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"Dumb Luck" by Chris James Chapter Eighteen Back to Chapter Seventeen On to the Epilogue Chapter Index Chris James Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Adventure Drama Sexual Situations Rated Mature 18+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
The fire in their hogan burned brightly, banishing the evening chill. It had been a day neither of them would forget. CJ felt the texture of the blanket beneath his fingers and traced the pattern of zigzag lines. Blake sat across from him and stirred the pot of herbal tea John had left them as it heated on the fire.
"All I can say is I am glad its over," Blake said. "I'm sorry CJ, my people can act shamefully and that was a display of the worst kind."
"But I believe Edgar was right, there is a great deal of outside influence here, otherwise the situation would never have developed."
"Those people sure didn't act like Christians; they were more like raving lunatics there at the end."
CJ shrugged. "And what will Edgar do if they come back?"
Blake laughed. "Next time he will drag out his shotgun, they have no right to behave like that on Nation land, much less his property."
The wedding ceremony had begun in late afternoon, after the mid-day heat had dissipated. The invited guests had taken their seats under the shade of the awning Edgar had provided. CJ and Matt, dressed in their Sunday best, stood waiting for Blake to make an appearance.
The church bus had come driving down the road and swung in beside the warehouse building at the front of Edgar's property. The group of protestors had quickly disembarked and made their way towards the gathering. But Edgar and several of the elders got up to intercept them.
The minister and his wife, both of Caucasian descent, led the crowd of native people towards the awning, but they didn't reach it.
"You can stop right there," Edgar said. "What is the purpose of your visit?"
"We came to stop this devil's work. This is an abomination of the worst kind," the minister said, his voice raised loud enough to carry across the guests.
"This is my family's decision and this is my land. You are not welcome here...please leave," Edgar said. His voice was calm and yet the command stopped most of the native Christians. His stature in the Nation, and those of the three elders beside him garnered great respect amongst the Dineh.
The arrival of two patrol cars from the tribal police caused some murmuring amongst the would-be protestors, some of them turned and returned to the bus. But the minister was going to have his say and he began to shout about the sanctity of marriage and how this homosexual union was an abomination to God.
He was still shouting when Edgar motioned to the cops to remove the man, turning his back on the ranting minister. There was a brief struggle while the man and his wife were led away to the patrol cars. CJ watched the whole thing and shook his head in resignation.
The people on the bus were stuck, the minister having been arrested and removed with the keys in his pocket. One by one they stepped down and began to walk back up the road. Edgar smiled at CJ. "I ought to have that damn thing towed," he said. And then he resumed his seat.
CJ resumed his place in front of the assembled with Matt beside him. The door of the house opened and John and his sister walked out. She wore a velveteen dress of deep blue which set off the squash blossom necklace and belt she wore. The jewelry was huge, the turquoise and silver gleaming in the afternoon sun. John wore his ceremonial apron with fancy beadwork and a bright red scarf around his neck.
And then Blake came forward. The young man's appearance was stunning. He wore a light blue velveteen shirt over which was the white vest his mother had sewn by hand. The red and blue beads formed a zigzag pattern down the front. The pattern continued into the apron he wore, resplendent with beads and feathers. The effect was dazzling to the eye, just like the youth wearing it.
A drum began to beat. Edgar and the elders stood and began to chant a song, joined by the guests. The Blessingway ceremony had begun. John had advised them that this ceremony often went through the night until the participants dropped from exhaustion.
John led his sister to the front of the crowd and she took her place beside CJ. He gave her a hug and she motioned Blake to come forward. He stood before his mother, his back to CJ. Only then did CJ see the eagle embroidered in beads that filled the back of his vest.
The eagle, of course, Blake would be lost without it. And CJ marveled at how well his mother had provided the rich details of the bird in her handiwork. This was the symbol that had created everything he shared with this young warrior and now he was to be joined with it.
Blake's mother hugged her son and then placed her hands on his shoulders. The drumming and the song came to an abrupt halt.
"I am your past, my son. Turn around, and see your future," she said. She pushed his shoulders and slowly Blake turned to face CJ. "This is the new life you seek. May you always be blessed, no matter where you walk. May you always walk in beauty."
Blake raised his head and looked into CJ's face. "I am to be joined with you for the strength of our nation and the future of our family," he said.
They grasped one another by the hand and John tied a rawhide thong around their wrists.
"We join these two so that all who see may know that they are bound together for life. It gives me joy to bind these two clans together for the strength of our people. May their lives be long and healthy."
He unbound their hands and Matt handed John the rings. CJ placed a ring on Blake's finger and spoke the words he had so carefully decided upon.
"In beauty I walk; with your strength beside me,
I walk with beauty before me; my eyes can behold no other,
I walk with beauty behind me; knowing our shadows are as one,
I walk with beauty above me; blessed by the spirit of your love,
I walk with beauty below me; my steps will never falter,
I walk with beauty around me, my heart given to no other."
Blake took the other ring from John. His hands trembled with the emotion of the moment and he grasped CJ's hand. He smiled and then hesitated. "This is forever, white man, are you sure?" His voice was soft and he seemed close to tears. CJ grinned. "I've never been more certain of anything in my life." And Blake slid the ring in place.
"In the name of the Dineh Nation and the Tó'áhaní and the Yoo o dine e clans, we have a union," John announced. The assembled crowd applauded and whooped in delight. The drumming resumed and Edgar rushed forward to hug them both.
The afternoon gave way to dancing and feasting while CJ and Blake made the rounds to thank each and every guest for coming. Gifts had been piling up on the blankets spread out before their hogan. Everyone had their own idea of what a new couple would need to start their lives and the variety of these gifts fascinated CJ.
CJ and Blake sat in the shade and held hands as people came up and wished them well. Matt said later it was remarkable how many of the guests seemed to feel that they were witnessing a major event in history.
CJ had to compliment his new in-laws for the festivities, and he had special praise for how well his mother-in-law had sewn the outfit Blake wore. She blushed with pride and then told Blake he had better not get any stains on it. They all laughed at her motherly concerns.
But as night fell, CJ and Blake carried the gifts into the hogan and spread them around the enclosed space. John, followed by his sister and Edgar arrived at the doorstep carrying a flaming brand.
"We bring fire to light and heat your new home," Edgar said. "May the flame never die in your hogan."
Blake accepted the burning splinter of wood and placed it beneath the kindling in their fire pit. Within moments they had a small blaze going. John presented them with the tea pot and the herbal mix. "Promotes longevity," he told CJ with a wink.
My God, CJ thought, it was his wedding night. Sure, he was expected to bed his partner but did John have to be so blatant about it? What would Edgar...what would Mrs....oh Lord.
John laughed at CJ's discomfort. "You are free to rejoin the party if you wish. I imagine the noise will keep you up half the night anyway. Your guests are enjoying themselves quite well. But if you chose to close the doorway then none will disturb you until morning. It is our custom...and now it is your custom as well, my nephew."
CJ looked at Blake who gave him a tiny smile. "I think we'll call it a night," CJ said. John hugged them both and left.
Edgar smiled and escorted his wife out the door without a word. Blake got up from the fire and closed the blanket across the doorway. He smiled. "You are all mine now, husband."
They put the tea on the fire and sat down. "You heard what he said about this brew, what do you suppose is in it?" CJ asked.
"Bark and berries, roots and leaves....nothing harmful. It's an old trick of the medicine men to tell you that the tea is potent and promotes longevity in bed. A simple psychological trick to play with your mind. What newly married couple ever has a short night in bed anyway, especially when one of us is a virgin?
"I hope he wasn't implying that I'm old and feeble," CJ said.
Blake laughed. The joy of this moment evident in his laughter. "No, silly husband of mine, we will make love so passionate that the hogan will catch fire."
CJ smiled. "Did I tell you that I loved you today?" Blake looked across at him through the flames and CJ saw only passion and hope in his eyes, just like that very first day they met. "I am surrounded with your beauty and it overwhelms my simple life Blake. Like that very first moment when I laid eyes on you...I knew right then that my dreams had come true. For the first time in my life I could love someone without fear that I would lose them. You are the beauty that surrounds me. You are the reason I breathe."
Tears glistened in Blake's eyes and an expression of pure love filled his face. Slowly he removed the pot of tea from the fire and placed it on the ground. He stood and began to remove his wedding suit until once more CJ saw the young warrior standing before him in all his glory.
"Come...let us consummate our marriage, husband. You won't need that tea; you have been waiting a long time to love me...too long."
The sounds of the party soon faded from their consciousness as they lay down together.
On to the Epilogue
Back to Chapter Seventeen
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