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"I Once was Lost" by The Carolina Scribbler (Johnny) Chapter Thirteen Back to Chapter Twelve On to Chapter Fourteen Chapter Listing Carolina Scribbler Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama College Suicide Not Complete - On Permanent Hiatus since 2005 Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
The warmth of Will's body next to mine "What's this?" Will asked. He grabbed my member and gave a few, slow tugs, grinning the whole time.
"Mr. Howdy likes that," I replied. I grinned sleepily.
"I know Mr. Howdy likes that but Mr. Howdy is going to have to wait."
"Noo," I whined.
Will chuckled.
"Man, you like to torture me, don't you?" I said.
"I don't mean to torture you, Jess. I just want to hold you this morning," he replied.
He moved closer, spooning me. Placing his arm around me, his fingers began tracing along my chest and stomach. My whole body warmed from his hot breath against the back of my neck.
"That feels nice, Will."
"Go back to sleep if you want, you have some time and I'm not going anywhere," he replied softly.
As much as I was enjoying this moment, I simply couldn't keep my eyes open. I hadn't looked at the clock but I knew it was still very early. I sighed contentedly just before sleep, again, overtook me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"C'mon, Jess. Wake up man," Will said as he shook me gently.
"Mmhmm," was all I could mutter.
I heard my clock radio playing softly but I couldn't force my eyes open.
"C'mon, wake up guy or you'll be late for work."
I heard that part, loud and clear. I opened my eyes too quickly and immediately squinted. The sun was bright and it shone through my partially closed blinds.
"Ugh - I hate mornings," I muttered.
"You'll feel better after a shower. C'mon, I'll help," Will said.
"I bet you will," I said with a chuckle. I slowly got of bed and stretched wildly, popping and cracking. Will laughed and said "something" was definitely awake as he pointed at my cock. I laughed as we trudged across the hallway to the bathroom.
We showered rather quickly, no fooling around this morning. We toweled each other dry and then stepped across the hall to my room to begin dressing. Will threw on some fresh boxers and lay back on the bed, his arms folded behind his head. As I pulled up my jeans, I turned away from him and wiggled my butt a little.
He laughed. "Oh, now that's cute," he said.
"You know you like it," I said, teasing him.
His eyes widened. "Uh huh!"
I finished dressing, which consisted of picking out a tee shirt to go with my jeans and Nikes. A little deodorant and a quick splash of cologne and I was ready to start my day.
We went downstairs to the kitchen. I poured two cups of coffee and put a couple Pop Tarts in the toaster. Will sat down after he "fixed" his coffee.
"Did you see Charles this morning when you came in?" I asked.
"Yeah, I almost forgot to tell you that he said to have a good day. He also mentioned that he was going to hit the gym after work and he'd see you around 5:30 or so."
"Okay. I need to start working out too, I'm getting flabby," I said as I patted my stomach."
Will laughed. "Yeah, right," he said.
The Pop Tarts were ready so I grabbed two paper towels and place a tart on each, handing one to Will. I sat down and took a big bite of mine
"You're just eating one?" he asked.
"I'm too excited to eat but I need something on my stomach," I said while chewing. That damn Pop Tart was hot. I began breathing through my mouth.
"Eww, that's gross!" Will teased.
"Well, damnit, it's hot!"
I still had a half chewed tart in my mouth so it probably was nasty to look at but I couldn't help it. I went to the fridge and took out the milk. I grabbed a glass and poured it halfway full and then took a big gulp.
"Feel better?" asked Will.
I turned and smiled, then put the milk back in the fridge.
"Will, why don't you move in with me?" I asked once I sat back down.
He stared stone-faced at me for a several seconds before answering.
"Are you serious?"
"I'm very serious. I'd like for you to move in with me."
"I-I don't know what to say. I'd love to be with you all the time Jess, but there are so many things to consider. Would Charles even want another body around here? I'd have to put my condo up for sale..."
I interrupted. "Charles thinks it's a wonderful idea, so does Jennifer. As for your condo, maybe you could rent it out."
"Jesse, I'd love to, let me see what I can do with the condo. Geez boy, you are something else, you know that?"
"I love you, Will."
"I love you too, Jesse."
We kissed and then I said. "I hate to break this up but I've got to go."
I placed my glass in the sink and then started to walk out but Will stepped in front of me, drawing me in for another kiss and then, his hand found my crotch and he squeezed it ever so gently.
"Remember me all day long," he said seductively.
"I hate your timing, Mr. Myers, but I guarantee you. I'll remember you all day," I replied.
"Love ya, Jess, have a great day," he said as I slowly made my way to the door.
"I love you too."
I stopped by a Scotchman's for a pack of cigarettes. The in-store radio was cranked up, not too loud, to a country station and the place was busy. I waited patiently in line for my turn. As I moved closer to the counter, I realized what the holdup was, apparently the guy running the register was training and although he was a little slow, he seemed to be doing well. An older, gray-haired lady stood behind the counter with him, occasionally showing him where a particular button was on the register or credit card machine. He was a cute guy too, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, kind of tall, maybe 6 ft. or so. He had a nice tan too. I noticed he smiled a lot and was very courteous to the customers before me. When I noticed his white shell necklace, I figured him for a typical beach kid. I squinted my eyes a little to see the nametag pinned to his smock, it read Corey.
"Good morning, sir. What can I get for you?" he asked with a wide smile once I stepped up to the counter.
I half chuckled as I said, "A pack of Camel lights, please." He called me 'sir.' Shit, that boy wasn't any older than I was.
"Soft or hard?" he asked with a straight face.
"Corey!" the lady exclaimed with a surprised look on her face.
I laughed out loud and the guy looked dumfounded.
"What?" he asked.
"Honey, you should have asked 'soft pack or hard pack'. Some people might be offended by what you just said," she said.
"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry dude," He said looking embarrassed.
"It's ok, man. By the way, I'll take the soft pack."
All three of us laughed, as did the guy standing behind me. I paid and left, feeling more awake and in a great mood too since I had my morning chuckle. I'd have to stop there on a regular basis if Corey was going be working. I couldn't really pick up any vibes so I didn't know if he was gay or straight but I'd definitely be back. That store had a good feel to it.
When I pulled up to my relatives' campsite, my cousin Scott was sitting in a lounge chair under the awning. I noticed a somewhat pained look on his face.
"Scott, what's wrong, man?" I asked as I walked over.
He motioned me closer as he leaned in, too.
"Something's wrong…down there," he whispered as he pointed to his crotch.
"What do you mean?" I replied.
"I don't know, Jesse. It's kind of red and it stings."
"What, your dick?"
"No, my dick is fine. It's my nuts and my crotch. I don't know what it is but I don't want to go to a doctor if I don't have to."
"It might just be heat rash. I knew some guy that had that before."
"Would you look at just to make sure," Scott pleaded.
I grinned. "You're just an exhibitionist, aren't you?"
He flashed a wide smile.
"No - well yeah, you know I'll do just about anything for a laugh but I'm serious about this. It kind of scares me, something not right, that close to "my guys"."
"Ok lady-killer, let's go take a look," I said as I started toward the door.
We stepped inside and I greeted my aunt and uncle who were finishing up their coffee at the table. Scott told his folks that he needed to talk to me for a second as we trotted down the hallway of the RV.
He pulled the curtain closed and flopped on his bed, undoing his jeans.
"Thanks Jesse, I appreciate this," he stated sincerely.
"Well, I guess that's what cousins are for," I said with a big grin on my face.
He pushed his pants and boxers down to his ankles and spread his legs as he cupped one hand over his package, moving it slightly to the side. I glanced at the area he was talking about and sure enough, it was a bright red.
"Damn boy, you're red down there. Does it hurt?"
"Yeah, more of a sting than a constant pain though. Is it heat rash?"
"I'm pretty sure it is. You got any baby powder or better yet, how about some medicated powder?"
"Yeah" he replied, pointing to some inset shelves at the foot of the bed. I grabbed the bottle.
"Now, how about briefs, do you have any?" Scott always wore boxers or boxer briefs and even though they looked sexy, they provided no or little support.
"Uh huh," he said. He stood and walked, or rather, he duck-waddled to the closet. I laughed pretty hard at that site, he did too.
"Think I should wear briefs? He asked.
"Wear them for a couple of days, at least. They'll keep your junk from flopping around so much and rubbing against your inner thigh. That will help the rash to heal too."
I powdered my cousin's crotch and we joked about how funny the situation was. I didn't think Scott was gay, he had dated girls and he loved them but that bugger had absolutely no reservations whatsoever about baring his naked butt to me. When I was done, I slapped his ass and he laughed as he stood to dress.
"Thanks again, Jesse. I don't know what I would do without you, cuz,"
I shook my head and tried to keep a straight face. "I can't believe I actually powdered your butt."
"If you tell Will, I swear I'll kill you," he said with giggle.
"Well, you can powder your own ass for the next couple of days and if that place doesn't start healing, you have to tell your mom and dad."
"Got it," Scott replied.
He put his arm around my neck and we stumbled and giggled back up to the front of the RV. My aunt smiled and shook he head.
"Now, what in the world have you two been talking about?" she asked with a crooked grin.
"Nothing ma," Scott said as he place his hand over his mouth, trying to stifle a laugh.
My aunt shook her head. "You two…I just don't know," she said.
Uncle Bert laughed and then rose from the table.
"Mother," he began, "I think I better keep a close eye on these two today." He motioned toward Scott and me with his thumb when he said that. My aunt laughed and agreed with him.
"Keep them on a short leash," she added.
"I will."
He rinsed out his coffee mug and placed it in the sink. Stepping back over to the table, he leaned in and gave my aunt a tender kiss. I thought that was sweet.
"I love you Bert. You be sure and watch out for my babies today."
"I will and I love you too," Bert replied.
Scott and I said goodbye to my aunt and not without a hug and kiss from her, then Bert, Scott and I were on the road.
"Jesse, our first stop is at the Ford dealership. I need a van."
"Yes sir, boss. You got it but…um…where is the Ford dealership?"
Bert gave me directions. As it turned out, I knew where it was but had forgotten. We joked around and told "bad" jokes until we pulled onto the lot. As we hopped out of my car, a younger, red-headed guy walked towards us. He looked to be about 25 or so.
"Good morning, I'm Brad Truman," he said as he offered his hand to my uncle, "How can I help you sir." He never even glanced at me or Scott.
"I want to buy a van this morning," Bert replied as he shook the young guy's hand. My uncle started to introduce us but was interrupted by the guy.
"And will you be trading in…this?" the salesman asked in a very condescending tone as he pointed at Tallulah. I swear-the guy actually smirked when he said that, too.
Uncle Bert was much calmer than I would have been.
"No, I won't be trading in this car. I am going to purchase a commercial van, outright, for my business and I am NOT going to purchase it from you. I wish to deal with the sales manager personally," he said.
"Sir, I can help you," the young salesman replied. One word came to mind when he said that, 'Smartass'.
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear," Bert said, "I no longer wish to deal with you because you were rude to my son and my nephew and basically you have insulted all three of us so any further discussion on your part would be moot and ill-advised. Please ask your sales manager to come out here, I wish to make a purchase…this morning."
Brad took off and disappeared into the showroom.
"Dad, you were awesome!"
"Yeah, Uncle Bert, way to tell that guy off," I added.
My uncle grinned from ear to ear.
"Guys, I probably should have toned it down a notch or two but frankly, that guy had it coming. He was rude and he had a shitty attitude."
"He thought 'ol Tallulah, here, was your car and you wanted to trade her in on a new van, didn't he?" Scott commented.
"That's exactly what he thought. He made an assessment before he got all the facts and he jumped to the wrong conclusion. It burns my ass up when people do that. Let this be a lesson to you boys, get as many facts as you can before making a decision and never judge someone based on looks or appearances alone."
Scott and I nodded in agreement.
In a moment, an older guy, maybe 45 or 50 walked out of the showroom and headed our way.
"Good morning, I'm Lester Ames, the sales manager here. How can I help you?" he said.
He smiled and shook our hands. I thought he was a lot nicer than that other guy. Uncle Bert told Lester what he was interested in and immediately the man led us to several vans they had in stock. My uncle checked out 5 or 6 of them very closely, inspecting them inside and out, even under the hood. He asked Scott and me to check 'em out, too. We, of course, happily obliged and we even rode with Bert and Lester on two test drives.
Once a decision was made, Lester invited us inside to get started on the paperwork. Since I kind of felt that I was in the way, I told my uncle that I'd wait outside while he took care of business. He smiled and told me not to break anything expensive. I laughed and then trotted over to the Mustangs. Scott joined me.
My cousin and I soon became lost in the fantasy of muscle-car ownership.
"Hey guys!" my uncle called out.
Scott and I had been wrapped up in car-talk, bragging about how we'd customize our "Stangs" if we owned one and had forgotten all about the time.
"Hey," we replied.
My uncle held up the keys to his new van as he flashed a big smile.
"So, Dad, can I borrow the van to cruise the boulevard next weekend?" Scott asked as he waggled his eyebrows.
"Why certainly son," Bert said and then turned to give a wink which only I could see. "Of course, your mother and I would have to come along too, just to make sure you stay out of trouble. I think she should sit in the front passenger seat, too. She likes classic country music too, so you might need to buy a Hank Williams cd, maybe even a Patsy Cline one, as well."
Scott pretended to look repulsed at what Bert just said as we walked over to the van, which was now parked in front of the showroom. As we approached it, Lester hopped out and handed another key to my uncle. They shook hands again and then Lester handed a business card to Scott and another one to me.
"Gentlemen, I hope you'll come see me whenever you want to make a purchase and I apologize for Brad's behavior earlier. It was unprofessional and he will be reprimanded," he said.
We thanked him and then we left. I followed Scott and my uncle to his store, the one on King's Highway. About 3 blocks down the street, my a/c died, at least I'm pretty sure it was the a/c. It started making some god-awful racket so I shut it off and rolled down the windows. I took off my shirt too. I was wishing I had worn shorts instead of jeans, it was already that hot and sticky.
I pulled into the lot of the vacant building and parked next to my uncle. I threw my shirt back on when I stepped out of my car.
"Leave it off if you want to Jesse, it's going to be a hot one today," Uncle Bert said as he wiped his brow.
I nodded and took it off again and then Scott took his shirt off too, draping it over his shoulder. My uncle fumbled around with some keys and then unlocked the front door. We stepped inside and I noticed it smelled kind of musty. I hadn't noticed the odor when we visited here earlier.
Bert flipped a switch and a few fluorescent bulbs flickered on, most were burned out though and we walked around inside as my uncle got on his mobile phone.
The building was multi-level and the office, or what had been the office, was up the steps, we roamed around, jus goofing off, looking at nothing and checking out everything, like two little kids. While we were upstairs, I noticed Scott's attitude changed, from one of casual, kid-like inquisitiveness to one of an almost pensive nature.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
He was looking out a window and his gaze seem attached to some far off object.
"Nothing" he replied. His voice was devoid of emotion so I knew was on his mind.
I walked over and stood beside him, placing my arm around his shoulder. I stared out the window for a few seconds before speaking.
"Scooter, the view from this spot is nice, it really is but what's on your mind?"
When we were kids, I called him Scooter. He even told me that once, he got into a fight because another kid called him that and he said that only his cousin could call him by that name.
"I'm just thinking." Scott's focus never left whatever he was staring at out the window.
"Is there something you'd like to talk about?"
My question was met with silence, although, the _expression changed on Scott's face. His eyebrows furrowed and he pursed his lips. It seemed he wanted to answer but couldn't.
"Scott, if you don't want to talk right now, it's cool. Whenever you're ready, I'm here for you. Ok?"
He nodded his head and managed a crooked grin. I smiled back and then stepped away, giving him "room" to think.
I walked down the steps and past my uncle, who was talking to someone on his mobile phone. I continued out the back door. It was odd for Scott do be so down because of everyone I knew, he had always been so upbeat. He could bring you up when you were down and now it was he who seemed bothered by something.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The remainder of the day was spent hanging around and listening to my Bert talk to the construction guys from the company that Lin's father owned. We did go to the other empty store and haul out some junk from inside. We got to meet a couple of the guys from the store that was open who came over to help. They seemed pretty nice. Uncle Bert treated us to lunch but other than that, my day was actually pretty boring. I missed Will too.
We called it a day around 5pm and Bert asked me to meet him at the store near the Pavilion at 9am the following morning and I could park in the lot behind the store. I left, tired and yet happy too. I didn't feel that I had accomplished much but hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.
On the way home, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things. I had some money and at times, I felt I wasn't contributing enough to the household. Charles would argue against that whenever I brought it up but that's the way I felt, so, I was gonna buy some food.
I was almost done when I saw the guy from the convenience store. Corey, I think his name was.
"Hey dude, I remember you," he said with a laugh.
I laughed too.
"Yeah, I stopped in your store this morning."
"You got some smokes and I asked if you wanted hard or soft, right?"
"That's it!"
We both laughed hard.
"So, um…who you buying all that for, dude?" he asked as he eyed my nearly full buggy.
"The family," I replied.
"That's cool, shopping for your folks like that."
"Actually, I'm shopping for me and my roommate."
"Oh, cool. I have three roommates. They are total pigs and nobody ever thinks to buy groceries either, that's why I'm here. My bud, Jay is around someplace."
He smiled widely and then he glanced behind himself and then down an isle.
"Looking for Jay?" I asked.
"Yeah dude, he was right with me a second ago," he replied as he bobbed his head around, looking for his friend.
"Sorry you lost yer bud."
"It's ok, he walks off all the time, dude. Hey listen, man, I gotta go find Jay, good to see you."
"Thanks Corey, take care."
"Oh, what's your name, man?"
"Jesse Mayhew"
"I'm Corey Davenport. Stop by the store sometime."
We shook hands and with that, Corey was gone, looking for his elusive buddy named Jay. I finished shopping, checked out and headed home.
As I pulled around behind the house, Will stepped out and walked up to my car. "Hey there, stranger," he said with a sly grin.
"Hey yourself," I replied back, "How'd it go today?"
"No explosions, fires or floods, so, pretty good."
I nodded as I picked up a few bags from the backseat. Will grabbed the rest and we went back in the house.
As we were putting away the groceries, I relayed the story of my day to Will, including the parts about Corey. He laughed and said the guy sounded pretty nice. I agreed and then I asked him about "gaydar". He always teased me about mine not working but I never really understood what, exactly, it was.
"It's like a sixth sense, intuition, really," he explained.
Michael and Jared walked in on the conversation and were listening intently as Will continued.
"Sometimes, you can just pick up 'vibes' from people, not everyone though. Some gay people don't really give off vibes."
"My gaydar is pretty strong," Michael said.
"Mine too," Will added.
"Well, I don't think I have it," Jared said seriously.
Will chuckled, "Everybody has it Jared but some people just don't know how it works." He pointed at me when he said that last part and Michael punched my shoulder and laughed.
"We gotta work on your gaydar sometime, bro," he said with a laugh.
"C'mon, let's go shoot some hoops," Jared asked Michael and then they took off.
Running my fingers through my hair, I sighed loudly as I leaned back against the counter.
"Michael seems to be feeling better," I finally said.
"He said he felt good today. Having Jared around to pal around with probably helps more than anything."
"Is Charles home?" I asked.
"I think he said he was going to start back working out at the gym today," Will replied.
"That's right, I forgot. Well, I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll be right back."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After my shower, I felt a lot better. As I started down the stairs I met Charles coming up. He said he was going to take a shower. I mentioned that I was going to start supper and asked if spaghetti and tossed salad was ok. He patted his stomach and gave that 'Mmm' sound. I laughed as I continued down to the kitchen.
Will helped with the salad as I browned the ground chuck. Charles joined us and he set the table. Pretty soon, the salad was made, the sauce had been added to the meat and I put some rolls into the oven as Charles called the younger guys in.
The made a beeline through the kitchen, stopping long enough to take a deep breath and commenting about how good the food smelled and then they disappeared again.
Just as we all sat down to eat, a car pulled up. Michael said it was Chance and invited him inside.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys were eating supper, I can wait outside," Chance said as he spotted the food on the table.
Almost simultaneously, we all asked him to join us. He grinned big-time and asked if he could wash his hands first as he made his way to the kitchen sink.
Chance was a big 'ol boy, already, at 16. He was about 6' tall and probably weighed in at 180-185lbs. He was cut pretty well so I figured he must play sports. During supper, the subject came up and Michael mentioned that Chance wrestled and played baseball. That's all it took, Jared jumped right in and he, Michael, and Chance dominated the conversation the rest of dinner.
After we finished eating, the younger guys offered to clean up and actually shooed the older guys outside. We grabbed our usual spot at the picnic table. Somehow, our conversation turned, as it usually does, and Charles and Will started teasing each other about tossed salads and tossing salads and other sexual innuendoes. Whenever those two are in the right mood, they can say things that'd make a sailor blush.
The phone rang and Jared brought the cordless out to Charles. It was Jennifer, so Charles excused himself and went back inside. Will and I chatted a while longer then decided to watch a little tv. For doing "nothing" today, I sure was tired. I feel asleep with my head resting against his shoulder. I woke up briefly and he suggested we go to bed so I gladly followed him upstairs. I don't even remember going to sleep once my head hit the pillow.
When I came out to my family, I thought everything would be ok, I really did. It wasn't ok, though, and my father went off on me so I ran away. That was pretty dumb. I mean, Charles would have taken me in but I just wasn't thinking clearly. Then, my dad found me and we had it out again and he laid a major beating on me, I was in pretty bad shape for awhile. Luckily somebody saw what happened and called the police, if they hadn't I guess I would have died out there.
I'll never forget Charles' reaction the first time he saw me in the hospital. He cried so much and Charles doesn't really cry. I mean, sometimes things get to him and you can tell it when he gets sad, but, he's not one to cry. My big bro, the tough, macho cop is a real softie on the inside. He's the coolest guy I've ever known.
Everything changed in my life, my mom freaked and moved away, my dad's in jail for a long time and now I'm living with my brother. I felt guilty because I thought it was all my fault but Charles explained that my folks had been talking of splitting up for a while. They just hadn't told me.
Charles' house is now my home and I've got a new family. Charles' roommate is Jesse, a gay guy from North Carolina. He's cool, nice-looking and he's got a great boyfriend too in Will. I'd like to have a boyfriend, someday but I don't really think about that too much. I mean, I do but it's not exactly my top priority. I have made a friend in Jared, that's Jesse's younger brother. He's my age. He's straight though but he's still cool. I wish he could move down here and then we could hang out but he's just staying for a short while with his and Jesse's aunt and uncle.
Their uncle, Bert, offered me a job at one of his stores as soon as I was healed up. I'm pretty pumped about that. I'll be earning my own money, that'll be cool. He offered jobs to some of my friends too but I think Wes and Brian already have jobs for the summer. Maybe Chance and I can work together. He's been my best friend since 1st grade and he was the very first person I came out too. I had hoped he would be cool with it and he was. As far as I know, Chance is straight but he doesn't date that much. There have been times when I thought I noticed him checking out guys but I never said anything to him about it. Maybe I should. He seems cool with me being gay, maybe he is too or maybe he's not sure. I'll have to find a way to really talk to him about that.
Yep, a lot has changed the last few weeks but things are looking good. This is going to be a great summer.
On to Chapter Fourteen
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