Dumb Luck by Chris James    "Dumb Luck"
by Chris James

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Dumb Luck by Chris James
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Sexual Situations
Rated Mature 18+

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CJ walked up the ramp from the plane into La Guardia Airport. The chill air leaking into the enclosure reminding him that winter was fast approaching here in the northland. It had been almost six months since he and Matt had returned from their journey across the continent of America and he was still smiling. Danny and Matt were waiting at the gate and to his surprise so was Miguel. There were hugs all around as they welcomed him home. CJ gave his baggage claim tickets to the waiting porter and they proceeded towards the main terminal.

"Damn, it's good to see you, old buddy. How was the flight?" Matt asked.

"I'm exhausted but happy," CJ replied. "We did very well. I'll tell you all about it on the way home."

"We have a car waiting at the entrance and the chopper is ready," Danny said.

"Good, thank you, Danny. And Miguel, surprised to see you, how's school?" CJ asked.

"Great, I'm in love with it already. We're off for three days due to some kind of conference that the faculty is attending."

"I thought he might like to come along when we picked you up," Matt said.

"I'm glad you did, it's great to see all of you. Europe was fun but it's good to be back. Did you get any updates from Mexico?" CJ asked.

"They're making progress, I have all the reports at the house," Miguel said.

They took the limo across to the private terminal grounds and right to the pad where the sleek little white helicopter awaited. Danny wound up the engines while they threw CJ's bags in the back. The chopper lifted off into the cold clear air and they headed south across New Jersey towards the Chesapeake Bay. CJ couldn't wait to tell them about the success of his trip.

"So guys," CJ said above the whine of the overhead turbine engines," we did a lot better then I thought. My agent cut a hell of a deal for us on the book. I know you guys think we spent a lot of bucks on the Mexican venture but with this story we just made it back a few times over."

Danny whisked them across the sky into Maryland and soon they hit the upper reaches of the Bay. The haze of Baltimore lay on the horizon but that was soon left behind. They followed the eastern shoreline and flew over the bridge which spanned this great body of water. Within minutes they were circling the helipad.

Matt and CJ had realized that since the boys were going to be in school so close to each other that they needed a central location to relax and enjoy the weekends. CJ had always had an eye out for a good property on the Bay and his agents had scoured the area within the parameters he had set.

The 200 acre compound they found for him had come on the market just about the time things were beginning at the dig in Mexico. Soon after that Miguel and Blake were due to start their fall term. CJ had not hesitated a minute to grab the spot. It was ideal for their needs, an hour from the beaches to the east and only an hour from the boy's schools near Baltimore.

CJ smiled as the helicopter hovered, for written in small white stones next to the pad were the words "Blessingway," the name they had chosen for their new compound.

As they landed, Matt and Miguel suppressed smiles, they had another surprise waiting. CJ was reaching for his bags when a pair of strong arms grabbed him from behind. He turned his head to see Blake's smiling face.

"Surprised you didn't I?" Blake laughed.

"Absolutely. Oh, it's so good to see you. How long are you here?" CJ asked.

"As long as you want me."

They chatted excitedly as they walked to the house. The chill breeze blew across the yard as they hustled into the entrance foyer. Matt had loved this place on sight. Not only because of the wonderful view of the Bay but because there were spacious bedrooms and a huge stone fireplace in the central great room.

Danny had moved right in as caretaker and was already planning several additions including additional garage space and a shed for the Bell Ranger helicopter, his favorite toy. Both Miguel and Blake had been given cars as transportation from school and urged to come home whenever they felt the need.

This was a refuge, a place where the family could feel secure and yet have privacy if they wanted. CJ and Matt had decided to give Danny free reign over the property and he had taken the job without hesitation. There was a roaring fire and hot lunch awaiting them, all prepared by Jessica their new housekeeper.

Matt had scrounged the area for a suitable personality to fit their family needs and had discovered Jessica and her lover, Molly. They were living in the attic of a small apartment house in Annapolis and jumped at the chance to move across the Bay. Matt had given them the apartment over the garage where the two of them lived apart from the men.

During lunch CJ decided they should talk about the upcoming holidays. Knowing that Miguel and Blake would be wanted at home for the winter break, CJ thought that they should all head back West. Matt and Miguel were delighted at the prospect of spending time together in the Mexican sunshine.

Blake exclaimed his delight at not only going home but at the chance to revisit the dig site and see what progress had been made. Miguel had shown them lots of photos and documents but he told them they wouldn't recognize the place since the site had grown.

CJ said Danny and Bobby would be following them on a chartered jet, bringing Thomas to join them in Mexico. Credit was due the boy for graduating his high school program early and that meant he would be able to stay at the dig site for a while and help push the project along. Blake was thrilled at the chance to see his friend and CJ smiled at the prospect of the three of them together again. This reunion was starting to generate excitement, something they all needed.

CJ watched as his friends talked about the upcoming trip. His life had taken on added meaning and responsibility, especially regarding Blake. With a family to run and kids in school there wasn't much leeway to just take off somewhere. But with summer just around the corner he found himself looking for a new adventure.

Thomas had his own plans. A trip to Paris and then an internship at the British Museum would fill his summer before he was off to Oxford University in the fall. Several months back Thomas' mother had received an unexpected visitor at their home in Vermont. It came as quite a shock to her when the man who stepped out of the limousine introduced himself as the President of Mexico.

On his way back from an economic summit meeting in London, the man had decided to stop and see if he could personally commend Thomas for the archeological work that had inspired his countrymen. The renewed interest in Native culture had brought many diverse people together.

Thomas had been away at school but his mother and the President had a wonderful one hour chat. The boy's future had been discussed and the President let slip that he had personally spoken to his friend, the director of the British Museum, about Thomas' contributions to science. The offer of an internship had followed shortly thereafter.

Blake had made them all proud by digging right in at school and becoming a star player on the lacrosse team. Miguel would be at Juilliard for three years and then maybe approach a Master's program. Their summer plans committed them to spending time with CJ and Matt.

And the other boys were also doing well. Jackie Morningstar had been accepted at the University of North Carolina and was still planning to pursue his degree in education. This summer he had an internship with the Forestry Department leading tours at a state park. And that left Martin. CJ was very proud of the muscle bound former divinity student. Overcoming his fears, the boy had finally met a man in Oklahoma City and they were opening a health club with a slightly gay attitude.

Good Lord, the boys were all occupied. He knew that soon he and Matt would be bored to death with playing parents and lovers on the weekends. He would not sit and watch soap operas all week waiting for the kids to come home. Should they go to Europe or the Orient?

CJ went into the study and sat on the couch as he reached for the phone.

"Hello, Glen?"

"Hey, CJ how was Europe? Everything good at the new homestead?" Glen asked.

"Great, got a house full of kids right now, but I'm afraid my summer may be pretty empty unless I find something to do.

"Want to go sailing?" Glen asked.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know. Hawaii, Japan, maybe Tahiti. Someplace exotic anyway."

"Exotic sounds fine to me," CJ said. "I'll get back to you. How are your boys doing?"

"Did you see the report yet?"

"No, haven't had time to check my mail yet. How about a synopsis?"

"Sure. We now have twenty-two kids under our wing. Fifteen in the school and work program, the others have various problems. Seven of those boys are under medical care for drugs, venereal disease, or depression. Prognosis is good for all them. You know this is all getting pretty expensive."

"What choice do we have? They need medication and treatment, we can afford it. How did you solve the housing issue?"

"Oh, we lucked out there," Glen laughed. "Remember me telling you about the Rothburn Trust?"

"The little old ladies philanthropic group?"

"Yep, that's the one. Mrs. Rothburn has decided to give us one of her late husband's properties. Give mind you. It's a small hotel with thirty rooms right close by in Oakland. I was thinking of relocating the offices there as well."

"Then you better get the lawyer to see what you need to make it happen," CJ said. "Good work, buddy, you said the ladies would help us out."

"And they're not done yet," Glen said. "It seems Mrs. Rothburn has a gay grandson and she wants to lend a permanent hand to the Gay Families project."

"The more the merrier," CJ said. "I promise I'll read your report soon as I get through the weekend, Blake is here."

"Nothing like marital bliss to take your mind off work," Glen laughed. "I'll be in touch by Tuesday."

"Good, look forward to planning a summer on the water," CJ said. "Bye for now."

There was a light knock on the door as CJ hung up the phone. Blake opened the door and looked in.

"You busy?" he asked.

"Just got off the phone with Glen," CJ replied.

Blake shut the door and walked over to the couch. "Got time for me?" he asked.

CJ opened his arms and the boy slid onto his lap.

"I've always got time for us, what's on your mind?" CJ asked.

"Will you come to my lacrosse game next week?" Blake asked.

"I wouldn't miss it," CJ said. He kissed Blake and smiled. "Have I told you I loved you today?"

"Not yet," Blake said.

"Then I love you, my little eagle, now and forever." CJ said.

"I'll bet you say that to all the boys in your life," Blake giggled.

"Only a few," CJ laughed.

"Then I'd better get mine while I still can," Blake said.

"Oh, you'll get yours in about five minutes when I drag you off to bed," CJ said.

"I was hoping you'd say that, white man," Blake replied.

"In truth, there can be no other while I wear this ring you gave me," CJ said holding up his wedding band.

Blake held up his own ring finger. "I still remember what you said when you put this on my finger. It was a beautiful poem."

In beauty I walk; with your strength beside me,
I walk with beauty before me; my eyes can behold no other,
I walk with beauty behind me; knowing our shadows are as one,
I walk with beauty above me; blessed by the spirit of your love,
I walk with beauty below me; my steps will never falter,
I walk with beauty around me, my heart given to no other.

A Note from Chris James
     And finally, if I had my wish:
     CJ and Matt would really form the GFA, Gay Families America, on a whim in the mid-seventies. Kids abandoned or cast out because of their sexual orientation is an ongoing problem in this country and not likely to change anytime soon. With the advent of the eighties and the new plague we know as AIDS, these kids face an even greater risk on the street.
     With numerous organizations forming during the early crisis years, CJ would decide they should abandon the small format of the GFA and instead work with the new leaders in the gay community. An intensive lobbying effort would be funded to keep gay kids at the forefront of these new efforts in housing, education and health care.
     A gay family is an extended one and we all share in the responsibility of raising our gay kids. CJ knows it is vital for the gay community to sponsor youth groups and safe houses staffed with responsible men and women who see to the future of these kids.
     The author would like to thank so many gay friends and family members for contributing much of the material in this story. The research into the customs and traditions of the Dineh People of our southwestern lands yielded a wealth of information used in the plot. But the author has completely staged these events and melded the ever present truth into this fiction.
     None of the names used are meant to represent real people, and if they happen to exist, no offense was intended in using these names to further the plot of this story.
     But the Dineh creation legends are fact, written and published many times over. The reader is encouraged to seek them out for a fascinating read about a people, their way of life and a nation which is very real.
     I make no apology for injecting myself into this story, if only by name. There have been times when casting aside all commitments and taking off on a grand adventure would fulfill so many dreams. Especially if there was someone like Blake on the horizon, who could resist?
     Hozjho[1], my friends.
     Chris James, 2008
[1] Hozho is a Navajo word that means balance, peace, harmony, and beauty. It is said to be one of the most important words in the Navajo language.

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"Dumb Luck" Copyright © 10 September 2007 by Chris James. All rights reserved.
This work may not be duplicated in any form (physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise) without the
author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional
with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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