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"I Once was Lost" by The Carolina Scribbler (Johnny) Chapter Eight Back to Chapter Seven On to Chapter Nine Chapter Listing Carolina Scribbler Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama College Suicide Not Complete - On Permanent Hiatus since 2005 Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Will gave me a little peck "Mmm, mmm, mmm," was all he said as I walked past and down the hallway.
I entered Michael's room quietly and noticed he was still napping. Charles wasn't back yet either, so I sat down and impatiently waited in the patient's room for the patient's brother. I was about to bust and I wanted to tell somebody...anybody my good news!
Charles finally came back in after what seemed like an eternity. He was carrying a small plastic bag and it rattled a little.
"Whatcha got in there?" I asked pointing to the bag.
"Fruit" he replied.
I figured I'd tease him a little.
"Excuse me? What did you say?" I said. I squinted a little and gave my best "pissed off" look. It worked.
"Huh?" Charles said with an expression that was somewhere between surprise and worry.
"I can't believe you'd call me that, not after everything you said about being my friend and helping me." I poured it on.
"Jess, I didn't call you anything, honest man. You asked me what was in the bag and I said fruit. That was it, I swear."
I said nothing for several moments until finally I grinned like the Cheshire cat and he got it.
"Oh...you asshole!" he laughed.
"Keep your voice down or you'll wake up Michael," I whispered, "Now what's in the bag?"
He rolled his eyes at me and emptied the bag right there on the foot of the bed.
"See? I told you there was fruit in the bag," he said.
"Yep, thar shore is," I said with an exaggerated country accent.
He decided to play along.
"We got some graps and eringes and a couple of them thar nanners too. Machael laks nanners."
We were giggling pretty loud, so loud in fact that we woke Michael up from his nap. He opened his eyes widely and stretched.
"Ohh nanners!" he said excitedly, "Give me one Charles."
Charles tossed a banana to him.
"I told you," Charles said as he glanced back at me.
Michael peeled the banana and took about half of it in a single bite. Charles told him to slow down or he'd choke.
"Ok," Michael grunted back as his lips smacked.
Charles and I laughed at that but Michael acted as if he didn't notice us. It reminded me of supper time at my house a few years ago when Jared and I would try to wolf down our food so we could play a little longer outside.
Michael tossed the peel into a waste basket beside the bed and looked at Charles.
"What else ya got?" he asked.
"Oranges, grapes and there's another banana, whatcha want?"
"Mmm...I guess that other nanner. There's no sense in letting it go to waste you know."
Michael was definitely cute. He ate the second one almost as quickly as he had the first.
"Lord little brother, are you hungry?" Charles teased.
"The food here is nasty man."
I didn't think it was nasty but I had to agree that it wasn't the best tasting food in town.
"You won't have to deal with it much longer. You'll be eating some of the finest cooking in the south once you get settled in at my place."
Michael laughed, "Yeah right, you can't even make toast without burning it man."
"Sshhh!" Charles replied with a finger raised to his lips, "I've already told Jess that I could cook and now you're going to scare him off."
We laughed again.
We talked some more and after awhile Charles glanced at his watch and announced to Michael that we had to run but he'd see him tomorrow.
"Jesse, are you coming back too?" Michael asked.
"Sure man, if you don't mind."
We hugged Michael goodbye and then stopped by the nurse's station to tell Will and Rashaad goodbye too. When we reached the parking lot I realized I forgot to tell Michael about my date. I did tell Charles as we walked to his truck and he said he was happy for me.
"Where are you guys going?" he asked.
"We decided on dinner and a movie."
"Hey that's cool. Are you treating him or is he treating you?"
"Well...I guess, it's Dutch treat sort of," I said as I scrunched up my nose.
"Dutch treat is when you split the bill but you said `sort of' what's up?"
"It's like this," I said as we reached his truck and got in, "I invited Will to a movie and I was planning on paying for both of us since I invited him but then he suggested we also go to a movie before dinner. He said that he'd pay for that."
"That's sounds like a good date," he said nodding his head.
We pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.
"It complicated," I laughed, "He's picking out the movie and I'm paying for it but he's buying dinner and wants me to pick out the restaurant."
"You're right. It does sound complicated."
"You have to help me out Charles. I don't know this town and I want it to be a good date, you know?" I said seriously.
"I know Jess. You're nervous aren't you?"
"Very," I sighed, "This is my first real date with a guy and I don't know what to do."
Charles glanced at me and then back at the road. He scratched his chin and looked like he was thinking.
"Jess, have you ever been on a date with a girl?"
"Yeah a couple. Why?"
"I'm thinking that it's probably similar, although...you couldn't very well hold hands or kiss in public."
"I know," I said as I hung my head a little.
"You just have to be careful Jess. I know it isn't fair that Jennifer and I can walk down the street arm in arm but two guys or two girls who are just as much in love as me and my girlfriend are, can't. It's a messed up society but it seems that with every passing generation people are become a little more accepting of others."
"You're right. It isn't fair that I have to hide my affections from the world but I know what you mean
"Hell man, do what we were talking about earlier. If you want a little private time, bring Will back to the house. I'll make myself scarce." He poked me in my ribs lightly and it made me smile.
"Yeah that would work I guess."
We drove the rest of the way home in silence.
"Once we were inside, I asked Charles if he'd call my folks for me and give them his address so they could ship my stuff down from Winston-Salem. He said he would so I gave him my telephone number and he went into his office. I poured a couple glasses of tea and set mine on the kitchen table before I took one to Charles. I wanted to stay and listen to what was said but at the same time, I didn't. I turned on the radio and lit a smoke as I sat down and waited nervously for Charles to finish the call. `Why did this ever happen?' I wondered to myself.
Finally he came out of the office and shuffled slowly into the kitchen. He had a weighty look on his face.
"What's wrong?" I asked, "They are going to send my stuff aren't they?"
"Oh yeah, it'll be here Saturday afternoon."
"Saturday afternoon? There go my plans with Will."
"That's not the best part either Jess."
"What do you mean?" I asked with apprehension.
Charles took a deep breath. I knew then that whatever he was about to say couldn't be good.
"Your Dad said he was going to rent a truck and that he and Jared would deliver your things."
I slumped back into my seat.
"That's just great!" I said as I folded my arms.
"Don't worry about it. Your father knows I'm a cop so I don't think he'll try to start any trouble. Besides, this is your home now too. Kick his butt out if he starts giving you grief," Charles smiled.
"Maybe you're right. This is my home now and I've got to stop feeling sorry for myself and get on with living my life. I'm an adult and I'll stand up to him if I have to."
"Now you're talking!"
We laughed and gave each other a high five. Just then the phone rang. Charles ran into the living room and grabbed the cordless.
"Hey Will! They keeping you busy man?"
"Uh huh. I know what you mean."
"Yeah he's right here."
"Yeah you too man."
Charles extended the phone to me with one hand covering the receiver.
"I'm going to run upstairs and get out of these hot clothes. I'm about to roast."
I took the phone as I watched Charles take off his shirt when he passed through the living room.
Will told me that most of the people injured in the bus accident had been released and as a result there were too many nurses on duty. His supervisor had asked for a volunteer to go home early and he said that he would. I kidded him a little about that and we chatted for several more minutes until the thought occurred to me to invite him over. I'd need to check with Charles since he was going to fix dinner for the two of us. I told Will to hold on for a moment, I needed to check something and I laid the phone on the table as I took off upstairs. Just as I got to the top of the steps, I saw Charles in just his briefs coming out of the bathroom. It looked like he was packing some heat, as it were and he looked a little flushed too. I couldn't help but grin and he saw me as he stepped into his bedroom. I followed.
"Ok so you busted me. Every guy in the world does it," he laughed a little nervously.
He opened a drawer from his dresser and pulled out a pair of denim shorts. I spoke as he stepped into them and pulled them up.
"Will is holding on the phone. He said he got off work early and I was wondering if you'd mind if I invited him over. I know you were going to fix dinner for just you and me but I can run to the store to get extra if needed."
Charles laughed and guided me down the steps and back to the kitchen as he spoke.
"Jess, you haven't grasped this yet buddy so I'll say it again. Yes this is my house and it's my home but...it is YOUR home as well. There is plenty of food so you don't have to run off to the store to buy extra. Ask Will to come over dude. I'll behave, I promise."
He flashed a grin and I hugged him. I think he was slightly taken aback at my show of affection but he wasn't put off by it.
I picked up the phone and told Will to come on over. He asked if he should dress up. I glanced up and down at Charles and told Will it was definitely casual. I gave him directions and he said he was on his way home just then but to give him time to change and he'd be there. I gave him directions, as relayed by Charles and he said he'd see us in a few then we hung up.
"Hey wait!" Charles shouted.
"What?" I asked.
"Could you call him back and see if he'll stop by the store and grab a 12-pack. Tell him I'll pay him back when he gets here."
"Right-o," I said, "Oh shoot, I'll have to look up his number I don't remember it."
"No you don't. Just press this button and wallah, the last 10 numbers that called this one pops up on the screen. That top one must be his and press this button and it'll dial him back."
"Cool, thanks Charles."
Will answered and I relayed Charles' message to him.
"What kind of beer?" I asked.
"Corona please."
"Will says that only gay boys drink that," I laughed.
Charles laughed too.
"You mean I'm gay and never knew it?"
I told that to Will and he cracked up. He laughed so loudly I actually had to move the phone away from my ear slightly. Charles heard Will's laughter and chuckled too. He got up and poured us some tea. I hung up with Will.
"That boy ain't right," Charles said, still giggling.
"He's got a wicked sense of humor," I replied.
"I think Will and I are going to get along just fine," he said nodded his head. I smiled.
"Do you mind if I have a beer?"
"Why would I mind?" he replied.
"Well, because I'm just 19 for starters."
"Jess, as a law enforcement officer it's my duty to uphold the law but I'm only human too. I know that a lot of people think we're just a bunch of sob's looking to hassle people. It's true, there are a few out there like that but mostly we're just like everyone else. We laugh and cry, we bleed red and when we aren't working, we enjoy spending time with our friends and families. You might be 19 but as far as I'm concerned you're a hell of a lot more mature than most guys your age and even guys a lot older too. As long as you promise to be responsible, I don't mind if you have a few beers here at home."
"Thanks man, I appreciate it."
"Be right back," he said as he ran up the stairs.
As I took a big swig of tea I thought that some music would be nice. Charles liked rock and roll. I did too and he had a nice collection to choose from. I picked a cd by the Foo Fighters and popped it in. I turned the volume down since it had been cranked up earlier when we listened to that guitar guy.
As I was still squatted in front of the stereo Charles came back down the steps.
"Why'd you put a shirt back on?" I asked.
"Company's coming, I didn't want Will to think I was a slob or anything."
"He won't think that. You said you were hot, you changed and got comfortable. Besides, it's only going to be the three of us. Do what you'd normally do."
"I really don't think Will would want to see me in my underwear," he said with a silly grin.
"Oh but I bet he would," I replied playfully.
Charles thought that was the funniest thing and he laughed hard. When he calmed down he punched my shoulder and laughed some more.
"Oh maaan, that one stung," I chuckled as I rubbed my shoulder.
"Come on, let's shuck the corn," he said walking to the kitchen.
"Go shuck yourself!" I yelled.
He turned and grinned, then quickly got a serious look.
"Shuck me, well shuck you!" he said in a deadpan manner.
"I don't shucking think so!"
"Dang it!"
He quickly turned and walked away, leaving me standing there giggling. I followed closely behind and grabbed an ear of corn off the counter to shuck.
"That was pretty funny man," I said.
"I have my moments," he chuckled.
We shucked and silked the corn and after we washed it, threw it in a big pot. We strung and snapped the green beans next and threw them into a pot as well. Pretty soon they were both simmering and Charles put a dash of salt in the beans and a piece of fatback. It's an unwritten law that, in the south, you have to put a big `ol piece of fatback in the green beans while they cook. Will showed up shortly after that.
"Hey Charles, it's the beer guy!" I called out when I met Will at the back door.
Will laughed and said I was a nut. Charles told him to wipe his feet and make sure his nose was clean before he came in. I asked the guys if they wanted a beer and they said yes. I took 3 out of the box and placed the rest in the refrigerator.
Charles was the first to pop the top with a loud `pffsssttt' and he took a long swig. Will and I followed suit.
"Ahh...man, that is good stuff," Charles said with a satisfied look.
"Keep drinking it Charles, you'll be joining me and Jesse before long," Will said jokingly.
Charles laughed and shook his head.
"Jesse you be careful here friend. One day `ol Charles is gonna be watching football or wrestling maybe and you'll think he's the same old Charles," Will glanced over and gave me a wink before he continued, "The next minute he's chasing you around this farm after your butt."
"Oh my God!" I laughed.
I looked at Charles, who had just turned up his beer. He spewed a lot of it down his shirt but got some in the sink. Will and I laughed at Charles who in turn laughed because of what Will just said. He grabbed a handful of paper towels and wiped his chin then daubed his shirt.
"Heck with it," he said as he lifted his shirt up over his head, "I apologize Will, you don't mind do you?" he asked.
"Oh, gosh no. Get naked Charles, I don't mind."
We laughed again. Will was on a roll.
"When did you tell him about the yard thing?" Charles asked with a grin.
"I haven't said a word. I was going to tell him though."
Will was in the dark so I told him about Charles chasing me around the yard earlier. He loved it, especially the part where Charles tackled me.
We cut up and picked on one another like that until supper was almost ready and then we actually started behaving as adults. Charles was finishing up the pork chops on the grill outside and Will and I set the table. When Charles brought the meat in we all washed our hands and sat down to enjoy our meal.
All was silent the first few minutes save the clinking sounds of the silverware against the plates. Will was the first one to speak.
"You know Charles, this is the first home cooked meal I've had in probably two weeks," Will said, "This is really good."
"Mmm hmm," I agreed.
"Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it," Charles replied graciously.
We finished our meal with few words and there had been enough for at least two helpings of everything all around. As Charles was collecting the plates I noticed there wasn't much left. We all pitched in and cleaned up. There wasn't a lot to do, dump the scraps in the disposal and put the dishes in the dishwasher. As soon as that chore was done Charles suggested we head out back to the picnic table beneath the big old oak tree. I grabbed three more beers and noticed that several had been consumed already. The one in my hand was only my second one though.
The conversation was nothing really serious. It was pretty much what everyone would ask of new friends with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Charles had helped me a lot by sort of "running interference" if he saw I was about to stumble. I would have to thank him for that. I was pretty nervous about this whole friendship/relationship thing with Will.
Will asked if he could use the bathroom and Charles told him where it was. While he was away I took the opportunity to thank Charles for everything he had done tonight and to ask him something.
"I think I'm going to ask Will to spend the night."
Even though it was now dark outside, I could see his expression from the glow of the porch light. He smiled so big I could see the whiteness of his teeth.
"That's cool Jess. Go for it buddy," he said softly.
"I want to be prepared though, you know, just in case we um...," I stammered around but Charles finished it for me, not the way I would have said it though.
"Just in case ya'll do the funky monkey, right?" he chuckled.
"Yeah," I giggled back. "I don't have any condoms. I mean, I don't know if we'll need them but you know, just in case."
"Yeah, I know. Don't worry man, I'll hook you up. Here's what I'll do, when Will gets back, I chill out here for a little while then go inside. I'll grab the radio from the kitchen and some rubbers and lube from my room and put it in yours. I won't just dump it all on the bed or anything. I'll put the condoms and lube in your nightstand and plug in the radio and put it on top of the chest."
"Thanks man I appreciate it," I said. I patted his arm. I also lit a cigarette just as Will came back.
After about 15 or 20 minutes passed, true to his word, Charles grabbed my lighter and flicked it, looking down at his watch and announced he was going to have to turn in. He stood and thanked Will for coming over for dinner and told him he was welcome anytime. They shook hands as Will said he appreciated being invited. Those two had really hit it off and it was a relief, not that I thought they wouldn't but I expected it to be a little awkward. Charles and Will talked like they had known each other forever, right from the get go and it made me feel good.
Will and I talked maybe another half hour or so and then I asked him.
"Would you like to come upstairs and see my room?"
That wasn't the most original line but it worked.
"Sure" he replied.
I locked the backdoor as we entered the house and I noticed the TV was on in the living room. We noticed Charles was snoozing on the sofa as we quietly walked past. Will grabbed my hand and we locked fingers as I led him upstairs. My heart began beating just a little faster.
Will said that he needed to use the bathroom again and excused himself as we reached the top of the stairs. I pointed to my door and said I'd be in my room. I quickly checked in the nightstand and glanced over at the chest. `Thank you Charles' I thought.
I heard the bathroom door open and Will's footsteps in the hallway. He entered my room, closing the door behind him. I locked it as I suggested some music, pointing to the radio and we found a soul/r & b station that was playing slow jams. It helped set the mood. Music does that. We sat down on the bed, side by side.
We started talking about a particular song that was playing and that turned to love and romance and then...I found myself slowly and unconsciously moving closer to Will. He responded by placing a gentle hand behind my neck and drawing me in for a long, wet and tender kiss. My heart was racing now and I began to breathe heavily. I guessed Will noticed. He pulled back slightly and smiled as he played with my hair.
"Wow," I croaked hoarsely, "Are we um...I mean...is this...uh?"
He placed a finger softly on my lips and made a low `sshhh' sound.
He asked me to raise my arms and I complied. He slowly pulled my shirt over my head and then he took his off. I wasn't built badly by any means but Will's chest was amazing. He stopped after he threw his shirt next to mine in the floor and we kissed some more and he caressed me lightly with a slight touch on my cheek, then on my neck. I was so unsure of what to do but I emulated his moves and he seemed to like it. He kicked off his shoes and socks and I responded in kind. We continued until we were standing naked in front of one another. His eyes explored my body and mine did his until .
"Are you sure you want to do this Will?" I asked nervously.
"You know how I felt about Ken...but it's time to move forward with my life. You have no idea how much I want this," he replied softly. His eyes sparkled.
He held out his hand and I placed mine in his.
"Jesse, you're trembling," he said.
"I'm so nervous Will. I want this to be special for both of us," I said as my voice cracked. I was almost embarrassed at myself.
I was excited and scared at the same time. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I hugged him back. I never wanted to let him go.
"I promise you that tonight is and will be special for the both of us," he whispered into my ear as he guided me to the bed.
Will was such a patient and gentle teacher. Every time he touched me, I felt his energy meld with mine. Our hearts and souls became one and our love making was slow and deliberate. He made me feel whole. He made me a man because I understood what making love was about now. Just like Charles said earlier, it's about making your partner happy and putting their needs and desires before your own.
After we were finally spent we took a quick shower and came back into my room where we cuddled up closely. Will spooned me and his arm was laid over my side. Soon, we drifted off to sleep.
About 3am I woke up and had two urges, one was to pee and the other to smoke a cigarette. Both were strong so I slipped on my underwear and grabbed my smokes as I headed to the bathroom.
I opened the door, flipped on the light and was startled to see Charles standing in front of the toilet. His stream was interrupted momentarily when I came in but it quickly started back.
"Hey man, I didn't wake you did I," he asked quietly. His eyes were squinted as he turned his head slightly towards me.
"No, I just woke up and had to pee, smoke too," I said.
"I've been wide awake about 20 minutes probably, can't get back to sleep."
He finished as the last drops hit the water in the toilet bowl and he stepped over to the sink to wash his hands just as I started.
"How'd everything go," he asked.
I turned my head as far as I could stretch it and gave a great big sleepy grin. He chuckled.
"That's my boy. When time did he leave?"
I finished and flushed before I answered.
"He didn't. He's still asleep," I said as I began washing my hands.
"No joke?" he whispered. He looked surprised.
"Honest man, he's still asleep in my bed."
"You little horndog you," he said with a laugh. He tapped my shoulder when he said that.
"Will didn't think so," I said with a straight face. I turned off the water and shook my hands in the sink. Charles handed the towel to me.
Charles looked surprised.
"What do you mean," he asked seriously.
I shrugged my shoulders a little before I spoke.
"Well, he didn't think I was little."
Charles snickered and yanked the towel from me, burying his face in it. He was quiet but his whole upper body shook from laughter.
In a minute he calmed down and suggested we go to the kitchen for something to drink.
We snickered all the way down the steps, trying not to wake up Will. I opened the fridge as Charles took two glasses from the cabinet.
"Water, juice, tea or milk or soda?" I asked him.
"Me too," I said.
I poured each of us a half glass of milk.
"It does a body good," he said holding up his glass.
I chuckled and agreed as we clinked our glasses together. We stood, leaning against the bar in the kitchen which separated it from the dining area.
"You ever go to church, Jess?" Charles asked from out of the blue.
"I'm not a member anywhere, if that's what you mean but I've been a few times.
Will walked into the kitchen just then.
"Who's going to church?" he asked as he ran his hands through his hair.
"Oh...nobody we were just talking about church," Charles said.
Will glanced at our glasses and back at the jug on the counter. Charles grabbed another glass from the cabinet and Will joined us.
"Why were you talking about church?" Will asked.
"I was flipping through the channels tonight and ran across some TV preacher and his wife. They reminded a lot of another preacher and his wife up in Charlotte who used to be on tv. He got caught with his secretary and I think some misappropriated funds and ended up pulling a little time in prison. I grew up in a Baptist church and none of the preachers I knew or their wives looked like these characters."
We laughed and agreed with Charles.
"It's like, every one of them on tv look exactly the same. Those preachers never have a single hair out of place and always wear expensive suits. Their wives wear way too much makeup and the most awful, tacky jewelry you've ever seen," Will said.
"When was the last time you went to church?" I asked Charles.
"I dunno, maybe 4 or 5 years ago I guess. Sometimes I miss it too."
"Why do you miss it?" Will asked inquisitively.
"It was mostly for the fellowship and the music too. I still enjoy hearing a good southern gospel choir sing. I was a charter member of Oceanside Baptist, down on Burnley Rd. When it started out we met in the old Fleming's Furniture showroom next door. There were only maybe 8 or 9 families in the beginning and we met for several weeks for bible study. We had several preachers to come in and finally the one who is there now was the one we chose. At first it was great guys, the love you felt the very second you walked through the doorway was amazing. You could actually feel the presence of God there and it was awesome. The church outgrew that building and purchased the property next to the old showroom and we built a new sanctuary. It still felt great. The love that was shown among the members was heart warming. I really started to get involved too. I became an usher and even joined the choir."
"You were a choirboy?" I asked, surprised.
"Yeah," Charles grinned. Will chuckled.
"I was enjoying it. We started a youth group and things were going good until One Sunday the preacher starts in against music, not gospel music but specifically rock and roll. From that moment on it seemed he just downed everything and everybody. He and the deacons even voted to forbid women from wearing pants to that church and all kinds of crazy things. I decided I had had enough of it and just stopped going. Mom and Dad were really disappointed but I couldn't go back there and listen to that junk. That so called preacher was basically spouting off hate and that's just not right."
"That's sad Charles but unfortunately that's the case with a lot of churches and not just Baptist either," Will said.
"Well guys, I'm going to try and get some shut-eye," Charles said as he rinsed out his glass and placed it in the sink, "Ya'll want me to make breakfast in the morning?"
"Yeah sure," I said looking at Will. He glanced at me then back at Charles.
"That would be great," Will stated.
"Ok, three big boy breakfasts coming up, bright and early," Charles said.
"Exactly what time is bright and early?" Will asked. He wrinkled up his nose when he asked that.
"About 8, is that ok? I didn't want to make it too early."
Will nodded.
"Alright fellas, I'll see you in the morning," Charles said as he headed thru the living room and up the stairs.
"He's a good guy. I mean it Jess, he really is," Will stated.
"Yeah" I replied as I nodded.
"You ready to go back to bed?" he asked.
"I guess but I'm still not sleepy," I answered as I put our glasses in the sink beside Charles'.
"Who said anything about going to sleep," he replied with wide grin. He then let out a soft guttural chuckle.
"You, Mr. Myers are one...bad...boy," I said playfully.
"C'mon and find out just how bad I can be," he replied in a naughty voice.
We hurriedly made it up to my room, taking the steps two at a time and soon I did find out.
On to Chapter Nine
Back to Chapter Seven
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