An Albemarle Tale by The White Water Kid    "An Albemarle Tale"
by The Whitewater Kid
A Young Man's Coming of Age on the Tidewater
Chapter Eleven

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An Albemarle Tale by The Whitewater Kid - Jeremy and David
Jeremy and David
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Teen Drama
Explicit Sex
Rated 18+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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After our unfortunate experiment last summer with alcohol, automobiles, and our demonstration that two hundred year old oak trees and cars cannot occupy the same place at the same time, our parents put their heads together and decided that we all needed some focus other than just going to school, playing sports, going out with girls, and "generally raising hell across three counties." So we had to find something "constructive" to do with some of our time. It was generally agreed by the parents that if we had got arrested, we would all have been given at least community service, and so that's what we had to do. Dad, being a physician, and Beth, being a nurse, got me a volunteer job at the local hospice for terminally ill cancer patients, and also for old folks with no money, and nobody left to help them through their last illnesses. I won't lie to y'all and say I like it, and I won't pretend that it's noble, even though Beth says it is. It's no fun changing old men's diapers, and washing them off, and helping them eat. But it gets to ya. You understand that someday, some guy my age might have to be wiping my ass because I can't do it for myself anymore, and it gets to ya.

One of the patients, or they call them residents at the hospice, is a very elderly black gentleman. It's hard to tell how old black people are sometimes, it's like they reach a certain age, and stop looking older and look the same for years and years. I've noticed that if you look into the eyes of truly elderly black people, there's lots of pain buried in there, and memories of the awful prejudices that they endured, and the struggles they had simply because they were people just like me but born with different pigmentation. He is one of the men I help, and he has reached the stage where he is incontinent. See, I learn all kinds of fancy words there. I feel sorry for him, but he always has good spirits and tells interesting stories. His mind wanders a lot, and most of his stories get mixed up, and that makes things even funnier.

"You...yo' the Delecroix boy ain't ya?" he said.

"Yes sir, I am. I'm Jeremy," I said. This is like a ritual we go through every time I see him. He knows me, and even knows the days I'm supposed to be there to help him, but he can't seem to remember my name.

"How old are you boy?" he asked

"Sixteen sir," I said.

"Huh! I was younger'n you when I went to work f'yo' gran'fatha Arvil," he said.

"Oh, how old are you sir, because Arvil Delecroix was my great-great-great-grandfather!" I said. "Jesus, just how old can this dude be?" I thought!

"Huh? Oh, I'm ninety-eight," he said. "I knew Arvil when he's ol' like me, but he's a good man. Paid fair too. Paid us colored boys same's he paid t'whites. Worked m'damn ass off but he paid fair." He started laughing, and then went into this coughing fit, but recovered pretty quickly. I replaced his little oxygen tube around his ears.

"Tell you sompin' else 'bout yo gran'fatha too, he ain't nev'r called me boy or nuthin' bad," he said. "He nev'r called nob'dy 'cept by they names. Nev'r in his life said a bad word agin'st nobody."

"Yes sir, I had heard that about him," I said.

"Yessir, yo gran'pappy Arvil he were a true Christian man ...he got his money worth out ya but he were a Christian," he said. "He gimme extry once't help out m'fam'ly when my daddy took sick."

He was quiet for a few moments. "Henry. He'us a good man too. I worked fo' him a whiles afta' Mr. Arvil passed," he said.

"Yes sir," I said. "Henry was Arvil's son, so Henry was my great-great-grandfather."

"Mr. Henry, he got hisself in a land a trouble w'the white folks. You hear 'bout 'at?" he asked.

"Um, I've heard a lot about my great-great-grandfather sir, he was kind of a blade in his day!" I said.

"No, not 'bout 'at. A blade! Hah! He'us a blade a'righ' 'at's fo' sho'" He laughed and coughed some more. "He hel'the door op'n down t'the drug store fo' a colored woman," he said. Wow, this was news to me! Guys got in trouble for that?

"Dat Packard... that wa'one fine car a his...a blade, hah! fine car...use'ta run up an' dow'na streets like t'wind.....yessir.....hewasa goo' man, Mr. Henry was....a goo'man..." he was starting to slur his words together, and he fell asleep. I finished washing him off, and drying him, I got his fresh Depend on and got his pj's back up, and I was drawing the covers up over him when he woke up again.

"I'm sor'y boy, yo' gotta start all over 'gain," he said. "I'm sorry. I ain't knowed I'm doin' it 'til it happens....I'm sor'y boy."

God, I felt so sorry for that old guy. All his dignity as a man reduced to shitting himself and asking my forgiveness for it. I don't know, sometimes I wonder if I'm really gay and just fooling myself. I shouldn't get to emotional about this old guy, right? Nearly seventeen and I shouldn't feel like I want to cry thinking about this poor old dude with nobody to look after him but some flippant kid who wouldn't be here if he didn't have to be. Only gay boys think like that, right?

"It's okay sir, honest. That's why I'm here," I said.

"Nev'r thought I'd live t'see this I tell yo' what," he said and laughed some more. "A Delecroix fixin' t'wipin' my ass!"

"It's okay sir, it's why I'm here," I said again.

"Y'all musta done som'in' mi'ty bad boy to git this on yo'self," he said. "Wa'cha do boy?"

"I got drunk with some guys from school and wrecked one of the guy's cars," I told him.

"Hell boy, w'en I was yurn age we's us'ta git drunk near ever Sat'dy night, us'ta steal a jar from my gran'pappy's still," he said.

"Oh man, is it true, you can put corn liquor in a car and it'll run on it?" I asked.

"Boy, ain't yo' got no better sense'n 'at?" he asked, "You ain't 'posed to be a'puttin' good liquor in no car boy! You 'posed to be a'puttin' in yo'self!" and we were laughing, and joking around, and I noticed that Beth had walked in.

"About finished?" she asked.

"Yep! Just about," I said. She waited while I finished getting the gentleman cleaned up, and joking around with him some more. I rubbed some moisturizer on his body because he was dry and he said he itched, and that seemed to make him feel better. I got his new pajamas on him and got him settled. When I got to the door of the room I turned to say goodbye to him, but he'd already fallen back asleep. "Damn!" I thought, "I really wanted to hear about that still! Wonder where it was?"

We were walking down the hallway, and Beth said, "You know, watching you, you have a knack with people Jeremy. A real knack."

"He's a cool old dude," I said. "Funny as hell too."

"Can I plant a seed in your mind?" she asked. "Did you ever think about medicine for your future?"

"Me!?!?" I was stunned. "You think I could be a doctor?"

"That, or a nurse, or study for the nurse's exam and then springboard into physician's assistant like I'm doing," she said. "Y'know, Momma and Daddy are right, you do have a rough edge to you sometimes, and you can be sarcastic, and flippant, and even rude sometimes. But lately, I don't know Jeremy, lately there's a change in you that's for the better, so whatever is different in your life, hold onto it, okay?"

"Thanks," was all I could think to say. "Being in love with David," I thought, "that's what's new. That's what's different."

We had reached the parking lot, and were standing by her Honda. "Daddy told me about Meghan," she said.

"Yeah, it's a mess," I said.

"Is there another girl?" she asked

" exactly," I said.

"What does 'not exactly' mean? Is there or......oh!" she gasped. "Oh... my... God...! Jeremy! It's David!"

"Beth, listen! You can't mention what you saw Beth, you can't!! Please Beth?!" I said.

"Of course, Susie and I would never say a word. So....the noises I heard that know?" she said.

"No! Not what you think! We haven't....I mean...we didn't...look, it wasn't what you think, okay?" I stammered.

"Jeremy, you think I just fell off the turnip truck? Beds don't squeak like that on their own!" she laughed.

"Honest, David and I weren't having sex," I said. "We were know....just messing around, that's all."

"Jerking each other off?" She grinned.

"Beth! For chrissakes!" I said. I must have turned fifteen shades of red.

"Oh, Jeremy, you act like it's a crime! I'm a nurse! I've jerked off enough boys myself, and I know what boys do!" she said.

"I know but Jesus Beth! You're my sister!" I said. "And no, we weren't doing it to each other, just with each other."

"Honey, you know it doesn't matter to me at all, you know that, right?" she said, "Just be careful you don't wind up hurt and your heart broken over something that might never come to be. David might not be willing to follow where you're leading, okay? I mean, if you're the one leading?"

"Yeah, I know..." I said. "It's hard to tell sometimes who's leading who."

And then suddenly I needed to talk, and talk, and talk, and Beth had always been there when I was little and needed her, and it all came out. Everything. About the feelings I had for David, how confused I was, what I felt for Meghan, the two girls, how everything was closing in on me, and how I felt like there was this decision I was needing to make about myself that I couldn't face. How I felt like if I had Meghan, or some other girl, I wouldn't be needing Davey so much....just everything.

And Beth just listened, and didn't judge, and didn't say really anything but just sort of let me wind down, and then said, "Take it one day at a time honey, and anytime you need to talk, just come find me, okay?"

I nodded. "So, no words of wisdom?" I asked her.

"Honey, let me tell you something. I watched you with that man in there, like I told you, and yes... you're flippant, and sarcastic, and irreverent sometimes, and all the things that put Momma and Daddy's teeth on edge, but inside you Jeremy, inside you there's a big heart. You'll find the road you need to take little brother, all on your own." She kissed me, and I hugged her and kissed her back. I couldn't remember when the last time I'd done that was. And ya know, it felt great.

"Oh, m'God! I nearly forgot this!" she said.

She handed me a list of a few groceries, "Can you stop for these on the way home, d'you have enough money on you? I have to get my hair done and Momma needs these."

I did some quick mental arithmetic, and thought I had enough to cover the stuff. I told Beth so, and that I'd be glad to get the stuff and take it straight home. She gave me ten Dollars anyway.

"And don't worry about getting Daddy and getting the Saturn. I took him into town already," she hollered out the car window. I waved, and we drove off.

I stopped at the supermarket, and then stopped by the video store. I wanted to rent the movie I'd told David about, the one I was going to surprise him with. I picked it off the shelf, and walked up to the counter. The person working there was a guy I knew from school last year. He had graduated and I think was going to the local community college. I remembered that he was in the school plays and the spring musicals while he was in high school. Now that might mean nothing, or it might mean lots, so I just put the movie up on the counter, and looked at him.

"You're Jeremy Delecroix, right?" he said.

"Yes, and you're Tony Harper, right?" I asked back, and put my hand out, and we shook. "My parents have an account, 276 I think the number is," I said.

"I'm not supposed to rent this to you, y'know that right?" he said. "You're not seventeen yet are you?"

"A month away," I said. "Cut me some slack?"

"Sure," he said, "But I have t'tell ya, this is the last movie on earth I would've said a jock would be renting."

"First, I'm no jock, and second I heard it was a great movie, and besides," I grinned, "I'm tryin' to broaden my horizons."

He grinned back, and raised an eyebrow. "Are ya now?" he looked at me a second, then at the register. "How broad d'you want those horizons t'get?" He looked up and I met his eyes.

"Pretty broad," I said. I knew his family were congregants of our church, so I asked "Be in church tomorrow?"

"No," he said, "Going up to be at my uncle's."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "See ya!" I said, and started walking out.

"Hey, Jeremy!" he said, and I turned back to look at him. "Let me know, okay... y'know, what y'thought about the movie?" He gave me a card from the rental place with a number written on it. "My cell," he said.

"Sure," I said. "Maybe we can grab a coffee or something sometime and talk about it."

"Alright!" Tony said and gave me a thumbs up. I returned the gesture. He wasn't a bad looking guy, sandy colored hair and blue eyes. Thin as hell though, like a bean pole, not like beefalo David!

I got back to my truck, and just sat in it for a minute or two. A guy had just... well sort of... come onto me... at least I thought he had come onto me.... and I reacted without thinking.... I just reacted. "What is the matter with me?" Half of me was flattered that Tony seemed interested and the other half was scared what it meant and what if somebody had heard us? I thought I must be going crazy again. "I'm not gay.... I'm not...." I kept telling myself. "Loving Dave is different from being gay.... Dave's my best friend....we're just fooling around because we don't have cool girlfriends, that's all.....we're not gay.... I'm not gay....but if I'm not gay, why did I just sort of make a date with a guy I think might be gay?" Fuck it. "I'll think about that tomorrow" as Miss Scarlett would say. And I drove home.

I had already told my Mom that I was eating at Dave's, and all I did was drop off the two bags of groceries and grab the DVD from my room, and out I went again.

I got to Dave's place and we went into the family room to talk to his parents about the sailing trip we were planning. Lillian wanted to send food, and of course we couldn't say no to that offer! We agreed on some pre-packaged frozen things that all we would need to do would be heat up, and even though Dave said they'd be leftovers, I told them it would be lots better than eating soup and sandwiches for the whole time. Supper was nearly ready, so we hung around with Dave's dad for a while, and watched the golf channel.

After supper we went up to Dave's room and he was like all interested in what movie I was going to surprise him with. I pulled it out of my jacket pocket, and gave it to him and he just stared at it. My heart sank.

"'Brokeback Mountain?' The gay cowboy movie? Man, why do you want to watch this?" he said.

"It's supposed to be a great movie, and I wanted to watch it, so if you don't want to, then we won't, but it really is supposed to be good. Not just 'gay' Dave, but 'good,'" I told him.

"Eh, what the hell!" he said, and put it into the DVD player. We settled down to watch it leaning against the foot of his bed.

We didn't say much, during that first part. Just stuff like "I'd like to see mountains like that some day," and "That's one hell of a lot of sheep!"

We got up to the place where Ennis is in the tent with Jack for the first time, and they kiss each other, and then suddenly Jack is on his hands and knees and Ennis is spitting into his hand to get his cock wet, and then obviously fucking Jack. I paused the player.

"Um, you okay with this?" I asked Dave. "If it makes you uncomfortable we can just watch the other thing."

"I'm not uncomfortable. It's okay," he said. He looked back at the screen, with the frozen image of the two guys. "You think that hurts?"

"I dunno," I said. "Maybe it hurts .... but for know, when we got physicals last summer....did your doctor...y'know....did he do the greasy finger to you?"

David blushed, "Yeah," he said. "That didn't hurt. It sorta burned a little bit at first, but then it wasn't too bad. He pressed on something up in there and stuff like precum came out of my dick. It didn't hurt and it didn't feel great, but it wasn't all that bad. But when he pressed on that inside me it felt like I was cumming."

"Same for me. It was the prostate I think, that's what they check," I said. "I got sort of hard he was up inside me so long. I told him I was sorry, and he said it was 'a perfectly healthy response to a stimulus.'"

"You like getting finger fucked by another guy?" He grinned and then laughed at the look on my face.

"Keep it up! You're gonna get fucked, and not by a finger!" I said. And we laughed some more.

"Did you leak stuff?" Davey asked

"Shit yeah!" I said. "I just told ya I did." I laughed, "I made a hell of a mess on the table!"

"You were on a table? I was bent over the end of a table with my ass up in the air," he said, and we laughed.

"Yeah, he had me on my side, with one leg out straight and the other drawn all the way up. Felt weird," I said.

Dave looked back at the frozen image on the screen, and said, "Yeah, but I'd never let another guy put his cock up my ass! That's way different, and bigger than some doctor's finger."

"Maybe you get used to bein' fucked, who knows?" I said "I mean, gay guys are supposed to like it, right?"

"I guess....start the thing again," Dave said, and I did. We watched it, and didn't say much until the place where they were getting ready to go down the mountain, and leave the place where they had been camping. It was the fight scene.

"For chrissakes, if they love each other, why in hell is Ennis picking a fight with Jack. It doesn't make sense!" I paused the move again.

"Sure it does!" I said. And to me it did. I had suddenly 'got' what was happening. "Ennis had been alone for so long, and was so lonely for so long, and then suddenly he's with this guy Jack and he's probably in love for the first time in his life, but knows it can't keep on once they're off the mountain. He can't bear to say goodbye to Jack, so he picked that fight to make it easier to say that, I mean to say goodbye."

"Y'know, I could probably watch this thing ten times and not understand it the way you do. That's deep man, way deep," David said.

"I guess. It's what I think is goin' on anyway," I said.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," Dave said, "Start 'er up again."

When the scene came on of Ennis crouching in the alley, and crying because he'd lost Jack, I nudged David. "See, Ennis knows what he's lost, but can't get the courage up to go and be with Jack. He's torn apart."

"God, I feel so sorry for him man," Dave said.

We watched pretty much through the movie without saying too much, up to the place where Ennis goes to Jack's parent's farm after Jack has been killed. I've never been so moved by a movie in my life. I swear, when Ennis discovers the shirts in the little closet, and holds them up, I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Oh, Christ!" I whispered, and I felt tears run down my cheeks.

"I know, oh God, this is tearin' me up," Dave whispered back.

I leaned against him, there sitting on the floor with our backs against his bed, and he leaned against me, and we finished watching the movie like that. When the credits had finished I stopped the player.

"Whatcha think?" I asked David.

He was sitting there, leaning against me, looking down at his hands. He just shook his head a little and sniffed, and then he wiped his eyes. "Brutal," he said, "I feel so fuckin' sorry for Ennis, y'know? Jeeze, if only he could've let his feelings show for Jack, and admit that he was gay, they could've been so happy together."

"I don't think Ennis was gay," I said.

"Jeremy, trust me, Ennis was gay. Straight guys don't fuck each other," Dave said.

"I think Jack was gay, and covered it by pretending to be straight, and getting' married, and all the rest of it, but I think Ennis was basically straight, and loved Jack in a way that went beyond just gay or straight," I said, "I think Jack was the one great love of Ennis's life."

"Think?" Dave asked.

"Think," I said.

"You're really deep, y'know that?" he said. I turned and he was looking at me with the radar eyes.

"Not really. It's just that this movie really got to me for some reason," I said. And man, that was sure an understatement. I felt like I had been run over by a school bus. I took a deep breath.

"I know this was s'posed to have happened a while ago, but I bet it's still hard, y'know, bein' gay," I said. "We laugh at the guys in school we think are queer, but it takes some kind of guts to be gay and open about it, dontcha think?"

David was quiet for a few seconds, "Yeah, I never thought about it that way, but yeah, I guess it does."

There was so much I wanted to say, and so much I wanted to talk about, but how can you tell your best friend you love him the way Ennis loved Jack? How could I ever tell Davey how much I wanted to be with him, the way Jack gave himself to Ennis? How could I say to my best friend "I'll let you do whatever you want to me?"

"What now?" I asked quietly.

"What d'ya think?" he smiled, "You brought the fuck flick didn't ya?"

"Yeah, I did," I said, "But y'know, I don't need it unless you do....I mean.... just thinking about doin' it with you is enough for me, I'm already hard."

He did the radar eyes, and then nodded those little jerky nods he does, "Yeah. I'm hard too man." He got up and went over and locked his bedroom door and turned around and looked at me sitting there.

"So....where?....I mean... you wanna get naked? We could lie on the bed if you wanna..." his voice trailed off.

"Sure, let's get naked, but let's do it standin' up this time. 'And now, for something completely different!'" I said in the Monty Python voice.

He giggled, and I giggled, and we started taking off clothes. We both started with socks, then shirts, and then pants. I thought this was too great a coincidence.

"We strip the same way," I said.

"I noticed," Dave said. "I think guys in shirts and socks with no pants look stupid. Socks off first, then shirts, then drop trou."

"Great minds think alike!" I grinned.

He grinned back, and then a more serious look came over his face when he looked me up and down.

"Jeremy, man, you really do have one great bod man," he said.

"Nothin' compared to yours bud, not really," I said. I reached up and put my fingers on the sides of his pecs, and brushed my thumbs over his nipples. He has a few little hairs surrounding them, and just the faintest hint of some very, very fine dark hair in the center of his chest. "You're even growin' hair on your chest already, and I'm still workin' on growin' it on my legs!" "God, could he get any hotter!?" I thought.

I let my hands slide down the outside of his torso and down onto his upper thighs, I had to step closer to him to do it. Our cocks were right next to each other. I moved, just enough so they touched, and when they did, they both jumped sort of involuntarily. Davey giggled, and I followed.

"Mine's bigger'n yours!" he said.

"Yep, always has been, don'tcha remember on the dock that time?" I said.

"Oh, Yeah! God that was funny as hell wasn't it!" he said, and we laughed.

"Well, I don't think it was so funny man, you squeezed mine s'tight it got all stunted and never grew up proper!" I said, and we broke up again.

I rubbed the hair on his thighs a little more.

"You're so fucking hairy David!" I whispered, and brushed the hair on the fronts of his legs with my fingers. Then brought my hands up under his balls, in the clefts of his thighs and held his sack. He moaned.

"You ready to go?" I asked

"Oh, yeah," he said.

I reached up with my right hand and started jacking myself off, and he did the same. I kept my left hand under his balls, holding them and rolling them around. Every so often I would tug gently on them and he'd grunt. He reached in, and put just the tips of his fingers around the base of my scrotum, and tickled the hair there, and played with my balls. It felt great, and I told him so.

"Like that?" he whispered

"Oh, yeah Davey, oh yeah," I whispered back. I drew back with my torso just a little, and spit down onto my hand.

Davey held his hand out between us, "Hey, got some extra?" and I spit into his hand too.

Our hands started making that wet sound that hands on cocks make, and I stepped just a little closer, and we had to jack up and down between us rather than out from our bodies. Our knuckles were hitting together every three strokes or so, that's how close our bodies were to each other. We just stood there for a while, feeling each others balls and jacking ourselves off, and every so often I would spit on our hands again.

"I'm close Davey," I whispered. I was panting, and my cock felt like it was gonna explode.

"Cum on me!" David said. "Cum on me, okay Jeremy?"

"What?" I said

"When you go, let it go on me, okay? Cum on my belly, don't try to catch it or stop it. Just shoot all over me, okay?" Dave said, and he was panting too, and I let my forehead fall onto his shoulder and inched closer to him.

We were stroking in the home stretch, I could feel it building up, "You cum on me too Davey, jeeze, this is so hot man, I'm so close."

David put his head onto my shoulder, like I was resting mine on his. I let go of his balls and put my left hand into the small of his back, and drew him close against me. He moved his hand around my body too, and rubbed the little bit of hair I have just above my ass, like most guys do in the small of their backs.

It was a little hard to keep the rhythm in jacking because our bodies were so close together, but we managed, and in no time it seemed, I was panting in his ear.

"I'm there Davey, I'm there....I'm gonna cum's's right there Davey.....Oh, God, Davey... Davey....I'm sperming all over you!" I whispered.

And I let loose. It wasn't just a spurt-spurt-spurt cum...I could feel long flows of semen run out of spuuurrrt.... spuuurrrt.....spuurrrt.

Then David pulled his head back, and looked into my eyes, "I'm ready....Oh man it is it is..." and his eyes closed a little and his head went back, and I could feel his stuff hit my belly, and run down into my cock hair, and get all over me. They say it's only tablespoons full, but how in the world can two tablespoons of semen make suck a freakin' mess on two guys?

When he had finished cumming on me, I took my hand off my cock, and put it around him, and with both arms pressed us together. He sort of wiggled his hand out from between us, and put it around me. We just stood together like that, our heads on each others shoulders, panting like the dogs in heat we were, and unconsciously rubbing our scummy hands all over each others backs. We stood like that for a while. He felt so great I couldn't bear to let him go!

I could feel a line of cum starting to run down my leg, his sperm or mine, who knew, but it brought me to enough to say "Man! Fucking fantastic! Let's do it this way from now on!"

"I'm right with ya man, that was awesome. Totally awesome," he said, and we separated.

"Whoa, what a mess!" I said, as simultaneously he said "Cum everywhere!"

We broke up in laughter. "Talk about glazed donuts!" I gasped. "We'll never get it out of our hair!" I looked down, and truth! Our hair was matted with jizz.

"Oh man. We can't shower, my parents are home and they'd ask why," Dave said. "I'll get us some towels." He left, and came back with four hand towels, and we started wiping ourselves off.

"Turn around," I said to David, "I smeared sperm all over your back I think." He did and I wiped it off, and then he wiped my back too. By now his bedroom had an odor like I don't know what. Sperm, and sweat, and that tangy smell that guys get between their legs, not BO but a different smell. I could smell that on my hands too. You know what I mean.

When we had wiped off as much cum as we could, I started to get dressed. "Sure you gotta go?" Dave asked

"Yeah. I need to make some stuff up to my Mom and Dad, and part of it is goin' to church tomorrow. I gotta get home, and be awake enough to sit through Holy Communion at daybreak tomorrow," I said. "So yeah, I gotta go bud."

"Could you wait, just a while? In just a little while, I could go again man, if you want to?" Davey asked.

Oh, man. Caught between I should go, and I want to stay. "Davey, honest, I'd stay all night if I could, you know that man, you KNOW I would."

"I know," Dave said. "Go." And he dressed, and we did the hand clasp with hugs, and we walked downstairs. I said goodnight to Davey's parents, and he let me out and walked to the truck with me.

"You're still coming over for the big breakfast tomorrow morning, right?" I asked him.

"Yep!" he said, and we did the hands and hugging thing again.

"Jeremy!" He said very low, I could hardly hear him over the peepers.

"What?" I said

"That was awesome," he said, and we clasped hands and hugged a third time, and I drove home, windows wide open to stay awake, and singing as loud as I could!!

On to Chapter Twelve

Back to Chapter Ten

Chapter Index

An Albemarle Tale is Copyright © 2007 by The Whitewater Kid
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All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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