mate—and they still have to survive the trek to reach the Veela stronghold.
"Temptation on the War Front"
by alizarincrims0n Link verified to FanFiction.net/
alizarincrims0n on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Horcrux Hunt and Final Battle
30 Chapters with an Epilogue (189,291 words)
Completed 20 November 2015
Added 1 December 2015 (archived-html)
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter.
It's a familiar storyline, but it has been rarely told so well. This is one story that you will not be able to walkaway from!
by Ravenna C Tan Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
ravenna_c_tan on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Alernate Universe, Time Trave and Action Adenture
20 Chapters (85,722 words)
Completed 1 July 2014
Added 23 Sept 2015 (archived-pdf)
Students at Hogwarts have always been warned about corridors that appear and disappear. Did you ever wonder where they go? Or when? Harry thinks he is late to his seventh year potions class, but he turns out to be more than seventy years early.
Harry is magically transported back to Hogwarts in 1926, and until they find a way to return him to 1997, he is enrolled as a student. The very first student he meets is a blond Slytherin named Draco Malfoy. A time without Voldemort gives Harry the chance to learn things about magic and himself, but that era is not without certain evils. Mixes mystery, romance, action/adventure, and first-time smut. Nominated for a Multi-faceted Award.
"Tempus Fugit"
by Stylophile Link verified to FanFiction.net/Stylophile on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Time Travel to the future
13 Chapters (97,329 words)
Completed 20 December 2004
Added 11 April 2013 (archived-html)
A monumental cock-up in Potions leaves Harry and Draco contending with more than mutual enmity, and a strong desire to utter all manner of profanities. Slash, sex and slurred words ensue.
A future fic that is very well told!
"Ten Days"
by LLY1 Link verified to https://www.fanfiction.net/LLY1 on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama and Fluff
13 Chapters (52,976 words)
Completed 1 December 2013
Added 3 September 2018 (archived-html)
After a steamy night in the prefect's bathroom, Harry might find himself to be in love with a certain Slytherin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Ten Steps"
by Digitallace Link verified to FanFiction.net/Digitallace on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: 12 Years Post War
25 Chapters (100,096 words)
Completed 1 December 2009
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Harry seeks the help of Professor Amore (Draco Malfoy), who is a love advice columist at The Quibbler, to give a boost to his love life, but as usual, things aren’t always what they seem. Digitallace has authored over 50 stories.
"Thar Be Dragons"
by Professor Drarry Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/ProfessorDrarry on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Adventure, Dragons, Friendship, Love and Research Potions Master Draco
13 Chapters (43,717 words)
Completed 7 February 2017
Added 23 Dec 2017 (archived-pdf)
When Draco is forced to go on a work-related dragon hunt, he is less than thrilled. When an unwelcome third party appears, he is fuming. And when the adventure doesn't go as planned, he knows he is well and truly doomed.
"That Missing Something"
by xenadragon_xoxo Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/xenadragon_xoxo on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Romance, Bonding, Hurt and Comfort
16 Chapters (55,718 words)
Completed 12 October 2013
Added 16 Jan 2018 (archived-pdf)
On two different sides of London, living their own lives and finally experiencing peace and even some happiness, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy begin to feel a little - empty. It's manageable at first, but after the emptiness come odd emotions striking at odd times, jeopardising work and friendships, and after odd emotions come urges and longings for something they can't find. Unable to find the piece they're missing and clueless as to what's making them this way, Harry and Draco experiment with different ways to solve their issues – but what if it's all connected? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"That Old Black Magic"
by bixgirl1 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/bixgirl1 on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Romance and Marriage Contracts
7 Chapters (77,777 words)
Completed 5 September 2019
Added 11 April 2021 (archived-pdf)
Centuries ago, marriage contracts were the norm — ready-made alliances between families, expected and complied with, without complaint. But norms have a way of changing, and when a long-dormant contract flares to life, Harry has to navigate an unexpected splintering of the path he'd thought would be easy after the war... with Draco Malfoy.
"That Which Divides Us"
by oldenuf2nobetter Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
oldenuf2nb on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Mid-War and After Hogwarts
24 Chapters with an Epilogue (126,349 words)
Completed 5 October 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Three years after what would have been their seventh year at Hogwarts, the war between the forces of light and Voldemort's minions grinds on. But even within the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix there are vast disagreements over what is good for 'the Chosen One' and his volatile relationship with Draco Malfoy has many on edge. Sometimes even the best intentions can reap disaster.
That's the author's summary but it does not even begin to do justice to this wonderful story. There's Percy bashing and bad Hermonie. I really did enjoy it and I think you will too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Things Worth Knowing"
by Femme (femmequixotic)
noeon (noe) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Femme on 28 June 2023 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/noeon" on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 8th Year, Original Character, Post War Trauma, Coming Out and Bisexual
10 Chapters (164,523 words)
Completed 31 December 2017
Added 20 March 2018 (archived-pdf)
After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He's hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems. And that's not even addressing the fact that Potter's got serious issues of his own, which Draco realises as he's forced to share an Eighth Year dormitory room and several classes with the Gryffindor Git. If only they can make it though the year without killing each other, it should be alright, shouldn't it?
"Thirty One Days"
by Arh.581958 Link verified to FanFiction.net/Arh.581958 on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Established Relationship and Divorce
5 Chapters (27,000+ words)
Completed 3 November 2009
Added 23 March 2016 (archived-html)
After falling into hard times, Harry finally asks Draco for a divorce. Draco agrees. As a final request he says: "Just stay with me for 31 more days, then you can leave." Will Harry change back or is this the end? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"This Ain't the Garden of Eden"
by Romaine Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.com/
users/Romaine on 23 August 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Hit Wizard Harry
20 Chapters (131,473 words)
Completed 24 October 2021
Added 23 August 2023 (archived-html)
In 2020, Hit Wizard Harry is starting to enjoy his life. He’s divorced, and no longer Head Auror. His biggest project these days is trying to remodel 12 Grimmauld Place for him and the kids.
Draco Malfoy is recovering from his wife’s death. But is happy with his Ministry position as Temporary Head of the Department of Intoxicating Substances, and with his son who he adores.
This all changes quickly when Minister Shacklebolt decides not to run for another term. The assumption is that 'all is well' in the British Magical world, and that Hermione Granger-Weasley will easily be voted in as the next Minister for Magic. However, Draco knows better. He knows she has a strong competitor who is wooing those who live in Knockturn. And if he wins, the Ministry, and all that has been accomplished the previous twenty odd years, will be destroyed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Three Steps to Paradise"
by beren Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/beren on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Established Relationship and Divorce
3 Chapters (13,949 words)
Completed 8 January 2008
Added 16 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
Harry didn't do what everyone expected of him and he became a professional Quidditch player, however, he still has a huge hero streak. When he does something reckless to save Draco Malfoy from a potentially fatal fall in a match it changes more than just Draco's attitude towards him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Time Out of Place"
by BananaCosmicGirl Link verified to FanFiction.net/
bananacosmicgirl on 28 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, AU and Time Travel
23 Chapters with an Appendix (100k+ words)
Completed 5 June 2003
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Harry wakes up with a headache, but that's the least of his troubles. After a midair collision with Draco Malfoy during a Quidditch match, the Boy Who Lived wakes up in a world where Ron and Hermione are married and Harry is romantically involved with Draco, or rather they're supposed to be involved. Harry and Draco decide not to tell anyone and play along with this future situation until they can figure out what happened ... and more importantly, how to get back.
This is the second story by BananaCosmicGirl that I'm recommending. The first was "The Depths of Winter."
UPDATE: 24 September 2020 - Just re-read this story and remembered why I recommended it. Wonderfuly told story. You will enjoy it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> PART ONE <<<<< "Tomorrow" Part One - A Prequel
by November Snowflake
1 Chapter (4,119 words)
Published 24 April 2012
Added 3 March 2013 (archived - pdf)
Story Notes: Hogwarts
For Harry and Draco, the dawn is long in coming
>>>>> PART TWO <<<<< "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" Part Two - The Main Story
by November Snowflake
13 Chapters (57,561 words)
Completed 21 August 2006
Added 25 November 2012 (archived - pdf)
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Mid-War, Auror Potter and Memory Loss
It's only a vague sense somewhere in his mind, but he figures it isn't that far off the mark, considering where he is: an old Ministry outpost, magicked and converted into a war hospital. They tell him he was wounded in battle. They tell him he was lucky not to be killed. They tell him his name is Malfoy. He has a good enough understanding of French to be able to translate the name, and its meaning doesn't seem a good omen. He's forgotten his entire life, but still has a facile grasp of the French language. How could it be a good omen?
That's how the story opens. Draco remembers nothing and he keeps getting these strange visits from this Auror named Potter. You will like this story!
Originally posted 28 June 2003, disappeared for a while, now on AO3. Thanks to Emily for the update!
>>>>> PART THREE <<<<< "Daybreak" Part Three - A Coda (Concluding Passage)
by November Snowflake
1 Chapter (5,060 words)
Published 24 April 2012
Added 3 March 2013 (archived - pdf)
Story Notes: Post War
Harry Potter, Draco knows, has a habit of keeping his promises. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Too Cold Outside (For Angels to Fly)"
by gracerene Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/gracerene/ on 30 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Auror Harry
Auror Partner Veela Draco/Murder Mystery/Explicit
24 Chapters and an Epilogue (62,688 words)
Completed 25 December 2019
Added 15 March 2021 (archived-pdf)
The Auror Department and the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures are working to create a new division partnering human wizards and Magical Beings in order to more effectively police crime involving any and all classifications of Magical Creature. Auror Harry Potter jumps at the chance to join the pilot programme, but he starts to regret his rashness when he discovers who he's to be partnered with: Veela Draco Malfoy.
This is yet another gracerene recommendation. It is a Advent story starting on December 1st and ending on December 24th with the Epilogue taking place on Christmas the next year. It's an Action/Adventure murder mystery. I like the way gracerene writes!
"Trading Spaces"
by Snippy and Snarky Link verified to FanFiction.net/SnippyandSnarky on 30 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Humour, Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy and Hermonie Granger & Severus Snape
26 Chapters (181,430 words)
Completed 7 October 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
This is one of the funniest stories I've ever read. I'm talking about fall out of the chair because you're laughing so hard funny!
Harry cracked his knuckles. “What a pleasure, Lucius. I always wanted to be able to kill you again.”
“I’d be careful, Potter. There’s a whole new crop of enemies surrounding you now.”
“Funny.” Harry gestured at Lucius. “Blond, snobby, evil. They look the same to me.”
“Even now, your old friends are plotting your imminent demise.”
“Hey, when you’re stuck in a castle, you have to make your own fun.” Harry shrugged.
“They think you’re Voldemort, Harry.”
Harry just stared blankly at Lucius. “Why would they think that?”
“Because there are two of you.” Lucius smirked. “The boys who lived, so to speak.”
“Two of me?”
“Sit down, Potter.” Lucius sprawled elegantly in one of the armchairs near the fireplace.
“Shouldn’t you be stroking some kind of sinister cat?” Harry smirked as he settled onto the leather couch.
LOL! In an effort to create more house unity, Dumbledore has the house prefects show up at school early and has them switch houses! Harry and Hermione end up in Slytherin and, of course, Draco ends up in Griffindor. Add in some house mascots with some strange habits ... Snippy and Snarky, Slytherin House Mascots are a pair of snakes that constantly get into trouble ... Griff-Gruff, the Griffindor mascot ... Hazelheart, the weed smoking mascot of Hufflepuff ... and Rune, the Ravenclaw mascot ... and you end up with some pretty hilarious moments. Throw in a little romance between green eyes and grey eyes and you've got a great story!
by Resonant Link verified to Trickster.org/res on 30 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Post Hogwarts and Teacher
16 Chapters and an Epilogue (323,502 words)
Completed 9 March 2012
Added 11 November 2013 (archived-html)
Harry Potter, after disposing of Voldemort, flees Britain for sunny Florida, where he spends five years soaking up the sun. An owl from Minerva McGonagal changes everything as she asks him to come back home to Hogwarts. The school is poised to reopen, but it is soon found out that the school is mined with all kinds of hidden curses. Draco Malfoy and Hermonie Granger have become best friends, much to Harry's dismay. It becomes Harry and Draco's responsibility to "unmine" the school." Well, things get interesting from there. What a great told story! You will enjoy watching the relationship between Draco and Harry evolve, and the plot with the mines is irrestible.
by Saras_Girl Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Saras_Girl on 30 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Post Hogwarts and Daddy Harry
14 Chapters (323,502 words)
Completed 9 March 2012
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
From the author: This story contains some het, a lot of slash, some epilogue-friendly stuff and a lot of AU. It is vaguely inspired by the film ‘The Family Man’ but in reality, is a variation on a concept that is, quite frankly, well old. I implore you to just trust me and enjoy the story.
That's the author's summary, but there is a whole lot more to it than that. Family man Harry Potter enjoys a life with his wife Ginny and their children, Al, James and Lily. After a late night of drinking gin with an old codger who Harry laments to about wondering what would have happened if he'd done things differently, Harry wakes up in an alternate universe where he has been married to Draco Malfoy for 17 years. Harry is gobsmacked, but he remembers the old man's last words. "Rule number one, tell no one. Rule number two, tell no one. Rule number three, send up red sparks if you need me." You gotta read this one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Turn From Stone"
by harryromper Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/harryromper on 30 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Action Adventure
6 Chapters (45,774 words)
Completed 25 July 2019
Added 14 April 2020 (archived-pdf)
Something happened in the hours after the final battle, after the evacuation of the living and the dead. As the last of the survivors left the castle, and as the castle itself turned its wounded back on them all. The loss of Hogwarts has been felt by their entire community. And it’s something that needs to be put right. Harry knows there’s nothing he can do to stop Hermione (war hero, historian, author of the reissued “Hogwarts: A History”) once she sets her mind to something. Even an extremely risky last-ditch effort to restore the ancient castle and lay its newest ghosts to rest. What he wasn’t counting on was her insistence that Draco Malfoy be part of the plan.
"Turning You Into Someone New"
by Firestorm00X Link verified to FanFiction.net/FireStorm00X on 30 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Drama
55 Chapters (144,254 words)
Completed 22 December 2006
Recommended 22 July 2010
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Narcissa knows her son better than anyone. So when the other women challenge her to make Draco a soulmate, she accepts without delay. Until they choose for her to reshape Harry Potter into her sons' perfect man.
"Twenty Years Later"
by Reba Williams Link verified to RebaWilliams.LiveJournal.com on 30 June 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Post Hogwarts, Drama, Humor and Violence
22 Chapters with an Epilogue (151,387 words)
Completed 27 September 2005
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-word/html)
It’s been almost twenty years since Harry Potter graduated Hogwarts as the "Hero of the Wizarding World." It was near the end of his seventh year when he finally defeated Voldemort. The details of that battle can be found in any number of history books or in one of the hundreds of biographies about Harry’s Life, well at least the first twenty-five years of his life, nobody knows what happened to Harry the morning after his twenty-fifth birthday. But after reading this story, you will know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Twist of Fate"
Oakstone730 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Oakstone730 on 30 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Drama
29 Chapters (302,209 words)
Completed 8 September 2012
Added 11 January 2019 (archived-pdf)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness. The timeframe is 1994-2002 (Goblet to 4 yrs post-DH). Additional Story Notes: Any character who died in the books will die in this story. This story follows the major developments in the books.
Note: I re-read this story on 31 December 2019. Awesome story!
From the author - 2021: in honor of the tenth anniversary of writing Twist I am in the process of working with Omi_ohmy and editing the entire work. I've just uploaded the newly edited first five chapters. The fanfiction.net version will remain the original version.
>>>>> SEQUEL Twist of Fate SEQUEL <<<<<
"Cedric's Letters"
Oakstone730 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Oakstone730 on 30 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Drama
2 Chapters (1,566 words)
Completed 2 August 2014
Added 11 January 2019 (archived-pdf)
Love letters to Simon from Cedric. Some may have mentions of Harry and Draco, but not all.
>>>>> SEQUEL TWO Twist of Fate SEQUEL TWO <<<<<
"Dumbledore's Letter"
Oakstone730 Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Oakstone730 on 30 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Romance and Drama
1 Chapter (11,428 words)
Completed 26 December 2013
Added 11 January 2019 (archived)
Harry and Draco have been together for three years when Harry finally decides to read the letter Albus Dumbledore wrote to him years earlier.
"The Two Hunters Series"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Three Part Trilogy
Story Notes: Alternate Universe and Vampire Draco
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
>>>>> PART ONE The Two Hunters Series PART ONE <<<<<
by Lomonaaeren Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 30 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: AU, Vampire Draco and Violence
1 Chapter (15,474 words)
Completed 2 January 2009
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Draco has found acceptance and power with the nest of vampires who claimed him for their own. Then his nest leader decided to hunt Harry Potter.
>>>>> PART TWO The Two Hunters Series PART TWO <<<<<
by Lomonaaeren Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 30 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Alternate Universe and Vampire Draco
9 Chapters (41,750 words)
Completed 41 May 2009
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
As a developing master vampire, Draco believes he will soon have enough power to conquer Harry Potter. But Harry is more concerned with a group of vampires who are behind some strange murders.
>>>>> PART THREE The Two Hunters Series PART THREE <<<<<
"The Long Desired"
by Lomonaaeren Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 30 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Alternate Universe and Vampire Draco
14 Chapters (54,095 words)
Completed 24 August 2009
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Harry is desperate to prevent a vampire Draco from taking him as his lover and Long Desired, which Harry sees as slavery. Draco turns to Harry's friends for help as Harry spirals down into madness.
"Two Playboys on the Pitch"
by Professor McKitten Link verified to SeparatriX - The Hex Files Archivist on 30 June 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Professional Quidditch and Romance
13 Chapters (48,750 words)
Completed 8 August 2007
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
Harry is a famous Quidditch player. Draco's the Healer for a Quidditch team. What happens when they meet again after two years apart?
"Two Sides of the Same Coin"
by noiselessheart Link verified to FanFiction.net/noiselessheart on 30 June 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year, Post War, Romance and Angst
20 Chapters with a Prolugue and an Epilogue (117,277 words)
Completed 20 October 2010
Added 13 April 2015 (archived-html)
Harry and Draco find out the hard way that the line between hate and love is a fine one, and that somewhere between the Battle of Hogwarts and being thrust back together as Hogwarts eighth years, they may have just crossed it.
Ginny is Harry's confidant concerning his attraction to the same sex - same sex as in Draco Malfoy.
"The Unbearable Burden of Caring"
by Tessa Crowley Link verified to FanFiction.net/Tessa-Crowley on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter, Author Malfoy, Drama and Romance
9 Chapters (22,982 words)
Completed 25 December 2013
Added 23 January 2016 (archived-html)
Fifteen years after the War, Draco is a social recluse and award winning author. Harry is an auror who works too hard, ensuring his old war wounds never heal. They meet at a masquerade ball, unaware of each other's identities. In another situation, it would have been love at first sight. But for them, it would never be so simple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by NariNari (archived by HPFandom_archivist) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/HPFandom_archivist on 2 July 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at HP Fandom, which was closed for health and financial reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone. If you are (or know) this creator, please contact me using the e-mail address on HP Fandom collection profile.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Action Adventure, Bond and MPREG
921 Chapters (97,621 words)
Completed 27 September 2009
Added 9 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
Ten minutes before his seventeeth birthday, Harry is whisked away from the Dursleys to Number 12 Grimmuald Place where Dumbledore trys to explain why Draco Malfoy is there, but runs out of time. Pain explodes inside Harry at strike of midnight on his birthday. The next moring he finds out he is to be bonded by Draco due to a spell that was cast by their great, great, great grandfathers. (Yes, Draco, I know there are a few more greats that need to go in there, LOL) Read and enjoy!
"Underwater Light"
by Maya Mistful Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Action, Mystery, Romance, Torture, Character Death and written prior to the publication of Order of the Phoenix
22 Chapters with an Epilogue (198,700 words)
Completed 8 May 2002
Added 1 January 2021 (archived-pdf/html)
Featuring an extremely depressed Harry in a war-torn wizarding world, about to get the shock of his life when he discovers that Draco Malfoy is slightly more important to him than he would have ever guessed. Including a very odd friendship, lots of angst, suspicions, conflicted loyalties, clueless Ron, on-the-warpath Hermione and two very messed-up boys.
"Unlikely Beginnings"
by ChristineP Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
ChristineP on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Violence, AU, Action Adventure, Rape and MPREG
14 Chapters (243,977 words)
Completed 10 January 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf)
A spur of the moment liaison leaves both parties with more than they bargained for, while hairy armpits, dirty secrets and the blatantly obvious, help to blossom humble beginnings into a relationship to remember.
"Unthinkable Thoughts"
by Aidan Lynch Link verified to FanFiction.net/Aidan-Lynch on 2 July 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts, Romance and Humor
18 Chapters (133,112 words)
Completed 22 August 2002
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Author's notes - Surely, surely the constantly emphasized enmity between Harry and Draco implies that if ever Voldemort is to be completely vanquished, Harry is going to have to call on the resources not just of his own inner strength but on that of the widest possible circle of allies, and that alliance must surely have to include Draco, the son of a death-eater. How would Harry ever overcome the natural disgust he feels for Draco? And even if he could, how would he ever convince Ron and Hermione to think the same? I got to thinking, like loads of you - there is surely only one way that Harry and Draco can be reconciled, and that is if they are both prey to emotions that go beyond common sense and reason. Reason dictates that they can never be friends, but love of course is no respecter of such boundaries. As to how Harry keeps his friendship with Ron (somehow I don’t see Hermione being as much of a problem, despite Malfoy’s disgusting ‘Mudblood’ taunts), I have no idea: in the real world it is not often the case that inseparable boyhood friends can survive the coming out of one of them. I don’t know if Ron is strong enough. Time will tell. This story is sort of loosely set in the academic year after the conclusion of Goblet of Fire and the Triwiz debacle, when the characters are in the 15/16 age group. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Veela Enigma"
by Jennavere Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Veela Draco, Outrageously Flaming Draco and Out of Charactr Draco
32 Chapters (187,794 words)
Completed 12 July 2005
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf/word)
What if some of Draco's ancestors, pretending to be purebloods, concealed the truth about their Veela heritage? You'd end up with one very confused Draco Malfoy, who's fallen head over heels in love with Harry Potter and has no idea why. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Veritas Vos Liberabit" ("The Truth Shall Set You Free")
by Angela_Addams Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Angela_Addams on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year, Action Adventure, PTSD, Drug Abuse and Non-Graphic Sexual Situations
30 Chapters (82,795 words)
Completed 4 May 2021
Added 18 November 2021 (archived-pdf)
After the war Draco Malfoy finds himself at the crossroads. He tries not to become a scapegoat for the overzealous DMLE, fulfill his duties as a Malfoy heir and struggles with his potion addiction.
And all this mess is because of Harry Potter, who cannot just let things be as they are, who wants to help and ends up stirring a doxies nest of problems.
Potter employs a legillimens, Elise Baelish, to help Draco win the trials. And, before you know it, their unofficial 8th year at Hogwarts turns into a dangerous game with rogue Death Eaters who still seek vengeance and the corruption within the Ministry of Magic.
This is Part One of a series that has not been finished. Part Two "Veritas" has 4/? chapters and was last updated 20 September 2021.
"Vulnera Sanentur"
The Healing Spell used by Snape on Draco after Sectumsempra
by Zzzara Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Zzzara on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Horcrux Hunt and very much canon
4 Chapters (51,721 words)
Completed 14 October 2019
Added 6 June 2020 (archived-pdf)
When Harry Potter fires a deadly curse at his "arch-enemy", he has no idea what the curse does. He has no idea he will soon beg Draco Malfoy's forgiveness and try his best to atone. He has no idea that the ugly bathroom incident he would rather forget will tangle and bind their lives together with no chance of escape. Navigating a treacherous path between Dumbledore's lies and Voldemort's orders, Draco is trapped and considered to be dead by both sides of the Wizarding War. Against the Golden Trio's wishes, he joins them on the Horcrux hunt. Except that he has no idea what he is hunting for. This is a love-story, a fight-story, very much compliant to the 6th and 7th 'Harry Potter' books and yet, very, VERY different. Because this time - after the Sectumsempra incident - Harry visits Draco in the hospital wing and tries to apologise.
"Walking the Line"
by SilentAuror Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/SilentAuror_HPworks on 19 March 2024
Story Notes: Hogwarts and Post 6th Year
30 Chapters (180,581 words)
Completed 12 April 2006
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Sixth year is over and Draco Malfoy is on the run. The war is over, an unwanted assignment is forced upon him by the only people he trusts - and a one-time arch-enemy just may be out to kill him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Walking With a Ghost"
by kcstories Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/kcstories on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Drama and some AU
29 Chapters (83,573 words)
Completed 7 October 2010
Added 31 August 2014 (archived-pdf)
It's Albus and Scorpius' third year at Hogwarts. Life isn't going too well for their respective fathers, but Albus intends to change that. Soon unexpected help arrives in the shape of a ginger-haired ghost and a man who's been presumed dead for over two decades.
kcstories has written over 150 stories in Potterverse, two of which are on this page ... with more to come!
5 November 2017 - I just re-read this story and am pleased to say it is still on my recommended list. Awesome story and highly recommended! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Wand That Chose Two Wizards"
by saltwatergarden Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/saltwatergarden on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Drama, Eighth Year and PTSD
43 Chapters (116,153 words)
Completed 10 February 2020
Added 6 March 2020 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts to finish off his seventh year, but finds that it’s very different than the Hogwarts he once knew. He’s sharing a common room with all the other eighth year students, he’s no longer sure if he wants to become an Auror, his best friends are constantly off snogging, and his Potions partner, Draco Malfoy, is acting nothing like his usual bratty self.
Draco Malfoy wants nothing less than to go back to Hogwarts, but for his mother, he does it anyway. While he hopes he can hole up in his room and do nothing but homework for the year, he finds himself despising his terrible new wand, befriending an inexplicably odd Ravenclaw, secretly taking Muggle Studies classes, and willingly helping the Saviour of the Wizarding World himself, Harry Potter. It’s going to be a very interesting year. >>>>> SEQUEL The Wand That Chose Two Wizards SEQUEL <<<<<
"The Strange & Marvelous Story of Our Revival"
by saltwatergarden Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/saltwatergarden on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Drama
8/? Chapters (33,373 words so far)
WIP - Updated 20 January 2022
Added 30 March 2021 (archived-pdf)
Five years after leaving Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy has found his place in Wizarding society, as a young and promising wandmaker at the famous Ollivander's. He has a job that interests him, friends he likes, a comfortable home, and a routine that he sticks to. However, when he loses someone close to him, and faces from his past begin resurfacing, he realises that the balance he has carefully constructed in his life isn't as stable as he thought.
Harry Potter isn't quite sure what to do with himself. After throwing himself headfirst into everything he's ever done, he's dealing with a hell of a headache and confusion over where to go from here. His friends are busy, his work is relaxed, and no one seems to want anything from him anymore. Instead of feeling relieved, however, he feels adrift. With nothing to occupy him, his mind starts to wander, and he begins thinking more about the past, specifically people from his past...and conversations left unfinished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by lyiint Sadly this work is no longer on line but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, 6th Year, Original Characters and Drama
Serialized (105,435 words)
Completed 4 February 2009
Added 30 August 2021 (archived-word/pdf) This one was old, leather bound and extremely dusty. He sat back on his haunches and blew the dust off the cover so he could read the small lettering on it, causing himself to sneeze. He looked curiously at the name - "An Introductory to Fundamental Spell Battles? He stood, forgetting the other textbook that was still lying under the bookshelf, and headed over to one of the large, plush chairs to peruse his find. He had never heard of spell battles before. "I wonder if this has anything to do with wizarding duels?
As he scanned the pages his eyes began to get larger as realization hit him. This book dealt entirely with wandless magic. All the spells cast were done by the use of words and prose and a person?s innate magical ability. The first section dealt with how to bring that magical ability out so as to competently use it. The rest of the book focused on how to initiate a spell battle, how to do the different spells, how to word them and what hand signals to use. Draco was fascinated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Water from a Stone"
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 2 July 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Eighth Year, Non-Epilogue Compliant, Romance and Angst
12 Chapters (55,276 words)
Completed 10 July 2010
Added 31 July 2015 (archived-html)
Harry decides to do something about the mistreatment of Slytherins in Hogwarts after the war. He could have chosen easier tasks, such as climbing Mount Everest? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"We Open at the Close"
by Keep Calm And Expecto Patronum Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Keep Calm And Expecto Patronum on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Friends to Lovers, Adventure and Explicit
Hermonie walks in on Harry and Draco having sex multiple times! LOL!
24 Chapters (108,999 words)
Completed 24 February 2018
Added 27 June 2021 (archived-pdf)
In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco and Harry are both struggling to come to terms with the events of 'Deathly Hallows' and find their place in the new world. When they are unexpectedly thrown back into each other's lives, things go as well as you might expect. But Harry, like Dumbledore, believes in giving people second chances. He believes that everybody has a chance at redemption – including repentant Death Eaters.
If you remember, "we open at the close" was the clue Dumbledore left Harry in his will with the Golden Snitch. Harry kisses it on the way for his final meeting with Voldemort. It opens and inside is the Ressurection Stone, one of the Deathly Hallows. Of course the other two were the invisibility cloak and the Elder Wand or the "death stick."
"Welcome to the Real World"
by IamtheLizardQueen Link verified to FanFiction.net/
IamtheLizardQueen on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Non-Epilogue Compliant, Romance and Angst
14 Chapters (124,521 words)
Completed 20 June 2003
Added 4 May 2016 (archived-html)
This story includes red mittens, linoleum, witty retorts, angst, love, dance clubs, strange friends, cooking shows and coffee not necessarily in that order!
That's the author's summary, but there is a lot more. I really enjoyed this as a light read and I think you will too.
"Whatever May Come"
by charlotteschaos Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/charlotteschaos on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Horcrux Hunt, Romance, Cross Dressing and Angst
13 Chapters (65,513 words)
Completed 18 January 2014
Added 16 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
The trio discovers that Draco Malfoy is hidden away at Spinner's End and Harry recruits him to be a member of the team. Winner of Forbidden Desires "Just As It Should Be" 2006 award.
That's the author's summary, but there is a lot more. I really enjoyed this and I think you will too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"When Darkness Falls"
by MystyVander Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/MystyVander on 18 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and Vampires
18 Chapters (66,639 words)
Completed 30 June 2014
Added 17 September 2014 (archived-pdf)
Something happens to Harry Potter over the summer before Sixth Year and Draco Malfoy is intent on figuring out exactly what. With an impending War and the inner fight of one's character, what can two rival enemies offer one another? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When Harry Sniffed Draco
by CorvetteClaire
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Shameless Smutt, Alpha Harry, Omega Draco and Graphic Descriptions of Sex
21 Chapters (137,846 words)
Completed 28 April 2023
Added 3 February 2024 (archived-pdf
Once upon a time, wizard blood was mingled with that of wolves and a race of magical creatures known as Lycans was born. In the millennia since the race nearly died out, until Lycans have become little more than legends or fairytales. So imagine his surprise when, shortly after his 18th birthday, Draco Malfoy goes into heat! Draco now finds himself in the awkward position of being the only known Omega in the wizarding world. He wants to return to Hogwarts to finish his education, but that could pose a problem for a young man who floods every room he enters with pheromones, has a bad habit of dropping his trousers for any likely-looking man, and periodically goes into heat. And that's when there are no Alphas around to complicate matters. The only saving grace for Draco is that Alphas are even rarer than Omegas, and the chances of him running afoul of one at Hogwarts are virtually nil. Until Harry Potter turns up, that is.
"White Horses"
by Jackie Stevens Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/JStevens on 3 July 2023 Story Notes: Classic, Hogwarts
49 Chapters (296,415 words)
Originally Completed 26 June 2006 (repost complete on 19 May 2021)
Added 21 October 2006 (archived-pdf)
They say there are no white horses—those that we think of as white are really just a faded deceitful gray. And if there are no white horses, certainly there are no true heroes who will come riding in on one to save us from all our pain.
After learning of the prophecy that will change his future, Harry returns to Hogwarts School for sixth year and finds that not everyone is who he thought they were. It seems that he is not. Definitely Draco Malfoy is not. As he tries to find a path to the end of his time at Hogwarts, he will have to grapple with questions of who to trust and who to love while navigating a world full of threats. This is a story of how we sometimes deceive ourselves and others, but hopefully find something true in the end.
All those years ago, I'd wanted to write a story about how defeating the Dark Lord wasn't really the end of the story. It had already seemed pretty obvious at the time that the seventh book would surely culminate in an epic battle between Harry and Voldemort, but as I waited for HBP to be released, I entertained myself (and some readers on Fiction Alley) with a different take on years 6 and 7, in which defeating Voldemort isn't the end of the story—it's just one small part. The whole thing is ridiculously off base now, since it was written before we knew anything about Horcruxes or the rest of it that came out post-OotP, and I clearly knew nothing about pacing or plotting. But when I googled the story out of nostalgic curiosity one night and found people still searching for a copy of it in 2020, I decided I might as well migrate it over and clean it up a bit. So here we go. A trip down memory lane, to the world of 1996 as imagined back in something like 2004, with a little sprinkling of 2021 dusted on top.
Well written, excellent plot, beautiful descriptions, lots of emotion ... you'll enjoy this story! And be sure to check out Jackie Stevens' other story "Black Sheep".
The White Knight Series
by angry-space-ravenclaw Link verified on 3 July 2023. This work is listed under an orphan account.
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and No Voldemort
Note from the author - This is from a request who wanted to remain anonymous: Time-Travel AU drarry where unspeakables go back in time and kill Voldemort before the first war. This is a sort of slow-burn fic as far as Draco/Harry is concerned, but it will end up Drarry endgame. And I anticipate a handful of chapters, but I'm not sure yet. Either way, I don't write Drarry often so I hope this does comes across alright.
>>>>> PART ONE The White Knight Series PART ONE <<<<<
"The Devil's White Knight"
by angryspaceravenclaw Link verified on 3 July 2023. This work is listed under an orphan account.
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and No Voldemort
10 Chapters (64,573 words)
Completed 5 June 2016
Added 16 June 2016 (archived-pdf)
When Harry wakes up in an alternate timeline, a timeline where Voldemort was defeated long before the first war, he discovers everything is different. His parents, his godfather, his friend, and him. Harry must deal with the consequences of who he would have been if he had been raised by his parents, and figure out where he stands with his casual hook up, Draco Malfoy.
Unspeakables go back in time and kill Voldemort before Harry is even born. Enjoy!
NOTE: 18 November 2020 - Just read this story again and it remains solidly on this list. Great read!
>>>>> PART TWO The White Knight Series PART TWO <<<<<
"Whispers in the Silence"
by angryspaceravenclaw Link verified on 3 July 2023. This work is listed under an orphan account.
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and No Voldemort
1 Chapter (1,684 words)
Completed 21 October 2017
Added 1 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
Short sequel to Devil's White Knight- Sometimes it's easy to forget that the world is different, that they never lived through all that pain. But some nights it's impossible to forget, impossible not to feel the claws of a once-past, shredding you open from the inside.
>>>>> PART THREE The White Knight Series PART THREE <<<<<
"On A Strange Day"
by angryspaceravenclaw Link verified on 3 July 2023. This work is listed under an orphan account.
Story Notes: Time Travel, Hogwarts, Alternate Universe and No Voldemort
4/10 Chapters (13,693 words) WIP - last updated 27 November 2017 (a long time ago)
Added 1 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
“Did you like me? Did other people like me? Was I the same at all? Was there something in old me that made you think that all of it would be worth it, or were you just biding your time with some piece of shit until you could have me me back?"
Draco licked his lips, then said, “You weren’t all bad, no. Okay? Is that good enough? Can I please sleep now?”
But it wasn't enough, and Harry knew he'd have to find some other way to learn what the Old Harry was truly like.
From the author - So this is the official sequel to The Devil's White Knight. It took me a while to sort out the plot, but I think I've got it. It will contain scenes of Harry/George, but it's not the active ship, so it's not tagged, but be warned, since it's there.
"White Lies"
by Cassis Luna Link verified to FanFiction.net/Cassis-Luna on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts
31 Chapters (182,625 words)
Completed 27 September 2013
Added 2 March 2015 (archived-html)
Draco drinks a potion that makes him know if a person is lying, and Harry, apparently at fault that Draco is this way, is forced to 'help' him with the effects of the potion. For the first time, they deal with each other with no lies to hide behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The White Pawn"
by Soupy_George Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Soupy_George on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Time Travel and Adventure
24 Chapters with a Prologue and a Two-Part Epilogue (80,547 words)
Completed 1 February 2022
Added 21 February 2022 (archived-pdf)
When eighteen-year-old Draco Malfoy finds himself back at Hogwarts on the eve of Voldemort's infamous return, he is confronted with the most difficult decision he's ever had to make: Relive the 6th year at school he's tried so hard to forget, or do the unthinkable and ally himself with Potter's lot ...
"Wild Summer Nights"
by HowlingBlossom Link verified to FanFiction.net/
HowlingBlossom on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 5th Year, Spy Draco and Animagus Harry
20 Chapters with a Prologue and an Epilogue (44,325 words)
Completed 16 July 2010
Added 31 May 2015 (archived-html)
When Malfoy is injured at the end of fifth year, what will Dumbledore do to make sure the young blond wizard is safe? And what does Harry have to do with it? "You have got to be kidding me," a fifteen year-old raven haired boy asked as the stared at the older man sitting across from him.
"I'm afraid not, Harry. We need your help with this." Harry Potter stared at Dumbledore, not believing what he was hearing.
So Harry is set to spend the summer at Malfoy Manor in his animagus form to pretect Draco by being his familiar. And away we go! Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Wind Fallen"
by Lissadiane (formally Cinnamon) Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, War and it's a Dark Story
14 Chapters (97,555 words)
Completed 01 June 2004
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-pdf/word)
A new Unforgivable is spreading like wildfire and only Harry Potter is immune to its power, and only he can soothe its effects. When Draco is hit by the curse and left for dead by his own side, a misguided sense of duty compels Harry to care for him, and in doing so, he learns more than he ever thought possible about nightmares, hatred, love, and above all, the true nature of forgiveness.
This is a pretty dark story and things go on in it that might make you uncomfortable. But I liked it.
Cinnamon has also written "Beneath You" and "Beautiful World" both of which are on this list. Those stories are online at AO3. Wind Fallen is not. I guess it's safe to say that I like the way she writes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"With Borne Tenacity"
by Cheryl Dyson Link verified to FanFiction.net/Cheryl-Dyson on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Auror Harry
15 Chapters (35,720 words)
Completed 15 December 2013
Added 2 February 2014 (archived-html)
His bruised and bloody body was fished from the Mediterranean Sea with only a wand and a single key as a clue to his identity. Even his name was a mystery. Did he dare to trust the pretty blond man who found him lying on the beach?
UPDATE: 9 February 2016 - I just finished re-reading this story and it is still as awesome as the first time I read it. Great plot, great story line, great read! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Worlds Apart"
by Katie Delaney Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/TheHexFiles_archivist on 3 July 2023
Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files, which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone.
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Deathly Hallows, Romance, BDSM and Angst
15 Chapters (46,552 words)
Completed 29 January 2012
Added 28 Oct 2012 (archived-pdf)
Harry Potter can't sleep. Draco Malfoy might have the answer, but it will come at a price.
Boy Toy Harry! Strange and aloof Draco. This story drips with sex, but hang on, the plot thickens - along with other boy part appendages! Mawhahahahah!
"The World's Gone Crazy"
by Allanasha ke kiri Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Allanasha-ke-kiri on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Post War and Alternate Universe
56 Chapters (130,205 words)
Completed 11 March 2009
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Harry finds himself in a world completely different than his own. One where Albus Dumbledore has snapped, and Voldemort is headmaster. Lily and James are alive, and Harry is thrown for a loop.
>>>>> SEQUEL The World's Gone Crazy SEQUEL <<<<<
"And Its Taken Me With It"
by Allanasha ke kiri Link verified to FanFiction.net/
Allanasha-ke-kiri on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Post War and Alternate Universe
36 Chapters (102,747 words)
Last Update 24 November 2010 This story is apparently abandoned.
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived-html)
Harry's back where he belongs, but it's not how he expected it to be. Can he pretend nothing has changed while still preparing to face his 'destiny'. All in all, he's looking forward to an easy year, but, when has anything ever been easy.
"Written on the Heart"
by who_la_hoop Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
pseuds/who_la_hoop on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts 8th Year
20 Chapters (113,984 words)
Completed 31 December 2016
Added 22 January 2017 (archived-pdf)
Harry doesn’t mind that so many Slytherins from his year have returned to finish their NEWTs, really he doesn’t. It’s just – do they have to be so friendly? He’s not prejudiced, really he’s not. It’s just – they’ve got to be up to something, right? Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
When he’s hit by an illegal love-spell though, Harry finds he has more to worry about than whether or not Blaise Zabini actually wants to be his friend. For if everyone affected has been blessed – or cursed, by the look on Malfoy’s face – with a magical tattoo revealing the name of their soulmate, what does it mean that Harry’s skin remains completely bare?
"You Don't Know Me At All"
by xXDark-Lord-MeloniousXx Link verified to FanFiction.org/
xXDark-Lord-MeloniousXx on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Hogwarts, Post War, Romance and Angst
24 Chapters (61,860 words)
Completed 10 November 2008
Added 17 October 2018 (archived-html)
The war has passed, Voldemort vanquished thanks to our hero Harry Potter. However, while in battle, the Golden Boy was saved by an enemy who refuses to answer why. Harry must learn to look past masks and much deeper to understand why he still stands.
"Yours is the Earth (Hold On, Hold On)"
by chickenlivesinpumpkin Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/chickenlivesinpumpkin on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Harry, Romance, Established Relationship and Graphic Violence
11 Chapters (127,167 words)
Completed 24 November 2014
Added 15 December 2014 (archived-pdf)
When they first meet after the end of the war, Draco doesn't want anything to do with Harry. But as time goes by, Draco's growing love may be the only thing that can save them both.
After a serious accident in the Forbidden Forest, Draco's personality begins to undergo subtle changes. At first, Harry credits this to a new enthusiasm for life. But as the days pass and Draco's behavior becomes more and more mysterious, Harry begins to suspect that something bigger--and darker--is at work.
Story moves back and forth between current action and flashbacks to the beginning of the relationship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Yours to Keep"
by dracoismytrashson (JGogoboots) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
pseuds/dracoismytrashson on 3 July 2023
Story Notes: Post War, Muggle NYC and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
22 Chapters (135,830 words)
Completed 13 May 2019
Added 3 February 2020 (archived-pdf)
Some people think concepts like fate and destiny are romantic, but for Harry Potter, fate has always meant one thing: a swift kick in the arse. Why else would he cross an ocean to New York and enroll in Muggle university only to find Draco Malfoy living two doors down the hall? The universe and its twisted sense of humor can fuck right off.
A story in which two broken boys try to repair themselves halfway across the world. Too bad trauma doesn't care how far you run.
From the author: Okay... *whew*. We're finally here! This is a fic I wanted to write since last summer. I finally started it in November, and it's been a really meaningful journey for me. A lot of the themes in this story are things I dealt with at Harry's age, albeit under different circumstances, and it was really important to me to write this fic. It's angsty at turns, but, like life and youth, it's full of revelry and laughter too. It's a story about how progress is never a straight line, and sometimes you're not ready for the things that you wish you were. Sometimes things take time, and that's all right. We all go at our pace, and there's no failure in that. There's triumph and beauty in it.