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"I Once was Lost" by The Carolina Scribbler (Johnny) Chapter Six Back to Chapter Five On to Chapter Seven Chapter Listing Carolina Scribbler Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama College Suicide Not Complete - On Permanent Hiatus since 2005 Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Hey Jesse! How are you doing buddy?" "I'm doing good man, feeling good too. I just wish they'd let me out of here. I think I've got cabin fever."
The young cop laughed hard at that and shook his head in agreement.
"I know exactly how you feel dude. I was in the hospital with double pneumonia when I was 15. After the second day, I was bored to tears man. About the fifth day I was just plain stir crazy and ended up wheelchair racing down the hallway with some kid who'd been in a car accident a few days earlier. Oh brother, we terrorized those nurses."
We laughed and just generally chewed the fat for awhile, telling each other about our battle wounds, sports exploits and our fondness for cars before Charles' expression and tone changed.
"What are you going to do when you get out of here man?" he asked.
"I really don't know. I haven't thought about where I'll go. I do know that I want to stay here in Myrtle Beach, I just don't know how or where."
"I have a place not too far from town. It's a big old farmhouse, nothing fancy but it's got lot's of room. It has four bedrooms and two bathrooms but only one of them works right now. I really need to get a plumber out there about that too. Look man, I know you need a place, at least for a while, I'm out there all by myself and I guess I could use the company. My girlfriend goes to Clemson and she's home for the summer but she's working full time. We haven't been able to see as much of each other as we'd like to but that's the way it goes. Her education is the most important thing right now and it's not like we never get to see each other. You wouldn't have to worry about paying rent until you were back on your feet."
He looked at me thoughtfully and I returned the look. He was a sweet guy and he was offering me a place to live rent free for awhile. I wondered still, if maybe this wasn't a set up or something but maybe it was his tone or demeanor or what I'd heard about him but something told me he was legitimate.
"It's a great offer Charles but I have some questions."
"Sure Jesse anything you want to know, just ask."
"Why are you doing this? I mean you're straight for one thing and I'm gay. I'm a stranger to this town, I have no job and hell, I don't even have any clothes except what I was wearing when they brought me in here. What about your girlfriend and the guys you work with, will they be cool with a gay guy living with you? What about the neighbors and your folks too. We know what your father did to your brother."
He nodded his head and then his eyes got a bit watery as he spoke.
"When I left here the other day after talking to you Will I was feeling a little blue and I fired up my computer as soon as I got home. I downloaded that song he mentioned and I listened to it over and over. I thought a long time about you and your situation and I thought about Michael out there somewhere, lost maybe, probably scared. I didn't know if he was alive or not and that made me scared too. I'm supposed to be tough you know? I'm a cop and we're supposed to remain emotionally distant but I'm not like that Jesse. I've always been an emotional guy and while I was just sitting there thinking and listening to that song. I cried man. I cried a lot. I made up my mind I was going to invite you to live there, as long as you wanted to. You seem like a decent guy and when you told me your story you were remorseful and so humble. I could tell you were sincere. It touched my heart man. You're just a guy who's down on his luck, that's all. It doesn't matter to me that you're gay, I'm cool with it. If my friends or co-workers have a problem with it, I'll take care of it. The neighbors won't matter either because my place sits practically in the middle of 20 acres. Heck Jesse, you could run around naked all day and no one would ever know."
He suddenly realized what he just said and his face turned red. It was really cute too the way he blushed over that.
"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to imply that you'd do that I'm just saying it's kind of isolated. It's private," he said quickly recovering.
"That's alright man, no offense taken," I chuckled.
"Anyway Jesse, that's my offer. I know it ain't much but you're welcome to stay there as long as you want to. I have friends over sometimes but they'll be cool and Katie, my girlfriend, comes over. She'll have no problems with the arrangement either. If you want to have friends over or a uh...uh...a boyfriend that's alright. We'll give each other space if one of us is planning a romantic night."
Man this guy was cute. Sure he was a hunk but I'm talking about the way he acted. He seemed a little shy about "certain" issues but I believed he was sincere in his offer and the way he let his feelings show. This was definitely a weird situation but I really couldn't argue. I had no job or place to go and hopefully the doctor would let me leave tomorrow.
"Will your brother be there? You mentioned something the other day about him living with you if he came back."
"I haven't asked him yet but I'm planning on it. If he says yes, hopefully he'll stay with me at least for the rest of the summer. Mama and Daddy are splitting up. Actually Mama kicked Daddy out, he found out while he was in jail. You know how my father reacted when Michael told us he was gay and I guess you know what happened when Michael called home and Daddy went to get him?"
"Yeah, I heard."
"In spite of all that, Mama still can't accept Michael either. I can't believe it Jesse, I thought I knew my parents and even though Daddy went ballistic I figured at least Mama would come around. She said she didn't want him around her house so I don't know. I hope he'll stay with me. He's my brother. I can't turn my back on him, you know? I don't understand why some people are straight and some are gay but all I know is he's a good kid and he deserves better than this."
I sat there listening to Charles and my heart went out to him. It was evident to me that he was telling the truth and he was simply an honest, down to earth country boy with a heart of gold.
"I'm really sorry about Michael. How's he doing?"
"He's messed up pretty bad but he's going to be alright. He's got some cuts on his face and arms and some sore ribs. He's got a lot of bruises too. Dad even kicked him in his nuts. Michael showed them to me. One of them is still swelled up about the size of an apple and is all black and purple. I asked his doctor about it and he said there wouldn't be any permanent damage. Michael says he hurts all over and I can only believe that he does."
I shook my head in disbelief.
"Poor kid" I said softly.
"Yeah but like I said, he's going to be ok. It's just going to take some time."
He was sitting a chair pulled up next to the bed and he looked so sad while he had been talking. I leaned over and gave him a hug. I had made up my mind too.
"Thanks Jesse, I really needed that," he said.
"Wha...you mean it?"
"Yah," I chuckled.
"Great man, you're gonna love it out there I promise," he exclaimed.
His eyes brightened with excitement. His face suddenly seemed to glow. I was happy too. I had a new place to live in a new town. I was starting a new life.
Charles stood to leave and said he'd be back in a little while. He had taken off work a couple of days to sit with Michael and he'd been there since early this morning but was going out to grab a bite and take a nap at home. We shook hands, then he left. The mention of food made me realize I was hungry too. Since there wasn't anything else to do I watched TV until dinnertime.
Dinner wasn't much but I ate everything on my plate, it filled me up too. Will poked his head in my room a couple times but only for a minute. He said he was busy with several more patients who had been brought up from the E.R. since his shift began. I watched him walk quickly back and forth past my room several times. Rashaad did too. The whole floor seemed abuzz with activity and I stood at my doorway for a few minutes onetime and watched. Everyone seemed so involved. It was organized chaos. I got tired just by watching them so I laid down on my bed and my head darted from the TV to the hallway.
Things started calming down about 11pm, which meant they'd been at it for at least 5 hours. The local news had just come on when Will walked in. He looked a little flushed.
"Hey Jesse, how are doing tonight?" he asked still breathing hard.
"I'm fine man but what about you? What's going on?"
"There was a bus accident up on 17. It was tourists going to some music theater up in North Myrtle and a truck hit `em and the bus turned over. There were several injuries, a few pretty serious and they were admitted but most just had superficial cuts and bruises. We've been swamped."
He rolled his head around, stretching then he bent over and I heard his back pop.
"When was the last time it was this busy?" I asked.
He thought for a moment.
"To be honest Jesse, I don't ever remember it being this busy."
He walked over and sat in the chair beside the bed.
"So, I hear you're gonna move in with Charles," he said in a sexy tone.
"Yeah, how'd you hear about that?" I chuckled.
"Oh I have sources."
"I just bet you do. Did you run into him in the hallway?"
"I did. I think that's great too. He's a good guy and you could definitely do a lot worse for a roommate."
"Oh I agree. At least I'll get to stay in town, now I just have to start looking for a job when I get out of here. I'd like to get back in school too but maybe I can enroll somewhere down here this fall."
"That'd be good Jesse. What's your major?"
"I haven't really decided yet. I wanted to be a history teacher but I don't know."
He nodded thoughtfully and we talked awhile. He seemed truly happy for me and would you believe it-the guy even offered to loan me some money to help until I got back on my feet. I got a little misty-eyed when he did that and I took him up on his offer too. My savings account had gone down to zilch before I left home and I hadn't been able to squirrel away any cash so I was pretty much flat broke. He said his break was over but would see me again later. I stood as he did and gave him a hug.
I showered and brushed my teeth. I changed into a fresh hospital gown too. It was late and I was tired so I turned off my light but left the TV on. I turned the volume down and closed my door almost all the way. I went to sleep quickly and slept all night.
Morning came too soon and I lay there half awake, half asleep. I was in the stage we all get in sometimes when you're almost awake and you can hear things but just can't quite open your eyes. I had morning wood too which was a first in several days. I was conscious enough to give myself a gentle massage and was thoroughly enjoying it.
Suddenly the door opened and I jumped. I was definitely awake now! In walked a cute young guy with my breakfast tray.
"Good...uh good morning sir," he said as his eyes widened then darted away but only after he checked me out.
I checked him out too as he walked past the bed to place the tray on the cart beside my bed. I first wanted to just pull the sheet over my head and die from embarrassment but decided to play with him a little bit.
"Good morning yourself," I replied coyly. I moved my hand slowly down back towards my crotch and gave it a little scratch. His eyes followed then quickly darted upwards again. I chuckled to myself.
"Um..I uh brought your breakfast." He stammered.
"Thanks man. I'm Jesse by the way."
"I'm Dwayne, nice to meet you," he said cheerfully as he moved the cart closer, adjusting it's height for me. I adjusted my bed to sit up.
"How old are you dude?" I asked.
"I turned 18 last week, why?"
"You look young, man."
"I get that a lot," he grinned, "Have a good day Jesse."
Although he didn't look very tall he seemed to have a slight build through his clinging white tee shirt. He looked younger than 18. I guess it was his boyish face and those dimples when he smiled. His light brown hair was kind of long, not too long though and pulled back into a ponytail. As quickly as he had entered my room, he left. I scarfed down my breakfast as I thought of little Dwayne.
After breakfast I had to use the bathroom. While I was washing my hands afterwards, I suddenly realized I needed a shave. I only had to shave about every other day but I was really starting to look like Grizzly Adams.
I stepped out to the nurse's station and was surprised to see Will still there. I was expecting Marcia but I asked him if there was an extra disposable razor handy and he retrieved one from the office. He walked with me back to my room and we chatted or rather he chatted as he watched me shave.
There wasn't any shaving cream around so I used soap. It just wasn't the same and it felt weird but it did the job.
After I finished and dried off my face, Will placed his hand under my chin and turned my head first one way, then the other. He smiled and nodded, giving me a look of approval.
"Better?" I asked.
"Much" he replied with a big smile.
Just then someone knocked on my door and I heard a familiar, "Hello-Jesse?"
It was Charles.
"Hey buddy, come on in. I was just shaving."
"And I was just supervising," Will piped in.
Charles grinned knowingly.
"I didn't interrupt anything did I?"
"I wish," I said before I thought.
Will and Charles both laughed. There was a slight and somewhat awkward pause after that.
"Jesse, are you gettin' outta here this morning'?" Charles asked.
"I hope so," I chuckled, "but I haven't seen Dr. Redding yet so I don't know."
"If you do get your discharge papers, just let me know and I can run you to the house. I figure you might want some clothes so we can stop somewhere for that too if you need."
"Thanks Charles, I appreciate that. I do need some clothes. All I have is what I was wearing when I was admitted. Oh wait a minute, I almost forgot, you said my father said he'd ship all my stuff, right?"
"Yeah, that's what he said."
"Ok, that's cool then. I won't have to buy so much. In a few day's I'll have all my clothes from home anyway."
"That's true but what about until you get your stuff from your parent's house? What are you going to do, wear that gown out of here?" Will said with a snicker.
"I might," I said deadpan, "It's got a built in air vent in the back and that just might feel pretty good on these hot summer days. I might walk through the mall wearing this get up."
They both cracked up and Charles laughed so hard he had to grab some toilet paper to dry his eyes.
Just then Dr. Redding came in. He grinned big when he saw the three of us standing there in my bathroom, laughing.
"This is certainly a good sign. How are today Jesse?" asked the doctor.
"I'm doing great doc, just hanging around, you know," I said.
"Alright, I can take a hint," he replied with a chuckle, "Come on over here and have a seat, Will take his blood pressure and temperature one last time. Charles, how are you doing son?"
I sat on the edge of the bed while Will placed the blood pressure cuff around my arm.
"I'm doing fine Dr. Redding, I hope you and Mrs. Redding are as well," Charles replied.
I noticed Charles' manner of speaking seemed to change when he spoke to Dr. Redding. It wasn't entirely formal but definitely a more refined pattern. I guess it was out of respect and I thought it was cool.
Will took my blood pressure reading then placed a thermometer under my tongue. The doctor scribbled on my chart. He and Charles made small talk until Will removed the thermometer and read my temperature aloud to the doctor. He scribbled on my chart again.
"Let's take a look at your arm, Jesse," the doctor said. He carefully took off the tape holding the bandage on and threw it away.
"Looking good, it's healing very nicely. Will would you clean and wrap this again please?"
"Yes doctor"
"Jesse, I'd like for you to clean and re-bandage this daily for 3 more days."
"Yes sir," I replied with a nod.
"Well, I just can't find anything wrong with you Jesse. I'm afraid you can go," Dr. Redding said with a smile.
"Yes!" I said in a loud whisper, pumping my fist.
He patted my shoulder.
"I'll complete the forms and you can get dressed my friend." With that said he told Charles it was good seeing him again and he asked Will to retrieve my clothes and personal effects from the office. Will said that they were locked away for security reasons and the shift supervisor was the only one with a key and she stepped out to run an errand a few minutes earlier but he would look for her.
That left just Charles and me alone.
I had a million thoughts suddenly running through my mind all at once.
"What would you like for dinner tonight?"
"Huh?" I answered as I blinked a couple of times and glanced over to him.
Charles chuckled. "What would you like for dinner tonight? A man coming home from the hospital has got to be hungry for some real food."
"Oh-I dunno man. Anything is fine with me."
"Think you could handle grilled pork chops with fresh corn on the cob and green beans?"
My eyes widened. "Oh yeah dude, that sounds good. You cook a lot?"
"A little bit now and then but nothing fancy though. I'm a cop so that means I'm on a budget, man and I had to learn to cook to keep from starving," he laughed.
I could see his point. Cops didn't make a whole lot of dough as far as I knew and eating out all the time would be expensive. Since I was gonna be living with Charles, maybe I could cook some, I wasn't that bad in the kitchen.
I had gotten a little nervous for no apparent reason when the doc and Will left Charles and me alone. That was weird because I couldn't figure out why I would be anxious around him. I smiled to myself as I turned my head away from Charles.
Will stepped back in, carrying my clothes.
"Ok buddy, here you go. Dr. Redding is almost done with the paperwork," he said as he handed the clothes to me.
I stood up but suddenly felt weak. I sat back down in a hurry.
"Jesse!" Charles and Will called out simultaneously.
"Just stay right here for a minute. I'm going to get Dr. Redding," Will said as he hurriedly exited the room.
Charles sat down beside me on the bed. He placed an arm around my shoulders.
"Jesse, what's wrong man?" he asked with concern in his voice.
"I-I really don't know. I felt fine a minute ago but I got scared. Look at my hands, man."
I held them out for Charles to see and they were actually shaking...and wringing wet too. Charles noticed it.
Dr. Redding entered along with Will. Charles stood up and moved around to the other side of the bed, out of the way.
"How are you feeling Jesse?" he asked as he placed the stethoscope on my chest.
"Ok I guess," I lied.
"Jesse, I'm your doctor. Will said you almost passed out, I just listened to your heart racing about a mile a minute, now what's up?"
"I don't know doc, honestly. I was fine and then I started thinking about everything, getting out of here, moving in with Charles, trying to find a job, not having any clothes, just^Åjust starting a brand new life I guess."
He nodded sympathetically. Will looked concerned too.
"Son, I know everything that has happened in the last few days must have been overwhelming but I truly want you to know that you are ok. You're life hasn't ended-it's changed certainly, but you're getting a brand new start. You can make this life anything you want it to be. You aren't alone here. I know you've become friends with Will and Charles-Rashaad and Marcia too. I may be your doctor but I'd also like to think I'm your friend."
He paused and grinned as he patted my shoulder.
I wiped my eyes on the sleeves of my gown.
"I think you just had a mild panic attack. They're scary and they can happen at anytime but usually when someone's been under a lot of stress. I think we'd both agree, you've been under a little stress lately."
I chuckled. "Yeah, you're right."
He stood up.
"Jesse, you'll be fine but let's check you out once more to make sure. Will, take his BP again please."
Will again placed the cuff around my arm as the doctor again listened to my heart. In a moment it was over and he pronounced me ready to go.
"I'd like to suggest something to you Jesse. Join the "Y" or a gym or some kind of fitness club soon. You look like you're in good shape already but a long hard workout is good for the MIND as well as the body."
"Thanks doc, I probably do that."
"I hope so. Take care son and if you need to talk, call me here at the hospital, ok?"
"Yes sir, I promise."
He nodded and then left the room. I stood up again-slowly this time and untied the strings on that stupid gown. I could reach the top and the bottom strings but not the middle. Charles noticed and I felt a little tug, then the gown opened up-way up and I quickly maneuvered to cover my biggest uh^Å"asset". He and Will laughed when I did but I stuck my tongue out at them as I waddled into the bathroom to change.
When I was done I opened the door and there stood Will, Marcia, Rashaad, Charles and Dr. Redding. They were all smiling too.
"What?" I asked. I patted my head and checked my fly, giving myself a quick once over. Everyone laughed.
"This is just a way of saying, Welcome Home," said doc as he handed an envelope to me, turned and walked out.
Rashaad was next. "Any friend of Will's is a friend of mine. You're alright Jesse," he stated and then grabbed me into a big bear hug. He released me and placed another envelope in my hand. "It's not much but it's from Jeannetta and me. It'll help you get started on your new life." He turned and started out but not before I saw him wiping a tear from his cheek.
Will just stood there grinning, trying not to cry. I was trying not to either and I think even Charles sniffled a time or two. Will sighed heavily as walked up to me.
"Jesse, never in my life have I met someone I've connected so much with, so quickly. We've only known each other for a few days but I consider you to be a close friend and I will forever. I don't know what the future holds but I think it's going to be wonderful," he said with a spark in his eye.
"I hope so," I whispered.
"Anyway, like I promised you, here is something from me. I know I told you earlier I would loan some money to you but I've decided to give it to you instead. It isn't a whole lot but consider it a gift from a friend to a friend."
He leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. We both glanced over at Charles who was grinning from ear to ear. We all laughed and then Will left. Charles, who was still smiling, looked at me.
"Dude, if you and Will don't hook up, I think it's gonna make me mad."
We laughed again and I checked the room to make sure I had everything. I suddenly remembered the letters I'd written, still on the nightstand. "I guess maybe I can mail them later" I thought as I snatched them up.
We stopped at the nurse's station to sign some papers and pick up my instructions from Dr. Redding. There was also a prescription I'd need to run by the drugstore. As soon as I was done, Rashaad made me sit in a wheelchair as he pushed me down the hallway. I felt a little silly but he said it was hospital policy that upon discharge, all patients go out in a wheelchair. We stopped at the cashier's office so I could make arrangements to pay my bill and I got a major surprise. The lady I spoke with said it had all been taken care of already. I was completely and totally dumbfounded and asked her to double check. She did and told me a second time that I had no bill nor would I get a bill. I just shook my head in disbelief as Rashaad and I continued on. Charles ran ahead to get his truck and he met us outside at the main entrance.
He had a black Ford Ranger XLT Supercab. That baby was sweet looking too. I thanked Rashaad and he again wished me well and told me not to be a stranger. We shook hands then I hopped into the cab and closed the door. He turned and headed back inside as Charles got in and we left.
Charles asked me to pick out a cd from the travel case and as I perused it's contents, I noticed he had a lot of the same cd's I had or at least by the same artists. I looked through bluegrass, country, both classic and new rock, hard rock, metal and even a few oldies. I decided on a tried and true rock classic by the "Nuge". I held the cd, face down in one hand as I zipped up the cd case with my other hand. I checked the number for a particular track as I slipped it in the player.
"What did ya pick?" Charles asked.
"You'll see" I replied with a devilish grin. He chuckled as he shook his head.
A big smile came across his face as the opening riffs to "Cat Scratch Fever" blared through the speakers. He turned it up even louder and started singing along. I joined in. The guy could sing pretty good too. I was impressed.
We were head-bangin' going down the street and pulled up to a red light just as two girls about our age pulled up long my side. Charles noticed this and rolled down my window just as the part that goes, "Well I make a pussy purr with the stroke of my hand" came on. They girls started laughing and pointing as Charles nearly busted a gut. It was pretty funny and I shook my head and laughed too. The light changed and they turned as we continued down the road laughing for another couple of blocks.
"You're a nut man. Did anyone ever tell you that?" I said still trying to stifle a giggle.
"I'm sorry dude but that was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I'm glad you're not pissed or anything." He replied.
"Why would I be pissed? That was funny^Åbut of course you know what they say about paybacks, don't you?" I said playfully as I wiggled my eyebrows.
"Oh no, huh uh!"
"Oh Yes! Of course you know, this means war."
We both laughed again.
"Changing the subject for a minute, do you want to stop off at the pharmacy or a big discount store first? You tell me, I'm just the chauffeur of this little buggy," he said.
I thought for a moment. "I guess the pharmacy first since I need to drop off a prescription from Dr. Winstead. Will told me it was an anti-anxiety medicine and not too strong."
"Ok, we'll stop there first, then where?"
"I really don't know exactly. I mean, I think there's money in this envelope from Will but I don't know how much and I need to get some clothes," I said as I tore open the one from Will.
Charles was quiet as I silently read the attached letter from Will. It was very touching I got a little emotional. Charles never asked what was in the note and that shows just what he's made of. I figured he was probably curious but he was also a country gentleman and by his very nature, would not pry. I appreciated that. I finished the letter and placed it back in the envelope as I brushed a tear from my face.
"Damn, he's something else," I said out loud as I waved Will's envelope in the air.
"You like Will bad don't you Jess?" Charles asked tenderly.
"Yeah," I whispered.
He squeezed my shoulder.
"If you don't mind, could we run through a drive-thru somewhere and get a soft drink or something? Since I started I might as well open them all," I said holding up the rest of the envelopes.
"Sure man. I think I could use a biscuit too. How about you?" he quickly glanced at his watch.
"Yeah, I think I could go for a biscuit."
We made our way through the drive-thru lane at a fast food place and then Charles pulled into a parking spot at the end of the lot. He rolled down both windows so there was a slight breeze blowing. It was warm. I spied a picnic table nearby and suggested we sit there instead of in the truck. I really didn't want to get crumbs in his pickup plus the table was in a shaded spot. We moved outside and I continued reading. Everyone had written a note and also included a check. I was truly amazed and humbled at the way these people had opened up their hearts and accepted me and they all had donated a little something to my "Welcome Home" fund as I now called it. I sat quietly thinking to myself in the warm morning breeze of Myrtle Beach.
"Charles, I think I need to go by a bank and open up a checking account, savings too maybe. Can you recommend a good one?" I asked as I slid the checks across the table to him. He glanced at each one and his eyes widened at the numbers.
"Sure, I do all my banking at Grand Strand National. They've always treated me fairly."
"I'm thinking that should be the stop after the pharmacy."
"No problem Jess. I think that's a smart move too."
I noticed he had called me "Jess" instead of Jesse a couple of times. I didn't mind it, in fact I kind of liked it.
We finished and threw away our garbage. We dropped off the prescription at the pharmacy and then Charles took me to the bank where he does his business at. Everybody knew him it seemed and greeted him with a smile and a handshake. He introduced me to everyone and when he did, he said I was his friend and new in town. I thought that was a classy thing for him to do.
An older, maybe 60-ish lady escorted me over to her desk and fixed me up with basic savings and checking accounts. Her name was Margaret St. Clair and she was very friendly. Everything went smoothly but I had to call Charles over to get his address since I didn't know it. I really needed to commit that to memory in case other people asked me where I lived. In a few minutes we were done and she said my new checks would arrive in 1-2 weeks. I thanked her and we left.
"Next stop?" Charles asked.
"I need some threads man, these are worn out," I said pointing to my t-shirt.
He gave me a thumb's up sign and off we went.
We stopped at a department store and I picked up a few things, at least I hoped it would be enough until my stuff arrived. We left there and went back to the pharmacy. I ran inside, grabbed my medicine and we left, heading to Charles' house.
On to Chapter Seven
Back to Chapter Five
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