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"I Once was Lost" by The Carolina Scribbler (Johnny) Chapter Twelve Back to Chapter Eleven On to Chapter Thirteen Chapter Listing Carolina Scribbler Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama College Suicide Not Complete - On Permanent Hiatus since 2005 Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
On Sunday morning, I woke up I had on my underwear, socks and some cargo shorts. I made sure my door was locked then I took off my shorts and underwear back off and walked to the foot of the bed, lifting up the covers. Will was going to love this.
I snaked my way up onto the bed and proceeded to give him a wake up call-Jesse style. After he 'woke up' I laid down next him, on my stomach.
I was eager to hear a review of my performance. I knew he liked it though.
"What?" he asked. He was breathing a little hard still.
You know what. Was it good?"
He grinned.
"It was the best, Jesse. That's a nice way to wake up, let me tell you."
"I thought you'd enjoy it," I said.
We played a few minutes longer then Will said he needed a shower. While he went to the bathroom, I finished getting dressed. I thought I'd start breakfast so I headed down to the kitchen. Charles' door was closed as I walked past it so I figured he was still asleep. I eased by Jared and Scott on their pallet. Scott was dead to the world, snoring. Jared was on his back with a very contented look on his face. He was mumbling in his sleep too. He did that a lot. I noticed he had one hand in his underwear. I chuckled to myself and continued into the kitchen.
I turned the radio on and adjusted the volume so I could still hear it but it wouldn't really disturb the guys. I started a pot of coffee too. I was really starting to like coffee for some reason. I decided to wait until everyone was awake before I started banging around at the stove.
Will came into the kitchen and gave me a hug from behind. When the coffee was done I poured two cups, handing one to Will.
"Mmm, that's good," he said as he took a slow sip.
"Yeah," I replied.
As he took another sip he glanced over my shoulder and nodded his head for me to look behind me. I turned and saw Scott rousing up.
"Good morning," I said to him.
He smiled in acknowledgement as he yawned and stretched.
"Good morning cuz," he finally said. He started into the kitchen but realized he was tented up so he adjusted himself first, before walking into the kitchen. I swear, I think he blushed.
Scott looked good and I noticed yesterday when I saw him that he had really started to fill out nicely. He was really cut but not too thick. This morning though, it seemed every muscle in his body literally rippled when he walked. Will noticed him too. Oh yeah, my boy was checking out my cousin. I just smiled a knowing smile and sipped my coffee.
"Sleep well?" Will asked.
"Yeah, pretty good. I think I've got a crick in my neck though," he said as he rolled his head around and finally his neck popped.
He and Will chuckled as I thought about what he just said a crick in his neck. It was probably true. The pillows I gave him and Jared were kind of flat.
Scott poured himself some coffee and then joined us at the table.
"So, what are ya'll going to do today?" he asked us.
Will shrugged his shoulders and glanced at me.
"I don't know?" I looked back at Will, "We really don't have any plans, do we?"
"Nothing on the agenda for today," he said.
"Didn't Charles mention that his brother was coming home from the hospital today?" Scott asked.
"Yeah, that's right he is," I said, "You know, we ought to have a party for him."
"Great idea, Jesse," Will stated.
"Nothing big, maybe we could throw some burgers and hotdogs on the grill," I replied.
"What about a cake? You gotta have a cake, dude," Scott added.
Will laughed.
"What?" Scott asked.
"You looked really excited when you said, 'You gotta have a cake dude'. It was funny the way you said that," Will replied.
Scott blushed--again. "Well, the guy probably likes cake, I mean, everybody does."
"Ok, we'll get a cake too," I said.
A look of satisfaction came over his face.
"Cool," he said softly as he took a sip from his cup.
Will looked at me and winked in a way that only I could see it. I shook my head as I smiled behind my cup of coffee.
I began breakfast when Charles came into the kitchen. He was in his boxer-briefs, which left little to the imagination and Will just had to tease him a little. Charles teased him back too. I swear those two were like kids when they were around each other.
I noticed that Jared wasn't around, at least not in the kitchen, so I asked Scott to go wake him up. In a couple of minutes he returned.
"Jared wants to talk to you for a second," Scott said quietly to me.
"Is he ok?" I asked.
"I don't know. He looks okay but the only thing he said was to come get you."
"Ok, watch the bacon," I said.
I went into the living room where Jared was still lying on the blankets and he was covered up too.
"What is it, man?" I asked as I knelt down beside him.
"Jesse, I um…this is embarrassing, man. I think I had a wet dream," he stammered.
I smiled. "Is that all?"
"Yeah, well, that and I don't know what I'm going to do for underwear now."
"Get up, grab your clothes and follow me. Just act cool," I told him.
Jared quickly stood and then followed me upstairs to the bathroom.
"Ok, hop in the shower and clean up. Make it fast too. Breakfast is almost done."
He stripped and stood there, holding his underwear between his thumb and forefinger like it was dead rat or something. I almost laughed.
"Here, put 'em in this," I said as I picked up the wastebasket and held it in front of him, "I've got some you can have." Since his last growth spurt, he was almost as tall as I was and we were pretty even in the waist too.
Jared stepped into the shower and I ran across the hall to get a clean pair of underwear for him. I dropped them off in the bathroom and told my brother I'd be downstairs.
Scott was scraping the eggs from the pan into a large bowl and Will was setting the table. Charles had five small jelly jars/glasses lined up in a row. He poured orange juice for everyone and refilled our coffee cups too.
"Is Jared ok?" Scott asked.
"He's fine," I said as I placed the toast on a plate. I grabbed a knife and some butter too.
Jared joined us just as Will set the platter of bacon on the table.
"Man, this is what I call a breakfast," my brother exclaimed with a big grin on his face, "Ya'll don't eat like this every morning, do you?"
"Just about," Charles answered with a toothy grin.
"Jesse will back me up on this but our mom doesn't even cook like this. I'm moving in with ya'll."
The guys laughed at Jared's comment. I knew the part about our mom was true too. She wasn't big on cooking except during holidays.
We sat down and had a wonderful breakfast together. Once we had finished, Scott and Jared volunteered to clear the table and do the dishes. Will and I asked Charles to join us outside and he said he would be needed to dress first. I forgot he was still in his underwear. Will topped off our mugs and he made mine just the way I like it, lots of cream and sugar. I thanked him with a kiss and we stepped out back.
Once we sat down at the table under the oak he asked, "Was everything really alright with Jared? I had a feeling there was a little something missing from your answer when Scott asked you about him before breakfast."
I chuckled, "Yeah, he's ok, really. A case of hormones is all it was."
Will looked sort of puzzled for a moment.
"Oh I see. The nocturnal hormones?" he asked.
"The very ones," I laughed.
"He was embarrassed wasn't he?"
"I think he was more embarrassed that it happened here than he was about the deed itself."
"I know it isn't funny," Will chuckled, "But it reminds me of the time I was at summer camp. I was thirteen I think, and I woke up one morning and felt something "squishy". That was my first wet dream, I think."
"I think I was about fourteen when I had my first one. I still have them sometimes," I said.
"That's normal, I'm 24 and still have them occasionally."
"Really?" I asked.
"Sure, I mean it doesn't happen nearly as often now but it does happen," Will answered.
I thought about that as I lit a smoke.
"Hey guys," Charles said as he stepped outside.
He was dressed in nice khakis, a blue, polo style shirt and tan deck shoes. He was carrying some other clothes too. I figured they were for his brother.
"Hey Charles," I replied.
"Hey Cha…whoah! Look at you," Will chuckled when he turned and caught a glimpse of my roommate.
Charles smiled.
"Going to pick up Michael?" I asked.
"Yeah, he called just now and he's ready to come home." Charles seemed excited.
"Will, Scott and I were talking before breakfast about how maybe we could throw a little welcome home party for Michael this evening. Nothing elaborate, just some burger and hotdogs, a cake too. What do you think?"
"That's a great idea. I think he'd like that. To be honest, I believe he's been pretty down lately and maybe this'll help bring him out of his funk. Jared and Scott are gonna be here too, aren't they?"
"Sure, and hey, why don't you invite Jennifer and Lin too and see if Michael wants to invite some of his buddies? We'll make it a real party," I said. Will giggled at me.
"I will but you have to invite your aunt and uncle. I really like them, Jesse. They're good people," Charles said.
We discussed the party a little more and also decided on 7:30pm to give everyone time to do whatever they needed to do today and then relax a little before the party.
Charles left and I decided to call my aunt and uncle to inform them of our plans and to invite them too. Will went in the house to inform Scott and Jared. I knew Scott would be excited Jared would be too I figured. My brother could practically eat his weight in hamburgers.
My aunt answered the phone. I told her about the party and she loved the idea. When I invited her and my Uncle Bert, she said they'd be here with bells on. I laughed when she said that, it was one of her 'little sayings'.
"Oh honey," she stated, "Your uncle and I did plan to look at a couple of houses today just after lunchtime. We wanted Scott and Jared to come with us too. Why don't you and Will bring the boys over about 11 and that will give them time to shower and change and then we can all grab a bite somewhere and go look at those houses?"
"We'll see you at 11 then."
We hung up and I went inside to tell the guys. After they had settled down, we all pitched in and straightened up the living room. Scott finally dressed which I was certain, disappointed Will, then we talked about the party and other things until Charles and Michael arrived.
"They're here!" Jared yelled pointing out the window.
"Ok little brother, I see 'em," I laughed.
We made our way out the back door and met Charles and Michael as they got out of Charles' truck.
"Hi guys," Michael said with a grin.
We shook hands and introduced him to Jared and Scott. He said hello to Jared and then, I noticed his eyes widen slightly, his smile grew and his demeanor became a bit shyer when he spoke to Scott. 'Hmmm' I thought.
Michael walked carefully to the house. Actually, he was doing better than I figured he'd be at this point. Once inside, he sat down at the kitchen table and I asked Jared to help me take Michael's things up to his room.
"I think you told me already but his father did that to him, didn't he?" Jared asked in a gentle tone once we were upstairs.
"Yeah," I replied.
He was quiet as we continued down the hall and into the bedroom. We placed the bags on Michael's bed and I turned to leave but stopped when Jared spoke.
"He's just a kid, like me," Jared said, "I mean, we aren't kids but we aren't adults either." He looked around the room and noticed the box which contained ribbons and trophies. He saw the basketball and the baseball, a bat and a glove too. He looked at a poster on the wall of F-15's flying in formation. When he finally faced me, there were tears in his eyes.
"He's a normal kid. He didn't deserve to get beaten up."
Jared broke down so I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder. After a few moments, he regained his composure.
"Sorry Jesse, I just…it's hard to believe his own father would do that. It's wrong but I think about how I reacted, when I saw you and Tyler. That was wrong too. I'm sorry I did that but I'm ok now. I don't know what'd I'd do if what happened to Michael ever happened to you. Just promise me you'll be careful, Jesse. Promise me?" Jared's voice was choked with emotion again and the way he asked me to promise, it sounded like he was pleading, almost begging me. I broke down too.
"I promise," I whispered. I hugged him then after we regained our composure, went back downstairs.
We entered the kitchen and the first thing I did was motion for Will to follow me onto the back porch.
"What's up?" he asked once we were alone.
"Just hold me for a second," I said.
He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. It felt good.
"You want to tell me what's wrong, Jesse?"
"Nothing's wrong," I answered as I looked into his eyes, "Everything's right. I just needed a hug. I think Jared's really changed. I could see it last night when we were all in the living room and I could tell just now, again, up in Michael's bedroom."
"What happened?"
I told him what had just transpired.
"Jesse, that's wonderful. I could see it last night too. It's great, isn't it?"
"It's fantastic!"
I grabbed Will and planted a big ol' kiss on that boy. It sort of caught him by surprise I think.
"Wow! Now THAT was fantastic," he croaked.
"C'mon, you horn dog. Let's get back inside," I replied with a chuckle.
We told Michael about the party and he got excited. He wanted to know who all was coming so we told him the guest list so far and mentioned that he could invite some friends too. He immediately grabbed the phone and started dialing. In a few minutes he had three friends lined up to come over.
"Three's a good number. I think I'll stop there," Michael said.
"You can invite more if you want," Charles told his younger brother.
Michael politely declined and seemed well satisfied with inviting three of his friends. He, Scott and Jared then went into the living room to play video games. I told Charles about going house hunting with my aunt and uncle.
"There's a great looking house over on Sherwood," Charles said, " I'm not sure how much they're asking but if it's within your aunt and uncle's price range, they might want to take a look. I think it has a pool too."
"Thanks, I'll tell them. A pool would be great especially since Bert loves to swim. It's great exercise," I added.
"Oh, you're just thinking of all the potential pool parties, that's it," Will teased.
I laughed, "Well…that would be nice too."
I knew I had a silly grin on my face when I said that.
"You're so cute," Will said and then he leaned over and gave me a kiss.
While my lips were locked with Will's, I glanced over at Charles and he was grinning his head off.
We finally broke off our kiss and that was tough to do because at that moment, I wanted Will badly. I knew my urge would have to wait though.
Charles suggested the three of us could run to the grocery store now and then swing back by a discount party supply store on the way home. We told the three younger guys where we'd be and made sure they had the numbers of both, Charles' and Will's mobile phones. 'I've got to get to one of those,' I thought to myself.
We headed out to the driveway and I naturally assumed we'd take Tallulah since Will had a two-seater and Charles was probably tired of hauling my butt all over creation.
"Huh uh," Charles said jingling his keys in the air, "We can take my truck."
Will chuckled and I popped his shoulder. Charles thought that was funny and he laughed.
"What's wrong with my car?" I asked in a half chuckle.
"We need to find you some real wheels, Jesse," Charles said.
"There you go, raggin' on my car again," I said in mock anger.
"Will, what do you think of a man who'd name his car Tallulah?" Charles asked.
My boy got a sad look on his face and slowly shook his head back and forth.
"It's sad, I know, but I took pity on this poor waif. He was just too cute to resist," Will teased.
"Will, you are so full of shit, you too Charles," I chuckled. They roared with laughter as we pulled onto the road.
We decided to stop at the party supply store first and pick up some decorations. We pretty much went all out, streamers, balloons, and a big "Welcome Home" banner too.
Next was the grocery store and we practically bought out the place, or so it seemed. Will made sure we bought a cake and had the lady working in the deli to write, "Welcome Home Michael" on it. When we arrived back home, Charles hit the horn a couple of times to get the guys' attention. It worked because all three of them piled out the back door.
Everyone grabbed something except Michael who, at Charles' big brotherly urging, held the door for the rest of us. Michael's eyes widened as we carried in bag after bag. It was pretty cute. Once we unloaded everything it was almost time to head over to the campground.
"Are we taking Tallulah?" Jared whispered to me just as we stepped outside.
Charles overheard him and he snickered. So did Scott.
"Yes, we are taking Tallulah," I answered. I was trying to be serious to prevent an onslaught of cruel comments directed to my baby. She was sensitive that way. Besides, if she got pissed off she wouldn't start.
"Will, this will be an adventure you won't forget, I promise you, man," Scott giggled.
I shot him a glare. He and Jared cracked up.
We got in and I gently placed the key in the ignition. I whispered to myself with a half grin on my face, 'Start baby, start' and she did.
"Yes!" I yelled.
Jared and Scott were laughing hard as Will looked at me like I had just farted in church. He started laughing too and he even patted the dashboard and said, "That's a good baby."
We made it to the campground and my car did fine. The engine died only once and when I started her back up I clutched her and the car jumped a little, the "Tallulah dance" I call it. Scott and Jared tried to muffle their giggles as Will silently turned his head and looked out the side window. I saw him place his hand over his mouth and his upper body shook. When I realized he was laughing to himself, it made me smile. That turd.
Scott showed us the way to his campsite and we pulled in. Uncle Bert stepped out of the RV just as we were getting out of the car. He grinned big.
"Ol' Tallulah make it alright?" he asked.
"Certainly, she did great," I beamed.
"Good, good," he replied with a light slap on my back.
Scott and Jared walked right on in but Will was pretending to be rattled. He walked slowly, shakily towards my uncle. Bert laughed hard at the nonsense.
"C'mon in boys, let's get out this heat," Bert said.
It was warming up quickly so we didn't hesitate making our way into the air conditioned motor home.
"Hi boys," my aunt called out from behind a magazine. She was seated at the 'kitchen' table.
"Hi," we answered in unison.
We sat down and the four of us chatted while Scott and Jared showered and changed clothes. After several minutes, my uncle shifted in his seat and cleared his throat.
"Jesse," my uncle began as he poured some tea for Will and me, "You know I'm in need of a good man to help me get things started with the stores. I'm looking for a younger fellow, with a good head on his shoulders, maybe a college man who is in a transition right now but wants to continue with his education. You wouldn't happen to know anyone like that would you?"
I blushed hard.
"I might know someone like that," I said with a sheepish grin.
My uncle smiled.
"Jesse, first off, you're my nephew. How could I not offer you a job? Secondly, and more importantly, you ARE a bright young man. You have a good personality and a strong work ethic. I can trust you too and right now, I need people I know and trust to get this thing off the ground. We can talk more about the particulars this evening but I just wanted to give you a little something to think about."
"I'll definitely think about it," I said excitedly.
Everyone laughed, including me.
Bert stood and walked back to the bedroom area of the RV which was curtained off. He spoke to someone and then as he came back, he knocked on the bathroom door.
"Hurry up, son," he said.
"Alright Dad," Scott's voice came from behind the door.
In a moment Jared emerged from behind the curtain and Scott exited the bathroom. Soon, he too joined us and then my aunt pronounced we were ready to go.
We loaded up into her van and took off. We stopped at a nice restaurant up on King's Hwy. That's what people call hey 17. After a good meal, we drove over to meet the real estate agent at her office. On the way, I mentioned that Charles had told us about a house on Warwick. I relayed everything to them that I had been told.
"Oh, it sounds nice. We'll mention it to Carolyn. I hope it's within our price range," my aunt said.
We arrived at the office and pulled up near a new Gold Lexus 430. My uncle made a comment about how expensive it must be and we all agreed. Just before we opened the door to exit the van, the driver's door opened on the Lexus and out stepped a woman whom I can only describe as stunning. I think we all noticed her at the same time because there were several audible but low gasps, especially from Scott. Will lightly goosed him.
"Careful there, Scott. She'll eat you alive," Will teased my cousin.
"Oh man, I wish," Scott blushed.
Everyone laughed but my aunt. She smiled and shook her head.
We piled into the near empty parking lot and the woman stepped over to introduce herself. She was the agent my aunt and uncle had spoken to on the phone.
"Hi, I'm Carolyn Carter," she said with just a hint of a northern accent."
My aunt and uncle introduced themselves and us.
"Oh, these aren't all your sons, then?" she said will a wide smile, "I thought they were. They're a good looking crew. Please, follow me inside."
We entered the building and the four of us guys waited in the sitting area out front while Bert and Maxine followed down a hallway to her office. In a moment, she returned.
"I apologize, but I forgot to tell you, there is a vending area down this hallway and to the left," she said pointing, "There's a men's restroom just past there too. We'll be a few minutes so make yourselves comfortable."
She turned and walked back down another hallway to her office. Thee very second she was out of sight, Jared did something which made me want to strangle that boy. He leaned his body to one side and 'Bbbrrrttttttt'.
"Jared!" I loudly whispered through clinched teeth.
We all lost it and laughed hard over that.
"Oh Lord, I need a Pepsi or something," Will said once he had settled down.
"Me too, I'm with you, Will," Scott said. He wiped tears from his eyes.
I stood up too and said, "Well, I'm not going to stay here."
"Ya'll ain't leaving me here by myself," Jared said as he jumped up and followed us.
We went to the vending area, well, all except Jared. He went to the restroom first. In a couple minutes, he joined the rest of us.
"I hope you cleaned up," Will teased Jared.
That broke us up again and Scott and Will high-fived. Poor Jared, he didn't have a comeback but he did laugh. After we downed our soft drinks and took advantage of the restroom, we went back to the waiting area out front.
I heard Carolyn's door open and she along with my aunt and uncle stepped into the hallway.
"Ok guys, are you ready to see some properties?" she asked the four of us.
"You bet," Scott said enthusiastically.
He had that faraway look. The kind you get when you're enamored with someone. I think Scotty boy had developed a crush on Carolyn.
"Ok, let's roll," she said.
She, along with my aunt and uncle, lead the way out to the vehicles. She invited Bert and Maxine to ride with her and they accepted. She asked Scott too and he said yes. He glanced over at Will and me and gave a quick wink, that sly puppy.
On the way to the first property Will asked what I thought of Carolyn.
"She's a very attractive woman," I played it cool.
"I think she's gorgeous," he stated matter of factly.
I laughed and then, he did too.
"She's definitely hot, for an older chick," Jared added.
We pulled into a fairly new subdivision and then made a couple more turns until we reached house number one. I didn't like it at all from the outside but decided not to say anything unless I was pressed for my thoughts on it.
"This house has no character, does it Jesse?" my uncle asked when we were upstairs and to ourselves.
"Uncle Bert, I really didn't want to say anything but to be honest, I don't care for it very much."
"Me either."
We left that place and went to the second one. It was a nice, very large brick rancher. It had character but it wasn't Bert Mayhew. I really couldn't picture them living in that house any better than the first one we saw.
We moved on to the third property of the afternoon and it was beautiful. It had a large lot and was landscaped nicely too. Inside, it had a large foyer, which Maxine loved. It had character and everyone seemed to like it very much. I could picture them living in that house.
Just as we started to leave, my uncle pulled me and Will to the side.
"We're going to see the house that Charles told you about, next. Carolyn said it had only been on the market for a week but her company had shown it 4 times already. Another company has it listed though. It's on the upper end of our price range but she said the sellers were very motivated. She gave us a listings sheet and it looks very nice," he said.
"Cool," I replied.
"Cool," he repeated with a big grin. He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out.
Sherwood Lane was the actual name of the street the house was on and it too was in a subdivision. The homes weren't huge but they were all nice. Some were large though. Will and I agreed that the neighborhood had a nice look and feel to it. That was a big plus in my mind.
The lot was large and had several trees, pines and oaks mainly and the driveway was asphalt, not concrete. Maybe that part didn't matter but to me, an asphalt driveway just looked better than concrete. I knew it was more expensive, though.
The house was two stories, brick and trimmed in black. There was a type of ivy growing up some of the exterior walls. This place looked stately and had a homey feel too. It had a two-car attached garage, heated also, Carolyn told us. Bert and Maxine both liked that part. We walked around to the front and Carolyn undid the lockbox and took out the key to the front door. Once inside, she stepped off to the side and punched in a code for the security system.
"Oh, I love that," Maxine whispered, "I'd feel so safe.
"Me too, mother," he whispered back. Sometimes he called her mother and sometimes she called him dad. I thought that was sweet.
The tour continued and Bert fell in love with the den. One whole wall was a giant built in entertainment center with matching book cases on either side. It was nice. We moved on to the kitchen and Maxine instantly fell in love with it. It was large with all new appliances and had a center island with an area overhead for pots and pans.
"Oh Bert!" she said giddily.
We chuckled. My aunt took great pride in cooking, baking and just "looking after her boys" in general.
We went through the rest of the main level and saw the master bedroom and bath and then we headed back to the kitchen. Carolyn smiled at Bert and Maxine. They, in turn, smiled widely at the rest of us.
"Guys, would you like to see the pool?" Carolyn asked.
"Yeah!" the four of us exclaimed. Hell, now I was giddy. Will poked my side and smiled.
Carolyn pulled back a set of vertical blinds which revealed a set of French doors, leading out to the patio and the pool.
"Awesome!" Jared exclaimed, "Oh, sorry."
My little brother immediately blushed.
"I think it's awesome too," Bert said with a laugh.
There was even a grotto. Scott grinned like a 'possum when we told him of the possibilities he could have.
"Man, am I going to have some parties here," he whispered to us.
"You're folks have to buy the place first, Scotty," I said.
"Shit, that's right. I forgot," he said.
I punched his shoulder. Will got a kick out of that and laughed.
"Man, they've got to buy this place, Jesse. It's so cool," Scott added.
"Maybe they will bubba."
The four younger guys piled into the van and we followed Carolyn, along with Maxine and Bert back to the real estate office. The adults went inside while we opted to wait outside.
"It's a good thing we're out here," Scott said, "Jared might have another gas attack."
He and Jared started teasing one another, then Will joined in and they somehow pulled me into the middle of the fray too. Before long, the conversation went from "gaseous anomalies" to everyone actually making farting noises, using their hands and arms. If ever there were four idiots, it was us. Pretty soon my aunt and uncle came back out and entered the van.
"Which house did you guys like the best?" Bert asked over his shoulder as he began backing up.
We all agreed that the last house, the one on Sherwood Lane, was our favorite.
"Ours too," my aunt agreed, "In fact, we made an offer on it."
Cheers erupted from Scott and Jared. I patted Maxine and Bert on their backs.
"We've seen several homes here in the past two weeks but we love that one, Jesse. I know I shouldn't get so excited but I do hope we can get it," Maxine said with a nervous smile.
I noticed Bert took her by the hand.
"We'll see, mother. I hope it works out too," he smiled.
Will saw that and he placed his hand, with the palm upward, next to my leg. I placed my hand in his and we locked fingers. We rode all the way back to the campground like that.
Once we arrived at their RV, we went inside, but only for a few minutes then we decided to head back home. My aunt said they'd bring some cantaloupes and a watermelon over later to the party. I told her they didn't have to bring anything but she insisted. I invited Scott and Jared to come with us and then we said goodbye to my aunt and uncle and headed home.
On the way back I had to stop at a gas station to fill up Tallulah's tank. Will suggested I try Premium, instead of the usual Regular. I did but I didn't know why. Scott and Jared got out too. Jared started cleaning the windows while Scott raised the hood to check the oil. Will stood beside me.
"Jesse!" Scott called out.
I put the gas nozzle on automatic and walked to the front of the car.
"Look at this, man," he said.
I glanced at the dipstick.
"Yeah," I answered, more as a question.
"Cuz, look, it's over a quart low and it's black as tar too. You need to have the oil changed in this car like, now."
"I know, I just haven't had time lately," I said. I was trying to make an excuse. I was bad to not keep up with stuff like that.
He shook his head, turned and walked inside, leaving the hood up. I didn't know what he was up to. I walked back to Will.
"I need oil," I said with a crooked grin.
Jared finished with the windows and got back in the car. Will joined him after I finished pumping the gas. I met Scott as he was walking back to the car. He had a quart of oil in his hand.
"Dude!" he grinned as we passed.
"Sweet!" I laughed.
We bumped shoulders and burst into laughter.
I paid for the fuel and on my walk back, I glanced at my car. It looked as if Will, Scott and Jared were laughing hard at something. I found out what, the instant I sat down behind the wheel.
"Son of a bitch!" I yelled.
There was the most god-awful, sulfurous, rotten egg-like aroma, wafting around in the car.
"Who did it?" I laughed.
The other three occupants howled with laughter.
I cranked up and drove away. Thank goodness the breeze took care of the smell.
"Jared, just what the hell did you eat today, man?" I inquired after a traveling a couple blocks.
He grinned. I looked at Will and shook my head. He was still laughing. It was funny but, damn.
We entered the house and all was quiet except for the noise coming from the video game which Michael was playing.
"Hey, big guy, where's your brother?" I asked.
"Hey guys, I think he's upstairs taking a nap. OLD men do that, ya know," Michael answered playfully.
Will gave him a noogie for that last remark and Michael laughed hard.
"You just wait 'til I tell Charles you said he was old," Will chuckled.
Scott and Jared joined Michael in front of the TV and they began talking about not only the game he was playing but videogames in general. Will and I got comfortable on the sofa. In a few minutes, he was out, sleeping like a baby.
"Hey guys, want to see my game system? I've got some games that up to four people can play." Michael asked the boys.
They said sure so then they helped Michael put away the controllers and system. Scott handed the tv remote to me and followed Michael up the steps. Jared was lagging a bit behind the other two when he turned and walked back. He smiled as he glanced down at a sleeping Will. Then, he knelt down and pulled me into a hug. He was silent as he released me, never saying a word. He started to walk away but I stopped him.
"What was that for?"
"I dunno. I just wanted to give you a hug."
His face turned a little red.
"Ok, little bro-- thanks," I answered as he moved up the stairs.
That was nice, different, but nice. I wondered if there was something behind it because Jared just didn't really hug people for no reason.
I flipped on the TV with the remote and channel surfed a little. Soon, my eyelids grew heavy and I fell asleep too.
I awoke from my nap when I thought I felt something crawling on my leg. I slapped it hard as I opened my eyes, then I heard laughter from behind me. I turned just as Charles and Will cracked up.
"Alright, what are ya'll up too?" I grinned.
"Nothing, we aren't doing anything. Are we, Will?" my roommate said.
We laughed and then walked to the kitchen where Jennifer was making hamburger patties.
"Hey girl," I said and then gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
With a warm smile she replied, "Did you have a good nap, hon?"
"I did until I felt something crawling on my leg." I looked over at Will and Charles who both rolled their eyes and suddenly tried to "look busy".
"I just don't know about those two," she chuckled, "They're two of a kind. Put them in a bag, shake it up and I don't which one would fall out first."
"Boy, if that ain't the truth," I laughed as Will and Charles headed out the back door.
"What in the world are they doing now?" she asked, straining to look outside.
I shook my head slowly. "Want me to keep an eye on them?"
"Maybe you should go out there and make sure they stay out of trouble," she laughed.
I left the kitchen and went out back to see what the "Dynamic Duo" was up too.
"Hey Jess!" Charles yelled, "Give us a hand?"
He and Will were unloading something from the bed of Charles' pickup.
"Sure," I said as I trotted over. I noticed it was a basketball goal.
"Think this'll come in handy?" he asked.
"Heck yeah, man. I think this will see a lot of use," I grinned.
We carried it over to a spot at the end of the driveway and set it down. Charles opened the box and told us where he was thinking of placing it.
"Lin is going to borrow an auger from his dad's company and we'll dig a hole about 2-3 feet deep, set the pole in it and tamp the dirt around it as we fill it back up. That'll pack it in really tight and we won't need concrete, doing it that way, either."
"Charles, if you don't mind my saying so, this doesn't look too cheap," Will stated.
Charles grinned, "Well, it isn't top of the line but I figured it'd be cool to have and we all could use it, get some exercise and have fun."
I patted his back. "Good thinking, Moose," I said with a grin.
That last comment earned a hearty laugh from both of them.
After that, Charles began cleaning the grill, I supervised. Will stepped inside to see if Jennifer needed some help.
"Will is alright, you know that," Charles said out of the blue. It kind of caught me off guard, "And so are you."
"Um-thanks, Charles. What brought that on?" I asked with a crooked grin.
He chuckled as he sprayed some more cleaning fluid on the grill.
"I was just thinking earlier today, about stereotypes and personalities and such. It's amazing when we can look beyond what we perceive something to be and can actually see it for what it truly is."
"Or what HE truly is," I added.
He looked up from the grill and directly into my eyes. "Exactly," he replied.
I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave two or three light squeezes. He smiled. I smiled too, not only at the moment but also because it made me recall what Jared had said earlier in the day, about Michael.
I glanced around. "Want some ice tea?"
"Yeah, thanks," Charles replied.
Just as I turned, Will came out the back door, carrying three glasses.
"You read our minds," I chuckled.
As Charles rinsed off the grill, the three of us talked about the weekend and I suddenly remembered that I hadn't told Charles about my job offer from my uncle. He got excited and high-fived me, telling me I'd have a ball with that job.
"You're still planning on going back to college, right?" he asked.
"I won't give up school, no way."
He pulled me into a hug and slapped my back. Letting go, he looked at Will and said with a wide grin, "You know, we gotta stay on him and make sure he stays in school."
Will agreed and said he'd do all he could.
Lin pulled up and we all helped unload the auger, carrying it over to where we had placed the basketball goal earlier. The machine was carefully positioned then Lin cranked it up. Damn, it was loud, but, in a few minutes we had a 3' hole in the ground. In no time, it seemed, we had that puppy together, in the ground and ready for a test game. We didn't really play a game, just shot a few baskets from different positions and soon, our endeavors were pronounced a success. We all sat down at the picnic table beneath the oak.
Two teenagers in a nice Mitsubishi Eclipse pulled up. Charles strained to see who it was. Once they stepped out of the car, he recognized them.
"Hey Chance! Hey Brian!" he called out.
The boys said hello and walked over to where the four of us were resting at the picnic table. Charles introduced us and we shook hands with the newcomers. They were friends of Michael's.
"So, Charles, are you still protecting and serving Myrtle Beach?" Chance teased.
"You know it, man. You still want to join the force one day?"
"Shit yeah, I'm sorry ya'll. I mean shoot yeah."
We laughed and Charles said, "It's ok, Chance. It's just us guys out here. Jennifer is inside."
Chance blushed a little as he nodded his head.
"Where's Michael?" Brian asked quickly, trying to change the subject.
"He's upstairs, follow me," Charles replied. He left with Brian and Chance in tow.
Will spied the basketball and walked over to shoot some baskets. Lin took our glasses inside to get more tea as I thought again how lucky I was. I was lost in my thoughts until I heard a vehicle pulling up the driveway. It was my aunt and uncle.
I carried a small folding table they had brought as I escorted them into the house and then we all pitched in to decorate. Maybe it was a little corny, especially since Michael was already home, but decorations added to the celebratory mood.
Michael's other friend, Wes, arrived and after the introductions, he ran upstairs too. We were all busy putting up balloons and streamers in the kitchen and dining area when Charles announced he better fire up the grill. He and Will walked outside.
"Whew," my aunt said once the last balloon had been inflated. Bert rubbed her back as she did her best "I'm exhausted" impression. That brought chuckles from the rest of us who saw it.
I celebrated by lighting a cigarette. Bert and Lin followed me outside, in fact they walked over to the picnic table and my uncle began talking to him. I went over to the grill and stood beside Will.
"I think we're ready to char some mammal flesh," he said with an ominous voice. As he walked away, Will and I laughed.
"He's such an idiot." I said.
Charles returned shortly with a large platter of hotdogs and hamburgers which he politely asked me to hold while he carefully placed each one on the grill. In a few minutes a pleasing aroma filled the air which made my stomach growl. Will stepped back inside for a bit and then returned with Maxine and Jennifer. She stood behind Charles with her hands around his waist. I joined Maxine at the table with Lin and my uncle.
"Jesse, Maxine, I was just telling Lin about the stores. I'm going to call his father tomorrow and see if he'd be willing to look at #3."
Store #1 was on Ocean Blvd. It was right on the strip, about three blocks south of the Pavilion. It was already open too. The second store was on 9th Avenue North, across from the Pavilion and next to the big parking deck. The third store, and that was the really big one too, was on Hwy 17 near 12th Avenue North, next to the Food Lion store. That's the one in which Bert was going to put his office and it was also the one that needed some work done. Actually, it needed quite a bit of work, both inside and out.
"I'll tell my dad that you're a friend of the family," Lin said.
My uncle grinned big-time. He even squeezed Lin's shoulder and Lin loved it too. Michael and the other guys came outside just then and began mingling with everyone. In a moment, Lin, Scott, Brian, Wes and Chance started shooting hoops but Jared and Michael came over to the table.
"The food smells really good," Michael said. Charles and Will nodded in agreement.
My aunt patted the spot next to her and motioned for Michael to have a seat. He sat down next to her and grinned shyly. Jared sat between me and our uncle.
"So this is the young man I've heard so many wonderful things about," she said as she put her arm on his shoulder.
"I guess so," he replied in a meek voice.
Michael and my aunt struck up a conversation, then, Uncle Bert's mobile phone rang. He excused himself and stepped off to the side, returning in just a minute. He had a very serious expression on his face.
"Mother," he began, "That was Carolyn, our real estate agent. I'm afraid I have some news."
A sudden hush fell over the table and even the guys playing basketball stopped and came over. Will, Jennifer and Charles did too. My uncle drug prolonged the silence and I realized, suddenly, he didn't have bad news to relay. I winked at him and he almost grinned, almost but not quite. Everyone was staring intently at him, awaiting the news.
"Mother-everyone gathered here this evening…WE JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE AT 321 SHERWOOD LANE!"
The whole place erupted into cheers, whoops and hollers, with everyone congratulating Bert, Maxine and Scott. There were backslaps, hugs and handshakes all around. Charles stepped back to the grill and began loading up the platter. He announced that the burgers and dogs were done and we all cheered again. He really got a charge out of that.
The party started to wind down around 10pm. It was kind of late, especially since most of the adults had to go back to work the following morning. Michael's friends were the first to leave but not until my uncle had pulled them to the side.
"Job offers, no doubt," I said to Will with a chuckle. He agreed.
Once the guys had left, my uncle pulled me to the side, in the kitchen and asked if I had given any more thought in regard to his offer of employment.
"I accept, of course, but what will I be doing," I asked.
"Jesse, you'll be working in the stores, kind of a floater, really. You'll learn all aspects of running a retail operation, from the ground up, if that's what you want. There might be a special project from time to time I'll want you to work on but basically, you'll be a team member of Crazy Bert's Beachwear. Your education is the most important thing so I'm expecting your butt to get back to college as soon as you feel ready and I'll help you with the costs associated with that. You'll be on salary too and some weeks you'll work very hard and you'll definitely earn every penny of that check. Other weeks, you'll think I'm a fool for paying you so much."
He then told me what my salary would be. I really didn't know what to say. Few times in my life have I truly been speechless and this was one of those times. He looked at me thoughtfully as I just sat there. Tears welled up in my eyes, I didn't know why but they did. Aunt Maxine came over and we embraced.
"Honey, we love you so much. Have you made a decision yet?" she asked.
"I guess I should start calling you boss," I replied.
"I'm so happy, but don't you dare call me boss," she said with a laugh, "I'm still Aunt Maxine."
My uncle asked if I could start in the morning. I told him I could but as soon as I said it I remembered that Charles was going back to work also. That meant that Michael would be alone all day, not that he couldn't really take care of himself but I didn't think Charles would want him to stay alone the whole day, not to mention the fact that he'd probably be bored to tears. I mentioned my concern and suddenly Jared spoke up.
"I can stay with Michael. I mean, I know I'm not an adult but we'll be safe," he stated.
"Yeah Charles, please. I'm not a little kid. We'll be alright," Michael added.
"I don't know guys. I'm sure you'd be just fine and it's just one day…"
"Charles," Will began, "I usually get off work around 8 am or so, you'll probably be gone by then and Jesse will too or if not, I'm sure he'll be leaving soon after that. If you don't mind, I could crash here, that way there'll be an adult close by if the guys need anything and Jared can still hang out so Michael won't be bored.
Charles briefly discussed it with my aunt and they agreed it would be ok. They, along with my cousin told us goodbye and Bert asked me to be at their campsite by 9 am. I told him I would.
Lin cut out just after my aunt and uncle did and then Jennifer was escorted to her car by Charles where they engaged in a brief battle of the tongues. I mentioned that to Will and he chuckled just before pulling me into him tightly. We had our own little tongue-wrestling contest. We finally broke apart and I told him goodbye and that I loved him. A suddenly felt a lump in my throat as I watched him down the driveway until he pulled onto the road and finally was out of site. My heart felt empty as I moped back into the house.
Charles was seated at the kitchen table. "I think we're lost without them, Jess," he said soberly.
I nodded slowly.
He gave a long sigh and then stood up.
"I think I'll hit the hay. Tomorrow's going to be a long day," he stated.
"I think I will too. It's going to be a big day for me as well."
We turned off the lights and headed through the living room.
"Night guys," Charles and I said almost at the same time.
"Goodnight," they replied.
I said goodnight to Charles again at the top of the stairs as we parted. I set my alarm for 7 and undressed. I became aroused when I crawled into bed and I smelled Will's scent on my pillows. Just the thought of him made me smile but sleep soon overtook me.
On to Chapter Thirteen
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