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"I Once was Lost" by The Carolina Scribbler (Johnny) Chapter Seven Back to Chapter Six On to Chapter Eight Chapter Listing Carolina Scribbler Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama College Suicide Not Complete - On Permanent Hiatus since 2005 Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
We drove along maybe a mile or so "Charles, I just realized something. I don't know where my car is man."
"Don't worry about it Jess, it's been taken care of."
"What do you mean?" I asked concerned.
"It WAS impounded but it isn't now."
"I don't understand-WAS?"
"Somebody got it out of the county impound yard for you," he said as he flashed a silly grin.
"Let's just say I have connections and don't worry, it isn't going to cost you a penny."
"Shit Charles! It must have cost you a fortune man. I'll pay you back every dime too. You just tell me how much. It might take me while but I will pay you back," I exclaimed.
"Chill out man!" he chuckled, "Ok, I'll let you in on the deal. I called in a favor from the guy who runs the place and it didn't cost me anything, honestly. I just had to sign for it, that's all. I had a buddy from work go with me and I drove it back to my place and he drove my truck. It's at home, parked behind the house. You'll see it."
"You really didn't have to do that Charles, thanks."
"No problem, that's what buds are for."
I nodded in earnest.
"Well Jess, we're here," Charles stated as we turned into his driveway. He stopped and checked his mailbox then we started again. I stared at the giant old oaks that lined the driveway on either side. There were several more around the yard and lots of tall pines too. The house was an old two-story farmhouse. Some obvious recent updates had been made and it was pretty neat, a little plain though.
We pulled around to the back and I saw my baby. Well, she wasn't pretty but she was paid for and the title was in my name so she was mine, my doo-doo brown Escort. In fact, her "official" name was Doo-Doo Brown but I had a special nickname for her too. I hopped out of the truck and ran over to her, rubbing her gently on the right rear quarter panel and down the side all the way to her hood. A little of the faded paint rubbed off onto my fingers but I didn't mind. I talked to her too. I called her by her nickname and she liked it when I did that. "Tallulah baby, you miss me girl?" Don't all cars enjoy a little lovin' every once in a while?
I turned around and Charles was standing there, mouth gapped open, hands folded across his chest. That guy struggled valiantly but couldn't contain himself any longer and just busted loose with laughter. He stumbled over and grabbed me in a half headlock as we giggled like 10 year olds up to the backdoor of the house.
"I thought you didn't like girls?" Charles said once we were inside.
"Huh?" I responded with a puzzled look.
"TALLUUULAHHH" he mocked.
I feigned disgust as I waved my hand in the air. We both laughed.
He told me to drop all my stuff on the bar in the kitchen and he would give the nickel tour. I did and followed him from room to room as he spoke about the property and some of the improvements he had made as well as some he had planned. It seemed that young Mr. Stoneman was quite the handyman.
As we walked through the house I noticed some rooms seemed significantly warmer than others and occasionally Charles would wipe a little sweat from his brow. I wiped mine too. He must have noticed me doing that.
"One thing I forgot to tell you Jess, I don't have central air yet. I'm sorry about that," he said apologetically.
"Hey it's ok, those things cost a fortune I'm sure," I said trying to relieve his worry.
"Not quite a fortune, but for a big house like this they are pretty expensive. I'm hoping to get that taken care of next spring maybe."
I nodded as we both wiped our foreheads again.
Most of the work that had been done was to the kitchen and living room and a little room off that which he used as kind of an office/study. The living room had a beautiful stone fireplace which was new and Charles became livelier as he explained all the details of it's construction and how he was able to help with that as well us the remodeling of the living room and the kitchen. He wasn't boastful but he was definitely proud. Hell, I was proud of him.
"Jesse, when I was growing up, I was always into sports but not building stuff. I mean I was interested and I always wanted to take woodworking or masonry but my dad wouldn't let me. He said that was "redneck" work and I was going to do something better than that. I always wanted to try though and when I bought this place the first thing I did was call the father of my best friend. My buddy is Lin Tranh, he's a Vietnamese dude and his dad owns a huge construction company up in Conway. They are absolutely the best builders in the state and Papa T, that's what everybody calls him, works harder than anybody I've ever seen. But anyway, I called him up and told him I just bought a place and wanted him to do a little work. I knew his guys would do a great job and they did. Papa himself was out here supervising, every single day like this was a multi million dollar project or something. I knew it was taking time away from other, more important jobs but he insisted on being here. One day I mentioned something about never having had an opportunity to really get my hands dirty and that's all it took! From that moment until the job was finished my ass was in the trenches with Papa and his crew. I helped a little bit with just about everything and I made some mistakes but he never once got angry. He huffed a few times when I would do something wrong and sometimes he would tell me if I did something really stupid but it was never in anger, always in a calm voice and I appreciated that. When the job was done he and Mama Tranh came over one evening and he handed the bill to me. I opened it up and it was way, way less than I figured it would be. As it turned out, he charged me cost for all the materials and labor and he gave me the kitchen for free. How cool was that?"
I smiled and nodded at Charles as he continued.
"I asked Papa why he did that and said simply because I was a friend and that friends help out friends. Jess, I broke down and cried like a baby in front of them. I was embarrassed as hell but you know what?"
"They cried too. All three of us man. I offered several times to pay him more but they flat out refused to accept a penny more than what was on the bill. Papa said that my willingness to learn about building was payment on the rest."
Charles' eyes started to tear up, mine did too.
"Dang, it's hot in here," he said as he took his shirt off and wiped his eyes.
"Yeah" I said drying my eyes as well.
It was getting warm and when we went upstairs it was very warm, at least in the hallway. Every now and then I'd glance at Charles when he wasn't paying attention and damn that boy was really put together. He had a six-pack and was pretty smooth except for a little "goody" trail from his navel down to parts unknown. I almost felt guilty thinking of him like that, especially since he was being so nice to me but then I thought, "What the hell? I'm gay. Why can't I look?"
"Right now all the rooms are closed off, so they don't even have a window a/c unit except my room. We can pick up one for your room today or tomorrow. It's pretty hot up here without a/c."
All the rooms upstairs had been freshly painted but were bare except for one which had a lot of boxes and odds and ends in it and his room. His looked like any normal 24 year old guys room, a little messy but ok.
I wiped my brow then decided to remove my shirt as well. We finished with the upstairs and headed back down to the kitchen where he poured a couple of tall glasses of sweet ice tea. We went outside to a picnic table underneath a big old oak which provided a lot of shade. I reached inside my jeans and pulled out a pack of smokes, lighting up one. I didn't think to ask first so I did then.
"Charles, you mind if I smoke?"
"Nah man, go ahead. I don't smoke but you can, even in the house."
"Oh, that's cool. I don't smoke a lot usually, maybe 5 or 6 a day I guess."
"It's cool. My mom and dad both smoke pretty heavy so I'm used to it. If I'm in a closed room that's smoky it bothers me a little bit but that's really the only time so feel free man."
I thought that was pretty damn nice of him.
"Hey, how's Michael doing? When's he going to come home?" I asked.
"I'm going to run back in a little while to sit with him until this evening. He's doing well. The doctor said it'd take awhile for him to heal up completely though. He's really looking forward to moving out here. I'll be glad too. I've been worried about him Jess."
"I can tell."
He turned his head slightly and got that "far off" look we get when we're in deep thought. I gave him a few moments then decided to try and lighten the mood a little.
"So Mr. Stoneman sir, what do you think life will be like living with two gay boys?" I asked in a silly voice.
He chuckled.
"I don't know man. I guess it'll be like living with anybody. Would it be any different?"
"Maybe a little," I answered changing back to my regular voice, "What if say...you came into the living room one night and found me or even Michael making out on the sofa with a date? What would you do?" I asked with a sly grin.
"I'd yell out as loud as I could, "Get your asses up to a bedroom" then I'd swat both your butts as you ran by."
We both chuckled.
"Yeah, I could picture you doing that and trust me-it's a scary picture too," I laughed.
"Well hey, it's just common courtesy. That stuff's meant for the bedroom. I never liked walking in on my straight roommates doing that either. I don't want to watch and I've never wanted an audience when I did it either. If I want to watch somebody, I'll run down to the videostore and pick up a skinflick," he replied with a grin. It's a private thing when you're making love to your girl you know...or to your boy as the case may be."
He grinned.
"Oh I found out, it's definitely a private thing. I know that now," I chuckled. He did too.
"I'm sorry Jess, I probably shouldn't have laughed at that. I know it had to be tough man, getting caught your very first time and all. Shit, if I had gotten caught my first time I probably never would've had sex again."
"What was your first time like Charles?"
"Having sex?"
"Yeah or just the first time you did more than only petting?
He grinned big and his whole face lit up. I wondered what was going through his mind. His face turned a little pink and he sort of chuckled to himself, I guess he was remembering the time.
"I was 15 and it was in the summer, late July maybe and it had been really hot that day. My folks had a camper at a public campground up at Lake Locklear and although it really wasn't that far from home, we'd go up there almost every weekend. It was nice. All the regular kids whose families came up every weekend or two became friends. We all hung out and just did stuff. Well there was a couple that dated, David Beason and Trudy Myers. Let me tell you Jess, ol Trudy had it going on. She was stacked bubba, I mean huge ones," he said holding out his hands from his chest. I laughed. "Everybody knew that she and David were a couple though and nobody interfered with that. One day, it was hot as hell and I had been swimming and riding jet skis with some of the gang. Trudy and David hadn't been around for awhile, which really wasn't unusual, but suddenly she came up on her jet ski and asked me if I wanted to take a ride with her. I said sure so I hopped on and off we went across the lake. I asked where we were going and she said to the island. Man, my heart flipped right there. I had never been to the island before but I had always heard it was where the teenagers went to make out and drink beer and stuff. It was pounding in my chest man, "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM" he pounded his chest for emphasis.
I liked this story. Charles was getting into it too.
"I was nervous because at that point I was still a virgin man. I had kissed girls and felt a couple up but never any sex and I had no idea why Trudy would be taking me out to the island. It was a real island left out in the middle of the lake by the electric company that owned the lake and surrounding property, it was only maybe 2 or 3 acres but it was wooded and really private. Anyway, we got there and Trudy led me up the embankment and down a trail to an area in the middle of the island that was cleared out. It had soft grass and it was obvious that people had been there before but no one was there now it seemed so we sat on the ground and started talking. Pretty soon she was asking me questions like if I had ever French kissed before and had I touched a girl's breast before."
Charles paused at this point and took a deep breath. I'm glad he didn't ask me if I was enjoying this because I'd have to tell him the truth. I was getting turned on.
"I was wondering why in the world would she be asking me questions and I first thought maybe she was going to set me up with a friend or something and then she asked me if I wanted to "do it". For a brief moment I thought she might be joking or maybe she and David were playing a prank on me. I looked around to see if maybe he was hiding behind a tree but no one was around. Dude I was so nervous but I told her yeah. She pushed me back gently and grabbed the drawstring on my trunks to loosen it and then she pulled them down, placing them beside me. It took about two seconds for me to get hard I think and she took off her bathing suit top. She rubbed my dick a few times and I played with her breasts, then she leaned over and started giving me a blowjob, just like that. God, Jesse! I was in heaven man-for maybe 25 or 30 seconds and I couldn't help it but I tried holding back but I couldn't...I blew my load."
We were both giggling at this point and he punched my shoulder which made me laugh harder.
"So what happened then? Did she swallow it? Did you get to fuck her?" I asked. I really wanted to know now, my interest was sparked.
"The very second I finished shooting, she jumped up and grabbed her top. She said she heard somebody coming. Of course I started laughing when she said that and she punched me right in the gut, not too hard but it made me quit laughing. That girl was strong too! I jumped up too and put on my trunks. About a minute later some older kids about 5 of them showed up. We all introduced ourselves and they said we could party with them if we wanted to but when one guy broke out some pot we left. That was it, I never got to fuck her and in fact, she never mentioned it again except one time when several of us were at the pool, she whispered to me that mine was a lot bigger than David's. She smiled and then walked off."
I lit another smoke.
"So stud-boy got broke in at age 15," I said with a smile.
"Yep, but it was hardly my finest hour-or even my finest 30 seconds for that matter," he laughed.
"I hope you did get the um...control thing going on after that?" I asked.
"Oh yeah and I realized Jesse, it isn't a race man. The best part of making love is making your partner feel good. Don't get me wrong though, getting off is great, the greatest even but satisfying your woman um or...man, sorry, is the most fun."
I laughed at him.
"What?" he asked.
"I've noticed a couple of times when you're telling me something about making love or having sex you say girl and then you seem to catch yourself and immediately say man or guy. That's for my benefit isn't it?"
"Well yeah, I mean...I guess I need to be more careful. I'm just trying to say things in terms you can relate to better. I hope I didn't offend you Jess."
"Offend me? Hell no man. Trust me, if you offend me I'll let you know and I appreciate it that you would even try to explain things to me. If you say girl instead of guy, I know where you're coming from. I'm a virgin, Charles. I hate it too. I mean I am a total 100% virgin and frankly, I want to get laid BAD!"
Charles walked around to my side of the table and sat down, straddled the bench and faced me. He had a serious look on his face too.
"Jess, I know what it's like to be so horny you could screw anything that walked but trust me man, don't rush it.
He looked at me tenderly then and I felt really good. I wondered if this was what having a cool older brother was like. Michael was lucky to have Charles. I was too.
We finished our teas and went back inside. We discussed the sleeping arrangements and since I didn't have any furniture for my bedroom and it would probably be at least a week or more before I would have my stuff from home I opted to buy some new things, not expensive just new. I at least wanted to get a bigger bed. My old one at my parents' house was a twin size and I longed to have a big bed to stretch out in. I told Charles about this and he said it was a good idea and I could use one the empty rooms for storage. He said he needed to stop by one of those home improvement warehouses so we took his pickup.
I ended up buying a new bed, chest of drawers, night stand and lamp. I spent a little more than I had planned on but the stuff I bought was really nice. I was still planning on using my dresser when it arrived. It was big and had a beautiful mirror attached plus, it matched the new stuff. I only hoped my folks would send it. Charles bought two small window unit air conditioners, one for my room and one for Michael's. I don't know how we managed to fit everything on his truck but we did. It was crammed full too.
We stopped at a little diner on the way home that Charles said I needed to get acquainted with and it was good. The food was tasty and hot, the service was friendly and fast and ice tea flowed freely. Oh yeah, I liked that place right off the bat. I looked at the sign as we left and I had to smile. We just had lunch at Carol's Sunshine Diner.
We made it home and Charles backed his truck up to the front porch. That would definitely make it easier to unload all our stuff but I wasn't sure if I'd be much help, with my arm the way it was. We did it though, I bit my lip a couple times but we managed to get everything upstairs without breaking or denting anything. No mashed toes either, which was a surprise to me. I think Charles knew he was really carrying the load but he never complained.
After we had brought everything up, Charles went back down to move his truck. It was hotter than 40 hells and I was sweatin' like a whore in church so I took off my shirt. I heard Charles coming back up the steps and I laughed when I saw him. He had taken his shirt off too. He slapped my back and chuckled then we set up the ac unit in Michael's room. God it was hot in there. We set up the one for my room next and as soon as it was ready he turned it on, full blast!
"Oh yeah," Charles moaned as he stretched out his arms and tilted his head back slightly, "Man that feels nice."
I don't know why but suddenly I got a boner right then and there. I knew Charles had done nothing more than flip a button on an air conditioner and stand in front of it enjoying the cool air but the way he looked....oh man. I turned away because I was so embarrassed at myself. I stepped into the hallway without saying a word. I readjusted my dick, wishing the boner would go away before Charles noticed it.
I began ripping the plastic off the mattress and I guess he heard me. He was in the hallway in a second helping. Obviously he hadn't noticed
anything so everything was still alright. By the time we uncovered the mattress, my boner was gone.
We got my bed set up but I didn't put the linens on, moved the nightstand and chest in the room, I placed the lamp on the nightstand and then we both collapsed on the bed.
"Whew!" I exclaimed.
"Amen to that brother," Charles replied.
"Hey Charles, you got a sound system man? Here in the house I mean," I asked as we cooled off.
"I've got an old stereo downstairs, didn't you see it?"
"I must have missed it. I figured you probably had one though with as many cd's as you've got in your truck."
He chuckled, "I've only got about a hundred cd's man. You want to hear some tunes?"
"Yeah! That'd be cool." I jumped up from the bed.
"Alright dude, c'mon," Charles said as he got up. I followed him downstairs.
"Right there it is, help yourself. Want some tea?"
"Yeah, thanks."
Charles disappeared into the kitchen as I turned on the radio. It was tuned in to a rock station already. As I looked over his large music collection I thought to myself, "The boy has good taste in music, that's for sure." I remembered looking through his travel case in the truck and it reaffirmed my judgment.
"Go ahead and pick something out," he said as he handed a glass to me.
I chose one by a young guy with long blonde hair and held it momentarily looking at the design as he reached in to turn up the volume. I liked music too but had never heard of this guy. He was a nice piece of eye candy though.
"That's a good choice. You like him?"
"Well yeah, he IS cute." I said before thinking.
Charles laughed and then he did something to me that nobody has done since I was a kid. He tousled my hair. Shit. I couldn't be mad though, not at Charles, anyone else-yes I'd be pissed at for doing that.
"No man-I mean do you like his music?"
I blushed hard.
"Oh, I don't know. I've never heard it, I don't think."
He laughed again and shook his head.
"Well, put it in and listen. It's really good, I think you'll like it."
I did and he was. Charles explained to me that the guy on the cover was about my age when he recorded this cd and played lead guitar. He was supposed to be a prodigy or something. He didn't sing though, well maybe backing vocals. Another guy sang lead. I opened the little booklet in the cd case and saw his picture. He was just as hot if not hotter than the guy on the cover! We stood there in front of the stereo listening to that first song and everytime I glanced at Charles he grinned like a `possum at me. When the first song was done he turned up the volume a couple more notches and then placed his hand behind me neck, leading me.
"C'mon you horndog," he said as we went through the kitchen and out the door to the picnic table. We left the kitchen door open. He had a screened in back porch so we could hear the music without letting any flying critters into the house.
"What do you think so far Jess? Think you'll like it here?"
"Oh yeah, I like very much already. It's peaceful and you've got a nice place man. I have to say again I'm grateful that you offered to let me stay here too, I appreciate it," I said sincerely.
"No problem," he replied.
I took a swig of tea. I noticed Charles was almost done with his.
"So, when am I going to meet Jennifer?"
"Hopefully in a day or two," he smiled.
"Great, I'm looking forward to meeting her. She's ok with this, right?" I said as I motioned between the two of us.
"Absolutely man, I told her the other day I was going to invite you to stay here. She said and I quote, `Oh Charlie, I've got to meet him' so she knows and she's looking forward to meeting you too."
I chuckled.
"She calls you Charrrrrlie, huh?" I said in a playful tone.
He raised his eyebrows at me.
"Jess, don't you do it man. Everybody calls me Charles or C.D." he grinned.
"Sure man-no problem. Want some more tea....Charlie?" I started to reach for his tea glass but he jumped up which surprised me. I stumbled back.
"I warned you brother, now you have to pay," he laughed.
I took off like a shot. He was right on my heels. I cut left and ducked as he zoomed by. His hand grazed the top of my back. I turned and ran back towards the house but suddenly moved to the right and ran to the front yard where the trees were. I was laughing my butt off and so was he.
"Your ass is mine Jesse!" he yelled.
"You wish!," I hollared back. That elicited more laughter from him. If anyone had been watching us they would have thought we were crazy, running around, all over the place, calling each other names and laughing. It was fun though. He chased me all over that yard until I went straight up the driveway for a long ways, weaving between the trees. I glanced over my shoulder and couldn't see him so I ducked behind a big oak to stop and catch my breath. BIG MISTAKE! Within seconds he came from out of nowhere and let out a crazed laugh just as he tackled me right on the spot. I went down laughing but I landed hard on my back, knocking the wind out of my sail for a moment but I recovered quickly.
"Jess, are you ok?" Charles panted.
"Yeah I'm fine," I huffed back.
He giggled and helped me up. We walked, or rather he walked and I limped, back to the house. I could tell, the tackle was gonna leave my butt black and blue. Once we reached the back, I grabbed our glasses off the table.
"More tea?" I asked.
He nodded as he was still breathing heavily, I was too. I went inside and refilled our glasses. We both guzzled them down quickly and I lit another cigarette.
He checked his watch.
"In a hurry?" I asked as I sipped my tea.
"Just checking the time, I need to get cleaned up in a little while so I can visit with Michael," he replied.
"Would you mind if I tagged along?"
"Yeah that's fine. I was planning to ask anyway. I wanted you to meet him and I'm sure you'd like to see Will too."
"I've wanted to meet your little brother ever since he was brought into the hospital and you know I'd love to see Will again."
Charles laughed and stood up.
"Well boy, let's go get ready!"
I stood too, dropping my cigarette on the ground and crushing it beneath my shoe. I glanced up at the house and for just a second it looked as though someone or something was in a window. It was in a room at the opposite end of mine and Charles' rooms. I dumped the ice from my glass onto the ground and I looked up again at that window. It wasn't there now. Maybe it was the glare from the sun or something. I didn't think much of it, in fact, I didn't even mention it to Charles.
"Who's got the shower first?" I asked.
He turned around with his hands on his hips and a very surprised look on his face. I thought I had said something wrong.
"You mean we're not gonna shower together?" he deadpanned as he rubbed his hands seductively across his chest.
My mouth flew open and you could have literally knocked me over with a feather.
"Huh?" I squeaked.
He stared at me with that LOOK for the longest time until he snickered and then he just lost it. We continued laughing as we made our way back into the house.
"God Jess that was classic man `Huh?' Were you really convinced I was serious?"
"Hell yeah, I was thinking you were wanting to try out for my team. You had me going for a minute dude."
He doubled over and slapped his knee. I walked over and punched his shoulder as I put the glasses in the sink.
"You're such a tease," I laughed.
"I really shouldn't pick like that should I?" he asked in a half serious tone.
"Nah It's cool, I just wasn't expecting it was all. You got me for sure and now that I think of it, that's 2 that I owe you," I chuckled.
We laughed some more and then he placed a hand on my shoulder. A concerned expression crossed his face.
"Jesse, I'm just a dumb country boy and maybe I'm not really politically correct. I like to play pranks and tell jokes and have fun man. I see a lot of the bad side of life so I guess I act silly sometimes just to lighten the mood and make those around me laugh. I think I said this earlier and I want to reiterate it...if I ever say or do anything to make you feel uncomfortable please let me know, ok? I've never meant to hurt someone's feelings and I don't plan on starting now but our situation is kind of unique. I'm not quite sure of the boundaries as far as what can be said even in a joking manner."
We talked for a few minutes and we discussed some of the things we both felt were and were not appropriate. I could tell that Charles was sincere. What he said had a genuine feel, one of simple honesty and real concern for my feelings. That was friendship. As a young gay man I had just connected with my straight buddy on a new level. It was a good feeling.
We showered, though not together, dressed and went to the hospital. I asked Charles to see if Michael felt like company before I went in. He entered and I could hear him ask his younger brother if he'd like some company and then I heard some more mumbling. In a minute Charles poked his head out the door and motioned for me to come in.
I walked in and Michael immediately extended his hand to shake mine.
"Hi, I'm Michael," he said cheerfully.
"Hi, I'm Jesse and it's good to meet you Michael," I said as we shook hands.
"You're that gay boy that Charles adopted, right?" he asked seriously.
I blinked a couple of times in sort of shock at what he just said and then looked at Charles, who immediately curled up and hung his head down to keep me from seeing him grin. I saw it though. I looked back at Michael who started laughing hard.
"Shit, I've just been had," I exclaimed with a laugh.
Charles started laughing at that point and I made a fist like I was going to punch his shoulder and he cringed, making Michael laugh even harder.
"He made me do it Jesse," Michael said as he pointed to Charles.
Charles was holding his hands up and shaking his head quickly from side to side as he said between giggles, "No Jess...I didn't. Honest man-I swear."
I glanced back at Michael who rolled his eyes and starting humming.
"So it was you then?"
"Yep," he answered with a sly grin.
"Man, am I going to be in trouble living with the two of you," I said.
Michael turned out to be a wonderful kid. He was really sweet and funny just like Charles said he was. He and Charles definitely favored in the looks department and Michael had a deep voice like his older brother too. That boy was gonna be a looker, breaking lots of hearts along the way.
We all chatted like that for a while and then things wound down a bit, getting quiet actually. Soon I glanced over at Michael and saw that he had dozed off. I whispered to Charles that I was going to step out for a minute. He nodded and asked me to say hello to Will for him. I grinned and left the room.
Rashaad was the first person I saw as I walked up to the nurse's station.
"Hey Jesse, I didn't expect to see you again so soon, man," he said with a throaty laugh.
"I rode over with Charles to visit with his little brother for a bit but Michael's asleep right now."
"Oh I see. Hey man, Will's working tonight," he finished with a grin.
"Yeah, I know," I responded shyly.
He just laughed again.
"Oh now Jesse, don't be gettin' all shy and embarrassed on me man. This is Rashaad you talkin' to boy," he said with a knowing look.
"I know, I know."
Charles walked up just then and exchanged hellos with Rashaad.
"Michael's sound asleep, I figured I'd step outside for a little bit," he said.
"He's just like you said he was Charles. He's funny and he's smart too."
Charles beamed with pride.
"He really likes you Jess. He said you were cute too."
I blushed as Charles and Rashaad both chuckled.
"He didn't really say that, did he?"
"I swear he did," Charles said as he held up his right hand as if to affirm it.
Will walked up and joined in the fun. After a bit Charles said again he was going to step out and he'd see us in a few. I stood at the desk talking to Rashaad and Will when the "teddy bear" as Will called Rashaad suggested Will take a break and he'd cover for him. Will agreed so we headed downstairs. We stopped off at a vending area and bought a couple sodas, Will got a pack of snack crackers as well, then we headed to the little courtyard. As it turned out Charles was there too, with his back facing the door so he didn't see us or hear us as we stepped outside. He was talking on his mobile phone too. There was no one else out there, just the three of us and the acoustics of the buildings and surroundings allowed us to hear him quite well. I felt a bit uneasy, kind of like I was eaves dropping but we sat down far enough away to give him some semblance of privacy. Will realized he could hear Charles' conversation pretty well too and just grinned.
"...you too baby."
"He must be talking to his girlfriend," Will whispered with a grin.
"Probably," I whispered back.
"Uh huh" (chuckles lightly)
"Yeah he's all moved in. I think his folks are gonna ship his stuff from home but he bought a new bed and chest and nightstand. It's kind of like he's making a fresh start."
"Well I really don't care. If any of them have a problem they can take it up with me"
"Uh huh"
"I know"
"I know"
"Oh yeah! Michael thinks the world of him already. He told me he thought Jesse was cute. You should have seen Jesse's face when I told him that." (chuckles again)
"Yes I really did, I think it kind of embarrassed him. He blushes a lot."
"I know I do too" (laughs)
"Uh huh...we've got a lot in common. I think that's one reason we've hit it off so well."
"Well, he doesn't act gay, like the stereotypes I mean."
"I'm sorry honey. Yes I know and I told him I wouldn't ever say or do anything intentionally to hurt his feeling or hurt him physically but this whole situation is all new to me. He's a great guy and I'm starting to really think of Jesse as a friend and well, you know how I like to cut up and carry on sometimes. I want to be able to think of him as just my friend, not my gay friend, you know?"
"Yeah he knows how I feel and I've told him he's welcome to stay as long as he wants."
"Uh huh"
"Well I think he likes a guy here at the hospital, a nurse named Will. I don't think I know his last name though but he seems like a decent guy. I know for a fact he's a hard worker."
Will perked his head up and made a silly face as he leaned a little toward Charles, cupping a hand at his mouth and whispered, "It's Myers, my last name is Myers." I almost laughed out loud.
"Yeah he's a good looking guy, pretty buff too. He probably works out I'd say."
Will suddenly flexed his bicep for me and I had to bury my head in my arms to help stifle a giggle.
I leaned over to him and whispered, "We better go. If he catches us he'll be so pissed, not to mention embarrassed."
Will nodded in agreement and we walked quietly back to the door. Once inside we started giggling like two kids I suggested we bolt for another exit in case Charles were to come in, at least he would see us standing right there. We went out the front exit and off to the side where it was more private. I lit a smoke.
"Can you believe that guy?" I asked Will.
"He's alright Jesse, he really is. I think you guys are going to become great friends and it'll be for life I think."
"I get that feeling too."
Will stared off into the night and I crushed out my cigarette, smoking less than half of it.
"So Will, when are you off next?" I asked nervously.
"This weekend, I got the entire weekend off man. Can you believe it?"
"That's cool. You um...wanna catch a movie...maybe?"
Damn! I was starting to sweat. Some people perspire, I sweat!
"Yeah that'd be nice. I haven't been to one lately."
"Great. Why don't you pick one out and just let me know when to pick you up?"
"Sounds like a plan-hey wait! I'll pick out a movie and you can pick a restaurant. We can just make an evening of it. If you'll pay for the movie, I'll buy dinner. What do you think?"
"Great, I'll see you tomorrow and you can give me the time of the show and I'll let you know where we're going to dinner. Would you like to eat before or after the movie?"
"Let's eat after?"
We decided to head back upstairs. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. I got a boner too but I'd have to take care of that later. I couldn't wait to tell Charles and Michael that I was going on my first date with another guy!
On to Chapter Eight
Back to Chapter Six
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