Holiday Stories - Something for the Season    Holiday Stories
Something for the Season
22 Recommended Works

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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A quick word from Jevic
    Here's some stories that take place during the holidays or are about the holidays. Some stories will gave you a smile while some will warm your heart and some will bring happy tears. Thank you so much to Rick Beck, Cole Parker, RJ Santos, Dabeagle, The Carolina Scribbler and DomLuka for their contributions.
    I even added a couple of Harry Potter Christmas Fan Fics! Harry and Draco under the mistletoe. LOL!
    So get it the spirit, grab a cup of hot chocolate (don't forget the marshmellows), kick back and enjoy! Candy canes make great stir sticks! Wink, wink! Happy Holidays!

    Recommendations are presented in alphabetical order.


"A Christmas Demon"
by Rick Beck
   A complete Christmas story in one chapter (7,414 words)
A Christmas Demon
Click on the picture for a larger view
   Horatio Arnold stood at the door of the stable. He liked smelling horses, what they left behind mingling with smells of hay and oats. He listened as a commotion came from the rear.

"A Christmas Demon Part Two A Father's Joy"
by Rick Beck
   A complete Christmas story in one chapter (3,756 words)
A Christmas Demon
Click on the picture for a larger view
   Father Samuel parked his car off to one side. He walked toward the pasture fence. He'd seen Michael's blond hair flowing in the breeze on top of the black Arabian that adopted the boy before the Horatio Arnolds adopted him and young Kenny Kelly five years before. And the story continues.


"A Christmas Poem"
by Jevic
   One Chapter (254 words) written on 2005
A Christmas Poem
    A Christmas poem.


"A Christmas Story"
   Complete in one chapter (5,364 words)
A Christmas Story by Cole Parker
    Two sets of twins were born minutes apart on Christmas Day. This is the story about how they grew up and remained close until the Christmas of their senior year of highschool. What happened on Christmas that senior year? Read and find out.


"A Lasting Loving Christmas"
by Rick Beck
   A complete Christmas story in one chapter (3,441 words)
A Lasting Loving Christmas by Rick Beck
Click on the picture for a larger view
Tom only left Afghanistan three months ago. Most of that time was spent in hospitals. He moved into the small residence once he was an outpatient. The community center van came once a week to take him to the library and then to the community center for a hot meal. Tom was a giver and never asked for anything in return.


"A New Home For Sampson"
by Rick Beck
   A complete Christmas story in one chapter (3,648 words)
A New Home For Sampson by Rick Beck

The Christmas tree rivals the turkey in taking center stage. The Christmas tree is where the day starts. Gifts are exchanged. The tree's brilliant lights, tinsel, and perfectly placed Christmas balls stand as testimony to the beauty of the day. I think you will agree, Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without the Christmas tree.


"A Peripatetic* Christmas"
by Cole Parker
Complete in one chapter (6,824 words)
(*traveling from place to place)
A Peripatetic Christmas by Cole Parker
Click on the picture for a larger version.

    Looking back, my most memorable Christmas was in the ’90’s. I was 12, and Christmas was the next big event on the calendar. I’d had to put up with my unpleasant cousins when they came to visit us for Thanksgiving. What I gave thanks for was that they wouldn’t be joining us for Christmas. Never had; hoped they never would. They lived in Idaho; we lived in San Diego. They didn’t visit much, and with my mother in a wheelchair for the past three years because of a car accident, we never visited anyone at all now.


"A Pleasant Valley Christmas"
by Rick Beck
   A complete Christmas story in one chapter (6,123 words)
A Pleasant Valley Christmas by Rick Beck
Click on the picture for a larger view
A Christmas Card from Rick Beck from Mama's kitchen somewhere in North Charleston, South Carolina.


"A Smokey Mountain Christmas"
by The Carolina Scribbler
Completed in 2005
One Chapter (8,203 words)

A Smokey Mountain Christmas by The Carolina Scribbler
    I ran across this story on the WayBackMachine on the Deweywriter website and fell in love with it. Hey, he's a Tarheel. What's not to love? Drew Simmons lives in Franklin, North Carolina and says a prayer just before Christmas. Will his prayer be answered? You betcha!


"An Unexpected Christmas"
by Cole Parker
An Unexpected Christmas by Cole Parker
Link verified to
on 21 December 2023

High School
Not Rated
1 Chapter )4,368 words)
Completed - No Idea
Added 21 December 2023 (archived-word)
    “What’s this?” He shook my notebook in my face, open to the drawing I’d just made. “It looks like a picture of Mr. Murdock. Is that what you were doing, drawing a picture of Mr. Murdock instead of paying attention to me? I work hard to prepare lessons for you, and you don’t pay attention? You draw a picture of a boy, instead? What, are you one of these perverts we read so much about these days? Huh? You one of those? I’ll bet you are. You look like you’re queer. You never say much in class, just sit back here and ogle the boys, huh? Queers are like that. They lurk, watching boys they can have their way with—planning, scheming, up to no good, dirty and disgusting. That’s what you do, isn’t it? You’re disgusting! I don’t want you in my class. I refuse to share my hard-won knowledge with faggots. Especially disrespectful ones who spend their time dreaming about doing perverted things with other boys.”
    Trust me on this. You will enjoy the story. It's by Cole Parker. Need I say more?


"Changing with the Season"
by harryromper
Link verified to
on 7 June 2023

Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Auror Potter, Cursebreaker Malfoy and Christmas Fluff
Rated T 13+
25 Chapters (36,255 words)
Completed 2 December 2020
Added 20 January 2021 (archived-pdf)
    Harry's determined the first time he hosts the extended Weasley clan for Christmas will be a success. The Grimmauld Place advent calendar has other ideas - until Draco shows up to help.
    This work is a 25 Days of Draco and Harry story with each chapter written by a previously unknown prompt. I believe the author did a marvelous job.


"Comfort and Joy"
by Rick Beck
   A complete Christmas story in one chapter (5.558 words)
Comfort and Joy by Rick Beck
Click on the picture for a larger view
As you enjoy your friends and families, don't forget to smile at people you pass. Say hello. It could brighten someone's day. It'll brighten yours.


"Dear Mum"
by Rick Beck
   Complete in One Chapter as of 10 December 2024
   2,322 words
Dear Mum by Rick Beck - A Christmas Story
"Dear Mum" is based on historical fact but it is told only the way Rick Beck can. A soldier's letter to his mum tells about the extraordinary events that took place on Christmas Day in 1914. Enjoy!


"Forever December"
by Dabeagle
Forever December by Dabeagle
Link verified to on 19 July 2023
Life/Wonderful Fulfilling Life
Not Rated
1 Chapter (6,731 words)
Completed - No idea
Added 5 December 2009 (archived-word)
    Rollie lost his son to a tragic accident. His son, Lex, had been 15. Now, 10 years later, on the 10th Anniversary of Lex's death, Rollie gets a Christmas present. Keep the tissues handy. Really good, heartfelt story.
    NOTE: 17 July 2018 - Just read this story again and the tears are rolling down my face.
    NOTE: 17 July 2023 - Five years to the day - Just read this story again. Powerfully moving! Excellent work from DeBeagle!


"Rainbow Ranger Rescue"
by Rick Beck
   A complete Christmas story in one chapter (2,458 words)
Comfort and Joy by Rick Beck
Click on the picture for a larger view
   Cold, homeless, hungry, Christmas, all is lost until the Rainbow Rangers arrive.


"The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas"
by bixgirl1
Link verified to
on 24 June 2023

Story Notes: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Pureblood Holiday Customs and Sleep wanking-yes, wanking :)
Rated Fiction MA 18+
2 Chapters (39,404 words)
Completed 28 December 2017
Added 24 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
    When Draco is forced into sharing a room with Potter for the year, Draco finds out from Ron that Potter has a sleepwalking problem and should expect an odd conversation or maybe a game of chess here and there. What he does not expect are Potter's other activities and why he is so intent on having Draco join him.


"Sharing Christmas"
by Cole Parker
Complete in one chapter (12,292 words)
Sharing Christmas by Cole Parker
    A house down near the end of the street where it met the cross street wasn’t lit up at all. No decorations and only a dim light showing somewhere inside. It was a smaller house, the smallest on the street. As all the lots were the same size on the two sides of the street, that meant this lonely dark house had a larger lawn on each side of the house. The yard looked a bit scruffy. This late in the year, most yards had gone dormant and so didn’t need mowing. This yard looked the same, except the lawn wasn’t as lush, and perhaps was even scruffier. The entire house looked a little sad, sitting dark and small among the glorious displays around it.


"Something Special: A Christmas Story"
by Cole Parker
Complete in one chapter (7,164 words)
Something Special: A Christmas Story by Cole Parker
    I’ve got a problem. I want to get my best friend something special for Christmas. I mean, really special. I can’t tell him how I feel about him, but want him to know. I think maybe a special present might give him a hint. I want so badly for him to know how I feel about him, but I’m scared to death, too. What if knowing how I feel turns him off? What if it creeps him out and he stops wanting to hang with me? I can hardly think about that. I just can’t.


"Spirit of James"
by DomLuka
Completed in 2005
One Chapter (9,324 words)

The Spirit of James by DomLuka
Link verified to on 21 September 2024
Rated Fiction M
    I first met James at a Christmas party my parents were throwing. He was the contractor they had hired to put together the new house they were building as an anniversary gift to each other. It would be a lot bigger than the two stories, three-bedroom house I had grown up in, which meant that there would be plenty of room for either me or my sister if we needed it, which wasn’t something I was about to complain about, considering that at twenty four, I was about to run back home with my tail between my legs. Needless to say, it wasn’t looking like my best Christmas ever. For someone who moved out at eighteen and never looked back, I was not exactly looking forward to moving back in with mom and dad, especially because I would have some explaining to do.


That's What Christmas is All About
by Jevic
Completed in 2005
One Chapter (1,832 words)

That's What Christmas is All About by Jevic
    A Christmas story. Have a hanky ready cuz yer gonna cry.


"Too Cold Outside (For Angels to Fly)"
by gracerene
author gracerene
Link verified to
on 30 June 2023

Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Auror Harry
Auror Partner Veela Draco/Murder Mystery/Explicit
Rated Fiction MA 18+
24 Chapters and an Epilogue (62,688 words)
Completed 25 December 2019
Added 15 March 2021 (archived-pdf)
    The Auror Department and the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures are working to create a new division partnering human wizards and Magical Beings in order to more effectively police crime involving any and all classifications of Magical Creature. Auror Harry Potter jumps at the chance to join the pilot programme, but he starts to regret his rashness when he discovers who he's to be partnered with: Veela Draco Malfoy.
    This is yet another gracerene recommendation. It is a Advent story starting on December 1st and ending on December 24th with the Epilogue taking place on Christmas the next year. It's an Action/Adventure murder mystery. I like the way gracerene writes!


"Under the Mistletoe"
by DomLuka
Under the Mistletoe by DomLuka
Link verified to on 21 September 2024
Not Rated
1 Chapter (7,475 words)
Completed 2010
Added 21 September 2024 (archived-word)
    I’ve always wanted to be kissed under the mistletoe. I think it started around the time I was five years old, at the Christmas party my grandparents have every year in their six-bedroom home in Colorado. I always loved that house--on three acres, surrounded by nothing but forest--but I always loved it more at Christmas, lit up with lights and no room untouched by my grandmother when it came to holiday decorations. And there was always mistletoe, right there in the entryway as you walked in. That’s where I first saw it happen.


"Where the Heart Is"
by RJ Santos
Click on the picture for a larger version
Where the Heart Is by RJ Santos
A story in One Chapter with 1,922 words
Story Notes: Young Adult, Drama
     The house hadn’t changed much. It still looked the same as three years ago, at least, from the outside, although now it was adorned with Christmas lights and stuff. I was tempted to just stop my car in the middle of the street and run into the house, but I restrained myself and kept driving. Since there were other cars parked along the street, I had to park a block away from the house where I had spent eighteen years of my life. I felt my heart start to pound inside my chest. It had been a long time since I last saw it. Three years is a long time.

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