An Albemarle Tale by The White Water Kid    "An Albemarle Tale"
by The Whitewater Kid
A Young Man's Coming of Age on the Tidewater
Chapter Ten

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An Albemarle Tale by The Whitewater Kid - Jeremy and David
Jeremy and David
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Teen Drama
Explicit Sex
Rated 18+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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Friday was the first day of spring break, but I got up early because I wanted to get a few more brownie point jobs done and out from under me. The garage doors and Mom's garden had been two, but there were others, like power wash the deck and change the oil in the little Volvo engine aboard Miss Betty Lou.

When I got downstairs, Susan had already left for work, and Mom was off running her errands someplace, and it was just Beth and me in the kitchen. I was munching cereal out of the box. This is something that drives my Mother crazy, and I've never been able to figure out exactly why. Maybe it's just the Southern manners thing at work again. But eating cereal out of the box gets Mom agitated. That, and walking around the house in nothing but a pair of boxers. Also drinking the milk right out of the carton standing in front of the frigidaire. One morning I came downstairs in boxers, grabbed the cereal box and started eating the stuff out of the box, and then did the milk thing, and the results were spectacular. When Mom let's loose, she really lets loose. I guess I can understand about the boxers. They had the two girls, and both of them were raised as Little Southern Ladies, and to a certain extent they both still are, so when I came along they really didn't understand how boys are I think. My Dad is less critical of my manners than Mom, at least mostly. Dad has always concentrated on "The Behaviors Expected Of A Gentleman" and has pretty much guided the way I think and act. Mom worries that I'll do something idiotic like pick my nose in public. That morning Beth just looked at me and shook her head.

"Why the hell do you do stuff you know will stir them up?" she asked.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Jeremy, for heaven's sake don't you even think? Life really doesn't have to be as hard as you make it!" she said. "Get a bowl and eat the cereal like a normal person!"

"Oh, yeah," I said, and I got up and got a bowl and the milk.

"'Oh, yeah' he says," Beth said. "Jeremy, try getting their attention in good ways, not by being a jerk."

"I'm not a jerk!" I said.

"No, mostly you're not, I'll agree. But all your life you've tried to get Momma and Daddy's attention, and you have a default mode of acting up when you think they don't pay enough attention to you," Beth said.

Oh, man. That really made me think. Self evaluation is not something I am very good at.

"Jeremy, just try being your normal self. When you are, believe me, you're kind, and considerate, and really a pleasure to be around," she said.

"Meaning when I'm not..." I started.

"Meaning when you go around with this chip on your shoulder, and deliberately stir people up so they'll pay attention to you, and say things about religion you really don't mean, then no, you're a perfect shithead," Beth said.

"Hey, that stuff about religion, man, you know I'm not into all that!" I said.

"But don't you see? It's doesn't matter if you are, or you aren't! It's the way you say things and the way you act!" she said.

"But...they force me to go, and I hate it, and I get mad and they never listen to anything I say about it..." I started to say.

"No!" she interrupted me. "No Jeremy, you're wrong, they do listen, but never once have you politely and rationally explained what you believe, or what you don't. That comment about Jesus the other night was so way out of line I'm surprised Daddy didn't slap you, sixteen or not!"

I was quiet for a long while. It was hard to disagree with what she'd said, and it was not fun running into the fact that your sister thinks you act like a shithead. And y'know, about Jesus, and all that, I believe he really did exist, and got crucified because all that's in historical records. I think his ideas about how we should live our lives and treat each other are wicked good and I actually try to follow them. Davey says in those days his name would have been Jeshua ben Joseph, or something like that. But all the other stuff about virgin births, and bodies going up into heaven, that's the stuff I don't believe.

"Okay," I said. And we were quiet for a while longer.

"Jeremy?" Beth said.

"Hmmm?" I went around a mouthful of cereal.

"Thanks for last Saturday, and for Tuesday when I made that slip," she said.

"No problem big sister!" I grinned at her. "We all have our little secrets and yours are always safe with me Beth."

She was silent for a while, and then looked at me sort of questioningly.

"Yes. Secrets," she said. "Like two boys together in a bed that squeaks in the middle of the night."

I felt like somebody had punched me in the gut. I just was at a total loss for words.

"Beth... it's not...Dave and I aren't...I mean....Beth it's not what you think!" I stammered.

"Jeremy, I don't care what it is, or it isn't. Be happy little brother, but for God's sakes be careful, okay?" she said as she picked up her purse and jacket.

"Beth, listen!" I started to say, but she put her finger against my lips.

"Be careful. About everything!" she said and she left me standing in the middle of the kitchen, with a spoonful of cereal halfway to my mouth.

"Beth thinks David and I are gay, and she probably thinks the squeaking when we were jacking off was made by us fucking each other. Oh, shit!" I thought. "Oh, holyfuckingshit!"

Whatever Beth thought, I knew she would never say anything to the parents. That wasn't my worry. I was more concerned about what I thought about the whole thing. It really bothered me that Beth might think I was gay, and having sex with David. Maybe it wouldn't bother me so much if it was true, but it wasn't. It was like I was getting blamed for something that never happened, but I could never get her to understand what really happened that night in my bed. I could see myself trying to explain to my older sister why jacking off together wasn't gay. Yeah, right.

I got a lot done that day. I got the decks washed, and I got the oil changed aboard the boat, and took all the recycle stuff to the recycle place. That last thing is one of my standard chores since I'm the one with a pick-up. Mom drives the Cherokee mostly, and Dad drives the Saturn. Beth and Susie drive Hondas, sort of a coincidence. Mom was in and out most of the day, she had some church work to do getting ready for Easter, and it was Good Friday and everything, and I brought in the groceries for her, and then when she came back again from the garden store I put all the flats of flowers around for her to plant. I even offered to do that, but it's a job she likes to do herself. She's in the local garden club. There's a tour every summer, and I think this year our yard is on the tour. It's a bunch of middle aged ladies walking around in big hats, and a bunch of prissy old guys in straw hats and floppy bow ties, talking about stuff I don't understand. All I need to know, I told her one time, is what to mow and what not to mow. She planted a whole bunch of ornamental grasses once, and I didn't know ornamental from regular, and I thought "Shit, that grass grew fast over there!" and I ran over it with the Deere and she went nuts! But hell, it grew back better than before!

When he got home Dad was pleased with what I had done, and I opened the topic of the mini-cruise I was thinking about doing with Davey.

"Well, how do you plan to pay for all this?" was Dad's first question.

Now I get fifty Dollars a month from my parents during the school year, but nothing during the summers since I started working summer jobs. I use the summer money to run around on while I'm working, and save most of what I earn to pay car insurance and special expenses like buying Christmas and other presents during the year, and I can usually live on the fifty Dollars during the other months. I'm actually pretty good at saving money and being careful. Dad also gave me a Shell credit card and I am allowed ten Dollars a week on that. Beth and Susie pay room and board, and I have the word that if I don't go to college the room and board for me starts the day I get my high school diploma in my hand. The same thing they told the two girls. They got four years of college and I'll get the same. I'll have student loans and stuff but no room and board.

"I've been saving up lately," I said. "I haven't been out with Meghan much, and I haven't been running around much either, y'know, with the guys. So there's some money. I mean I don't expect you and Mom to pay for it or anything, I just really want Miss Betty Lou from Friday after school to Sunday night," I said.

"Who's going?" he asked.

"Just me and Davey," I said.

"David and I," Dad corrected. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not sure yet. A lot's gonna depend on the weather reports, and what winds we can expect. I don't mind tackin' out, but if we're tired coming home I don't want to be tackin' all the way in," I told him. "Maybe we'll head up to Elizabeth City, I don't know."

"Well," Dad started, and I thought "Fuck, he's gonna say 'no.'"

"Well, several things Jeremy. First, you're not going if the weather isn't absolutely perfect. I'm sorry, but you're just not that experienced a sailor yet," he said.

"Okay, fair enough," I said.

"Then, I want your word if it gets rough, you two will wear life vests," he said.

"Promise," I said. "And we promise to be careful, and use common sense, and use the charts, and the GPS, and not overuse the engine, and think."

Dad laughed, "Am I that predictable!?" he said

I laughed too, "Nah, we just know each other too well!" And I thought "if he only knew or had a clue what might happen when Davey and I were alone aboard that boat, this would never happen."

Dad looked at me. "I'm proud of you for getting your grades up in French, and keeping the others up too, you know that?"

"Yes sir, thanks," I said.

"But Jeremy," he started, and I thought "here it comes....."

"Your attitude lately, it's been... well... let's say there's room for some much need improvements. You hurt your Mother deeply with that smart-assed flippant comment about the Lord," he said.

"I know," and I did know, and the more I thought about it, the more I understood what Beth had been telling me.

"And I have to be honest with you young man, I appreciate the jobs you do, but frankly it seems you get them done when you want something, not because you feel any sense of responsibility for helping, or because you just want to show appreciation or love towards your Mother and I," Dad said, and I felt like a worm, or lower, because everything he said was true. I couldn't say anything.

After a little while Dad said, "Well, your silence speaks volumes."

"I'm sorry," I finally managed to say.

"I honestly think you are son. I do," Dad said.

"I'll make it up to Mom, I promise," I said.

"See that you do Jeremy. And yes, you can have Miss Betty Lou for your weekend with David," he said.

"Thanks Dad, thanks. I really appreciate it. I'll try to do better about my attitude and stuff," I promised.


"Yeah Dad?"

"Jeremy...Beth told me about the talk she had with you... about attention and how to get it. Son, I'm sorry that you came along at a time in our lives, I mean the lives of your Mother and mine, when we had lost the knack of little babies and small children," Dad said. "Beth was right Jeremy, I hope you heard what she was saying to you. You'll get more attention, and better attention, with honey than with the bullshit you've been spreading around lately."

"Yes sir."

"Now, I need you to follow me into town and bring me home, because I have to leave the Saturn at the dealership for the regular maintenance. I'll get you to run me in tomorrow afternoon to pick it up, okay?" Dad said.

"Sure! Let's go!" I replied, and we went out, and I followed him into town and waited while he filled out the form, and left the form and the key in the drop box. He got in my truck.

"Good Lord! Whew! What on earth is that smell in here?" he asked. He had his face all scrunched up, it looked so funny I laughed. Then it dawned on me. The towel! Oh, no! I forgot to take out the towel I had jacked off into the other night! I guess between that and my running shoes behind the seat the inside of the S-10 did reek a little.

"Oh, um, my jogging shoes....I guess," I said, "I'll bring 'em in and wash 'em."

"Yes, do that!" Dad said as he rolled down the window! And we drove home. When we got to the house, Dad walked through the garage to get something, or do something, I forget which, but I walked into the kitchen through the back door. Mom was standing at the island mixing something in the Kitchen-Aide thing. I walked over behind her and put my arms around her and squeezed her really tightly.

"Mom, I'm sorry," I said. "Mom, I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings when I said that the other night. I'm really sorry." Shit, why did I fell like crying? I'm sixteen years old for chrissakes!

Mom sighed this big sigh. "Oh Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy...." And she turned around and put her two floury hands up on my chest and looked up at me. "Why must you be!?"

I grinned at her, "I don't know what that means but I'll try to be better about my attitude and how I act, how's that?"

"Well, it's a start!" she laughed.

"Mom, really, I'm totally sorry. Really," I told her. I meant it too, and I think she understood that.

"Oh sweetie, you know your Father and I are very, very proud of you, but darlin' you do need to hone down a few of those sharp edges you have on you, and on your tongue." She was looking into me, the way only mothers can look into you, and I felt like a worm again. Damnit! How can moms do that?

"Yeah Mom. I know. Dad told me, and Beth told me too," I said.

Mom put her hands on my cheeks and drew my head down, and kissed me on the forehead.

"Go do your homework!" she said.

"I love you Mom," I said.

"Oh darlin' I love you too, and so does your father," she said. And I went upstairs, brushing flour off my cheeks, and looked up vexatious in my dictionary.

I called Davey. "Hey, you think I'm vexatious?" I said as soon as he picked up.

"What? What the fuck is vexatious? What the fuck kind of question is that man? Can't ya even say 'hello' like regular people?" David was laughing, because he's so used to me.

"Okay, hello then. Dude, just tell me, do you think I'm vexatious!?" I said.

"For chrissakes I don't even know what it is. Lemme look it up," he said.

"Forget that," I said, and I read him the definitions. There was a pause.

"Davey, you there man?" I said.

"Uh, yeah," he said and there was a pause again.

"So?" I said.

"Truth if it hurts?" he said, and I thought about how he and I had said that over the years we'd known each other, when one or the other needed to say something the other might not like hearing.

"Go man, say it," I said.

"Okay. Yeah, you can be vexatious," he said. "I don't think you know you're doin' it, and I don't think you do it on purpose most of the times, but yeah, you can be vexatious as hell Jeremy."

"Most of the times?" I asked, "Go on, give me the rest of it."

"Jeremy...ya know....Jeremy you need to lighten up with the religion shit, okay?" he said.

"Yeah, I know, I know. Beth told me the same thing," I said.

"So man, listen to her, okay?" David said. "You're entitled to have your opinions bud, but, ya know damn, you say things in that way you have that just makes people get mad."

"Okay," was all I could say. Like this had suddenly become Dump-On-Jeremy-Day. There was a long pause.

"Jeremy?" he said.

"Hmmm?" I went.

"Bud, you know we're friends forever, right?" he said softly.

"Forever man. And always tell the truth, okay?" I said.

"I will man. I gotta go, mom's yelling something up the stairs," he said.

"Later!" I said, but he'd hung up. Shit! I hadn't told him about the boat trip!

So there it was. I was looking into this mirror at myself, and I wasn't liking the reflection. I would change. I had to, right? Think before I speak, and all the rest of it. So all I had to do now was face Meghan. I got ready to go out, and called her to be sure she was ready. I was half hoping that she might cancel or something, because I really wasn't up to a confrontation about "our relationship" but I hate shit hanging over my head, and I figured I had to have it out with her sometime, and it might as well be now.

I won't bore you with the details. Let's just say it wasn't a happy date after we finished the movie and got something to eat at Dairy Queen. I parked with her at our usual place and when I started to talk instead of just starting to make out, it got her attention. I told her that I really liked her and that she was a fun girl at parties and at group things, but I needed more out of the relationship we had than just making out. I promised I would never, ever ask for more than just playing around, like foreplay, and giving each other orgasms and pleasuring each other. I told her I understood how she wanted to be a virgin when she was married, and how much I respected her for that, but there were other things boys and girls did for each other that were just as good as full sex, and I wanted us to enjoy those things. I told her I liked doing oral sex with girls, and having them do that to me. I told her I would do oral sex for her even if all she did was give me a hand job in return, that's how much I wanted her. I told her I understood how girls really didn't like giving boys blow jobs, but that I loved doing oral sex on a girl.

"So it's true, when you were with those two over to Kitty Hawk, you had sex," she said.

"Yeah Meghan, I had sex with a girl. I know what girls like, and I learned how to make a girl feel great," I said.

"So what you're telling me is that if you and I don't have sex, you won't see me anymore, right?" she asked

"No Meghan, you didn't listen. It doesn't matter if we don't have sex. I told you that babe. If you don't want to fuck, we won't fuck. But I need more than just making out. I need you more than that Meghan. I want you so much that some nights you get me so hot when we make out I have to jack off twice when I get home!" I said.

"Oh, God, Jeremy, that's just disgusting. Shut up," she said.

"So, you won't touch me at all, you won't even give me a hand job?" I asked "You won't let me touch you either, huh? I can't even feel your breasts?"

"No," she said.

I breathed in this big breath and let it out. "Okay then. Okay. I respect you Meghan, totally, I do. But I need more than what you feel like doing. I'm going to date other girls Meghan, okay? I need a girl who's got blood going through her, not ice water."

"I'm getting dumped?" she asked. She was kind of amazed sounding.

"NO! Meghan, I'm not 'dumping' you. I'm going to date other girls besides you is what I'm saying. I'm still going to go to the Junior Dance with you, I mean you already bought your dress and everything, and we're all going as a group, so that's still on," I said.

"Well, gee thanks!" she said. "Guess I should be grateful, huh?"

"Oh, babe, don't be like that. You're a fun girl to be with, and we have lots of laughs together Meghan. I like you! I do! But Meghan there's... stuff going on... I mean in my life now... stuff I think a girl can help me get over. I mean I feel like I really, really need a girl physically. You can't understand Meghan... you can't... but I need a girl right now," I said.

And I believed what I was saying. Maybe if I had a girl, some of this heat for Davey would go away, and I could start looking at him normally again. I felt torn up inside, with this hunger for David. That sounds sick, I know. One guy being sexually hungry for another guy, but I don't know how to describe it any better. Maybe being with a girl would take away this growing curiosity about other guys, and looking at other guys.

There didn't seem to be anything left to say, and she wasn't responding to anything I was saying, so I took her home. I felt like shit. Don't get me wrong you guys, Meghan is a really great girl. She really is fun, and she really is great in a group. But she's like sexually inert. Either that or her parents have her so brainwashed and afraid she's turned herself frigid or something.

"You're home early!" Dad said when I walked into the great room.

"Yeah," I said. "It hasn't been one of my better days Dad."

"I'll be happy to listen son," he said.

I looked at my father, and suddenly I wanted to just tell him everything. Everything about Dave and Meghan, and the experience with the two girls, and how all that impacted me. I wanted to tell him how I felt like I was falling in love with not only another guy, but the guy who has been my best friend for ten years. And I inhaled, and almost got the first word out of my mouth, and realized I couldn't. This was, is, and probably always will be something I have to carry by myself. It's not that my Dad has ever made faggot jokes or said anything nasty about gay men, but there's just stuff you can't tell your father, ya know?

"It's just... Meghan and I.... it's not what I need right now Dad," I said.

"I thought you two were a nice couple!" Dad said.

"Yeah, we are.....we're a nice couple....we're TOO nice!" I said. "Meghan's TOO nice!"

My father looked at me for a few seconds, and could actually see him reach the conclusion! "AhhhhHaaaa...." he said, "Meghan's nice...and you feel like being bad!" And he laughed, and I thought "ya know, for an old dude, you're pretty cool."

"You got it!" I said.

"God, to be sixteen again!" Dad said. "Jeremy, you know about protecting yourself I presume? AND your partner?"

"Yeah Dad," I said. "It's drilled into us."

"Just be careful Jeremy," he said. "You're too young to ruin your life."

"Thanks Dad, I will," and I got up and went upstairs.

It was one of those nights where you feel like you're the only person without a date. I knew all my other friends were out with their girls, even Dave was out with Joselyn. Meghan and I saw them in David's car. I knew I was alone because of my own decisions, and that didn't help either. I couldn't get my mind settled, and I couldn't seem to think about anything. I changed into sweats and went down into the basement where my weights are, and started a series of sets. Maybe if I got myself tired enough, I could calm down enough to fall asleep. But the more I lifted, the more I thought about David and the last time we were in the basement together.

He had been wearing a pair of very short track shorts, and boxers under those, and he had his legs on either side of the bench. I was sitting on the floor propped back on my hands and was looking right up the leg of his shorts. I could see all his stuff hanging there, almost hanging out of the leg of the shorts, and I got so aroused I had to get up and stand out of his sight behind the bench.

I was lifting, and trying to concentrate on the weights, and my cock just refused to soften. Every time I pressed, my shorts would move slightly across the head of my cock, and send little shivers up my spine. "Fuck this!" I thought and put the bar on the rack above my head. I sat up and reached down and pulled the waistband of the shorts down and hooked it under my balls, and spit on my hand and started jacking off.

Davey was the only thing on my mind... pictures of him flashed across my mental screen..."Davey damp from the shower...Davey wet with sweat after practice, smelling like a guy smells after he sweats like that...Davey laying next to me in the bed...Davey with his sperm all over his hand cupping Davey's heavy sack..." and I lost it. "Ughhh" I moaned as I shot my cum all over the weight bench. The white sperm against the black pads looked like a porn flick scene, and I milked the dribbles out of myself and smeared my cock head around in the stuff. "I'm an animal" I thought. "Meghan's right, all I think about is sex." I grabbed my shirt and wiped up my semen and pulled up the waistband and went upstairs, my mind running at a thousand miles an hour. "I'm an animal..... I want Meghan.... I want Davey..... I want girls..... I think I'm falling in love with my best friend... I can't wait to fuck Katie again.... I can watch Davey screw Allison..... Meghan, please come around babe, I need you so fucking bad.... I wonder if Ethan would play around a little?... Oh, Davey, I love you so much...."

When I got to my bedroom, I checked my phone, and there was a message from Dave. I called and he picked up virtually instantly.

"Man, Jeremy, what in hell did you say to Meghan?" he said.

"Why, what's wrong?" I said

"What's wrong? She had Joselyn on the fuckin' phone for an hour tellin' her about how you told her you were dumpin' her because she wasn't puttin' out, that's what's wrong!" Dave said.

I filled him in on the facts of the matter. I know there are three sides to every argument like this one; my side, her side and the truth; but in this case I really thought my side was closer to the truth than the sympathy card Meghan was trying to play. Davey listened, and grunted.

"Huh. Figured that was what happened. At least you guys are still goin' to the dance," he said.

"Yeah, we are, that is if Meghan still wants to go," I said. "But the good news is I got Dad's permission to go out for the weekend we planned."

David's mood changed instantly. "Awesome! Man, I can't wait! That Saturday out with you was awesome."

"So how'd the date go with Joselyn?" I asked him.

"Same as always," he sighed. "I spend money, and get to kiss her a little, then I take her home, then I go home an' wear a groove in my hand."

"I did the same thing bud, know the feeling," I said, but didn't tell him about the weight room, and my thoughts while I was cumming all over the furniture.

"Too bad y'weren't here man, we could've done it together again," David said.

I was a little surprised! He'd never said anything like that before. "Uh, yeah, we could've," I said.

"Y'still coming over tomorrow?" he asked.

"Sure!" I said. "But I can't crash at your place. I'm going to church for Easter with the parents and family. I need to do make ups with Mom and Dad. I need to get up early."

"So, come over early, have dinner, and we'll chill," he said. "Bring our favorite flick too, okay?"

"Yep!" I said. "I'm gonna bring another one to watch too. A surprise."

"You got another fuck flick?" he asked

"Um, not exactly. It's a surprise, okay?" I said.

"Sure. Just bring the fuck flick, okay?" Dave said.

I laughed, and said, "Are you planning a no shame night for us?"

"Well, what we do is better than doin' it alone, just please man, bring the DVD," he said

"Okay, I will. I gotta get some sleep, I got hospice tomorrow, and I'll be over after that, okay?" I said.

"Great, 'night then," he said, and we hung up.

Of course I was hard! Don't you know me by now? I was hard AND wet just thinking about David again and the things he'd said. He wanted us to jack off with each other again as much as I did. I couldn't believe it! I grabbed my bottle of lotion, and a handful of kleenex, and worked off another minor load of jizz, and that was just enough to get me off to sleep.

On to Chapter Eleven

Back to Chapter Nine

Chapter Index

An Albemarle Tale is Copyright © 2007 by The Whitewater Kid
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise,
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All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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